#!/bin/sh # # Usage: astgenkey [ -q ] [keyname] # if [ "$1" = "-q" ]; then QUIET='y' KEY=$2 else KEY=$1 fi if [ "$QUIET" != 'y' ]; then echo "" echo "This script generates an RSA private and public key pair" echo "in PEM format for use by Asterisk. You will be asked to" echo "enter a passcode for your key multiple times. Please" echo "enter the same code each time. The resulting files will" echo "need to be moved to /var/lib/asterisk/keys if you want" echo "to use them, and any private keys (.key files) will" echo "need to be initialized at runtime either by running" echo "Asterisk with the '-i' option, or with the 'init keys'" echo "command once Asterisk is running." echo "" echo "Press ENTER to continue or ^C to cancel." read BLAH fi while [ "$KEY" = "" ]; do echo -n "Enter key name: " read KEY done rm -f ${KEY}.key ${KEY}.pub echo "Generating SSL key '$KEY': " openssl genrsa -out ${KEY}.key -des3 1024 openssl rsa -in ${KEY}.key -pubout -out ${KEY}.pub if [ -f "${KEY}.key" ] && [ -f "${KEY}.pub" ]; then if [ "$QUIET" != 'y' ]; then echo "Key creation successful." echo "Public key: ${KEY}.pub" echo "Private key: ${KEY}.key" fi else echo "Unknown error creating keys." fi