/* * Asterisk -- A telephony toolkit for Linux. * * Voicemail System * * Copyright (C) 2003-2004, Digium Inc. * * Mark Spencer * * This program is free software, distributed under the terms of * the GNU General Public License */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../asterisk.h" #include "../astconf.h" #define COMMAND_TIMEOUT 5000 #define VOICEMAIL_CONFIG "voicemail.conf" #define ASTERISK_USERNAME "asterisk" /* Default mail command to mail voicemail. Change it with the mailcmd= command in voicemail.conf */ #define SENDMAIL "/usr/sbin/sendmail -t" #define INTRO "vm-intro" #define MAXMSG 100 #define VM_SPOOL_DIR AST_SPOOL_DIR "/vm" #define BASEMAXINLINE 256 #define BASELINELEN 72 #define BASEMAXINLINE 256 #define eol "\r\n" #define MAX_DATETIME_FORMAT 512 #define MAX_NUM_CID_CONTEXTS 10 static int load_config(void); /* Syntaxes supported, not really language codes. en - English de - German es - Spanish fr - French it = Italian nl - Dutch pt - Portuguese German requires the following additional soundfile: 1F einE (feminine) Spanish requires the following additional soundfile: 1M un (masculine) Dutch, Portuguese & Spanish require the following additional soundfiles: vm-INBOXs singular of 'new' vm-Olds singular of 'old/heard/read' NB these are plural: vm-INBOX nieuwe (nl) vm-Old oude (nl) Dutch also uses: nl-om 'at'? Spanish also uses: vm-youhaveno Italian requires the following additional soundfile: For vm_intro_it: vm-nuovo new vm-nuovi new plural vm-vecchio old vm-vecchi old plural Don't use vm-INBOX or vm-Old, because they are the name of the INBOX and Old folderS, spelled among others when you have to change folder. For the above reasons, vm-INBOX and vm-Old are spelled plural, to make them sound more as folder name than an adjective. */ struct baseio { int iocp; int iolen; int linelength; int ateof; unsigned char iobuf[BASEMAXINLINE]; }; /* Structure for linked list of users */ struct ast_vm_user { char context[80]; /* Voicemail context */ char mailbox[80]; /* Mailbox id, unique within vm context */ char password[80]; /* Secret pin code, numbers only */ char fullname[80]; /* Full name, for directory app */ char email[80]; /* E-mail address */ char pager[80]; /* E-mail address to pager (no attachment) */ char serveremail[80]; /* From: Mail address */ char mailcmd[160]; /* Configurable mail command */ char language[MAX_LANGUAGE]; /* Config: Language setting */ char zonetag[80]; /* Time zone */ char callback[80]; char dialout[80]; char uniqueid[20]; /* Unique integer identifier */ char exit[80]; int attach; int delete; int alloced; int saycid; int svmail; int review; int operator; int envelope; int forcename; int forcegreetings; int sayduration; int saydurationm; struct ast_vm_user *next; }; struct vm_zone { char name[80]; char timezone[80]; char msg_format[512]; struct vm_zone *next; }; struct vm_state { char curbox[80]; char username[80]; char curdir[256]; char vmbox[256]; char fn[256]; char fn2[256]; int deleted[MAXMSG]; int heard[MAXMSG]; int curmsg; int lastmsg; int newmessages; int oldmessages; int starting; int repeats; }; static int advanced_options(struct ast_channel *chan, struct ast_vm_user *vmu, struct vm_state *vms, int msg, int option); static int dialout(struct ast_channel *chan, struct ast_vm_user *vmu, char *num, char *outgoing_context); static int play_record_review(struct ast_channel *chan, char *playfile, char *recordfile, int maxtime, char *fmt, int outsidecaller, struct ast_vm_user *vmu, int *duration); static int vm_delete(char *file); static char ext_pass_cmd[128]; static char *tdesc = "Comedian Mail (Voicemail System)"; static char *addesc = "Comedian Mail"; static char *synopsis_vm = "Leave a voicemail message"; static char *descrip_vm = " VoiceMail([s|u|b]extension[@context][&extension[@context]][...]): Leaves" "voicemail for a given extension (must be configured in voicemail.conf).