/* * Asterisk -- An open source telephony toolkit. * * Copyright (C) 1999 - 2005, Digium, Inc. * * Mark Spencer * * See http://www.asterisk.org for more information about * the Asterisk project. Please do not directly contact * any of the maintainers of this project for assistance; * the project provides a web site, mailing lists and IRC * channels for your use. * * This program is free software, distributed under the terms of * the GNU General Public License Version 2. See the LICENSE file * at the top of the source tree. */ /*! \file * \brief IAX Provisioning Protocol * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "asterisk.h" ASTERISK_FILE_VERSION(__FILE__, "$Revision$") #include "asterisk/config.h" #include "asterisk/logger.h" #include "asterisk/cli.h" #include "asterisk/lock.h" #include "asterisk/frame.h" #include "asterisk/options.h" #include "asterisk/md5.h" #include "asterisk/astdb.h" #include "asterisk/utils.h" #include "iax2.h" #include "iax2-provision.h" #include "iax2-parser.h" #ifndef IPTOS_MINCOST #define IPTOS_MINCOST 0x02 #endif static int provinit = 0; struct iax_template { int dead; char name[80]; char src[80]; struct iax_template *next; char user[20]; char pass[20]; char lang[10]; unsigned short port; unsigned int server; unsigned short serverport; unsigned int altserver; unsigned int flags; unsigned int format; int tos; } *templates; static struct iax_flag { char *name; int value; } iax_flags[] = { { "register", PROV_FLAG_REGISTER }, { "secure", PROV_FLAG_SECURE }, { "heartbeat", PROV_FLAG_HEARTBEAT }, { "debug", PROV_FLAG_DEBUG }, { "disablecid", PROV_FLAG_DIS_CALLERID }, { "disablecw", PROV_FLAG_DIS_CALLWAIT }, { "disablecidcw", PROV_FLAG_DIS_CIDCW }, { "disable3way", PROV_FLAG_DIS_THREEWAY }, }; char *iax_provflags2str(char *buf, int buflen, unsigned int flags) { int x; if (!buf || buflen < 1) { return(NULL); } buf[0] = '\0'; for (x=0;xname)) { if (!allowdead && cur->dead) cur = NULL; break; } cur = cur->next; } return cur; } char *iax_prov_complete_template(char *line, char *word, int pos, int state) { struct iax_template *c; int which=0; char *ret; ast_mutex_lock(&provlock); c = templates; while(c) { if (!strncasecmp(word, c->name, strlen(word))) { if (++which > state) break; } c = c->next; } if (c) { ret = strdup(c->name); } else ret = NULL; ast_mutex_unlock(&provlock); return ret; } static unsigned int prov_ver_calc(struct iax_ie_data *provdata) { struct MD5Context md5; unsigned int tmp[4]; MD5Init(&md5); MD5Update(&md5, provdata->buf, provdata->pos); MD5Final((unsigned char *)tmp, &md5); return tmp[0] ^ tmp[1] ^ tmp[2] ^ tmp[3]; } int iax_provision_build(struct iax_ie_data *provdata, unsigned int *signature, const char *template, int force) { struct iax_template *cur; unsigned int sig; char tmp[40]; memset(provdata, 0, sizeof(*provdata)); ast_mutex_lock(&provlock); cur = iax_template_find(template, 1); /* If no match, try searching for '*' */ if (!cur) cur = iax_template_find("*", 1); if (cur) { /* found it -- add information elements as appropriate */ if (force || strlen(cur->user)) iax_ie_append_str(provdata, PROV_IE_USER, cur->user); if (force || strlen(cur->pass)) iax_ie_append_str(provdata, PROV_IE_PASS, cur->pass); if (force || strlen(cur->lang)) iax_ie_append_str(provdata, PROV_IE_LANG, cur->lang); if (force || cur->port) iax_ie_append_short(provdata, PROV_IE_PORTNO, cur->port); if (force || cur->server) iax_ie_append_int(provdata, PROV_IE_SERVERIP, cur->server); if (force || cur->serverport) iax_ie_append_short(provdata, PROV_IE_SERVERPORT, cur->serverport); if (force || cur->altserver) iax_ie_append_int(provdata, PROV_IE_ALTSERVER, cur->altserver); if (force || cur->flags) iax_ie_append_int(provdata, PROV_IE_FLAGS, cur->flags); if (force || cur->format) iax_ie_append_int(provdata, PROV_IE_FORMAT, cur->format); if (force || cur->tos) iax_ie_append_byte(provdata, PROV_IE_TOS, cur->tos); /* Calculate checksum of message so far */ sig = prov_ver_calc(provdata); if (signature) *signature = sig; /* Store signature */ iax_ie_append_int(provdata, PROV_IE_PROVVER, sig); /* Cache signature for later verification so we need not recalculate all this */ snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "v0x%08x", sig); ast_db_put("iax/provisioning/cache", template, tmp); } else ast_db_put("iax/provisioning/cache", template, "u"); ast_mutex_unlock(&provlock); return cur ? 