/* * Asterisk -- A telephony toolkit for Linux. * * Say numbers and dates (maybe words one day too) * * Copyright (C) 1999, Mark Spencer * * Mark Spencer * * This program is free software, distributed under the terms of * the GNU General Public License */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "asterisk.h" #include /* Forward declaration */ static int wait_file(struct ast_channel *chan, char *ints, char *file, char *lang); int ast_say_digit_str(struct ast_channel *chan, char *fn2, char *ints, char *lang) { /* XXX Merge with full version? XXX */ char fn[256] = ""; int num = 0; int res = 0; while(fn2[num] && !res) { fn[0] = '\0'; switch (fn2[num]) { case ('*'): snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/star"); break; case ('#'): snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/pound"); break; default: if((fn2[num] >= '0') && (fn2[num] <= '9')){ /* Must be in {0-9} */ snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/%c", fn2[num]); } } if(strlen(fn)){ /* if length == 0, then skip this digit as it is invalid */ res = ast_streamfile(chan, fn, lang); if (!res) res = ast_waitstream(chan, ints); ast_stopstream(chan); } num++; } return res; } int ast_say_character_str(struct ast_channel *chan, char *fn2, char *ints, char *lang) { /* XXX Merge with full version? XXX */ char fn[256] = ""; char ltr; int num = 0; int res = 0; while(fn2[num] && !res) { fn[0] = '\0'; switch (fn2[num]) { case ('*'): snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/star"); break; case ('#'): snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/pound"); break; case ('0'): case ('1'): case ('2'): case ('3'): case ('4'): case ('5'): case ('6'): case ('7'): case ('8'): case ('9'): snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/%c", fn2[num]); break; case ('!'): strncpy(fn, "letters/exclaimation-point", sizeof(fn)); break; case ('@'): strncpy(fn, "letters/at", sizeof(fn)); break; case ('$'): strncpy(fn, "letters/dollar", sizeof(fn)); break; case ('-'): strncpy(fn, "letters/dash", sizeof(fn)); break; case ('.'): strncpy(fn, "letters/dot", sizeof(fn)); break; case ('='): strncpy(fn, "letters/equals", sizeof(fn)); break; case ('+'): strncpy(fn, "letters/plus", sizeof(fn)); break; case ('/'): strncpy(fn, "letters/slash", sizeof(fn)); break; case (' '): strncpy(fn, "letters/space", sizeof(fn)); break; default: ltr = fn2[num]; if ('A' <= ltr && ltr <= 'Z') ltr += 'a' - 'A'; /* file names are all lower-case */ snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "letters/%c", ltr); } if(strlen(fn)){ /* if length == 0, then skip this digit as it is invalid */ res = ast_streamfile(chan, fn, lang); if (!res) res = ast_waitstream(chan, ints); } ast_stopstream(chan); num++; } return res; } int ast_say_phonetic_str(struct ast_channel *chan, char *fn2, char *ints, char *lang) { /* XXX Merge with full version? XXX */ char fn[256] = ""; char ltr; int num = 0; int res = 0; int temp; int play; char hex[3]; /* while(fn2[num] && !res) { */ while(fn2[num]) { play=1; switch (fn2[num]) { case ('*'): snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/star"); break; case ('#'): snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/pound"); break; case ('0'): case ('1'): case ('2'): case ('3'): case ('4'): case ('5'): case ('6'): case ('7'): case ('8'): snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/%c", fn2[num]); break; case ('!'): strncpy(fn, "exclaimation-point", sizeof(fn)); break; case ('@'): strncpy(fn, "at", sizeof(fn)); break; case ('$'): strncpy(fn, "dollar", sizeof(fn)); break; case ('-'): strncpy(fn, "dash", sizeof(fn)); break; case ('.'): strncpy(fn, "dot", sizeof(fn)); break; case ('='): strncpy(fn, "equals", sizeof(fn)); break; case ('+'): strncpy(fn, "plus", sizeof(fn)); break; case ('/'): strncpy(fn, "slash", sizeof(fn)); break; case (' '): strncpy(fn, "space", sizeof(fn)); break; case ('%'): play=0; /* check if we have 2 chars after the % */ if (strlen(fn2)>num+2) { hex[0]=fn2[num+1]; hex[1]=fn2[num+2]; hex[2]='\0'; if (sscanf(hex,"%x", &temp)) { /* Hex to char convertion successfull */ fn2[num+2]=temp; num++; if (temp==37) { /* If it is a percent, play it now */ strncpy(fn, "percent", sizeof(fn)); num++; play=1; } /* check for invalid characters */ if ((temp<32) || (temp>126)) { num++; } } } else num++; break; default: /* '9' falls through to here, too */ ltr = tolower(fn2[num]); snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "phonetic/%c_p", ltr); } if (play) { res = ast_streamfile(chan, fn, lang); if (!res) res = ast_waitstream(chan, ints); ast_stopstream(chan); } num++; } return res; } int ast_say_digit_str_full(struct ast_channel *chan, char *fn2, char *ints, char *lang, int audiofd, int ctrlfd) { char fn[256] = ""; int num = 0; int res = 0; while(fn2[num] && !res) { snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/%c", fn2[num]); res = ast_streamfile(chan, fn, lang); if (!res) res = ast_waitstream_full(chan, ints, audiofd, ctrlfd); ast_stopstream(chan); num++; } return res; } int ast_say_character_str_full(struct ast_channel *chan, char *fn2, char *ints, char *lang, int audiofd, int ctrlfd) { char fn[256] = ""; char ltr; int num = 0; int res = 0; while(fn2[num] && !res) { switch (fn2[num]) { case ('*'): snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/star"); break; case ('#'): snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/pound"); break; case ('0'): case ('1'): case ('2'): case ('3'): case ('4'): case ('5'): case ('6'): case ('7'): case ('8'): case ('9'): snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/%c", fn2[num]); break; case ('!'): strncpy(fn, "exclaimation-point", sizeof(fn)); break; case ('@'): strncpy(fn, "at", sizeof(fn)); break; case ('$'): strncpy(fn, "dollar", sizeof(fn)); break; case ('-'): strncpy(fn, "dash", sizeof(fn)); break; case ('.'): strncpy(fn, "dot", sizeof(fn)); break; case ('='): strncpy(fn, "equals", sizeof(fn)); break; case ('+'): strncpy(fn, "plus", sizeof(fn)); break; case ('/'): strncpy(fn, "slash", sizeof(fn)); break; case (' '): strncpy(fn, "space", sizeof(fn)); break; default: ltr = fn2[num]; if ('A' <= ltr && ltr <= 'Z') ltr += 'a' - 'A'; /* file names are all lower-case */ snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "letters/%c", ltr); } /* snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/%c", fn2[num]); */ res = ast_streamfile(chan, fn, lang); if (!res) res = ast_waitstream_full(chan, ints, audiofd, ctrlfd); ast_stopstream(chan); num++; } return res; } int ast_say_phonetic_str_full(struct ast_channel *chan, char *fn2, char *ints, char *lang, int audiofd, int ctrlfd) { char fn[256] = ""; char ltr; int num = 0; int res = 0; while(fn2[num] && !res) { switch (fn2[num]) { case ('*'): snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/star"); break; case ('#'): snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/pound"); break; case ('0'): case ('1'): case ('2'): case ('3'): case ('4'): case ('5'): case ('6'): case ('7'): case ('8'): snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/%c", fn2[num]); break; case ('!'): strncpy(fn, "exclaimation-point", sizeof(fn)); break; case ('@'): strncpy(fn, "at", sizeof(fn)); break; case ('$'): strncpy(fn, "dollar", sizeof(fn)); break; case ('-'): strncpy(fn, "dash", sizeof(fn)); break; case ('.'): strncpy(fn, "dot", sizeof(fn)); break; case ('='): strncpy(fn, "equals", sizeof(fn)); break; case ('+'): strncpy(fn, "plus", sizeof(fn)); break; case ('/'): strncpy(fn, "slash", sizeof(fn)); break; case (' '): strncpy(fn, "space", sizeof(fn)); break; default: /* '9' falls here... */ ltr = fn2[num]; if ('A' <= ltr && ltr <= 'Z') ltr += 'a' - 'A'; /* file names are all lower-case */ snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "phonetic/%c", ltr); } /* snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/%c", fn2[num]); */ res = ast_streamfile(chan, fn, lang); if (!res) res = ast_waitstream_full(chan, ints, audiofd, ctrlfd); ast_stopstream(chan); num++; } return res; } int ast_say_digits(struct ast_channel *chan, int num, char *ints, char *lang) { /* XXX Should I be merged with say_digits_full XXX */ char fn2[256]; snprintf(fn2, sizeof(fn2), "%d", num); return ast_say_digit_str(chan, fn2, ints, lang); } int ast_say_digits_full(struct ast_channel *chan, int num, char *ints, char *lang, int audiofd, int ctrlfd) { char fn2[256]; snprintf(fn2, sizeof(fn2), "%d", num); return ast_say_digit_str_full(chan, fn2, ints, lang, audiofd, ctrlfd); } /* Forward declarations */ /* Syntaxes supported, not really language codes. da - Danish de - German en - English es - Spanish fr - French it - Italian nl - Dutch pt - Portuguese se - Swedish Gender: