/* * Copyright (C) 2006 Raul Tremsal * File : smpp.c * Author: Raul Tremsal * * This file is part of libsmpp34 (c-open-smpp3.4 library). * * The libsmpp34 library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public * License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "smpp34.h" #include "smpp34_structs.h" #include "smpp34_params.h" #include "esme.h" extern int smpp34_errno; extern char smpp34_strerror[2048]; uint8_t print_buffer[2048]; uint8_t local_buffer[1024]; int local_buffer_len = 0; int ret = 0; uint32_t tempo = 0; uint32_t cmd_id = 0; int unhex(char c) { if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') return (c - '0'); if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') return (c - 'a' + 10); if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') return (c - 'A' + 10); return (-1); } int hex2bin(char *hex, unsigned char *bin) { int i = 0; int j = 0; /* Trim string if comments present */ if (strchr(hex, '#') != NULL) *strchr(hex, '#') = 0; if (strchr(hex, '*') != NULL) *strchr(hex, '*') = 0; if (strchr(hex, '\'') != NULL) *strchr(hex, '\'') = 0; for (i = 0; i < strlen(hex); i++) { if (hex[i] >= '0' && unhex(hex[i]) < 0){ printf("Bad hex digit encountered.\n"); return( -1 ); } } for (i = 0; i < strlen(hex); i++) { if (hex[i] < '0') continue; if (hex[i] >= '0' && hex[i+1] >= '0') { bin[j++] = unhex(hex[i])*16+unhex(hex[i+1]); i++; // skip one continue; } if (hex[i] >= '0') { bin[j++] = unhex(hex[i]); } } return (j); } int do_smpp_connect( xmlNodePtr p, int sock_tcp ) { bind_transmitter_t req; bind_transmitter_resp_t res; memset(&req, 0, sizeof(bind_transmitter_t)); memset(&res, 0, sizeof(bind_transmitter_resp_t)); /* Init PDU ***********************************************************/ req.command_length = 0; req.command_id = BIND_TRANSMITTER; req.command_status = ESME_ROK; req.sequence_number = 1; GET_PROP_STR( req.system_id, p, "system_id" ); GET_PROP_STR( req.password, p, "password" ); GET_PROP_STR( req.system_type, p, "system_type" ); req.interface_version = SMPP_VERSION; #if 0 /* if you need add */ req.addr_ton = 2; req.addr_npi = 1; snprintf( b.address_range, sizeof(b.address_range), "%s", ""); #endif /* FIRST STEP: PACK AND SEND */ #include "pack_and_send.inc" /* Set a timer (PENDIENTE) ********************************************/ /* SECOND STEP: READ AND UNPACK Response */ #include "recv_and_unpack.inc" destroy_tlv( res.tlv ); /* Por las dudas */ if( res.command_id != BIND_TRANSMITTER_RESP || res.command_status != ESME_ROK ){ printf("Error in BIND(BIND_TRANSMITTER)[%d:%d]\n", res.command_id, res.command_status); return( -1 ); }; return( 0 ); }; int do_smpp_send_message( xmlNodePtr p, int sock_tcp ) { char message[256]; tlv_t tlv; submit_sm_t req; submit_sm_resp_t res; memset(&req, 0, sizeof(submit_sm_t)); memset(&res, 0, sizeof(submit_sm_resp_t)); /* Init PDU ***********************************************************/ req.command_length = 0; req.command_id = SUBMIT_SM; req.command_status = ESME_ROK; req.sequence_number = 2; #if 0 /* if you need this */ snprintf(b.service_type, sizeof(b.service_type), "%s", "SMS"); b.source_addr_ton = 2; b.source_addr_npi = 1; #endif GET_PROP_STR( req.source_addr, p, "src" ); #if 0 /* if you need this */ b.dest_addr_ton = 2; b.dest_addr_npi = 0; #endif GET_PROP_STR( req.destination_addr, p, "dst" ); #if 0 /* if you need this */ b.esm_class = 0; b.protocol_id = 0; b.priority_flag = 0; snprintf( b.schedule_delivery_time, TIME_LENGTH, "%s", ""); snprintf( b.validity_period, TIME_LENGTH, "%s", ""); b.registered_delivery = 