; Asterisk SMDI configuration [interfaces] ; Specify serial ports to listen for SMDI messages on below. These will be ; referenced later in zapata.conf. If you do not specify any interfaces then ; SMDI will be disabled. Interfaces can have several different attributes ; associated with them. ; Set the number of stop bits to use per character here. The default is no, ; in which case one stop bit will be used. ;twostopbits = no ; Character size or bit length is the size of each character sent accross the ; link. Character size can be 7 or 8. The default is 7. ;charsize = 7 ; If you need parity checking enabled you can turn it on here. Acceptable ; values are even, odd, and none. The default is even. ;paritybit = even ; The baudrate to use for this port. Acceptable values are 1200, 2400, 4800, ; and 9600. The default is 9600. ;baudrate = 1200 ; Often the numbering scheme for a set of mailboxes or extensions will not be 7 ; or 10 digits (as SMDI requires). Use the msdstrip option to strip unused ; digits from the start of numbers. ;msdstrip = 0 ; Occasionally Asterisk and the SMDI switch may become out of sync. If this ; happens, Asterisk will appear one or several calls behind as it processes ; voicemail requests. To prevent this from hapening adjust the msgexpirytime. ; This will make Asterisk discard old SMDI messages that have not yet been ; processed. The default expiry time is 30000 milliseconds. ;msgexpirytime = 30000 ;smdiport => /dev/ttyS0