#!/usr/bin/env python2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # GR-GSM based transceiver # Generic (device independent) flow-graph implementation # # (C) 2016-2019 by Vadim Yanitskiy # (C) 2017 by Piotr Krysik # # All Rights Reserved # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. import pmt import time import grgsm import random from math import pi from gnuradio import eng_notation from gnuradio import digital from gnuradio import blocks from gnuradio import gr from gnuradio import filter from gnuradio.filter import firdes from dict_toggle_sign import dict_toggle_sign class RadioInterface(gr.top_block): # PHY specific variables rx_freq = None tx_freq = None osr = 4 # GSM timings (in microseconds [uS]) # One timeslot duration is 576.9 μs = 15/26 ms, # or 156.25 symbol periods (a symbol period is 48/13 μs) GSM_SYM_PERIOD_uS = 48.0 / 13.0 GSM_TS_PERIOD_uS = GSM_SYM_PERIOD_uS * 156.25 GSM_UL_DL_SHIFT_uS = -(GSM_TS_PERIOD_uS * 3) GSM_SYM_RATE = (1.0 / GSM_SYM_PERIOD_uS) * 1e6 SAMPLE_RATE = GSM_SYM_RATE * osr # Dummy freq. value that is used during initialization # basically, the DL freq. of ARFCN 0 DUMMY_FREQ = 935e6 # Human-readable description def __str__(self): return "(generic)" def __init__(self, phy_args, phy_sample_rate, phy_rx_gain, phy_tx_gain, phy_ppm, phy_rx_antenna, phy_tx_antenna, phy_freq_offset, trx_bind_addr, trx_remote_addr, trx_base_port): print("[i] Init %s Radio interface (L:%s:%u <-> R:%s:%u)" % (self, trx_bind_addr, trx_base_port + 2, trx_remote_addr, trx_base_port + 102)) # PHY specific variables self.sample_rate = phy_sample_rate self.rx_gain = phy_rx_gain self.tx_gain = phy_tx_gain self.ppm = phy_ppm self.freq_offset = phy_freq_offset self.phy_args = phy_args self.rx_antenna = phy_rx_antenna self.tx_antenna = phy_tx_antenna gr.top_block.__init__(self, "GR-GSM TRX") # TRX Burst Interface self.trx_burst_if = grgsm.trx_burst_if( trx_bind_addr, trx_remote_addr, str(trx_base_port)) # RX path definition self.phy_init_source() self.msg_to_tag_src = grgsm.msg_to_tag() self.rotator_src = grgsm.controlled_rotator_cc(0.0) self.lpf = filter.fir_filter_ccf(1, firdes.low_pass( 1, phy_sample_rate, 125e3, 5e3, firdes.WIN_HAMMING, 6.76)) self.gsm_receiver = grgsm.receiver(self.osr, ([0]), ([])) self.ts_filter = grgsm.burst_timeslot_filter(0) self.ts_filter.set_policy(grgsm.FILTER_POLICY_DROP_ALL) # Connections self.connect( (self._phy_src, 0), (self.msg_to_tag_src, 0)) self.connect( (self.msg_to_tag_src, 0), (self.rotator_src, 0)) self.connect( (self.rotator_src, 0), (self.lpf, 0)) self.connect( (self.lpf, 0), (self.gsm_receiver, 0)) self.msg_connect( (self.gsm_receiver, 'C0'), (self.ts_filter, 'in')) self.msg_connect( (self.ts_filter, 'out'), (self.trx_burst_if, 'bursts')) # TX Path Definition self.phy_init_sink() self.tx_time_setter = grgsm.txtime_setter( 0xffffffff, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, self.phy_proc_delay + self.GSM_UL_DL_SHIFT_uS * 1e-6) self.tx_burst_proc = grgsm.preprocess_tx_burst() self.pdu_to_tagged_stream = blocks.pdu_to_tagged_stream( blocks.byte_t, 'packet_len') self.gmsk_mod = grgsm.gsm_gmsk_mod( BT = 0.3, pulse_duration = 4, sps = self.osr) self.burst_shaper = digital.burst_shaper_cc( (firdes.window(firdes.WIN_HANN, 16, 0)), 0, 20, False, "packet_len") self.msg_to_tag_sink = grgsm.msg_to_tag() self.rotator_sink = grgsm.controlled_rotator_cc(0.0) # Connections self.msg_connect( (self.trx_burst_if, 'bursts'), (self.tx_time_setter, 'bursts_in')) self.msg_connect( (self.tx_time_setter, 