/* * Asterisk -- A telephony toolkit for Linux. * * Convenience Signal Processing routines * * Copyright (C) 2002, Digium * * Mark Spencer * * This program is free software, distributed under the terms of * the GNU General Public License. * * Goertzel routines are borrowed from Steve Underwood's tremendous work on the * DTMF detector. * */ /* Some routines from tone_detect.c by Steven Underwood as published under the zapata library */ /* tone_detect.c - General telephony tone detection, and specific detection of DTMF. Copyright (C) 2001 Steve Underwood Despite my general liking of the GPL, I place this code in the public domain for the benefit of all mankind - even the slimy ones who might try to proprietize my work and use it to my detriment. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define DEFAULT_THRESHOLD 1024 #define BUSY_PERCENT 10 /* The percentage diffrence between the two last silence periods */ #define BUSY_THRESHOLD 100 /* Max number of ms difference between max and min times in busy */ #define BUSY_MIN 75 /* Busy must be at least 80 ms in half-cadence */ #define BUSY_MAX 1100 /* Busy can't be longer than 1100 ms in half-cadence */ /* Remember last 15 units */ #define DSP_HISTORY 15 /* Number of goertzels for progress detect */ #define GSAMP_SIZE 183 #define HZ_350 0 #define HZ_440 1 #define HZ_480 2 #define HZ_620 3 #define HZ_950 4 #define HZ_1400 5 #define HZ_1800 6 #define TONE_THRESH 10.0 /* How much louder the tone should be than channel energy */ #define TONE_MIN_THRESH 1e8 /* How much tone there should be at least to attempt */ #define COUNT_THRESH 3 /* Need at least 50ms of stuff to count it */ #define TONE_STATE_SILENCE 0 #define TONE_STATE_RINGING 1 #define TONE_STATE_DIALTONE 2 #define TONE_STATE_TALKING 3 #define TONE_STATE_BUSY 4 #define TONE_STATE_SPECIAL1 5 #define TONE_STATE_SPECIAL2 6 #define TONE_STATE_SPECIAL3 7 #define MAX_DTMF_DIGITS 128 /* Basic DTMF specs: * * Minimum tone on = 40ms * Minimum tone off = 50ms * Maximum digit rate = 10 per second * Normal twist <= 8dB accepted * Reverse twist <= 4dB accepted * S/N >= 15dB will detect OK * Attenuation <= 26dB will detect OK * Frequency tolerance +- 1.5% will detect, +-3.5% will reject */ #define DTMF_THRESHOLD 8.0e7 #define FAX_THRESHOLD 8.0e7 #define FAX_2ND_HARMONIC 2.0 /* 4dB */ #define DTMF_NORMAL_TWIST 6.3 /* 8dB */ #define DTMF_REVERSE_TWIST ((digitmode & DSP_DIGITMODE_RELAXDTMF) ? 4.0 : 2.5) /* 4dB normal */ #define DTMF_RELATIVE_PEAK_ROW 6.3 /* 8dB */ #define DTMF_RELATIVE_PEAK_COL 6.3 /* 8dB */ #define DTMF_2ND_HARMONIC_ROW ((digitmode & DSP_DIGITMODE_RELAXDTMF) ? 1.7 : 2.5) /* 4dB normal */ #define DTMF_2ND_HARMONIC_COL 63.1 /* 18dB */ #define MF_THRESHOLD 8.0e7 #define MF_NORMAL_TWIST 5.3 /* 8dB */ #define MF_REVERSE_TWIST 4.0 /* was 2.5 */ #define MF_RELATIVE_PEAK 5.3 /* 8dB */ #define MF_2ND_HARMONIC 1.7 /* was 2.5 */ typedef struct { float v2; float v3; float fac; } goertzel_state_t; typedef struct { int hit1; int hit2; int hit3; int hit4; int mhit; goertzel_state_t row_out[4]; goertzel_state_t col_out[4]; goertzel_state_t row_out2nd[4]; goertzel_state_t col_out2nd[4]; goertzel_state_t fax_tone; goertzel_state_t fax_tone2nd; float energy; int current_sample; char digits[MAX_DTMF_DIGITS + 1]; int current_digits; int detected_digits; int lost_digits; int digit_hits[16]; int fax_hits; } dtmf_detect_state_t; typedef struct { int hit1; int hit2; int hit3; int hit4; int mhit; goertzel_state_t tone_out[6]; goertzel_state_t tone_out2nd[6]; float energy; int current_sample; char digits[MAX_DTMF_DIGITS + 1]; int current_digits; int detected_digits; int lost_digits; int fax_hits; } mf_detect_state_t; static float dtmf_row[] = { 697.0, 770.0, 852.0, 941.0 }; static float dtmf_col[] = { 1209.0, 1336.0, 1477.0, 1633.0 }; static float mf_tones[] = { 700.0, 900.0, 1100.0, 1300.0, 1500.0, 1700.0 }; static float fax_freq = 1100.0; static char dtmf_positions[] = "123A" "456B" "789C" "*0#D"; static char mf_hit[6][6] = { /* 700 + */ { 0, '1', '2', '4', '7', 'C' }, /* 900 + */ { '1', 0, '3', '5', '8', 'A' }, /* 1100 + */ { '2', '3', 0, '6', '9', '*' }, /* 1300 + */ { '4', '5', '6', 0, '0', 'B' }, /* 1500 + */ { '7', '8', '9', '0', 0, '#' }, /* 1700 + */ { 'C', 'A', '*', 'B', '#', 0 }, }; static inline void goertzel_sample(goertzel_state_t *s, short sample) { float v1; float fsamp = sample; v1 = s->v2; s->v2 = s->v3; s->v3 = s->fac * s->v2 - v1 + fsamp; } static inline