0; b.replace_if_present_flag =0; b.data_coding = 0; b.sm_default_msg_id = 0; #endif GET_PROP_STR( message, p, "msg" ); #if 0 /* Message in short_message scope */ b.sm_length = strlen(TEXTO); memcpy(b.short_message, TEXTO, b.sm_length); #else /* Message in Payload */ tlv.tag = TLVID_message_payload; tlv.length = strlen(message); memcpy(tlv.value.octet, message, tlv.length); build_tlv( &(req.tlv), &tlv ); #endif /* Add other optional param */ tlv.tag = TLVID_user_message_reference; tlv.length = sizeof(uint16_t); tlv.value.val16 = 0x0024; build_tlv( &(req.tlv), &tlv ); /* FIRST STEP: PACK AND SEND */ #include "pack_and_send.inc" destroy_tlv( req.tlv ); /* Por las dudas */ /* Set a timer (PENDIENTE) ********************************************/ /* SECOND STEP: READ AND UNPACK Response */ #include "recv_and_unpack.inc" if( res.command_id != SUBMIT_SM_RESP || res.command_status != ESME_ROK ){ printf("Error in send(SUBMIT_SM)[%08X:%08X]\n", res.command_id, res.command_status); return( -1 ); }; return( 0 ); }; int do_smpp_send_message2( xmlNodePtr p, int sock_tcp, int sequence ) { char message[512]; submit_sm_t req; submit_sm_resp_t res; memset(&req, 0, sizeof(submit_sm_t)); memset(&res, 0, sizeof(submit_sm_resp_t)); /* Init PDU ***********************************************************/ req.command_length = 0; req.command_id = SUBMIT_SM; req.command_status = ESME_ROK; req.sequence_number = sequence; GET_PROP_STR( req.service_type, p, "service_type" ); GET_PROP_INT( req.source_addr_ton, p, "source_addr_ton" ); GET_PROP_INT( req.source_addr_npi, p, "source_addr_npi" ); GET_PROP_STR( req.source_addr, p, "src" ); GET_PROP_INT( req.dest_addr_ton, p, "dest_addr_ton" ); GET_PROP_INT( req.dest_addr_npi, p, "dest_addr_npi" ); GET_PROP_STR( req.destination_addr, p, "dst" ); GET_PROP_INT( req.esm_class, p, "esm_class" ); GET_PROP_INT( req.protocol_id, p, "protocol_id" ); GET_PROP_INT( req.priority_flag, p, "priority_flag" ); GET_PROP_STR( req.schedule_delivery_time, p, "schedule_delivery_time" ); GET_PROP_STR( req.validity_period, p, "validity_period" ); GET_PROP_INT( req.registered_delivery, p, "registered_delivery" ); GET_PROP_INT( req.replace_if_present_flag, p, "replace_if_present_flag" ); GET_PROP_INT( req.data_coding, p, "data_coding" ); GET_PROP_INT( req.sm_default_msg_id, p, "sm_default_msg_id" ); GET_PROP_STR( message, p, "hex" ); req.sm_length = hex2bin(message, req.short_message); /* FIRST STEP: PACK AND SEND */ #include "pack_and_send.inc" destroy_tlv( req.tlv ); /* Por las dudas */ /* Set a timer (PENDIENTE) ********************************************/ /* SECOND STEP: READ AND UNPACK Response */ #include "recv_and_unpack.inc" if( res.command_id != SUBMIT_SM_RESP || res.command_status != ESME_ROK ){ printf("Error in send(SUBMIT_SM)[%d:%d]\n", res.command_id, res.command_status); return( -1 ); }; return( 0 ); }; int do_smpp_close( int sock_tcp ) { unbind_t req; unbind_resp_t res; memset(&req, 0, sizeof(unbind_t)); memset(&res, 0, sizeof(unbind_resp_t)); /* Init PDU ***********************************************************/ req.command_length = 0; req.command_id = UNBIND; req.command_status = ESME_ROK; req.sequence_number = 3; /* FIRST STEP: PACK AND SEND */ #include "pack_and_send.inc" /* Set a timer (PENDIENTE) ********************************************/ /* SECOND STEP: READ AND UNPACK Response */ #include "recv_and_unpack.inc" if( res.command_id != UNBIND_RESP || res.command_status != ESME_ROK ){ printf("Error in send(UNBIND)[%d:%d]\n", res.command_id, res.command_status); return( -1 ); }; return( 0 ); };