Release Summary


Date: 2009-08-28


Table of Contents

  1. Summary
  2. Contributors
  3. Closed Issues
  4. Other Changes
  5. Diffstat


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This release includes only bug fixes. The changes included were made only to address problems that have been identified in this release series. Users should be able to safely upgrade to this version if this release series is already in use. Users considering upgrading from a previous release series are strongly encouraged to review the UPGRADE.txt document as well as the CHANGES document for information about upgrading to this release series.

The data in this summary reflects changes that have been made since the previous release, asterisk-


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This table lists the people who have submitted code, those that have tested patches, as well as those that reported issues on the issue tracker that were resolved in this release. For coders, the number is how many of their patches (of any size) were committed into this release. For testers, the number is the number of times their name was listed as assisting with testing a patch. Finally, for reporters, the number is the number of issues that they reported that were closed by commits that went into this release.




9 tilghman
4 kpfleming
3 jpeeler
3 seanbright
2 dvossel
2 mnicholson
2 Nick
2 qwell
2 twilson
1 atis
1 Benjamin
1 chappell
1 dbrooks
1 doda
1 edantie
1 file
1 ghenry
1 junky
1 klaus3000
1 loloski
1 mmichelson
1 rmudgett
1 xvisor
2 dvossel
2 mnicholson
1 aragon
1 jpeeler
1 lasko
1 Nick_Lewis
1 pprindeville
1 slavon
1 suretec
1 tilghman
1 zmehmood
3 Nick_Lewis
2 pprindeville
2 slavon
1 agupta
1 aragon
1 atis
1 bcnit
1 Benjamin Kluck
1 chappell
1 corruptor
1 davidw
1 doda
1 edantie
1 klaus3000
1 lmadsen
1 loic
1 macogeek
1 natmlt
1 noahisaac
1 pkempgen
1 suretec
1 tobias_e
1 trendboy
1 wtca
1 zmehmood

Closed Issues

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This is a list of all issues from the issue tracker that were closed by changes that went into this release.

Category: Applications/app_chanspy

#15660: ChanSpy "whisper" is broken in 1.4.26
Revision: 214197
Reporter: corruptor
Testers: dvossel
Coders: dvossel

Category: Applications/app_mixmonitor

#15699: [patch] using ast_free instead of mixmonitor_free
Revision: 213132
Reporter: edantie
Coders: edantie

Category: Applications/app_queue

#14536: [patch] After a caller is processed by app_queue the queue_log logs the hangup as TRANSFER
Revision: 211958
Reporter: aragon
Testers: aragon, mnicholson
Coders: mnicholson

Category: Applications/app_voicemail

#15717: MWI is not sent to a SIP phone upon registration, but is after the mailbox is updated/checked
Revision: 213699
Reporter: natmlt
Coders: kpfleming

#15720: opendir() return code is not checked in last_message_index()
Revision: 212630
Reporter: tobias_e
Coders: tilghman

Category: Applications/app_voicemail/IMAP

#14597: greetings can not be retrieved from IMAP
Revision: 213412
Reporter: wtca
Testers: jpeeler
Coders: mmichelson

#14950: [patch] Greetings are stored as IMAP messages even when imapgreetings=no
Revision: 213835
Reporter: noahisaac
Coders: jpeeler

#15729: IMAP greetings not stored in dovecot
Revision: 213835
Reporter: lmadsen
Coders: jpeeler

Category: CDR/General

#15751: [patch] Core dump in ast_bridge_call features.c line 2772
Revision: 213349
Reporter: atis
Coders: atis

Category: Channels/chan_agent

#15668: AGENTACCEPTDTMF is incorrectly spelled as AGENTACCEPTDMTF in code to recognize channel variables.
Revision: 212583
Reporter: davidw
Coders: seanbright

Category: Channels/chan_dahdi

#15727: [patch] Message Waiting Indication(MWI) is randomly generated when FXO is set to DTMF Caller ID
Revision: 212433
Reporter: doda
Coders: doda

Category: Channels/chan_misdn

#12113: [patch] asterisk crash at reload
Revision: 212508
Reporter: agupta
Coders: jpeeler

Category: Channels/chan_sip/General

#12869: [patch] 'context' doesn't change when 'sip reload' issued when driven from realtime
Revision: 213096
Reporter: bcnit
Testers: lasko
Coders: tilghman

#15362: [patch] log message output is truncated
Revision: 214201
Reporter: klaus3000
Coders: klaus3000

Category: Channels/chan_sip/Registration

#14366: [patch] Registration expiry not compatible with some ITSP
Revision: 211950
Reporter: Nick_Lewis
Testers: mnicholson
Coders: mnicholson, Nick

#15539: [patch] Register request line contains wrong address when domain and registrar host differ
Revision: 213724
Reporter: Nick_Lewis
Testers: Nick_Lewis, dvossel
Coders: Nick, dvossel