\n" " If the extension is preceded by \n" "* 's' then instructions for leaving the message will be skipped.\n" "* 'u' then the \"unavailable\" message will be played.\n" " (/var/lib/asterisk/sounds/vm//unavail) if it exists.\n" "* 'b' then the the busy message will be played (that is, busy instead of unavail).\n" "If the caller presses '0' (zero) during the prompt, the call jumps to\n" "extension 'o' in the current context.\n" "If the caller presses '*' during the prompt, the call jumps to\n" "extension 'a' in the current context.\n" "If the requested mailbox does not exist, and there exists a priority\n" "n + 101, then that priority will be taken next.\n" "When multiple mailboxes are specified, the unavailable or busy message\n" "will be taken from the first mailbox specified.\n" "Returns -1 on error or mailbox not found, or if the user hangs up.\n" "Otherwise, it returns 0.\n"; static char *synopsis_vmain = "Enter voicemail system"; static char *descrip_vmain = " VoiceMailMain([[s]mailbox][@context]): Enters the main voicemail system\n" "for the checking of voicemail. The mailbox can be passed as the option,\n" "which will stop the voicemail system from prompting the user for the mailbox.\n" "If the mailbox is preceded by 's' then the password check will be skipped. If\n" "the mailbox is preceded by 'p' then the supplied mailbox is prepended to the\n" "user's entry and the resulting string is used as the mailbox number. This is\n" "useful for virtual hosting of voicemail boxes. If a context is specified,\n" "logins are considered in that voicemail context only.\n" "Returns -1 if the user hangs up or 0 otherwise.\n"; static char *synopsis_vm_box_exists = "Check if vmbox exists"; static char *descrip_vm_box_exists = " MailboxExists(mailbox[@context]): Conditionally branches to priority n+101\n" "if the specified voice mailbox exists.\n"; static char *synopsis_vmauthenticate = "Authenticate off voicemail passwords"; static char *descrip_vmauthenticate = " VMAuthenticate([mailbox][@context]): Behaves identically to the Authenticate\n" "application, with the exception that the passwords are taken from\n" "voicemail.conf.\n" " If the mailbox is specified, only that mailbox's password will be considered\n" "valid. If the mailbox is not specified, the channel variable AUTH_MAILBOX will\n" "be set with the authenticated mailbox.\n"; /* Leave a message */ static char *app = "VoiceMail"; /* Check mail, control, etc */ static char *app2 = "VoiceMailMain"; static char *app3 = "MailboxExists"; static char *app4 = "VMAuthenticate"; AST_MUTEX_DEFINE_STATIC(vmlock); struct ast_vm_user *users; struct ast_vm_user *usersl; struct vm_zone *zones = NULL; struct vm_zone *zonesl = NULL; static int attach_voicemail; static int maxsilence; static int silencethreshold = 128; static char serveremail[80]; static char mailcmd[160]; /* Configurable mail cmd */ static char externnotify[160]; static char vmfmts[80]; static int vmminmessage; static int vmmaxmessage; static int maxgreet; static int skipms; static int maxlogins; static int reviewvm; static int calloper; static int saycidinfo; static int svmailinfo; static int hearenv; static int saydurationinfo; static int saydurationminfo; static int skipaftercmd; static int forcenm; static int forcegrt; static char dialcontext[80]; static char callcontext[80]; static char exitcontext[80]; static char cidinternalcontexts[MAX_NUM_CID_CONTEXTS][64]; static char *emailbody = NULL; static int pbxskip = 0; static char *emailsubject = NULL; static char fromstring[100]; static char pagerfromstring[100]; static char emailtitle[100]; static char charset[32] = "ISO-8859-1"; static int directory_forward; static char adsifdn[4] = "\x00\x00\x00\x0F"; static char adsisec[4] = "\x9B\xDB\xF7\xAC"; static int adsiver = 1; STANDARD_LOCAL_USER; LOCAL_USER_DECL; static void