% RFC 4165 MTP2 P2P Adaption Layer coding / decoding % (C) 2012 by Harald Welte % % All Rights Reserved % % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as % published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the % License, or (at your option) any later version. % % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License % along with this program. If not, see . -module(m2pa_codec). -author('Harald Welte '). -include("m2pa.hrl"). -include("mtp3.hrl"). -export([parse_msg/1, encode_msg/1]). -compile({parse_transform, exprecs}). -export_records([m2pa_msg]). parse_m2pa_msgt(?M2PA_CLASS_M2PA, ?M2PA_TYPE_LINK, Len, Remain) -> <> = Remain, Ret = [{link_state, State}], if byte_size(Filler) > 0 -> {undefined, [{filler, Filler}|Ret]}; true -> {undefined, Ret} end; parse_m2pa_msgt(?M2PA_CLASS_M2PA, ?M2PA_TYPE_USER, 16, <<>>) -> {undefined, []}; parse_m2pa_msgt(?M2PA_CLASS_M2PA, ?M2PA_TYPE_USER, Len, RemainIn) -> <> = RemainIn, Mtp3 = mtp3_codec:parse_mtp3_msg(Mtp3Bin), {Mtp3, []}. parse_msg(DataBin) when is_binary(DataBin) -> <<1:8, 0:8, MsgClass:8, MsgType:8, MsgLen:32/big, AllRemain/binary>> = DataBin, <<_:8, BSN:24/big, _:8, FSN:24/big, Remain/binary>> = AllRemain, {Mtp3, Params} = parse_m2pa_msgt(MsgClass, MsgType, MsgLen, Remain), {ok, #m2pa_msg{msg_class = MsgClass, msg_type = MsgType, fwd_seq_nr = FSN, back_seq_nr = BSN, mtp3 = Mtp3, parameters = Params}}. encode_m2pa_msgt(?M2PA_CLASS_M2PA, ?M2PA_TYPE_USER, undefined, _Params) -> <<>>; encode_m2pa_msgt(?M2PA_CLASS_M2PA, ?M2PA_TYPE_USER, Mtp3, _Params) when is_binary(Mtp3) -> <<0:1, 0:7, Mtp3/binary>>; encode_m2pa_msgt(?M2PA_CLASS_M2PA, ?M2PA_TYPE_USER, Mtp3, Params) when is_record(Mtp3, mtp3_msg) -> Mtp3bin = mtp3_codec:encode_mtp3_msg(Mtp3), encode_m2pa_msgt(?M2PA_CLASS_M2PA, ?M2PA_TYPE_USER, Mtp3bin, Params); encode_m2pa_msgt(?M2PA_CLASS_M2PA, ?M2PA_TYPE_LINK, _, Params) -> State = proplists:get_value(link_state, Params), % FIXME: filler Filler = <<>>, <>. encode_msg(Msg) when is_record(Msg, m2pa_msg) -> #m2pa_msg{msg_class = MsgClass, msg_type = MsgType, fwd_seq_nr = FSN, back_seq_nr = BSN, mtp3 = Mtp3, parameters = Params} = Msg, Payload = encode_m2pa_msgt(MsgClass, MsgType, Mtp3, Params), MsgLen = byte_size(Payload) + 16, <<1:8, 0:8, MsgClass:8, MsgType:8, MsgLen:32/big, 0:8, BSN:24/big, 0:8, FSN:24/big, Payload/binary>>.