/* * Asterisk -- An open source telephony toolkit. * * Copyright (C) 2004 - 2005 * * SMS queuing application for use with asterisk app_sms * by Adrian Kennard * * See http://www.asterisk.org for more information about * the Asterisk project. Please do not directly contact * any of the maintainers of this project for assistance; * the project provides a web site, mailing lists and IRC * channels for your use. * * This program is free software, distributed under the terms of * the GNU General Public License Version 2. See the LICENSE file * at the top of the source tree. */ #include "autoconfig.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef SOLARIS #define POPT_ARGFLAG_SHOW_DEFAULT 0x00800000 #endif #if !defined(POPT_ARGFLAG_SHOW_DEFAULT) #define POPT_ARGFLAG_SHOW_DEFAULT 0x00800000 #endif /* reads next USC character from null terminated UTF-8 string and advanced pointer */ /* for non valid UTF-8 sequences, returns character as is */ /* Does not advance pointer for null termination */ static int utf8decode (unsigned char **pp) { unsigned char *p = *pp; if (!*p) return 0; /* null termination of string */ (*pp)++; if (*p < 0xC0) return *p; /* ascii or continuation character */ if (*p < 0xE0) { if (*p < 0xC2 || (p[1] & 0xC0) != 0x80) return *p; /* not valid UTF-8 */ (*pp)++; return ((*p & 0x1F) << 6) + (p[1] & 0x3F); } if (*p < 0xF0) { if ((*p == 0xE0 && p[1] < 0xA0) || (p[1] & 0xC0) != 0x80 || (p[2] & 0xC0) != 0x80) return *p; /* not valid UTF-8 */ (*pp) += 2; return ((*p & 0x0F) << 12) + ((p[1] & 0x3F) << 6) + (p[2] & 0x3F); } if (*p < 0xF8) { if ((*p == 0xF0 && p[1] < 0x90) || (p[1] & 0xC0) != 0x80 || (p[2] & 0xC0) != 0x80 || (p[3] & 0xC0) != 0x80) return *p; /* not valid UTF-8 */ (*pp) += 3; return ((*p & 0x07) << 18) + ((p[1] & 0x3F) << 12) + ((p[2] & 0x3F) << 6) + (p[3] & 0x3F); } if (*p < 0xFC) { if ((*p == 0xF8 && p[1] < 0x88) || (p[1] & 0xC0) != 0x80 || (p[2] & 0xC0) != 0x80 || (p[3] & 0xC0) != 0x80 || (p[4] & 0xC0) != 0x80) return *p; /* not valid UTF-8 */ (*pp) += 4; return ((*p & 0x03) << 24) + ((p[1] & 0x3F) << 18) + ((p[2] & 0x3F) << 12) + ((p[3] & 0x3F) << 6) + (p[4] & 0x3F); } if (*p < 0xFE) { if ((*p == 0xFC && p[1] < 0x84) || (p[1] & 0xC0) != 0x80 || (p[2] & 0xC0) != 0x80 || (p[3] & 0xC0) != 0x80 || (p[4] & 0xC0) != 0x80 || (p[5] & 0xC0) != 0x80) return *p; /* not valid UTF-8 */ (*pp) += 5; return ((*p & 0x01) << 30) + ((p[1] & 0x3F) << 24) + ((p[2] & 0x3F) << 18) + ((p[3] & 0x3F) << 12) + ((p[4] & 0x3F) << 6) + (p[5] & 0x3F); } return *p; /* not sensible */ } /* check for any queued messages in specific queue (queue="" means any queue) */ /* returns 0 if nothing queued, 1 if queued and outgoing set up OK, 2 of outgoing exists */ static char txqcheck (char *dir, char *queue, char subaddress, char *channel, char *callerid, int wait, int delay, int retries, int concurrent) { char ogname[100], temp[100], dirname[100], *p=NULL; FILE *f; DIR *d; int ql = strlen (queue), qfl = ql; struct dirent *fn; snprintf (dirname, sizeof(dirname), "sms/%s", dir); d = opendir (dirname); if (!d) return 0; while ((fn = readdir (d)) && !