path: root/src
diff options
authorHarald Welte <>2012-05-07 23:55:02 +0200
committerHarald Welte <>2012-05-07 23:55:02 +0200
commitee7964c0f3356a1c6ffa7dd826e3cd08e369d469 (patch)
treede362bca60999d7d8e23b63493f489418aaef9d6 /src
parent108c4b73f710a7cb83714c83c7e82a32172a4f15 (diff)
make the SG AS/ASP supervisor hierarchy work
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
4 files changed, 171 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/src/sctp_m2ua.erl b/src/sctp_m2ua.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a2d7c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sctp_m2ua.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+% M2UA in accordance with RFC3331 (
+% (C) 2011-2012 by Harald Welte <>
+% All Rights Reserved
+% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+% it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
+% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the
+% License, or (at your option) any later version.
+% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+% GNU General Public License for more details.
+% You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+% along with this program. If not, see <>.
+-author('Harald Welte <>').
+-export([init/1, terminate/3, code_change/4, handle_event/3, handle_info/3]).
+-export([rx_sctp/4, mtp_xfer/2, state_change/3, prim_up/3]).
+-record(m2ua_state, {
+ asp_pid,
+ last_bsn_received,
+ last_fsn_sent
+ }).
+% gen_fsm callbacks
+init(_InitOpts) ->
+ {ok, Asp} = gen_fsm:start_link(xua_asp_fsm, [sua_asp, [], Fun, [self()], self()], [{debug, [trace]}]),
+ {ok, #m2ua_state{last_bsn_received=16#ffffff, last_fsn_sent=16#ffffff, asp_pid=Asp}}
+terminate(Reason, _State, _LoopDat) ->
+ io:format("Terminating ~p (Reason ~p)~n", [?MODULE, Reason]),
+ ok.
+code_change(_OldVsn, _State, LoopDat, _Extra) ->
+ {ok, LoopDat}.
+handle_event(_Event, State, LoopDat) ->
+ {next_state, State, LoopDat}.
+handle_info(_Info, State, LoopDat) ->
+ {next_state, State, LoopDat}.
+% sctp_core callbacks
+prim_up(#primitive{subsystem='M', gen_name = 'SCTP_ESTABLISH', spec_name = confirm}, State, LoopDat) ->
+ Asp = LoopDat#m2ua_state.asp_pid,
+ gen_fsm:send_event(Asp, osmo_util:make_prim('M','ASP_UP',request)),
+ {ignore, LoopDat};
+prim_up(#primitive{subsystem='M', gen_name = 'ASP_UP', spec_name = confirm}, State, LoopDat) ->
+ Asp = LoopDat#m2ua_state.asp_pid,
+ gen_fsm:send_event(Asp, osmo_util:make_prim('M','ASP_ACTIVE',request)),
+ {ignore, LoopDat};
+prim_up(Prim, State, LoopDat) ->
+ % default: forward all primitives to the user
+ {ok, Prim, LoopDat}.
+% sctp_core indicates that we have received some data...
+rx_sctp(#sctp_sndrcvinfo{ppid = ?M2UA_PPID}, Data, State, LoopDat) ->
+ Asp = LoopDat#m2ua_state.asp_pid,
+ {ok, M2ua} = xua_codec:parse_msg(Data),
+ % FIXME: check sequenc number linearity
+ case M2ua of
+ #xua_msg{msg_class = ?M3UA_MSGC_SSNM} ->
+ {ignore, LoopDat};
+ #xua_msg{msg_class = ?M3UA_MSGC_ASPSM} ->
+ gen_fsm:send_event(Asp, M2ua),
+ {ignore, LoopDat};
+ #xua_msg{msg_class = ?M3UA_MSGC_ASPTM} ->
+ gen_fsm:send_event(Asp, M2ua),
+ {ignore, LoopDat};
+ #xua_msg{msg_class = ?M2UA_CLASS_M2UA,
+ msg_type = ?M2UA_TYPE_USER} ->
+ Mtp3 = M2pa#m2pa_msg.mtp3,
+ case LoopDat#m2pa_state.msu_fisu_accepted of
+ 1 ->
+ LoopDat2 = LoopDat#m2pa_state{last_bsn_received = FsnRecv},
+ case Mtp3 of
+ undefined ->
+ ok;
+ _ ->
+ send_userdata_ack(LoopDat2)
+ end,
+ gen_fsm:send_event(LoopDat#m2pa_state.lsc_pid, fisu_msu_received),
+ Prim = osmo_util:make_prim('MTP','TRANSFER',indication, Mtp3),
+ {ok, Prim, LoopDat2};
+ _ ->
+ {ignore, LoopDat}
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ % do something with link related msgs
+ io:format("M2UA Unknown message ~p in state ~p~n", [M2pa, State]),
+ {ignore, State, LoopDat}
+ end.
+% MTP-TRANSFER.req has arrived at sctp_core, encapsulate+tx it
+mtp_xfer(Mtp3, LoopDat) ->
+ Fsn = inc_seq_nr(LoopDat#m2pa_state.last_fsn_sent),
+ M2ua = #xua_msg{msg_class = ?M2UA_CLASS_M2UA,
+ msg_type = ?M2UA_TYPE_USER,
+ mtp3 = Mtp3},
+ M2paBin = xua_codec:encode_msg(M2ua),
+ tx_sctp(?M2UA_STREAM_USER, M2paBin),
+ LoopDat2.
