path: root/src/sccp_routing.erl
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diff --git a/src/sccp_routing.erl b/src/sccp_routing.erl
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index 0000000..46c10a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sccp_routing.erl
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+% SCCP routing code
+% (C) 2011 by Harald Welte <laforge@gnumonks.org>
+% All Rights Reserved
+% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+% it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
+% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the
+% License, or (at your option) any later version.
+% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+% GNU General Public License for more details.
+% You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+% along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+-author('Harald Welte <laforge@gnumonks.org>').
+-export([route_mtp3_sccp_in/1, route_local_out/1]).
+pointcode_is_local(Pc) ->
+ % FIXME: use SCRC routing information
+ true.
+% local helper function
+msg_return_or_cr_refusal(SccpMsg, RetCause, RefCause) ->
+ case sccp_codec:is_connectionless(SccpMsg) of
+ false ->
+ % if CL -> message return procedure
+ message_return(SccpMsg, RetCause);
+ true ->
+ % if CR -> connection refusal
+ connection_refusal(SccpMsg, RefCause)
+ end.
+% local outgoing CL or CR message
+route_local_out(SccpMsg) when is_record(SccpMsg, sccp_msg) ->
+ CalledParty = proplists:get_value(called_party_addr, SccpMsg#sccp_msg.parameters),
+ #sccp_addr{global_title = Gt, ssn = Ssn, point_code = Pc} = CalledParty,
+ if
+ (Gt == undefined) and ((Ssn == undefined) or (Ssn == 0)) ->
+ % left-most colunm of Table 1/Q714 -> Action four
+ Action = 4;
+ (Gt /= undefined) and ((Ssn == undefined) or (Ssn == 0)) ->
+ % second (from left) column of Table 1/Q.714
+ if (Pc == undefined) ->
+ Action = 2;
+ true ->
+ case pointcode_is_local(Pc) of
+ true ->
+ Action = 2;
+ false ->
+ Action = 3
+ end
+ end;
+ (Gt == undefined) and (Ssn /= undefined) ->
+ % third (from left) column of Table 1/Q.714
+ if (Pc == undefined) ->
+ Action = 4;
+ true ->
+ Action = 1
+ end;
+ (Gt /= undefined) and (Ssn /= undefined) ->
+ % last (from left) column of Table 1/Q.714
+ if (Pc == undefined) ->
+ Action = 2;
+ true ->
+ if CalledParty#sccp_addr.route_on_ssn ->
+ Action = 1;
+ true ->
+ case pointcode_is_local(Pc) of
+ true ->
+ Action = 2;
+ false ->
+ Action = 3
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end,
+ route_local_out_action(Action, SccpMsg, CalledParty).
+% Acccording to 2.3.2 Action (1)
+route_local_out_action(1, SccpMsg, CalledParty) ->
+ #sccp_addr{global_title = Gt, ssn = Ssn, point_code = Pc} = CalledParty,
+ case pointcode_is_local(Pc) of
+ true ->
+ % c) procedures 2.3.1, item 2) are folloed
+ case sccp_user:local_ssn_avail(Ssn, Pc) of
+ true ->
+ % pass to either SCOC or SCLC
+ {local, SccpMsg};
+ false ->
+ % message return / connection refusal
+ msg_return_or_cr_refusal(SccpMsg,
+ end;
+ false ->
+ % If the DPC is not the node itself and the remote DPC, SCCP
+ % and SSN are available, then the MTP-TRANSFER request
+ % primitive is invoked unless the compatibility test returns
+ % the message to SCLC or unless the message is discarded by the
+ % traffic limitation mechanism;
+ {remote, SccpMsg}
+ end;
+% Acccording to 2.3.2 Action (2)
+route_local_out_action(2, SccpMsg, CalledParty) ->
+ % perform GTT
+ case gtt() of
+ undefined ->
+ % if CL -> message return procedure
+ % if CR -> connection refusal
+ msg_return_or_cr_refusal(SccpMsg,
+ Dpc ->
+ case pointcode_is_local(Dpc) of
+ true ->
+ % message is passed, based on the message type, to
+ % either SCOC or SCLC;
+ {local, SccpMsg};
+ false ->
+ % MTP-TRANSFER request primitive is invoked unless the
+ % compatibility test returns the message to SCLC or
+ % unless the message is discarded by the traffic
+ % limitation mechanism
+ {remote, SccpMsg}
+ end
+ end;
+% Acccording to 2.3.2 Action (3)
+route_local_out_action(3, SccpMsg, CalledParty) ->
+ % The same actions as Action (1) apply, without checking the SSN.
+ ok;
+% Acccording to 2.3.2 Action (4)
+route_local_out_action(4, SccpMsg, CalledParty) ->
+ % insufficient information.
+ msg_return_or_cr_refusal(SccpMsg, ?SCCP_CAUSE_RET_NOTRANS_ADDR,
+route_cr_connless(Mtp3Msg, SccpMsg) when is_record(SccpMsg, sccp_msg) ->
+ CalledParty = proplists:get_value(called_party_addr, SccpMsg#sccp_msg.parameters),
+ case CalledParty#sccp_addr.route_on_ssn of
+ 1 -> % sheet 3 (6)
+ #sccp_addr{ssn = Ssn, point_code = Pc}= CalledParty,
+ % check if the subsystem is available (FIXME: move this into SCLC ?!?)