For Portuguese, we're using m & f options to saynumber() to indicate if the gender is masculine or feminine. For Danish, we're using c & n options to saynumber() to indicate if the gender is commune or neutrum. This still needs to be implemented for French, Spanish & German. Date/Time functions currently have less languages supported than saynumber(). Note that in future, we need to move to a model where we can differentiate further - e.g. between en_US & en_UK See contrib/i18n.testsuite.conf for some examples of the different syntaxes Portuguese sound files needed for Time/Date functions: pt-ah pt-ao pt-de pt-e pt-ora pt-meianoite pt-meiodia pt-sss */ /* Forward declarations of language specific variants of ast_say_number_full */ static int ast_say_number_full_en(struct ast_channel *chan, int num, char *ints, char *language, int audiofd, int ctrlfd); static int ast_say_number_full_da(struct ast_channel *chan, int num, char *ints, char *language, char *options, int audiofd, int ctrlfd); static int ast_say_number_full_de(struct ast_channel *chan, int num, char *ints, char *language, int audiofd, int ctrlfd); static int ast_say_number_full_es(struct ast_channel *chan, int num, char *ints, char *language, int audiofd, int ctrlfd); static int ast_say_number_full_fr(struct ast_channel *chan, int num, char *ints, char *language, int audiofd, int ctrlfd); static int ast_say_number_full_se(struct ast_channel *chan, int num, char *ints, char *language, char *options, int audiofd, int ctrlfd); static int ast_say_number_full_it(struct ast_channel *chan, int num, char *ints, char *language, int audiofd, int ctrlfd); static int ast_say_number_full_nl(struct ast_channel *chan, int num, char *ints, char *language, int audiofd, int ctrlfd); static int ast_say_number_full_pt(struct ast_channel *chan, int num, char *ints, char *language, char *options, int audiofd, int ctrlfd); /* Forward declarations of ast_say_date, ast_say_datetime and ast_say_time functions */ static int ast_say_date_en(struct ast_channel *chan, time_t t, char *ints, char *lang); static int ast_say_date_nl(struct ast_channel *chan, time_t t, char *ints, char *lang); static int ast_say_date_pt(struct ast_channel *chan, time_t t, char *ints, char *lang); static int ast_say_date_with_format_en(struct ast_channel *chan, time_t time, char *ints, char *lang, char *format, char *timezone); static int ast_say_date_with_format_nl(struct ast_channel *chan, time_t time, char *ints, char *lang, char *format, char *timezone); static int ast_say_date_with_format_pt(struct ast_channel *chan, time_t time, char *ints, char *lang, char *format, char *timezone); static int ast_say_time_en(struct ast_channel *chan, time_t t, char *ints, char *lang); static int ast_say_time_nl(struct ast_channel *chan, time_t t, char *ints, char *lang); static int ast_say_time_pt(struct ast_channel *chan, time_t t, char *ints, char *lang); static int ast_say_datetime_en(struct ast_channel *chan, time_t t, char *ints, char *lang); static int ast_say_datetime_nl(struct ast_channel *chan, time_t t, char *ints, char *lang); static int ast_say_datetime_pt(struct ast_channel *chan, time_t t, char *ints, char *lang); static int ast_say_datetime_from_now_en(struct ast_channel *chan, time_t t, char *ints, char *lang); static int ast_say_datetime_from_now_pt(struct ast_channel *chan, time_t t, char *ints, char *lang); static int wait_file(struct ast_channel *chan, char *ints, char *file, char *lang) { int res; if ((res = ast_streamfile(chan, file, lang))) ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to play message %s\n", file); if (!res) res = ast_waitstream(chan, ints); return res; } /*--- ast_say_number_full: call language-specific functions */ /* Called from AGI */ int ast_say_number_full(struct ast_channel *chan, int num, char *ints, char *language, int audiofd, int ctrlfd) { char *options=(char *) NULL; /* While waiting for a general hack for agi */ if (!strcasecmp(language, "no") || !strcasecmp(language,"se") || !strcasecmp(language,"en") ) { return(ast_say_number_full_en(chan, num, ints, language, audiofd, ctrlfd)); } else if (!strcasecmp(language, "fr") ) { /* French syntax */ return(ast_say_number_full_fr(chan, num, ints, language, audiofd, ctrlfd)); } else if (!strcasecmp(language, "de") ) { /* German syntax */ return(ast_say_number_full_de(chan, num, ints, language, audiofd, ctrlfd)); } else if (!strcasecmp(language, "se") ) { /* German syntax */ return(ast_say_number_full_se(chan, num, ints, language, options, audiofd, ctrlfd)); } else if (!strcasecmp(language, "da") ) { /* Danish syntax */ return(ast_say_number_full_da(chan, num, ints, language, options, audiofd, ctrlfd)); } else if (!strcasecmp(language, "it") ) { /* Italian syntax */ return(ast_say_number_full_it(chan, num, ints, language, audiofd, ctrlfd)); } else if (!strcasecmp(language, "pt") ) { /* Portuguese syntax */ return(ast_say_number_full_pt(chan, num, ints, language, options, audiofd, ctrlfd)); } else if (!strcasecmp(language, "es") ) { /* Spanish syntax */ return(ast_say_number_full_es(chan, num, ints, language, audiofd, ctrlfd)); } else if (!strcasecmp(language, "nl") ) { /* Dutch syntax */ return(ast_say_number_full_nl(chan, num, ints, language, audiofd, ctrlfd)); } /* Default to english */ return(ast_say_number_full_en(chan, num, ints, language, audiofd, ctrlfd)); } /*--- ast_say_number: call language-specific functions without file descriptors */ int ast_say_number(struct ast_channel *chan, int num, char *ints, char *language, char *options) { if (!strcasecmp(language, "no") || !strcasecmp(language,"se") || !strcasecmp(language,"en") ) { return(ast_say_number_full_en(chan, num, ints, language, -1, -1)); } /* French */ if (!strcasecmp(language, "fr")) { /* French syntax */ return(ast_say_number_full_fr(chan, num, ints, language, -1, -1)); } else if (!strcasecmp(language, "da")) { /* Danish syntax */ return(ast_say_number_full_da(chan, num, ints, language, options, -1, -1)); } else if (!strcasecmp(language, "de")) { /* German syntax */ return(ast_say_number_full_de(chan, num, ints, language, -1, -1)); } else if (!strcasecmp(language, "se")) { /* Swedish syntax */ return(ast_say_number_full_se(chan, num, ints, language, options, -1, -1)); } else if (!strcasecmp(language, "it")) { /* Italian syntax */ return(ast_say_number_full_it(chan, num, ints, language, -1, -1)); } else if (!strcasecmp(language, "pt")) { /* Portuguese syntax */ return(ast_say_number_full_pt(chan, num, ints, language, options, -1, -1)); } else if (!strcasecmp(language, "nl")) { /* Dutch syntax */ return(ast_say_number_full_nl(chan, num, ints, language, -1, -1)); } else if (!strcasecmp(language, "es")) { /* Spanish syntax */ return(ast_say_number_full_es(chan, num, ints, language, -1, -1)); } /* Default to english */ return(ast_say_number_full_en(chan, num, ints, language, -1, -1)); } /*--- ast_say_number_full_en: English syntax */ /* This is the default syntax, if no other syntax defined in this file is used */ static int ast_say_number_full_en(struct ast_channel *chan, int num, char *ints, char *language, int audiofd, int ctrlfd) { int res = 0; int playh = 0; char fn[256] = ""; if (!num) return ast_say_digits_full(chan, 0,ints, language, audiofd, ctrlfd); while(!res && (num || playh)) { if (playh) { snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/hundred"); playh = 0; } else if (num < 20) { snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/%d", num); num = 0; } else if (num < 100) { snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/%d", (num /10) * 10); num -= ((num / 10) * 10); } else { if (num < 1000){ snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/%d", (num/100)); playh++; num -= ((num / 100) * 100); } else { if (num < 1000000) { /* 1,000,000 */ res = ast_say_number_full_en(chan, num / 1000, ints, language, audiofd, ctrlfd); if (res) return res; num = num % 1000; snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/thousand"); } else { if (num < 1000000000) { /* 1,000,000,000 */ res = ast_say_number_full_en(chan, num / 1000000, ints, language, audiofd, ctrlfd); if (res) return res; num = num % 1000000; snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/million"); } else { ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Number '%d' is too big for me\n", num); res = -1; } } } } if (!res) { if(!ast_streamfile(chan, fn, language)) { if (audiofd && ctrlfd) res = ast_waitstream_full(chan, ints, audiofd, ctrlfd); else res = ast_waitstream(chan, ints); } ast_stopstream(chan); } } return res; } /*--- ast_say_number_full_se: Swedish/norwegian syntax */ /* This is the default syntax, if no other syntax defined