diff options
authorHarald Welte <>2013-06-09 22:13:41 +0200
committerHarald Welte <>2013-06-09 22:13:41 +0200
commit1e7edddd7f7bf1be4e1c2e0028dcb4e12cfcf1ba (patch)
parent0a00ca8a203a2e1ba7fa1e2d14dc6530c22d61cd (diff)
Always include AARE DialoguePDU if sending first END/CONTINUE
According to the spec regarding dialogue handling, the first CONTINUE or END in response to a BEGIN must always contain a dialogue portion with an AARE PDU, acknowledging protocol version and application context name.
1 files changed, 14 insertions, 27 deletions
diff --git a/TCAP/src/ITU/tcap_dha_fsm.erl b/TCAP/src/ITU/tcap_dha_fsm.erl
index c74ac93..931e8da 100644
--- a/TCAP/src/ITU/tcap_dha_fsm.erl
+++ b/TCAP/src/ITU/tcap_dha_fsm.erl
@@ -264,22 +264,16 @@ idle({'TR', 'BEGIN', indication, BeginParms}, State) when is_record(BeginParms,
%%% TC-CONTINUE request from TCU
initiation_received({'TC', 'CONTINUE', request, ContParms}, State) when is_record(ContParms, 'TC-CONTINUE') ->
%% Dialogue info included?
- case ContParms#'TC-CONTINUE'.userInfo of
- UserInfo when is_binary(UserInfo) ->
- AARE = #'AARE-apdu'{'protocol-version' = [version1],
- 'application-context-name' = ContParms#'TC-CONTINUE'.appContextName,
- result = accepted,
- 'result-source-diagnostic' = {'dialogue-service-user', null},
- 'user-information' = UserInfo},
- {ok, DlgPor} = 'DialoguePDUs':encode('AARE-apdu', AARE),
- DialoguePortion = dialogue_ext(DlgPor);
- undefined ->
- DialoguePortion = asn1_NOVALUE
- end,
+ AARE = #'AARE-apdu'{'protocol-version' = [version1],
+ 'application-context-name' = ContParms#'TC-CONTINUE'.appContextName,
+ result = accepted,
+ 'result-source-diagnostic' = {'dialogue-service-user', null},
+ 'user-information' = osmo_util:asn_val(ContParms#'TC-CONTINUE'.userInfo)},
+ {ok, DlgPor} = 'DialoguePDUs':encode('AARE-apdu', AARE),
TrParms = #'TR-CONTINUE'{qos = ContParms#'TC-CONTINUE'.qos,
origAddress = ContParms#'TR-CONTINUE'.origAddress,
transactionID = State#state.otid,
- userData = #'TR-user-data'{dialoguePortion = dialogue_ext(DialoguePortion)}},
+ userData = #'TR-user-data'{dialoguePortion = dialogue_ext(DlgPor)}},
NewState = State#state{parms = TrParms},
{next_state, wait_cont_components_ir, NewState};
@@ -300,23 +294,16 @@ initiation_received({'TC', 'END', request, EndParms}, State) when is_record(EndP
%% Free dialogue ID
{stop, normal, NewState};
basic ->
- %% Dialogue info included?
- case EndParms#'TC-END'.userInfo of
- UserInfo when is_list(UserInfo) ->
- AARE = #'AARE-apdu'{'protocol-version' = [version1],
- 'application-context-name' = EndParms#'TC-END'.appContextName,
- result = accepted,
- 'result-source-diagnostic' = {'dialogue-service-user', null},
- 'user-information' = UserInfo},
- {ok, DlgPor} = 'DialoguePDUs':encode('AARE-apdu', AARE),
- DialoguePortion = dialogue_ext(DlgPor);
- undefined ->
- DialoguePortion = asn1_NOVALUE
- end,
+ AARE = #'AARE-apdu'{'protocol-version' = [version1],
+ 'application-context-name' = EndParms#'TC-END'.appContextName,
+ result = accepted,
+ 'result-source-diagnostic' = {'dialogue-service-user', null},
+ 'user-information' = osmo_util:asn_val(EndParms#'TC-END'.userInfo)},
+ {ok, DlgPor} = 'DialoguePDUs':encode('AARE-apdu', AARE),
TrParms = #'TR-END'{qos = EndParms#'TC-END'.qos,
transactionID = State#state.otid,
termination = EndParms#'TC-END'.termination,
- userData = #'TR-user-data'{dialoguePortion = DialoguePortion}},
+ userData = #'TR-user-data'{dialoguePortion = dialogue_ext(DlgPor)}},
NewState = State#state{parms = TrParms},
%% Request components to CHA
gen_server:cast(NewState#state.cco, 'request-components'),