/* * Asterisk -- A telephony toolkit for Linux. * * Standard Command Line Interface * * Copyright (C) 1999, Mark Spencer * * Mark Spencer * * This program is free software, distributed under the terms of * the GNU General Public License */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* For rl_filename_completion */ #include "editline/readline/readline.h" /* For module directory */ #include "asterisk.h" #include "build.h" #include "astconf.h" #define VERSION_INFO "Asterisk " ASTERISK_VERSION " built by " BUILD_USER "@" BUILD_HOSTNAME \ " on a " BUILD_MACHINE " running " BUILD_OS void ast_cli(int fd, char *fmt, ...) { char stuff[4096]; va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); vsnprintf(stuff, sizeof(stuff), fmt, ap); va_end(ap); write(fd, stuff, strlen(stuff)); } pthread_mutex_t clilock = AST_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; struct ast_cli_entry *helpers = NULL; static char load_help[] = "Usage: load \n" " Loads the specified module into Asterisk.\n"; static char unload_help[] = "Usage: unload [-f|-h] \n" " Unloads the specified module from Asterisk. The -f\n" " option causes the module to be unloaded even if it is\n" " in use (may cause a crash) and the -h module causes the\n" " module to be unloaded even if the module says it cannot, \n" " which almost always will cause a crash.\n"; static char help_help[] = "Usage: help [topic]\n" " When called with a topic as an argument, displays usage\n" " information on the given command. If called without a\n" " topic, it provides a list of commands.\n"; static char chanlist_help[] = "Usage: show channels\n" " Lists currently defined channels and some information about\n" " them.\n"; static char reload_help[] = "Usage: reload\n" " Reloads configuration files for all modules which support\n" " reloading.\n"; static char set_verbose_help[] = "Usage: set verbose \n" " Sets level of verbose messages to be displayed. 0 means\n" " no messages should be displayed.\n"; static char softhangup_help[] = "Usage: soft hangup \n" " Request that a channel be hung up. The hangup takes effect\n" " the next time the driver reads or writes from the channel\n"; static int handle_load(int fd, int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc != 2) return RESULT_SHOWUSAGE; if (ast_load_resource(argv[1])) { ast_cli(fd, "Unable to load module %s\n", argv[1]); return RESULT_FAILURE; } return RESULT_SUCCESS; } static int handle_reload(int fd, int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc != 1) return RESULT_SHOWUSAGE; ast_module_reload(); return RESULT_SUCCESS; } static int handle_set_verbose(int fd, int argc, char *argv[]) { int val; /* Has a hidden 'at least' argument */ if ((argc != 3) && (argc != 4)) return RESULT_SHOWUSAGE; if ((argc == 4) && strcasecmp(argv[2], "atleast")) return RESULT_SHOWUSAGE; if (argc == 3) option_verbose = atoi(argv[2]); else { val = atoi(argv[3]); if (val > option_verbose) option_verbose = val; } return RESULT_SUCCESS; } static int handle_unload(int fd, int argc, char *argv[]) { int x; int force=AST_FORCE_SOFT; if (argc < 2) return RESULT_SHOWUSAGE; for (x=1;xname, c->context, c->exten, c->priority, ast_state2str(c->_state), c->appl ? c->appl : "(None)", c->data ? ( strlen(c->data) ? c->data : "(Empty)" ): "(None)"); numchans++; c = ast_channel_walk(c); } ast_cli(fd, "%d active channel(s)\n", numchans); return RESULT_SUCCESS; } static char showchan_help[] = "Usage: show channel \n" " Shows lots of information about the specified channel.\n"; static char debugchan_help[] = "Usage: debug channel \n" " Enables debugging on a specific channel.\n"; static char nodebugchan_help[] = "Usage: no debug channel \n" " Disables debugging on a specific channel.\n"; static char commandcomplete_help[] = "Usage: _command complete \"\" text state\n" " This function is used internally to help with command completion and should.\n" " never be called by the user directly.