/* * Chan_Misdn -- Channel Driver for Asterisk * * Interface to mISDN * * Copyright (C) 2004, Christian Richter * * Christian Richter * * This program is free software, distributed under the terms of * the GNU General Public License */ /*! \file * \brief Interface to mISDN * * \author Christian Richter */ #ifndef TE_LIB #define TE_LIB #include /** For initialization usage **/ /* typedef int ie_nothing_t ;*/ /** end of init usage **/ /* * uncomment the following to make chan_misdn create * record files in /tmp/misdn-{rx|tx}-PortChannel format * */ /*#define MISDN_SAVE_DATA*/ #ifdef WITH_BEROEC typedef int beroec_t; enum beroec_type { BEROEC_FULLBAND=0, BEROEC_SUBBAND, BEROEC_FASTSUBBAND }; void beroec_init(void); void beroec_exit(void); beroec_t *beroec_new(int tail, enum beroec_type type, int anti_howl, int tonedisable, int zerocoeff, int adapt, int nlp); void beroec_destroy(beroec_t *ec); int beroec_cancel_alaw_chunk(beroec_t *ec, char *send, char *receive, int len); int beroec_version(void); #endif enum tone_e { TONE_NONE=0, TONE_DIAL, TONE_ALERTING, TONE_FAR_ALERTING, TONE_BUSY, TONE_HANGUP, TONE_CUSTOM, TONE_FILE }; #define MAX_BCHANS 31 enum bchannel_state { BCHAN_CLEANED=0, BCHAN_EMPTY, BCHAN_SETUP, BCHAN_SETUPED, BCHAN_ACTIVE, BCHAN_ACTIVATED, BCHAN_BRIDGE, BCHAN_BRIDGED, BCHAN_RELEASE, BCHAN_RELEASED, BCHAN_CLEAN, BCHAN_CLEAN_REQUEST, BCHAN_ERROR }; enum misdn_err_e { ENOCHAN=1 }; enum mISDN_NUMBER_PLAN { NUMPLAN_UNINITIALIZED=-1, NUMPLAN_INTERNATIONAL=0x1, NUMPLAN_NATIONAL=0x2, NUMPLAN_SUBSCRIBER=0x4, NUMPLAN_UNKNOWN=0x0 }; enum event_response_e { RESPONSE_IGNORE_SETUP_WITHOUT_CLOSE, RESPONSE_IGNORE_SETUP, RESPONSE_RELEASE_SETUP, RESPONSE_ERR, RESPONSE_OK }; enum event_e { EVENT_NOTHING, EVENT_TONE_GENERATE, EVENT_BCHAN_DATA, EVENT_BCHAN_ACTIVATED, EVENT_BCHAN_ERROR, EVENT_CLEANUP, EVENT_PROCEEDING, EVENT_PROGRESS, EVENT_SETUP, EVENT_ALERTING, EVENT_CONNECT, EVENT_SETUP_ACKNOWLEDGE, EVENT_CONNECT_ACKNOWLEDGE , EVENT_USER_INFORMATION, EVENT_SUSPEND_REJECT, EVENT_RESUME_REJECT, EVENT_HOLD, EVENT_SUSPEND, EVENT_RESUME, EVENT_HOLD_ACKNOWLEDGE, EVENT_SUSPEND_ACKNOWLEDGE, EVENT_RESUME_ACKNOWLEDGE, EVENT_HOLD_REJECT, EVENT_RETRIEVE, EVENT_RETRIEVE_ACKNOWLEDGE, EVENT_RETRIEVE_REJECT, EVENT_DISCONNECT, EVENT_RESTART, EVENT_RELEASE, EVENT_RELEASE_COMPLETE, EVENT_FACILITY, EVENT_NOTIFY, EVENT_STATUS_ENQUIRY, EVENT_INFORMATION, EVENT_STATUS, EVENT_TIMEOUT, EVENT_DTMF_TONE, EVENT_NEW_L3ID, EVENT_NEW_BC, EVENT_PORT_ALARM, EVENT_NEW_CHANNEL, EVENT_UNKNOWN }; enum ie_name_e { IE_DUMMY, IE_LAST }; enum { /* bearer capability */ INFO_CAPABILITY_SPEECH=0, INFO_CAPABILITY_AUDIO_3_1K=0x10 , INFO_CAPABILITY_AUDIO_7K=0x11 , INFO_CAPABILITY_VIDEO =0x18, INFO_CAPABILITY_DIGITAL_UNRESTRICTED =0x8, INFO_CAPABILITY_DIGITAL_RESTRICTED =0x09, INFO_CAPABILITY_DIGITAL_UNRESTRICTED_TONES }; enum { /* progress indicators */ INFO_PI_CALL_NOT_E2E_ISDN =0x01, INFO_PI_CALLED_NOT_ISDN =0x02, INFO_PI_CALLER_NOT_ISDN =0x03, INFO_PI_CALLER_RETURNED_TO_ISDN =0x04, INFO_PI_INBAND_AVAILABLE =0x08, INFO_PI_DELAY_AT_INTERF =0x0a, INFO_PI_INTERWORKING_WITH_PUBLIC =0x10, INFO_PI_INTERWORKING_NO_RELEASE =0x11, INFO_PI_INTERWORKING_NO_RELEASE_PRE_ANSWER =0x12, INFO_PI_INTERWORKING_NO_RELEASE_POST_ANSWER =0x13 }; enum { /*CODECS*/ INFO_CODEC_ULAW=2, INFO_CODEC_ALAW=3 }; enum layer_e { L3, L2, L1, UNKNOWN }; struct misdn_bchannel { /*! \brief B channel send locking structure */ struct send_lock *send_lock; /*! \brief