\subsubsection{Changing the CLI Prompt} The CLI prompt is set with the ASTERISK\_PROMPT UNIX environment variable that you set from the Unix shell before starting Asterisk You may include the following variables, that will be replaced by the current value by Asterisk: \begin{verbatim} %d Date (year-month-date) %s Asterisk system name (from asterisk.conf) %h Full hostname %H Short hostname %t Time %% Percent sign %# '#' if Asterisk is run in console mode, '>' if running as remote console %Cn[;n] Change terminal foreground (and optional background) color to specified \end{verbatim} A full list of colors may be found in include/asterisk/term.h On Linux systems, you may also use: \begin{verbatim} %l1 Load average over past minute %l2 Load average over past 5 minutes %l3 Load average over past 15 minutes %l4 Process fraction (processes running / total processes) %l5 The most recently allocated pid \end{verbatim}