/* * Asterisk -- An open source telephony toolkit. * * Copyright (C) 1999 - 2006, Digium, Inc. * * Matt O'Gorman * * See http://www.asterisk.org for more information about * the Asterisk project. Please do not directly contact * any of the maintainers of this project for assistance; * the project provides a web site, mailing lists and IRC * channels for your use. * * This program is free software, distributed under the terms of * the GNU General Public License Version 2. See the LICENSE file * at the top of the source tree. */ /*! \file * \brief A resource for interfacing Asterisk directly as a client * or a component to a XMPP/Jabber compliant server. * * References: * - http://www.xmpp.org - The XMPP standards foundation * * \extref Iksemel http://code.google.com/p/iksemel/ * * \todo If you unload this module, chan_gtalk/jingle will be dead. How do we handle that? * \todo Dialplan applications need RETURN variable, like JABBERSENDSTATUS * */ /*** MODULEINFO iksemel openssl ***/ #include "asterisk.h" ASTERISK_FILE_VERSION(__FILE__, "$Revision$") #include #include #include "asterisk/channel.h" #include "asterisk/jabber.h" #include "asterisk/file.h" #include "asterisk/config.h" #include "asterisk/callerid.h" #include "asterisk/lock.h" #include "asterisk/cli.h" #include "asterisk/app.h" #include "asterisk/pbx.h" #include "asterisk/md5.h" #include "asterisk/acl.h" #include "asterisk/utils.h" #include "asterisk/module.h" #include "asterisk/astobj.h" #include "asterisk/astdb.h" #include "asterisk/manager.h" /*** DOCUMENTATION Send a Jabber Message Client or transport Asterisk uses to connect to Jabber. XMPP/Jabber JID (Name) of recipient. Message to be sent to the buddy. Allows user to send a message to a receipent via XMPP. Retrieve the status of a jabber list member Client or transport Asterisk users to connect to Jabber. XMPP/Jabber JID (Name) of recipient. Variable to store the status of requested user. This application is deprecated. Please use the JABBER_STATUS() function instead. Retrieves the numeric status associated with the specified buddy JID. The return value in the Variablewill be one of the following. Online. Chatty. Away. Extended Away. Do Not Disturb. Offline. Not In Roster. Retrieve the status of a jabber list member XMPP/Jabber ID (Name) of sender. XMPP/Jabber JID (Name) of recipient. Client or transport Asterisk users to connect to Jabber. Retrieves the numeric status associated with the specified buddy JID. The return value will be one of the following. Online. Chatty. Away. Extended Away. Do Not Disturb. Offline. Not In Roster. ***/ /*! \todo This should really be renamed to xmpp.conf. For backwards compatibility, we need to read both files */ #define JABBER_CONFIG "jabber.conf" #ifndef FALSE #define FALSE 0 #endif #ifndef TRUE #define TRUE 1 #endif /*-- Forward declarations */ static void aji_buddy_destroy(struct aji_buddy *obj); static void aji_client_destroy(struct aji_client *obj); static int aji_send_exec(struct ast_channel *chan, void *data); static int aji_status_exec(struct ast_channel *chan, void *data); static int aji_is_secure(struct aji_client *client); #ifdef HAVE_OPENSSL static int aji_start_tls(struct aji_client *client); static int aji_tls_handshake(struct aji_client *client); #endif static int aji_io_recv(struct aji_client *client, char *buffer, size_t buf_len, int timeout); static int aji_recv(struct aji_client *client, int timeout); static int aji_send_header(struct aji_client *client, const char *to); static int aji_send_raw(struct aji_client *client, const char *xmlstr); static void aji_log_hook(void *data, const char *xmpp, size_t size, int is_incoming); static int aji_start_sasl(struct aji_client *client, enum ikssasltype type, char *username, char *pass); static int aji_act_hook(void *data, int type, iks *node); static void aji_handle_iq(struct aji_client *client, iks *node); static void aji_handle_message(struct aji_client *client, ikspak *pak); static void aji_handle_presence(struct aji_client *client, ikspak *pak); static void aji_handle_subscribe(struct aji_client *client, ikspak *pak); static void *aji_recv_loop(void *data); static int aji_initialize(struct aji_client *client); static int aji_client_connect(void *data, ikspak *pak); static void aji_set_presence(struct aji_client *client, char *to, char *from, int level, char *desc); static char *aji_do_set_debug(struct ast_cli_entry *e, int cmd, struct ast_cli_args *a); static char *aji_do_reload(struct ast_cli_entry *e, int cmd, struct ast_cli_args *a); static char *aji_show_clients(struct ast_cli_entry *e, int cmd, struct ast_cli_args *a); static char *aji_show_buddies(struct ast_cli_entry *e, int cmd, struct ast_cli_args *a); static char *aji_test(struct ast_cli_entry *e, int cmd, struct ast_cli_args *a); static int aji_create_client(char *label, struct ast_variable *var, int debug); static int aji_create_buddy(char *label, struct aji_client *client); static int aji_reload(int reload); static int aji_load_config(int reload); static void aji_pruneregister(struct aji_client *client); static int aji_filter_roster(void *data, ikspak *pak); static int aji_get_roster(struct aji_client *client); static int aji_client_info_handler(void *data, ikspak *pak); static int aji_dinfo_handler(void *data, ikspak *pak); static int aji_ditems_handler(void *data, ikspak *pak); static int aji_register_query_handler(void *data, ikspak *pak); static int aji_register_approve_handler(void *data, ikspak *pak); static int aji_reconnect(struct aji_client *client); static iks *jabber_make_auth(iksid * id, const char *pass, const char *sid); /* No transports in this version */ /* static int aji_create_transport(char *label, struct aji_client *client); static int aji_register_transport(void *data, ikspak *pak); static int aji_register_transport2(void *data, ikspak *pak); */ static struct ast_cli_entry aji_cli[] = { AST_CLI_DEFINE(aji_do_set_debug, "Enable/Disable Jabber debug"), AST_CLI_DEFINE(aji_do_reload, "Reload Jabber configuration"), AST_CLI_DEFINE(aji_show_clients, "Show state of clients and components"), AST_CLI_DEFINE(aji_show_buddies, "Show buddy lists of our clients"), AST_CLI_DEFINE(aji_test, "Shows roster, but is generally used for mog's debugging."), }; static char *app_ajisend = "JabberSend"; static char *app_ajistatus = "JabberStatus"; struct aji_client_container clients; struct aji_capabilities *capabilities = NULL; /*! \brief Global flags, initialized to default values */ static struct ast_flags globalflags = { AJI_AUTOREGISTER }; /*! * \brief Deletes the aji_client data structure. * \param obj aji_client The structure we will delete. * \return void. */ static void aji_client_destroy(struct aji_client *obj) { struct aji_message *tmp; ASTOBJ_CONTAINER_DESTROYALL(&obj->buddies, aji_buddy_destroy); ASTOBJ_CONTAINER_DESTROY(&obj->buddies); iks_filter_delete(obj->f); iks_parser_delete(obj->p); iks_stack_delete(obj->stack); AST_LIST_LOCK(&obj->messages); while ((tmp = AST_LIST_REMOVE_HEAD(&obj->messages, list))) { if (tmp->from) ast_free(tmp->from); if (tmp->message) ast_free(tmp->message); } AST_LIST_HEAD_DESTROY(&obj->messages); ast_free(obj); } /*! * \brief Deletes the aji_buddy data structure. * \param obj aji_buddy The structure we will delete. * \return void. */ static void aji_buddy_destroy(struct aji_buddy *obj) { struct aji_resource *tmp; while ((tmp = obj->resources)) { obj->resources = obj->resources->next; ast_free(tmp->description); ast_free(tmp); } ast_free(obj); } /*! * \brief Find version in XML stream and populate our capabilities list * \param node the node attribute in the caps element we'll look for or add to * our list * \param version the version attribute in the caps element we'll look for or * add to our list * \param pak struct The XML stanza we're processing * \return a pointer to the added or found aji_version structure */ static struct aji_version *aji_find_version(char *node, char *version, ikspak *pak) { struct aji_capabilities *list = NULL; struct aji_version *res = NULL; list = capabilities; if(!node) node = pak->from->full; if(!version) version = "none supplied."; while(list) { if(!strcasecmp(list->node, node)) { res = list->versions; while(res) { if(!strcasecmp(res->version, version)) return res; res = res->next; } /* Specified version not found. Let's add it to this node in our capabilities list */ if(!res) { res = ast_malloc(sizeof(*res)); if(!res) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Out of memory!\n"); return NULL; } res->jingle = 0; res->parent = list; ast_copy_string(res->version, version, sizeof(res->version)); res->next = list->versions; list->versions = res; return res; } } list = list->next; } /* Specified node not found. Let's add it our capabilities list */ if(!list) { list = ast_malloc(sizeof(*list)); if(!list) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Out of memory!\n"); return NULL; } res = ast_malloc(sizeof(*res)); if(!res) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Out of memory!\n"); ast_free(list); return NULL; } ast_copy_string(list->node, node, sizeof(list->node)); ast_copy_string(res->version, version, sizeof(res->version)); res->jingle = 0; res->parent = list; res->next = NULL; list->versions = res; list->next = capabilities; capabilities = list; } return res; } /*! * \brief Find the aji_resource we want * \param buddy aji_buddy A buddy * \param name * \return aji_resource object */ static struct aji_resource *aji_find_resource(struct aji_buddy *buddy, char *name) { struct aji_resource *res = NULL; if (!buddy || !name) return res; res = buddy->resources; while (res) { if (!strcasecmp(res->resource, name)) { break; } res = res->next; } return res; } /*! * \brief Jabber GTalk function * \param node iks * \return 1 on success, 0 on failure. */ static int gtalk_yuck(iks *node) { if (iks_find_with_attrib(node, "c", "node", "http://www.google.com/xmpp/client/caps")) return 1; return 0; } /*! * \brief Setup the authentication struct * \param id iksid * \param pass password * \param sid * \return x iks */ static iks *jabber_make_auth(iksid * id, const char *pass, const char *sid) { iks *x, *y; x = iks_new("iq"); iks_insert_attrib(x, "type", "set"); y = iks_insert(x, "query"); iks_insert_attrib(y, "xmlns", IKS_NS_AUTH); iks_insert_cdata(iks_insert(y, "username"), id->user, 0); iks_insert_cdata(iks_insert(y, "resource"), id->resource, 0); if (sid) { char buf[41]; char sidpass[100]; snprintf(sidpass, sizeof(sidpass), "%s%s", sid, pass); ast_sha1_hash(buf, sidpass); iks_insert_cdata(iks_insert(y, "digest"), buf, 0); } else { iks_insert_cdata(iks_insert(y, "password"), pass, 0); } return x; } /*! * \brief Dial plan function status(). puts the status of watched user into a channel variable. * \param chan ast_channel * \param data * \return 0 on success, -1 on error */ static int aji_status_exec(struct ast_channel *chan, void *data) { struct aji_client *client = NULL; struct aji_buddy *buddy = NULL; struct aji_resource *r = NULL; char *s = NULL; int stat = 7; char status[2]; static int deprecation_warning = 0; AST_DECLARE_APP_ARGS(args, AST_APP_ARG(sender); AST_APP_ARG(jid); AST_APP_ARG(variable); ); AST_DECLARE_APP_ARGS(jid, AST_APP_ARG(screenname); AST_APP_ARG(resource); ); if (deprecation_warning++ % 10 == 0) ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "JabberStatus is deprecated. Please use the JABBER_STATUS dialplan function in the future.