/* * Asterisk -- An open source telephony toolkit. * * Copyright (C) 2002, Pauline Middelink * * * See http://www.asterisk.org for more information about * the Asterisk project. Please do not directly contact * any of the maintainers of this project for assistance; * the project provides a web site, mailing lists and IRC * channels for your use. * * This program is free software, distributed under the terms of * the GNU General Public License Version 2. See the LICENSE file * at the top of the source tree. */ /*! \file * * \brief Tone Management * * \author Pauline Middelink * * This set of function allow us to play a list of tones on a channel. * Each element has two frequencies, which are mixed together and a * duration. For silence both frequencies can be set to 0. * The playtones can be given as a comma separated string. * */ #include "asterisk.h" ASTERISK_FILE_VERSION(__FILE__, "$Revision$") #include #include "asterisk/lock.h" #include "asterisk/linkedlists.h" #include "asterisk/indications.h" #include "asterisk/frame.h" #include "asterisk/channel.h" #include "asterisk/utils.h" static int midi_tohz[128] = { 8,8,9,9,10,10,11,12,12,13,14, 15,16,17,18,19,20,21,23,24,25, 27,29,30,32,34,36,38,41,43,46, 48,51,55,58,61,65,69,73,77,82, 87,92,97,103,110,116,123,130,138,146, 155,164,174,184,195,207,220,233,246,261, 277,293,311,329,349,369,391,415,440,466, 493,523,554,587,622,659,698,739,783,830, 880,932,987,1046,1108,1174,1244,1318,1396,1479, 1567,1661,1760,1864,1975,2093,2217,2349,2489,2637, 2793,2959,3135,3322,3520,3729,3951,4186,4434,4698, 4978,5274,5587,5919,6271,6644,7040,7458,7902,8372, 8869,9397,9956,10548,11175,11839,12543 }; struct playtones_item { int fac1; int init_v2_1; int init_v3_1; int fac2; int init_v2_2; int init_v3_2; int modulate; int duration; }; struct playtones_def { int vol; int reppos; int nitems; int interruptible; struct playtones_item *items; }; struct playtones_state { int vol; int v1_1; int v2_1; int v3_1; int v1_2; int v2_2; int v3_2; int reppos; int nitems; struct playtones_item *items; int npos; int oldnpos; int pos; int origwfmt; struct ast_frame f; unsigned char offset[AST_FRIENDLY_OFFSET]; short data[4000]; }; static void playtones_release(struct ast_channel *chan, void *params) { struct playtones_state *ps = params; if (chan) ast_set_write_format(chan, ps->origwfmt); if (ps->items) ast_free(ps->items); ast_free(ps); } static void * playtones_alloc(struct ast_channel *chan, void *params) { struct playtones_def *pd = params; struct playtones_state *ps = NULL; if (!(ps = ast_calloc(1, sizeof(*ps)))) return NULL; ps->origwfmt = chan->writeformat; if (ast_set_write_format(chan, AST_FORMAT_SLINEAR)) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to set '%s' to signed linear format (write)\n", chan->name); playtones_release(NULL, ps); ps = NULL; } else { ps->vol = pd->vol; ps->reppos = pd->reppos; ps->nitems = pd->nitems; ps->items = pd->items; ps->oldnpos = -1; } /* Let interrupts interrupt :) */ if (pd->interruptible) ast_set_flag(chan, AST_FLAG_WRITE_INT); else ast_clear_flag(chan, AST_FLAG_WRITE_INT); return ps; } static int playtones_generator(struct ast_channel *chan, void *data, int len, int samples) { struct playtones_state *ps = data; struct playtones_item *pi; int x; /* we need to prepare a frame with 16 * timelen samples as we're * generating SLIN audio */ len = samples * 2; if (len > sizeof(ps->data) / 2 - 1) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Can't generate that much data!