/* * Asterisk -- An open source telephony toolkit. * * Copyright (C) 2006, Digium, Inc. * * Joshua Colp * * See http://www.asterisk.org for more information about * the Asterisk project. Please do not directly contact * any of the maintainers of this project for assistance; * the project provides a web site, mailing lists and IRC * channels for your use. * * This program is free software, distributed under the terms of * the GNU General Public License Version 2. See the LICENSE file * at the top of the source tree. */ /*! \file * * \brief Generic Speech Recognition API * * \author Joshua Colp */ #include "asterisk.h" ASTERISK_FILE_VERSION(__FILE__, "$Revision$"); #include #include #include #include #include "asterisk/channel.h" #include "asterisk/module.h" #include "asterisk/lock.h" #include "asterisk/linkedlists.h" #include "asterisk/cli.h" #include "asterisk/term.h" #include "asterisk/options.h" #include "asterisk/speech.h" static AST_LIST_HEAD_STATIC(engines, ast_speech_engine); static struct ast_speech_engine *default_engine = NULL; /*! \brief Find a speech recognition engine of specified name, if NULL then use the default one */ static struct ast_speech_engine *find_engine(char *engine_name) { struct ast_speech_engine *engine = NULL; /* If no name is specified -- use the default engine */ if (engine_name == NULL || strlen(engine_name) == 0) { return default_engine; } AST_LIST_LOCK(&engines); AST_LIST_TRAVERSE_SAFE_BEGIN(&engines, engine, list) { if (!strcasecmp(engine->name, engine_name)) { break; } } AST_LIST_TRAVERSE_SAFE_END AST_LIST_UNLOCK(&engines); return engine; } /*! \brief Activate a loaded (either local or global) grammar */ int ast_speech_grammar_activate(struct ast_speech *speech, char *grammar_name) { int res = 0; if (speech->engine->activate != NULL) { res = speech->engine->activate(speech, grammar_name); } return res; } /*! \brief Deactivate a loaded grammar on a speech structure */ int ast_speech_grammar_deactivate(struct ast_speech *speech, char *grammar_name) { int res = 0; if (speech->engine->deactivate != NULL) { res = speech->engine->deactivate(speech, grammar_name); } return res; } /*! \brief Load a local grammar on a speech structure */ int ast_speech_grammar_load(struct ast_speech *speech, char *grammar_name, char *grammar) { int res = 0; if (speech->engine->load != NULL) { res = speech->engine->load(speech, grammar_name, grammar); } return res; } /*! \brief Unload a local grammar from a speech structure */ int ast_speech_grammar_unload(struct ast_speech *speech, char *grammar_name) { int res = 0; if (speech->engine->unload != NULL) { res = speech->engine->unload(speech, grammar_name); } return res; } /*! \brief Return the results of a recognition from the speech structure */ struct ast_speech_result *ast_speech_results_get(struct ast_speech *speech) { struct ast_speech_result *result = NULL; if (speech->engine->get != NULL) { result = speech->engine->get(speech); } return result; } /*! \brief Free a list of results */ int ast_speech_results_free(struct ast_speech_result *result) { struct ast_speech_result *current_result = result, *prev_result = NULL; int res = 0; while (current_result != NULL) { prev_result = current_result; /* Deallocate what we can */ if (current_result->text != NULL) { free(current_result->text); current_result->text = NULL; } if (current_result->grammar != NULL) { free(current_result->grammar); current_result->grammar = NULL; } /* Move on and then free ourselves */ current_result = current_result->next; free(prev_result); prev_result = NULL; } return res; } /*! \brief Start speech recognition on a speech structure */ void ast_speech_start(struct ast_speech *speech) { /* Clear any flags that may affect things */ ast_clear_flag(speech, AST_SPEECH_SPOKE); /* If results are on the structure, free them since we are starting again */ if (speech->results != NULL) { ast_speech_results_free(speech->results); speech->results = NULL; } /* If the engine needs to start stuff up, do it */ if (speech->engine->start != NULL) { speech->engine->start(speech); } return; } /*! \brief Write in signed linear audio to be recognized */ int ast_speech_write(struct ast_speech *speech, void *data, int len) { int res = 0; /* Make sure the speech engine is ready to accept audio */ if (speech->state != AST_SPEECH_STATE_READY) { return -1; } if (speech->engine->write != NULL) { speech->engine->write(speech, data, len); } return res; } /*! \brief Change an engine specific attribute */ int ast_speech_change(struct ast_speech *speech, char *name, const char *value) { int res = 0; if (speech->engine->change != NULL) { res = speech->engine->change(speech, name, value); } return res; } /*! \brief Create a new speech structure using the engine specified */ struct ast_speech *ast_speech_new(char *engine_name, int format) { struct ast_speech_engine *engine = NULL; struct ast_speech *new_speech = NULL; /* Try to find the speech recognition engine that was requested */ engine = find_engine(engine_name); if (engine == NULL) { /* Invalid engine or no engine available */ return NULL; } /* Allocate our own speech structure, and try to allocate a structure from the engine too */ new_speech = ast_calloc(1, sizeof(*new_speech)); if (new_speech == NULL) { /* Ran out of memory while trying to allocate some for a speech structure */ return NULL; } /* Initialize the lock */ ast_mutex_init(&new_speech->lock); /* Make sure no results are present */ new_speech->results = NULL; /* Copy over our engine pointer */ new_speech->engine = engine; /* We are not ready to accept audio yet */ ast_speech_change_state(new_speech, AST_SPEECH_STATE_NOT_READY); /* Pass ourselves to the engine so they can set us up some more and if they error out then do not create a structure */ if (engine->new(new_speech)) { ast_mutex_destroy(&new_speech->lock); free(new_speech); new_speech = NULL; } return new_speech; } /*! \brief Destroy a speech structure */ int ast_speech_destroy(struct ast_speech *speech) { int res = 0; /* Call our engine so we are destroyed properly */ speech->engine->destroy(speech); /* Deinitialize the lock */ ast_mutex_destroy(&speech->lock); /* If results exist on the speech structure, destroy them */ if (speech->results != NULL) { ast_speech_results_free(speech->results); speech->results = NULL; } /* If a processing sound is set - free the memory used by it */ if (speech->processing_sound != NULL) { free(speech->processing_sound); speech->processing_sound = NULL; } /* Aloha we are done */ free(speech); speech = NULL; return res; } /*! \brief Change state of a speech structure */ int ast_speech_change_state(struct ast_speech *speech, int state) { int res = 0; switch (state) { case AST_SPEECH_STATE_WAIT: /* The engine heard audio, so they spoke */ ast_set_flag(speech, AST_SPEECH_SPOKE); default: speech->state = state; break; } return res; } /*! \brief Register a speech recognition engine */ int ast_speech_register(struct ast_speech_engine *engine) { struct ast_speech_engine *existing_engine = NULL; int res = 0; existing_engine = find_engine(engine->name); if (existing_engine != NULL) { /* Engine already loaded */ return -1; } if (option_verbose > 1) ast_verbose(VERBOSE_PREFIX_2 "Registered speech recognition engine '%s'\n", engine->name); /* Add to the engine linked list and make default if needed */ AST_LIST_LOCK(&engines); AST_LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&engines, engine, list); if (default_engine == NULL) { default_engine = engine; if (option_verbose > 1) ast_verbose(VERBOSE_PREFIX_2 "Made '%s' the default speech recognition engine\n", engine->name); } AST_LIST_UNLOCK(&engines); return res; } /*! \brief Unregister a speech recognition engine */ int ast_speech_unregister(char *engine_name) { struct ast_speech_engine *engine = NULL; int res = -1; if (engine_name == NULL) { return res; } AST_LIST_LOCK(&engines); AST_LIST_TRAVERSE_SAFE_BEGIN(&engines, engine, list) { if (!strcasecmp(engine->name, engine_name)) { /* We have our engine... removed it */ AST_LIST_REMOVE_CURRENT(&engines, list); /* If this was the default engine, we need to pick a new one */ if (default_engine == engine) { default_engine = AST_LIST_FIRST(&engines); } if (option_verbose > 1) ast_verbose(VERBOSE_PREFIX_2 "Unregistered speech recognition engine '%s'\n", engine_name); /* All went well */ res = 0; break; } } AST_LIST_TRAVERSE_SAFE_END AST_LIST_UNLOCK(&engines); return res; } static int unload_module(void) { /* We can not be unloaded */ return -1; } static int load_module(void) { int res = 0; /* Initialize our list of engines */ AST_LIST_HEAD_INIT_NOLOCK(&engines); return res; } AST_MODULE_INFO(ASTERISK_GPL_KEY, AST_MODFLAG_GLOBAL_SYMBOLS, "Generic Speech Recognition API", .load = load_module, .unload = unload_module, );