\n"); if (!data) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Usage: JabberStatus(,[/],\n"); return 0; } s = ast_strdupa(data); AST_STANDARD_APP_ARGS(args, s); if (args.argc != 3) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "JabberStatus() requires 3 arguments.\n"); return -1; } AST_NONSTANDARD_APP_ARGS(jid, args.jid, '/'); if (!(client = ast_aji_get_client(args.sender))) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Could not find sender connection: '%s'\n", args.sender); return -1; } buddy = ASTOBJ_CONTAINER_FIND(&client->buddies, jid.screenname); if (!buddy) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Could not find buddy in list: '%s'\n", jid.screenname); return -1; } r = aji_find_resource(buddy, jid.resource); if (!r && buddy->resources) r = buddy->resources; if (!r) ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Resource '%s' of buddy '%s' was not found\n", jid.resource, jid.screenname); else stat = r->status; snprintf(status, sizeof(status), "%d", stat); pbx_builtin_setvar_helper(chan, args.variable, status); return 0; } static int acf_jabberstatus_read(struct ast_channel *chan, const char *name, char *data, char *buf, size_t buflen) { struct aji_client *client = NULL; struct aji_buddy *buddy = NULL; struct aji_resource *r = NULL; int stat = 7; AST_DECLARE_APP_ARGS(args, AST_APP_ARG(sender); AST_APP_ARG(jid); ); AST_DECLARE_APP_ARGS(jid, AST_APP_ARG(screenname); AST_APP_ARG(resource); ); if (!data) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Usage: JABBER_STATUS(,[/])\n"); return 0; } AST_STANDARD_APP_ARGS(args, data); if (args.argc != 2) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "JABBER_STATUS requires 2 arguments: sender and jid.\n"); return -1; } AST_NONSTANDARD_APP_ARGS(jid, args.jid, '/'); if (!(client = ast_aji_get_client(args.sender))) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Could not find sender connection: '%s'\n", args.sender); return -1; } buddy = ASTOBJ_CONTAINER_FIND(&client->buddies, jid.screenname); if (!buddy) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Could not find buddy in list: '%s'\n", jid.screenname); return -1; } r = aji_find_resource(buddy, jid.resource); if (!r && buddy->resources) r = buddy->resources; if (!r) ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Resource %s of buddy %s was not found.\n", jid.resource, jid.screenname); else stat = r->status; snprintf(buf, buflen, "%d", stat); return 0; } static struct ast_custom_function jabberstatus_function = { .name = "JABBER_STATUS", .read = acf_jabberstatus_read, }; /*! * \brief Dial plan function to send a message. * \param chan ast_channel * \param data Data is sender|receiver|message. * \return 0 on success,-1 on error. */ static int aji_send_exec(struct ast_channel *chan, void *data) { struct aji_client *client = NULL; char *s; AST_DECLARE_APP_ARGS(args, AST_APP_ARG(sender); AST_APP_ARG(recipient); AST_APP_ARG(message); ); if (!data) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Usage: JabberSend(,,)\n"); return 0; } s = ast_strdupa(data); AST_STANDARD_APP_ARGS(args, s); if (args.argc < 3) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "JabberSend requires 3 arguments: '%s'\n", (char *) data); return -1; } if (!(client = ast_aji_get_client(args.sender))) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Could not find sender connection: '%s'\n", args.sender); return -1; } if (strchr(args.recipient, '@') && !ast_strlen_zero(args.message)) ast_aji_send_chat(client, args.recipient, args.message); return 0; } /*! * \brief Tests whether the connection is secured or not * \return 0 if the connection is not secured */ static int aji_is_secure(struct aji_client *client) { #ifdef HAVE_OPENSSL return client->stream_flags & SECURE; #else return 0; #endif } #ifdef HAVE_OPENSSL /*! * \brief Starts the TLS procedure * \param client the configured XMPP client we use to connect to a XMPP server * \return IKS_OK on success, an error code if sending failed, IKS_NET_TLSFAIL * if OpenSSL is not installed */ static int aji_start_tls(struct aji_client *client) { int ret; /* This is sent not encrypted */ ret = iks_send_raw(client->p, ""); if (ret) return ret; client->stream_flags |= TRY_SECURE; return IKS_OK; } /*! * \brief TLS handshake, OpenSSL initialization * \param client the configured XMPP client we use to connect to a XMPP server * \return IKS_OK on success, IKS_NET_TLSFAIL on failure */ static int aji_tls_handshake(struct aji_client *client) { int ret; int sock; ast_debug(1, "Starting TLS handshake\n"); /* Choose an SSL/TLS protocol version, create SSL_CTX */ client->ssl_method = SSLv3_method(); client->ssl_context = SSL_CTX_new(client->ssl_method); if (!client->ssl_context) return IKS_NET_TLSFAIL; /* Create new SSL session */ client->ssl_session = SSL_new(client->ssl_context); if (!client->ssl_session) return IKS_NET_TLSFAIL; /* Enforce TLS on our XMPP connection */ sock = iks_fd(client->p); ret = SSL_set_fd(client->ssl_session, sock); if (!ret) return IKS_NET_TLSFAIL; /* Perform SSL handshake */ ret = SSL_connect(client->ssl_session); if (!ret) return IKS_NET_TLSFAIL; client->stream_flags &= (~TRY_SECURE); client->stream_flags |= SECURE; /* Sent over the established TLS connection */ ret = aji_send_header(client, client->jid->server); if (ret != IKS_OK) return IKS_NET_TLSFAIL; ast_debug(1, "TLS started with server\n"); return IKS_OK; } #endif /* HAVE_OPENSSL */ /*! * \brief Secured or unsecured IO socket receiving function * \param client the configured XMPP client we use to connect to a XMPP server * \param buffer the reception buffer * \param buf_len the size of the buffer * \param timeout the select timer * \return the number of read bytes on success, 0 on timeout expiration, * -1 on error */ static int aji_io_recv(struct aji_client *client, char *buffer, size_t buf_len, int timeout) { struct pollfd pfd = { .events = POLLIN }; int len, res; #ifdef HAVE_OPENSSL if (aji_is_secure(client)) { pfd.fd = SSL_get_fd(client->ssl_session); if (pfd.fd < 0) { return -1; } } else #endif /* HAVE_OPENSSL */ pfd.fd = iks_fd(client->p); res = ast_poll(&pfd, 1, timeout > 0 ? timeout * 1000 : -1); if (res > 0) { #ifdef HAVE_OPENSSL if (aji_is_secure(client)) { len = SSL_read(client->ssl_session, buffer, buf_len); } else #endif /* HAVE_OPENSSL */ len = recv(pfd.fd, buffer, buf_len, 0); if (len > 0) { return len; } else if (len <= 0) { return -1; } } return res; } /*! * \brief Tries to receive data from the Jabber server * \param client the configured XMPP client we use to connect to a XMPP server * \param timeout the timeout value * This function receives (encrypted or unencrypted) data from the XMPP server, * and passes it to the parser. * \return IKS_OK on success, IKS_NET_RWERR on IO error, IKS_NET_NOCONN, if no * connection available, IKS_NET_EXPIRED on timeout expiration */ static int aji_recv (struct aji_client *client, int timeout) { int len, ret; char buf[NET_IO_BUF_SIZE - 1]; char newbuf[NET_IO_BUF_SIZE - 1]; int pos = 0; int newbufpos = 0; unsigned char c; memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); memset(newbuf, 0, sizeof(newbuf)); while (1) { len = aji_io_recv(client, buf, NET_IO_BUF_SIZE - 2, timeout); if (len < 0) return IKS_NET_RWERR; if (len == 0) return IKS_NET_EXPIRED; buf[len] = '\0'; /* our iksemel parser won't work as expected if we feed it with XML packets that contain multiple whitespace characters between tags */ while (pos < len) { c = buf[pos]; /* if we stumble on the ending tag character, we skip any whitespace that follows it*/ if (c == '>') { while (isspace(buf[pos+1])) { pos++; } } newbuf[newbufpos] = c; newbufpos ++; pos++; } pos = 0; newbufpos = 0; /* Log the message here, because iksemel's logHook is unaccessible */ aji_log_hook(client, buf, len, 1); /* let iksemel deal with the string length, and reset our buffer */ ret = iks_parse(client->p, newbuf, 0, 0); memset(newbuf, 0, sizeof(newbuf)); switch (ret) { case IKS_NOMEM: ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Parsing failure: Out of memory.\n"); break; case IKS_BADXML: ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Parsing failure: Invalid XML.\n"); break; case IKS_HOOK: ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Parsing failure: Hook returned an error.\n"); break; } if (ret != IKS_OK) { return ret; } ast_debug(3, "XML parsing successful\n"); } return IKS_OK; } /*! * \brief Sends XMPP header to the server * \param client the configured XMPP client we use to connect to a XMPP server * \param to the target XMPP server * \return IKS_OK on success, any other value on failure */ static int aji_send_header(struct aji_client *client, const char *to) { char *msg; int len, err; len = 91 + strlen(client->name_space) + 6 + strlen(to) + 16 + 1; msg = iks_malloc(len); if (!msg) return IKS_NOMEM; sprintf(msg, "" "", client->name_space, to); err = aji_send_raw(client, msg); iks_free(msg); if (err != IKS_OK) return err; return IKS_OK; } /*! * \brief Wraps raw sending * \param client the configured XMPP client we use to connect to a XMPP server * \param x the XMPP packet to send * \return IKS_OK on success, any other value on failure */ int ast_aji_send(struct aji_client *client, iks *x) { return aji_send_raw(client, iks_string(iks_stack(x), x)); } /*! * \brief Sends an XML string over an XMPP connection * \param client the configured XMPP client we use to connect to a XMPP server * \param xmlstr the XML string to send * The XML data is sent whether the connection is secured or not. In the * latter case, we just call iks_send_raw(). * \return IKS_OK on success, any other value on failure */ static int aji_send_raw(struct aji_client *client, const char *xmlstr) { int ret; #ifdef HAVE_OPENSSL int len = strlen(xmlstr); if (aji_is_secure(client)) { ret = SSL_write(client->ssl_session, xmlstr, len); if (ret) { /* Log the message here, because iksemel's logHook is unaccessible */ aji_log_hook(client, xmlstr, len, 0); return IKS_OK; } } #endif /* If needed, data will be sent unencrypted, and logHook will be called inside iks_send_raw */ ret = iks_send_raw(client->p, xmlstr); if (ret != IKS_OK) return ret; return IKS_OK; } /*! * \brief the debug loop. * \param data void * \param xmpp xml data as string * \param size size of string * \param is_incoming direction of packet 1 for inbound 0 for outbound. */ static void aji_log_hook(void *data, const char *xmpp, size_t size, int is_incoming) { struct aji_client *client = ASTOBJ_REF((struct aji_client *) data); if (!ast_strlen_zero(xmpp)) manager_event(EVENT_FLAG_USER, "JabberEvent", "Account: %s\r\nPacket: %s\r\n", client->name, xmpp); if (client->debug) { if (is_incoming) ast_verbose("\nJABBER: %s INCOMING: %s\n", client->name, xmpp); else { if( strlen(xmpp) == 1) { if(option_debug > 2 && xmpp[0] == ' ') { ast_verbose("\nJABBER: Keep alive packet\n"); } } else ast_verbose("\nJABBER: %s OUTGOING: %s\n", client->name, xmpp); } } ASTOBJ_UNREF(client, aji_client_destroy); } /*! * \brief A wrapper function for iks_start_sasl * \param client the configured XMPP client we use to connect to a XMPP server * \param type the SASL authentication type. Supported types are PLAIN and MD5 * \param username * \param pass password. * * \return IKS_OK on success, IKSNET_NOTSUPP on failure. */ static int aji_start_sasl(struct aji_client *client, enum ikssasltype type, char *username, char *pass) { iks *x = NULL; int len; char *s; char *base64; /* trigger SASL DIGEST-MD5 only over an unsecured connection. iks_start_sasl is an iksemel API function and relies on GnuTLS, whereas we use OpenSSL */ if ((type & IKS_STREAM_SASL_MD5) && !aji_is_secure(client)) return iks_start_sasl(client->p, IKS_SASL_DIGEST_MD5, username, pass); if (!