void goertzel_update(goertzel_state_t *s, short *samps, int count) { int i; for (i=0;iv3 * s->v3 + s->v2 * s->v2 - s->v2 * s->v3 * s->fac; } static inline void goertzel_init(goertzel_state_t *s, float freq) { s->v2 = s->v3 = 0.0; s->fac = 2.0 * cos(2.0 * M_PI * (freq / 8000.0)); } static inline void goertzel_reset(goertzel_state_t *s) { s->v2 = s->v3 = 0.0; } struct ast_dsp { struct ast_frame f; int threshold; int totalsilence; int totalnoise; int features; int busymaybe; int busycount; int historicnoise[DSP_HISTORY]; int historicsilence[DSP_HISTORY]; goertzel_state_t freqs[7]; int gsamps; int tstate; int tcount; int digitmode; int thinkdigit; float genergy; union { dtmf_detect_state_t dtmf; mf_detect_state_t mf; } td; }; static void ast_dtmf_detect_init (dtmf_detect_state_t *s) { int i; s->hit1 = s->hit2 = 0; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { goertzel_init (&s->row_out[i], dtmf_row[i]); goertzel_init (&s->col_out[i], dtmf_col[i]); goertzel_init (&s->row_out2nd[i], dtmf_row[i] * 2.0); goertzel_init (&s->col_out2nd[i], dtmf_col[i] * 2.0); s->energy = 0.0; } /* Same for the fax dector */ goertzel_init (&s->fax_tone, fax_freq); /* Same for the fax dector 2nd harmonic */ goertzel_init (&s->fax_tone2nd, fax_freq * 2.0); s->current_sample = 0; s->detected_digits = 0; s->current_digits = 0; memset(&s->digits, 0, sizeof(s->digits)); s->lost_digits = 0; s->digits[0] = '\0'; s->mhit = 0; } static void ast_mf_detect_init (mf_detect_state_t *s) { int i; s->hit1 = s->hit2 = 0; for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { goertzel_init (&s->tone_out[i], mf_tones[i]); goertzel_init (&s->tone_out2nd[i], mf_tones[i] * 2.0); s->energy = 0.0; } s->current_digits = 0; memset(&s->digits, 0, sizeof(s->digits)); s->current_sample = 0; s->detected_digits = 0; s->lost_digits = 0; s->digits[0] = '\0'; s->mhit = 0; } static int dtmf_detect (dtmf_detect_state_t *s, int16_t amp[], int samples, int digitmode, int *writeback) { float row_energy[4]; float col_energy[4]; float fax_energy; float fax_energy_2nd; float famp; float v1; int i; int j; int sample; int best_row; int best_col; int hit; int limit; hit = 0; for (sample = 0; sample < samples; sample = limit) { /* 102 is optimised to meet the DTMF specs. */ if ((samples - sample) >= (102 - s->current_sample)) limit = sample + (102 - s->current_sample); else limit = samples; #if defined(USE_3DNOW) _dtmf_goertzel_update (s->row_out, amp + sample, limit - sample); _dtmf_goertzel_update (s->col_out, amp + sample, limit - sample); _dtmf_goertzel_update (s->row_out2nd, amp + sample, limit2 - sample); _dtmf_goertzel_update (s->col_out2nd, amp + sample, limit2 - sample); /* XXX Need to fax detect for 3dnow too XXX */ #warning "Fax Support Broken" #else /* The following unrolled loop takes only 35% (rough estimate) of the time of a rolled loop on the machine on which it was developed */ for (j = sample; j < limit; j++) { famp = amp[j]; s->energy += famp*famp; /* With GCC 2.95, the following unrolled code seems to take about 35% (rough estimate) as long as a neat little 0-3 loop */ v1 = s->row_out[0].v2; s->row_out[0].v2 = s->row_out[0].v3; s->row_out[0].v3 = s->row_out[0].fac*s->row_out[0].v2 - v1 + famp; v1 = s->col_out[0].v2; s->col_out[0].v2 = s->col_out[0].v3; s->col_out[0].v3 = s->col_out[0].fac*s->col_out[0].v2 - v1 + famp; v1 = s->row_out[1].v2; s->row_out[1].v2 = s->row_out[1].v3; s->row_out[1].v3 = s->row_out[1].fac*s->row_out[1].v2 - v1 + famp; v1 = s->col_out[1].v2; s->col_out[1].v2 = s->col_out[1].v3; s->col_out[1].v3 = s->col_out[1].fac*s->col_out[1].v2 - v1 + famp; v1 = s->row_out[2].v2; s->row_out[2].v2 = s->row_out[2].v3; s->row_out[2].v3 = s->row_out[2].fac*s->row_out[2].v2 - v1 + famp; v1 = s->col_out[2].v2; s->col_out[2].v2 = s->col_out[2].v3; s->col_out[2].v3 = s->col_out[2].fac*s->col_out[2].v2 - v1 + famp; v1 = s->row_out[3].v2; s->row_out[3].v2 = s->row_out[3].v3; s->row_out[3].v3 = s->row_out[3].fac*s->row_out[3].v2 - v1 + famp; v1 = s->col_out[3].v2; s->col_out[3].v2 = s->col_out[3].v3; s->col_out[3].v3 = s->col_out[3].fac*s->col_out[3].v2 - v1 + famp; v1 = s->col_out2nd[0].v2; s->col_out2nd[0].v2 = s->col_out2nd[0].v3; s->col_out2nd[0].v3 = s->col_out2nd[0].fac*s->col_out2nd[0].v2 - v1 + famp; v1 = s->row_out2nd[0].v2; s->row_out2nd[0].v2 = s->row_out2nd[0].v3; s->row_out2nd[0].v3 = s->row_out2nd[0].fac*s->row_out2nd[0].v2 - v1 + famp; v1 = s->col_out2nd[1].v2; s->col_out2nd[1].v2 = s->col_out2nd[1].v3; s->col_out2nd[1].v3 = s->col_out2nd[1].fac*s->col_out2nd[1].v2 - v1 + famp; v1 = s->row_out2nd[1].v2; s->row_out2nd[1].v2 = s->row_out2nd[1].v3; s->row_out2nd[1].v3 = s->row_out2nd[1].fac*s->row_out2nd[1].v2 - v1 + famp; v1 = s->col_out2nd[2].v2; s->col_out2nd[2].v2 = s->col_out2nd[2].v3; s->col_out2nd[2].v3 = s->col_out2nd[2].fac*s->col_out2nd[2].v2 - v1 + famp; v1 = s->row_out2nd[2].v2; s->row_out2nd[2].v2 = s->row_out2nd[2].v3; s->row_out2nd[2].v3 = s->row_out2nd[2].fac*s->row_out2nd[2].v2 - v1 + famp; v1 = s->col_out2nd[3].v2; s->col_out2nd[3].v2 = s->col_out2nd[3].v3; s->col_out2nd[3].v3 = s->col_out2nd[3].fac*s->col_out2nd[3].v2 - v1 + famp; v1 = s->row_out2nd[3].v2; s->row_out2nd[3].v2 = s->row_out2nd[3].v3; s->row_out2nd[3].v3 = s->row_out2nd[3].fac*s->row_out2nd[3].v2 - v1 + famp; /* Update fax tone */ v1 = s->fax_tone.v2; s->fax_tone.v2 = s->fax_tone.v3; s->fax_tone.v3 = s->fax_tone.fac*s->fax_tone.v2 - v1 + famp; v1 = s->fax_tone.v2; s->fax_tone2nd.v2 = s->fax_tone2nd.v3; s->fax_tone2nd.v3 = s->fax_tone2nd.fac*s->fax_tone2nd.v2 - v1 + famp; } #endif s->current_sample += (limit - sample); if (s->current_sample < 102) { if (hit && !((digitmode & DSP_DIGITMODE_NOQUELCH))) { /* If we had a hit last time, go ahead and clear this out since likely it will be another hit */ for (i=sample;ifax_tone); /* We are at the end of a DTMF detection block */ /* Find the peak row and the peak column */ row_energy[0] = goertzel_result (&s->row_out[0]); col_energy[0] = goertzel_result (&s->col_out[0]); for (best_row = best_col = 0, i = 1; i < 4; i++) { row_energy[i] = goertzel_result (&s->row_out[i]); if (row_energy[i] > row_energy[best_row]) best_row = i; col_energy[i] = goertzel_result (&s->col_out[i]); if (col_energy[i] > col_energy[best_col]) best_col = i; } hit = 0; /* Basic signal level test and the twist test */ if (row_energy[best_row] >= DTMF_THRESHOLD && col_energy[best_col] >= DTMF_THRESHOLD && col_energy[best_col] < row_energy[best_row]*DTMF_REVERSE_TWIST && col_energy[best_col]*DTMF_NORMAL_TWIST > row_energy[best_row]) { /* Relative peak test */ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if ((i != best_col && col_energy[i]*DTMF_RELATIVE_PEAK_COL > col_energy[best_col]) || (i != best_row && row_energy[i]*DTMF_RELATIVE_PEAK_ROW > row_energy[best_row])) { break; } } /* ... and second harmonic test */ if (i >= 4 && (row_energy[best_row] + col_energy[best_col]) > 42.0*s->energy && goertzel_result (&s->col_out2nd[best_col])*DTMF_2ND_HARMONIC_COL < col_energy[best_col] && goertzel_result (&s->row_out2nd[best_row])*DTMF_2ND_HARMONIC_ROW < row_energy[best_row]) { /* Got a hit */ hit = dtmf_positions[(best_row << 2) + best_col]; if (!(digitmode & DSP_DIGITMODE_NOQUELCH)) { /* Zero out frame data if this is part DTMF */ for (i=sample;ihit3 && s->hit3 != s->hit2) { s->mhit = hit; s->digit_hits[(best_row << 2) + best_col]++; s->detected_digits++; if (s->current_digits < MAX_DTMF_DIGITS) { s->digits[s->current_digits++] = hit; s->digits[s->current_digits] = '\0'; } else { s->lost_digits++; } } } } if (!hit && (fax_energy >= FAX_THRESHOLD) && (fax_energy > s->energy * 21.0)) { fax_energy_2nd = goertzel_result(&s->fax_tone2nd); if (fax_energy_2nd * FAX_2ND_HARMONIC < fax_energy) { #if 0 printf("Fax energy/Second Harmonic: %f/%f\n", fax_energy, fax_energy_2nd); #endif /* XXX Probably need better checking than just this the energy XXX */ hit = 'f'; s->fax_hits++; } /* Don't reset fax hits counter */ } else { if (s->fax_hits > 5) { hit = 'f'; s->mhit = 'f'; s->detected_digits++; if (s->current_digits < MAX_DTMF_DIGITS) { s->digits[s->current_digits++] = hit; s->digits[s->current_digits] = '\0'; } else { s->lost_digits++; } } s->fax_hits = 0; } s->hit1 = s->hit2; s->hit2 = s->hit3; s->hit3 = hit; /* Reinitialise the detector for the next block */ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { goertzel_reset(&s->row_out[i]); goertzel_reset(&s->col_out[i]); goertzel_reset(&s->row_out2nd[i]); goertzel_reset(&s->col_out2nd[i]); } goertzel_reset (&s->fax_tone); goertzel_reset (&s->fax_tone2nd); s->energy = 0.0; s->current_sample = 0; } if ((!s->mhit) || (s->mhit != hit)) { s->mhit = 0; return(0); } return (hit); } /* MF goertzel size */ #define MF_GSIZE 160 static int mf_detect (mf_detect_state_t *s, int16_t amp[], int samples, int digitmode, int *writeback) { float tone_energy[6]; float famp; float v1; int i; int j; int sample; int