#!/usr/bin/perl -Tw # Retrieves the sip user/peer entries from the database # Use these commands to create the appropriate tables in MySQL # #CREATE TABLE sip (id INT(11) DEFAULT -1 NOT NULL,keyword VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,data VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, flags INT(1) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (id,keyword)); # # if flags = 1 then the records are not included in the output file use DBI; ################### BEGIN OF CONFIGURATION #################### # the name of the extensions table $table_name = "sip"; # the path to the extensions.conf file # WARNING: this file will be substituted by the output of this program $sip_conf = "/etc/asterisk/sip_additional.conf"; # the name of the box the MySQL database is running on $hostname = "localhost"; # the name of the database our tables are kept $database = "sip"; # username to connect to the database $username = "root"; # password to connect to the database $password = ""; ################### END OF CONFIGURATION ####################### $additional = ""; open EXTEN, ">$sip_conf" || die "Cannot create/overwrite extensions file: $sip_conf\n"; $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:mysql:dbname=$database;host=$hostname", "$username", "$password"); $statement = "SELECT keyword,data from $table_name where id=0 and keyword <> 'account' and flags <> 1"; my $result = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($statement); unless ($result) { # check for errors after every single database call print "dbh->selectall_arrayref($statement) failed!\n"; print "DBI::err=[$DBI::err]\n"; print "DBI::errstr=[$DBI::errstr]\n"; exit; } my @resultSet = @{$result}; if ( $#resultSet > -1 ) { foreach $row (@{ $result }) { my @result = @{ $row }; $additional .= $result[0]."=".$result[1]."\n"; } } $statement = "SELECT data,id from $table_name where keyword='account' and flags <> 1 group by data"; $result = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($statement); unless ($result) { # check for errors after every single database call print "dbh->selectall_arrayref($statement) failed!\n"; print "DBI::err=[$DBI::err]\n"; print "DBI::errstr=[$DBI::errstr]\n"; } @resultSet = @{$result}; if ( $#resultSet == -1 ) { print "No sip accounts defined in $table_name\n"; exit; } foreach my $row ( @{ $result } ) { my $account = @{ $row }[0]; my $id = @{ $row }[1]; print EXTEN "[$account]\n"; $statement = "SELECT keyword,data from $table_name where id=$id and keyword <> 'account' and flags <> 1 order by keyword"; my $result = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($statement); unless ($result) { # check for errors after every single database call print "dbh->selectall_arrayref($statement) failed!\n"; print "DBI::err=[$DBI::err]\n"; print "DBI::errstr=[$DBI::errstr]\n"; exit; } my @resSet = @{$result}; if ( $#resSet == -1 ) { print "no results\n"; exit; } foreach my $row ( @{ $result } ) { my @result = @{ $row }; print EXTEN "$result[0]=$result[1]\n"; } print EXTEN "$additional\n"; } exit 0;