/* * Asterisk -- A telephony toolkit for Linux. * * Mark Spencer * * Copyright(C) Mark Spencer * * Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) Version 2 * * Scheduler Routines (from cheops-NG) * */ #ifdef DEBUG_SCHEDULER #define DEBUG(a) DEBUG_M(a) #else #define DEBUG(a) #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* Determine if a is sooner than b */ #define SOONER(a,b) (((b).tv_sec > (a).tv_sec) || \ (((b).tv_sec == (a).tv_sec) && ((b).tv_usec > (a).tv_usec))) struct sched { struct sched *next; /* Next event in the list */ int id; /* ID number of event */ struct timeval when; /* Absolute time event should take place */ int resched; /* When to reschedule */ void *data; /* Data */ ast_sched_cb callback; /* Callback */ }; struct sched_context { ast_mutex_t lock; /* Number of events processed */ int eventcnt; /* Number of outstanding schedule events */ int schedcnt; /* Schedule entry and main queue */ struct sched *schedq; #ifdef SCHED_MAX_CACHE /* Cache of unused schedule structures and how many */ struct sched *schedc; int schedccnt; #endif }; struct sched_context *sched_context_create(void) { struct sched_context *tmp; tmp = malloc(sizeof(struct sched_context)); if (tmp) { memset(tmp, 0, sizeof(struct sched_context)); ast_mutex_init(&tmp->lock); tmp->eventcnt = 1; tmp->schedcnt = 0; tmp->schedq = NULL; #ifdef SCHED_MAX_CACHE tmp->schedc = NULL; tmp->schedccnt = 0; #endif } return tmp; } void sched_context_destroy(struct sched_context *con) { struct sched *s, *sl; ast_mutex_lock(&con->lock); #ifdef SCHED_MAX_CACHE /* Eliminate the cache */ s = con->schedc; while(s) { sl = s; s = s->next; free(sl); } #endif /* And the queue */ s = con->schedq; while(s) { sl = s; s = s->next; free(sl); } /* And the context */ ast_mutex_unlock(&con->lock); ast_mutex_destroy(&con->lock); free(con); } static struct sched *sched_alloc(struct sched_context *con) { /* * We keep a small cache of schedule entries * to minimize the number of necessary malloc()'s */ struct sched *tmp; #ifdef SCHED_MAX_CACHE if (con->schedc) { tmp = con->schedc; con->schedc = con->schedc->next; con->schedccnt--; } else #endif tmp = malloc(sizeof(struct sched)); return tmp; } static void sched_release(struct sched_context *con, struct sched *tmp) { /* * Add to the cache, or just free() if we * already have too many cache entries */ #ifdef SCHED_MAX_CACHE if (con->schedccnt < SCHED_MAX_CACHE) { tmp->next = con->schedc; con->schedc = tmp; con->schedccnt++; } else #endif free(tmp); } int ast_sched_wait(struct sched_context *con) { /* * Return the number of milliseconds * until the next scheduled event */ struct timeval tv; int ms; DEBUG(ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "ast_sched_wait()\n")); ast_mutex_lock(&con->lock); if (!con->schedq) { ms = -1; } else if (gettimeofday(&tv, NULL) < 0) { /* This should never happen */ ms = 0; } else { ms = (con->schedq->when.tv_sec - tv.tv_sec) * 1000; ms += (con->schedq->when.tv_usec - tv.tv_usec) / 1000; if (ms < 0) ms = 0; } ast_mutex_unlock(&con->lock); return ms; } static void schedule(struct sched_context *con, struct sched *s) { /* * Take a sched structure and put it in the * queue, such that the soonest event is * first in the list. */ struct sched *last=NULL; struct sched *current=con->schedq; while(current) { if (SOONER(s->when, current->when)) break; last = current; current = current->next; } /* Insert this event into the schedule */ s->next = current; if (last) last->next = s; else con->schedq = s; con->schedcnt++; } static inline int sched_settime(struct timeval *tv, int when) { struct timeval tv_tmp; long error_sec, error_usec; if (gettimeofday(&tv_tmp, NULL) < 0) { /* This shouldn't ever happen, but let's be sure */ ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "gettimeofday() failed!\n"); return -1; } /*ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "TV -> %lu,%lu\n", tv->tv_sec, tv->tv_usec);*/ if (((unsigned long)(tv->tv_sec) > 0)||((unsigned long)(tv->tv_usec) > 0)) { if ((unsigned long)(tv_tmp.tv_usec) < (unsigned long)(tv->tv_usec)) { tv_tmp.tv_usec += 1000000; tv_tmp.tv_sec -= 1; } error_sec = (unsigned long)(tv_tmp.tv_sec) - (unsigned long)(tv->tv_sec); error_usec = (unsigned long)(tv_tmp.tv_usec) - (unsigned long)(tv->tv_usec); } else { /*ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Initializing error\n");*/ error_sec = 0; error_usec = 0; } /*ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "ERROR -> %lu,%lu\n", error_sec, error_usec);*/ if (error_sec * 1000 + error_usec / 1000 < when) { tv->tv_sec = tv_tmp.tv_sec + (when/1000 - error_sec); tv->tv_usec = tv_tmp.tv_usec + ((when % 1000) * 1000 - error_usec); } else { ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Request to schedule in the past?!?!