path: root/nuttx/configs/sim/nsh/defconfig
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Diffstat (limited to 'nuttx/configs/sim/nsh/defconfig')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 285 deletions
diff --git a/nuttx/configs/sim/nsh/defconfig b/nuttx/configs/sim/nsh/defconfig
index 3d3dc63142..28c88bd5fa 100644
--- a/nuttx/configs/sim/nsh/defconfig
+++ b/nuttx/configs/sim/nsh/defconfig
@@ -35,15 +35,6 @@
# Architecture selection
-# CONFIG_ARCH - identifies the arch subdirectory and, hence, the
-# processor architecture.
-# CONFIG_ARCH_name - for use in C code. This identifies the particular
-# processor architecture (CONFIG_ARCH_SIM).
-# CONFIG_ARCH_BOARD - identifies the configs subdirectory and, hence,
-# the board that supports the particular chip or SoC.
-# CONFIG_ARCH_BOARD_name - for use in C code
-# CONFIG_ENDIAN_BIG - define if big endian (default is little endian)
@@ -52,99 +43,6 @@ CONFIG_ARCH_BOARD_SIM=y
# General OS setup
-# CONFIG_APPS_DIR - Identifies the relative path to the directory
-# that builds the application to link with NuttX. Default: ../apps
-# CONFIG_DEBUG - enables built-in debug options
-# CONFIG_DEBUG_VERBOSE - enables verbose debug output
-# CONFIG_DEBUG_SYMBOLS - build without optimization and with
-# debug symbols (needed for use with a debugger).
-# CONFIG_HAVE_CXX - Enable support for C++
-# CONFIG_HAVE_CXXINITIALIZE - The platform-specific logic includes support
-# for initialization of static C++ instances for this architecture
-# and for the selected toolchain (via up_cxxinitialize()).
-# CONFIG_MM_REGIONS - If the architecture includes multiple
-# regions of memory to allocate from, this specifies the
-# number of memory regions that the memory manager must
-# handle and enables the API mm_addregion(start, end);
-# CONFIG_ARCH_LOWPUTC - architecture supports low-level, boot
-# time console output
-# CONFIG_MSEC_PER_TICK - The default system timer is 100Hz
-# or MSEC_PER_TICK=10. This setting may be defined to
-# inform NuttX that the processor hardware is providing
-# system timer interrupts at some interrupt interval other
-# than 10 msec.
-# CONFIG_RR_INTERVAL - The round robin timeslice will be set
-# this number of milliseconds; Round robin scheduling can
-# be disabled by setting this value to zero.
-# CONFIG_SCHED_INSTRUMENTATION - enables instrumentation in
-# scheduler to monitor system performance
-# CONFIG_TASK_NAME_SIZE - Spcifies that maximum size of a
-# task name to save in the TCB. Useful if scheduler
-# instrumentation is selected. Set to zero to disable.
-# Used to initialize the internal time logic.
-# CONFIG_GREGORIAN_TIME - Enables Gregorian time conversions.
-# You would only need this if you are concerned about accurate
-# time conversions in the past or in the distant future.
-# CONFIG_JULIAN_TIME - Enables Julian time conversions. You
-# would only need this if you are concerned about accurate
-# time conversion in the distand past. You must also define
-# CONFIG_GREGORIAN_TIME in order to use Julian time.
-# CONFIG_DEV_CONSOLE - Set if architecture-specific logic
-# provides /dev/console. Enables stdout, stderr, stdin.
-# CONFIG_DEV_LOWCONSOLE - Use the simple, low-level serial console
-# driver (minimul support)
-# CONFIG_MUTEX_TYPES: Set to enable support for recursive and
-# errorcheck mutexes. Enables pthread_mutexattr_settype().
-# CONFIG_PRIORITY_INHERITANCE : Set to enable support for priority
-# inheritance on mutexes and semaphores.
-# CONFIG_SEM_PREALLOCHOLDERS: This setting is only used if priority
-# inheritance is enabled. It defines the maximum number of
-# different threads (minus one) that can take counts on a
-# semaphore with priority inheritance support. This may be
-# set to zero if priority inheritance is disabled OR if you
-# are only using semaphores as mutexes (only one holder) OR
-# if no more than two threads participate using a counting
-# semaphore.
-# CONFIG_SEM_NNESTPRIO. If priority inheritance is enabled,
-# then this setting is the maximum number of higher priority
-# threads (minus 1) than can be waiting for another thread
-# to release a count on a semaphore. This value may be set
-# to zero if no more than one thread is expected to wait for
-# a semaphore.
-# CONFIG_FDCLONE_DISABLE. Disable cloning of all file descriptors
-# by task_create() when a new task is started. If set, all
-# files/drivers will appear to be closed in the new task.