best1; int best2; float max; int hit; int limit; int sofarsogood; hit = 0; for (sample = 0; sample < samples; sample = limit) { /* 80 is optimised to meet the MF specs. */ if ((samples - sample) >= (MF_GSIZE - s->current_sample)) limit = sample + (MF_GSIZE - s->current_sample); else limit = samples; #if defined(USE_3DNOW) _dtmf_goertzel_update (s->row_out, amp + sample, limit - sample); _dtmf_goertzel_update (s->col_out, amp + sample, limit - sample); _dtmf_goertzel_update (s->row_out2nd, amp + sample, limit2 - sample); _dtmf_goertzel_update (s->col_out2nd, amp + sample, limit2 - sample); /* XXX Need to fax detect for 3dnow too XXX */ #warning "Fax Support Broken" #else /* The following unrolled loop takes only 35% (rough estimate) of the time of a rolled loop on the machine on which it was developed */ for (j = sample; j < limit; j++) { famp = amp[j]; s->energy += famp*famp; /* With GCC 2.95, the following unrolled code seems to take about 35% (rough estimate) as long as a neat little 0-3 loop */ v1 = s->tone_out[0].v2; s->tone_out[0].v2 = s->tone_out[0].v3; s->tone_out[0].v3 = s->tone_out[0].fac*s->tone_out[0].v2 - v1 + famp; v1 = s->tone_out[1].v2; s->tone_out[1].v2 = s->tone_out[1].v3; s->tone_out[1].v3 = s->tone_out[1].fac*s->tone_out[1].v2 - v1 + famp; v1 = s->tone_out[2].v2; s->tone_out[2].v2 = s->tone_out[2].v3; s->tone_out[2].v3 = s->tone_out[2].fac*s->tone_out[2].v2 - v1 + famp; v1 = s->tone_out[3].v2; s->tone_out[3].v2 = s->tone_out[3].v3; s->tone_out[3].v3 = s->tone_out[3].fac*s->tone_out[3].v2 - v1 + famp; v1 = s->tone_out[4].v2; s->tone_out[4].v2 = s->tone_out[4].v3; s->tone_out[4].v3 = s->tone_out[4].fac*s->tone_out[4].v2 - v1 + famp; v1 = s->tone_out[5].v2; s->tone_out[5].v2 = s->tone_out[5].v3; s->tone_out[5].v3 = s->tone_out[5].fac*s->tone_out[5].v2 - v1 + famp; v1 = s->tone_out2nd[0].v2; s->tone_out2nd[0].v2 = s->tone_out2nd[0].v3; s->tone_out2nd[0].v3 = s->tone_out2nd[0].fac*s->tone_out2nd[0].v2 - v1 + famp; v1 = s->tone_out2nd[1].v2; s->tone_out2nd[1].v2 = s->tone_out2nd[1].v3; s->tone_out2nd[1].v3 = s->tone_out2nd[1].fac*s->tone_out2nd[1].v2 - v1 + famp; v1 = s->tone_out2nd[2].v2; s->tone_out2nd[2].v2 = s->tone_out2nd[2].v3; s->tone_out2nd[2].v3 = s->tone_out2nd[2].fac*s->tone_out2nd[2].v2 - v1 + famp; v1 = s->tone_out2nd[3].v2; s->tone_out2nd[3].v2 = s->tone_out2nd[3].v3; s->tone_out2nd[3].v3 = s->tone_out2nd[3].fac*s->tone_out2nd[3].v2 - v1 + famp; v1 = s->tone_out2nd[4].v2; s->tone_out2nd[4].v2 = s->tone_out2nd[4].v3; s->tone_out2nd[4].v3 = s->tone_out2nd[4].fac*s->tone_out2nd[2].v2 - v1 + famp; v1 = s->tone_out2nd[3].v2; s->tone_out2nd[5].v2 = s->tone_out2nd[6].v3; s->tone_out2nd[5].v3 = s->tone_out2nd[6].fac*s->tone_out2nd[3].v2 - v1 + famp; } #endif s->current_sample += (limit - sample); if (s->current_sample < MF_GSIZE) { if (hit && !((digitmode & DSP_DIGITMODE_NOQUELCH))) { /* If we had a hit last time, go ahead and clear this out since likely it will be another hit */ for (i=sample;itone_out[i]); } /* Find highest */ best1 = 0; max = tone_energy[0]; for (i=1;i<6;i++) { if (tone_energy[i] > max) { max = tone_energy[i]; best1 = i; } } /* Find 2nd highest */ if (best1) max = tone_energy[0]; else max = tone_energy[1]; best2 = 0; for (i=0;i<6;i++) { if (i == best1) continue; if (tone_energy[i] > max) { max = tone_energy[i]; best2 = i; } } hit = 0; if (best1 != best2) sofarsogood=1; else sofarsogood=0; /* Check for relative energies */ for (i=0;i<6;i++) { if (i == best1) continue; if (i == best2) continue; if (tone_energy[best1] < tone_energy[i] * MF_RELATIVE_PEAK) { sofarsogood = 0; break; } if (tone_energy[best2] < tone_energy[i] * MF_RELATIVE_PEAK) { sofarsogood = 0; break; } } if (sofarsogood) { /* Check for 2nd harmonic */ if (goertzel_result(&s->tone_out2nd[best1]) * MF_2ND_HARMONIC > tone_energy[best1]) sofarsogood = 0; else if (goertzel_result(&s->tone_out2nd[best2]) * MF_2ND_HARMONIC > tone_energy[best2]) sofarsogood = 0; } if (sofarsogood) { hit = mf_hit[best1][best2]; if (!