(type & IKS_STREAM_SASL_PLAIN)) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Server does not support SASL PLAIN authentication\n"); return IKS_NET_NOTSUPP; } x = iks_new("auth"); if (!x) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Out of memory.\n"); return IKS_NET_NOTSUPP; } iks_insert_attrib(x, "xmlns", IKS_NS_XMPP_SASL); len = strlen(username) + strlen(pass) + 3; s = alloca(len); base64 = alloca((len + 2) * 4 / 3); iks_insert_attrib(x, "mechanism", "PLAIN"); snprintf(s, len, "%c%s%c%s", 0, username, 0, pass); /* exclude the NULL training byte from the base64 encoding operation as some XMPP servers will refuse it. The format for authentication is [authzid]\0authcid\0password not [authzid]\0authcid\0password\0 */ ast_base64encode(base64, (const unsigned char *) s, len - 1, (len + 2) * 4 / 3); iks_insert_cdata(x, base64, 0); ast_aji_send(client, x); iks_delete(x); return IKS_OK; } /*! * \brief The action hook parses the inbound packets, constantly running. * \param data aji client structure * \param type type of packet * \param node the actual packet. * \return IKS_OK or IKS_HOOK . */ static int aji_act_hook(void *data, int type, iks *node) { struct aji_client *client = ASTOBJ_REF((struct aji_client *) data); ikspak *pak = NULL; iks *auth = NULL; int features = 0; if(!node) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "aji_act_hook was called with out a packet\n"); /* most likely cause type is IKS_NODE_ERROR lost connection */ ASTOBJ_UNREF(client, aji_client_destroy); return IKS_HOOK; } if (client->state == AJI_DISCONNECTING) { ASTOBJ_UNREF(client, aji_client_destroy); return IKS_HOOK; } pak = iks_packet(node); if (!client->component) { /*client */ switch (type) { case IKS_NODE_START: if (client->usetls && !aji_is_secure(client)) { #ifndef HAVE_OPENSSL ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "OpenSSL not installed. You need to install OpenSSL on this system, or disable the TLS option in your configuration file\n"); ASTOBJ_UNREF(client, aji_client_destroy); return IKS_HOOK; #else if (aji_start_tls(client) == IKS_NET_TLSFAIL) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Could not start TLS\n"); ASTOBJ_UNREF(client, aji_client_destroy); return IKS_HOOK; } #endif break; } if (!client->usesasl) { iks_filter_add_rule(client->f, aji_client_connect, client, IKS_RULE_TYPE, IKS_PAK_IQ, IKS_RULE_SUBTYPE, IKS_TYPE_RESULT, IKS_RULE_ID, client->mid, IKS_RULE_DONE); auth = jabber_make_auth(client->jid, client->password, iks_find_attrib(node, "id")); if (auth) { iks_insert_attrib(auth, "id", client->mid); iks_insert_attrib(auth, "to", client->jid->server); ast_aji_increment_mid(client->mid); ast_aji_send(client, auth); iks_delete(auth); } else ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Out of memory.\n"); } break; case IKS_NODE_NORMAL: #ifdef HAVE_OPENSSL if (client->stream_flags & TRY_SECURE) { if (!strcmp("proceed", iks_name(node))) { return aji_tls_handshake(client); } } #endif if (!strcmp("stream:features", iks_name(node))) { features = iks_stream_features(node); if (client->usesasl) { if (client->usetls && !aji_is_secure(client)) break; if (client->authorized) { if (features & IKS_STREAM_BIND) { iks_filter_add_rule(client->f, aji_client_connect, client, IKS_RULE_TYPE, IKS_PAK_IQ, IKS_RULE_SUBTYPE, IKS_TYPE_RESULT, IKS_RULE_DONE); auth = iks_make_resource_bind(client->jid); if (auth) { iks_insert_attrib(auth, "id", client->mid); ast_aji_increment_mid(client->mid); ast_aji_send(client, auth); iks_delete(auth); } else { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Out of memory.\n"); break; } } if (features & IKS_STREAM_SESSION) { iks_filter_add_rule (client->f, aji_client_connect, client, IKS_RULE_TYPE, IKS_PAK_IQ, IKS_RULE_SUBTYPE, IKS_TYPE_RESULT, IKS_RULE_ID, "auth", IKS_RULE_DONE); auth = iks_make_session(); if (auth) { iks_insert_attrib(auth, "id", "auth"); ast_aji_increment_mid(client->mid); ast_aji_send(client, auth); iks_delete(auth); } else { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Out of memory.\n"); } } } else { int ret; if (!client->jid->user) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Malformed Jabber ID : %s (domain missing?)\n", client->jid->full); break; } ret = aji_start_sasl(client, features, client->jid->user, client->password); if (ret != IKS_OK) { ASTOBJ_UNREF(client, aji_client_destroy); return IKS_HOOK; } break; } } } else if (!strcmp("failure", iks_name(node))) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "JABBER: encryption failure. possible bad password.\n"); } else if (!strcmp("success", iks_name(node))) { client->authorized = 1; aji_send_header(client, client->jid->server); } break; case IKS_NODE_ERROR: ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "JABBER: Node Error\n"); ASTOBJ_UNREF(client, aji_client_destroy); return IKS_HOOK; break; case IKS_NODE_STOP: ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "JABBER: Disconnected\n"); ASTOBJ_UNREF(client, aji_client_destroy); return IKS_HOOK; break; } } else if (client->state != AJI_CONNECTED && client->component) { switch (type) { case IKS_NODE_START: if (client->state == AJI_DISCONNECTED) { char secret[160], shasum[320], *handshake; sprintf(secret, "%s%s", pak->id, client->password); ast_sha1_hash(shasum, secret); handshake = NULL; if (asprintf(&handshake, "%s", shasum) >= 0) { aji_send_raw(client, handshake); ast_free(handshake); handshake = NULL; } client->state = AJI_CONNECTING; if(aji_recv(client, 1) == 2) /*XXX proper result for iksemel library on iks_recv of XXX*/ client->state = AJI_CONNECTED; else ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Jabber didn't seem to handshake, failed to authenticate.\n"); break; } break; case IKS_NODE_NORMAL: break; case IKS_NODE_ERROR: ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "JABBER: Node Error\n"); ASTOBJ_UNREF(client, aji_client_destroy); return IKS_HOOK; case IKS_NODE_STOP: ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "JABBER: Disconnected\n"); ASTOBJ_UNREF(client, aji_client_destroy); return IKS_HOOK; } } switch (pak->type) { case IKS_PAK_NONE: ast_debug(1, "JABBER: I don't know what to do with paktype NONE.\n"); break; case IKS_PAK_MESSAGE: aji_handle_message(client, pak); ast_debug(1, "JABBER: Handling paktype MESSAGE.\n"); break; case IKS_PAK_PRESENCE: aji_handle_presence(client, pak); ast_debug(1, "JABBER: Handling paktype PRESENCE\n"); break; case IKS_PAK_S10N: aji_handle_subscribe(client, pak); ast_debug(1, "JABBER: Handling paktype S10N\n"); break; case IKS_PAK_IQ: ast_debug(1, "JABBER: Handling paktype IQ\n"); aji_handle_iq(client, node); break; default: ast_debug(1, "JABBER: I don't know anything about paktype '%d'\n", pak->type); break; } iks_filter_packet(client->f, pak); if (node) iks_delete(node); ASTOBJ_UNREF(client, aji_client_destroy); return IKS_OK; } /*! * \brief Unknown * \param data void * \param pak ikspak * \return IKS_FILTER_EAT. */ static int aji_register_approve_handler(void *data, ikspak *pak) { struct aji_client *client = ASTOBJ_REF((struct aji_client *) data); iks *iq = NULL, *presence = NULL, *x = NULL; iq = iks_new("iq"); presence = iks_new("presence"); x = iks_new("x"); if (client && iq && presence && x) { if (!iks_find(pak->query, "remove")) { iks_insert_attrib(iq, "from", client->jid->full); iks_insert_attrib(iq, "to", pak->from->full); iks_insert_attrib(iq, "id", pak->id); iks_insert_attrib(iq, "type", "result"); ast_aji_send(client, iq); iks_insert_attrib(presence, "from", client->jid->full); iks_insert_attrib(presence, "to", pak->from->partial); iks_insert_attrib(presence, "id", client->mid); ast_aji_increment_mid(client->mid); iks_insert_attrib(presence, "type", "subscribe"); iks_insert_attrib(x, "xmlns", "vcard-temp:x:update"); iks_insert_node(presence, x); ast_aji_send(client, presence); } } else { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Out of memory.\n"); } iks_delete(iq); iks_delete(presence); iks_delete(x); ASTOBJ_UNREF(client, aji_client_destroy); return IKS_FILTER_EAT; } /*! * \brief register handler for incoming querys (IQ's) * \param data incoming aji_client request * \param pak ikspak * \return IKS_FILTER_EAT. */ static int aji_register_query_handler(void *data, ikspak *pak) { struct aji_client *client = ASTOBJ_REF((struct aji_client *) data); struct aji_buddy *buddy = NULL; char *node = NULL; iks *iq = NULL, *query = NULL; client = (struct aji_client *) data; buddy = ASTOBJ_CONTAINER_FIND(&client->buddies, pak->from->partial); if (!buddy) { iks *error = NULL, *notacceptable = NULL; ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Someone.... %s tried to register but they aren't allowed\n", pak->from->partial); iq = iks_new("iq"); query = iks_new("query"); error = iks_new("error"); notacceptable = iks_new("not-acceptable"); if(iq && query && error && notacceptable) { iks_insert_attrib(iq, "type", "error"); iks_insert_attrib(iq, "from", client->user); iks_insert_attrib(iq, "to", pak->from->full); iks_insert_attrib(iq, "id", pak->id); iks_insert_attrib(query, "xmlns", "jabber:iq:register"); iks_insert_attrib(error, "code" , "406"); iks_insert_attrib(error, "type", "modify"); iks_insert_attrib(notacceptable, "xmlns", "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas"); iks_insert_node(iq, query); iks_insert_node(iq, error); iks_insert_node(error, notacceptable); ast_aji_send(client, iq); } else { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Out of memory.\n"); } iks_delete(error); iks_delete(notacceptable); } else if (!(node = iks_find_attrib(pak->query, "node"))) { iks *instructions = NULL; char *explain = "Welcome to Asterisk - the Open Source PBX.