/* * Asterisk -- An open source telephony toolkit. * * Copyright (C) 1999 - 2006, Digium, Inc. * * Mark Spencer * * See http://www.asterisk.org for more information about * the Asterisk project. Please do not directly contact * any of the maintainers of this project for assistance; * the project provides a web site, mailing lists and IRC * channels for your use. * * This program is free software, distributed under the terms of * the GNU General Public License Version 2. See the LICENSE file * at the top of the source tree. */ /*! * \file * \brief http server for AMI access * * \author Mark Spencer * * This program implements a tiny http server * and was inspired by micro-httpd by Jef Poskanzer * * \ref AstHTTP - AMI over the http protocol */ #include "asterisk.h" ASTERISK_FILE_VERSION(__FILE__, "$Revision$") #include #include #include #include #include #include "asterisk/paths.h" /* use ast_config_AST_DATA_DIR */ #include "asterisk/network.h" #include "asterisk/cli.h" #include "asterisk/tcptls.h" #include "asterisk/http.h" #include "asterisk/utils.h" #include "asterisk/strings.h" #include "asterisk/config.h" #include "asterisk/stringfields.h" #include "asterisk/ast_version.h" #include "asterisk/manager.h" #include "asterisk/_private.h" #include "asterisk/astobj2.h" #define MAX_PREFIX 80 /* See http.h for more information about the SSL implementation */ #if defined(HAVE_OPENSSL) && (defined(HAVE_FUNOPEN) || defined(HAVE_FOPENCOOKIE)) #define DO_SSL /* comment in/out if you want to support ssl */ #endif static struct ast_tls_config http_tls_cfg; static void *httpd_helper_thread(void *arg); /*! * we have up to two accepting threads, one for http, one for https */ static struct ast_tcptls_session_args http_desc = { .accept_fd = -1, .master = AST_PTHREADT_NULL, .tls_cfg = NULL, .poll_timeout = -1, .name = "http server", .accept_fn = ast_tcptls_server_root, .worker_fn = httpd_helper_thread, }; static struct ast_tcptls_session_args https_desc = { .accept_fd = -1, .master = AST_PTHREADT_NULL, .tls_cfg = &http_tls_cfg, .poll_timeout = -1, .name = "https server", .accept_fn = ast_tcptls_server_root, .worker_fn = httpd_helper_thread, }; static AST_RWLIST_HEAD_STATIC(uris, ast_http_uri); /*!< list of supported handlers */ /* all valid URIs must be prepended by the string in prefix. */ static char prefix[MAX_PREFIX]; static int enablestatic; /*! \brief Limit the kinds of files we're willing to serve up */ static struct { const char *ext; const char *mtype; } mimetypes[] = { { "png", "image/png" }, { "xml", "text/xml" }, { "jpg", "image/jpeg" }, { "js", "application/x-javascript" }, { "wav", "audio/x-wav" }, { "mp3", "audio/mpeg" }, { "svg", "image/svg+xml" }, { "svgz", "image/svg+xml" }, { "gif", "image/gif" }, }; struct http_uri_redirect { AST_LIST_ENTRY(http_uri_redirect) entry; char *dest; char target[0]; }; static AST_RWLIST_HEAD_STATIC(uri_redirects, http_uri_redirect); const struct ast_cfhttp_methods_text { enum ast_http_method method; const char text[]; } ast_http_methods_text[] = { { AST_HTTP_UNKNOWN, "UNKNOWN" }, { AST_HTTP_GET, "GET" }, { AST_HTTP_POST, "POST" }, { AST_HTTP_HEAD, "HEAD" }, { AST_HTTP_PUT, "PUT" }, }; const char *ast_get_http_method(enum ast_http_method method) { return ast_http_methods_text[method].text; } const char *ast_http_ftype2mtype(const char *ftype) { int x; if (ftype) { for (x = 0; x < ARRAY_LEN(mimetypes); x++) { if (!strcasecmp(ftype, mimetypes[x].ext)) { return mimetypes[x].mtype; } } } return NULL; } uint32_t