TRUE if this is a dummy BC record */ int dummy; /*! \brief TRUE if NT side of protocol (TE otherwise) */ int nt; /*! \brief TRUE if ISDN-PRI (ISDN-BRI otherwise) */ int pri; /*! \brief Logical Layer 1 port associated with this B channel */ int port; /** init stuff **/ /*! \brief B Channel mISDN driver stack ID */ int b_stid; /* int b_addr; */ /*! \brief B Channel mISDN driver layer ID from mISDN_new_layer() */ int layer_id; /*! \brief B channel layer; set to 3 or 4 */ int layer; /* state stuff */ /*! \brief TRUE if DISCONNECT needs to be sent to clear a call */ int need_disconnect; /*! \brief TRUE if RELEASE needs to be sent to clear a call */ int need_release; /*! \brief TRUE if RELEASE_COMPLETE needs to be sent to clear a call */ int need_release_complete; /*! \brief TRUE if allocate higher B channels first */ int dec; /* var stuff */ /*! \brief Layer 3 process ID */ int l3_id; /*! \brief B channel process ID (1-5000) */ int pid; /*! \brief Not used. Saved mISDN stack CONNECT_t ces value */ int ces; /*! \brief B channel to restart if received a RESTART message */ int restart_channel; /*! \brief Assigned B channel number B1, B2... 0 if not assigned */ int channel; /*! \brief TRUE if the B channel number is preselected */ int channel_preselected; /*! \brief TRUE if B channel record is in use */ int in_use; /*! \brief Time when empty_bc() last called on this record */ struct timeval last_used; /*! \brief TRUE if call waiting */ int cw; /*! \brief B Channel mISDN driver layer ID from mISDN_get_layerid() */ int addr; /*! \brief B channel speech sample data buffer */ char *bframe; /*! \brief B channel speech sample data buffer size */ int bframe_len; int time_usec; /* Not used */ /*! \brief Not used. Contents are setup but not used. */ void *astbuf; void *misdnbuf; /* Not used */ /*! \brief TRUE if the TE side should choose the B channel to use * \note This value is user configurable in /etc/asterisk/misdn.conf */ int te_choose_channel; /*! \brief TRUE if the call progress indicators can indicate an inband audio message for the user to listen to * \note This value is user configurable in /etc/asterisk/misdn.conf */ int early_bconnect; /*! \brief Last decoded DTMF digit from mISDN driver */ int dtmf; /*! \brief TRUE if we should produce DTMF tones ourselves * \note This value is user configurable in /etc/asterisk/misdn.conf */ int send_dtmf; /*! \brief TRUE if we send SETUP_ACKNOWLEDGE on incoming calls anyway (instead of PROCEEDING). * * This requests additional INFORMATION messages, so we can * wait for digits without issues. * \note This value is user configurable in /etc/asterisk/misdn.conf */ int need_more_infos; /*! \brief TRUE if all digits necessary to complete the call are available. * No more INFORMATION messages are needed. */ int sending_complete; /*! \brief TRUE if we will not use jollys dsp */ int nodsp; /*! \brief TRUE if we will not use the jitter buffer system */ int nojitter; /*! \brief Type-of-number in ISDN terms for the dialed/called number * \note This value is set to "dialplan" in /etc/asterisk/misdn.conf for outgoing calls */ enum mISDN_NUMBER_PLAN dnumplan; /*! \brief Type-of-number in ISDN terms for the redirecting number which a call diversion or transfer was invoked. * \note Collected from the incoming SETUP message but not used. */ enum mISDN_NUMBER_PLAN rnumplan; /*! \brief Type-of-number in ISDN terms for the originating/calling number (Caller-ID) * \note This value is set to "localdialplan" in /etc/asterisk/misdn.conf for outgoing calls */ enum mISDN_NUMBER_PLAN onumplan; /*! \brief Type-of-number in ISDN terms for the connected party number * \note This value is set to "cpndialplan" in /etc/asterisk/misdn.conf for outgoing calls */ enum mISDN_NUMBER_PLAN cpnnumplan; /*! \brief Progress Indicator IE coding standard field. * \note Collected from the incoming messages but not used. */ int progress_coding; /*! \brief Progress Indicator IE location field. * \note Collected from the incoming messages but not used. */ int progress_location; /*! \brief Progress Indicator IE progress description field. * Used to determine if there is an inband audio message present. */ int progress_indicator; /*! \brief Inbound FACILITY message function type and contents */ struct FacParm fac_in; /*! \brief Outbound FACILITY message function type and contents. * \note Filled in by misdn facility commands before FACILITY message sent. */ struct FacParm fac_out; /* storing the current AOCD info here */ enum FacFunction AOCDtype; union { struct FacAOCDCurrency currency; struct FacAOCDChargingUnit chargingUnit; } AOCD; /*! \brief TRUE if AOCDtype and AOCD data are ready to export to Asterisk */ int AOCD_need_export; /*! \brief Event waiting for Layer 1 to come up */ enum event_e evq; /*** CRYPTING STUFF ***/ int crypt; /* Initialized, Not used */ int curprx; /* Initialized, Not used */ int curptx; /* Initialized, Not used */ /*! \brief Blowfish encryption key string (secret) */ char crypt_key[255]; int crypt_state; /* Not used */ /*** CRYPTING STUFF END***/ /*! \brief Seems to have been intended for something to do with the jitter buffer. * \note Used as a boolean. Only initialized to 0 and referenced in a couple places */ int active; int upset; /* Not used */ /*! \brief TRUE if tone generator allowed to start */ int generate_tone; /*! \brief Number of tone samples to generate */ int tone_cnt; /*! \brief Current B Channel state */ enum bchannel_state bc_state; /*! \brief This is used as a pending bridge join request for when bc_state becomes BCHAN_ACTIVATED */ enum bchannel_state next_bc_state; /*! \brief Bridging conference ID */ int conf_id; /*! \brief TRUE if this channel is on hold */ int holded; /*! \brief TRUE if this channel is on the misdn_stack->holding list * \note If TRUE this implies that the structure is also malloced. */ int stack_holder; /*! \brief Caller ID presentation restriction code * 0=Allowed, 1=Restricted, 2=Unavailable * \note It is settable by the misdn_set_opt() application. */ int pres; /*! \brief Caller ID screening code * 0=Unscreened, 1=Passed Screen, 2=Failed Screen, 3=Network Number */ int screen; /*! \brief SETUP message bearer capability field code value */ int capability; /*! \brief Companding ALaw/uLaw encoding (INFO_CODEC_ALAW / INFO_CODEC_ULAW) */ int law; /* V110 Stuff */ /*! \brief Q.931 Bearer Capability IE Information Transfer Rate field. Initialized to 0x10 (64kbit). Altered by incoming SETUP messages. */ int rate; /*! \brief Q.931 Bearer Capability IE Transfer Mode field. Initialized to 0 (Circuit). Altered by incoming SETUP messages. */ int mode; /*! \brief Q.931 Bearer Capability IE User Information Layer 1 Protocol field code. * \note Collected from the incoming SETUP message but not used. */ int user1; /*! \brief Q.931 Bearer Capability IE Layer 1 User Rate field. * \note Collected from the