\n"; iq = iks_new("iq"); query = iks_new("query"); instructions = iks_new("instructions"); if (iq && query && instructions && client) { iks_insert_attrib(iq, "from", client->user); iks_insert_attrib(iq, "to", pak->from->full); iks_insert_attrib(iq, "id", pak->id); iks_insert_attrib(iq, "type", "result"); iks_insert_attrib(query, "xmlns", "jabber:iq:register"); iks_insert_cdata(instructions, explain, 0); iks_insert_node(iq, query); iks_insert_node(query, instructions); ast_aji_send(client, iq); } else { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Out of memory.\n"); } iks_delete(instructions); } iks_delete(iq); iks_delete(query); ASTOBJ_UNREF(client, aji_client_destroy); return IKS_FILTER_EAT; } /*! * \brief Handles stuff * \param data void * \param pak ikspak * \return IKS_FILTER_EAT. */ static int aji_ditems_handler(void *data, ikspak *pak) { struct aji_client *client = ASTOBJ_REF((struct aji_client *) data); char *node = NULL; if (!(node = iks_find_attrib(pak->query, "node"))) { iks *iq = NULL, *query = NULL, *item = NULL; iq = iks_new("iq"); query = iks_new("query"); item = iks_new("item"); if (iq && query && item) { iks_insert_attrib(iq, "from", client->user); iks_insert_attrib(iq, "to", pak->from->full); iks_insert_attrib(iq, "id", pak->id); iks_insert_attrib(iq, "type", "result"); iks_insert_attrib(query, "xmlns", "http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#items"); iks_insert_attrib(item, "node", "http://jabber.org/protocol/commands"); iks_insert_attrib(item, "name", "Million Dollar Asterisk Commands"); iks_insert_attrib(item, "jid", client->user); iks_insert_node(iq, query); iks_insert_node(query, item); ast_aji_send(client, iq); } else { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Out of memory.\n"); } iks_delete(iq); iks_delete(query); iks_delete(item); } else if (!strcasecmp(node, "http://jabber.org/protocol/commands")) { iks *iq, *query, *confirm; iq = iks_new("iq"); query = iks_new("query"); confirm = iks_new("item"); if (iq && query && confirm && client) { iks_insert_attrib(iq, "from", client->user); iks_insert_attrib(iq, "to", pak->from->full); iks_insert_attrib(iq, "id", pak->id); iks_insert_attrib(iq, "type", "result"); iks_insert_attrib(query, "xmlns", "http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#items"); iks_insert_attrib(query, "node", "http://jabber.org/protocol/commands"); iks_insert_attrib(confirm, "node", "confirmaccount"); iks_insert_attrib(confirm, "name", "Confirm AIM account"); iks_insert_attrib(confirm, "jid", "blog.astjab.org"); iks_insert_node(iq, query); iks_insert_node(query, confirm); ast_aji_send(client, iq); } else { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Out of memory.\n"); } iks_delete(iq); iks_delete(query); iks_delete(confirm); } else if (!strcasecmp(node, "confirmaccount")) { iks *iq = NULL, *query = NULL, *feature = NULL; iq = iks_new("iq"); query = iks_new("query"); feature = iks_new("feature"); if (iq && query && feature && client) { iks_insert_attrib(iq, "from", client->user); iks_insert_attrib(iq, "to", pak->from->full); iks_insert_attrib(iq, "id", pak->id); iks_insert_attrib(iq, "type", "result"); iks_insert_attrib(query, "xmlns", "http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#items"); iks_insert_attrib(feature, "var", "http://jabber.org/protocol/commands"); iks_insert_node(iq, query); iks_insert_node(query, feature); ast_aji_send(client, iq); } else { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Out of memory.\n"); } iks_delete(iq); iks_delete(query); iks_delete(feature); } ASTOBJ_UNREF(client, aji_client_destroy); return IKS_FILTER_EAT; } /*! * \brief Handle add extra info * \param data void * \param pak ikspak * \return IKS_FILTER_EAT */ static int aji_client_info_handler(void *data, ikspak *pak) { struct aji_client *client = ASTOBJ_REF((struct aji_client *) data); struct aji_resource *resource = NULL; struct aji_buddy *buddy = ASTOBJ_CONTAINER_FIND(&client->buddies, pak->from->partial); resource = aji_find_resource(buddy, pak->from->resource); if (pak->subtype == IKS_TYPE_RESULT) { if (!resource) { ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "JABBER: Received client info from %s when not requested.\n", pak->from->full); ASTOBJ_UNREF(client, aji_client_destroy); return IKS_FILTER_EAT; } if (iks_find_with_attrib(pak->query, "feature", "var", "http://www.google.com/xmpp/protocol/voice/v1")) { resource->cap->jingle = 1; } else resource->cap->jingle = 0; } else if (pak->subtype == IKS_TYPE_GET) { iks *iq, *disco, *ident, *google, *query; iq = iks_new("iq"); query = iks_new("query"); ident = iks_new("identity"); disco = iks_new("feature"); google = iks_new("feature"); if (iq && ident && disco && google) { iks_insert_attrib(iq, "from", client->jid->full); iks_insert_attrib(iq, "to", pak->from->full); iks_insert_attrib(iq, "type", "result"); iks_insert_attrib(iq, "id", pak->id); iks_insert_attrib(query, "xmlns", "http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info"); iks_insert_attrib(ident, "category", "client"); iks_insert_attrib(ident, "type", "pc"); iks_insert_attrib(ident, "name", "asterisk"); iks_insert_attrib(disco, "var", "http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info"); iks_insert_attrib(google, "var", "http://www.google.com/xmpp/protocol/voice/v1"); iks_insert_node(iq, query); iks_insert_node(query, ident); iks_insert_node(query, google); iks_insert_node(query, disco); ast_aji_send(client, iq); } else ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Out of Memory.\n"); iks_delete(iq); iks_delete(query); iks_delete(ident); iks_delete(google); iks_delete(disco); } else if (pak->subtype == IKS_TYPE_ERROR) { ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "User %s does not support discovery.\n", pak->from->full); } ASTOBJ_UNREF(client, aji_client_destroy); return IKS_FILTER_EAT; } /*! * \brief Handler of the return info packet * \param data aji_client * \param pak ikspak * \return IKS_FILTER_EAT */ static int aji_dinfo_handler(void *data, ikspak *pak) { struct aji_client *client = ASTOBJ_REF((struct aji_client *) data); char *node = NULL; struct aji_resource *resource = NULL; struct aji_buddy *buddy = ASTOBJ_CONTAINER_FIND(&client->buddies, pak->from->partial); resource = aji_find_resource(buddy, pak->from->resource); if (pak->subtype == IKS_TYPE_ERROR) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Received error from a client, turn on jabber debug!\n"); return IKS_FILTER_EAT; } if (pak->subtype == IKS_TYPE_RESULT) { if (!resource) { ast_log(LOG_NOTICE,"JABBER: Received client info from %s when not requested.\n", pak->from->full); ASTOBJ_UNREF(client, aji_client_destroy); return IKS_FILTER_EAT; } if (iks_find_with_attrib(pak->query, "feature", "var", "http://www.google.com/xmpp/protocol/voice/v1")) { resource->cap->jingle = 1; } else resource->cap->jingle = 0; } else if (pak->subtype == IKS_TYPE_GET && !(node = iks_find_attrib(pak->query, "node"))) { iks *iq, *query, *identity, *disco, *reg, *commands, *gateway, *version, *vcard, *search; iq = iks_new("iq"); query = iks_new("query"); identity = iks_new("identity"); disco = iks_new("feature"); reg = iks_new("feature"); commands = iks_new("feature"); gateway = iks_new("feature"); version = iks_new("feature"); vcard = iks_new("feature"); search = iks_new("feature"); if (iq && query && identity && disco && reg && commands && gateway && version && vcard && search && client) { iks_insert_attrib(iq, "from", client->user); iks_insert_attrib(iq, "to", pak->from->full); iks_insert_attrib(iq, "id", pak->id); iks_insert_attrib(iq, "type", "result"); iks_insert_attrib(query, "xmlns", "http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info"); iks_insert_attrib(identity, "category", "gateway"); iks_insert_attrib(identity, "type", "pstn"); iks_insert_attrib(identity, "name", "Asterisk The Open Source PBX"); iks_insert_attrib(disco, "var", "http://jabber.org/protocol/disco"); iks_insert_attrib(reg, "var", "jabber:iq:register"); iks_insert_attrib(commands, "var", "http://jabber.org/protocol/commands"); iks_insert_attrib(gateway, "var", "jabber:iq:gateway"); iks_insert_attrib(version, "var", "jabber:iq:version"); iks_insert_attrib(vcard, "var", "vcard-temp"); iks_insert_attrib(search, "var", "jabber:iq:search"); iks_insert_node(iq, query); iks_insert_node(query, identity); iks_insert_node(query, disco); iks_insert_node(query, reg); iks_insert_node(query, commands); iks_insert_node(query, gateway); iks_insert_node(query, version); iks_insert_node(query, vcard); iks_insert_node(query, search); ast_aji_send(client, iq); } else { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Out of memory.\n"); } iks_delete(iq); iks_delete(query); iks_delete(identity); iks_delete(disco); iks_delete(reg); iks_delete(commands); iks_delete(gateway); iks_delete(version); iks_delete(vcard); iks_delete(search); } else if (pak->subtype == IKS_TYPE_GET && !strcasecmp(node, "http://jabber.org/protocol/commands")) { iks *iq, *query, *confirm; iq = iks_new("iq"); query = iks_new("query"); confirm = iks_new("item"); if (iq && query && confirm && client) { iks_insert_attrib(iq, "from", client->user); iks_insert_attrib(iq, "to", pak->from->full); iks_insert_attrib(iq, "id", pak->id); iks_insert_attrib(iq, "type", "result"); iks_insert_attrib(query, "xmlns", "http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#items"); iks_insert_attrib(query, "node", "http://jabber.org/protocol/commands"); iks_insert_attrib(confirm, "node", "confirmaccount"); iks_insert_attrib(confirm, "name", "Confirm AIM account"); iks_insert_attrib(confirm, "jid", client->user); iks_insert_node(iq, query); iks_insert_node(query, confirm); ast_aji_send(client, iq); } else { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Out of memory.\n"); } iks_delete(iq); iks_delete(query); iks_delete(confirm); } else if (pak->subtype == IKS_TYPE_GET && !strcasecmp(node, "confirmaccount")) { iks *iq, *query, *feature; iq = iks_new("iq"); query = iks_new("query"); feature = iks_new("feature"); if (iq && query && feature && client) { iks_insert_attrib(iq, "from", client->user); iks_insert_attrib(iq, "to", pak->from->full); iks_insert_attrib(iq, "id", pak->id); iks_insert_attrib(iq, "type", "result"); iks_insert_attrib(query, "xmlns", "http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info"); iks_insert_attrib(feature, "var", "http://jabber.org/protocol/commands"); iks_insert_node(iq, query); iks_insert_node(query, feature); ast_aji_send(client, iq); } else { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Out of memory.\n"); } iks_delete(iq); iks_delete(query); iks_delete(feature); } ASTOBJ_UNREF(client, aji_client_destroy); return IKS_FILTER_EAT; } /*! * \brief Handles \verbatim \endverbatim tags. * \param client the configured XMPP client we use to connect to a XMPP server * \param node iks * \return void. */ static void aji_handle_iq(struct aji_client *client, iks *node) { /*Nothing to see here */ } /*! * \brief Handles presence packets. * \param client the configured XMPP client we use to connect to a XMPP server * \param pak ikspak the node */ static void aji_handle_message(struct aji_client *client, ikspak *pak) { struct aji_message *insert, *tmp; int flag = 0; if (!