\n"); tv->tv_sec = tv_tmp.tv_sec; tv->tv_usec = tv_tmp.tv_usec; } if (tv->tv_usec > 1000000) { tv->tv_sec++; tv->tv_usec-= 1000000; } return 0; } int ast_sched_add(struct sched_context *con, int when, ast_sched_cb callback, void *data) { /* * Schedule callback(data) to happen when ms into the future */ struct sched *tmp; int res = -1; DEBUG(ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "ast_sched_add()\n")); if (!when) { ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Scheduled event in 0 ms?\n"); return -1; } ast_mutex_lock(&con->lock); if ((tmp = sched_alloc(con))) { tmp->id = con->eventcnt++; tmp->callback = callback; tmp->data = data; tmp->resched = when; tmp->when.tv_sec = 0; tmp->when.tv_usec = 0; if (sched_settime(&tmp->when, when)) { sched_release(con, tmp); } else { schedule(con, tmp); res = tmp->id; } } ast_mutex_unlock(&con->lock); return res; } int ast_sched_del(struct sched_context *con, int id) { /* * Delete the schedule entry with number * "id". It's nearly impossible that there * would be two or more in the list with that * id. */ struct sched *last=NULL, *s; DEBUG(ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "ast_sched_del()\n")); ast_mutex_lock(&con->lock); s = con->schedq; while(s) { if (s->id == id) { if (last) last->next = s->next; else con->schedq = s->next; con->schedcnt--; sched_release(con, s); break; } last = s; s = s->next; } ast_mutex_unlock(&con->lock); if (!s) { ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Attempted to delete nonexistent schedule entry %d!\n", id); #ifdef DO_CRASH CRASH; #endif return -1; } else return 0; } void ast_sched_dump(struct sched_context *con) { /* * Dump the contents of the scheduler to * stderr */ struct sched *q; struct timeval tv; time_t s, ms; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); #ifdef SCHED_MAX_CACHE ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Asterisk Schedule Dump (%d in Q, %d Total, %d Cache)\n", con-> schedcnt, con->eventcnt - 1, con->schedccnt); #else ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Asterisk Schedule Dump (%d in Q, %d Total)\n", con-> schedcnt, con->eventcnt - 1); #endif ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "=================================================\n"); ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "|ID Callback Data Time (sec:ms) |\n"); ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "+-----+-----------+-----------+-----------------+\n"); q = con->schedq; while(q) { s = q->when.tv_sec - tv.tv_sec; ms = q->when.tv_usec - tv.tv_usec; if (ms < 0) { ms += 1000000; s--; } ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "|%.4d | %p | %p | %.6ld : %.6ld |\n", q->id, q->callback, q->data, (long)s, (long)ms); q=q->next; } ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "=================================================\n"); } int ast_sched_runq(struct sched_context *con) { /* * Launch all events which need to be run at this time. */ struct sched *current; struct timeval tv; int x=0; int res; DEBUG(ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "ast_sched_runq()\n")); ast_mutex_lock(&con->lock); for(;;) { if (!con->schedq) break; if (gettimeofday(&tv, NULL)) { /* This should never happen */ ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "gettimeofday() failed!\n"); break; } /* We only care about millisecond accuracy anyway, so this will help us get more than one event at one time if they are very close together. */ tv.tv_usec += 1000; if (SOONER(con->schedq->when, tv)) { current = con->schedq; con->schedq = con->schedq->next; con->schedcnt--; /* * At this point, the schedule queue is still intact. We * have removed the first event and the rest is still there, * so it's permissible for the callback to add new events, but * trying to delete itself won't work because it isn't in * the schedule queue. If that's what it wants to do, it * should return 0. */ ast_mutex_unlock(&con->lock); res = current->callback(current->data); ast_mutex_lock(&con->lock); if (res) { /* * If they return non-zero, we should schedule them to be * run again. */ if (sched_settime(¤t->when, current->resched)) { sched_release(con, current); } else schedule(con, current); } else { /* No longer needed, so release it */ sched_release(con, current); } x++; } else break; } ast_mutex_unlock(&con->lock); return x; } long ast_sched_when(struct sched_context *con,int id) { struct sched *s; long secs; struct timeval now; DEBUG(ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "ast_sched_when()\n")); ast_mutex_lock(&con->lock); s=con->schedq; while (s!=NULL) { if (s->id==id) break; s=s->next; } secs=-1; if (s!=NULL) { if (gettimeofday(&now, NULL)) { ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "gettimeofday() failed!\n"); } else { secs=s->when.tv_sec-now.tv_sec; } } ast_mutex_unlock(&con->lock); return secs; }