-# CONFIG_FDCLONE_STDIO. Disable cloning of all but the first
-# three file descriptors (stdin, stdout, stderr) by task_create()
-# when a new task is started. If set, all files/drivers will
-# appear to be closed in the new task except for stdin, stdout,
-# and stderr.
-# CONFIG_SDCLONE_DISABLE. Disable cloning of all socket
-# desciptors by task_create() when a new task is started. If
-# set, all sockets will appear to be closed in the new task.# CONFIG_SCHED_WORKQUEUE. Create a dedicated "worker" thread to
-# handle delayed processing from interrupt handlers. This feature
-# is required for some drivers but, if there are not complaints,
-# can be safely disabled. The worker thread also performs
-# garbage collection -- completing any delayed memory deallocations
-# from interrupt handlers. If the worker thread is disabled,
-# then that clean will be performed by the IDLE thread instead
-# (which runs at the lowest of priority and may not be appropriate
-# if memory reclamation is of high priority). If CONFIG_SCHED_WORKQUEUE
-# is enabled, then the following options can also be used:
-# CONFIG_SCHED_WORKPRIORITY - The execution priority of the worker
-# thread. Default: 50
-# CONFIG_SCHED_WORKPERIOD - How often the worker thread checks for
-# work in units of microseconds. Default: 50000 (50 MS).
-# CONFIG_SCHED_WORKSTACKSIZE - The stack size allocated for the worker
-# CONFIG_SIG_SIGWORK - The signal number that will be used to wake-up
-# the worker thread. Default: 4
-# CONFIG_SCHED_WAITPID - Enable the waitpid() API
-# CONFIG_SCHED_ATEXIT - Enable the atexit() API
-# CONFIG_SCHED_ONEXIT - Enable the on_exit() API
@@ -181,33 +79,6 @@ CONFIG_SCHED_ONEXIT=n
# System Logging
-# CONFIG_SYSLOG - Enables the System Logging feature.
-# CONFIG_SYSLOG_DEVPATH - The full path to the system logging device
-# CONFIG_SYSLOG_CHAR - Enable the generic character device for the SYSLOG.
-# The full path to the SYSLOG device is provided by CONFIG_SYSLOG_DEVPATH.
-# A valid character device must exist at this path. It will by opened
-# by syslog_initialize.
-# CONFIG_RAMLOG - Enables the RAM logging feature
-# CONFIG_RAMLOG_CONSOLE - Use the RAM logging device as a system console.
-# If this feature is enabled (along with CONFIG_DEV_CONSOLE), then all
-# console output will be re-directed to a circular buffer in RAM. This
-# is useful, for example, if the only console is a Telnet console. Then
-# in that case, console output from non-Telnet threads will go to the
-# circular buffer and can be viewed using the NSH 'dmesg' command.
-# CONFIG_RAMLOG_SYSLOG - Use the RAM logging device for the syslogging
-# interface. If this feature is enabled (along with CONFIG_SYSLOG),
-# then all debug output (only) will be re-directed to the circular
-# buffer in RAM. This RAM log can be view from NSH using the 'dmesg'
-# command.
-# CONFIG_RAMLOG_NPOLLWAITERS - The number of threads than can be waiting
-# for this driver on poll(). Default: 4
-# following may also be provided:
-# CONFIG_RAMLOG_CONSOLE_BUFSIZE - Size of the console RAM log. Default: 1024
@@ -246,9 +117,6 @@ CONFIG_DISABLE_POLL=y
# Misc libc settings
-# CONFIG_NOPRINTF_FIELDWIDTH - sprintf-related logic is a
-# little smaller if we do not support fieldwidthes
@@ -271,16 +139,6 @@ CONFIG_ARCH_BZERO=n
# General build options
-# CONFIG_RRLOAD_BINARY - make the rrload binary format used with
-# BSPs from using the tools/ script
-# CONFIG_INTELHEX_BINARY - make the Intel HEX binary format
-# used with many different loaders using the GNU objcopy program
-# Should not be selected if you are not using the GNU toolchain.
-# CONFIG_RAW_BINARY - make a raw binary format file used with many
-# different loaders using the GNU objcopy program. This option
-# should not be selected if you are not using the GNU toolchain.
-# CONFIG_HAVE_LIBM - toolchain supports libm.a
@@ -289,38 +147,6 @@ CONFIG_HAVE_LIBM=y
# Sizes of configurable things (0 disables)
-# CONFIG_MAX_TASKS - The maximum number of simultaneously
-# active tasks. This value must be a power of two.