Category: Core/BuildSystem

#15697: most cleaner alaw don't compile
Revision: 213181
Reporter: slavon
Coders: qwell

#15698: [patch] If enable DEBUG_FD_LEAKS - h323 can't start.
Revision: 213562
Reporter: slavon
Testers: slavon, tilghman
Coders: tilghman

#15714: [patch] Asterisk won't build with curl unless curl_config is present
Revision: 214520
Reporter: pprindeville
Testers: pprindeville
Coders: tilghman

Category: Core/General

#14730: [patch] Fix runlevels in Debian rc files
Revision: 213902
Reporter: pkempgen
Coders: tilghman

#15273: [patch] german time (20:01:00 oh clock) is announced wrong
Revision: 214076
Reporter: Benjamin Kluck
Coders: Benjamin

#15667: LOGGER WARNING : error executing after rotate
Revision: 212579
Reporter: loic
Coders: seanbright

Category: Core/ManagerInterface

#15730: [patch] manager keeps creating /tmp/ast-ami-XXXXXX files (without deleting) when a single manager client remains logged in
Revision: 212766
Reporter: zmehmood
Testers: zmehmood
Coders: junky

Category: Core/PBX

#15242: [patch] log does not indicate which function is missing closing parenthesis
Revision: 213973
Reporter: Nick_Lewis
Coders: dbrooks, loloski

Category: Documentation

#15755: Description in queues.conf on call recording is slightly misleading
Revision: 213496
Reporter: trendboy
Coders: qwell

Category: Functions/func_iconv

#15169: When building with uClibc, configure script mistakenly assumes iconv is always available
Revision: 214154
Reporter: pprindeville
Coders: tilghman

Category: PBX/pbx_dundi

#15322: [patch] DUNDILOOKUP() does not accept comma as argument separator
Revision: 213977
Reporter: chappell
Coders: chappell

Category: Resources/res_config_ldap

#13725: [patch] ERROR[7387]: res_config_ldap.c:1292 update_ldap: Couldn't modify dn:cn=1001,dc=xxx,dc=xxx because Invalid syntax
Revision: 211775
Reporter: macogeek
Testers: suretec
Coders: xvisor

#15710: Typo in LDAP schema files on line 598
Revision: 212029
Reporter: suretec
Coders: ghenry

Commits Not Associated with an Issue

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This is a list of all changes that went into this release that did not directly close an issue from the issue tracker. The commits may have been marked as being related to an issue. If that is the case, the issue numbers are listed here, as well.

RevisionAuthorSummaryIssues Referenced
212069fileCheck an actual populated variable when seeing if we need to do video or not.
212115kpflemingEnsure that T38FaxVersion is put into outgoing SDP in the proper case.
212386seanbrightHandle slin16 for extra sounds as well.
212768rmudgettRemoved some deadwood and added some doxygen comments.
212862tilghmanMake the default extconfig.conf match entries with the sample res_mysql.conf.
212928kpflemingConvert this branch to Opsound music-on-hold.
212942kpflemingRemove some accidentally-committed properties.
213449twilsonMake LOAD_ORDER actually work
213452twilsonOops, committed this first. Make the merged property happy
214365tilghmanMake autoheader descriptions render correctly in our autoconfig.h file. #14906
214496tilghmanOne more build system change, to make the descriptions look better, if we have better information.

Diffstat Results

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This is a summary of the changes to the source code that went into this release that was generated using the diffstat utility.

CREDITS                              |    2
Makefile                             |    2
UPGRADE-1.4.txt                      |    4
apps/app_mixmonitor.c                |    4
apps/app_queue.c                     |    4
apps/app_voicemail.c                 |   68 ++--
autoconf/ast_ext_lib.m4              |   39 +-
autoconf/libcurl.m4                  |  243 +++++++++++++++
build_tools/prep_tarball             |    2
channels/chan_agent.c                |    5
channels/chan_dahdi.c                |    2
channels/chan_sip.c                  |   38 +-
channels/misdn/isdn_lib.c            |   59 +--
channels/misdn_config.c              |    5
configs/extconfig.conf.sample        |    6
configs/queues.conf.sample           |    4                         |   96 -----
contrib/scripts/asterisk.ldap-schema |   43 ++
contrib/scripts/asterisk.ldif        |   30 +
doc/tex/asterisk.tex                 |    2
include/asterisk.h                   |    6
include/asterisk/     |  562 ++++++++++++++++-------------------
main/alaw.c                          |    1
main/channel.c                       |   27 +
main/features.c                      |    2
main/loader.c                        |    2
main/logger.c                        |    2
main/manager.c                       |    4
main/pbx.c                           |    4
main/say.c                           |   25 +
main/ulaw.c                          |    1
pbx/pbx_dundi.c                      |   51 +--
res/res_config_ldap.c                |   25 +
sounds/Makefile                      |    3
sounds/sounds.xml                    |   14
35 files changed, 842 insertions(+), 545 deletions(-)