(*fn->d_name != '.' && ((!ql && (p = strchr (fn->d_name, '.'))) || (ql && !strncmp (fn->d_name, queue, ql) && fn->d_name[ql] == '.')))); if (!fn) { closedir (d); return 0; } if (!ql) { /* not searching any specific queue, so use whatr we found as the queue */ queue = fn->d_name; qfl = ql = p - queue; } p = strchr (queue, '-'); if (p && p < queue + ql) { ql = p - queue; subaddress = p[1]; } snprintf (temp, sizeof(temp), "sms/.smsq-%d", getpid ()); f = fopen (temp, "w"); if (!f) { perror (temp); closedir (d); return 0; } fprintf (f, "Channel: "); if (!channel) fprintf (f, "Local/%.*s\n", ql, queue); else { p = strchr (channel, '/'); if (!p) p = channel; p = strchr (p, 'X'); if (p) fprintf (f, "%.*s%c%s\n", (int)(p - channel), channel, subaddress, p + 1); else fprintf (f, "%s\n", channel); } fprintf (f, "Callerid: SMS <"); if (!callerid) fprintf (f, "%.*s", ql, queue); else { p = strchr (callerid, 'X'); if (p) fprintf (f, "%.*s%c%s", (int)(p - callerid), callerid, subaddress, p + 1); else fprintf (f, "%s", callerid); } fprintf (f, ">\n"); fprintf (f, "Application: SMS\n"); fprintf (f, "Data: %.*s", qfl, queue); if (dir[1] == 't') fprintf (f, "|s"); fprintf (f, "\nMaxRetries: %d\n", retries); fprintf (f, "RetryTime: %d\n", delay); fprintf (f, "WaitTime: %d\n", wait); fclose (f); closedir (d); { int try = 0; while (try < concurrent) { try++; snprintf(ogname, sizeof(ogname), "outgoing/smsq.%s.%s.%d", dir, queue, try); if (!link (temp, ogname)) { /* queued OK */ unlink (temp); return 1; } } } /* failed to create call queue */ unlink (temp); return 2; } /* Process received queue entries and run through a process, setting environment variables */ static void rxqcheck (char *dir, char *queue, char *process) { unsigned char *p; char dirname[100], temp[100]; DIR *d; int ql = strlen (queue); struct dirent *fn; snprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), "sms/.smsq-%d", getpid ()); snprintf(dirname, sizeof(dirname), "sms/%s", dir); d = opendir (dirname); if (!d) return; while ((fn = readdir (d))) if ((*fn->d_name != '.' && ((!ql && (p = strchr (fn->d_name, '.'))) || (ql && !strncmp (fn->d_name, queue, ql) && fn->d_name[ql] == '.')))) { /* process file */ char filename[1010]; char line[1000]; unsigned short ud[160]; unsigned char udl = 0; FILE *f; snprintf (filename, sizeof(filename), "sms/%s/%s", dir, fn->d_name); if (rename (filename, temp)) continue; /* cannot access file */ f = fopen (temp, "r"); unlink (temp); if (!f) { perror (temp); continue; } unsetenv ("oa"); unsetenv ("da"); unsetenv ("scts"); unsetenv ("pid"); unsetenv ("dcs"); unsetenv ("mr"); unsetenv ("srr"); unsetenv ("rp"); unsetenv ("vp"); unsetenv ("udh"); unsetenv ("ud"); unsetenv ("ude"); unsetenv ("ud8"); unsetenv ("ud16"); unsetenv ("morx"); unsetenv ("motx"); unsetenv ("queue"); if (*queue) setenv ("queue", queue, 1); setenv (dir, "", 1); while (fgets (line, sizeof (line), f)) { for (p = line; *p && *p != '\n' && *p != '\r'; p++); *p = 0; /* strip eoln */ p = line; if (!