ast_http_manid_from_vars(struct ast_variable *headers) { uint32_t mngid = 0; struct ast_variable *v, *cookies; cookies = ast_http_get_cookies(headers); for (v = cookies; v; v = v->next) { if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "mansession_id")) { sscanf(v->value, "%x", &mngid); break; } } if (cookies) { ast_variables_destroy(cookies); } return mngid; } void ast_http_prefix(char *buf, int len) { if (buf) { ast_copy_string(buf, prefix, len); } } static int static_callback(struct ast_tcptls_session_instance *ser, const struct ast_http_uri *urih, const char *uri, enum ast_http_method method, struct ast_variable *get_vars, struct ast_variable *headers) { char *path; const char *ftype; const char *mtype; char wkspace[80]; struct stat st; int len; int fd; struct ast_str *http_header; struct timeval tv; struct ast_tm tm; char timebuf[80], etag[23]; struct ast_variable *v; int not_modified = 0; if (method != AST_HTTP_GET && method != AST_HTTP_HEAD) { ast_http_error(ser, 501, "Not Implemented", "Attempt to use unimplemented / unsupported method"); return -1; } /* Yuck. I'm not really sold on this, but if you don't deliver static content it makes your configuration substantially more challenging, but this seems like a rather irritating feature creep on Asterisk. */ if (!enablestatic || ast_strlen_zero(uri)) { goto out403; } /* Disallow any funny filenames at all */ if ((uri[0] < 33) || strchr("./|~@#$%^&*() \t", uri[0])) { goto out403; } if (strstr(uri, "/..")) { goto out403; } if ((ftype = strrchr(uri, '.'))) { ftype++; } if (!(mtype = ast_http_ftype2mtype(ftype))) { snprintf(wkspace, sizeof(wkspace), "text/%s", S_OR(ftype, "plain")); } /* Cap maximum length */ if ((len = strlen(uri) + strlen(ast_config_AST_DATA_DIR) + strlen("/static-http/") + 5) > 1024) { goto out403; } path = alloca(len); sprintf(path, "%s/static-http/%s", ast_config_AST_DATA_DIR, uri); if (stat(path, &st)) { goto out404; } if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) { goto out404; } fd = open(path, O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) { goto out403; } if (strstr(path, "/private/") && !astman_is_authed(ast_http_manid_from_vars(headers))) { goto out403; } /* make "Etag:" http header value */ snprintf(etag, sizeof(etag), "\"%ld\"", (long)st.st_mtime); /* make "Last-Modified:" http header value */ tv.tv_sec = st.st_mtime; tv.tv_usec = 0; ast_strftime(timebuf, sizeof(timebuf), "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT", ast_localtime(&tv, &tm, "GMT")); /* check received "If-None-Match" request header and Etag value for file */ for (v = headers; v; v = v->next) { if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "If-None-Match")) { if (!strcasecmp(v->value, etag)) { not_modified = 1; } break; } } if ( (http_header = ast_str_create(255)) == NULL) { return -1; } ast_str_set(&http_header, 0, "Content-type: %s\r\n" "ETag: %s\r\n" "Last-Modified: %s", mtype, etag, timebuf); /* ast_http_send() frees http_header, so we don't need to do it before returning */ if (not_modified) { ast_http_send(ser, method, 304, "Not Modified", http_header, NULL, 0, 1); } else { ast_http_send(ser, method, 200, NULL, http_header, NULL, fd, 1); /* static content flag is set */ } close(fd); return 0; out404: ast_http_error(ser, 404, "Not Found", "The requested URL was not found on this server."); return -1; out403: ast_http_error(ser, 403, "Access Denied", "You do not have permission to access the requested URL."); return -1; } static int httpstatus_callback(struct