(digitmode & DSP_DIGITMODE_NOQUELCH)) { /* Zero out frame data if this is part DTMF */ for (i=sample;ihit3) && (s->hit3 != s->hit2)) { s->mhit = hit; s->detected_digits++; if (s->current_digits < MAX_DTMF_DIGITS - 2) { s->digits[s->current_digits++] = hit; s->digits[s->current_digits] = '\0'; } else { s->lost_digits++; } } } s->hit1 = s->hit2; s->hit2 = s->hit3; s->hit3 = hit; /* Reinitialise the detector for the next block */ for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { goertzel_reset(&s->tone_out[i]); goertzel_reset(&s->tone_out2nd[i]); } s->energy = 0.0; s->current_sample = 0; } if ((!s->mhit) || (s->mhit != hit)) { s->mhit = 0; return(0); } return (hit); } static int __ast_dsp_digitdetect(struct ast_dsp *dsp, short *s, int len, int *writeback) { int res; if (dsp->digitmode & DSP_DIGITMODE_MF) res = mf_detect(&dsp->td.mf, s, len, dsp->digitmode & DSP_DIGITMODE_RELAXDTMF, writeback); else res = dtmf_detect(&dsp->td.dtmf, s, len, dsp->digitmode & DSP_DIGITMODE_RELAXDTMF, writeback); return res; } int ast_dsp_digitdetect(struct ast_dsp *dsp, struct ast_frame *inf) { short *s; int len; int ign=0; if (inf->frametype != AST_FRAME_VOICE) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Can't check call progress of non-voice frames\n"); return 0; } if (inf->subclass != AST_FORMAT_SLINEAR) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Can only check call progress in signed-linear frames\n"); return 0; } s = inf->data; len = inf->datalen / 2; return __ast_dsp_digitdetect(dsp, s, len, &ign); } static inline int pair_there(float p1, float p2, float i1, float i2, float e) { /* See if p1 and p2 are there, relative to i1 and i2 and total energy */ /* Make sure absolute levels are high enough */ if ((p1 < TONE_MIN_THRESH) || (p2 < TONE_MIN_THRESH)) return 0; /* Amplify ignored stuff */ i2 *= TONE_THRESH; i1 *= TONE_THRESH; e *= TONE_THRESH; /* Check first tone */ if ((p1 < i1) || (p1 < i2) || (p1 < e)) return 0; /* And second */ if ((p2 < i1) || (p2 < i2) || (p2 < e)) return 0; /* Guess it's there... */ return 1; } int ast_dsp_getdigits (struct ast_dsp *dsp, char *buf, int max) { if (dsp->digitmode & DSP_DIGITMODE_MF) { if (max > dsp->td.mf.current_digits) max = dsp->td.mf.current_digits; if (max > 0) { memcpy (buf, dsp->td.mf.digits, max); memmove (dsp->td.mf.digits, dsp->td.mf.digits + max, dsp->td.mf.current_digits - max); dsp->td.mf.current_digits -= max; } buf[max] = '\0'; return max; } else { if (max > dsp->td.dtmf.current_digits) max = dsp->td.dtmf.current_digits; if (max > 0) { memcpy (buf, dsp->td.dtmf.digits, max); memmove (dsp->td.dtmf.digits, dsp->td.dtmf.digits + max, dsp->td.dtmf.current_digits - max); dsp->td.dtmf.current_digits -= max; } buf[max] = '\0'; return max; } } static int __ast_dsp_call_progress(struct ast_dsp *dsp, short *s, int len) { int x; int pass; int newstate = TONE_STATE_SILENCE; int res = 0; while(len) { /* Take the lesser of the number of samples we need and what we have */ pass = len; if (pass > GSAMP_SIZE - dsp->gsamps) pass = GSAMP_SIZE - dsp->gsamps; for (x=0;xfreqs[HZ_350], s[x]); goertzel_sample(&dsp->freqs[HZ_440], s[x]); goertzel_sample(&dsp->freqs[HZ_480], s[x]); goertzel_sample(&dsp->freqs[HZ_620], s[x]); goertzel_sample(&dsp->freqs[HZ_950], s[x]); goertzel_sample(&dsp->freqs[HZ_1400], s[x]); goertzel_sample(&dsp->freqs[HZ_1800], s[x]); dsp->genergy += s[x] * s[x]; } s += pass; dsp->gsamps += pass; len -= pass; if (dsp->gsamps == GSAMP_SIZE) { float hz_350; float hz_440; float hz_480; float hz_620; float hz_950; float hz_1400; float hz_1800; hz_350 = goertzel_result(&dsp->freqs[HZ_350]); hz_440 = goertzel_result(&dsp->freqs[HZ_440]); hz_480 = goertzel_result(&dsp->freqs[HZ_480]); hz_620 = goertzel_result(&dsp->freqs[HZ_620]); hz_950 = goertzel_result(&dsp->freqs[HZ_950]); hz_1400 = goertzel_result(&dsp->freqs[HZ_1400]); hz_1800 = goertzel_result(&dsp->freqs[HZ_1800]); #if 0 printf("Got whole dsp state: 350: %e, 440: %e, 480: %e, 620: %e, 950: %e, 1400: %e, 1800: %e, Energy: %e\n", hz_350, hz_440, hz_480, hz_620, hz_950, hz_1400, hz_1800, dsp->genergy); #endif if (pair_there(hz_480, hz_620, hz_350, hz_440, dsp->genergy)) { newstate = TONE_STATE_BUSY; } else if (pair_there(hz_440, hz_480, hz_350, hz_620, dsp->genergy)) { newstate = TONE_STATE_RINGING; } else if (pair_there(hz_350, hz_440, hz_480, hz_620, dsp->genergy)) { newstate = TONE_STATE_DIALTONE; } else if (hz_950 > TONE_MIN_THRESH * TONE_THRESH) { newstate = TONE_STATE_SPECIAL1; } else if (hz_1400 > TONE_MIN_THRESH * TONE_THRESH) { if (dsp->tstate == TONE_STATE_SPECIAL1) newstate = TONE_STATE_SPECIAL2; } else if (hz_1800 > TONE_MIN_THRESH * TONE_THRESH) { if (dsp->tstate == TONE_STATE_SPECIAL2) newstate = TONE_STATE_SPECIAL3; } else if (dsp->genergy > TONE_MIN_THRESH * TONE_THRESH) { newstate = TONE_STATE_TALKING; } else newstate = TONE_STATE_SILENCE; if (newstate == dsp->tstate) { dsp->tcount++; if (dsp->tcount == COUNT_THRESH) { if (dsp->tstate == TONE_STATE_BUSY) { res = AST_CONTROL_BUSY; dsp->features &= ~DSP_FEATURE_CALL_PROGRESS; } else if (dsp->tstate == TONE_STATE_TALKING) { res = AST_CONTROL_ANSWER; dsp->features &= ~DSP_FEATURE_CALL_PROGRESS; } else if (dsp->tstate == TONE_STATE_RINGING) res = AST_CONTROL_RINGING; else if (dsp->tstate == TONE_STATE_SPECIAL3) { res = AST_CONTROL_CONGESTION; dsp->features &= ~DSP_FEATURE_CALL_PROGRESS; } } } else { #if 0 printf("Newstate: %d\n", newstate); #endif dsp->tstate = newstate; dsp->tcount = 1; } /* Reset goertzel */ for (x=0;x<7;x++) dsp->freqs[x].v2 = dsp->freqs[x].v3 = 0.0; dsp->gsamps = 0; dsp->genergy = 0.0; } } #if 0 if (res) printf("Returning %d\n", res); #endif return res; } int ast_dsp_call_progress(struct ast_dsp *dsp, struct ast_frame *inf) { if (inf->frametype != AST_FRAME_VOICE) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Can't check call progress of non-voice frames\n"); return 0; } if (inf->subclass != AST_FORMAT_SLINEAR) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Can only check call progress in signed-linear frames\n"); return 0; } return __ast_dsp_call_progress(dsp, inf->data, inf->datalen / 2); } static int __ast_dsp_silence(struct ast_dsp *dsp, short *s, int len, int *totalsilence) { int accum; int x; int res = 0; accum = 0; for (x=0;xthreshold) { dsp->totalsilence += len/8; if (dsp->totalnoise) { /* Move and save history */ memmove(dsp->historicnoise + DSP_HISTORY - dsp->busycount, dsp->historicnoise + DSP_HISTORY - dsp->busycount +1, dsp->busycount*sizeof(dsp->historicnoise[0])); dsp->historicnoise[DSP_HISTORY - 1] = dsp->totalnoise; /* we don't want to check for busydetect that frequently */ #if 0 dsp->busymaybe = 1; #endif } dsp->totalnoise = 0; res = 1; } else { dsp->totalnoise += len/8; if (dsp->totalsilence) { int silence1 = dsp->historicsilence[DSP_HISTORY - 1]; int silence2 = dsp->historicsilence[DSP_HISTORY - 2]; /* Move and save history */ memmove(dsp->historicsilence + DSP_HISTORY - dsp->busycount, dsp->historicsilence + DSP_HISTORY - dsp->busycount + 1, dsp->busycount*sizeof(dsp->historicsilence[0])); dsp->historicsilence[DSP_HISTORY - 1] = dsp->totalsilence; /* check if the previous sample differs only by BUSY_PERCENT from the one before it */ if (silence1 < silence2) { if (silence1 + silence1/BUSY_PERCENT >= silence2) dsp->busymaybe = 1; else dsp->busymaybe = 0; } else { if (silence1 - silence1/BUSY_PERCENT <= silence2) dsp->busymaybe = 1; else dsp->busymaybe = 0; } } dsp->totalsilence = 0; } if (totalsilence) *totalsilence = dsp->totalsilence; return res; } #ifdef BUSYDETECT_MARTIN int ast_dsp_busydetect(struct ast_dsp *dsp) { int res = 0, x; #ifndef BUSYDETECT_TONEONLY int avgsilence = 0, hitsilence = 0; #endif int avgtone = 0, hittone = 0; if (!dsp->busymaybe) return res; for (x=DSP_HISTORY - dsp->busycount;xhistoricsilence[x]; #endif avgtone += dsp->historicnoise[x]; } #ifndef BUSYDETECT_TONEONLY avgsilence /= dsp->busycount; #endif avgtone /= dsp->busycount; for (x=DSP_HISTORY - dsp->busycount;x dsp->historicsilence[x]) { if (avgsilence - (avgsilence / BUSY_PERCENT) <= dsp->historicsilence[x]) hitsilence++; } else { if (avgsilence + (avgsilence / BUSY_PERCENT) >= dsp->historicsilence[x]) hitsilence++; } #endif if (avgtone > dsp->historicnoise[x]) { if (avgtone - (avgtone / BUSY_PERCENT) <= dsp->historicsilence[x]) hittone++; } else { if (avgtone + (avgtone / BUSY_PERCENT) >= dsp->historicsilence[x]) hittone++; } } #ifndef BUSYDETECT_TONEONLY if ((hittone >= dsp->busycount - 1) && (hitsilence >= dsp->busycount - 1) && (avgtone >= BUSY_MIN && avgtone <= BUSY_MAX) && (avgsilence >= BUSY_MIN && avgsilence <= BUSY_MAX)) { #else if ((hittone >= dsp->busycount - 1) && (avgtone >= BUSY_MIN && avgtone <= BUSY_MAX)) { #endif #ifdef BUSYDETECT_COMPARE_TONE_AND_SILENCE #ifdef BUSYDETECT_TONEONLY #error You cant use BUSYDETECT_TONEONLY together with BUSYDETECT_COMPARE_TONE_AND_SILENCE #endif if (avgtone > avgsilence) { if (avgtone - avgtone/(BUSY_PERCENT*2) <= avgsilence) res = 1; } else { if (avgtone + avgtone/(BUSY_PERCENT*2) >= avgsilence) res = 1; } #else res = 1; #endif } #if 0 if (res) ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "detected busy, avgtone: %d, avgsilence %d\n", avgtone, avgsilence); #endif return res; } #endif #ifdef BUSYDETECT int ast_dsp_busydetect(struct ast_dsp *dsp) { int x; int res = 0; int max, min; #if 0 if (dsp->busy_hits > 5); return 0; #endif if (dsp->busymaybe) { #if 0 printf("Maybe busy!