path: root/src
diff options
authorMatt Johnson <>2020-09-08 01:42:49 -0700
committerMatt Johnson <>2020-09-18 16:21:46 -0700
commit4621456837e7f328cd4366eadfc2019e8fd9fca3 (patch)
treee2ca4f13120fd41234aa79da44303214c5a4288c /src
parent44a4dd6494ae0689b6ff042f6f3376047351b5f9 (diff)
ipa_proto: Allow configuring ack initiation behavior
When the osmo-msc version 1.6.1 connects to the osmo-hlr, it sends an id response and an immediate ack. This commit allows initiating the handshake with an ack rather than an id request (as is done by ipa *clients*, like a bts towards a bsc, or the msc towards the hlr) if needed to mimic behavior of particular components. Change-Id: I6ab3c9efb51e806f582ce8f473a13ee73ca1567e
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 24 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/src/ipa_proto.erl b/src/ipa_proto.erl
index e472b6c..d1d4396 100644
--- a/src/ipa_proto.erl
+++ b/src/ipa_proto.erl
@@ -99,33 +99,35 @@ set_ccm_options(Socket, CcmOptions) ->
% unblock the socket from further processing
unblock(Socket) ->
- send_ccm_id_get(Socket),
call_sync_sock(Socket, {ipa_unblock, Socket}).
% server-side handler for unregister_stream()
-request({ipa_reg_stream, Socket, StreamID, Pid}) ->
+request({ipa_reg_stream, Socket, StreamID, Pid}, _) ->
io:format("Registering handler ~p for socket ~p Stream ~p~n", [Pid, Socket, StreamID]),
[IpaSock] = ets:lookup(ipa_sockets, Socket),
ets:insert_new(IpaSock#ipa_socket.streamTbl, {{Socket, StreamID}, Pid});
% server-side handler for unregister_stream()
-request({ipa_unreg_stream, Socket, StreamID}) ->
+request({ipa_unreg_stream, Socket, StreamID}, _) ->
io:format("Unregistering handler for Socket ~p Stream ~p~n", [Socket, StreamID]),
[IpaSock] = ets:lookup(ipa_sockets, Socket),
ets:delete(IpaSock#ipa_socket.streamTbl, {Socket, StreamID});
% server-side handler for controlling_process()
-request({ipa_ctrl_proc, Socket, StreamID, NewPid}) ->
+request({ipa_ctrl_proc, Socket, StreamID, NewPid}, _) ->
io:format("Changing handler for socket ~p Stream ~p~n", [Socket, StreamID]),
[IpaSock] = ets:lookup(ipa_sockets, Socket),
ets:delete(IpaSock#ipa_socket.streamTbl, {Socket, StreamID}),
ets:insert_new(IpaSock#ipa_socket.streamTbl, {{Socket, StreamID}, NewPid});
% server-side handler for set_ccm_options()
% set ccm protocol metadata options reported with connection setup.
-request({ipa_set_ccm_options, Socket, CcmOptions}) ->
+request({ipa_set_ccm_options, Socket, CcmOptions}, _) ->
io:format("Setting ccm options for socket ~p to ~p~n", [Socket, CcmOptions]),
{ccm_options, CcmOptions};
% server-side handler for unblock()
-request({ipa_unblock, Socket}) ->
+request({ipa_unblock, Socket}, CcmOptions) ->
+ if
+ CcmOptions#ipa_ccm_options.initiate_ack -> send_ccm_id_ack(Socket);
+ true -> send_ccm_id_get(Socket)
+ end,
io:format("Unblocking socket ~p~n", [Socket]),
%[IpaSock] = ets:lookup(ipa_sockets, Socket),
Ret = inet:setopts(Socket, [{active, once}]),
@@ -253,7 +255,7 @@ init_sock(Socket, CallingPid) ->
loop(S, StreamMap, CcmOptions) ->
{request, From, Request} ->
- case ipa_proto:request(Request) of
+ case ipa_proto:request(Request, CcmOptions) of
{ccm_options, NewCcmOptions} ->
NextCcmOptions = NewCcmOptions,
Reply = ok;
@@ -282,10 +284,17 @@ loop(S, StreamMap, CcmOptions) ->
process_ccm_msg(Socket, StreamID, _, ping, _) ->
io:format("Socket ~p Stream ~p: PING -> PONG~n", [Socket, StreamID]),
send(Socket, StreamID, <<?IPAC_MSGT_PONG>>);
-% Simply respond to ID_ACK with ID_ACK
-process_ccm_msg(Socket, StreamID, _, id_ack, _) ->
- io:format("Socket ~p Stream ~p: ID_ACK -> ID_ACK~n", [Socket, StreamID]),
- send(Socket, StreamID, <<?IPAC_MSGT_ID_ACK>>);
+% Respond to ID_ACK with ID_ACK if this instance did not initiate
+process_ccm_msg(Socket, StreamID, CcmOptions, id_ack, _) ->
+ if
+ CcmOptions#ipa_ccm_options.initiate_ack /= true ->
+ % Only respond to an ack if this instance did
+ % not initiate to prevent an infinite ack loop.
+ io:format("Socket ~p Stream ~p: ID_ACK -> ID_ACK~n", [Socket, StreamID]),
+ send(Socket, StreamID, <<?IPAC_MSGT_ID_ACK>>);
+ true ->
+ io:format("Socket ~p Stream ~p: ID_ACK -> None~n", [Socket, StreamID])
+ end;
% Simply respond to ID_RESP with ID_ACK
process_ccm_msg(Socket, StreamID, _, id_resp, _) ->
io:format("Socket ~p Stream ~p: ID_RESP -> ID_ACK~n", [Socket, StreamID]),
@@ -319,6 +328,9 @@ process_rx_ccm_msg(Socket, StreamID, CcmOptions, PayloadBin) ->
send_ccm_id_get(Socket) ->
send(Socket, ?IPAC_PROTO_CCM, <<?IPAC_MSGT_ID_GET>>).
+send_ccm_id_ack(Socket) ->
+ send(Socket, ?IPAC_PROTO_CCM, <<?IPAC_MSGT_ID_ACK>>).
% convenience wrapper for interactive use / debugging from the shell
listen_accept_handle(LPort, Opts) ->
case gen_tcp:listen(LPort, ?IPA_SOCKOPTS ++ Opts) of