\n"); return -1; } memset(&ps->f, 0, sizeof(ps->f)); pi = &ps->items[ps->npos]; if (ps->oldnpos != ps->npos) { /* Load new parameters */ ps->v1_1 = 0; ps->v2_1 = pi->init_v2_1; ps->v3_1 = pi->init_v3_1; ps->v1_2 = 0; ps->v2_2 = pi->init_v2_2; ps->v3_2 = pi->init_v3_2; ps->oldnpos = ps->npos; } for (x = 0; x < len/2; x++) { ps->v1_1 = ps->v2_1; ps->v2_1 = ps->v3_1; ps->v3_1 = (pi->fac1 * ps->v2_1 >> 15) - ps->v1_1; ps->v1_2 = ps->v2_2; ps->v2_2 = ps->v3_2; ps->v3_2 = (pi->fac2 * ps->v2_2 >> 15) - ps->v1_2; if (pi->modulate) { int p; p = ps->v3_2 - 32768; if (p < 0) p = -p; p = ((p * 9) / 10) + 1; ps->data[x] = (ps->v3_1 * p) >> 15; } else ps->data[x] = ps->v3_1 + ps->v3_2; } ps->f.frametype = AST_FRAME_VOICE; ps->f.subclass = AST_FORMAT_SLINEAR; ps->f.datalen = len; ps->f.samples = samples; ps->f.offset = AST_FRIENDLY_OFFSET; ps->f.data = ps->data; ps->f.delivery.tv_sec = 0; ps->f.delivery.tv_usec = 0; ast_write(chan, &ps->f); ps->pos += x; if (pi->duration && ps->pos >= pi->duration * 8) { /* item finished? */ ps->pos = 0; /* start new item */ ps->npos++; if (ps->npos >= ps->nitems) { /* last item? */ if (ps->reppos == -1) /* repeat set? */ return -1; ps->npos = ps->reppos; /* redo from top */ } } return 0; } static struct ast_generator playtones = { alloc: playtones_alloc, release: playtones_release, generate: playtones_generator, }; int ast_playtones_start(struct ast_channel *chan, int vol, const char *playlst, int interruptible) { char *s, *data = ast_strdupa(playlst); /* cute */ struct playtones_def d = { vol, -1, 0, 1, NULL}; char *stringp; char *separator; if (vol < 1) d.vol = 7219; /* Default to -8db */ d.interruptible = interruptible; stringp=data; /* the stringp/data is not null here */ /* check if the data is separated with '|' or with ',' by default */ if (strchr(stringp,'|')) separator = "|"; else separator = ","; s = strsep(&stringp,separator); while (s && *s) { int freq1, freq2, time, modulate = 0, midinote = 0; if (s[0]=='!') s++; else if (d.reppos == -1) d.reppos = d.nitems; if (sscanf(s, "%d+%d/%d", &freq1, &freq2, &time) == 3) { /* f1+f2/time format */ } else if (sscanf(s, "%d+%d", &freq1, &freq2) == 2) { /* f1+f2 format */ time = 0; } else if (sscanf(s, "%d*%d/%d", &freq1, &freq2, &time) == 3) { /* f1*f2/time format */ modulate = 1; } else if (sscanf(s, "%d*%d", &freq1, &freq2) == 2) { /* f1*f2 format */ time = 0; modulate = 1; } else if (sscanf(s, "%d/%d", &freq1, &time) == 2) { /* f1/time format */ freq2 = 0; } else if (sscanf(s, "%d", &freq1) == 1) { /* f1 format */ freq2 = 0; time = 0; } else if (sscanf(s, "M%d+M%d/%d", &freq1, &freq2, &time) == 3) { /* Mf1+Mf2/time format */ midinote = 1; } else if (sscanf(s, "M%d+M%d", &freq1, &freq2) == 2) { /* Mf1+Mf2 format */ time = 0; midinote = 1; } else if (sscanf(s, "M%d*M%d/%d", &freq1, &freq2, &time) == 3) { /* Mf1*Mf2/time format */ modulate = 1; midinote = 1; } else if (sscanf(s, "M%d*M%d", &freq1, &freq2) == 2) { /* Mf1*Mf2 format */ time = 0; modulate = 1; midinote = 1; } else if (sscanf(s, "M%d/%d", &freq1, &time) == 2) { /* Mf1/time format */ freq2 = -1; midinote = 1; } else if (sscanf(s, "M%d", &freq1) == 1) { /* Mf1 format */ freq2 = -1; time = 0; midinote = 1; } else { ast_log(LOG_WARNING,"%s: tone component '%s' of '%s' is no good\n",chan->name,s,playlst); return -1; } if (midinote) { /* midi notes must be between 0 and 127 */ if ((freq1 >= 0) && (freq1 <= 127)) freq1 = midi_tohz[freq1]; else freq1 = 0; if ((freq2 >= 0) && (freq2 <= 127)) freq2 = midi_tohz[freq2]; else freq2 = 0; } if (!