# # Asterisk -- A telephony toolkit for Linux. # # Various utilities # # Copyright (C) 1999-2005, Digium # # Mark Spencer # # This program is free software, distributed under the terms of # the GNU General Public License # # # Don't use ast mm routines # CFLAGS+=-DNO_AST_MM OSARCH=$(shell uname -s) ifeq ($(findstring BSD,${OSARCH}),BSD) CFLAGS+=-I$(CROSS_COMPILE_TARGET)/usr/local/include -L$(CROSS_COMPILE_TARGET)/usr/local/lib endif TARGET=stereorize TARGET+=$(shell if [ -f $(CROSS_COMPILE_TARGET)/usr/include/popt.h ]; then echo "smsq"; else if [ -f $(CROSS_COMPILE_TARGET)/usr/local/include/popt.h ]; then echo "smsq"; fi ; fi) TARGET+=$(shell if [ -f $(CROSS_COMPILE_TARGET)/usr/include/newt.h ]; then echo "astman"; else if [ -f $(CROSS_COMPILE_TARGET)/usr/local/include/newt.h ]; then echo "astman"; fi ; fi) ifeq (${OSARCH},SunOS) SOL=../strcompat.o endif all: depend $(TARGET) install: for x in $(TARGET); do \ if [ "$$x" != "none" ]; then \ $(INSTALL) -m 755 $$x $(DESTDIR)$(ASTSBINDIR)/$$x; \ fi; \ done clean: rm -f *.o astman smsq stereorize check_expr .depend astman: astman.o ../md5.o $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o astman astman.o ../md5.o -lnewt stereorize: stereorize.o frame.o $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o stereorize stereorize.o frame.o -lm check_expr : check_expr.c ../ast_expr.a $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o check_expr check_expr.c ../ast_expr.a smsq: smsq.o $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o smsq ${SOL} smsq.o -lpopt ifneq ($(wildcard .depend),) include .depend endif depend: .depend .depend: ../build_tools/mkdep $(CFLAGS) `ls *.c`