====================== IMAP Voicemail Storage ====================== 03-01-2006 - James Rothenberger By enabling IMAP Storage, Asterisk will use native IMAP as the storage mechanism for voicemail messages instead of using the standard file structure. Tighter integration of Asterisk voicemail and IMAP email services allows additional voicemail functionality, including: - Listening to a voicemail on the phone will set its state to "read" in a user's mailbox automatically. - Deleting a voicemail on the phone will delete it from the user's mailbox automatically. - Accessing a voicemail recording email message will turn off the message waiting indicator (MWI) on the user's phone. - Deleting a voicemail recording email will also turn off the message waiting indicator, and delete the message from the voicemail system. ===================== Contents of this file ===================== - Installation Notes - Separate vs. Shared Email Accounts - IMAP Server Implementations - Quota Support - Application Notes - Known Issues ================== Installation Notes ================== -------------------------------------- University of Washington IMAP C-Client -------------------------------------- You will need a source distribution of University of Washington's IMAP c-client (http://www.washington.edu/imap/). You will want to make the appropriate changes to the c-client Makefile, for instance: EXTRAAUTHENTICATORS=gss EXTRADRIVERS=mbox In src/osdep/unix/Makefile, set CREATEPROTO to mbxproto. This is done to utilize mbx mailbox format (see below). Compile c-client and verify that a c-client.a file has been generated. ------------------ Compiling Asterisk ------------------ Configure with ./configure --with-imap=/usr/src/imap or where ever you built the University of Washington IMAP C-Client. Then make menuselect go to voicemail options and check the imap box then make, make install and asterisk will have imap storage support for voicemail. If you are using there 2004 version you will not have access to their mail_expunge_full function if you install the 2006 dev branch it will configure will detect and enable this for you. --------------------- Modify voicemail.conf --------------------- The following directives have been added to voicemail.conf: imapserver= imapport= imapflags= expungeonhangup= authuser= authpassword= The "expungeonhangup" flag is used to determine if the voicemail system should expunge all messages marked for deletion when the user hangs up the phone. Each mailbox definition should also have imapuser=. For example: 4123=>4123,James Rothenberger,jar@onebiztone.com,,attach=yes|imapuser=jar The directives "authuser" and "authpassword" are not needed when using Kerberos. They are defined to allow Asterisk to authenticate as a single user that has access to all mailboxes as an alternative to Kerberos. -------------- Mailbox Format -------------- Mailboxes should use the "mbx" mailbox format. The "mbox" format does not support concurrent access to mailboxes, which can cause deadlock or strange behaviors. You can convert mailboxes from mbox to mbx using mailutil: mailutil copy INBOX #driver.mbx/INBOX -------------- IMAP Folders -------------- Besides INBOX, users should create "Old", "Work", "Family" and "Friends" IMAP folders at the same level of hierarchy as the INBOX. These will be used as alternate folders for storing voicemail messages to mimic the behavior of the current (file-based) voicemail system. ================================== Separate vs. Shared Email Accounts ================================== As administrator you will have to decide if you want to send the voicemail messages to a separate IMAP account or use each user's existing IMAP mailbox for voicemail storage. The IMAP storage mechanism will work either way. By implementing a single IMAP mailbox, the user will see voicemail messages appear in the same INBOX as other messages. The disadvantage of this method is that if the IMAP server does NOT support UIDPLUS, Asterisk voicemail will expunge ALL messages marked for deletion when the user exits the voicemail system, not just the VOICEMAIL messages marked for deletion. By implementing separate IMAP mailboxes for voicemail and email, voicemail expunges will not remove regular email flagged for deletion. =========================== IMAP Server Implementations =========================== There are various IMAP server implementations, each supports a potentially different set of features. ----------------------- UW IMAP-2005 or earlier ----------------------- UIDPLUS is currently NOT supported on these versions of UW-IMAP. Please note that without UID_EXPUNGE, Asterisk voicemail will expunge ALL messages marked for deletion when a user exits the voicemail system (hangs up the phone). ------------------------------- UW IMAP-2006 Development Branch ------------------------------- This version supports UIDPLUS, which allows UID_EXPUNGE capabilities. This feature allow the system to expunge ONLY pretainent messages, instead of the default behavior, which is to expunge ALL messages marked for deletion when EXPUNGE is called. The IMAP storage mechanism is this version of Asterisk will check if the UID_EXPUNGE feature is supported by the server, and use it if possible. ---------- Cyrus IMAP ---------- Cyrus IMAP server v2.3.3 has been tested using a hierarchy delimiter of '/'. ============= Quota Support ============= If the IMAP server supports quotas, Asterisk will check the quota when accessing voicemail. Currently only a warning is given to the user that their quota is exceeded. ================= Application Notes ================= Since the primary storage mechanism is IMAP, all message information that was previously stored in an associated text file, AND the recording itself, is now stored in a single email message. This means that the .gsm recording will ALWAYS be attached to the message (along with the user's preference of recording format if different - ie. .WAV). The voicemail message information is stored in the email message headers. These headers include: X-Asterisk-VM-Message-Num X-Asterisk-VM-Server-Name X-Asterisk-VM-Context X-Asterisk-VM-Extension X-Asterisk-VM-Priority X-Asterisk-VM-Caller-channel X-Asterisk-VM-Caller-ID-Num X-Asterisk-VM-Caller-ID-Name X-Asterisk-VM-Duration X-Asterisk-VM-Category X-Asterisk-VM-Orig-date X-Asterisk-VM-Orig-time ================= Known Issues ================= - Forward With Comment advanced option is not currently supported. This feature will be added in the near future. - Message Waiting Indicator blinks off and back on when a message arrives. This should be fixed soon.