\n"; static char commandnummatches_help[] = "Usage: _command nummatches \"\" text \n" " This function is used internally to help with command completion and should.\n" " never be called by the user directly.\n"; static char commandmatchesarray_help[] = "Usage: _command matchesarray \"\" text \n" " This function is used internally to help with command completion and should.\n" " never be called by the user directly.\n"; static int handle_softhangup(int fd, int argc, char *argv[]) { struct ast_channel *c=NULL; if (argc != 3) return RESULT_SHOWUSAGE; c = ast_channel_walk(NULL); while(c) { if (!strcasecmp(c->name, argv[2])) { ast_cli(fd, "Requested Hangup on channel '%s'\n", c->name); ast_softhangup(c, AST_SOFTHANGUP_EXPLICIT); break; } c = ast_channel_walk(c); } if (!c) ast_cli(fd, "%s is not a known channel\n", argv[2]); return RESULT_SUCCESS; } static char *__ast_cli_generator(char *text, char *word, int state, int lock); static int handle_commandmatchesarray(int fd, int argc, char *argv[]) { char buf[2048]; int len = 0; char **matches; int x; if (argc != 4) return RESULT_SHOWUSAGE; buf[len] = '\0'; matches = ast_cli_completion_matches(argv[2], argv[3]); if (matches) { for (x=0; matches[x]; x++) { #if 0 printf("command matchesarray for '%s' %s got '%s'\n", argv[2], argv[3], matches[x]); #endif len += sprintf( buf + len, "%s ", matches[x]); free(matches[x]); matches[x] = NULL; } free(matches); } #if 0 printf("array for '%s' %s got '%s'\n", argv[2], argv[3], buf); #endif if (buf) { ast_cli(fd, buf); } else ast_cli(fd, "NULL\n"); return RESULT_SUCCESS; } static int handle_commandnummatches(int fd, int argc, char *argv[]) { int matches = 0; if (argc != 4) return RESULT_SHOWUSAGE; matches = ast_cli_generatornummatches(argv[2], argv[3]); #if 0 printf("Search for '%s' %s got '%d'\n", argv[2], argv[3], matches); #endif ast_cli(fd, "%d", matches); return RESULT_SUCCESS; } static int handle_commandcomplete(int fd, int argc, char *argv[]) { char *buf; #if 0 printf("Search for %d args: '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s'\n", argc, argv[0], argv[1], argv[2], argv[3]); #endif if (argc != 5) return RESULT_SHOWUSAGE; buf = __ast_cli_generator(argv[2], argv[3], atoi(argv[4]), 0); #if 0 printf("Search for '%s' %s %d got '%s'\n", argv[2], argv[3], atoi(argv[4]), buf); #endif if (buf) { ast_cli(fd, buf); free(buf); } else ast_cli(fd, "NULL\n"); return RESULT_SUCCESS; } static int handle_debugchan(int fd, int argc, char *argv[]) { struct ast_channel *c=NULL; if (argc != 3) return RESULT_SHOWUSAGE; c = ast_channel_walk(NULL); while(c) { if (!strcasecmp(c->name, argv[2])) { c->fin |= 0x80000000; c->fout |= 0x80000000; break; } c = ast_channel_walk(c); } if (c) ast_cli(fd, "Debugging enabled on channel %s\n", c->name); else ast_cli(fd, "No such channel %s\n", argv[2]); return RESULT_SUCCESS; } static int handle_nodebugchan(int fd, int argc, char *argv[]) { struct ast_channel *c=NULL; if (argc != 4) return RESULT_SHOWUSAGE; c = ast_channel_walk(NULL); while(c) { if (!strcasecmp(c->name, argv[3])) { c->fin &= 0x7fffffff; c->fout &= 0x7fffffff; break; } c = ast_channel_walk(c); } if (c) ast_cli(fd, "Debugging disabled on channel %s\n", c->name); else ast_cli(fd, "No such channel %s\n", argv[2]); return RESULT_SUCCESS; } static int handle_showchan(int fd, int argc, char *argv[]) { struct ast_channel *c=NULL; if (argc != 3) return RESULT_SHOWUSAGE; c = ast_channel_walk(NULL); while(c) { if (!strcasecmp(c->name, argv[2])) { ast_cli(fd, " -- General --\n" " Name: %s\n" " Type: %s\n" " Caller ID: %s\n" " DNID Digits: %s\n" " State: %s (%d)\n" " Rings: %d\n" " NativeFormat: %d\n" " WriteFormat: %d\n" " ReadFormat: %d\n" "1st File Descriptor: %d\n" " Frames in: %d%s\n" " Frames out: %d%s\n" " Time to Hangup: %d\n" " -- PBX --\n" " Context: %s\n" " Extension: %s\n" " Priority: %d\n" " Call Group: %d\n" " Pickup Group: %d\n" " Application: %s\n" " Data: %s\n" " Stack: %d\n" " Blocking in: %s\n", c->name, c->type, (c->callerid ? c->callerid : "(N/A)"), (c->dnid ? c->dnid : "(N/A)" ), ast_state2str(c->_state), c->_state, c->rings, c->nativeformats, c->writeformat, c->readformat, c->fds[0], c->fin & 0x7fffffff, (c->fin & 0x80000000) ? " (DEBUGGED)" : "", c->fout & 0x7fffffff, (c->fout & 0x80000000) ? " (DEBUGGED)" : "", c->whentohangup, c->context, c->exten, c->priority, c->callgroup, c->pickupgroup, ( c->appl ? c->appl : "(N/A)" ), ( c-> data ? (strlen(c->data) ? c->data : "(Empty)") : "(None)"), c->stack, (c->blocking ? c->blockproc : "(Not Blocking)")); break; } c = ast_channel_walk(c); } if (!c) ast_cli(fd, "%s is not a known channel\n", argv[2]); return RESULT_SUCCESS; } static char *complete_ch(char *line, char *word, int pos, int state) { struct ast_channel *c; int which=0; c = ast_channel_walk(NULL); while(c) { if (!strncasecmp(word, c->name, strlen(word))) { if (++which > state) break; } c = ast_channel_walk(c); } return c ? strdup(c->name) : NULL; } static char *complete_fn(char *line, char *word, int pos, int state) { char *c; char filename[256]; if (pos != 1) return NULL; if (word[0] == '/') strncpy(filename, word, sizeof(filename)-1); else snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s/%s", (char *)ast_config_AST_MODULE_DIR, word); c = (char*)filename_completion_function(filename, state); if (c && word[0] != '/') c += (strlen((char*)ast_config_AST_MODULE_DIR) + 1); return c ? strdup(c) : c; } static int handle_help(int fd, int argc, char *argv[]); static struct ast_cli_entry builtins[] = { /* Keep alphabetized */ { { "_command", "complete", NULL }, handle_commandcomplete, "Command complete", commandcomplete_help }, { { "_command", "nummatches", NULL }, handle_commandnummatches, "Returns number of command matches", commandnummatches_help }, { { "_command", "matchesarray", NULL }, handle_commandmatchesarray, "Returns command matches array", commandmatchesarray_help }, { { "debug", "channel", NULL }, handle_debugchan, "Enable debugging on a channel", debugchan_help, complete_ch }, { { "help", NULL }, handle_help, "Display help list, or specific help on a command", help_help }, { { "load", NULL }, handle_load, "Load a dynamic module by name", load_help, complete_fn }, { { "no", "debug", "channel", NULL }, handle_nodebugchan, "Disable debugging on a channel", nodebugchan_help, complete_ch }, { { "reload", NULL }, handle_reload, "Reload configuration", reload_help }, { { "set", "verbose", NULL }, handle_set_verbose, "Set level of verboseness", set_verbose_help }, { { "show", "channel", NULL }, handle_showchan, "Display information on a specific channel", showchan_help, complete_ch }, { { "show", "channels", NULL }, handle_chanlist, "Display information on channels", chanlist_help }, { { "show", "modules", NULL }, handle_modlist, "List modules and info", modlist_help }, { { "show", "version", NULL }, handle_version, "Display version info", version_help }, { { "soft", "hangup", NULL }, handle_softhangup, "Request a hangup on a given channel", softhangup_help, complete_ch }, { { "unload", NULL }, handle_unload, "Unload a dynamic module by name", unload_help, complete_fn }, { { NULL }, NULL, NULL, NULL } }; static struct ast_cli_entry *find_cli(char *cmds[], int exact) { int x; int y; int match; struct ast_cli_entry *e=NULL; for (x=0;builtins[x].cmda[0];x++) { /* start optimistic */ match = 1; for (y=0;match && cmds[y]; y++) { /* If there are no more words in the candidate command, then we're there. */ if (!builtins[x].cmda[y] && !exact) break; /* If there are no more words in the command (and we're looking for an exact match) or there is a difference between the two words, then this is not a match */ if (!builtins[x].cmda[y] || strcasecmp(builtins[x].cmda[y], cmds[y])) match = 0; } /* If more words are needed to complete the command then this is not a candidate (unless we're looking for a really inexact answer */ if ((exact > -1) && builtins[x].cmda[y]) match = 0; if (match) return &builtins[x]; } for (e=helpers;e;e=e->next) { match = 1; for (y=0;match && cmds[y]; y++) { if (!e->cmda[y] && !exact) break; if (!e->cmda[y] || strcasecmp(e->cmda[y], cmds[y])) match = 0; } if ((exact > -1) && e->cmda[y]) match = 0; if (match) break; } return e; } static void join(char *s, int len, char *w[]) { int x; /* Join words into a string */ strcpy(s, ""); for (x=0;w[x];x++) { if (x) strncat(s, " ", len - strlen(s)); strncat(s, w[x], len - strlen(s)); } } static void join2(char *s, int len, char *w[]) { int x; /* Join words into a string */ strcpy(s, ""); for (x=0;w[x];x++) { strncat(s, w[x], len - strlen(s)); } } static char *find_best(char *argv[]) { static char cmdline[80]; int x; /* See how close we get, then print the */ char *myargv[AST_MAX_CMD_LEN]; for (x=0;xinuse) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Can't remove command that is in use\n"); } else { /* Rewrite */ if (l) l->next = e->next; else helpers = e->next; e->next = NULL; break; } } l = cur; cur = cur->next; } ast_pthread_mutex_unlock(&clilock); return 0; } int ast_cli_register(struct ast_cli_entry *e) { struct ast_cli_entry *cur, *l=NULL; char fulle[80] ="", fulltst[80] =""; static int len; ast_pthread_mutex_lock(&clilock); join2(fulle, sizeof(fulle), e->cmda); if (find_cli(e->cmda, -1)) { ast_pthread_mutex_unlock(&clilock); ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Command '%s' already registered (or something close enough)\n", fulle); return -1; } cur = helpers; while(cur) { join2(fulltst, sizeof(fulltst), cur->cmda); len = strlen(fulltst); if (strlen(fulle) < len) len = strlen(fulle); if (strncasecmp(fulle, fulltst, len) < 0) { if (l) { e->next = l->next; l->next = e; } else { e->next = helpers; helpers = e; } break; } l = cur; cur = cur->next; } if (!cur) { if (l) l->next = e; else helpers = e; e->next = NULL; } ast_pthread_mutex_unlock(&clilock); return 0; } static int help_workhorse(int fd, char *match[]) { char fullcmd1[80]; char fullcmd2[80]; char matchstr[80]; char *fullcmd; struct ast_cli_entry *e, *e1, *e2; e1 = builtins; e2 = helpers; if (match) join(matchstr, sizeof(matchstr), match); while(e1->cmda[0] || e2) { if (e2) join(fullcmd2, sizeof(fullcmd2), e2->cmda); if (e1->cmda[0]) join(fullcmd1, sizeof(fullcmd1), e1->cmda); if (!e1->cmda[0] || (e2 && (strcmp(fullcmd2, fullcmd1) < 0))) { /* Use e2 */ e = e2; fullcmd = fullcmd2; /* Increment by going to next */ e2 = e2->next; } else { /* Use e1 */ e = e1; fullcmd = fullcmd1; e1++; } /* Hide commands that start with '_' */ if (fullcmd[0] == '_') continue; if (match) { if (strncasecmp(matchstr, fullcmd, strlen(matchstr))) { continue; } } ast_cli(fd, "%20.20s %s\n", fullcmd, e->summary); } return 0; } static int handle_help(int fd, int argc, char *argv[]) { struct ast_cli_entry *e; char fullcmd[80]; if ((argc < 1)) return RESULT_SHOWUSAGE; if (argc > 1) { e = find_cli(argv + 1, 1); if (e) ast_cli(fd, e->usage); else { if (find_cli(argv + 1, -1)) { return help_workhorse(fd, argv + 1); } else { join(fullcmd, sizeof(fullcmd), argv+1); ast_cli(fd, "No such command '%s'.\n", fullcmd); } } } else { return help_workhorse(fd, NULL); } return RESULT_SUCCESS; } static char *parse_args(char *s, int *max, char *argv[]) { char *dup, *cur; int x=0; int quoted=0; int escaped=0; int whitespace=1; dup = strdup(s); if (dup) { cur = dup; while(*s) { switch(*s) { case '"': /* If it's escaped, put a literal quote */ if (escaped) goto normal; else quoted = !quoted; if (quoted && whitespace) { /* If we're starting a quote, coming off white space start a new word, too */ argv[x++] = cur; whitespace=0; } escaped = 0; break; case ' ': case '\t': if (!quoted && !escaped) { /* If we're not quoted, mark this as whitespace, and end the previous argument */ whitespace = 1; *(cur++) = '\0'; } else /* Otherwise, just treat it as anything else */ goto normal; break; case '\\': /* If we're escaped, print a literal, otherwise enable escaping */ if (escaped) { goto normal; } else { escaped=1; } break; default: normal: if (whitespace) { if (x >= AST_MAX_ARGS -1) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Too many arguments, truncating\n"); break; } /* Coming off of whitespace, start the next argument */ argv[x++] = cur; whitespace=0; } *(cur++) = *s; escaped=0; } s++; } /* Null terminate */ *(cur++) = '\0'; argv[x] = NULL; *max = x; } return dup; } /* This returns the number of unique matches for the generator */ int ast_cli_generatornummatches(char *text, char *word) { int matches = 0, i = 0; char *buf, *oldbuf = NULL; while ( (buf = ast_cli_generator(text, word, i)) ) { if (++i > 1 && strcmp(buf,oldbuf) == 0) { continue; } oldbuf = buf; matches++; } return matches; } char **ast_cli_completion_matches(char *text, char *word) { char **match_list = NULL, *retstr, *prevstr; size_t match_list_len, max_equal, which, i; int matches = 0; match_list_len = 1; while ((retstr = ast_cli_generator(text, word, matches)) != NULL) { if (matches + 1 >= match_list_len) { match_list_len <<= 1; match_list = realloc(match_list, match_list_len * sizeof(char *)); } match_list[++matches] = retstr; } if (!match_list) return (char **) NULL; which = 2; prevstr = match_list[1]; max_equal = strlen(prevstr); for (; which <= matches; which++) { for (i = 0; i < max_equal && prevstr[i] == match_list[which][i]; i++) continue; max_equal = i; } retstr = malloc(max_equal + 1); (void) strncpy(retstr, match_list[1], max_equal); retstr[max_equal] = '\0'; match_list[0] = retstr; if (matches + 1 >= match_list_len) match_list = realloc(match_list, (match_list_len + 1) * sizeof(char *)); match_list[matches + 1] = (char *) NULL; return (match_list); } static char *__ast_cli_generator(char *text, char *word, int state, int lock) { char *argv[AST_MAX_ARGS]; struct ast_cli_entry *e, *e1, *e2; int x; int matchnum=0; char *dup, *res; char fullcmd1[80]; char fullcmd2[80]; char matchstr[80]; char *fullcmd; if ((dup = parse_args(text, &x, argv))) { join(matchstr, sizeof(matchstr), argv); if (lock) ast_pthread_mutex_lock(&clilock); e1 = builtins; e2 = helpers; while(e1->cmda[0] || e2) { if (e2) join(fullcmd2, sizeof(fullcmd2), e2->cmda); if (e1->cmda[0]) join(fullcmd1, sizeof(fullcmd1), e1->cmda); if (!e1->cmda[0] || (e2 && (strcmp(fullcmd2, fullcmd1) < 0))) { /* Use e2 */ e = e2; fullcmd = fullcmd2; /* Increment by going to next */ e2 = e2->next; } else { /* Use e1 */ e = e1; fullcmd = fullcmd1; e1++; } if ((fullcmd[0] != '_') && !strncasecmp(matchstr, fullcmd, strlen(matchstr))) { /* We contain the first part of one or more commands */ matchnum++; if (matchnum > state) { /* Now, what we're supposed to return is the next word... */ if (strlen(word) && x>0) { res = e->cmda[x-1]; } else { res = e->cmda[x]; } if (res) { if (lock) ast_pthread_mutex_unlock(&clilock); free(dup); return res ? res : NULL; } } } if (e->generator && !strncasecmp(matchstr, fullcmd, strlen(fullcmd))) { /* We have a command in its entirity within us -- theoretically only one command can have this occur */ fullcmd = e->generator(text, word, (strlen(word) ? (x - 1) : (x)), state); if (lock) ast_pthread_mutex_unlock(&clilock); return fullcmd; } } if (lock) ast_pthread_mutex_unlock(&clilock); free(dup); } return NULL; } char *ast_cli_generator(char *text, char *word, int state) { return __ast_cli_generator(text, word, state, 1); } int ast_cli_command(int fd, char *s) { char *argv[AST_MAX_ARGS]; struct ast_cli_entry *e; int x; char *dup; x = AST_MAX_ARGS; if ((dup = parse_args(s, &x, argv))) { /* We need at least one entry, or ignore */ if (x > 0) { ast_pthread_mutex_lock(&clilock); e = find_cli(argv, 0); if (e) e->inuse++; ast_pthread_mutex_unlock(&clilock); if (e) { switch(e->handler(fd, x, argv)) { case RESULT_SHOWUSAGE: ast_cli(fd, e->usage); break; default: } } else ast_cli(fd, "No such command '%s' (type 'help' for help)\n", find_best(argv)); if (e) { ast_pthread_mutex_lock(&clilock); e->inuse--; ast_pthread_mutex_unlock(&clilock); } } free(dup); } else { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Out of memory\n"); return -1; } return 0; }