incoming SETUP message and exported to Asterisk variable MISDN_URATE. */ int urate; /*! \brief TRUE if call made in digital HDLC mode * \note This value is user configurable in /etc/asterisk/misdn.conf. * It is also settable by the misdn_set_opt() application. */ int hdlc; /* V110 */ /*! \brief Display message that can be displayed by the user phone. * \note Maximum displayable length is 34 or 82 octets. * It is also settable by the misdn_set_opt() application. */ char display[84]; /*! \brief Not used. Contents are setup but not used. */ char msn[32]; /*! \brief Originating/Calling Phone Number (Address) * \note This value can be set to "callerid" in /etc/asterisk/misdn.conf for outgoing calls */ char oad[32]; /*! \brief Redirecting Phone Number (Address) where a call diversion or transfer was invoked */ char rad[32]; /*! \brief Dialed/Called Phone Number (Address) */ char dad[32]; /*! \brief Connected Party/Line Phone Number (Address) */ char cad[32]; /*! \brief Original Dialed/Called Phone Number (Address) before national/international dialing prefix added. * \note Not used. Contents are setup but not used. */ char orig_dad[32]; /*! \brief Q.931 Keypad Facility IE contents * \note Contents exported and imported to Asterisk variable MISDN_KEYPAD */ char keypad[32]; /*! \brief Current overlap dialing digits to/from INFORMATION messages */ char info_dad[64]; /*! \brief Collected digits to go into info_dad[] while waiting for a SETUP_ACKNOWLEDGE to come in. */ char infos_pending[64]; /* unsigned char info_keypad[32]; */ /* unsigned char clisub[24]; */ /* unsigned char cldsub[24]; */ /*! \brief User-User information string. * \note Contents exported and imported to Asterisk variable MISDN_USERUSER * \note We only support ASCII strings (IA5 characters). */ char uu[256]; /*! \brief User-User information string length in uu[] */ int uulen; /*! \brief Q.931 Cause for disconnection code (received) * \note Need to use the AST_CAUSE_xxx code definitions in causes.h */ int cause; /*! \brief Q.931 Cause for disconnection code (sent) * \note Need to use the AST_CAUSE_xxx code definitions in causes.h * \note -1 is used to suppress including the cause code in the RELEASE message. */ int out_cause; /* struct misdn_bchannel hold_bc; */ /** list stuf **/ #ifdef MISDN_1_2 /*! \brief The configuration string for the mISDN dsp pipeline in /etc/asterisk/misdn.conf. */ char pipeline[128]; #else /*! \brief TRUE if the echo cancellor is enabled */ int ec_enable; /*! \brief Number of taps in the echo cancellor when enabled. * \note This value is user configurable in /etc/asterisk/misdn.conf (echocancel) */ int ec_deftaps; #endif /*! \brief TRUE if the channel was allocated from the available B channels */ int channel_found; /*! \brief Who originated the call (ORG_AST, ORG_MISDN) * \note Set but not used when the misdn_set_opt() application enables echo cancellation. */ int orig; /*! \brief Tx gain setting (range -8 to 8) * \note This value is user configurable in /etc/asterisk/misdn.conf. * It is also settable by the misdn_set_opt() application. */ int txgain; /*! \brief Rx gain setting (range -8 to 8) * \note This value is user configurable in /etc/asterisk/misdn.conf. * It is also settable by the misdn_set_opt() application. */ int rxgain; /*! \brief Next node in the misdn_stack.holding list */ struct misdn_bchannel *next; }; extern enum event_response_e (*cb_event) (enum event_e event, struct