(d.items = ast_realloc(d.items, (d.nitems + 1) * sizeof(*d.items)))) { return -1; } d.items[d.nitems].fac1 = 2.0 * cos(2.0 * M_PI * (freq1 / 8000.0)) * 32768.0; d.items[d.nitems].init_v2_1 = sin(-4.0 * M_PI * (freq1 / 8000.0)) * d.vol; d.items[d.nitems].init_v3_1 = sin(-2.0 * M_PI * (freq1 / 8000.0)) * d.vol; d.items[d.nitems].fac2 = 2.0 * cos(2.0 * M_PI * (freq2 / 8000.0)) * 32768.0; d.items[d.nitems].init_v2_2 = sin(-4.0 * M_PI * (freq2 / 8000.0)) * d.vol; d.items[d.nitems].init_v3_2 = sin(-2.0 * M_PI * (freq2 / 8000.0)) * d.vol; d.items[d.nitems].duration = time; d.items[d.nitems].modulate = modulate; d.nitems++; s = strsep(&stringp,separator); } if (ast_activate_generator(chan, &playtones, &d)) { ast_free(d.items); return -1; } return 0; } void ast_playtones_stop(struct ast_channel *chan) { ast_deactivate_generator(chan); } /*--------------------------------------------*/ static AST_RWLIST_HEAD_STATIC(tone_zones, ind_tone_zone); static struct ind_tone_zone *current_tonezone; struct ind_tone_zone *ast_walk_indications(const struct ind_tone_zone *cur) { struct ind_tone_zone *tz = NULL; AST_RWLIST_RDLOCK(&tone_zones); /* If cur is not NULL, then we have to iterate through - otherwise just return the first entry */ if (cur) { AST_RWLIST_TRAVERSE(&tone_zones, tz, list) { if (tz == cur) break; } tz = AST_RWLIST_NEXT(tz, list); } else { tz = AST_RWLIST_FIRST(&tone_zones); } AST_RWLIST_UNLOCK(&tone_zones); return tz; } /* Set global indication country */ int ast_set_indication_country(const char *country) { struct ind_tone_zone *zone = NULL; /* If no country is specified or we are unable to find the zone, then return not found */ if (!country || !(zone = ast_get_indication_zone(country))) return 1; ast_verb(3, "Setting default indication country to '%s'\n", country); /* Protect the current tonezone using the tone_zones lock as well */ AST_RWLIST_WRLOCK(&tone_zones); current_tonezone = zone; AST_RWLIST_UNLOCK(&tone_zones); /* Zone was found */ return 0; } /* locate tone_zone, given the country. if country == NULL, use the default country */ struct ind_tone_zone *ast_get_indication_zone(const char *country) { struct ind_tone_zone *tz = NULL; int alias_loop = 0; AST_RWLIST_RDLOCK(&tone_zones); if (ast_strlen_zero(country)) { tz = current_tonezone ? current_tonezone : AST_LIST_FIRST(&tone_zones); } else { do { AST_RWLIST_TRAVERSE(&tone_zones, tz, list) { if (!strcasecmp(tz->country, country)) break; } if (!tz) break; /* If this is an alias then we have to search yet again otherwise we have found the zonezone */ if (tz->alias && tz->alias[0]) country = tz->alias; else break; } while ((++alias_loop < 20) && tz); } AST_RWLIST_UNLOCK(&tone_zones); /* If we reached the maximum loops to find the proper country via alias, print out a notice */ if (alias_loop == 20) ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Alias loop for '%s' is bonkers\n", country); return tz; } /* locate a tone_zone_sound, given the tone_zone. if tone_zone == NULL, use the default tone_zone */ struct ind_tone_zone_sound *ast_get_indication_tone(const struct ind_tone_zone *zone, const char *indication) { struct ind_tone_zone_sound *ts = NULL; AST_RWLIST_RDLOCK(&tone_zones); /* If no zone is already specified we need to try to pick one */ if (!zone) { if (current_tonezone) { zone = current_tonezone; } else if (!