ast_tcptls_session_instance *ser, const struct ast_http_uri *urih, const char *uri, enum ast_http_method method, struct ast_variable *get_vars, struct ast_variable *headers) { struct ast_str *out; struct ast_variable *v, *cookies = NULL; if (method != AST_HTTP_GET && method != AST_HTTP_HEAD) { ast_http_error(ser, 501, "Not Implemented", "Attempt to use unimplemented / unsupported method"); return -1; } if ( (out = ast_str_create(512)) == NULL) { return -1; } ast_str_append(&out, 0, "Asterisk HTTP Status\r\n" "\r\n" "\r\n"); ast_str_append(&out, 0, "\r\n", prefix); ast_str_append(&out, 0, "\r\n", ast_inet_ntoa(http_desc.old_address.sin_addr)); ast_str_append(&out, 0, "\r\n", ntohs(http_desc.old_address.sin_port)); if (http_tls_cfg.enabled) { ast_str_append(&out, 0, "\r\n", ntohs(https_desc.old_address.sin_port)); } ast_str_append(&out, 0, "\r\n"); for (v = get_vars; v; v = v->next) { ast_str_append(&out, 0, "\r\n", v->name, v->value); } ast_str_append(&out, 0, "\r\n"); cookies = ast_http_get_cookies(headers); for (v = cookies; v; v = v->next) { ast_str_append(&out, 0, "\r\n", v->name, v->value); } ast_variables_destroy(cookies); ast_str_append(&out, 0, "
\r\n" "

  Asterisk™ HTTP Status

Bind Address%s
Bind Port%d
SSL Bind Port%d

Submitted GET Variable '%s'%s

Cookie '%s'%s
Asterisk and Digium are registered trademarks of Digium, Inc.
\r\n"); ast_http_send(ser, method, 200, NULL, NULL, out, 0, 0); return 0; } static struct ast_http_uri statusuri = { .callback = httpstatus_callback, .description = "Asterisk HTTP General Status", .uri = "httpstatus", .has_subtree = 0, .data = NULL, .key = __FILE__, }; static struct ast_http_uri staticuri = { .callback = static_callback, .description = "Asterisk HTTP Static Delivery", .uri = "static", .has_subtree = 1, .data = NULL, .key= __FILE__, }; /* send http/1.1 responce */ /* free content variable and close socket*/ void ast_http_send(struct ast_tcptls_session_instance *ser, enum ast_http_method method, int status_code, const char *status_title, struct ast_str *http_header, struct ast_str *out, const int fd, unsigned int static_content) { struct timeval now = ast_tvnow(); struct ast_tm tm; char timebuf[80]; int content_length = 0; if (!ser || 0 == ser->f) { return; } ast_strftime(timebuf, sizeof(timebuf), "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT", ast_localtime(&now, &tm, "GMT")); /* calc conetnt length */ if (out) { content_length += strlen(ast_str_buffer(out)); } if (fd) { content_length += lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END); lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET); } /* send http header */ fprintf(ser->f, "HTTP/1.1 %d %s\r\n" "Server: Asterisk/%s\r\n" "Date: %s\r\n" "Connection: close\r\n" "%s" "Content-Length: %d\r\n" "%s\r\n\r\n", status_code, status_title ? status_title : "OK", ast_get_version(), timebuf, static_content ? "" : "Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store\r\n", content_length, http_header ? ast_str_buffer(http_header) : "" ); /* send content */ if (method != AST_HTTP_HEAD || status_code >= 400) { if (out) { fprintf(ser->f, "%s", ast_str_buffer(out)); } if (fd) { char buf[256]; int len; while ((len = read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf))) > 0) { if (fwrite(buf, len, 1, ser->f) != len) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "fwrite() failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); } } } } if (http_header) { ast_free(http_header); } if (out) { ast_free(out); } fclose(ser->f); ser->f = 0; return; } /* Send http "401 Unauthorized" responce and close socket*/ void ast_http_auth(struct ast_tcptls_session_instance *ser, const char *realm, const unsigned long nonce, const unsigned long opaque, int stale, const char *text) { struct ast_str *http_headers = ast_str_create(128); struct ast_str *out = ast_str_create(512); if (!http_headers || !out) { ast_free(http_headers); ast_free(out); return; } ast_str_set(&http_headers, 0, "WWW-authenticate: Digest algorithm=MD5, realm=\"%s\", nonce=\"%08lx\", qop=\"auth\", opaque=\"%08lx\"%s\r\n" "Content-type: text/html", realm ? realm : "Asterisk", nonce, opaque, stale ? ", stale=true" : ""); ast_str_set(&out, 0, "\r\n" "\r\n" "401 Unauthorized\r\n" "\r\n" "

401 Unauthorized

\r\n" "


\r\n" "
\r\n" "
Asterisk Server
\r\n" "\r\n", text ? text : ""); ast_http_send(ser, AST_HTTP_UNKNOWN, 401, "Unauthorized", http_headers, out, 0, 0); return; } /* send http error responce and close socket*/ void ast_http_error(struct ast_tcptls_session_instance *ser, int status_code, const char *status_title, const char *text) { struct ast_str *http_headers = ast_str_create(40); struct ast_str *out = ast_str_create(256); if (!http_headers || !out) { ast_free(http_headers); ast_free(out); return; } ast_str_set(&http_headers, 0, "Content-type: text/html"); ast_str_set(&out, 0, "\r\n" "\r\n" "%d %s\r\n" "\r\n" "


\r\n" "


\r\n" "
\r\n" "
Asterisk Server
\r\n" "\r\n", status_code, status_title, status_title, text); ast_http_send(ser, AST_HTTP_UNKNOWN, status_code, status_title, http_headers, out, 0, 0); return; } /*! \brief * Link the new uri into the list. * * They are sorted by length of * the string, not alphabetically. Duplicate entries are not replaced, * but the insertion order (using <= and not just <) makes sure that * more recent insertions hide older ones. * On a lookup, we just scan the list and stop at the first matching entry. */ int ast_http_uri_link(struct ast_http_uri *urih) { struct ast_http_uri *uri; int len = strlen(urih->uri); AST_RWLIST_WRLOCK(&uris); if ( AST_RWLIST_EMPTY(&uris) || strlen(AST_RWLIST_FIRST(&uris)->uri) <= len ) { AST_RWLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&uris, urih, entry); AST_RWLIST_UNLOCK(&uris); return 0; } AST_RWLIST_TRAVERSE(&uris, uri, entry) { if (AST_RWLIST_NEXT(uri, entry) && strlen(AST_RWLIST_NEXT(uri, entry)->uri) <= len) { AST_RWLIST_INSERT_AFTER(&uris, uri, urih, entry); AST_RWLIST_UNLOCK(&uris); return 0; } } AST_RWLIST_INSERT_TAIL(&uris, urih, entry); AST_RWLIST_UNLOCK(&uris); return 0; } void ast_http_uri_unlink(struct ast_http_uri *urih) { AST_RWLIST_WRLOCK(&uris); AST_RWLIST_REMOVE(&uris, urih, entry); AST_RWLIST_UNLOCK(&uris); } void ast_http_uri_unlink_all_with_key(const char *key) { struct ast_http_uri *urih; AST_RWLIST_WRLOCK(&uris); AST_RWLIST_TRAVERSE_SAFE_BEGIN(&uris, urih, entry) { if (!strcmp(urih->key, key)) { AST_RWLIST_REMOVE_CURRENT(entry); } if (urih->dmallocd) { ast_free(urih->data); } if (urih->mallocd) { ast_free(urih); } } AST_RWLIST_TRAVERSE_SAFE_END; AST_RWLIST_UNLOCK(&uris); } /* * Decode special characters in http uri. * We have ast_uri_decode to handle %XX sequences, but spaces * are encoded as a '+' so we need to replace them beforehand. */ static void http_decode(char *s) { char *t; for (t = s; *t; t++) { if (*t == '+') { *t = ' '; } } ast_uri_decode(s); } /* * get post variables from client Request Entity-Body, if content type is * application/x-www-form-urlencoded */ struct