-# CONFIG_MAX_TASK_ARGS - This controls the maximum number of
-# of parameters that a task may receive (i.e., maxmum value
-# of 'argc')
-# CONFIG_NPTHREAD_KEYS - The number of items of thread-
-# specific data that can be retained
-# CONFIG_NFILE_DESCRIPTORS - The maximum number of file
-# descriptors (one for each open)
-# CONFIG_NFILE_STREAMS - The maximum number of streams that
-# can be fopen'ed
-# CONFIG_NAME_MAX - The maximum size of a file name.
-# CONFIG_STDIO_BUFFER_SIZE - Size of the buffer to allocate
-# on fopen. (Only if CONFIG_NFILE_STREAMS > 0)
-# CONFIG_NUNGET_CHARS - Number of characters that can be
-# buffered by ungetc() (Only if CONFIG_NFILE_STREAMS > 0)
-# CONFIG_PREALLOC_MQ_MSGS - The number of pre-allocated message
-# structures. The system manages a pool of preallocated
-# message structures to minimize dynamic allocations
-# CONFIG_MQ_MAXMSGSIZE - Message structures are allocated with
-# a fixed payload size given by this settin (does not include
-# other message structure overhead.
-# CONFIG_MAX_WDOGPARMS - Maximum number of parameters that
-# can be passed to a watchdog handler
-# CONFIG_PREALLOC_WDOGS - The number of pre-allocated watchdog
-# structures. The system manages a pool of preallocated
-# watchdog structures to minimize dynamic allocations
-# CONFIG_PREALLOC_TIMERS - The number of pre-allocated POSIX
-# timer structures. The system manages a pool of preallocated
-# timer structures to minimize dynamic allocations. Set to
-# zero for all dynamic allocations.
@@ -338,46 +164,6 @@ CONFIG_PREALLOC_TIMERS=8
# Filesystem configuration
-# CONFIG_FS_FAT - Enable FAT filesystem support
-# CONFIG_FAT_SECTORSIZE - Max supported sector size
-# CONFIG_FAT_LCNAMES - Enable use of the NT-style upper/lower case 8.3
-# file name support.
-# CONFIG_FAT_LFN - Enable FAT long file names. NOTE: Microsoft claims
-# patents on FAT long file name technology. Please read the
-# disclaimer in the top-level COPYING file and only enable this
-# feature if you understand these issues.
-# CONFIG_FAT_MAXFNAME - If CONFIG_FAT_LFN is defined, then the
-# default, maximum long file name is 255 bytes. This can eat up
-# a lot of memory (especially stack space). If you are willing
-# to live with some non-standard, short long file names, then
-# define this value. A good choice would be the same value as
-# selected for CONFIG_NAME_MAX which will limit the visibility
-# of longer file names anyway.
-# CONFIG_FS_NXFFS: Enable NuttX FLASH file system (NXFF) support.
-# This must have one of the values of 0xff or 0x00.
-# Default: 0xff.
-# CONFIG_NXFFS_PACKTHRESHOLD: When packing flash file data,
-# don't both with file chunks smaller than this number of data bytes.
-# CONFIG_NXFFS_MAXNAMLEN: The maximum size of an NXFFS file name.
-# Default: 255.
-# CONFIG_NXFFS_PACKTHRESHOLD: When packing flash file data,
-# don't both with file chunks smaller than this number of data bytes.
-# Default: 32.
-# CONFIG_NXFFS_TAILTHRESHOLD: clean-up can either mean
-# packing files together toward the end of the file or, if file are
-# deleted at the end of the file, clean up can simply mean erasing
-# the end of FLASH memory so that it can be re-used again. However,
-# doing this can also harm the life of the FLASH part because it can
-# mean that the tail end of the FLASH is re-used too often. This
-# threshold determines if/when it is worth erased the tail end of FLASH
-# and making it available for re-use (and possible over-wear).
-# Default: 8192.
-# CONFIG_FS_ROMFS - Enable ROMFS filesystem support
-# CONFIG_FS_RAMMAP - For file systems that do not support XIP, this
-# option will enable a limited form of memory mapping that is
-# implemented by copying whole files into memory.
@@ -387,29 +173,6 @@ CONFIG_FS_ROMFS=y
# TCP/IP and UDP support via uIP
-# CONFIG_NET - Enable or disable all network features
-# CONFIG_NET_IPv6 - Build in support for IPv6
-# CONFIG_NSOCKET_DESCRIPTORS - Maximum number of socket descriptors per task/thread.
