# # Asterisk -- A telephony toolkit for Linux. # # Makefile for resource modules # # Copyright (C) 1999-2006, Digium, Inc. # # This program is free software, distributed under the terms of # the GNU General Public License # -include $(ASTTOPDIR)/menuselect.makeopts $(ASTTOPDIR)/menuselect.makedeps MODULE_PREFIX=res MENUSELECT_CATEGORY=RES MENUSELECT_DESCRIPTION=Resource Modules all: _all include $(ASTTOPDIR)/Makefile.moddir_rules ifneq ($(findstring $(OSARCH), mingw32 cygwin ),) # cygwin has some dependencies among res_ things. # We use order-only dependencies, and then add the libraries as required. res_features.so: | res_monitor.so res_features.so_LIBS:= -lres_monitor.so # res_agi.so: | res_speech.so res_agi.so_LIBS:= -lres_speech.so endif ael/ael_lex.o: ael/ael_lex.c ../include/asterisk/ael_structs.h ael/ael.tab.h ael/ael_lex.o: _ASTCFLAGS+=-I. -Iael -Wno-unused ael/ael.tab.o: ael/ael.tab.c ael/ael.tab.h ../include/asterisk/ael_structs.h ael/ael.tab.o: _ASTCFLAGS+=-I. -Iael -DYYENABLE_NLS=0 $(if $(filter res_snmp,$(EMBEDDED_MODS)),modules.link,res_snmp.so): snmp/agent.o $(if $(filter res_ael_share,$(EMBEDDED_MODS)),modules.link,res_ael_share.so): ael/ael_lex.o ael/ael.tab.o ael/pval.o ael/ael_lex.c: (cd ael; flex ael.flex; sed -e "/begin standard C headers/i#include \"asterisk.h\"" ael_lex.c > zz; mv zz ael_lex.c) (cd ael; sed 's@#if __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L@#if !defined __STDC_VERSION__ || __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L@' ael_lex.c > zz; mv zz ael_lex.c) ael/ael.tab.c ael/ael.tab.h: (cd ael; bison -v -d ael.y) ael/pval.o: ael/pval.c clean:: rm -f snmp/*.o snmp/*.i ael/*.o ael/*.i