(insert = ast_calloc(1, sizeof(*insert)))) return; time(&insert->arrived); if (iks_find_cdata(pak->x, "body")) insert->message = ast_strdup(iks_find_cdata(pak->x, "body")); if (pak->id) ast_copy_string(insert->id, pak->id, sizeof(insert->message)); if (pak->from) insert->from = ast_strdup(pak->from->full); AST_LIST_LOCK(&client->messages); AST_LIST_TRAVERSE_SAFE_BEGIN(&client->messages, tmp, list) { if (flag) { AST_LIST_REMOVE_CURRENT(list); if (tmp->from) ast_free(tmp->from); if (tmp->message) ast_free(tmp->message); } else if (difftime(time(NULL), tmp->arrived) >= client->message_timeout) { flag = 1; AST_LIST_REMOVE_CURRENT(list); if (tmp->from) ast_free(tmp->from); if (tmp->message) ast_free(tmp->message); } } AST_LIST_TRAVERSE_SAFE_END; AST_LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&client->messages, insert, list); AST_LIST_UNLOCK(&client->messages); } /*! * \brief Check the presence info * \param client the configured XMPP client we use to connect to a XMPP server * \param pak ikspak */ static void aji_handle_presence(struct aji_client *client, ikspak *pak) { int status, priority; struct aji_buddy *buddy; struct aji_resource *tmp = NULL, *last = NULL, *found = NULL; char *ver, *node, *descrip, *type; if(client->state != AJI_CONNECTED) aji_create_buddy(pak->from->partial, client); buddy = ASTOBJ_CONTAINER_FIND(&client->buddies, pak->from->partial); if (!buddy && pak->from->partial) { /* allow our jid to be used to log in with another resource */ if (!strcmp((const char *)pak->from->partial, (const char *)client->jid->partial)) aji_create_buddy(pak->from->partial, client); else ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Got presence packet from %s, someone not in our roster!!!!\n", pak->from->partial); return; } type = iks_find_attrib(pak->x, "type"); if(client->component && type &&!strcasecmp("probe", type)) { aji_set_presence(client, pak->from->full, iks_find_attrib(pak->x, "to"), client->status, client->statusmessage); ast_verbose("what i was looking for \n"); } ASTOBJ_WRLOCK(buddy); status = (pak->show) ? pak->show : 6; priority = atoi((iks_find_cdata(pak->x, "priority")) ? iks_find_cdata(pak->x, "priority") : "0"); tmp = buddy->resources; descrip = ast_strdup(iks_find_cdata(pak->x,"status")); while (tmp && pak->from->resource) { if (!strcasecmp(tmp->resource, pak->from->resource)) { tmp->status = status; if (tmp->description) ast_free(tmp->description); tmp->description = descrip; found = tmp; if (status == 6) { /* Sign off Destroy resource */ if (last && found->next) { last->next = found->next; } else if (!last) { if (found->next) buddy->resources = found->next; else buddy->resources = NULL; } else if (!found->next) { if (last) last->next = NULL; else buddy->resources = NULL; } ast_free(found); found = NULL; break; } /* resource list is sorted by descending priority */ if (tmp->priority != priority) { found->priority = priority; if (!last && !found->next) /* resource was found to be unique, leave loop */ break; /* search for resource in our list and take it out for the moment */ if (last) last->next = found->next; else buddy->resources = found->next; last = NULL; tmp = buddy->resources; if (!buddy->resources) buddy->resources = found; /* priority processing */ while (tmp) { /* insert resource back according to its priority value */ if (found->priority > tmp->priority) { if (last) /* insert within list */ last->next = found; found->next = tmp; if (!last) /* insert on top */ buddy->resources = found; break; } if (!tmp->next) { /* insert at the end of the list */ tmp->next = found; found->next = NULL; break; } last = tmp; tmp = tmp->next; } } break; } last = tmp; tmp = tmp->next; } /* resource not found in our list, create it */ if (!found && status != 6 && pak->from->resource) { found = ast_calloc(1, sizeof(*found)); if (!found) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Out of memory!\n"); return; } ast_copy_string(found->resource, pak->from->resource, sizeof(found->resource)); found->status = status; found->description = descrip; found->priority = priority; found->next = NULL; last = NULL; tmp = buddy->resources; while (tmp) { if (found->priority > tmp->priority) { if (last) last->next = found; found->next = tmp; if (!last) buddy->resources = found; break; } if (!tmp->next) { tmp->next = found; break; } last = tmp; tmp = tmp->next; } if (!tmp) buddy->resources = found; } ASTOBJ_UNLOCK(buddy); ASTOBJ_UNREF(buddy, aji_buddy_destroy); node = iks_find_attrib(iks_find(pak->x, "c"), "node"); ver = iks_find_attrib(iks_find(pak->x, "c"), "ver"); /* handle gmail client's special caps:c tag */ if (!node && !ver) { node = iks_find_attrib(iks_find(pak->x, "caps:c"), "node"); ver = iks_find_attrib(iks_find(pak->x, "caps:c"), "ver"); } /* retrieve capabilites of the new resource */ if(status !=6 && found && !found->cap) { found->cap = aji_find_version(node, ver, pak); if(gtalk_yuck(pak->x)) /* gtalk should do discover */ found->cap->jingle = 1; if(found->cap->jingle && option_debug > 4) { ast_debug(1,"Special case for google till they support discover.\n"); } else { iks *iq, *query; iq = iks_new("iq"); query = iks_new("query"); if(query && iq) { iks_insert_attrib(iq, "type", "get"); iks_insert_attrib(iq, "to", pak->from->full); iks_insert_attrib(iq,"from", client->jid->full); iks_insert_attrib(iq, "id", client->mid); ast_aji_increment_mid(client->mid); iks_insert_attrib(query, "xmlns", "http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info"); iks_insert_node(iq, query); ast_aji_send(client, iq); } else ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Out of memory.\n"); iks_delete(query); iks_delete(iq); } } switch (pak->subtype) { case IKS_TYPE_AVAILABLE: ast_debug(3, "JABBER: I am available ^_* %i\n", pak->subtype); break; case IKS_TYPE_UNAVAILABLE: ast_debug(3, "JABBER: I am unavailable ^_* %i\n", pak->subtype); break; default: ast_debug(3, "JABBER: Ohh sexy and the wrong type: %i\n", pak->subtype); } switch (pak->show) { case IKS_SHOW_UNAVAILABLE: ast_debug(3, "JABBER: type: %i subtype %i\n", pak->subtype, pak->show); break; case IKS_SHOW_AVAILABLE: ast_debug(3, "JABBER: type is available\n"); break; case IKS_SHOW_CHAT: ast_debug(3, "JABBER: type: %i subtype %i\n", pak->subtype, pak->show); break; case IKS_SHOW_AWAY: ast_debug(3, "JABBER: type is away\n"); break; case IKS_SHOW_XA: ast_debug(3, "JABBER: type: %i subtype %i\n", pak->subtype, pak->show); break; case IKS_SHOW_DND: ast_debug(3, "JABBER: type: %i subtype %i\n", pak->subtype, pak->show); break; default: ast_debug(3, "JABBER: Kinky! how did that happen %i\n", pak->show); } } /*! * \brief handles subscription requests. * \param client the configured XMPP client we use to connect to a XMPP server * \param pak ikspak iksemel packet. * \return void. */ static void aji_handle_subscribe(struct aji_client *client, ikspak *pak) { iks *presence = NULL, *status = NULL; struct aji_buddy* buddy = NULL; switch (pak->subtype) { case IKS_TYPE_SUBSCRIBE: presence = iks_new("presence"); status = iks_new("status"); if (presence && status) { iks_insert_attrib(presence, "type", "subscribed"); iks_insert_attrib(presence, "to", pak->from->full); iks_insert_attrib(presence, "from", client->jid->full); if (pak->id) iks_insert_attrib(presence, "id", pak->id); iks_insert_cdata(status, "Asterisk has approved subscription", 0); iks_insert_node(presence, status); ast_aji_send(client, presence); } else ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Unable to allocate nodes\n"); iks_delete(presence); iks_delete(status); if (client->component) aji_set_presence(client, pak->from->full, iks_find_attrib(pak->x, "to"), client->status, client->statusmessage); case IKS_TYPE_SUBSCRIBED: buddy = ASTOBJ_CONTAINER_FIND(&client->buddies, pak->from->partial); if (!buddy && pak->from->partial) { aji_create_buddy(pak->from->partial, client); } default: if (option_verbose > 4) { ast_verbose(VERBOSE_PREFIX_3 "JABBER: This is a subcription of type %i\n", pak->subtype); } } } /*! * \brief sends messages. * \param client the configured XMPP client we use to connect to a XMPP server * \param address * \param message * \return 1. */ int ast_aji_send_chat(struct aji_client *client, const char *address, const char *message) { int res = 0; iks *message_packet = NULL; if (client->state == AJI_CONNECTED) { message_packet = iks_make_msg(IKS_TYPE_CHAT, address, message); if (message_packet) { iks_insert_attrib(message_packet, "from", client->jid->full); res = ast_aji_send(client, message_packet); } else { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Out of memory.\n"); } iks_delete(message_packet); } else ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "JABBER: Not connected can't send\n"); return 1; } /*! * \brief create a chatroom. * \param client the configured XMPP client we use to connect to a XMPP server * \param room name of room * \param server name of server * \param topic topic for the room. * \return 0. */ int ast_aji_create_chat(struct aji_client *client, char *room, char *server, char *topic) { int res = 0; iks *iq = NULL; iq = iks_new("iq"); if (iq && client) { iks_insert_attrib(iq, "type", "get"); iks_insert_attrib(iq, "to", server); iks_insert_attrib(iq, "id", client->mid); ast_aji_increment_mid(client->mid); ast_aji_send(client, iq); } else ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Out of memory.\n"); iks_delete(iq); return res; } /*! * \brief join a chatroom. * \param client the configured XMPP client we use to connect to a XMPP server * \param room room to join * \return res. */ int ast_aji_join_chat(struct aji_client *client, char *room) { int res = 0; iks *presence = NULL, *priority = NULL; presence = iks_new("presence"); priority = iks_new("priority"); if (presence && priority && client) { iks_insert_cdata(priority, "0", 1); iks_insert_attrib(presence, "to", room); iks_insert_node(presence, priority); res = ast_aji_send(client, presence); iks_insert_cdata(priority, "5", 1); iks_insert_attrib(presence, "to", room); res = ast_aji_send(client, presence); } else ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Out of memory.\n"); iks_delete(presence); iks_delete(priority); return res; } /*! * \brief invite to a chatroom. * \param client the configured XMPP client we use to connect to a XMPP server * \param user * \param room * \param message * \return res. */ int ast_aji_invite_chat(struct aji_client *client, char *user, char *room, char *message) { int res = 0; iks *invite, *body, *namespace; invite = iks_new("message"); body = iks_new("body"); namespace = iks_new("x"); if (client && invite && body && namespace) { iks_insert_attrib(invite, "to", user); iks_insert_attrib(invite, "id", client->mid); ast_aji_increment_mid(client->mid); iks_insert_cdata(body, message, 0); iks_insert_attrib(namespace, "xmlns", "jabber:x:conference"); iks_insert_attrib(namespace, "jid", room); iks_insert_node(invite, body); iks_insert_node(invite, namespace); res = ast_aji_send(client, invite); } else ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Out of memory.