AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2015-04-02add ads-b transmission script without GUI requirementHEADmasterHarald Welte1-0/+81
2015-04-01use 200 symbols for both lead-in and lead-outHarald Welte3-50/+44
it appears that the lead-out might even be more important?
2015-04-01adsb_gen.grc: Switch to 4MS/s for better wave formsHarald Welte1-226/+110
if we do pulse position modulation with one sample per pulse, the waveform will not look very 'square like' as it should. By using two samples per pulse position (4MS/s at 1Msym/s) this improves significantly.
2015-04-01add lead-in symbolsHarald Welte4-11/+21
2015-04-01change include path from gruel -> gnuradioHarald Welte1-1/+1
2015-04-01add missing grc xml fileHarald Welte1-0/+18
2015-03-29Add gr-adsbtx as a proper packaged gnuradio blockHarald Welte11-5/+1798
Using that block you can feed ascii-encoded ADS-B messages via TCP into gnuradio, which will then take care of encoding/transmitting the respective bursts.
2015-03-23import empty gr-adsbtx skeletonHarald Welte57-0/+16552
2014-10-10initial check-in of Mode-S / ADS-B test data generatorHarald Welte6-0/+1661