in this file is used */ static int ast_say_number_full_se(struct ast_channel *chan, int num, char *ints, char *language, char *options, int audiofd, int ctrlfd) { int res = 0; int playh = 0; char fn[256] = ""; int cn = 1; /* +1 = Commune; -1 = Neutrum */ if (!num) return ast_say_digits_full(chan, 0,ints, language, audiofd, ctrlfd); if (options && !strncasecmp(options, "n",1)) cn = -1; while(!res && (num || playh)) { if (playh) { snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/hundred"); playh = 0; } else if (num < 20) { snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/%d", num); num = 0; } else if (num < 100) { snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/%d", (num /10) * 10); num -= ((num / 10) * 10); } else if (num == 1 && cn == -1) { /* En eller ett? */ snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/1N"); num = 0; } else { if (num < 1000){ snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/%d", (num/100)); playh++; num -= ((num / 100) * 100); } else { if (num < 1000000) { /* 1,000,000 */ res = ast_say_number_full_se(chan, num / 1000, ints, language, options, audiofd, ctrlfd); if (res) return res; num = num % 1000; snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/thousand"); } else { if (num < 1000000000) { /* 1,000,000,000 */ res = ast_say_number_full_se(chan, num / 1000000, ints, language, options, audiofd, ctrlfd); if (res) return res; num = num % 1000000; snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/million"); } else { ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Number '%d' is too big for me\n", num); res = -1; } } } } if (!res) { if(!ast_streamfile(chan, fn, language)) { if (audiofd && ctrlfd) res = ast_waitstream_full(chan, ints, audiofd, ctrlfd); else res = ast_waitstream(chan, ints); } ast_stopstream(chan); } } return res; } /*--- ast_say_number_full_da: Danish syntax */ /* New files: In addition to English, the following sounds are required: "1N", "millions", "and" and "1-and" through "9-and" */ static int ast_say_number_full_da(struct ast_channel *chan, int num, char *ints, char *language, char *options, int audiofd, int ctrlfd) { int res = 0; int playh = 0; int playa = 0; int cn = 1; /* +1 = Commune; -1 = Neutrum */ char fn[256] = ""; if (!num) return ast_say_digits_full(chan, 0,ints, language, audiofd, ctrlfd); if (options && !strncasecmp(options, "n",1)) cn = -1; while(!res && (num || playh || playa )) { /* The grammar for Danish numbers is the same as for English except * for the following: * - 1 exists in both commune ("en", file "1N") and neutrum ("et", file "1") * - numbers 20 through 99 are said in reverse order, i.e. 21 is * "one-and twenty" and 68 is "eight-and sixty". * - "million" is different in singular and plural form * - numbers > 1000 with zero as the third digit from last have an * "and" before the last two digits, i.e. 2034 is "two thousand and * four-and thirty" and 1000012 is "one million and twelve". */ if (playh) { snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/hundred"); playh = 0; } else if (playa) { snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/and"); playa = 0; } else if (num == 1 && cn == -1) { snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/1N"); num = 0; } else if (num < 20) { snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/%d", num); num = 0; } else if (num < 100) { int ones = num % 10; if (ones) { snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/%d-and", ones); num -= ones; } else { snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/%d", num); num = 0; } } else { if (num < 1000) { int hundreds = num / 100; if (hundreds == 1) snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/1N"); else snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/%d", (num / 100)); playh++; num -= 100 * hundreds; if (num) playa++; } else { if (num < 1000000) { res = ast_say_number_full_da(chan, num / 1000, ints, language, "n", audiofd, ctrlfd); if (res) return res; num = num % 1000; snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/thousand"); } else { if (num < 1000000000) { int millions = num / 1000000; res = ast_say_number_full_da(chan, millions, ints, language, "c", audiofd, ctrlfd); if (res) return res; if (millions == 1) snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/million"); else snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/millions"); num = num % 1000000; } else { ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Number '%d' is too big for me\n", num); res = -1; } } if (num && num < 100) playa++; } } if (!res) { if(!ast_streamfile(chan, fn, language)) { if (audiofd && ctrlfd) res = ast_waitstream_full(chan, ints, audiofd, ctrlfd); else res = ast_waitstream(chan, ints); } ast_stopstream(chan); } } return res; } /*--- ast_say_number_full_de: German syntax */ /* New files: In addition to English, the following sounds are required: "millions", "and" and "1-and" through "9-and" */ static int ast_say_number_full_de(struct ast_channel *chan, int num, char *ints, char *language, int audiofd, int ctrlfd) { int res = 0; int playh = 0; int playa = 0; char fn[256] = ""; if (!num) return ast_say_digits_full(chan, 0,ints, language, audiofd, ctrlfd); while(!res && (num || playh || playa )) { /* The grammar for German numbers is the same as for English except * for the following: * - numbers 20 through 99 are said in reverse order, i.e. 21 is * "one-and twenty" and 68 is "eight-and sixty". * - "million" is different in singular and plural form * - numbers > 1000 with zero as the third digit from last have an * "and" before the last two digits, i.e. 2034 is "two thousand and * four-and thirty" and 1000012 is "one million and twelve". */ if (playh) { snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/hundred"); playh = 0; } else if (playa) { snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/and"); playa = 0; } else if (num < 20) { snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/%d", num); num = 0; } else if (num < 100) { int ones = num % 10; if (ones) { snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/%d-and", ones); num -= ones; } else { snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/%d", num); num = 0; } } else { if (num < 1000) { int hundreds = num / 100; if (hundreds == 1) snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/1N"); else snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/%d", (num / 100)); playh++; num -= 100 * hundreds; if (num) playa++; } else { if (num < 1000000) { res = ast_say_number_full_de(chan, num / 1000, ints, language, audiofd, ctrlfd); if (res) return res; num = num % 1000; snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/thousand"); } else { if (num < 1000000000) { int millions = num / 1000000; res = ast_say_number_full_de(chan, millions, ints, language, audiofd, ctrlfd); if (res) return res; if (millions == 1) snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/million"); else snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/millions"); num = num % 1000000; } else { ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Number '%d' is too big for me\n", num); res = -1; } } if (num && num < 100) playa++; } } if (!res) { if(!ast_streamfile(chan, fn, language)) { if (audiofd && ctrlfd) res = ast_waitstream_full(chan, ints, audiofd, ctrlfd); else res = ast_waitstream(chan, ints); } ast_stopstream(chan); } } return res; } /*--- ast_say_number_full_es: spanish syntax */ /* New files: Requires a few new audios: 21.gsm thru 29.gsm, cien.gsm, mil.gsm, millon.gsm, millones.gsm, 100.gsm, 200.gsm, 300.gsm, 400.gsm, 500.gsm, 600.gsm, 700.gsm, 800.gsm, 900.gsm, y.gsm */ static int ast_say_number_full_es(struct ast_channel *chan, int num, char *ints, char *language, int audiofd, int ctrlfd) { int res = 0; int playa = 0; char fn[256] = ""; if (!num) return ast_say_digits_full(chan, 0,ints, language, audiofd, ctrlfd); while (!res && num) { if (playa) { snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/y"); playa = 0; } else if (num < 31) { snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/%d", num); num = 0; } else if (num < 100) { snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/%d", (num/10)*10); num -= ((num/10)*10); if (num) playa++; } else if (num == 100) { snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/cien"); num = 0; } else { if (num < 1000) { snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/%d", (num/100)*100); num -= ((num/100)*100); } else { if (num < 1000000) { res = ast_say_number_full_es(chan, num / 1000, ints, language, audiofd, ctrlfd); if (res) return res; num = num % 1000; snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/mil"); } else { if (num < 2147483640) { res = ast_say_number_full_es(chan, num / 1000000, ints, language, audiofd, ctrlfd); if (res) return res; if ((num/1000000) == 1) { snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/millon"); } else { snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/millones"); } num = num % 1000000; } else { ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Number '%d' is too big for me\n", num); res = -1; } } } } if (!res) { if(!ast_streamfile(chan, fn, language)) { if (audiofd && ctrlfd) res = ast_waitstream_full(chan, ints, audiofd, ctrlfd); else res = ast_waitstream(chan, ints); } ast_stopstream(chan); } } return res; } /*--- ast_say_number_full_fr: French syntax */ static int ast_say_number_full_fr(struct ast_channel *chan, int num, char *ints, char *language, int audiofd, int ctrlfd) { int res = 0; int playh = 0; int playa = 0; char fn[256] = ""; if (!num) return ast_say_digits_full(chan, 0,ints, language, audiofd, ctrlfd); while(!res && (num || playh || playa)) { if (playh) { snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/hundred"); playh = 0; } else if (playa) { snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/et"); playa = 0; } else if (num < 21) { snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/%d", num); num = 0; } else if (num < 70) { snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/%d", (num/10)*10); if ((num % 10) == 1) playa++; num = num % 10; } else if (num < 80) { snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/60"); if ((num % 10) == 1) playa++; num = num - 60; } else if (num < 100) { snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/80"); num = num - 80; } else if (num < 200) { snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/hundred"); num = num - 100; } else if (num < 1000) { snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/%d", (num/100)); playh++; num = num % 100; } else if (num < 2000) { snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/thousand"); num = num - 1000; } else if (num < 1000000) { res = ast_say_number_full_fr(chan, num / 1000, ints, language, audiofd, ctrlfd); if (res) return res; snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/thousand"); num = num % 1000; } else if (num < 1000000000) { res = ast_say_number_full_fr(chan, num / 1000000, ints, language, audiofd, ctrlfd); if (res) return res; snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/million"); num = num % 1000000; } else { ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Number '%d' is too big for me\n", num); res = -1; } if (!res) { if(!ast_streamfile(chan, fn, language)) { if (audiofd && ctrlfd) res = ast_waitstream_full(chan, ints, audiofd, ctrlfd); else res = ast_waitstream(chan, ints); } ast_stopstream(chan); } } return res; } /*--- ast_say_number_full_it: Italian */ static int ast_say_number_full_it(struct ast_channel *chan, int num, char *ints, char *language, int audiofd, int ctrlfd) { int res = 0; int playh = 0; int tempnum = 0; char fn[256] = ""; if (!num) return ast_say_digits_full(chan, 0,ints, language, audiofd, ctrlfd); /* Italian support Like english, numbers up to 20 are a single 'word', and others compound, but with exceptions. For example 21 is not twenty-one, but there is a single word in 'it'. Idem for 28 (ie when a the 2nd part of a compund number starts with a vowel) There are exceptions also for hundred, thousand and million. In english 100 = one hundred, 200 is two hundred. In italian 100 = cento , like to say hundred (without one), 200 and more are like english. Same applies for thousand: 1000 is one thousand in en, 2000 is two thousand. In it we have 1000 = mille , 2000 = 2 mila For million(s) we use the plural, if more than one Also, one million is abbreviated in it, like on-million, or 'un milione', not 'uno milione'. So the right file is provided. */ while(!res && (num || playh)) { if (playh) { snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/hundred"); playh = 0; } else if (num < 20) { snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/%d", num); num = 0; } else if (num == 21) { snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/%d", num); num = 0; } else if (num == 28) { snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/%d", num); num = 0; } else if (num == 31) { snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/%d", num); num = 0; } else if (num == 38) { snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/%d", num); num = 0; } else if (num == 41) { snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/%d", num); num = 0; } else if (num == 48) { snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/%d", num); num = 0; } else if (num == 51) { snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/%d", num); num = 0; } else if (num == 58) { snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/%d", num); num = 0; } else if (num == 61) { snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/%d", num); num = 0; } else if (num == 68) { snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/%d", num); num = 0; } else if (num == 71) { snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/%d", num); num = 0; } else if (num == 78) { snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/%d", num); num = 0; } else if (num == 81) { snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/%d", num); num = 0; } else if (num == 88) { snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/%d", num); num = 0; } else if (num == 91) { snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/%d", num); num = 0; } else if (num == 98) { snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/%d", num); num = 0; } else if (num < 100) { snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/%d", (num /10) * 10); num -= ((num / 10) * 10); } else { if (num < 1000) { if ((num / 100) > 1) { snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/%d", (num/100)); playh++; } else { snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/hundred"); } num -= ((num / 100) * 100); } else { if (num < 1000000) { /* 1,000,000 */ if ((num/1000) > 1) res = ast_say_number_full(chan, num / 1000, ints, language, audiofd, ctrlfd); if (res) return res; tempnum = num; num = num % 1000; if ((tempnum / 1000) < 2) snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/thousand"); else /* for 1000 it says mille, for >1000 (eg 2000) says mila */ snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/thousands"); } else { if (num < 1000000000) { /* 1,000,000,000 */ if ((num / 1000000) > 1) res = ast_say_number_full(chan, num / 1000000, ints, language, audiofd, ctrlfd); if (res) return res; tempnum = num; num = num % 1000000; if ((tempnum / 1000000) < 2) snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/million"); else snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/millions"); } else { ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Number '%d' is too big for me\n", num); res = -1; } } } } if (!res) { if(!ast_streamfile(chan, fn, language)) { if (audiofd && ctrlfd) res = ast_waitstream_full(chan, ints, audiofd, ctrlfd); else res = ast_waitstream(chan, ints); } ast_stopstream(chan); } } return res; } /*--- ast_say_number_full_nl: dutch syntax */ /* New files: digits/nl-en */ static int ast_say_number_full_nl(struct ast_channel *chan, int num, char *ints, char *language, int audiofd, int ctrlfd) { int res = 0; int playh = 0; int units = 0; char fn[256] = ""; if (!num) return ast_say_digits_full(chan, 0,ints, language, audiofd, ctrlfd); while (!res && (num || playh )) { if (playh) { snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/hundred"); playh = 0; } else if (num < 20) { snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/%d", num); num = 0; } else if (num < 100) { units = num % 10; if (units > 0) { res = ast_say_number_full_nl(chan, units, ints, language, audiofd, ctrlfd); if (res) return res; num = num - units; snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/nl-en"); } else { snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/%d", num - units); num = 0; } } else { if (num < 1000) { snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/%d", (num/100)); playh++; num -= ((num / 100) * 100); } else { if (num < 1000000) { /* 1,000,000 */ res = ast_say_number_full_en(chan, num / 1000, ints, language, audiofd, ctrlfd); if (res) return res; num = num % 1000; snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/thousand"); } else { if (num < 1000000000) { /* 1,000,000,000 */ res = ast_say_number_full_en(chan, num / 1000000, ints, language, audiofd, ctrlfd); if (res) return res; num = num % 