0 : -1; } int iax_provision_version(unsigned int *version, const char *template, int force) { char tmp[80] = ""; struct iax_ie_data ied; int ret=0; memset(&ied, 0, sizeof(ied)); ast_mutex_lock(&provlock); ast_db_get("iax/provisioning/cache", template, tmp, sizeof(tmp)); if (sscanf(tmp, "v%30x", version) != 1) { if (strcmp(tmp, "u")) { ret = iax_provision_build(&ied, version, template, force); if (ret) ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Unable to create provisioning packet for '%s'\n", template); } else ret = -1; } else if (option_debug) ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Retrieved cached version '%s' = '%08x'\n", tmp, *version); ast_mutex_unlock(&provlock); return ret; } static int iax_template_parse(struct iax_template *cur, struct ast_config *cfg, char *s, char *def) { struct ast_variable *v; int foundportno = 0; int foundserverportno = 0; int x; struct in_addr ia; struct hostent *hp; struct ast_hostent h; struct iax_template *src, tmp; char *t; if (def) { t = ast_variable_retrieve(cfg, s ,"template"); src = NULL; if (t && strlen(t)) { src = iax_template_find(t, 0); if (!src) ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to find base template '%s' for creating '%s'. Trying '%s'\n", t, s, def); else def = t; } if (!src) { src = iax_template_find(def, 0); if (!src) ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to locate default base template '%s' for creating '%s', omitting.\n", def, s); } if (!src) return -1; ast_mutex_lock(&provlock); /* Backup old data */ memcpy(&tmp, cur, sizeof(tmp)); /* Restore from src */ memcpy(cur, src, sizeof(tmp)); /* Restore important headers */ memcpy(cur->name, tmp.name, sizeof(cur->name)); cur->dead = tmp.dead; cur->next = tmp.next; ast_mutex_unlock(&provlock); } if (def) strncpy(cur->src, def, sizeof(cur->src) - 1); else cur->src[0] = '\0'; v = ast_variable_browse(cfg, s); while(v) { if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "port") || !strcasecmp(v->name, "serverport")) { if ((sscanf(v->value, "%5d", &x) == 1) && (x > 0) && (x < 65535)) { if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "port")) { cur->port = x; foundportno = 1; } else { cur->serverport = x; foundserverportno = 1; } } else ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Ignoring invalid %s '%s' for '%s' at line %d\n", v->name, v->value, s, v->lineno); } else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "server") || !strcasecmp(v->name, "altserver")) { hp = ast_gethostbyname(v->value, &h); if (hp) { memcpy(&ia, hp->h_addr, sizeof(ia)); if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "server")) cur->server = ntohl(ia.s_addr); else cur->altserver = ntohl(ia.s_addr); } else ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Ignoring invalid %s '%s' for '%s' at line %d\n", v->name, v->value, s, v->lineno); } else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "codec")) { if ((x = ast_getformatbyname(v->value)) > 0) { cur->format = x; } else ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Ignoring invalid codec '%s' for '%s' at line %d\n", v->value, s, v->lineno); } else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "tos")) { if (sscanf(v->value, "%3d", &x) == 1) cur->tos = x & 0xff; else if (!strcasecmp(v->value, "lowdelay")) cur->tos = IPTOS_LOWDELAY; else if (!strcasecmp(v->value, "throughput")) cur->tos = IPTOS_THROUGHPUT; else if (!strcasecmp(v->value, "reliability")) cur->tos = IPTOS_RELIABILITY; else if (!strcasecmp(v->value, "mincost")) cur->tos = IPTOS_MINCOST; else if (!strcasecmp(v->value, "none")) cur->tos = 0; else ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Invalid tos value at line %d, should be 'lowdelay', 'throughput', 'reliability', 'mincost', or 'none'\n", v->lineno); } else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "user")) { strncpy(cur->user, v->value, sizeof(cur->user) - 1); if (strcmp(cur->user, v->value)) ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Truncating username from '%s' to '%s' for '%s' at line %d\n", v->value, cur->user, s, v->lineno); } else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "pass")) { strncpy(cur->pass, v->value, sizeof(cur->pass) - 1); if (strcmp(cur->pass, v->value)) ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Truncating password from '%s' to '%s' for '%s' at line %d\n", v->value, cur->pass, s, v->lineno); } else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "language")) { strncpy(cur->lang, v->value, sizeof(cur->lang) - 1); if (strcmp(cur->lang, v->value)) ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Truncating language from '%s' to '%s' for '%s' at line %d\n", v->value, cur->lang, s, v->lineno); } else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "flags")) { cur->flags = iax_str2flags(v->value); } else if (!strncasecmp(v->name, "flags", 5) && strchr(v->name, '+')) { cur->flags |= iax_str2flags(v->value); } else if (!strncasecmp(v->name, "flags", 5) && strchr(v->name, '-')) { cur->flags &= ~iax_str2flags(v->value); } else if (strcasecmp(v->name, "template")) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unknown keyword '%s' in definition of '%s' at line %d\n", v->name, s, v->lineno); } v = v->next; } if (!foundportno) cur->port = IAX_DEFAULT_PORTNO; if (!foundserverportno) cur->serverport = IAX_DEFAULT_PORTNO; return 0; } static int iax_process_template(struct ast_config *cfg, char *s, char *def) { /* Find an already existing one if there */ struct iax_template *cur; int mallocd = 0; cur = templates; while(cur) { if (!strcasecmp(cur->name, s)) break; cur = cur->next; } if (!cur) { mallocd = 1; cur = malloc(sizeof(struct iax_template)); if (!cur) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Out of memory!\n"); return -1; } /* Initialize entry */ memset(cur, 0, sizeof(*cur)); strncpy(cur->name, s, sizeof(cur->name) - 1); cur->dead = 1; } if (!iax_template_parse(cur, cfg, s, def)) cur->dead = 0; /* Link if we're mallocd */ if (mallocd) { ast_mutex_lock(&provlock); cur->next = templates; templates = cur; ast_mutex_unlock(&provlock); } return 0; } static char show_provisioning_usage[] = "Usage: iax show provisioning [template]\n" " Lists all known IAX provisioning templates or a\n" " specific one if specified.\n"; static const char *ifthere(const char *s) { if (strlen(s)) return s; else return ""; } static const char *iax_server(char *a, int alen, unsigned int addr) { struct in_addr ia; if (!addr) return ""; ia.s_addr = htonl(addr); return ast_inet_ntoa(a, alen, ia); } static int iax_show_provisioning(int fd, int argc, char *argv[]) { struct iax_template *cur; char iabuf[80]; /* Has to be big enough for 'flags' too */ int found = 0; if ((argc != 3) && (argc != 4)) return RESULT_SHOWUSAGE; ast_mutex_lock(&provlock); for (cur = templates;cur;cur = cur->next) { if ((argc == 3) || (!strcasecmp(argv[3], cur->name))) { if (found) ast_cli(fd, "\n"); ast_cli(fd, "== %s ==\n", cur->name); ast_cli(fd, "Base Templ: %s\n", strlen(cur->src) ? cur->src : ""); ast_cli(fd, "Username: %s\n", ifthere(cur->user)); ast_cli(fd, "Secret: %s\n", ifthere(cur->pass)); ast_cli(fd, "Language: %s\n", ifthere(cur->lang)); ast_cli(fd, "Bind Port: %d\n", cur->port); ast_cli(fd, "Server: %s\n", iax_server(iabuf, sizeof(iabuf), cur->server)); ast_cli(fd, "Server Port: %d\n", cur->serverport); ast_cli(fd, "Alternate: %s\n", iax_server(iabuf, sizeof(iabuf), cur->altserver)); ast_cli(fd, "Flags: %s\n", iax_provflags2str(iabuf, sizeof(iabuf), cur->flags)); ast_cli(fd, "Format: %s\n", ast_getformatname(cur->format)); ast_cli(fd, "TOS: %d\n", cur->tos); found++; } } ast_mutex_unlock(&provlock); if (!found) { if (argc == 3) ast_cli(fd, "No provisioning templates found\n"); else ast_cli(fd, "No provisioning template matching '%s' found\n", argv[3]); } return RESULT_SUCCESS; } static struct ast_cli_entry cli_show_provisioning = { { "iax2", "show", "provisioning", NULL }, iax_show_provisioning, "Show iax provisioning", show_provisioning_usage, iax_prov_complete_template }; static int iax_provision_init(void) { ast_cli_register(&cli_show_provisioning); provinit = 1; return 0; } int iax_provision_unload(void) { provinit = 0; ast_cli_unregister(&cli_show_provisioning); return 0; } int iax_provision_reload(void) { struct ast_config *cfg; struct iax_template *cur, *prev, *next; char *cat; int found = 0; if (!provinit) iax_provision_init(); /* Mark all as dead. No need for locking */ cur = templates; while(cur) { cur->dead = 1; cur = cur->next; } cfg = ast_config_load("iaxprov.conf"); if (cfg) { /* Load as appropriate */ cat = ast_category_browse(cfg, NULL); while(cat) { if (strcasecmp(cat, "general")) { iax_process_template(cfg, cat, found ? "default" : NULL); found++; if (option_verbose > 2) ast_verbose(VERBOSE_PREFIX_3 "Loaded provisioning template '%s'\n", cat); } cat = ast_category_browse(cfg, cat); } ast_config_destroy(cfg); } else ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "No IAX provisioning configuration found, IAX provisioning disabled.\n"); ast_mutex_lock(&provlock); /* Drop dead entries while locked */ prev = NULL; cur = templates; while(cur) { next = cur->next; if (cur->dead) { if (prev) prev->next = next; else templates = next; free(cur); } else prev = cur; cur = next; } ast_mutex_unlock(&provlock); /* Purge cached signature DB entries */ ast_db_deltree("iax/provisioning/cache", NULL); return 0; }