\n"); #endif dsp->busymaybe = 0; min = 9999; max = 0; for (x=DSP_HISTORY - dsp->busycount;xhistoricsilence[x], dsp->historicnoise[x]); #endif if (dsp->historicsilence[x] < min) min = dsp->historicsilence[x]; if (dsp->historicnoise[x] < min) min = dsp->historicnoise[x]; if (dsp->historicsilence[x] > max) max = dsp->historicsilence[x]; if (dsp->historicnoise[x] > max) max = dsp->historicnoise[x]; } if ((max - min < BUSY_THRESHOLD) && (max < BUSY_MAX) && (min > BUSY_MIN)) { #if 0 printf("Busy!\n"); #endif res = 1; } #if 0 printf("Min: %d, max: %d\n", min, max); #endif } return res; } #endif int ast_dsp_silence(struct ast_dsp *dsp, struct ast_frame *f, int *totalsilence) { short *s; int len; if (f->frametype != AST_FRAME_VOICE) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Can't calculate silence on a non-voice frame\n"); return 0; } if (f->subclass != AST_FORMAT_SLINEAR) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Can only calculate silence on signed-linear frames :(\n"); return 0; } s = f->data; len = f->datalen/2; return __ast_dsp_silence(dsp, s, len, totalsilence); } struct ast_frame *ast_dsp_process(struct ast_channel *chan, struct ast_dsp *dsp, struct ast_frame *af, int needlock) { int silence; int res; int digit; int x; unsigned short *shortdata; unsigned char *odata; int len; int writeback = 0; #define FIX_INF(inf) do { \ if (writeback) { \ switch(inf->subclass) { \ case AST_FORMAT_SLINEAR: \ break; \ case AST_FORMAT_ULAW: \ for (x=0;xframetype != AST_FRAME_VOICE) return af; odata = af->data; len = af->datalen; /* Make sure we have short data */ switch(af->subclass) { case AST_FORMAT_SLINEAR: shortdata = af->data; len = af->datalen / 2; break; case AST_FORMAT_ULAW: shortdata = alloca(af->datalen * 2); if (!shortdata) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to allocate stack space for data: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return af; } for (x=0;xdatalen * 2); if (!shortdata) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to allocate stack space for data: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return af; } for (x=0;xsubclass); return af; } silence = __ast_dsp_silence(dsp, shortdata, len, NULL); if ((dsp->features & DSP_FEATURE_SILENCE_SUPPRESS) && silence) { memset(&dsp->f, 0, sizeof(dsp->f)); dsp->f.frametype = AST_FRAME_NULL; return &dsp->f; } if ((dsp->features & DSP_FEATURE_BUSY_DETECT) && ast_dsp_busydetect(dsp)) { memset(&dsp->f, 0, sizeof(dsp->f)); dsp->f.frametype = AST_FRAME_CONTROL; dsp->f.subclass = AST_CONTROL_BUSY; ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Requesting Hangup because the busy tone was detected on channel %s\n", chan->name); return &dsp->f; } if ((dsp->features & DSP_FEATURE_DTMF_DETECT)) { digit = __ast_dsp_digitdetect(dsp, shortdata, len, &writeback); #if 0 if (digit) printf("Performing digit detection returned %d, digitmode is %d\n", digit, dsp->digitmode); #endif if (dsp->digitmode & (DSP_DIGITMODE_MUTECONF | DSP_DIGITMODE_MUTEMAX)) { if (!dsp->thinkdigit) { if (digit) { /* Looks like we might have something. Request a conference mute for the moment */ memset(&dsp->f, 0, sizeof(dsp->f)); dsp->f.frametype = AST_FRAME_DTMF; dsp->f.subclass = 'm'; dsp->thinkdigit = 'x'; FIX_INF(af); if (chan) ast_queue_frame(chan, af, needlock); ast_frfree(af); return &dsp->f; } } else { if (digit) { /* Thought we saw one last time. Pretty sure we really have now */ if (dsp->thinkdigit) { if ((dsp->thinkdigit != 'x') && (dsp->thinkdigit != digit)) { /* If we found a digit, and we're changing digits, go ahead and send this one, but DON'T stop confmute because we're detecting something else, too... */ memset(&dsp->f, 0, sizeof(dsp->f)); dsp->f.frametype = AST_FRAME_DTMF; dsp->f.subclass = dsp->thinkdigit; FIX_INF(af); if (chan) ast_queue_frame(chan, af, needlock); ast_frfree(af); } dsp->thinkdigit = digit; return &dsp->f; } dsp->thinkdigit = digit; } else { if (dsp->thinkdigit) { memset(&dsp->f, 0, sizeof(dsp->f)); if (dsp->thinkdigit != 'x') { /* If we found a digit, send it now */ dsp->f.frametype = AST_FRAME_DTMF; dsp->f.subclass = dsp->thinkdigit; dsp->thinkdigit = 0; } else { dsp->f.frametype = AST_FRAME_DTMF; dsp->f.subclass = 'u'; dsp->thinkdigit = 0; } FIX_INF(af); if (chan) ast_queue_frame(chan, af, needlock); ast_frfree(af); return &dsp->f; } } } } else if (!digit) { /* Only