*p || *p == ';') continue; /* blank line or comment, ignore */ while (isalnum (*p)) { *p = tolower (*p); p++; } while (isspace (*p)) *p++ = 0; if (*p == '=') { /* = */ *p++ = 0; if (!strcmp (line, "oa") || !strcmp (line, "da") || !strcmp (line, "scts") || !strcmp (line, "pid") || !strcmp (line, "dcs") || !strcmp (line, "mr") || !strcmp (line, "vp")) setenv (line, p, 1); else if ((!strcmp (line, "srr") || !strcmp (line, "rp")) && atoi (p)) setenv (line, "", 1); else if (!strcmp (line, "ud")) { /* read the user data as UTF-8 */ long v; udl = 0; while ((v = utf8decode (&p)) && udl < 160) if (v && v <= 0xFFFF) ud[udl++] = v; } } else if (*p == '#') { *p++ = 0; if (*p == '#') { /* ## */ p++; if (!strcmp (line, "udh")) setenv (line, p, 1); else if (!strcmp (line, "ud")) { /* read user data UCS-2 */ udl = 0; while (*p && udl < 160) { if (isxdigit (*p) && isxdigit (p[1]) && isxdigit (p[2]) && isxdigit (p[3])) { ud[udl++] = (((isalpha (*p) ? 9 : 0) + (*p & 0xF)) << 12) + (((isalpha (p[1]) ? 9 : 0) + (p[1] & 0xF)) << 8) + (((isalpha (p[2]) ? 9 : 0) + (p[2] & 0xF)) << 4) + ((isalpha (p[3]) ? 9 : 0) + (p[3] & 0xF)); p += 4; } else break; } } } else { /* # */ if (!strcmp (line, "ud")) { /* read user data UCS-1 */ udl = 0; while (*p && udl < 160) { if (isxdigit (*p) && isxdigit (p[1])) { ud[udl++] = (((isalpha (*p) ? 9 : 0) + (*p & 0xF)) << 4) + ((isalpha (p[1]) ? 9 : 0) + (p[1] & 0xF)); p += 2; } else break; } } } } } fclose (f); /* set up user data variables */ { char temp[481]; int n, p; for (n = 0, p = 0; p < udl; p++) { unsigned short v = ud[p]; if (v) { if (v < 0x80) temp[n++] = v; else if (v < 0x800) { temp[n++] = (0xC0 + (v >> 6)); temp[n++] = (0x80 + (v & 0x3F)); } else { temp[n++] = (0xE0 + (v >> 12)); temp[n++] = (0x80 + ((v >> 6) & 0x3F)); temp[n++] = (0x80 + (v & 0x3F)); } } } temp[n] = 0; setenv ("ud", temp, 1); for (n = 0, p = 0; p < udl; p++) { unsigned short v = ud[p]; if (v < ' ' || v == '\\') { temp[n++] = '\\'; if (v == '\\') temp[n++] = '\\'; else if (v == '\n') temp[n++] = 'n'; else if (v == '\r') temp[n++] = 'r'; else if (v == '\t') temp[n++] = 't'; else if (v == '\f') temp[n++] = 'f'; else { temp[n++] = '0' + (v >> 6); temp[n++] = '0' + ((v >> 3) & 7); temp[n++] = '0' + (v & 7); } } else if (v < 0x80) temp[n++] = v; else if (v < 0x800) { temp[n++] = (0xC0 + (v >> 6)); temp[n++] = (0x80 + (v & 0x3F)); } else { temp[n++] = (0xE0 + (v >> 12)); temp[n++] = (0x80 + ((v >> 6) & 0x3F)); temp[n++] = (0x80 + (v & 0x3F)); } } temp[n] = 0; setenv ("ude", temp, 1); for (p = 0; p < udl && ud[p] < 0x100; p++); if (p == udl) { for (n = 0, p = 0; p < udl; p++) { sprintf (temp + n, "%02X", ud[p]); n += 2; } setenv ("ud8", temp, 1); } for (n = 0, p = 0; p < udl; p++) { sprintf (temp + n, "%04X", ud[p]); n += 4; } setenv ("ud16", temp, 1); } /* run the command */ system (process); } closedir (d); } /* Main app */ int main (int argc, const char *argv[]) { char c; int mt = 0, mo = 0, tx = 0, rx = 0, nodial = 0, nowait = 0, concurrent = 1, motxwait = 10, motxdelay = 1, motxretries = 10, mttxwait = 10, mttxdelay = 30, mttxretries = 100, mr = -1, pid = -1, dcs = -1, srr = 0, rp = 0, vp = 0, udl = 0, utf8 = 0, ucs1 = 0, ucs2 = 0; unsigned short ud[160]; unsigned char *uds = 0, *udh = 0; char *da = 0, *oa = 0, *queue = "", *udfile = 0, *process = 0, *spooldir = "/var/spool/asterisk", *motxchannel = "Local/1709400X", *motxcallerid = 0, *mttxchannel = 0, *mttxcallerid = "080058752X0", *defaultsubaddress = "9", subaddress = 0, *scts = 0; poptContext optCon; /* context for parsing command-line options */ const struct poptOption optionsTable[] = { {"queue", 'q', POPT_ARG_STRING | POPT_ARGFLAG_SHOW_DEFAULT, &queue, 0, "Queue [inc sub address]", "number[-X]"}, {"da", 'd', POPT_ARG_STRING, &da, 0, "Destination address", "number"}, {"oa", 'o', POPT_ARG_STRING, &oa, 0, "Origination address", "number"}, {"ud", 'm', POPT_ARG_STRING, &uds, 0, "Message", "text"}, {"ud-file", 'f', POPT_ARG_STRING, &udfile, 0, "Message file", "filename"}, {"UTF-8", 0, POPT_ARG_NONE, &utf8, 0, "File treated as null terminated UTF-8 (default)", 0}, {"UCS-1", 0, POPT_ARG_NONE, &ucs1, 0, "File treated as UCS-1", 0}, {"UCS-2", 0, POPT_ARG_NONE, &ucs2, 0, "File treated as UCS-2", 0}, {"mt", 't', POPT_ARG_NONE, &mt, 0, "Mobile Terminated", 0}, {"mo", 0, POPT_ARG_NONE, &mo, 0, "Mobile Originated", 0}, {"tx", 0, POPT_ARG_NONE, &tx, 0, "Send message", 0}, {"rx", 'r', POPT_ARG_NONE, &rx, 0, "Queue for receipt", 0}, {"process", 'e', POPT_ARG_STRING, &process, 0, "Rx queue process command", "command"}, {"no-dial", 'x', POPT_ARG_NONE, &nodial, 0, "Do not dial", 0}, {"no-wait", 0, POPT_ARG_NONE, &nowait, 0, "Do not wait if already calling", 0}, {"concurrent", 0, POPT_ARG_INT | POPT_ARGFLAG_SHOW_DEFAULT, &concurrent, 0, "Number of concurrent calls to allow", "n"}, {"motx-channel", 0, POPT_ARG_STRING | POPT_ARGFLAG_SHOW_DEFAULT, &motxchannel, 0, "Channel for motx calls", "channel"}, {"motx-callerid", 0, POPT_ARG_STRING, &motxcallerid, 0, "Caller ID for motx calls (default is queue name without sub address)", "number"}, {"motx-wait", 0, POPT_ARG_INT | POPT_ARGFLAG_SHOW_DEFAULT, &motxwait, 0, "Time to wait for motx call to answer", "seconds"}, {"motx-delay", 0, POPT_ARG_INT | POPT_ARGFLAG_SHOW_DEFAULT, &motxdelay, 0, "Time between motx call retries", "seconds"}, {"motx-retries", 0, POPT_ARG_INT | POPT_ARGFLAG_SHOW_DEFAULT, &motxretries, 0, "Number of retries for motx call", "n"}, {"mttx-channel", 0, POPT_ARG_STRING, &mttxchannel, 0, "Channel for mttx calls (default is Local/ and queue name without sub address)", "channel"}, {"mttx-callerid", 0, POPT_ARG_STRING | POPT_ARGFLAG_SHOW_DEFAULT, &mttxcallerid, 0, "Caller ID for mttx calls (default is queue name without sub address)", "number"}, {"mttx-wait", 0, POPT_ARG_INT | POPT_ARGFLAG_SHOW_DEFAULT, &mttxwait, 0, "Time to wait for mttx call to answer", "seconds"}, {"mttx-delay", 0, POPT_ARG_INT | POPT_ARGFLAG_SHOW_DEFAULT, &mttxdelay, 0, "Time between mttx call retries", "seconds"}, {"mttx-retries", 0, POPT_ARG_INT | POPT_ARGFLAG_SHOW_DEFAULT, &mttxretries, 0, "Number of retries for mttx call", "n"}, {"mr", 'n', POPT_ARG_INT, &mr, 0, "Message