-# CONFIG_NET_SOCKOPTS - Enable or disable support for socket options
-# CONFIG_NET_BUFSIZE - uIP buffer size
-# CONFIG_NET_TCP - TCP support on or off
-# CONFIG_NET_TCP_CONNS - Maximum number of TCP connections (all tasks)
-# CONFIG_NET_TCP_READAHEAD_BUFSIZE - Size of TCP read-ahead buffers
-# CONFIG_NET_NTCP_READAHEAD_BUFFERS - Number of TCP read-ahead buffers (may be zero)
-# CONFIG_NET_TCPBACKLOG - Incoming connections pend in a backlog until
-# accept() is called. The size of the backlog is selected when listen() is called.
-# CONFIG_NET_MAX_LISTENPORTS - Maximum number of listening TCP ports (all tasks)
-# CONFIG_NET_UDP - UDP support on or off
-# CONFIG_NET_UDP_CHECKSUMS - UDP checksums on or off
-# CONFIG_NET_UDP_CONNS - The maximum amount of concurrent UDP connections
-# CONFIG_NET_ICMP - ICMP ping response support on or off
-# CONFIG_NET_ICMP_PING - ICMP ping request support on or off
-# CONFIG_NET_PINGADDRCONF - Use "ping" packet for setting IP address
-# CONFIG_NET_STATISTICS - uIP statistics on or off
-# CONFIG_NET_RECEIVE_WINDOW - The size of the advertised receiver's window
-# CONFIG_NET_ARPTAB_SIZE - The size of the ARP table
-# CONFIG_NET_BROADCAST - Broadcast support
-# CONFIG_NET_FWCACHE_SIZE - number of packets to remember when looking for duplicates
@@ -433,8 +196,7 @@ CONFIG_NET_BROADCAST=n
# UIP Network Utilities
-# CONFIG_NET_DHCP_LIGHT - Reduces size of DHCP
-# CONFIG_NET_RESOLV_ENTRIES - Number of resolver entries
@@ -463,33 +225,6 @@ CONFIG_EXAMPLES_OSTEST_STACKSIZE=8192
# Settings for apps/nshlib
-# CONFIG_NSH_FILEIOSIZE - Size of a static I/O buffer
-# CONFIG_NSH_STRERROR - Use strerror(errno)
-# CONFIG_NSH_LINELEN - Maximum length of one command line
-# CONFIG_NSH_NESTDEPTH - Max number of nested if-then[-else]-fi
-# CONFIG_NSH_DISABLESCRIPT - Disable scripting support
-# CONFIG_NSH_DISABLEBG - Disable background commands
-# CONFIG_NSH_ROMFSETC - Use startup script in /etc
-# CONFIG_NSH_CONSOLE - Use serial console front end
-# CONFIG_NSH_TELNET - Use telnetd console front end
-# If CONFIG_NSH_TELNET is selected:
-# CONFIG_NSH_IOBUFFER_SIZE -- Telnetd I/O buffer size
-# CONFIG_NSH_DHCPC - Obtain address using DHCP
-# CONFIG_NSH_IPADDR - Provides static IP address
-# CONFIG_NSH_DRIPADDR - Provides static router IP address
-# CONFIG_NSH_NETMASK - Provides static network mask
-# CONFIG_NSH_NOMAC - Use a bogus MAC address
-# If CONFIG_NSH_ROMFSETC is selected:
-# CONFIG_NSH_INITSCRIPT - Relative path to init script
-# CONFIG_NSH_FATNSECTORS - FAT FS number of sectors
@@ -524,25 +259,6 @@ CONFIG_EXAMPLES_MOUNT_DEVNAME="/dev/ram0"
# Stack and heap information
-# CONFIG_BOOT_RUNFROMFLASH - Some configurations support XIP
-# operation from FLASH but must copy initialized .data sections to RAM.
-# CONFIG_BOOT_COPYTORAM - Some configurations boot in FLASH
-# but copy themselves entirely into RAM for better performance.
-# CONFIG_CUSTOM_STACK - The up_ implementation will handle
-# all stack operations outside of the nuttx model.
-# CONFIG_STACK_POINTER - The initial stack pointer
-# CONFIG_IDLETHREAD_STACKSIZE - The size of the initial stack.
-# This is the thread that (1) performs the inital boot of the system up
-# to the point where user_start() is spawned, and (2) there after is the
-# IDLE thread that executes only when there is no other thread ready to
-# run.
-# CONFIG_USERMAIN_STACKSIZE - The size of the stack to allocate
-# for the main user thread that begins at the user_start() entry point.
-# CONFIG_PTHREAD_STACK_MIN - Minimum pthread stack size
-# CONFIG_PTHREAD_STACK_DEFAULT - Default pthread stack size
-# CONFIG_HEAP_BASE - The beginning of the heap
-# CONFIG_HEAP_SIZE - The size of the heap