\n"); iks_delete(body); iks_delete(namespace); iks_delete(invite); return res; } /*! * \brief receive message loop. * \param data void * \return void. */ static void *aji_recv_loop(void *data) { struct aji_client *client = ASTOBJ_REF((struct aji_client *) data); int res = IKS_HOOK; while(res != IKS_OK) { ast_debug(3, "JABBER: Connecting.\n"); res = aji_reconnect(client); sleep(4); } do { if (res == IKS_NET_RWERR || client->timeout == 0) { while(res != IKS_OK) { ast_debug(3, "JABBER: reconnecting.\n"); res = aji_reconnect(client); sleep(4); } } res = aji_recv(client, 1); if (client->state == AJI_DISCONNECTING) { ast_debug(2, "Ending our Jabber client's thread due to a disconnect\n"); pthread_exit(NULL); } /* Decrease timeout if no data received */ if (res == IKS_NET_EXPIRED) client->timeout--; if (res == IKS_HOOK) ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "JABBER: Got hook event.\n"); else if (res == IKS_NET_TLSFAIL) ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "JABBER: Failure in TLS.\n"); else if (client->timeout == 0 && client->state == AJI_CONNECTED) { res = client->keepalive ? aji_send_raw(client, " ") : IKS_OK; if(res == IKS_OK) client->timeout = 50; else ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "JABBER: Network Timeout\n"); } else if (res == IKS_NET_RWERR) ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "JABBER: socket read error\n"); } while (client); ASTOBJ_UNREF(client, aji_client_destroy); return 0; } /*! * \brief increments the mid field for messages and other events. * \param mid char. * \return void. */ void ast_aji_increment_mid(char *mid) { int i = 0; for (i = strlen(mid) - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (mid[i] != 'z') { mid[i] = mid[i] + 1; i = 0; } else mid[i] = 'a'; } } #if 0 /*! * \brief attempts to register to a transport. * \param aji_client struct, and xml packet. * \return IKS_FILTER_EAT. */ /*allows for registering to transport , was too sketch and is out for now. */ static int aji_register_transport(void *data, ikspak *pak) { struct aji_client *client = ASTOBJ_REF((struct aji_client *) data); int res = 0; struct aji_buddy *buddy = NULL; iks *send = iks_make_iq(IKS_TYPE_GET, "jabber:iq:register"); if (client && send) { ASTOBJ_CONTAINER_TRAVERSE(&client->buddies, 1, { ASTOBJ_RDLOCK(iterator); if (iterator->btype == AJI_TRANS) { buddy = iterator; } ASTOBJ_UNLOCK(iterator); }); iks_filter_remove_hook(client->f, aji_register_transport); iks_filter_add_rule(client->f, aji_register_transport2, client, IKS_RULE_TYPE, IKS_PAK_IQ, IKS_RULE_SUBTYPE, IKS_TYPE_RESULT, IKS_RULE_NS, IKS_NS_REGISTER, IKS_RULE_DONE); iks_insert_attrib(send, "to", buddy->host); iks_insert_attrib(send, "id", client->mid); ast_aji_increment_mid(client->mid); iks_insert_attrib(send, "from", client->user); res = ast_aji_send(client, send); } else ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Out of memory.\n"); if (send) iks_delete(send); ASTOBJ_UNREF(client, aji_client_destroy); return IKS_FILTER_EAT; } /*! * \brief attempts to register to a transport step 2. * \param aji_client struct, and xml packet. * \return IKS_FILTER_EAT. */ /* more of the same blob of code, too wonky for now*/ static int aji_register_transport2(void *data, ikspak *pak) { struct aji_client *client = ASTOBJ_REF((struct aji_client *) data); int res = 0; struct aji_buddy *buddy = NULL; iks *regiq = iks_new("iq"); iks *regquery = iks_new("query"); iks *reguser = iks_new("username"); iks *regpass = iks_new("password"); if (client && regquery && reguser && regpass && regiq) { ASTOBJ_CONTAINER_TRAVERSE(&client->buddies, 1, { ASTOBJ_RDLOCK(iterator); if (iterator->btype == AJI_TRANS) buddy = iterator; ASTOBJ_UNLOCK(iterator); }); iks_filter_remove_hook(client->f, aji_register_transport2); iks_insert_attrib(regiq, "to", buddy->host); iks_insert_attrib(regiq, "type", "set"); iks_insert_attrib(regiq, "id", client->mid); ast_aji_increment_mid(client->mid); iks_insert_attrib(regiq, "from", client->user); iks_insert_attrib(regquery, "xmlns", "jabber:iq:register"); iks_insert_cdata(reguser, buddy->user, 0); iks_insert_cdata(regpass, buddy->pass, 0); iks_insert_node(regiq, regquery); iks_insert_node(regquery, reguser); iks_insert_node(regquery, regpass); res = ast_aji_send(client, regiq); } else ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Out of memory.\n"); if (regiq) iks_delete(regiq); if (regquery) iks_delete(regquery); if (reguser) iks_delete(reguser); if (regpass) iks_delete(regpass); ASTOBJ_UNREF(client, aji_client_destroy); return IKS_FILTER_EAT; } #endif /*! * \brief goes through roster and prunes users not needed in list, or adds them accordingly. * \param client the configured XMPP client we use to connect to a XMPP server * \return void. * \note The messages here should be configurable. */ static void aji_pruneregister(struct aji_client *client) { int res = 0; iks *removeiq = iks_new("iq"); iks *removequery = iks_new("query"); iks *removeitem = iks_new("item"); iks *send = iks_make_iq(IKS_TYPE_GET, "http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#items"); if (!client || !removeiq || !removequery || !removeitem || !send) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Out of memory.\n"); goto safeout; } iks_insert_node(removeiq, removequery); iks_insert_node(removequery, removeitem); ASTOBJ_CONTAINER_TRAVERSE(&client->buddies, 1, { ASTOBJ_RDLOCK(iterator); /* For an aji_buddy, both AUTOPRUNE and AUTOREGISTER will never * be called at the same time */ if (ast_test_flag(&iterator->flags, AJI_AUTOPRUNE)) { /* If autoprune is set on jabber.conf */ res = ast_aji_send(client, iks_make_s10n(IKS_TYPE_UNSUBSCRIBE, iterator->name, "GoodBye. Your status is no longer needed by Asterisk the Open Source PBX" " so I am no longer subscribing to your presence.\n")); res = ast_aji_send(client, iks_make_s10n(IKS_TYPE_UNSUBSCRIBED, iterator->name, "GoodBye. You are no longer in the Asterisk config file so I am removing" " your access to my presence.\n")); iks_insert_attrib(removeiq, "from", client->jid->full); iks_insert_attrib(removeiq, "type", "set"); iks_insert_attrib(removequery, "xmlns", "jabber:iq:roster"); iks_insert_attrib(removeitem, "jid", iterator->name); iks_insert_attrib(removeitem, "subscription", "remove"); res = ast_aji_send(client, removeiq); } else if (ast_test_flag(&iterator->flags, AJI_AUTOREGISTER)) { res = ast_aji_send(client, iks_make_s10n(IKS_TYPE_SUBSCRIBE, iterator->name, "Greetings! I am the Asterisk Open Source PBX and I want to subscribe to your presence\n")); ast_clear_flag(&iterator->flags, AJI_AUTOREGISTER); } ASTOBJ_UNLOCK(iterator); }); safeout: iks_delete(removeiq); iks_delete(removequery); iks_delete(removeitem); iks_delete(send); ASTOBJ_CONTAINER_PRUNE_MARKED(&client->buddies, aji_buddy_destroy); } /*! * \brief filters the roster packet we get back from server. * \param data void * \param pak ikspak iksemel packet. * \return IKS_FILTER_EAT. */ static int aji_filter_roster(void *data, ikspak *pak) { struct aji_client *client = ASTOBJ_REF((struct aji_client *) data); int flag = 0; iks *x = NULL; struct aji_buddy *buddy; client->state = AJI_CONNECTED; ASTOBJ_CONTAINER_TRAVERSE(&client->buddies, 1, { ASTOBJ_RDLOCK(iterator); x = iks_child(pak->query); flag = 0; while (x) { if (!iks_strcmp(iks_name(x), "item")) { if (!strcasecmp(iterator->name, iks_find_attrib(x, "jid"))) { flag = 1; ast_clear_flag(&iterator->flags, AJI_AUTOPRUNE | AJI_AUTOREGISTER); } } x = iks_next(x); } if (!flag) ast_copy_flags(&iterator->flags, &client->flags, AJI_AUTOREGISTER); iks_delete(x); ASTOBJ_UNLOCK(iterator); }); x = iks_child(pak->query); while (x) { flag = 0; if (iks_strcmp(iks_name(x), "item") == 0) { ASTOBJ_CONTAINER_TRAVERSE(&client->buddies, 1, { ASTOBJ_RDLOCK(iterator); if (!strcasecmp(iterator->name, iks_find_attrib(x, "jid"))) flag = 1; ASTOBJ_UNLOCK(iterator); }); if (flag) { /* found buddy, don't create a new one */ x = iks_next(x); continue; } buddy = ast_calloc(1, sizeof(*buddy)); if (!buddy) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Out of memory\n"); return 0; } ASTOBJ_INIT(buddy); ASTOBJ_WRLOCK(buddy); ast_copy_string(buddy->name, iks_find_attrib(x, "jid"), sizeof(buddy->name)); ast_clear_flag(&buddy->flags, AST_FLAGS_ALL); if(ast_test_flag(&client->flags, AJI_AUTOPRUNE)) { ast_set_flag(&buddy->flags, AJI_AUTOPRUNE); ASTOBJ_MARK(buddy); } else if (!iks_strcmp(iks_find_attrib(x, "subscription"), "none") || !iks_strcmp(iks_find_attrib(x, "subscription"), "from")) { /* subscribe to buddy's presence only if we really need to */ ast_set_flag(&buddy->flags, AJI_AUTOREGISTER); } ASTOBJ_UNLOCK(buddy); if (buddy) { ASTOBJ_CONTAINER_LINK(&client->buddies, buddy); ASTOBJ_UNREF(buddy, aji_buddy_destroy); } } x = iks_next(x); } iks_delete(x); aji_pruneregister(client); ASTOBJ_UNREF(client, aji_client_destroy); return IKS_FILTER_EAT; } /*! * \brief reconnect to jabber server * \param client the configured XMPP client we use to connect to a XMPP server * \return res. */ static int aji_reconnect(struct aji_client *client) { int res = 0; if (client->state) client->state = AJI_DISCONNECTED; client->timeout=50; if (client->p) iks_parser_reset(client->p); if (client->authorized) client->authorized = 0; res = aji_initialize(client); return res; } /*! * \brief Get the roster of jabber users * \param client the configured XMPP client we use to connect to a XMPP server * \return 1. */ static int aji_get_roster(struct aji_client *client) { iks *roster = NULL; roster = iks_make_iq(IKS_TYPE_GET, IKS_NS_ROSTER); if(roster) { iks_insert_attrib(roster, "id", "roster"); aji_set_presence(client, NULL, client->jid->full, client->status, client->statusmessage); ast_aji_send(client, roster); } iks_delete(roster); return 1; } /*! * \brief connects as a client to jabber server. * \param data void * \param pak ikspak iksemel packet * \return res. */ static int aji_client_connect(void *data, ikspak *pak) { struct aji_client *client = ASTOBJ_REF((struct aji_client *) data); int res = IKS_FILTER_PASS; if (client) { if (client->state == AJI_DISCONNECTED) { iks_filter_add_rule(client->f, aji_filter_roster, client, IKS_RULE_TYPE, IKS_PAK_IQ, IKS_RULE_SUBTYPE, IKS_TYPE_RESULT, IKS_RULE_ID, "roster", IKS_RULE_DONE); client->state = AJI_CONNECTING; client->jid = (iks_find_cdata(pak->query, "jid")) ? iks_id_new(client->stack, iks_find_cdata(pak->query, "jid")) : client->jid; if (!client->component) { /*client*/ aji_get_roster(client); } iks_filter_remove_hook(client->f, aji_client_connect); /* Once we remove the hook for this routine, we must return EAT or we will crash or corrupt memory */ res = IKS_FILTER_EAT; } } else ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Out of memory.