reference", "n"}, {"pid", 'p', POPT_ARG_INT, &pid, 0, "Protocol ID", "n"}, {"dcs", 'c', POPT_ARG_INT, &dcs, 0, "Data Coding Scheme", "n"}, {"udh", 0, POPT_ARG_STRING, &udh, 0, "User data header", "hex"}, {"srr", 0, POPT_ARG_NONE, &srr, 0, "Status Report Request", 0}, {"rp", 0, POPT_ARG_NONE, &rp, 0, "Return Path request", 0}, {"v", 0, POPT_ARG_INT, &vp, 0, "Validity Period", "seconds"}, {"scts", 0, POPT_ARG_STRING, &scts, 0, "Timestamp", "YYYY-MM-SSTHH:MM:SS"}, {"default-sub-address", 0, POPT_ARG_STRING | POPT_ARGFLAG_SHOW_DEFAULT, &defaultsubaddress, 0, "Default sub address", "X"}, {"spool-dir", 0, POPT_ARG_STRING | POPT_ARGFLAG_SHOW_DEFAULT, &spooldir, 0, "Asterisk spool dir", "dirname"}, POPT_AUTOHELP {NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0} }; optCon = poptGetContext (NULL, argc, argv, optionsTable, 0); poptSetOtherOptionHelp (optCon, " "); /* Now do options processing, get portname */ if ((c = poptGetNextOpt (optCon)) < -1) { /* an error occurred during option processing */ fprintf (stderr, "%s: %s\n", poptBadOption (optCon, POPT_BADOPTION_NOALIAS), poptStrerror (c)); return 1; } if (!ucs1 && !ucs2) utf8 = 1; if (utf8 + ucs1 + ucs2 > 1) { fprintf (stderr, "Pick one of UTF-8, UCS-1 or UCS-2 only\n"); return 1; } if (!udfile && (ucs1 || ucs2)) { fprintf (stderr, "Command line arguments always treated as UTF-8\n"); return 1; } /* if (!where && poptPeekArg (optCon)) where = (char *) poptGetArg (optCon); */ if (!mt && !mo && process) mt = 1; if (!mt && !mo && oa) mt = 1; if (!mt) mo = 1; if (mt && mo) { fprintf (stderr, "Cannot be --mt and --mo\n"); return 1; } if (!rx && !tx && process) rx = 1; if (!rx) tx = 1; if (tx && rx) { fprintf (stderr, "Cannot be --tx and --rx\n"); return 1; } if (rx) nodial = 1; if (uds && udfile) { fprintf (stderr, "Cannot have --ud and --ud-file\n"); return 1; } if (mo && !da && poptPeekArg (optCon)) da = (char *) poptGetArg (optCon); if (mt && !oa && poptPeekArg (optCon)) oa = (char *) poptGetArg (optCon); if (tx && oa && mo) { fprintf (stderr, "--oa makes no sense with --mo as CLI is used (i.e. queue name)\n"); return 1; } if (tx && da && mt) { fprintf (stderr, "--da makes no sense with --mt as called number is used (i.e. queue name)\n"); return 1; } if (da && strlen (da) > 20) { fprintf (stderr, "--da too long\n"); return 1; } if (oa && strlen (oa) > 20) { fprintf (stderr, "--oa too long\n"); return 1; } if (queue && strlen (queue) > 20) { fprintf (stderr, "--queue name too long\n"); return 1; } if (mo && scts) { fprintf (stderr, "scts is set my service centre\n"); return 1; } if (uds) { /* simple user data command line option in \UTF-8 */ while (udl < 160 && *uds) { int v = utf8decode (&uds); if (v > 0xFFFF) { fprintf (stderr, "Invalid character U+%X at %d\n", v, udl); return 1; } ud[udl++] = v; } } if (!uds && !udfile && poptPeekArg (optCon)) { /* multiple command line arguments in UTF-8 */ while (poptPeekArg (optCon) && udl < 160) { unsigned char *a = (char *) poptGetArg (optCon); if (udl && udl < 160) ud[udl++] = ' '; /* space between arguments */ while (udl < 160 && *a) { int v = utf8decode (&a); if (v > 0xFFFF) { fprintf (stderr, "Invalid character U+%X at %d\n", v, udl); return 1; } ud[udl++] = v; } } } if (poptPeekArg (optCon)) { fprintf (stderr, "Unknown argument %s\n", poptGetArg (optCon)); return 1; } if (udfile) { /* get message from file */ unsigned char dat[1204], *p = dat, *e; int f, n; if (*udfile) f = open (udfile, O_RDONLY); else f = fileno (stdin); if (f < 0) { perror (udfile); return 1; } n = read (f, dat, sizeof (dat)); if (n < 0) { perror (udfile); return 1; } if (*udfile) close (f); e = dat + n; if (utf8) { /* UTF-8 */ while (p < e && udl < 160 && *p) ud[udl++] = utf8decode (&p); } else if (ucs1) { /* UCS-1 */ while (p < e && udl < 160) ud[udl++] = *p++; } else { /* UCS-2 */ while (p + 1 < e && udl < 160) { ud[udl++] = (*p << 8) + p[1]; p += 2; } } } if (queue) { char *d = strrchr (queue, '-'); if (d && d[1]) subaddress = d[1]; else subaddress = *defaultsubaddress; } if (chdir (spooldir)) { perror (spooldir); return 1; } if (oa || da) { /* send message */ char temp[100], queuename[100], *dir = (mo ? rx ? "sms/morx" : "sms/motx" : rx ? "sms/mtrx" : "sms/mttx"); FILE *f; snprintf (temp, sizeof(temp), "sms/.smsq-%d", getpid ()); mkdir ("sms", 0777); /* ensure directory exists */ mkdir (dir, 0777); /* ensure directory exists */ snprintf (queuename, sizeof(queuename), "%s/%s.%ld-%d", dir, *queue ? queue : "0", (long)time (0), getpid ()); f = fopen (temp, "w"); if (!f) { perror (temp); return 1; } if (oa) fprintf (f, "oa=%s\n", oa); if (da) fprintf (f, "da=%s\n", da); if (scts) fprintf (f, "scts=%s\n", scts); if (pid >= 0) fprintf (f, "pid=%d\n", pid); if (dcs >= 0) fprintf (f, "dcs=%d\n", dcs); if (mr >= 0) fprintf (f, "mr=%d\n", mr); if (srr) fprintf (f, "srr=1\n"); if (rp) fprintf (f, "rp=1\n"); if (udh) fprintf (f, "udh#%s\n", udh); if (vp > 0) fprintf (f, "vp=%d\n", vp); if (udl) { int p; for (p = 0; p < udl && ud[p] < 0x100; p++); if (p == udl) { for (p = 0; p < udl && ud[p] < 0x80 && ud[p] >= 0x20; p++); if (p == udl) { /* use text */ fprintf (f, "ud="); for (p = 0; p < udl; p++) fputc (ud[p], f); } else { /* use one byte hex */ fprintf (f, "ud#"); for (p = 0; p < udl; p++) fprintf (f, "%02X", ud[p]); } } else { /* use two byte hex */ fprintf (f, "ud##"); for (p = 0; p < udl; p++) fprintf (f, "%04X", ud[p]); } fprintf (f, "\n"); } fclose (f); if (rename (temp, queuename)) { perror (queuename); unlink (temp); return 1; } } if (!nodial && tx && !process) { /* dial to send messages */ char ret=0, try = 3; if (nowait) try = 1; while (try--) { if (mo) ret = txqcheck ("motx", queue, subaddress, motxchannel, motxcallerid, motxwait, motxdelay, motxretries, concurrent); else ret = txqcheck ("mttx", queue, subaddress, mttxchannel, mttxcallerid, mttxwait, mttxdelay, mttxretries, concurrent); if (ret < 2) break; /* sent, or queued OK */ if (try) sleep (1); } if (ret == 2 && !nowait) fprintf (stderr, "No call scheduled as already sending\n"); } if (process) rxqcheck (mo ? rx ? "morx" : "motx" : rx ? "mtrx" : "mttx", queue, process); return 0; }