1000000; snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/million"); } else { ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Number '%d' is too big for me\n", num); res = -1; } } } } if (!res) { if(!ast_streamfile(chan, fn, language)) { if (audiofd && ctrlfd) res = ast_waitstream_full(chan, ints, audiofd, ctrlfd); else res = ast_waitstream(chan, ints); } ast_stopstream(chan); } } return res; } /* ast_say_number_full_pt: Portuguese syntax */ /* Extra sounds needed: */ /* For feminin all sound files end with F */ /* 100E for 100+ something */ /* 1000000S for plural */ /* pt-e for 'and' */ static int ast_say_number_full_pt(struct ast_channel *chan, int num, char *ints, char *language, char *options, int audiofd, int ctrlfd) { int res = 0; int playh = 0; int mf = 1; /* +1 = Masculin; -1 = Feminin */ char fn[256] = ""; if (!num) return ast_say_digits_full(chan, 0,ints, language, audiofd, ctrlfd); if (options && !strncasecmp(options, "f",1)) mf = -1; while(!res && num ) { if (num < 20) { if ((num == 1 || num == 2) && (mf < 0)) snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/%dF", num); else snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/%d", num); num = 0; } else if (num < 100) { snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/%d", (num / 10) * 10); if (num % 10) playh = 1; num = num % 10; } else if (num < 1000) { if (num == 100) snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/100"); else if (num < 200) snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/100E"); else { if (mf < 0 && num > 199) snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/%dF", (num / 100) * 100); else snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/%d", (num / 100) * 100); if (num % 100) playh = 1; } num = num % 100; } else if (num < 1000000) { if (num > 1999) { res = ast_say_number_full_pt(chan, (num / 1000) * mf, ints, language, options, audiofd, ctrlfd); if (res) return res; } snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/1000"); if ((num % 1000) && ((num % 1000) < 100 || !(num % 100))) playh = 1; num = num % 1000; } else if (num < 1000000000) { res = ast_say_number_full_pt(chan, (num / 1000000), ints, language, options, audiofd, ctrlfd ); if (res) return res; if (num < 2000000) snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/1000000"); else snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/1000000S"); if ((num % 1000000) && // no thousands ((!((num / 1000) % 1000) && ((num % 1000) < 100 || !(num % 100))) || // no hundreds and below (!(num % 1000) && (((num / 1000) % 1000) < 100 || !((num / 1000) % 100))) ) ) playh = 1; num = num % 1000000; } if (!res && playh) { res = wait_file(chan, ints, "digits/pt-e", language); ast_stopstream(chan); playh = 0; } if (!res) { if(!ast_streamfile(chan, fn, language)) { if (audiofd && ctrlfd) res = ast_waitstream_full(chan, ints, audiofd, ctrlfd); else res = ast_waitstream(chan, ints); } ast_stopstream(chan); } } return res; } int ast_say_date(struct ast_channel *chan, time_t t, char *ints, char *lang) { if (!strcasecmp(lang,"en") ) { /* English syntax */ return(ast_say_date_en(chan, t, ints, lang)); } else if (!strcasecmp(lang, "nl") ) { /* Dutch syntax */ return(ast_say_date_nl(chan, t, ints, lang)); } else if (!strcasecmp(lang, "pt") ) { /* Portuguese syntax */ return(ast_say_date_pt(chan, t, ints, lang)); } /* Default to English */ return(ast_say_date_en(chan, t, ints, lang)); } /* English syntax */ int ast_say_date_en(struct ast_channel *chan, time_t t, char *ints, char *lang) { struct tm tm; char fn[256]; int res = 0; ast_localtime(&t,&tm,NULL); if (!res) { snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/day-%d", tm.tm_wday); res = ast_streamfile(chan, fn, lang); if (!res) res = ast_waitstream(chan, ints); } if (!res) { snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/mon-%d", tm.tm_mon); res = ast_streamfile(chan, fn, lang); if (!res) res = ast_waitstream(chan, ints); } if (!res) res = ast_say_number(chan, tm.tm_mday, ints, lang, (char * ) NULL); if (!res) res = ast_waitstream(chan, ints); if (!res) res = ast_say_number(chan, tm.tm_year + 1900, ints, lang, (char *) NULL); return res; } /* Dutch syntax */ int ast_say_date_nl(struct ast_channel *chan, time_t t, char *ints, char *lang) { struct tm tm; char fn[256]; int res = 0; ast_localtime(&t,&tm,NULL); if (!res) { snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/day-%d", tm.tm_wday); res = ast_streamfile(chan, fn, lang); if (!res) res = ast_waitstream(chan, ints); } if (!res) res = ast_say_number(chan, tm.tm_mday, ints, lang, (char * ) NULL); if (!res) { snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/mon-%d", tm.tm_mon); res = ast_streamfile(chan, fn, lang); if (!res) res = ast_waitstream(chan, ints); } if (!res) res = ast_waitstream(chan, ints); if (!res) res = ast_say_number(chan, tm.tm_year + 1900, ints, lang, (char *) NULL); return res; } /* Portuguese syntax */ int ast_say_date_pt(struct ast_channel *chan, time_t t, char *ints, char *lang) { struct tm tm; char fn[256]; int res = 0; ast_localtime(&t,&tm,NULL); localtime_r(&t,&tm); snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/day-%d", tm.tm_wday); if (!res) res = wait_file(chan, ints, fn, lang); if (!res) res = ast_say_number(chan, tm.tm_mday, ints, lang, (char *) NULL); if (!res) res = wait_file(chan, ints, "digits/pt-de", lang); snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/mon-%d", tm.tm_mon); if (!res) res = wait_file(chan, ints, fn, lang); if (!res) res = wait_file(chan, ints, "digits/pt-de", lang); if (!res) res = ast_say_number(chan, tm.tm_year + 1900, ints, lang, (char *) NULL); return res; } int ast_say_date_with_format(struct ast_channel *chan, time_t time, char *ints, char *lang, char *format, char *timezone) { if (!strcasecmp(lang, "en") ) { /* English syntax */ return(ast_say_date_with_format_en(chan, time, ints, lang, format, timezone)); } else if (!strcasecmp(lang, "nl") ) { /* Dutch syntax */ return(ast_say_date_with_format_nl(chan, time, ints, lang, format, timezone)); } else if (!strcasecmp(lang, "pt") ) { /* Portuguese syntax */ return(ast_say_date_with_format_pt(chan, time, ints, lang, format, timezone)); } /* Default to English */ return(ast_say_date_with_format_en(chan, time, ints, lang, format, timezone)); } /* English syntax */ int ast_say_date_with_format_en(struct ast_channel *chan, time_t time, char *ints, char *lang, char *format, char *timezone) { struct tm tm; int res=0, offset, sndoffset; char sndfile[256], nextmsg[256]; ast_localtime(&time,&tm,timezone); for (offset=0 ; format[offset] != '\0' ; offset++) { ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Parsing %c (offset %d) in %s\n", format[offset], offset, format); switch (format[offset]) { /* NOTE: if you add more options here, please try to be consistent with strftime(3) */ case '\'': /* Literal name of a sound file */ sndoffset=0; for (sndoffset=0 ; (format[++offset] != '\'') && (sndoffset < 256) ; sndoffset++) sndfile[sndoffset] = format[offset]; sndfile[sndoffset] = '\0'; snprintf(nextmsg,sizeof(nextmsg), AST_SOUNDS "/%s", sndfile); res = wait_file(chan,ints,nextmsg,lang); break; case 'A': case 'a': /* Sunday - Saturday */ snprintf(nextmsg,sizeof(nextmsg), "digits/day-%d", tm.tm_wday); res = wait_file(chan,ints,nextmsg,lang); break; case 'B': case 'b': case 'h': /* January - December */ snprintf(nextmsg,sizeof(nextmsg), "digits/mon-%d", tm.tm_mon); res = wait_file(chan,ints,nextmsg,lang); break; case 'd': case 'e': /* First - Thirtyfirst */ if ((tm.tm_mday < 21) || (tm.tm_mday == 30)) { snprintf(nextmsg,sizeof(nextmsg), "digits/h-%d", tm.tm_mday); res = wait_file(chan,ints,nextmsg,lang); } else if (tm.tm_mday == 31) { /* "Thirty" and "first" */ res = wait_file(chan,ints, "digits/30",lang); if (!res) { res = wait_file(chan,ints, "digits/h-1",lang); } } else { /* Between 21 and 29 - two sounds */ res = wait_file(chan,ints, "digits/20",lang); if (!res) { snprintf(nextmsg,sizeof(nextmsg), "digits/%d", tm.tm_mday - 20); res = wait_file(chan,ints,nextmsg,lang); } } break; case 'Y': /* Year */ if (tm.tm_year > 99) { res = wait_file(chan,ints, "digits/2",lang); if (!res) { res = wait_file(chan,ints, "digits/thousand",lang); } if (tm.tm_year > 100) { if (!res) { /* This works until the end of 2020 */ snprintf(nextmsg,sizeof(nextmsg), "digits/%d", tm.tm_year - 100); res = wait_file(chan,ints,nextmsg,lang); } } } else { if (tm.tm_year < 1) { /* I'm not going to handle 1900 and prior */ /* We'll just be silent on the year, instead of bombing out. */ } else { res = wait_file(chan,ints, "digits/19",lang); if (!res) { if (tm.tm_year <= 9) { /* 1901 - 1909 */ res = wait_file(chan,ints, "digits/oh",lang); if (!res) { snprintf(nextmsg,sizeof(nextmsg), "digits/%d", tm.tm_year); res = wait_file(chan,ints,nextmsg,lang); } } else if (tm.tm_year <= 20) { /* 1910 - 1920 */ snprintf(nextmsg,sizeof(nextmsg), "digits/%d", tm.tm_year); res = wait_file(chan,ints,nextmsg,lang); } else { /* 1921 - 1999 */ int ten, one; ten = tm.tm_year / 10; one = tm.tm_year % 10; snprintf(nextmsg,sizeof(nextmsg), "digits/%d", ten * 10); res = wait_file(chan,ints,nextmsg,lang); if (!res) { if (one != 0) { snprintf(nextmsg,sizeof(nextmsg), "digits/%d", one); res = wait_file(chan,ints,nextmsg,lang); } } } } } } break; case 'I': case 'l': /* 12-Hour */ if (tm.tm_hour == 0) snprintf(nextmsg,sizeof(nextmsg), "digits/12"); else if (tm.tm_hour > 12) snprintf(nextmsg,sizeof(nextmsg), "digits/%d", tm.tm_hour - 12); else snprintf(nextmsg,sizeof(nextmsg), "digits/%d", tm.tm_hour); res = wait_file(chan,ints,nextmsg,lang); break; case 'H': case 'k': /* 24-Hour */ if (format[offset] == 'H') { /* e.g. oh-eight */ if (tm.tm_hour < 10) { res = wait_file(chan,ints, "digits/oh",lang); } } else { /* e.g. eight */ if (tm.tm_hour == 0) { res = wait_file(chan,ints, "digits/oh",lang); } } if (!res) { if (tm.tm_hour != 0) { int remainder = tm.tm_hour; if (tm.tm_hour > 20) { res = wait_file(chan,ints, "digits/20",lang); remainder -= 20; } if (!res) { snprintf(nextmsg,sizeof(nextmsg), "digits/%d", remainder); res = wait_file(chan,ints,nextmsg,lang); } } } break; case 'M': /* Minute */ if (tm.tm_min == 0) { res = wait_file(chan,ints, "digits/oclock",lang); } else if (tm.tm_min < 10) { res = wait_file(chan,ints, "digits/oh",lang); if (!res) { snprintf(nextmsg,sizeof(nextmsg), "digits/%d", tm.tm_min); res = wait_file(chan,ints,nextmsg,lang); } } else if ((tm.tm_min < 21) || (tm.tm_min % 10 == 0)) { snprintf(nextmsg,sizeof(nextmsg), "digits/%d", tm.tm_min); res = wait_file(chan,ints,nextmsg,lang); } else { int ten, one; ten = (tm.tm_min / 10) * 10; one = (tm.tm_min % 10); snprintf(nextmsg,sizeof(nextmsg), "digits/%d", ten); res = wait_file(chan,ints,nextmsg,lang); if (!res) { /* Fifty, not fifty-zero */ if (one != 0) { snprintf(nextmsg,sizeof(nextmsg), "digits/%d", one); res = wait_file(chan,ints,nextmsg,lang); } } } break; case 'P': case 'p': /* AM/PM */ if (tm.tm_hour > 11) snprintf(nextmsg,sizeof(nextmsg), "digits/p-m"); else snprintf(nextmsg,sizeof(nextmsg), "digits/a-m"); res = wait_file(chan,ints,nextmsg,lang); break; case 'Q': /* Shorthand for "Today", "Yesterday", or ABdY */ { struct timeval now; struct tm tmnow; time_t beg_today; gettimeofday(&now,NULL); ast_localtime(&now.tv_sec,&tmnow,timezone); /* This might be slightly off, if we transcend a leap second, but never more off than 1 second */ /* In any case, it saves not having to do ast_mktime() */ beg_today = now.tv_sec - (tmnow.tm_hour * 3600) - (tmnow.tm_min * 60) - (tmnow.tm_sec); if (beg_today < time) { /* Today */ res = wait_file(chan,ints, "digits/today",lang); } else if (beg_today - 86400 < time) { /* Yesterday */ res = wait_file(chan,ints, "digits/yesterday",lang); } else { res = ast_say_date_with_format(chan, time, ints, lang, "ABdY", timezone); } } break; case 'q': /* Shorthand for "" (today), "Yesterday", A (weekday), or ABdY */ { struct timeval now; struct tm tmnow; time_t beg_today; gettimeofday(&now,NULL); ast_localtime(&now.tv_sec,&tmnow,timezone); /* This might be slightly off, if we transcend a leap second, but never more off than 1 second */ /* In any case, it saves not having to do ast_mktime() */ beg_today = now.tv_sec - (tmnow.tm_hour * 3600) - (tmnow.tm_min * 60) - (tmnow.tm_sec); if (beg_today < time) { /* Today */ } else if ((beg_today - 86400) < time) { /* Yesterday */ res = wait_file(chan,ints, "digits/yesterday",lang); } else if (beg_today - 86400 * 6 < time) { /* Within the last week */ res = ast_say_date_with_format(chan, time, ints, lang, "A", timezone); } else { res = ast_say_date_with_format(chan, time, ints, lang, "ABdY", timezone); } } break; case 'R': res = ast_say_date_with_format(chan, time, ints, lang, "HM", timezone); break; case 'S': /* Seconds */ if (tm.tm_sec == 0) { snprintf(nextmsg,sizeof(nextmsg), "digits/%d", tm.tm_sec); res = wait_file(chan,ints,nextmsg,lang); } else if (tm.tm_sec < 10) { res = wait_file(chan,ints, "digits/oh",lang); if (!res) { snprintf(nextmsg,sizeof(nextmsg), "digits/%d", tm.tm_sec); res = wait_file(chan,ints,nextmsg,lang); } } else if ((tm.tm_sec < 21) || (tm.tm_sec % 10 == 0)) { snprintf(nextmsg,sizeof(nextmsg), "digits/%d", tm.tm_sec); res = wait_file(chan,ints,nextmsg,lang); } else { int ten, one; ten = (tm.tm_sec / 10) * 10; one = (tm.tm_sec % 10); snprintf(nextmsg,sizeof(nextmsg), "digits/%d", ten); res = wait_file(chan,ints,nextmsg,lang); if (!res) { /* Fifty, not fifty-zero */ if (one != 0) { snprintf(nextmsg,sizeof(nextmsg), "digits/%d", one); res = wait_file(chan,ints,nextmsg,lang); } } } break; case 'T': res = ast_say_date_with_format(chan, time, ints, lang, "HMS", timezone); break; case ' ': case ' ': /* Just ignore spaces and tabs */ break; default: /* Unknown character */ ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unknown character in datetime format %s: %c at pos %d\n", format, format[offset], offset); } /* Jump out on DTMF */ if (res) { break; } } return res; } /* Dutch syntax */ int ast_say_date_with_format_nl(struct ast_channel *chan, time_t time, char *ints, char *lang, char *format, char *timezone) { struct tm tm; int res=0, offset, sndoffset; char sndfile[256], nextmsg[256]; ast_localtime(&time,&tm,timezone); for (offset=0 ; format[offset] != '\0' ; offset++) { ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Parsing %c (offset %d) in %s\n", format[offset], offset, format); switch (format[offset]) { /* NOTE: if you add more options here, please try to be consistent with strftime(3) */ case '\'': /* Literal name of a sound file */ sndoffset=0; for (sndoffset=0 ; (format[++offset] != '\'') && (sndoffset < 256) ; sndoffset++) sndfile[sndoffset] = format[offset]; sndfile[sndoffset] = '\0'; snprintf(nextmsg,sizeof(nextmsg), AST_SOUNDS "/%s", sndfile); res = wait_file(chan,ints,nextmsg,lang); break; case 'A': case 'a': /* Sunday - Saturday */ snprintf(nextmsg,sizeof(nextmsg), "digits/day-%d", tm.tm_wday); res = wait_file(chan,ints,nextmsg,lang); break; case 'B': case 'b': case 'h': /* January - December */ snprintf(nextmsg,sizeof(nextmsg), "digits/mon-%d", tm.tm_mon); res = wait_file(chan,ints,nextmsg,lang); break; case 'd': case 'e': /* First - Thirtyfirst */ res = ast_say_number(chan, tm.tm_mday, ints, lang, NULL); break; case 'Y': /* Year */ if (tm.tm_year > 99) { res = wait_file(chan,ints, "digits/2",lang); if (!res) { res = wait_file(chan,ints, "digits/thousand",lang); } if (tm.tm_year > 100) { if (!res) { /* This works until the end of 2020 */ snprintf(nextmsg,sizeof(nextmsg), "digits/%d", tm.tm_year - 100); res = wait_file(chan,ints,nextmsg,lang); } } } else { if (tm.tm_year < 1) { /* I'm not going to handle 1900 and prior */ /* We'll just be silent on the year, instead of bombing out. */ } else { res = wait_file(chan,ints, "digits/19",lang); if (!res) { if (tm.tm_year <= 9) { /* 1901 - 1909 */ res = wait_file(chan,ints, "digits/oh",lang); if (!res) { snprintf(nextmsg,sizeof(nextmsg), "digits/%d", tm.tm_year); res = wait_file(chan,ints,nextmsg,lang); } } else if (tm.tm_year <= 20) { /* 1910 - 1920 */ snprintf(nextmsg,sizeof(nextmsg), "digits/%d", tm.tm_year); res = wait_file(chan,ints,nextmsg,lang); } else { /* 1921 - 1999 */ int ten, one; ten = tm.tm_year / 10; one = tm.tm_year % 10; snprintf(nextmsg,sizeof(nextmsg), "digits/%d", ten * 10); res = wait_file(chan,ints,nextmsg,lang); if (!res) { if (one != 0) { snprintf(nextmsg,sizeof(nextmsg), "digits/%d", one); res = wait_file(chan,ints,nextmsg,lang); } } } } } } break; case 'I': case 'l': /* 12-Hour */ if (tm.tm_hour == 0) snprintf(nextmsg,sizeof(nextmsg), "digits/12"); else if (tm.tm_hour > 12) snprintf(nextmsg,sizeof(nextmsg), "digits/%d", tm.tm_hour - 12); else snprintf(nextmsg,sizeof(nextmsg), "digits/%d", tm.tm_hour); res = wait_file(chan,ints,nextmsg,lang); break; case 'H': case 'k': /* 24-Hour */ res = ast_say_number(chan, tm.tm_hour, ints, lang, (char *) NULL); if (!res) { res = wait_file(chan,ints, "digits/nl-uur",lang); } break; case 'M': /* Minute */ res = ast_say_number(chan, tm.tm_min, ints, lang, (char *) NULL); break; case 'P': case 'p': /* AM/PM */ if (tm.tm_hour > 11) snprintf(nextmsg,sizeof(nextmsg), "digits/p-m"); else snprintf(nextmsg,sizeof(nextmsg), "digits/a-m"); res = wait_file(chan,ints,nextmsg,lang); break; case 'Q': /* Shorthand for "Today", "Yesterday", or ABdY */ { struct timeval now; struct tm tmnow; time_t