; ; Linux Telephony Interface ; ; Configuration file ; [interfaces] ; ; Select a mode, either the phone jack provides dialtone, reads digits, ; then starts PBX with the given extension (dialtone mode), or ; immediately provides the PBX without reading any digits or providing ; any dialtone (this is the immediate mode, the default). Also, you ; can set the mode to "fxo" if you have a linejack to make it operate ; properly. If you are using a Sigma Designs board you may set this to ; "sig". ; mode=immediate ;mode=dialtone ;mode=fxo ;mode=sig ; ; You can decide which format to use by default, "g723.1" or "slinear". ; XXX Be careful, sometimes the card causes kernel panics when running ; in signed linear mode for some reason... XXX ; format=slinear ;format=g723.1 ; ; And set the echo cancellation to "off", "low", "medium", and "high". ; This is not supported on all phones. ; echocancel=medium ; ; You can optionally use VAD/CNG silence supression ; ;silencesupression=yes ; ; List all devices we can use. Contexts may also be specified ; ;context=local ; ; You can set txgain and rxgain for each device in the same way as context. ; If you want to change default gain value (1.0 =~ 100%) for device, simple ; add txgain or rxgain line before device line. But rememeber, if you change ; volume all cards listed below will be affected by these values. You can ; use float values (1.0, 0.5, 2.0) or percentage values (100%, 150%, 50%). ; ;txgain=100% ;rxgain=1.0 ;device => /dev/phone0