check when there is *not* a hit... */ if (dsp->digitmode & DSP_DIGITMODE_MF) { if (dsp->td.mf.current_digits) { memset(&dsp->f, 0, sizeof(dsp->f)); dsp->f.frametype = AST_FRAME_DTMF; dsp->f.subclass = dsp->td.mf.digits[0]; memmove(dsp->td.mf.digits, dsp->td.mf.digits + 1, dsp->td.mf.current_digits); dsp->td.mf.current_digits--; FIX_INF(af); if (chan) ast_queue_frame(chan, af, needlock); ast_frfree(af); return &dsp->f; } } else { if (dsp->td.dtmf.current_digits) { memset(&dsp->f, 0, sizeof(dsp->f)); dsp->f.frametype = AST_FRAME_DTMF; dsp->f.subclass = dsp->td.dtmf.digits[0]; memmove(dsp->td.dtmf.digits, dsp->td.dtmf.digits + 1, dsp->td.dtmf.current_digits); dsp->td.dtmf.current_digits--; FIX_INF(af); if (chan) ast_queue_frame(chan, af, needlock); ast_frfree(af); return &dsp->f; } } } } if ((dsp->features & DSP_FEATURE_CALL_PROGRESS)) { res = __ast_dsp_call_progress(dsp, shortdata, len); memset(&dsp->f, 0, sizeof(dsp->f)); dsp->f.frametype = AST_FRAME_CONTROL; if (res) { switch(res) { case AST_CONTROL_ANSWER: case AST_CONTROL_BUSY: case AST_CONTROL_RINGING: case AST_CONTROL_CONGESTION: dsp->f.subclass = res; if (chan) ast_queue_frame(chan, &dsp->f, needlock); break; default: ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Don't know how to represent call progress message %d\n", res); } } } FIX_INF(af); return af; } struct ast_dsp *ast_dsp_new(void) { struct ast_dsp *dsp; dsp = malloc(sizeof(struct ast_dsp)); if (dsp) { memset(dsp, 0, sizeof(struct ast_dsp)); dsp->threshold = DEFAULT_THRESHOLD; dsp->features = DSP_FEATURE_SILENCE_SUPPRESS; dsp->busycount = DSP_HISTORY; /* Initialize goertzels */ goertzel_init(&dsp->freqs[HZ_350], 350.0); goertzel_init(&dsp->freqs[HZ_440], 440.0); goertzel_init(&dsp->freqs[HZ_480], 480.0); goertzel_init(&dsp->freqs[HZ_620], 620.0); goertzel_init(&dsp->freqs[HZ_950], 950.0); goertzel_init(&dsp->freqs[HZ_1400], 1400.0); goertzel_init(&dsp->freqs[HZ_1800], 1800.0); /* Initialize DTMF detector */ ast_dtmf_detect_init(&dsp->td.dtmf); } return dsp; } void ast_dsp_set_features(struct ast_dsp *dsp, int features) { dsp->features = features; } void ast_dsp_free(struct ast_dsp *dsp) { free(dsp); } void ast_dsp_set_threshold(struct ast_dsp *dsp, int threshold) { dsp->threshold = threshold; } void ast_dsp_set_busy_count(struct ast_dsp *dsp, int cadences) { if (cadences < 4) cadences = 4; if (cadences > DSP_HISTORY) cadences = DSP_HISTORY; dsp->busycount = cadences; } void ast_dsp_digitreset(struct ast_dsp *dsp) { int i; dsp->thinkdigit = 0; if (dsp->digitmode & DSP_DIGITMODE_MF) { memset(dsp->td.mf.digits, 0, sizeof(dsp->td.mf.digits)); dsp->td.mf.current_digits = 0; /* Reinitialise the detector for the next block */ for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { goertzel_reset(&dsp->td.mf.tone_out[i]); goertzel_reset(&dsp->td.mf.tone_out2nd[i]); } dsp->td.mf.energy = 0.0; dsp->td.mf.current_sample = 0; dsp->td.mf.hit1 = dsp->td.mf.hit2 = dsp->td.mf.hit3 = dsp->td.mf.hit4 = dsp->td.mf.mhit = 0; } else { memset(dsp->td.dtmf.digits, 0, sizeof(dsp->td.dtmf.digits)); dsp->td.dtmf.current_digits = 0; /* Reinitialise the detector for the next block */ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { goertzel_reset(&dsp->td.dtmf.row_out[i]); goertzel_reset(&dsp->td.dtmf.col_out[i]); goertzel_reset(&dsp->td.dtmf.row_out2nd[i]); goertzel_reset(&dsp->td.dtmf.col_out2nd[i]); } goertzel_reset (&dsp->td.dtmf.fax_tone); goertzel_reset (&dsp->td.dtmf.fax_tone2nd); dsp->td.dtmf.energy = 0.0; dsp->td.dtmf.current_sample = 0; dsp->td.dtmf.hit1 = dsp->td.dtmf.hit2 = dsp->td.dtmf.hit3 = dsp->td.dtmf.hit4 = dsp->td.dtmf.mhit = 0; } } void ast_dsp_reset(struct ast_dsp *dsp) { int x; dsp->totalsilence = 0; dsp->gsamps = 0; for (x=0;x<4;x++) dsp->freqs[x].v2 = dsp->freqs[x].v3 = 0.0; memset(dsp->historicsilence, 0, sizeof(dsp->historicsilence)); memset(dsp->historicnoise, 0, sizeof(dsp->historicnoise)); } int ast_dsp_digitmode(struct ast_dsp *dsp, int digitmode) { int new, old; old = dsp->digitmode & (DSP_DIGITMODE_DTMF | DSP_DIGITMODE_MF | DSP_DIGITMODE_MUTECONF | DSP_DIGITMODE_MUTEMAX); new = digitmode & (DSP_DIGITMODE_DTMF | DSP_DIGITMODE_MF | DSP_DIGITMODE_MUTECONF | DSP_DIGITMODE_MUTEMAX); if (old != new) { /* Must initialize structures if switching from MF to DTMF or vice-versa */ if (new & DSP_DIGITMODE_MF) ast_mf_detect_init(&dsp->td.mf); else ast_dtmf_detect_init(&dsp->td.dtmf); } dsp->digitmode = digitmode; return 0; }