\n"); ASTOBJ_UNREF(client, aji_client_destroy); return res; } /*! * \brief prepares client for connect. * \param client the configured XMPP client we use to connect to a XMPP server * \return 1. */ static int aji_initialize(struct aji_client *client) { int connected = IKS_NET_NOCONN; #ifdef HAVE_OPENSSL /* reset stream flags */ client->stream_flags = 0; #endif /* If it's a component, connect to user, otherwise, connect to server */ connected = iks_connect_via(client->p, S_OR(client->serverhost, client->jid->server), client->port, client->component ? client->user : client->jid->server); if (connected == IKS_NET_NOCONN) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "JABBER ERROR: No Connection\n"); return IKS_HOOK; } else if (connected == IKS_NET_NODNS) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "JABBER ERROR: No DNS %s for client to %s\n", client->name, S_OR(client->serverhost, client->jid->server)); return IKS_HOOK; } return IKS_OK; } /*! * \brief disconnect from jabber server. * \param client the configured XMPP client we use to connect to a XMPP server * \return 1. */ int ast_aji_disconnect(struct aji_client *client) { if (client) { ast_verb(4, "JABBER: Disconnecting\n"); #ifdef HAVE_OPENSSL if (client->stream_flags & SECURE) { SSL_shutdown(client->ssl_session); SSL_CTX_free(client->ssl_context); SSL_free(client->ssl_session); } #endif iks_disconnect(client->p); iks_parser_delete(client->p); ASTOBJ_UNREF(client, aji_client_destroy); } return 1; } /*! * \brief set presence of client. * \param client the configured XMPP client we use to connect to a XMPP server * \param to user send it to * \param from user it came from * \param level * \param desc * \return void. */ static void aji_set_presence(struct aji_client *client, char *to, char *from, int level, char *desc) { int res = 0; iks *presence = iks_make_pres(level, desc); iks *cnode = iks_new("c"); iks *priority = iks_new("priority"); char priorityS[10]; if (presence && cnode && client && priority) { if(to) iks_insert_attrib(presence, "to", to); if(from) iks_insert_attrib(presence, "from", from); snprintf(priorityS, sizeof(priorityS), "%d", client->priority); iks_insert_cdata(priority, priorityS, strlen(priorityS)); iks_insert_node(presence, priority); iks_insert_attrib(cnode, "node", "http://www.asterisk.org/xmpp/client/caps"); iks_insert_attrib(cnode, "ver", "asterisk-xmpp"); iks_insert_attrib(cnode, "ext", "voice-v1"); iks_insert_attrib(cnode, "xmlns", "http://jabber.org/protocol/caps"); iks_insert_node(presence, cnode); res = ast_aji_send(client, presence); } else ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Out of memory.\n"); iks_delete(cnode); iks_delete(presence); iks_delete(priority); } /*! * \brief Turn on/off console debugging. * \return CLI_SUCCESS. */ static char *aji_do_set_debug(struct ast_cli_entry *e, int cmd, struct ast_cli_args *a) { switch (cmd) { case CLI_INIT: e->command = "jabber set debug {on|off}"; e->usage = "Usage: jabber set debug {on|off}\n" " Enables/disables dumping of XMPP/Jabber packets for debugging purposes.\n"; return NULL; case CLI_GENERATE: return NULL; } if (a->argc != e->args) return CLI_SHOWUSAGE; if (!strncasecmp(a->argv[e->args - 1], "on", 2)) { ASTOBJ_CONTAINER_TRAVERSE(&clients, 1, { ASTOBJ_RDLOCK(iterator); iterator->debug = 1; ASTOBJ_UNLOCK(iterator); }); ast_cli(a->fd, "Jabber Debugging Enabled.\n"); return CLI_SUCCESS; } else if (!strncasecmp(a->argv[e->args - 1], "off", 3)) { ASTOBJ_CONTAINER_TRAVERSE(&clients, 1, { ASTOBJ_RDLOCK(iterator); iterator->debug = 0; ASTOBJ_UNLOCK(iterator); }); ast_cli(a->fd, "Jabber Debugging Disabled.\n"); return CLI_SUCCESS; } return CLI_SHOWUSAGE; /* defaults to invalid */ } /*! * \brief Reload jabber module. * \return CLI_SUCCESS. */ static char *aji_do_reload(struct ast_cli_entry *e, int cmd, struct ast_cli_args *a) { switch (cmd) { case CLI_INIT: e->command = "jabber reload"; e->usage = "Usage: jabber reload\n" " Reloads the Jabber module.\n"; return NULL; case CLI_GENERATE: return NULL; } aji_reload(1); ast_cli(a->fd, "Jabber Reloaded.\n"); return CLI_SUCCESS; } /*! * \brief Show client status. * \return CLI_SUCCESS. */ static char *aji_show_clients(struct ast_cli_entry *e, int cmd, struct ast_cli_args *a) { char *status; int count = 0; switch (cmd) { case CLI_INIT: e->command = "jabber show connected"; e->usage = "Usage: jabber show connected\n" " Shows state of clients and components\n"; return NULL; case CLI_GENERATE: return NULL; } ast_cli(a->fd, "Jabber Users and their status:\n"); ASTOBJ_CONTAINER_TRAVERSE(&clients, 1, { ASTOBJ_RDLOCK(iterator); count++; switch (iterator->state) { case AJI_DISCONNECTED: status = "Disconnected"; break; case AJI_CONNECTING: status = "Connecting"; break; case AJI_CONNECTED: status = "Connected"; break; default: status = "Unknown"; } ast_cli(a->fd, " User: %s - %s\n", iterator->user, status); ASTOBJ_UNLOCK(iterator); }); ast_cli(a->fd, "----\n"); ast_cli(a->fd, " Number of users: %d\n", count); return CLI_SUCCESS; } /*! * \brief Show buddy lists * \return CLI_SUCCESS. */ static char *aji_show_buddies(struct ast_cli_entry *e, int cmd, struct ast_cli_args *a) { struct aji_resource *resource; struct aji_client *client; switch (cmd) { case CLI_INIT: e->command = "jabber show buddies"; e->usage = "Usage: jabber show buddies\n" " Shows buddy lists of our clients\n"; return NULL; case CLI_GENERATE: return NULL; } ast_cli(a->fd, "Jabber buddy lists\n"); ASTOBJ_CONTAINER_TRAVERSE(&clients, 1, { ast_cli(a->fd,"Client: %s\n", iterator->user); client = iterator; ASTOBJ_CONTAINER_TRAVERSE(&client->buddies, 1, { ASTOBJ_RDLOCK(iterator); ast_cli(a->fd,"\tBuddy:\t%s\n", iterator->name); if (!iterator->resources) ast_cli(a->fd,"\t\tResource: None\n"); for (resource = iterator->resources; resource; resource = resource->next) { ast_cli(a->fd,"\t\tResource: %s\n", resource->resource); if(resource->cap) { ast_cli(a->fd,"\t\t\tnode: %s\n", resource->cap->parent->node); ast_cli(a->fd,"\t\t\tversion: %s\n", resource->cap->version); ast_cli(a->fd,"\t\t\tJingle capable: %s\n", resource->cap->jingle ? "yes" : "no"); } ast_cli(a->fd,"\t\tStatus: %d\n", resource->status); ast_cli(a->fd,"\t\tPriority: %d\n", resource->priority); } ASTOBJ_UNLOCK(iterator); }); iterator = client; }); return CLI_SUCCESS; } /*! * \brief Send test message for debugging. * \return CLI_SUCCESS,CLI_FAILURE. */ static char *aji_test(struct ast_cli_entry *e, int cmd, struct ast_cli_args *a) { struct aji_client *client; struct aji_resource *resource; const char *name = "asterisk"; struct aji_message *tmp; switch (cmd) { case CLI_INIT: e->command = "jabber test"; e->usage = "Usage: jabber test [client]\n" " Sends test message for debugging purposes. A specific client\n" " as configured in jabber.conf can be optionally specified.\n"; return NULL; case CLI_GENERATE: return NULL; } if (a->argc > 3) return CLI_SHOWUSAGE; else if (a->argc == 3) name = a->argv[2]; if (!(client = ASTOBJ_CONTAINER_FIND(&clients, name))) { ast_cli(a->fd, "Unable to find client '%s'!\n", name); return CLI_FAILURE; } /* XXX Does Matt really want everyone to use his personal address for tests? */ /* XXX yes he does */ ast_aji_send_chat(client, "mogorman@astjab.org", "blahblah"); ASTOBJ_CONTAINER_TRAVERSE(&client->buddies, 1, { ASTOBJ_RDLOCK(iterator); ast_verbose("User: %s\n", iterator->name); for (resource = iterator->resources; resource; resource = resource->next) { ast_verbose("Resource: %s\n", resource->resource); if(resource->cap) { ast_verbose(" client: %s\n", resource->cap->parent->node); ast_verbose(" version: %s\n", resource->cap->version); ast_verbose(" Jingle Capable: %d\n", resource->cap->jingle); } ast_verbose(" Priority: %d\n", resource->priority); ast_verbose(" Status: %d\n", resource->status); ast_verbose(" Message: %s\n", S_OR(resource->description,"")); } ASTOBJ_UNLOCK(iterator); }); ast_verbose("\nOooh a working message stack!\n"); AST_LIST_LOCK(&client->messages); AST_LIST_TRAVERSE(&client->messages, tmp, list) { ast_verbose(" Message from: %s with id %s @ %s %s\n",tmp->from, S_OR(tmp->id,""), ctime(&tmp->arrived), S_OR(tmp->message, "")); } AST_LIST_UNLOCK(&client->messages); ASTOBJ_UNREF(client, aji_client_destroy); return CLI_SUCCESS; } /*! * \brief creates aji_client structure. * \param label * \param var ast_variable * \param debug * \return 0. */ static int aji_create_client(char *label, struct ast_variable *var, int debug) { char *resource; struct aji_client *client = NULL; int flag = 0; client = ASTOBJ_CONTAINER_FIND(&clients,label); if (!client) { flag = 1; client = ast_calloc(1, sizeof(*client)); if (!client) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Out of memory!\n"); return 0; } ASTOBJ_INIT(client); ASTOBJ_WRLOCK(client); ASTOBJ_CONTAINER_INIT(&client->buddies); } else { ASTOBJ_WRLOCK(client); ASTOBJ_UNMARK(client); } ASTOBJ_CONTAINER_MARKALL(&client->buddies); ast_copy_string(client->name, label, sizeof(client->name)); ast_copy_string(client->mid, "aaaaa", sizeof(client->mid)); /* Set default values for the client object */ client->debug = debug; ast_copy_flags(&client->flags, &globalflags, AST_FLAGS_ALL); client->port = 5222; client->usetls = 1; client->usesasl = 1; client->forcessl = 0; client->keepalive = 1; client->timeout = 50; client->message_timeout = 100; AST_LIST_HEAD_INIT(&client->messages); client->component = 0; ast_copy_string(client->statusmessage, "Online and Available", sizeof(client->statusmessage)); client->priority = 0; client->status = IKS_SHOW_AVAILABLE; if (flag) { client->authorized = 0; client->state = AJI_DISCONNECTED; } while (var) { if (!strcasecmp(var->name, "username")) ast_copy_string(client->user, var->value, sizeof(client->user)); else if (!strcasecmp(var->name, "serverhost")) ast_copy_string(client->serverhost, var->value, sizeof(client->serverhost)); else if (!strcasecmp(var->name, "secret")) ast_copy_string(client->password, var->value, sizeof(client->password)); else if (!strcasecmp(var->name, "statusmessage")) ast_copy_string(client->statusmessage, var->value, sizeof(client->statusmessage)); else if (!strcasecmp(var->name, "port")) client->port = atoi(var->value); else if (!strcasecmp(var->name, "timeout")) client->message_timeout = atoi(var->value); else if (!strcasecmp(var->name, "debug")) client->debug = (ast_false(var->value)) ? 0 : 1; else if (!strcasecmp(var->name, "type")) { if (!strcasecmp(var->value, "component")) client->component = 1; } else if (!strcasecmp(var->name, "usetls")) { client->usetls = (ast_false(var->value)) ? 0 : 1; } else if (!strcasecmp(var->name, "usesasl")) { client->usesasl = (ast_false(var->value)) ? 0 : 1; } else if (!strcasecmp(var->name, "forceoldssl")) client->forcessl = (ast_false(var->value)) ? 0 : 1; else if (!strcasecmp(var->name, "keepalive")) client->keepalive = (ast_false(var->value)) ? 