+ case sccp_user:pid_for_ssn(Ssn, Pc) of
+ {ok, UserPid} ->
+ % forward to SCOC/SCLC
+ {local, SccpMsg, Mtp3Msg};
+ {error, Error} ->
+ % invoke connection refusal (if CR) or message return
+ msg_return_or_cr_refusal(SccpMsg,
+ end;
+ 0 ->
+ % Check for hop counter and increment it
+ MsgPostHop = check_and_dec_hopctr(SccpMsg),
+ MsgClass = proplists:get_value(?SCCP_PNC_PROTOCOL_CLASS,
+ MsgPostHop#sccp_msg.parameters),
+ case MsgClass of
+ 0 ->
+ % FIXME: Assign SLS
+ ok;
+ 1 ->
+ % FIXME: Map incoming SLS to outgoing SLS
+ ok;
+ _Default ->
+ ok
+ end,
+ % Optional screening function
+ % GTT needs to be performed
+ ok
+ end,
+ % FIXME: handle UDTS/XUDTS/LUDTS messages (RI=0 check) of C.1/Q.714 (1/12)
+ % FIXME: handle translation already performed == yes) case of C.1/Q.714 (1/12)
+ route_main(SccpMsg),
+ {remote}.
+% CR or connectionless message, coming in from MTP
+% return values
+% {local, SccpMsg, Mtp3Msg}
+% {remote}
+route_mtp3_sccp_in(Mtp3Msg) when is_record(Mtp3Msg, mtp3_msg) ->
+ {ok, Msg} = sccp_codec:parse_sccp_msg(Mtp3Msg#mtp3_msg.payload),
+ io:format("Parsed Msg: ~p~n", [Msg]),
+ case Msg of
+ #sccp_msg{msg_type = ?SCCP_MSGT_CR} ->
+ route_cr_connless(Mtp3Msg, Msg);
+ _ ->
+ case sccp_codec:is_connectionless(Msg) of
+ true ->
+ route_cr_connless(Mtp3Msg, Msg);
+ false ->
+ {local, Msg, Mtp3Msg}
+ end
+ end.
+% Check if the message has a hop counter; decrement it if yes.
+check_and_dec_hopctr(Msg = #sccp_msg{msg_type = MsgType}) when
+ MsgType == ?SCCP_MSGT_XUDT;
+ MsgType == ?SCCP_MSGT_XUDTS;
+ MsgType == ?SCCP_MSGT_LUDT;
+ MsgType == ?SCCP_MSGT_LUDTS;
+ MsgType == ?SCCP_MSGT_CR ->
+ HopCtr = proplists:get_value(?SCCP_PNC_HOP_COUNTER,
+ Msg#sccp_msg.parameters),
+ if
+ HopCtr =< 1 ->
+ % Error: Hop count expired
+ io:format("SCCP hop count expired~n"),
+ Msg;
+ true ->
+ ParNew = lists:keyreplace(?SCCP_PNC_HOP_COUNTER, 1,
+ Msg#sccp_msg.parameters,
+ { ?SCCP_PNC_HOP_COUNTER, HopCtr -1}),
+ Msg#sccp_msg{parameters = ParNew}
+ end.
+route_main(SccpMsg) when is_record(SccpMsg, sccp_msg) ->
+ CalledParty = proplists:get_value(called_party_addr, SccpMsg#sccp_msg.parameters),
+ case CalledParty#sccp_addr.point_code of
+ undefined ->
+ fixme
+ end.
+% Message return procedure (Section 4.2 / Q.714)
+message_return(SccpMsg = #sccp_msg{msg_type = MsgType}, Cause) when
+ MsgType == ?SCCP_MSGT_XUDT;
+ MsgType == ?SCCP_MSGT_UDT;
+ MsgType == ?SCCP_MSGT_LUDT ->
+ % only return the message if the respective option is set
+ {Class, Opt} = proplists:get_value(protocol_class, SccpMsg#sccp_msg.parameters),
+ if Opt /= 8 ->
+ ok;
+ true ->
+ RetMsg = gen_ret_msg(SccpMsg, Cause),
+ % FIXME: actually return it
+ ok
+ end;
+message_return(_Msg, _Reason) ->
+ ok.
+gen_ret_msg(SccpMsg = #sccp_msg{msg_type = MsgType, parameters = Params}, Cause) ->
+ % extract information fields required
+ {Class, _Opt} = proplists:get_value(protocol_class, Params),
+ RetMsgType = message_return_type(MsgType),
+ CalledParty = proplists:get_value(called_party_addr, Params),
+ CallingParty = proplists:get_value(calling_party_addr, Params),
+ % build new options proplist
+ Params1 = lists:keyreplace(called_party_addr, 1, Params,
+ {called_party_addr, CallingParty}),
+ Params2 = lists:keyreplace(calling_party_addr, 1, Params1,
+ {calling_party_addr, CalledParty}),
+ Params3 = [{return_cause, Cause}, {protocol_class, {Class, 0}}] ++ Params2,
+ % return the new message
+ SccpMsg#sccp_msg{msg_type = RetMsgType,
+ parameters = Params3}.
+connection_refusal(SccpMsg = #sccp_msg{msg_type = ?SCCP_MSGT_CR}, Cause) ->
+ CrefMsg = gen_cref_msg(SccpMsg, Cause),
+ % FIXME: actually return it
+ ok.
+gen_cref_msg(SccpMsg = #sccp_msg{msg_type = ?SCCP_MSGT_CR, parameters =
+ Params}, Cause) ->
+ CalledParty = proplists:get_value(called_party_addr, Params),
+ SrcLocalRef = proplists:get_value(src_local_ref, Params),
+ CrefParams = [{dst_local_ref, SrcLocalRef},
+ {refusal_cause, Cause}],
+ % FIXME: what about class / data/ ... ?
+ #sccp_msg{msg_type = ?SCCP_MSGT_CREF, parameters = CrefParams}.
+message_return_type(?SCCP_MSGT_XUDT) ->
+message_return_type(?SCCP_MSGT_UDT) ->
+message_return_type(?SCCP_MSGT_LUDT) ->
+% dummy for now, we don't do GTT yet
+gtt() ->
+ undefined.