(res_jabber is very experimental!) Jabber(xmpp) is an xml based protocol primarily for presence and messaging. It is an open standard and there are several open server implementations, ejabberd, jabberd(2), wildfire, and many others, as well as several open source clients, Psi, gajim, gaim etc. Jabber differs from otherIM applications as it is immensly extendable. This allows us to easily integrate asterisk with jabber. The Asterisk Jabber Interface is provided by res_jabber. res_jabber allows for asterisk to connect to any jabber server via the standard client protocol or also as a simple client. Several simple functions are exposed to the dial plan, jabberstatus, jabbersend, and soon jabberrecv. res_jabber is also used to provide the connection interface for chan_jingle. The maintainer of res_jabber is Matthew O'Gorman or mog_work on irc or prefered mogorman@astjab.org over jabber.