'bursts_out'), (self.tx_burst_proc, 'bursts_in')) self.msg_connect( (self.tx_burst_proc, 'bursts_out'), (self.pdu_to_tagged_stream, 'pdus')) self.connect( (self.pdu_to_tagged_stream, 0), (self.gmsk_mod, 0)) self.connect( (self.gmsk_mod, 0), (self.burst_shaper, 0)) self.connect( (self.burst_shaper, 0), (self.msg_to_tag_sink, 0)) self.connect( (self.msg_to_tag_sink, 0), (self.rotator_sink, 0)) self.connect( (self.rotator_sink, 0), (self._phy_sink, 0)) # RX & TX synchronization self.bt_filter = grgsm.burst_type_filter([3]) self.burst_to_fn_time = grgsm.burst_to_fn_time() # Connections self.msg_connect( (self.gsm_receiver, 'C0'), (self.bt_filter, 'bursts_in')) self.msg_connect( (self.bt_filter, 'bursts_out'), (self.burst_to_fn_time, 'bursts_in')) self.msg_connect( (self.burst_to_fn_time, 'fn_time_out'), (self.tx_time_setter, 'fn_time')) # AFC (Automatic Frequency Correction) # NOTE: dummy frequency is used during init self.gsm_clck_ctrl = grgsm.clock_offset_control( self.DUMMY_FREQ, phy_sample_rate, osr = self.osr) self.dict_toggle_sign = dict_toggle_sign() # Connections self.msg_connect( (self.gsm_receiver, 'measurements'), (self.gsm_clck_ctrl, 'measurements')) self.msg_connect( (self.gsm_clck_ctrl, 'ctrl'), (self.msg_to_tag_src, 'msg')) self.msg_connect( (self.gsm_clck_ctrl, 'ctrl'), (self.dict_toggle_sign, 'dict_in')) self.msg_connect( (self.dict_toggle_sign, 'dict_out'), (self.msg_to_tag_sink, 'msg')) def phy_init_source(self): raise NotImplementedError def phy_init_sink(self): raise NotImplementedError def shutdown(self): print("[i] Shutdown Radio interface") self.stop() self.wait() @property def ready(self): # RX / TX frequencies shall be set if self.rx_freq is None: return False if self.tx_freq is None: return False return True def reset(self): # TODO: do we need to reset both RX / TX freq.? # self.rx_freq = None # self.tx_freq = None self.set_ta(0) def calc_phase_inc(self, fc): return self.ppm / 1.0e6 * 2 * pi * fc / self.sample_rate def set_rx_freq(self, fc): if self.freq_offset != 0: fc += self.freq_offset print("[#] Shifting RX freq. to %s (offset is %s)" % (eng_notation.num_to_str(fc), eng_notation.num_to_str(self.freq_offset))) self.rotator_src.set_phase_inc(self.calc_phase_inc(fc)) self.gsm_clck_ctrl.set_fc(fc) self.phy_set_rx_freq(fc) self.rx_freq = fc def set_tx_freq(self, fc): if self.freq_offset != 0: fc += self.freq_offset print("[#] Shifting TX freq. to %s (offset is %s)" % (eng_notation.num_to_str(fc), eng_notation.num_to_str(self.freq_offset))) self.rotator_sink.set_phase_inc(-self.calc_phase_inc(fc)) self.phy_set_tx_freq(fc) self.tx_freq = fc def set_rx_gain(self, gain): self.phy_set_rx_gain(gain) self.rx_gain = gain def set_tx_gain(self, gain): self.phy_set_tx_gain(gain) self.tx_gain = gain def set_slot(self, slot, config): print("[i] Configure timeslot filter to: %s" % ("drop all" if config == 0 else "tn=%d" % slot)) if config == 0: # Value 0 is used for deactivation self.ts_filter.set_policy(grgsm.FILTER_POLICY_DROP_ALL) else: # FIXME: ideally, we should (re)configure the Receiver # block, but there is no API for that, and hard-coded # timeslot configuration is used... self.ts_filter.set_policy(grgsm.FILTER_POLICY_DEFAULT) self.ts_filter.set_tn(slot) def set_ta(self, ta): print("[i] Setting TA value %d" % ta) advance_time_sec = ta * self.GSM_SYM_PERIOD_uS * 1e-6 self.tx_time_setter.set_timing_advance(advance_time_sec) def measure(self, freq): # HACK: generate a random low RSSI value return random.randint(-120, -100)