(zone = AST_LIST_FIRST(&tone_zones))) { /* No zone has been found ;( */ AST_RWLIST_UNLOCK(&tone_zones); return NULL; } } /* Look through list of tones in the zone searching for the right one */ for (ts = zone->tones; ts; ts = ts->next) { if (!strcasecmp(ts->name, indication)) break; } AST_RWLIST_UNLOCK(&tone_zones); return ts; } /* helper function to delete a tone_zone in its entirety */ static inline void free_zone(struct ind_tone_zone* zone) { while (zone->tones) { struct ind_tone_zone_sound *tmp = zone->tones->next; ast_free((void *)zone->tones->name); ast_free((void *)zone->tones->data); ast_free(zone->tones); zone->tones = tmp; } if (zone->ringcadence) ast_free(zone->ringcadence); ast_free(zone); } /*--------------------------------------------*/ /* add a new country, if country exists, it will be replaced. */ int ast_register_indication_country(struct ind_tone_zone *zone) { struct ind_tone_zone *tz = NULL; AST_RWLIST_WRLOCK(&tone_zones); AST_RWLIST_TRAVERSE_SAFE_BEGIN(&tone_zones, tz, list) { /* If this is not the same zone, then just continue to the next entry */ if (strcasecmp(zone->country, tz->country)) continue; /* If this zone we are going to remove is the current default then make the new zone the default */ if (tz == current_tonezone) current_tonezone = zone; /* Remove from the linked list */ AST_RWLIST_REMOVE_CURRENT(list); /* Finally free the zone itself */ free_zone(tz); break; } AST_RWLIST_TRAVERSE_SAFE_END; /* Add zone to the list */ AST_RWLIST_INSERT_TAIL(&tone_zones, zone, list); /* It's all over. */ AST_RWLIST_UNLOCK(&tone_zones); ast_verb(3, "Registered indication country '%s'\n", zone->country); return 0; } /* remove an existing country and all its indications, country must exist. * Also, all countries which are an alias for the specified country are removed. */ int ast_unregister_indication_country(const char *country) { struct ind_tone_zone *tz = NULL; int res = -1; AST_RWLIST_WRLOCK(&tone_zones); AST_RWLIST_TRAVERSE_SAFE_BEGIN(&tone_zones, tz, list) { if (country && (strcasecmp(country, tz->country) && strcasecmp(country, tz->alias))) continue; /* If this tonezone is the current default then unset it */ if (tz == current_tonezone) { ast_log(LOG_NOTICE,"Removed default indication country '%s'\n", tz->country); current_tonezone = NULL; } /* Remove from the list */ AST_RWLIST_REMOVE_CURRENT(list); ast_verb(3, "Unregistered indication country '%s'\n", tz->country); free_zone(tz); res = 0; } AST_RWLIST_TRAVERSE_SAFE_END; AST_RWLIST_UNLOCK(&tone_zones); return res; } /* add a new indication to a tone_zone. tone_zone must exist. if the indication already * exists, it will be replaced. */ int ast_register_indication(struct ind_tone_zone *zone, const char *indication, const char *tonelist) { struct ind_tone_zone_sound *ts, *ps; /* is it an alias? stop */ if (zone->alias[0]) return -1; AST_RWLIST_WRLOCK(&tone_zones); for (ps=NULL,ts=zone->tones; ts; ps=ts,ts=ts->next) { if (!strcasecmp(indication,ts->name)) { /* indication already there, replace */ ast_free((void*)ts->name); ast_free((void*)ts->data); break; } } if (!ts) { /* not there, we have to add */ if (!(ts = ast_malloc(sizeof(*ts)))) { AST_RWLIST_UNLOCK(&tone_zones); return -2; } ts->next = NULL; } if (!(ts->name = ast_strdup(indication)) || !(ts->data = ast_strdup(tonelist))) { AST_RWLIST_UNLOCK(&tone_zones); return -2; } if (ps) ps->next = ts; else zone->tones = ts; AST_RWLIST_UNLOCK(&tone_zones); return 0; } /* remove an existing country's indication. Both country and indication must exist */ int ast_unregister_indication(struct ind_tone_zone *zone, const char *indication) { struct ind_tone_zone_sound *ts,*ps = NULL, *tmp; int res = -1; /* is it an alias? stop */ if (zone->alias[0]) return -1; AST_RWLIST_WRLOCK(&tone_zones); ts = zone->tones; while (ts) { if (!strcasecmp(indication,ts->name)) { /* indication found */ tmp = ts->next; if (ps) ps->next = tmp; else zone->tones = tmp; ast_free((void*)ts->name); ast_free((void*)ts->data); ast_free(ts); ts = tmp; res = 0; } else { /* next zone please */ ps = ts; ts = ts->next; } } /* indication not found, goodbye */ AST_RWLIST_UNLOCK(&tone_zones); return res; }