beg_today; gettimeofday(&now,NULL); ast_localtime(&now.tv_sec,&tmnow,timezone); /* This might be slightly off, if we transcend a leap second, but never more off than 1 second */ /* In any case, it saves not having to do ast_mktime() */ beg_today = now.tv_sec - (tmnow.tm_hour * 3600) - (tmnow.tm_min * 60) - (tmnow.tm_sec); if (beg_today < time) { /* Today */ res = wait_file(chan,ints, "digits/today",lang); } else if (beg_today - 86400 < time) { /* Yesterday */ res = wait_file(chan,ints, "digits/yesterday",lang); } else { res = ast_say_date_with_format(chan, time, ints, lang, "ABdY", timezone); } } break; case 'q': /* Shorthand for "" (today), "Yesterday", A (weekday), or ABdY */ { struct timeval now; struct tm tmnow; time_t beg_today; gettimeofday(&now,NULL); ast_localtime(&now.tv_sec,&tmnow,timezone); /* This might be slightly off, if we transcend a leap second, but never more off than 1 second */ /* In any case, it saves not having to do ast_mktime() */ beg_today = now.tv_sec - (tmnow.tm_hour * 3600) - (tmnow.tm_min * 60) - (tmnow.tm_sec); if (beg_today < time) { /* Today */ } else if ((beg_today - 86400) < time) { /* Yesterday */ res = wait_file(chan,ints, "digits/yesterday",lang); } else if (beg_today - 86400 * 6 < time) { /* Within the last week */ res = ast_say_date_with_format(chan, time, ints, lang, "A", timezone); } else { res = ast_say_date_with_format(chan, time, ints, lang, "ABdY", timezone); } } break; case 'R': res = ast_say_date_with_format(chan, time, ints, lang, "HM", timezone); break; case 'S': /* Seconds */ if (tm.tm_sec == 0) { snprintf(nextmsg,sizeof(nextmsg), "digits/%d", tm.tm_sec); res = wait_file(chan,ints,nextmsg,lang); } else if (tm.tm_sec < 10) { res = wait_file(chan,ints, "digits/oh",lang); if (!res) { snprintf(nextmsg,sizeof(nextmsg), "digits/%d", tm.tm_sec); res = wait_file(chan,ints,nextmsg,lang); } } else if ((tm.tm_sec < 21) || (tm.tm_sec % 10 == 0)) { snprintf(nextmsg,sizeof(nextmsg), "digits/%d", tm.tm_sec); res = wait_file(chan,ints,nextmsg,lang); } else { int ten, one; ten = (tm.tm_sec / 10) * 10; one = (tm.tm_sec % 10); snprintf(nextmsg,sizeof(nextmsg), "digits/%d", ten); res = wait_file(chan,ints,nextmsg,lang); if (!res) { /* Fifty, not fifty-zero */ if (one != 0) { snprintf(nextmsg,sizeof(nextmsg), "digits/%d", one); res = wait_file(chan,ints,nextmsg,lang); } } } break; case 'T': res = ast_say_date_with_format(chan, time, ints, lang, "HMS", timezone); break; case ' ': case ' ': /* Just ignore spaces and tabs */ break; default: /* Unknown character */ ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unknown character in datetime format %s: %c at pos %d\n", format, format[offset], offset); } /* Jump out on DTMF */ if (res) { break; } } return res; } /* Portuguese syntax */ int ast_say_date_with_format_pt(struct ast_channel *chan, time_t time, char *ints, char *lang, char *format, char *timezone) { struct tm tm; int res=0, offset, sndoffset; char sndfile[256], nextmsg[256]; ast_localtime(&time,&tm,timezone); for (offset=0 ; format[offset] != '\0' ; offset++) { ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Parsing %c (offset %d) in %s\n", format[offset], offset, format); switch (format[offset]) { /* NOTE: if you add more options here, please try to be consistent with strftime(3) */ case '\'': /* Literal name of a sound file */ sndoffset=0; for (sndoffset=0 ; (format[++offset] != '\'') && (sndoffset < 256) ; sndoffset++) sndfile[sndoffset] = format[offset]; sndfile[sndoffset] = '\0'; snprintf(nextmsg,sizeof(nextmsg), "%s", sndfile); res = wait_file(chan,ints,nextmsg,lang); break; case 'A': case 'a': /* Sunday - Saturday */ snprintf(nextmsg,sizeof(nextmsg), "digits/day-%d", tm.tm_wday); res = wait_file(chan,ints,nextmsg,lang); break; case 'B': case 'b': case 'h': /* January - December */ snprintf(nextmsg,sizeof(nextmsg), "digits/mon-%d", tm.tm_mon); res = wait_file(chan,ints,nextmsg,lang); break; case 'd': case 'e': /* First - Thirtyfirst */ res = ast_say_number(chan, tm.tm_mday, ints, lang, (char *) NULL); break; case 'Y': /* Year */ res = ast_say_number(chan, tm.tm_year + 1900, ints, lang, (char *) NULL); break; case 'I': case 'l': /* 12-Hour */ if (tm.tm_hour == 0) { if (format[offset] == 'I') res = wait_file(chan, ints, "digits/pt-ah", lang); if (!res) res = wait_file(chan, ints, "digits/pt-meianoite", lang); } else if (tm.tm_hour == 12) { if (format[offset] == 'I') res = wait_file(chan, ints, "digits/pt-ao", lang); if (!res) res = wait_file(chan, ints, "digits/pt-meiodia", lang); } else { if (format[offset] == 'I') { res = wait_file(chan, ints, "digits/pt-ah", lang); if ((tm.tm_hour % 12) != 1) if (!res) res = wait_file(chan, ints, "digits/pt-sss", lang); } if (!res) res = ast_say_number(chan, (tm.tm_hour % 12), ints, lang, "f"); } break; case 'H': case 'k': /* 24-Hour */ res = ast_say_number(chan, -tm.tm_hour, ints, lang, NULL); if (!res) { if (tm.tm_hour != 0) { int remainder = tm.tm_hour; if (tm.tm_hour > 20) { res = wait_file(chan,ints, "digits/20",lang); remainder -= 20; } if (!res) { snprintf(nextmsg,sizeof(nextmsg), "digits/%d", remainder); res = wait_file(chan,ints,nextmsg,lang); } } } break; case 'M': /* Minute */ if (tm.tm_min == 0) { res = wait_file(chan, ints, "digits/pt-hora", lang); if (tm.tm_hour != 1) if (!res) res = wait_file(chan, ints, "digits/pt-sss", lang); } else { res = wait_file(chan,ints,"digits/pt-e",lang); if (!res) res = ast_say_number(chan, tm.tm_min, ints, lang, (char *) NULL); } break; case 'P': case 'p': /* AM/PM */ if (tm.tm_hour > 12) res = wait_file(chan, ints, "digits/p-m", lang); else if (tm.tm_hour && tm.tm_hour < 12) res = wait_file(chan, ints, "digits/a-m", lang); break; case 'Q': /* Shorthand for "Today", "Yesterday", or ABdY */ { struct timeval now; struct tm tmnow; time_t beg_today; gettimeofday(&now,NULL); ast_localtime(&now.tv_sec,&tmnow,timezone); /* This might be slightly off, if we transcend a leap second, but never more off than 1 second */ /* In any case, it saves not having to do ast_mktime() */ beg_today = now.tv_sec - (tmnow.tm_hour * 3600) - (tmnow.tm_min * 60) - (tmnow.tm_sec); if (beg_today < time) { /* Today */ res = wait_file(chan,ints, "digits/today",lang); } else if (beg_today - 86400 < time) { /* Yesterday */ res = wait_file(chan,ints, "digits/yesterday",lang); } else { res = ast_say_date_with_format(chan, time, ints, lang, "Ad 'digits/pt-de' B 'digits/pt-de' Y", timezone); } } break; case 'q': /* Shorthand for "" (today), "Yesterday", A (weekday), or ABdY */ { struct timeval now; struct tm tmnow; time_t beg_today; gettimeofday(&now,NULL); ast_localtime(&now.tv_sec,&tmnow,timezone); /* This might be slightly off, if we transcend a leap second, but never more off than 1 second */ /* In any case, it saves not having to do ast_mktime() */ beg_today = now.tv_sec - (tmnow.tm_hour * 3600) - (tmnow.tm_min * 60) - (tmnow.tm_sec); if (beg_today < time) { /* Today */ } else if ((beg_today - 86400) < time) { /* Yesterday */ res = wait_file(chan,ints, "digits/yesterday",lang); } else if (beg_today - 86400 * 6 < time) { /* Within the last week */ res = ast_say_date_with_format(chan, time, ints, lang, "A", timezone); } else { res = ast_say_date_with_format(chan, time, ints, lang, "Ad 'digits/pt-de' B 'digits/pt-de' Y", timezone); } } break; case 'R': res = ast_say_date_with_format(chan, time, ints, lang, "H 'digits/pt-e' M", timezone); break; case 'S': /* Seconds */ if (tm.tm_sec == 0) { snprintf(nextmsg,sizeof(nextmsg), "digits/%d", tm.tm_sec); res = wait_file(chan,ints,nextmsg,lang); } else if (tm.tm_sec < 10) { res = wait_file(chan,ints, "digits/oh",lang); if (!res) { snprintf(nextmsg,sizeof(nextmsg), "digits/%d", tm.tm_sec); res = wait_file(chan,ints,nextmsg,lang); } } else if ((tm.tm_sec < 21) || (tm.tm_sec % 10 == 0)) { snprintf(nextmsg,sizeof(nextmsg), "digits/%d", tm.tm_sec); res = wait_file(chan,ints,nextmsg,lang); } else { int ten, one; ten = (tm.tm_sec / 10) * 10; one = (tm.tm_sec % 10); snprintf(nextmsg,sizeof(nextmsg), "digits/%d", ten); res = wait_file(chan,ints,nextmsg,lang); if (!res) { /* Fifty, not fifty-zero */ if (one != 0) { snprintf(nextmsg,sizeof(nextmsg), "digits/%d", one); res = wait_file(chan,ints,nextmsg,lang); } } } break; case 'T': res = ast_say_date_with_format(chan, time, ints, lang, "HMS", timezone); break; case ' ': case ' ': /* Just ignore spaces and tabs */ break; default: /* Unknown character */ ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unknown character in datetime format %s: %c at pos %d\n", format, format[offset], offset); } /* Jump out on DTMF */ if (res) { break; } } return res; } int ast_say_time(struct ast_channel *chan, time_t t, char *ints, char *lang) { if (!strcasecmp(lang, "en") ) { /* English