misdn_bchannel *bc, void *user_data); extern void (*cb_log) (int level, int port, char *tmpl, ...) __attribute__ ((format (printf, 3, 4))); extern int (*cb_jb_empty)(struct misdn_bchannel *bc, char *buffer, int len); struct misdn_lib_iface { enum event_response_e (*cb_event)(enum event_e event, struct misdn_bchannel *bc, void *user_data); void (*cb_log)(int level, int port, char *tmpl, ...) __attribute__ ((format (printf, 3, 4))); int (*cb_jb_empty)(struct misdn_bchannel *bc, char *buffer, int len); }; /***** USER IFACE **********/ void misdn_lib_nt_keepcalls(int kc); void misdn_lib_nt_debug_init( int flags, char *file ); int misdn_lib_init(char *portlist, struct misdn_lib_iface* iface, void *user_data); int misdn_lib_send_event(struct misdn_bchannel *bc, enum event_e event ); void misdn_lib_destroy(void); void misdn_lib_isdn_l1watcher(int port); void misdn_lib_log_ies(struct misdn_bchannel *bc); char *manager_isdn_get_info(enum event_e event); struct misdn_bchannel* misdn_lib_get_free_bc(int port, int channel, int inout, int dec); void manager_bchannel_activate(struct misdn_bchannel *bc); void manager_bchannel_deactivate(struct misdn_bchannel * bc); int misdn_lib_tx2misdn_frm(struct misdn_bchannel *bc, void *data, int len); void manager_ph_control(struct misdn_bchannel *bc, int c1, int c2); void isdn_lib_update_rxgain (struct misdn_bchannel *bc); void isdn_lib_update_txgain (struct misdn_bchannel *bc); void isdn_lib_update_ec (struct misdn_bchannel *bc); void isdn_lib_stop_dtmf (struct misdn_bchannel *bc); int misdn_lib_port_restart(int port); int misdn_lib_pid_restart(int pid); int misdn_lib_send_restart(int port, int channel); int misdn_lib_get_port_info(int port); int misdn_lib_is_port_blocked(int port); int misdn_lib_port_block(int port); int misdn_lib_port_unblock(int port); int misdn_lib_port_is_pri(int port); int misdn_lib_port_is_nt(int port); int misdn_lib_port_up(int port, int notcheck); int misdn_lib_get_port_down(int port); int misdn_lib_get_port_up (int port) ; int misdn_lib_maxports_get(void) ; struct misdn_bchannel *misdn_lib_find_held_bc(int port, int l3_id); void misdn_lib_release(struct misdn_bchannel *bc); int misdn_cap_is_speech(int cap); int misdn_inband_avail(struct misdn_bchannel *bc); void manager_ec_enable(struct misdn_bchannel *bc); void manager_ec_disable(struct misdn_bchannel *bc); void misdn_lib_send_tone(struct misdn_bchannel *bc, enum tone_e tone); void get_show_stack_details(int port, char *buf); void misdn_lib_tone_generator_start(struct misdn_bchannel *bc); void misdn_lib_tone_generator_stop(struct misdn_bchannel *bc); void misdn_lib_setup_bc(struct misdn_bchannel *bc); void misdn_lib_bridge( struct misdn_bchannel * bc1, struct misdn_bchannel *bc2); void misdn_lib_split_bridge( struct misdn_bchannel * bc1, struct misdn_bchannel *bc2); void misdn_lib_echo(struct misdn_bchannel *bc, int onoff); int misdn_lib_is_ptp(int port); int misdn_lib_get_maxchans(int port); void misdn_lib_reinit_nt_stack(int port); #define PRI_TRANS_CAP_SPEECH 0x0 #define PRI_TRANS_CAP_DIGITAL 0x08 #define PRI_TRANS_CAP_RESTRICTED_DIGITAL 0x09 #define PRI_TRANS_CAP_3_1K_AUDIO 0x10 #define PRI_TRANS_CAP_7K_AUDIO 0x11 char *bc_state2str(enum bchannel_state state); void bc_state_change(struct misdn_bchannel *bc, enum bchannel_state state); void misdn_dump_chanlist(void); void misdn_make_dummy(struct misdn_bchannel *dummybc, int port, int l3id, int nt, int channel); #endif