Asterisk SMDI (Simple Message Desk Interface) integration --------------------------------------------------------- Support for using Asterisk as an SMDI message desk was developed by Matthew A. Nicholson . To enable SMDI support in asterisk edit the Makefile file and uncomment the line regarding SMDI so it reads like this: # # Asterisk SMDI integration # WITH_SMDI = 1 SMDI integration is configured in smdi.conf, zaptel.conf, and voicemail.conf. Various characteristics of the SMDI interfaces to be used (serial ports) are defined in smdi.conf. SMDI integration for callerid and MWI are defined in zaptel.conf and voicemail.conf respectively. When SMDI is enabled and a call comes into Asterisk, the forwarding station number is used as the destination for the call and any callerid information present is used. This way you can configure your extensions.conf as follows to behave as a message desk. [default] exten => _XXXXXXX,1,VoiceMail(${EXTEN}|${SMDI_VM_TYPE}) exten => _XXXXXXX,n,Hangup exten => s,1,VoiceMailMain(${CALLERIDNUM}) exten => s,n,Hangup The ${SMDI_VM_TYPE} variable will be set to u, b, or nothing depending on the contents of the type of SMDI message received.