+state_change(_, established, LoopDat) ->
+ % emulate a 'start' from LSC
+ %gen_fsm:send_event(LoopDat#m2pa_state.lsc_pid, start),
+ LoopDat;
+state_change(established, _, LoopDat) ->
+ %gen_fsm:send_event(LoopDat#m2pa_state.lsc_pid, link_failure),
+ LoopDat;
+state_change(_, _, LoopDat) ->
+ LoopDat.
+% helper functions
+tx_sctp(Stream, Payload) when is_integer(Stream), is_binary(Payload) ->
+ Param = {Stream, ?M2UA_PPID, Payload},
+ % sent to 'ourselves' (behaviour master module)
+ gen_fsm:send_event(self(), osmo_util:make_prim('SCTP','TRANSFER',request,Param)).
diff --git a/src/sg_as_sup.erl b/src/sg_as_sup.erl
index 96ab1b7..ee5f06c 100644
--- a/src/sg_as_sup.erl
+++ b/src/sg_as_sup.erl
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
init([Name, Options]) ->
AsName = list_to_atom("sg_as_" ++ Name ++ "_fsm"),
- StartArgs = [{local, AsName}, xua_as_fsm, [], Options],
+ StartArgs = [{local, AsName}, xua_as_fsm, [self()], Options],
StartFunc = {gen_fsm, start_link, StartArgs},
ChildSpec = {as_fsm, StartFunc, permanent, 4000, worker, [xua_as_fsm]},
diff --git a/src/sg_asp_sup.erl b/src/sg_asp_sup.erl
index 3c9e5ac..0262f11 100644
--- a/src/sg_asp_sup.erl
+++ b/src/sg_asp_sup.erl
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
init([Name, AsSupPid]) ->
%AsName = list_to_atom("sg_as_" ++ Name ++ "_fsm"),
+ % supervisor:start_child/2 will append to this list of arguments
StartFunc = {xua_asp_fsm, start_link, []},
ChildSpec = {xua_asp_fsm, StartFunc, permanent, infinity, worker, [xua_asp_fsm]},
% simple_one_for_one will not start any children!
diff --git a/src/xua_as_fsm.erl b/src/xua_as_fsm.erl
index 386c51a..0b04f76 100644
--- a/src/xua_as_fsm.erl
+++ b/src/xua_as_fsm.erl
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
% gen_fsm exports
--export([init/1, terminate/3, code_change/4, handle_event/3, handle_info/3]).
+-export([init/1, terminate/3, code_change/4, handle_event/3, handle_sync_event/4, handle_info/3]).
% states in this FSM
-export([as_down/2, as_inactive/2, as_active/2, as_pending/2]).
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@
-define(T_R_TIMEOUT, 2*60*100).
-record(as_state, {
+ as_sup_pid,
@@ -57,8 +58,9 @@
% gen_fsm callbacks
-init([]) ->
+init([AsSupPid]) when is_pid(AsSupPid) ->
AsState = #as_state{asp_list = [],
+ as_sup_pid = AsSupPid,
role = sg},
{ok, as_down, AsState}.
@@ -70,6 +72,26 @@ terminate(Reason, State, _LoopDat) ->
code_change(_OldVsn, StateName, LoopDat, _Extra) ->
{ok, StateName, LoopDat}.
+handle_sync_event({create_asp, Args}, From, State, LoopDat) ->
+ % resolve the ASP supervisor PID
+ AsSupPid = LoopDat#as_state.as_sup_pid,
+ AsChildList = supervisor:which_children(AsSupPid),
+ io:format("AsSupPid ~p, ChildList ~p~n", [AsSupPid, AsChildList]),
+ {asp_sup, AspSupPid, _, _} = lists:keyfind(asp_sup, 1, AsChildList),
+ % actually tell it to start a new ASP, prepend our own Pid
+ Ret = supervisor:start_child(AspSupPid, [self()|Args]),
+ LoopDatOut = case Ret of
+ {ok, AspPid} ->
+ link(AspPid),
+ LoopDat#as_state{asp_list = [AspPid|LoopDat#as_state.asp_list]};
+ {ok, AspPid, _} ->
+ link(AspPid),
+ LoopDat#as_state{asp_list = [AspPid|LoopDat#as_state.asp_list]};
+ _ ->
+ LoopDat
+ end,
+ {reply, Ret, State, LoopDatOut}.
handle_event(Event, State, LoopDat) ->
io:format("Unknown Event ~p in state ~p~n", [Event, State]),
{next_state, State, LoopDat}.
@@ -78,7 +100,8 @@ handle_info({'EXIT', Pid, Reason}, State, LoopDat) ->
io:format("EXIT from Process ~p (~p), cleaning up ASP list~n",
[Pid, Reason]),
% FIXME: send fake ASP-DOWN event about ASP to self
- {next_state, State, LoopDat};
+ NewAspList = lists:delete(Pid, LoopDat#as_state.asp_list),
+ {next_state, State, LoopDat#as_state{asp_list = NewAspList}};
handle_info(Info, State, LoopDat) ->
io:format("Unknown Info ~p in state ~p~n", [Info, State]),