syntax */ return(ast_say_time_en(chan, t, ints, lang)); } else if (!strcasecmp(lang, "nl") ) { /* Dutch syntax */ return(ast_say_time_nl(chan, t, ints, lang)); } else if (!strcasecmp(lang, "pt") ) { /* Portuguese syntax */ return(ast_say_time_pt(chan, t, ints, lang)); } /* Default to English */ return(ast_say_time_en(chan, t, ints, lang)); } /* English syntax */ int ast_say_time_en(struct ast_channel *chan, time_t t, char *ints, char *lang) { struct tm tm; int res = 0; int hour, pm=0; localtime_r(&t,&tm); hour = tm.tm_hour; if (!hour) hour = 12; else if (hour == 12) pm = 1; else if (hour > 12) { hour -= 12; pm = 1; } if (!res) res = ast_say_number(chan, hour, ints, lang, (char *) NULL); if (tm.tm_min > 9) { if (!res) res = ast_say_number(chan, tm.tm_min, ints, lang, (char *) NULL); } else if (tm.tm_min) { if (!res) res = ast_streamfile(chan, "digits/oh", lang); if (!res) res = ast_waitstream(chan, ints); if (!res) res = ast_say_number(chan, tm.tm_min, ints, lang, (char *) NULL); } else { if (!res) res = ast_streamfile(chan, "digits/oclock", lang); if (!res) res = ast_waitstream(chan, ints); } if (pm) { if (!res) res = ast_streamfile(chan, "digits/p-m", lang); } else { if (!res) res = ast_streamfile(chan, "digits/a-m", lang); } if (!res) res = ast_waitstream(chan, ints); return res; } /* Dutch syntax */ int ast_say_time_nl(struct ast_channel *chan, time_t t, char *ints, char *lang) { struct tm tm; int res = 0; int hour; localtime_r(&t,&tm); hour = tm.tm_hour; if (!res) res = ast_say_number(chan, hour, ints, lang, (char *) NULL); if (!res) res = ast_streamfile(chan, "digits/nl-uur", lang); if (!res) res = ast_waitstream(chan, ints); if (!res) if (tm.tm_min > 0) res = ast_say_number(chan, tm.tm_min, ints, lang, NULL); return res; } /* Portuguese syntax */ int ast_say_time_pt(struct ast_channel *chan, time_t t, char *ints, char *lang) { struct tm tm; int res = 0; int hour; localtime_r(&t,&tm); hour = tm.tm_hour; if (!res) res = ast_say_number(chan, hour, ints, lang, "f"); if (tm.tm_min) { if (!res) res = wait_file(chan, ints, "digits/pt-e", lang); if (!res) res = ast_say_number(chan, tm.tm_min, ints, lang, (char *) NULL); } else { if (!res) res = wait_file(chan, ints, "digits/pt-hora", lang); if (tm.tm_hour != 1) if (!res) res = wait_file(chan, ints, "digits/pt-sss", lang); } if (!res) res = ast_say_number(chan, hour, ints, lang, (char *) NULL); return res; } int ast_say_datetime(struct ast_channel *chan, time_t t, char *ints, char *lang) { if (!strcasecmp(lang, "en") ) { /* English syntax */ return(ast_say_datetime_en(chan, t, ints, lang)); } else if (!strcasecmp(lang, "nl") ) { /* Dutch syntax */ return(ast_say_datetime_nl(chan, t, ints, lang)); } else if (!strcasecmp(lang, "pt") ) { /* Portuguese syntax */ return(ast_say_datetime_pt(chan, t, ints, lang)); } /* Default to English */ return(ast_say_datetime_en(chan, t, ints, lang)); } /* English syntax */ int ast_say_datetime_en(struct ast_channel *chan, time_t t, char *ints, char *lang) { struct tm tm; char fn[256]; int res = 0; int hour, pm=0; localtime_r(&t,&tm); if (!res) { snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/day-%d", tm.tm_wday); res = ast_streamfile(chan, fn, lang); if (!res) res = ast_waitstream(chan, ints); } if (!res) { snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/mon-%d", tm.tm_mon); res = ast_streamfile(chan, fn, lang); if (!res) res = ast_waitstream(chan, ints); } if (!res) res = ast_say_number(chan, tm.tm_mday, ints, lang, (char *) NULL); hour = tm.tm_hour; if (!hour) hour = 12; else if (hour == 12) pm = 1; else if (hour > 12) { hour -= 12; pm = 1; } if (!res) res = ast_say_number(chan, hour, ints, lang, (char *) NULL); if (tm.tm_min > 9) { if (!res) res = ast_say_number(chan, tm.tm_min, ints, lang, (char *) NULL); } else if (tm.tm_min) { if (!res) res = ast_streamfile(chan, "digits/oh", lang); if (!res) res = ast_waitstream(chan, ints); if (!res) res = ast_say_number(chan, tm.tm_min, ints, lang, (char *) NULL); } else { if (!res) res = ast_streamfile(chan, "digits/oclock", lang); if (!res) res = ast_waitstream(chan, ints); } if (pm) { if (!res) res = ast_streamfile(chan, "digits/p-m", lang); } else { if (!res) res = ast_streamfile(chan, "digits/a-m", lang); } if (!res) res = ast_waitstream(chan, ints); if (!res) res = ast_say_number(chan, tm.tm_year + 1900, ints, lang, (char *) NULL); return res; } /* Dutch syntax */ int ast_say_datetime_nl(struct ast_channel *chan, time_t t, char *ints, char *lang) { struct tm tm; int res = 0; localtime_r(&t,&tm); res = ast_say_date(chan, t, ints, lang); if (!res) { res = ast_streamfile(chan, "digits/nl-om", lang); if (!res) res = ast_waitstream(chan, ints); } if (!res) ast_say_time(chan, t, ints, lang); return res; } /* Portuguese syntax */ int ast_say_datetime_pt(struct ast_channel *chan, time_t t, char *ints, char *lang) { struct tm tm; char fn[256]; int res = 0; int hour, pm=0; localtime_r(&t,&tm); if (!res) { snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/day-%d", tm.tm_wday); res = ast_streamfile(chan, fn, lang); if (!res) res = ast_waitstream(chan, ints); } if (!res) { snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/mon-%d", tm.tm_mon); res = ast_streamfile(chan, fn, lang); if (!res) res = ast_waitstream(chan, ints); } if (!res) res = ast_say_number(chan, tm.tm_mday, ints, lang, (char *) NULL); hour = tm.tm_hour; if (!hour) hour = 12; else if (hour == 12) pm = 1; else if (hour > 12) { hour -= 12; pm = 1; } if (!res) res = ast_say_number(chan, hour, ints, lang, (char *) NULL); if (tm.tm_min > 9) { if (!res) res = ast_say_number(chan, tm.tm_min, ints, lang, (char *) NULL); } else if (tm.tm_min) { if (!res) res = ast_streamfile(chan, "digits/oh", lang); if (!res) res = ast_waitstream(chan, ints); if (!res) res = ast_say_number(chan, tm.tm_min, ints, lang, (char *) NULL); } else { if (!res) res = ast_streamfile(chan, "digits/oclock", lang); if (!res) res = ast_waitstream(chan, ints); } if (pm) { if (!res) res = ast_streamfile(chan, "digits/p-m", lang); } else { if (!res) res = ast_streamfile(chan, "digits/a-m", lang); } if (!res) res = ast_waitstream(chan, ints); if (!res) res = ast_say_number(chan, tm.tm_year + 1900, ints, lang, (char *) NULL); return res; } int ast_say_datetime_from_now(struct ast_channel *chan, time_t t, char *ints, char *lang) { if (!strcasecmp(lang, "en") ) { /* English syntax */ return(ast_say_datetime_from_now_en(chan, t, ints, lang)); } else if (!strcasecmp(lang, "pt") ) { /* Portuguese syntax */ return(ast_say_datetime_from_now_pt(chan, t, ints, lang)); } /* Default to English */ return(ast_say_datetime_from_now_en(chan, t, ints, lang)); } /* English syntax */ int ast_say_datetime_from_now_en(struct ast_channel *chan, time_t t, char *ints, char *lang) { int res=0; time_t nowt; int daydiff; struct tm tm; struct tm now; char fn[256]; time(&nowt); localtime_r(&t,&tm); localtime_r(&nowt,&now); daydiff = now.tm_yday - tm.tm_yday; if ((daydiff < 0) || (daydiff > 6)) { /* Day of month and month */ if (!res) { snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/mon-%d", tm.tm_mon); res = ast_streamfile(chan, fn, lang); if (!res) res = ast_waitstream(chan, ints); } if (!res) res = ast_say_number(chan, tm.tm_mday, ints, lang, (char *) NULL); } else if (daydiff) { /* Just what day of the week */ if (!res) { snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/day-%d", tm.tm_wday); res = ast_streamfile(chan, fn, lang); if (!res) res = ast_waitstream(chan, ints); } } /* Otherwise, it was today */ if (!res) res = ast_say_time(chan, t, ints, lang); return res; } /* Portuguese syntax */ int ast_say_datetime_from_now_pt(struct ast_channel *chan, time_t t, char *ints, char *lang) { int res=0; time_t nowt; int daydiff; struct tm tm; struct tm now; char fn[256]; time(&nowt); localtime_r(&t,&tm); localtime_r(&nowt,&now); daydiff = now.tm_yday - tm.tm_yday; if ((daydiff < 0) || (daydiff > 6)) { /* Day of month and month */ if (!res) res = ast_say_number(chan, tm.tm_mday, ints, lang, (char *) NULL); if (!res) res = wait_file(chan, ints, "digits/pt-de", lang); snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/mon-%d", tm.tm_mon); if (!res) res = wait_file(chan, ints, fn, lang); } else if (daydiff) { /* Just what day of the week */ snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/day-%d", tm.tm_wday); if (!res) res = wait_file(chan, ints, fn, lang); } /* Otherwise, it was today */ snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/pt-ah"); if (!res) res = wait_file(chan, ints, fn, lang); if (tm.tm_hour != 1) if (!res) res = wait_file(chan, ints, "digits/pt-sss", lang); if (!res) res = ast_say_time(chan, t, ints, lang); return res; }