0 : 1; else if (!strcasecmp(var->name, "autoprune")) ast_set2_flag(&client->flags, ast_true(var->value), AJI_AUTOPRUNE); else if (!strcasecmp(var->name, "autoregister")) ast_set2_flag(&client->flags, ast_true(var->value), AJI_AUTOREGISTER); else if (!strcasecmp(var->name, "buddy")) aji_create_buddy((char *)var->value, client); else if (!strcasecmp(var->name, "priority")) client->priority = atoi(var->value); else if (!strcasecmp(var->name, "status")) { if (!strcasecmp(var->value, "unavailable")) client->status = IKS_SHOW_UNAVAILABLE; else if (!strcasecmp(var->value, "available") || !strcasecmp(var->value, "online")) client->status = IKS_SHOW_AVAILABLE; else if (!strcasecmp(var->value, "chat") || !strcasecmp(var->value, "chatty")) client->status = IKS_SHOW_CHAT; else if (!strcasecmp(var->value, "away")) client->status = IKS_SHOW_AWAY; else if (!strcasecmp(var->value, "xa") || !strcasecmp(var->value, "xaway")) client->status = IKS_SHOW_XA; else if (!strcasecmp(var->value, "dnd")) client->status = IKS_SHOW_DND; else if (!strcasecmp(var->value, "invisible")) #ifdef IKS_SHOW_INVISIBLE client->status = IKS_SHOW_INVISIBLE; #else { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Your iksemel doesn't support invisible status: falling back to DND\n"); client->status = IKS_SHOW_DND; } #endif else ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unknown presence status: %s\n", var->value); } /* no transport support in this version */ /* else if (!strcasecmp(var->name, "transport")) aji_create_transport(var->value, client); */ var = var->next; } if (!flag) { ASTOBJ_UNLOCK(client); ASTOBJ_UNREF(client, aji_client_destroy); return 1; } ast_copy_string(client->name_space, (client->component) ? "jabber:component:accept" : "jabber:client", sizeof(client->name_space)); client->p = iks_stream_new(client->name_space, client, aji_act_hook); if (!client->p) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Failed to create stream for client '%s'!\n", client->name); return 0; } client->stack = iks_stack_new(8192, 8192); if (!client->stack) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Failed to allocate stack for client '%s'\n", client->name); return 0; } client->f = iks_filter_new(); if (!client->f) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Failed to create filter for client '%s'\n", client->name); return 0; } if (!strchr(client->user, '/') && !client->component) { /*client */ resource = NULL; if (asprintf(&resource, "%s/asterisk", client->user) >= 0) { client->jid = iks_id_new(client->stack, resource); ast_free(resource); } } else client->jid = iks_id_new(client->stack, client->user); if (client->component) { iks_filter_add_rule(client->f, aji_dinfo_handler, client, IKS_RULE_NS, "http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info", IKS_RULE_DONE); iks_filter_add_rule(client->f, aji_ditems_handler, client, IKS_RULE_NS, "http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#items", IKS_RULE_DONE); iks_filter_add_rule(client->f, aji_register_query_handler, client, IKS_RULE_SUBTYPE, IKS_TYPE_GET, IKS_RULE_NS, "jabber:iq:register", IKS_RULE_DONE); iks_filter_add_rule(client->f, aji_register_approve_handler, client, IKS_RULE_SUBTYPE, IKS_TYPE_SET, IKS_RULE_NS, "jabber:iq:register", IKS_RULE_DONE); } else { iks_filter_add_rule(client->f, aji_client_info_handler, client, IKS_RULE_NS, "http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info", IKS_RULE_DONE); } iks_set_log_hook(client->p, aji_log_hook); ASTOBJ_UNLOCK(client); ASTOBJ_CONTAINER_LINK(&clients,client); return 1; } #if 0 /*! * \brief creates transport. * \param label, buddy to dump it into. * \return 0. */ /* no connecting to transports today */ static int aji_create_transport(char *label, struct aji_client *client) { char *server = NULL, *buddyname = NULL, *user = NULL, *pass = NULL; struct aji_buddy *buddy = NULL; buddy = ASTOBJ_CONTAINER_FIND(&client->buddies,label); if (!buddy) { buddy = ast_calloc(1, sizeof(*buddy)); if(!buddy) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Out of memory\n"); return 0; } ASTOBJ_INIT(buddy); } ASTOBJ_WRLOCK(buddy); server = label; if ((buddyname = strchr(label, ','))) { *buddyname = '\0'; buddyname++; if (buddyname && buddyname[0] != '\0') { if ((user = strchr(buddyname, ','))) { *user = '\0'; user++; if (user && user[0] != '\0') { if ((pass = strchr(user, ','))) { *pass = '\0'; pass++; ast_copy_string(buddy->pass, pass, sizeof(buddy->pass)); ast_copy_string(buddy->user, user, sizeof(buddy->user)); ast_copy_string(buddy->name, buddyname, sizeof(buddy->name)); ast_copy_string(buddy->server, server, sizeof(buddy->server)); return 1; } } } } } ASTOBJ_UNLOCK(buddy); ASTOBJ_UNMARK(buddy); ASTOBJ_CONTAINER_LINK(&client->buddies, buddy); return 0; } #endif /*! * \brief creates buddy. * \param label char. * \param client the configured XMPP client we use to connect to a XMPP server * \return 1 on success, 0 on failure. */ static int aji_create_buddy(char *label, struct aji_client *client) { struct aji_buddy *buddy = NULL; int flag = 0; buddy = ASTOBJ_CONTAINER_FIND(&client->buddies,label); if (!buddy) { flag = 1; buddy = ast_calloc(1, sizeof(*buddy)); if(!buddy) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Out of memory\n"); return 0; } ASTOBJ_INIT(buddy); } ASTOBJ_WRLOCK(buddy); ast_copy_string(buddy->name, label, sizeof(buddy->name)); ASTOBJ_UNLOCK(buddy); if(flag) ASTOBJ_CONTAINER_LINK(&client->buddies, buddy); else { ASTOBJ_UNMARK(buddy); ASTOBJ_UNREF(buddy, aji_buddy_destroy); } return 1; } /*!< load config file. \return 1. */ static int aji_load_config(int reload) { char *cat = NULL; int debug = 0; struct ast_config *cfg = NULL; struct ast_variable *var = NULL; struct ast_flags config_flags = { reload ? CONFIG_FLAG_FILEUNCHANGED : 0 }; if ((cfg = ast_config_load(JABBER_CONFIG, config_flags)) == CONFIG_STATUS_FILEUNCHANGED) return -1; /* Reset flags to default value */ ast_set_flag(&globalflags, AJI_AUTOREGISTER); if (cfg == CONFIG_STATUS_FILEMISSING || cfg == CONFIG_STATUS_FILEINVALID) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "No such configuration file %s\n", JABBER_CONFIG); return 0; } cat = ast_category_browse(cfg, NULL); for (var = ast_variable_browse(cfg, "general"); var; var = var->next) { if (!strcasecmp(var->name, "debug")) { debug = (ast_false(ast_variable_retrieve(cfg, "general", "debug"))) ? 0 : 1; } else if (!strcasecmp(var->name, "autoprune")) { ast_set2_flag(&globalflags, ast_true(var->value), AJI_AUTOPRUNE); } else if (!strcasecmp(var->name, "autoregister")) { ast_set2_flag(&globalflags, ast_true(var->value), AJI_AUTOREGISTER); } } while (cat) { if (strcasecmp(cat, "general")) { var = ast_variable_browse(cfg, cat); aji_create_client(cat, var, debug); } cat = ast_category_browse(cfg, cat); } ast_config_destroy(cfg); /* or leak memory */ return 1; } /*! * \brief grab a aji_client structure by label name or JID * (without the resource string) * \param name label or JID * \return aji_client. */ struct aji_client *ast_aji_get_client(const char *name) { struct aji_client *client = NULL; char *aux = NULL; client = ASTOBJ_CONTAINER_FIND(&clients, name); if (!client && strchr(name, '@')) { ASTOBJ_CONTAINER_TRAVERSE(&clients, 1, { aux = ast_strdupa(iterator->user); if (strchr(aux, '/')) { /* strip resource for comparison */ aux = strsep(&aux, "/"); } if (!strncasecmp(aux, name, strlen(aux))) { client = iterator; } }); } return client; } struct aji_client_container *ast_aji_get_clients(void) { return &clients; } static char mandescr_jabber_send[] = "Description: Sends a message to a Jabber Client.\n" "Variables: \n" " Jabber: Client or transport Asterisk uses to connect to JABBER\n" " JID: XMPP/Jabber JID (Name) of recipient\n" " Message: Message to be sent to the buddy\n"; /*! * \brief Send a Jabber Message via call from the Manager * \param s mansession Manager session * \param m message Message to send * \return 0 */ static int manager_jabber_send(struct mansession *s, const struct message *m) { struct aji_client *client = NULL; const char *id = astman_get_header(m,"ActionID"); const char *jabber = astman_get_header(m,"Jabber"); const char *screenname = astman_get_header(m,"ScreenName"); const char *message = astman_get_header(m,"Message"); if (ast_strlen_zero(jabber)) { astman_send_error(s, m, "No transport specified"); return 0; } if (ast_strlen_zero(screenname)) { astman_send_error(s, m, "No ScreenName specified"); return 0; } if (ast_strlen_zero(message)) { astman_send_error(s, m, "No Message specified"); return 0; } astman_send_ack(s, m, "Attempting to send Jabber Message"); client = ast_aji_get_client(jabber); if (!client) { astman_send_error(s, m, "Could not find Sender"); return 0; } if (strchr(screenname, '@') && message) { ast_aji_send_chat(client, screenname, message); astman_append(s, "Response: Success\r\n"); } else { astman_append(s, "Response: Error\r\n"); } if (!ast_strlen_zero(id)) { astman_append(s, "ActionID: %s\r\n",id); } astman_append(s, "\r\n"); return 0; } /*! \brief Reload the jabber module */ static int aji_reload(int reload) { int res; ASTOBJ_CONTAINER_MARKALL(&clients); if (!(res = aji_load_config(reload))) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "JABBER: Failed to load config.\n"); return 0; } else if (res == -1) return 1; ASTOBJ_CONTAINER_PRUNE_MARKED(&clients, aji_client_destroy); ASTOBJ_CONTAINER_TRAVERSE(&clients, 1, { ASTOBJ_RDLOCK(iterator); if(iterator->state == AJI_DISCONNECTED) { if (!iterator->thread) ast_pthread_create_background(&iterator->thread, NULL, aji_recv_loop, iterator); } else if (iterator->state == AJI_CONNECTING) aji_get_roster(iterator); ASTOBJ_UNLOCK(iterator); }); return 1; } /*! \brief Unload the jabber module */ static int unload_module(void) { ast_cli_unregister_multiple(aji_cli, ARRAY_LEN(aji_cli)); ast_unregister_application(app_ajisend); ast_unregister_application(app_ajistatus); ast_manager_unregister("JabberSend"); ast_custom_function_unregister(&jabberstatus_function); ASTOBJ_CONTAINER_TRAVERSE(&clients, 1, { ASTOBJ_WRLOCK(iterator); ast_debug(3, "JABBER: Releasing and disconnecting client: %s\n", iterator->name); iterator->state = AJI_DISCONNECTING; ASTOBJ_UNLOCK(iterator); pthread_join(iterator->thread, NULL); ast_aji_disconnect(iterator); }); ASTOBJ_CONTAINER_DESTROYALL(&clients, aji_client_destroy); ASTOBJ_CONTAINER_DESTROY(&clients); return 0; } /*! \brief Unload the jabber module */ static int load_module(void) { ASTOBJ_CONTAINER_INIT(&clients); if(!aji_reload(0)) return AST_MODULE_LOAD_DECLINE; ast_manager_register2("JabberSend", EVENT_FLAG_SYSTEM, manager_jabber_send, "Sends a message to a Jabber Client", mandescr_jabber_send); ast_register_application_xml(app_ajisend, aji_send_exec); ast_register_application_xml(app_ajistatus, aji_status_exec); ast_cli_register_multiple(aji_cli, ARRAY_LEN(aji_cli)); ast_custom_function_register(&jabberstatus_function); return 0; } /*! \brief Wrapper for aji_reload */ static int reload(void) { aji_reload(1); return 0; } AST_MODULE_INFO(ASTERISK_GPL_KEY, AST_MODFLAG_GLOBAL_SYMBOLS, "AJI - Asterisk Jabber Interface", .load = load_module, .unload = unload_module, .reload = reload, );