ast_variable *ast_http_get_post_vars( struct ast_tcptls_session_instance *ser, struct ast_variable *headers) { int content_length = 0; struct ast_variable *v, *post_vars=NULL, *prev = NULL; char *buf, *var, *val; for (v = headers; v; v = v->next) { if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "Content-Type")) { if (strcasecmp(v->value, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")) { return NULL; } break; } } for (v = headers; v; v = v->next) { if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "Content-Length")) { content_length = atoi(v->value) + 1; break; } } if (!content_length) { return NULL; } if (!(buf = alloca(content_length))) { return NULL; } if (!fgets(buf, content_length, ser->f)) { return NULL; } while ((val = strsep(&buf, "&"))) { var = strsep(&val, "="); if (val) { http_decode(val); } else { val = ""; } http_decode(var); if ((v = ast_variable_new(var, val, ""))) { if (post_vars) { prev->next = v; } else { post_vars = v; } prev = v; } } return post_vars; } static int handle_uri(struct ast_tcptls_session_instance *ser, char *uri, enum ast_http_method method, struct ast_variable *headers) { char *c; int res = -1; char *params = uri; struct ast_http_uri *urih = NULL; int l; struct ast_variable *get_vars = NULL, *v, *prev = NULL; struct http_uri_redirect *redirect; strsep(¶ms, "?"); /* Extract arguments from the request and store them in variables. */ if (params) { char *var, *val; while ((val = strsep(¶ms, "&"))) { var = strsep(&val, "="); if (val) { http_decode(val); } else { val = ""; } http_decode(var); if ((v = ast_variable_new(var, val, ""))) { if (get_vars) { prev->next = v; } else { get_vars = v; } prev = v; } } } http_decode(uri); AST_RWLIST_RDLOCK(&uri_redirects); AST_RWLIST_TRAVERSE(&uri_redirects, redirect, entry) { if (!strcasecmp(uri, redirect->target)) { struct ast_str *http_header = ast_str_create(128); ast_str_set(&http_header, 0, "Location: %s\r\n", redirect->dest); ast_http_send(ser, method, 302, "Moved Temporarily", http_header, NULL, 0, 0); break; } } AST_RWLIST_UNLOCK(&uri_redirects); if (redirect) { goto cleanup; } /* We want requests to start with the (optional) prefix and '/' */ l = strlen(prefix); if (!strncasecmp(uri, prefix, l) && uri[l] == '/') { uri += l + 1; /* scan registered uris to see if we match one. */ AST_RWLIST_RDLOCK(&uris); AST_RWLIST_TRAVERSE(&uris, urih, entry) { ast_debug(2, "match request [%s] with handler [%s] len %d\n", uri, urih->uri, l); l = strlen(urih->uri); c = uri + l; /* candidate */ if (strncasecmp(urih->uri, uri, l) /* no match */ || (*c && *c != '/')) { /* substring */ continue; } if (*c == '/') { c++; } if (!*c || urih->has_subtree) { uri = c; break; } } AST_RWLIST_UNLOCK(&uris); } if (urih) { res = urih->callback(ser, urih, uri, method, get_vars, headers); } else { ast_http_error(ser, 404, "Not Found", "The requested URL was not found on this server."); } cleanup: ast_variables_destroy(get_vars); return res; } #ifdef DO_SSL #if defined(HAVE_FUNOPEN) #define HOOK_T int #define LEN_T int #else #define HOOK_T ssize_t #define LEN_T size_t #endif /*! * replacement read/write functions for SSL support. * We use wrappers rather than SSL_read/SSL_write directly so * we can put in some debugging. */ /*static HOOK_T ssl_read(void *cookie, char *buf, LEN_T len) { int i = SSL_read(cookie, buf, len-1); #if 0 if (i >= 0) buf[i] = '\0'; ast_verbose("ssl read size %d returns %d <%s>\n", (int)len, i, buf); #endif return i; } static HOOK_T ssl_write(void *cookie, const char *buf, LEN_T len) { #if 0 char *s = alloca(len+1); strncpy(s, buf, len); s[len] = '\0'; ast_verbose("ssl write size %d <%s>\n", (int)len, s); #endif return SSL_write(cookie, buf, len); } static int ssl_close(void *cookie) { close(SSL_get_fd(cookie)); SSL_shutdown(cookie); SSL_free(cookie); return 0; }*/ #endif /* DO_SSL */ static struct ast_variable *parse_cookies(char *cookies) { char *cur; struct ast_variable *vars = NULL, *var; while ((cur = strsep(&cookies, ";"))) { char *name, *val; name = val = cur; strsep(&val, "="); if (ast_strlen_zero(name) || ast_strlen_zero(val)) { continue; } name = ast_strip(name); val = ast_strip_quoted(val, "\"", "\""); if (ast_strlen_zero(name) || ast_strlen_zero(val)) { continue; } if (option_debug) { ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "mmm ... cookie! Name: '%s' Value: '%s'\n", name, val); } var = ast_variable_new(name, val, __FILE__); var->next = vars; vars = var; } return vars; } /* get cookie from Request headers */ struct ast_variable *ast_http_get_cookies(struct ast_variable *headers) { struct ast_variable *v, *cookies=NULL; for (v = headers; v; v = v->next) { if (!strncasecmp(v->name, "Cookie", 6)) { if (cookies) { ast_variables_destroy(cookies); } cookies = parse_cookies((char *)v->value); } } return cookies; } static void *httpd_helper_thread(void *data) { char buf[4096]; char header_line[4096]; struct ast_tcptls_session_instance *ser = data; struct ast_variable *headers = NULL; struct ast_variable *tail = headers; char *uri, *method; enum ast_http_method http_method = AST_HTTP_UNKNOWN; if (!fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), ser->f)) { goto done; } /* Get method */ method = ast_skip_blanks(buf); uri = ast_skip_nonblanks(method); if (*uri) { *uri++ = '\0'; } if (!strcasecmp(method,"GET")) { http_method = AST_HTTP_GET; } else if (!strcasecmp(method,"POST")) { http_method = AST_HTTP_POST; } else if (!strcasecmp(method,"HEAD")) { http_method = AST_HTTP_HEAD; } else if (!strcasecmp(method,"PUT")) { http_method = AST_HTTP_PUT; } uri = ast_skip_blanks(uri); /* Skip white space */ if (*uri) { /* terminate at the first blank */ char *c = ast_skip_nonblanks(uri); if (*c) { *c = '\0'; } } /* process "Request Headers" lines */ while (fgets(header_line, sizeof(header_line), ser->f)) { char *name, *value; /* Trim trailing characters */ ast_trim_blanks(header_line); if (ast_strlen_zero(header_line)) { break; } value = header_line; name = strsep(&value, ":"); if (!value) { continue; } value = ast_skip_blanks(value); if (ast_strlen_zero(value) || ast_strlen_zero(name)) { continue; } ast_trim_blanks(name); if (!headers) { headers = ast_variable_new(name, value, __FILE__); tail = headers; } else { tail->next = ast_variable_new(name, value, __FILE__); tail = tail->next; } } if (!*uri) { ast_http_error(ser, 400, "Bad Request", "Invalid Request"); return NULL; } handle_uri(ser, uri, http_method, headers); /* Clean up all the header information pulled as well */ if (headers) { ast_variables_destroy(headers); } done: if (ser->f) { fclose(ser->f); } ao2_ref(ser, -1); ser = NULL; return NULL; } /*! * \brief Add a new URI redirect * The entries in the redirect list are sorted by length, just like the list * of URI handlers. */ static void add_redirect(const char *value) { char *target, *dest; struct http_uri_redirect *redirect, *cur; unsigned int target_len; unsigned int total_len; dest = ast_strdupa(value); dest = ast_skip_blanks(dest); target = strsep(&dest, " "); target = ast_skip_blanks(target); target = strsep(&target, " "); /* trim trailing whitespace */ if (!dest) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Invalid redirect '%s'\n", value); return; } target_len = strlen(target) + 1; total_len = sizeof(*redirect) + target_len + strlen(dest) + 1; if (!