#!/usr/bin/env python2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # @file # @author (C) 2014 by Piotr Krysik # @section LICENSE # # This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) # any later version. # # This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this software; see the file COPYING. If not, write to # the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, # Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # from numpy import * #from pylab import * from gnuradio import gr import pmt from chirpz import ZoomFFT class fcch_burst_tagger(gr.sync_block): """ docstring for block fcch_burst_tagger """ def __init__(self, OSR): gr.sync_block.__init__(self, name="fcch_burst_tagger", in_sig=[complex64, float32], out_sig=[complex64]) self.state=False self.symbol_rate = 1625000/6 self.OSR=OSR self.samp_rate = self.symbol_rate*OSR self.burst_size = int(156.25*self.OSR) self.guard_period = int(round(8.25*self.OSR)) self.block_size = self.burst_size+self.guard_period self.processed_block_size = int(142*self.OSR) self.set_history(self.block_size) self.set_output_multiple(self.guard_period) self.prev_offset=0 #parameters of zoomfft frequency estimator f1 = self.symbol_rate/4*0.9 f2 = self.symbol_rate/4*1.1 m=5000*self.OSR self.zoomfft = ZoomFFT(self.processed_block_size, f1, f2, m, Fs=self.samp_rate) self.f_axis = linspace(f1,f2,m) def work(self, input_items, output_items): in0=input_items[0] output_items[0][:] = in0[self.history()-1:] threshold = input_items[1][self.history()-1:] threshold_diff = diff(concatenate([[0],threshold])) up_to_high_indexes = nonzero(threshold_diff>0)[0] up_to_high_idx=[] for up_to_high_idx in up_to_high_indexes: #look for "high" value at the trigger if up_to_high_idx==0 and self.state==True: #if it's not transition from "low" to "high" continue #then continue self.state=True #if found - change state if self.state==True and up_to_high_idx and any(threshold_diff<0): #and look for transition from high to low last_up_to_high_idx = up_to_high_idx last_high_to_low_idx = nonzero(threshold_diff<0)[0][-1] if last_high_to_low_idx-last_up_to_high_idx>0: coarse_idx = int(last_high_to_low_idx+self.history()-self.block_size) inst_freq = angle(in0[coarse_idx:coarse_idx+self.block_size]*in0[coarse_idx-self.OSR:coarse_idx+self.block_size-self.OSR].conj())/(2*pi)*self.symbol_rate #instantaneus frequency estimate precise_idx = self.find_best_position(inst_freq) # measured_freq = mean(inst_freq[precise_idx:precise_idx+self.processed_block_size]) expected_freq = self.symbol_rate/4 print "input_items:",len(in0) print "coarse_idx",coarse_idx print "coarse_idx+precise_idx",coarse_idx+precise_idx zoomed_spectrum = abs(self.zoomfft(in0[coarse_idx+precise_idx:coarse_idx+precise_idx+self.processed_block_size])) measured_freq = self.f_axis[argmax(zoomed_spectrum)] freq_offset = measured_freq - expected_freq offset = self.nitems_written(0) + coarse_idx + precise_idx - self.guard_period key = pmt.string_to_symbol("fcch") value = pmt.from_double(freq_offset) self.add_item_tag(0,offset, key, value) self.state=False # Some additional plots and prints for debugging # print "coarse_idx+precise_idx",coarse_idx+precise_idx # print "offset-self.nitems_written(0):",offset-self.nitems_written(0) print offset-self.prev_offset self.prev_offset=offset print "freq offset", freq_offset # freq_offset = measured_freq - expected_freq # plot(self.f_axis, zoomed_spectrum) # show() # plot(inst_freq[precise_idx:precise_idx+self.burst_size]) # show() # plot(unwrap(angle(in0[coarse_idx+precise_idx:coarse_idx+precise_idx+self.burst_size]))) # show() # return len(output_items[0]) def find_best_position(self, inst_freq): lowest_max_min_diff = 1e6 #1e6 - just some large value start_pos = 0 for ii in xrange(0,int(2*self.guard_period)): min_inst_freq = min(inst_freq[ii:self.processed_block_size+ii-1]); max_inst_freq = max(inst_freq[ii:self.processed_block_size+ii-1]); if (lowest_max_min_diff > max_inst_freq - min_inst_freq): lowest_max_min_diff = max_inst_freq - min_inst_freq; start_pos = ii # print 'start_pos',start_pos # plot(xrange(start_pos,start_pos+self.processed_block_size),inst_freq[start_pos:start_pos+self.processed_block_size],'r.') # hold(True) # plot(inst_freq) # show() return start_pos