(redirect = ast_calloc(1, total_len))) { return; } redirect->dest = redirect->target + target_len; strcpy(redirect->target, target); strcpy(redirect->dest, dest); AST_RWLIST_WRLOCK(&uri_redirects); target_len--; /* So we can compare directly with strlen() */ if (AST_RWLIST_EMPTY(&uri_redirects) || strlen(AST_RWLIST_FIRST(&uri_redirects)->target) <= target_len ) { AST_RWLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&uri_redirects, redirect, entry); AST_RWLIST_UNLOCK(&uri_redirects); return; } AST_RWLIST_TRAVERSE(&uri_redirects, cur, entry) { if (AST_RWLIST_NEXT(cur, entry) && strlen(AST_RWLIST_NEXT(cur, entry)->target) <= target_len ) { AST_RWLIST_INSERT_AFTER(&uri_redirects, cur, redirect, entry); AST_RWLIST_UNLOCK(&uri_redirects); return; } } AST_RWLIST_INSERT_TAIL(&uri_redirects, redirect, entry); AST_RWLIST_UNLOCK(&uri_redirects); } static int __ast_http_load(int reload) { struct ast_config *cfg; struct ast_variable *v; int enabled=0; int newenablestatic=0; struct hostent *hp; struct ast_hostent ahp; char newprefix[MAX_PREFIX] = ""; int have_sslbindaddr = 0; struct http_uri_redirect *redirect; struct ast_flags config_flags = { reload ? CONFIG_FLAG_FILEUNCHANGED : 0 }; cfg = ast_config_load2("http.conf", "http", config_flags); if (cfg == CONFIG_STATUS_FILEMISSING || cfg == CONFIG_STATUS_FILEUNCHANGED || cfg == CONFIG_STATUS_FILEINVALID) { return 0; } /* default values */ memset(&http_desc.local_address, 0, sizeof(http_desc.local_address)); http_desc.local_address.sin_port = htons(8088); memset(&https_desc.local_address, 0, sizeof(https_desc.local_address)); https_desc.local_address.sin_port = htons(8089); http_tls_cfg.enabled = 0; if (http_tls_cfg.certfile) { ast_free(http_tls_cfg.certfile); } http_tls_cfg.certfile = ast_strdup(AST_CERTFILE); if (http_tls_cfg.pvtfile) { ast_free(http_tls_cfg.pvtfile); } http_tls_cfg.pvtfile = ast_strdup(""); if (http_tls_cfg.cipher) { ast_free(http_tls_cfg.cipher); } http_tls_cfg.cipher = ast_strdup(""); AST_RWLIST_WRLOCK(&uri_redirects); while ((redirect = AST_RWLIST_REMOVE_HEAD(&uri_redirects, entry))) { ast_free(redirect); } AST_RWLIST_UNLOCK(&uri_redirects); if (cfg) { v = ast_variable_browse(cfg, "general"); for (; v; v = v->next) { if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "enabled")) { enabled = ast_true(v->value); } else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "sslenable")) { http_tls_cfg.enabled = ast_true(v->value); } else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "sslbindport")) { https_desc.local_address.sin_port = htons(atoi(v->value)); } else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "sslcert")) { ast_free(http_tls_cfg.certfile); http_tls_cfg.certfile = ast_strdup(v->value); } else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "sslprivatekey")) { ast_free(http_tls_cfg.pvtfile); http_tls_cfg.pvtfile = ast_strdup(v->value); } else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "sslcipher")) { ast_free(http_tls_cfg.cipher); http_tls_cfg.cipher = ast_strdup(v->value); } else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "enablestatic")) { newenablestatic = ast_true(v->value); } else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "bindport")) { http_desc.local_address.sin_port = htons(atoi(v->value)); } else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "sslbindaddr")) { if ((hp = ast_gethostbyname(v->value, &ahp))) { memcpy(&https_desc.local_address.sin_addr, hp->h_addr, sizeof(https_desc.local_address.sin_addr)); have_sslbindaddr = 1; } else { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Invalid bind address '%s'\n", v->value); } } else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "bindaddr")) { if ((hp = ast_gethostbyname(v->value, &ahp))) { memcpy(&http_desc.local_address.sin_addr, hp->h_addr, sizeof(http_desc.local_address.sin_addr)); } else { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Invalid bind address '%s'\n", v->value); } } else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "prefix")) { if (!ast_strlen_zero(v->value)) { newprefix[0] = '/'; ast_copy_string(newprefix + 1, v->value, sizeof(newprefix) - 1); } else { newprefix[0] = '\0'; } } else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "redirect")) { add_redirect(v->value); } else { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Ignoring unknown option '%s' in http.conf\n", v->name); } } ast_config_destroy(cfg); } if (!have_sslbindaddr) { https_desc.local_address.sin_addr = http_desc.local_address.sin_addr; } if (enabled) { http_desc.local_address.sin_family = https_desc.local_address.sin_family = AF_INET; } if (strcmp(prefix, newprefix)) { ast_copy_string(prefix, newprefix, sizeof(prefix)); } enablestatic = newenablestatic; ast_tcptls_server_start(&http_desc); if (ast_ssl_setup(https_desc.tls_cfg)) { ast_tcptls_server_start(&https_desc); } return 0; } static char *handle_show_http(struct ast_cli_entry *e, int cmd, struct ast_cli_args *a) { struct ast_http_uri *urih; struct http_uri_redirect *redirect; switch (cmd) { case CLI_INIT: e->command = "http show status"; e->usage = "Usage: http show status\n" " Lists status of internal HTTP engine\n"; return NULL; case CLI_GENERATE: return NULL; } if (a->argc != 3) { return CLI_SHOWUSAGE; } ast_cli(a->fd, "HTTP Server Status:\n"); ast_cli(a->fd, "Prefix: %s\n", prefix); if (!http_desc.old_address.sin_family) { ast_cli(a->fd, "Server Disabled\n\n"); } else { ast_cli(a->fd, "Server Enabled and Bound to %s:%d\n\n", ast_inet_ntoa(http_desc.old_address.sin_addr), ntohs(http_desc.old_address.sin_port)); if (http_tls_cfg.enabled) { ast_cli(a->fd, "HTTPS Server Enabled and Bound to %s:%d\n\n", ast_inet_ntoa(https_desc.old_address.sin_addr), ntohs(https_desc.old_address.sin_port)); } } ast_cli(a->fd, "Enabled URI's:\n"); AST_RWLIST_RDLOCK(&uris); if (AST_RWLIST_EMPTY(&uris)) { ast_cli(a->fd, "None.\n"); } else { AST_RWLIST_TRAVERSE(&uris, urih, entry) ast_cli(a->fd, "%s/%s%s => %s\n", prefix, urih->uri, (urih->has_subtree ? "/..." : "" ), urih->description); } AST_RWLIST_UNLOCK(&uris); ast_cli(a->fd, "\nEnabled Redirects:\n"); AST_RWLIST_RDLOCK(&uri_redirects); AST_RWLIST_TRAVERSE(&uri_redirects, redirect, entry) ast_cli(a->fd, " %s => %s\n", redirect->target, redirect->dest); if (AST_RWLIST_EMPTY(&uri_redirects)) { ast_cli(a->fd, " None.\n"); } AST_RWLIST_UNLOCK(&uri_redirects); return CLI_SUCCESS; } int ast_http_reload(void) { return __ast_http_load(1); } static struct ast_cli_entry cli_http[] = { AST_CLI_DEFINE(handle_show_http, "Display HTTP server status"), }; int ast_http_init(void) { ast_http_uri_link(&statusuri); ast_http_uri_link(&staticuri); ast_cli_register_multiple(cli_http, ARRAY_LEN(cli_http)); return __ast_http_load(0); }