populate_defaults(struct ast_vm_user *vmu) { vmu->attach = -1; if (reviewvm) vmu->review = 1; if (calloper) vmu->operator = 1; if (saycidinfo) vmu->saycid = 1; if (svmailinfo) vmu->svmail = 1; if (hearenv) vmu->envelope = 1; if (saydurationinfo) vmu->sayduration = 1; if (saydurationminfo>0) vmu->saydurationm = saydurationminfo; if (forcenm) vmu->forcename = 1; if (forcegrt) vmu->forcegreetings = 1; if (callcontext) strncpy(vmu->callback, callcontext, sizeof(vmu->callback) -1); if (dialcontext) strncpy(vmu->dialout, dialcontext, sizeof(vmu->dialout) -1); if (exitcontext) strncpy(vmu->exit, exitcontext, sizeof(vmu->exit) -1); } static void apply_option(struct ast_vm_user *vmu, const char *var, const char *value) { int x; if (!strcasecmp(var, "attach")) { if (ast_true(value)) vmu->attach = 1; else vmu->attach = 0; } else if (!strcasecmp(var, "serveremail")) { strncpy(vmu->serveremail, value, sizeof(vmu->serveremail) - 1); } else if (!strcasecmp(var, "language")) { strncpy(vmu->language, value, sizeof(vmu->language) - 1); } else if (!strcasecmp(var, "tz")) { strncpy(vmu->zonetag, value, sizeof(vmu->zonetag) - 1); } else if (!strcasecmp(var, "delete")) { vmu->delete = ast_true(value); } else if (!strcasecmp(var, "saycid")){ if (ast_true(value)) vmu->saycid = 1; else vmu->saycid = 0; } else if (!strcasecmp(var,"sendvoicemail")){ if (ast_true(value)) vmu->svmail =1; else vmu->svmail =0; } else if (!strcasecmp(var, "review")){ if (ast_true(value)) vmu->review = 1; else vmu->review = 0; } else if (!strcasecmp(var, "operator")){ if (ast_true(value)) vmu->operator = 1; else vmu->operator = 0; } else if (!strcasecmp(var, "envelope")){ if (ast_true(value)) vmu->envelope = 1; else vmu->envelope = 0; } else if (!strcasecmp(var, "sayduration")){ if(ast_true(value)) vmu->sayduration = 1; else vmu->sayduration = 0; } else if (!strcasecmp(var, "saydurationm")){ if (sscanf(value, "%d", &x) == 1) { vmu->saydurationm = x; } else { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Invalid min duration for say duration\n"); } } else if (!strcasecmp(var, "forcename")){ if (ast_true(value)) vmu->forcename = 1; else vmu->forcename = 0; } else if (!strcasecmp(var, "forcegreetings")){ if (ast_true(value)) vmu->forcegreetings = 1; else vmu->forcegreetings = 0; } else if (!strcasecmp(var, "callback")) { strncpy(vmu->callback, value, sizeof(vmu->callback) -1); } else if (!strcasecmp(var, "dialout")) { strncpy(vmu->dialout, value, sizeof(vmu->dialout) -1); } else if (!strcasecmp(var, "exitcontext")) { strncpy(vmu->exit, value, sizeof(vmu->exit) -1); } } static int change_password_realtime(struct ast_vm_user *vmu, const char *password) { int res; if (!ast_strlen_zero(vmu->uniqueid)) { res = ast_update_realtime("voicemail", "uniqueid", vmu->uniqueid, "password", password); if (!res) strncpy(vmu->password, password, sizeof(vmu->password) - 1); return res; } return -1; } static void apply_options(struct ast_vm_user *vmu, const char *options) { /* Destructively Parse options and apply */ char *stringp; char *s; char *var, *value; stringp = ast_strdupa(options); while ((s = strsep(&stringp, "|"))) { value = s; if ((var = strsep(&value, "=")) && value) { apply_option(vmu, var, value); } } } static struct ast_vm_user *find_user_realtime(struct ast_vm_user *ivm, const char *context, const char *mailbox) { struct ast_variable *var, *tmp; struct ast_vm_user *retval; if (ivm) retval=ivm; else retval=malloc(sizeof(struct ast_vm_user)); if (retval) { memset(retval, 0, sizeof(struct ast_vm_user)); if (!ivm) retval->alloced=1; if (mailbox) strncpy(retval->mailbox, mailbox, sizeof(retval->mailbox) - 1); if (context) strncpy(retval->context, context, sizeof(retval->context) - 1); else strncpy(retval->context, "default", sizeof(retval->context) - 1); populate_defaults(retval); var = ast_load_realtime("voicemail", "mailbox", mailbox, "context", retval->context, NULL); if (var) { tmp = var; while(tmp) { printf("%s => %s\n", tmp->name, tmp->value); if (!strcasecmp(tmp->name, "password")) { strncpy(retval->password, tmp->value, sizeof(retval->password) - 1); } else if (!strcasecmp(tmp->name, "uniqueid")) { strncpy(retval->uniqueid, tmp->value, sizeof(retval->uniqueid) - 1); } else if (!strcasecmp(tmp->name, "pager")) { strncpy(retval->pager, tmp->value, sizeof(retval->pager) - 1); } else if (!strcasecmp(tmp->name, "email")) { strncpy(retval->email, tmp->value, sizeof(retval->email) - 1); } else if (!strcasecmp(tmp->name, "fullname")) { strncpy(retval->fullname, tmp->value, sizeof(retval->fullname) - 1); } else apply_option(retval, tmp->name, tmp->value); tmp = tmp->next; } } else { if (!ivm) free(retval); retval = NULL; } } return retval; } static struct ast_vm_user *find_user(struct ast_vm_user *ivm, const char *context, const char *mailbox) { /* This function could be made to generate one from a database, too */ struct ast_vm_user *vmu=NULL, *cur; ast_mutex_lock(&vmlock); cur = users; while (cur) { if ((!context || !strcasecmp(context, cur->context)) && (!strcasecmp(mailbox, cur->mailbox))) break; cur=cur->next; } if (cur) { if (ivm) vmu = ivm; else /* Make a copy, so that on a reload, we have no race */ vmu = malloc(sizeof(struct ast_vm_user)); if (vmu) { memcpy(vmu, cur, sizeof(struct ast_vm_user)); if (ivm) vmu->alloced = 0; else vmu->alloced = 1; vmu->next = NULL; } } else vmu = find_user_realtime(ivm, context, mailbox); ast_mutex_unlock(&vmlock); return vmu; } static int reset_user_pw(const char *context, const char *mailbox, const char *newpass) { /* This function could be made to generate one from a database, too */ struct ast_vm_user *cur; int res = -1; ast_mutex_lock(&vmlock); cur = users; while (cur) { if ((!context || !strcasecmp(context, cur->context)) && (!strcasecmp(mailbox, cur->mailbox))) break; cur=cur->next; } if (cur) { strncpy(cur->password, newpass, sizeof(cur->password) - 1); res = 0; } ast_mutex_unlock(&vmlock); return res; } static void vm_change_password(struct ast_vm_user *vmu, const char *newpassword) { /* There's probably a better way of doing this. */ /* That's why I've put the password change in a separate function. */ /* This could also be done with a database function */ FILE *configin; FILE *configout; int linenum=0; char inbuf[256]; char orig[256]; char currcontext[256] =""; char tmpin[AST_CONFIG_MAX_PATH]; char tmpout[AST_CONFIG_MAX_PATH]; char *user, *pass, *rest, *trim, *tempcontext; struct stat statbuf; if (!change_password_realtime(vmu, newpassword)) return; tempcontext = NULL; snprintf(tmpin, sizeof(tmpin), "%s/voicemail.conf", ast_config_AST_CONFIG_DIR); snprintf(tmpout, sizeof(tmpout), "%s/voicemail.conf.new", ast_config_AST_CONFIG_DIR); configin = fopen(tmpin,"r"); if (configin) configout = fopen(tmpout,"w+"); else configout = NULL; if (!configin || !configout) { if (configin) fclose(configin); else ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Warning: Unable to open '%s' for reading: %s\n", tmpin, strerror(errno)); if (configout) fclose(configout); else ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Warning: Unable to open '%s' for writing: %s\n", tmpout, strerror(errno)); return; } while (!feof(configin)) { /* Read in the line */ fgets(inbuf, sizeof(inbuf), configin); linenum++; if (!feof(configin)) { /* Make a backup of it */ memcpy(orig, inbuf, sizeof(orig)); /* Strip trailing \n and comment */ inbuf[strlen(inbuf) - 1] = '\0'; user = strchr(inbuf, ';'); if (user) *user = '\0'; user=inbuf; while (*user < 33) user++; /* check for '[' (opening of context name ) */ tempcontext = strchr(user, '['); if (tempcontext) { strncpy(currcontext, tempcontext +1, sizeof(currcontext) - 1); /* now check for ']' */ tempcontext = strchr(currcontext, ']'); if (tempcontext) *tempcontext = '\0'; else currcontext[0] = '\0'; } pass = strchr(user, '='); if (pass > user) { trim = pass - 1; while (*trim && *trim < 33) { *trim = '\0'; trim--; } } if (pass) { *pass = '\0'; pass++; if (*pass == '>') pass++; while (*pass && *pass < 33) pass++; } if (pass) { rest = strchr(pass,','); if (rest) { *rest = '\0'; rest++; } } else rest = NULL; /* Compare user, pass AND context */ if (user && *user && !strcmp(user, vmu->mailbox) && pass && !strcmp(pass, vmu->password) && currcontext && *currcontext && !strcmp(currcontext, vmu->context)) { /* This is the line */ if (rest) { fprintf(configout, "%s => %s,%s\n", vmu->mailbox,newpassword,rest); } else { fprintf(configout, "%s => %s\n", vmu->mailbox,newpassword); } } else { /* Put it back like it was */ fprintf(configout, orig); } } } fclose(configin); fclose(configout); stat((char *)tmpin, &statbuf); chmod((char *)tmpout, statbuf.st_mode); chown((char *)tmpout, statbuf.st_uid, statbuf.st_gid); unlink((char *)tmpin); rename((char *)tmpout,(char *)tmpin); reset_user_pw(vmu->context, vmu->mailbox, newpassword); strncpy(vmu->password, newpassword, sizeof(vmu->password) - 1); } static void vm_change_password_shell(struct ast_vm_user *vmu, char *newpassword) { char buf[255]; snprintf(buf,255,"%s %s %s %s",ext_pass_cmd,vmu->context,vmu->mailbox,newpassword); ast_safe_system(buf); } static int make_dir(char *dest, int len, char *context, char *ext, char *mailbox) { return snprintf(dest, len, "%s/voicemail/%s/%s/%s", (char *)ast_config_AST_SPOOL_DIR,context, ext, mailbox); } static int make_file(char *dest, int len, char *dir, int num) { return snprintf(dest, len, "%s/msg%04d", dir, num); } static int last_message_index(char *dir) { int x; char fn[256]; for (x=0;xateof) return 0; if ((l = fread(bio->iobuf,1,BASEMAXINLINE,fi)) <= 0) { if (ferror(fi)) return -1; bio->ateof = 1; return 0; } bio->iolen= l; bio->iocp= 0; return 1; } static int inchar(struct baseio *bio, FILE *fi) { if (bio->iocp>=bio->iolen) { if (!inbuf(bio, fi)) return EOF; } return bio->iobuf[bio->iocp++]; } static int ochar(struct baseio *bio, int c, FILE *so) { if (bio->linelength>=BASELINELEN) { if (fputs(eol,so)==EOF) return -1; bio->linelength= 0; } if (putc(((unsigned char)c),so)==EOF) return -1; bio->linelength++; return 1; } static int base_encode(char *filename, FILE *so) { unsigned char dtable[BASEMAXINLINE]; int i,hiteof= 0; FILE *fi; struct baseio bio; memset(&bio, 0, sizeof(bio)); bio.iocp = BASEMAXINLINE; if (!(fi = fopen(filename, "rb"))) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Failed to open log file: %s: %s\n", filename, strerror(errno)); return -1; } for (i= 0;i<9;i++) { dtable[i]= 'A'+i; dtable[i+9]= 'J'+i; dtable[26+i]= 'a'+i; dtable[26+i+9]= 'j'+i; } for (i= 0;i<8;i++) { dtable[i+18]= 'S'+i; dtable[26+i+18]= 's'+i; } for (i= 0;i<10;i++) { dtable[52+i]= '0'+i; } dtable[62]= '+'; dtable[63]= '/'; while (!hiteof){ unsigned char igroup[3],ogroup[4]; int c,n; igroup[0]= igroup[1]= igroup[2]= 0; for (n= 0;n<3;n++) { if ((c = inchar(&bio, fi)) == EOF) { hiteof= 1; break; } igroup[n]= (unsigned char)c; } if (n> 0) { ogroup[0]= dtable[igroup[0]>>2]; ogroup[1]= dtable[((igroup[0]&3)<<4)|(igroup[1]>>4)]; ogroup[2]= dtable[((igroup[1]&0xF)<<2)|(igroup[2]>>6)]; ogroup[3]= dtable[igroup[2]&0x3F]; if (n<3) { ogroup[3]= '='; if (n<2) ogroup[2]= '='; } for (i= 0;i<4;i++) ochar(&bio, ogroup[i], so); } } if (fputs(eol,so)==EOF) return 0; fclose(fi); return 1; } static void prep_email_sub_vars(struct ast_channel *ast, struct ast_vm_user *vmu, int msgnum, char *mailbox, char *cidnum, char *cidname, char *dur, char *date, char *passdata, size_t passdatasize) { char callerid[256]; /* Prepare variables for substition in email body and subject */ pbx_builtin_setvar_helper(ast, "VM_NAME", vmu->fullname); pbx_builtin_setvar_helper(ast, "VM_DUR", dur); snprintf(passdata, passdatasize, "%d", msgnum); pbx_builtin_setvar_helper(ast, "VM_MSGNUM", passdata); pbx_builtin_setvar_helper(ast, "VM_MAILBOX", mailbox); pbx_builtin_setvar_helper(ast, "VM_CALLERID", ast_callerid_merge(callerid, sizeof(callerid), cidname, cidnum, "Unknown Caller")); pbx_builtin_setvar_helper(ast, "VM_CIDNAME", (cidname ? cidname : "an unknown caller")); pbx_builtin_setvar_helper(ast, "VM_CIDNUM", (cidnum ? cidnum : "an unknown caller")); pbx_builtin_setvar_helper(ast, "VM_DATE", date); } static int sendmail(char *srcemail, struct ast_vm_user *vmu, int msgnum, char *mailbox, char *cidnum, char *cidname, char *attach, char *format, int duration, int attach_user_voicemail) { FILE *p=NULL; int pfd; char date[256]; char host[256]; char who[256]; char bound[256]; char fname[256]; char dur[256]; char tmp[80] = "/tmp/astmail-XXXXXX"; char tmp2[256]; time_t t; struct tm tm; struct vm_zone *the_zone = NULL; if (vmu && ast_strlen_zero(vmu->email)) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "E-mail address missing for mailbox [%s]. E-mail will not be sent.\n", vmu->mailbox); return(0); } if (!strcmp(format, "wav49")) format = "WAV"; ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Attaching file '%s', format '%s', uservm is '%d', global is %d\n", attach, format, attach_user_voicemail, attach_voicemail); /* Make a temporary file instead of piping directly to sendmail, in case the mail command hangs */ pfd = mkstemp(tmp); if (pfd > -1) { p = fdopen(pfd, "w"); if (!p) { close(pfd); pfd = -1; } } if (p) { gethostname(host, sizeof(host)); if (strchr(srcemail, '@')) strncpy(who, srcemail, sizeof(who)-1); else { snprintf(who, sizeof(who), "%s@%s", srcemail, host); } snprintf(dur, sizeof(dur), "%d:%02d", duration / 60, duration % 60); time(&t); /* Does this user have a timezone specified? */ if (!ast_strlen_zero(vmu->zonetag)) { /* Find the zone in the list */ struct vm_zone *z; z = zones; while (z) { if (!strcmp(z->name, vmu->zonetag)) { the_zone = z; break; } z = z->next; } } if (the_zone) ast_localtime(&t,&tm,the_zone->timezone); else ast_localtime(&t,&tm,NULL); strftime(date, sizeof(date), "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z", &tm); fprintf(p, "Date: %s\n", date); if (*fromstring) { struct ast_channel *ast = ast_channel_alloc(0); if (ast) { char *passdata; int vmlen = strlen(fromstring)*3 + 200; if ((passdata = alloca(vmlen))) { memset(passdata, 0, vmlen); prep_email_sub_vars(ast,vmu,msgnum + 1,mailbox,cidnum, cidname,dur,date,passdata, vmlen); pbx_substitute_variables_helper(ast,fromstring,passdata,vmlen); fprintf(p, "From: %s <%s>\n",passdata,who); } else ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Cannot allocate workspace for variable substitution\n"); ast_channel_free(ast); } else ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Cannot allocate the channel for variables substitution\n"); } else fprintf(p, "From: Asterisk PBX <%s>\n", who); fprintf(p, "To: %s <%s>\n", vmu->fullname, vmu->email); if (emailsubject) { struct ast_channel *ast = ast_channel_alloc(0); if (ast) { char *passdata; int vmlen = strlen(emailsubject)*3 + 200; if ((passdata = alloca(vmlen))) { memset(passdata, 0, vmlen); prep_email_sub_vars(ast,vmu,msgnum + 1,mailbox,cidnum, cidname,dur,date,passdata, vmlen); pbx_substitute_variables_helper(ast,emailsubject,passdata,vmlen); fprintf(p, "Subject: %s\n",passdata); } else ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Cannot allocate workspace for variable substitution\n"); ast_channel_free(ast); } else ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Cannot allocate the channel for variables substitution\n"); } else if (*emailtitle) { fprintf(p, emailtitle, msgnum + 1, mailbox) ; fprintf(p,"\n") ; } else if (pbxskip) fprintf(p, "Subject: New message %d in mailbox %s\n", msgnum + 1, mailbox); else fprintf(p, "Subject: [PBX]: New message %d in mailbox %s\n", msgnum + 1, mailbox); fprintf(p, "Message-ID: \n", msgnum, (unsigned int)rand(), mailbox, getpid(), host); fprintf(p, "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"); if (attach_user_voicemail) { /* Something unique. */ snprintf(bound, sizeof(bound), "voicemail_%d%s%d%d", msgnum, mailbox, getpid(), (unsigned int)rand()); fprintf(p, "Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"%s\"\n\n\n", bound); fprintf(p, "--%s\n", bound); } fprintf(p, "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=%s\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n\n", charset); strftime(date, sizeof(date), "%A, %B %d, %Y at %r", &tm); if (emailbody) { struct ast_channel *ast = ast_channel_alloc(0); if (ast) { char *passdata; int vmlen = strlen(emailbody)*3 + 200; if ((passdata = alloca(vmlen))) { memset(passdata, 0, vmlen); prep_email_sub_vars(ast,vmu,msgnum + 1,mailbox,cidnum, cidname,dur,date,passdata, vmlen); pbx_substitute_variables_helper(ast,emailbody,passdata,vmlen); fprintf(p, "%s\n",passdata); } else ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Cannot allocate workspace for variable substitution\n"); ast_channel_free(ast); } else ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Cannot allocate the channel for variables substitution\n"); } else { fprintf(p, "Dear %s:\n\n\tJust wanted to let you know you were just left a %s long message (number %d)\n" "in mailbox %s from %s, on %s so you might\n" "want to check it when you get a chance. Thanks!\n\n\t\t\t\t--Asterisk\n\n", vmu->fullname, dur, msgnum + 1, mailbox, (cidname ? cidname : (cidnum ? cidnum : "an unknown caller")), date); } if (attach_user_voicemail) { fprintf(p, "--%s\n", bound); fprintf(p, "Content-Type: audio/x-%s; name=\"msg%04d.%s\"\n", format, msgnum, format); fprintf(p, "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\n"); fprintf(p, "Content-Description: Voicemail sound attachment.\n"); fprintf(p, "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"msg%04d.%s\"\n\n", msgnum, format); snprintf(fname, sizeof(fname), "%s.%s", attach, format); base_encode(fname, p); fprintf(p, "\n\n--%s--\n.\n", bound); } fclose(p); snprintf(tmp2, sizeof(tmp2), "( %s < %s ; rm -f %s ) &", mailcmd, tmp, tmp); ast_safe_system(tmp2); ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Sent mail to %s with command '%s'\n", vmu->email, mailcmd); } else { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to launch '%s'\n", mailcmd); return -1; } return 0; } static int sendpage(char *srcemail, char *pager, int msgnum, char *mailbox, char *cidnum, char *cidname, int duration, struct ast_vm_user *vmu) { FILE *p=NULL; int pfd; char date[256]; char host[256]; char who[256]; char dur[256]; char tmp[80] = "/tmp/astmail-XXXXXX"; char tmp2[256]; time_t t; struct tm tm; struct vm_zone *the_zone = NULL; pfd = mkstemp(tmp); if (pfd > -1) { p = fdopen(pfd, "w"); if (!p) { close(pfd); pfd = -1; } } if (p) { gethostname(host, sizeof(host)); if (strchr(srcemail, '@')) strncpy(who, srcemail, sizeof(who)-1); else { snprintf(who, sizeof(who), "%s@%s", srcemail, host); } snprintf(dur, sizeof(dur), "%d:%02d", duration / 60, duration % 60); time(&t); /* Does this user have a timezone specified? */ if (!ast_strlen_zero(vmu->zonetag)) { /* Find the zone in the list */ struct vm_zone *z; z = zones; while (z) { if (!strcmp(z->name, vmu->zonetag)) { the_zone = z; break; } z = z->next; } } if (the_zone) ast_localtime(&t,&tm,the_zone->timezone); else ast_localtime(&t,&tm,NULL); strftime(date, sizeof(date), "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z", &tm); fprintf(p, "Date: %s\n", date); if (*pagerfromstring) { struct ast_channel *ast = ast_channel_alloc(0); if (ast) { char *passdata; int vmlen = strlen(fromstring)*3 + 200; if ((passdata = alloca(vmlen))) { memset(passdata, 0, vmlen); prep_email_sub_vars(ast,vmu,msgnum + 1,mailbox,cidnum, cidname,dur,date,passdata, vmlen); pbx_substitute_variables_helper(ast,pagerfromstring,passdata,vmlen); fprintf(p, "From: %s <%s>\n",passdata,who); } else ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Cannot allocate workspace for variable substitution\n"); ast_channel_free(ast); } else ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Cannot allocate the channel for variables substitution\n"); } else fprintf(p, "From: Asterisk PBX <%s>\n", who); fprintf(p, "To: %s\n", pager); fprintf(p, "Subject: New VM\n\n"); strftime(date, sizeof(date), "%A, %B %d, %Y at %r", &tm); fprintf(p, "New %s long msg in box %s\n" "from %s, on %s", dur, mailbox, (cidname ? cidname : (cidnum ? cidnum : "unknown")), date); fclose(p); snprintf(tmp2, sizeof(tmp2), "( %s < %s ; rm -f %s ) &", mailcmd, tmp, tmp); ast_safe_system(tmp2); ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Sent page to %s with command '%s'\n", pager, mailcmd); } else { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to launch '%s'\n", mailcmd); return -1; } return 0; } static int get_date(char *s, int len) { struct tm tm; time_t t; t = time(0); localtime_r(&t,&tm); return strftime(s, len, "%a %b %e %r %Z %Y", &tm); } static int invent_message(struct ast_channel *chan, char *context, char *ext, int busy, char *ecodes) { int res; char fn[256]; snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "voicemail/%s/%s/greet", context, ext); if (ast_fileexists(fn, NULL, NULL) > 0) { res = ast_streamfile(chan, fn, chan->language); if (res) return -1; res = ast_waitstream(chan, ecodes); if (res) return res; } else { res = ast_streamfile(chan, "vm-theperson", chan->language); if (res) return -1; res = ast_waitstream(chan, ecodes); if (res) return res; res = ast_say_digit_str(chan, ext, ecodes, chan->language); if (res) return res; } if (busy) res = ast_streamfile(chan, "vm-isonphone", chan->language); else res = ast_streamfile(chan, "vm-isunavail", chan->language); if (res) return -1; res = ast_waitstream(chan, ecodes); return res; } static void free_user(struct ast_vm_user *vmu) { if (vmu->alloced) free(vmu); } static void free_zone(struct vm_zone *z) { free(z); } static char *mbox(int id) { switch(id) { case 0: return "INBOX"; case 1: return "Old"; case 2: return "Work"; case 3: return "Family"; case 4: return "Friends"; case 5: return "Cust1"; case 6: return "Cust2"; case 7: return "Cust3"; case 8: return "Cust4"; case 9: return "Cust5"; default: return "Unknown"; } } static int copy(char *infile, char *outfile) { int ifd; int ofd; int res; int len; char buf[4096]; #ifdef HARDLINK_WHEN_POSSIBLE /* Hard link if possible; saves disk space & is faster */ if (link(infile, outfile)) { #endif if ((ifd = open(infile, O_RDONLY)) < 0) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to open %s in read-only mode\n", infile); return -1; } if ((ofd = open(outfile, O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC | O_CREAT, 0600)) < 0) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to open %s in write-only mode\n", outfile); close(ifd); return -1; } do { len = read(ifd, buf, sizeof(buf)); if (len < 0) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Read failed on %s: %s\n", infile, strerror(errno)); close(ifd); close(ofd); unlink(outfile); } if (len) { res = write(ofd, buf, len); if (res != len) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Write failed on %s (%d of %d): %s\n", outfile, res, len, strerror(errno)); close(ifd); close(ofd); unlink(outfile); } } } while (len); close(ifd); close(ofd); return 0; #ifdef HARDLINK_WHEN_POSSIBLE } else { /* Hard link succeeded */ return 0; } #endif } static int notify_new_message(struct ast_channel *chan, struct ast_vm_user *vmu, int msgnum, long duration, char *fmt, char *cidnum, char *cidname); static void copy_message(struct ast_channel *chan, struct ast_vm_user *vmu, int imbox, int msgnum, long duration, struct ast_vm_user *recip, char *fmt) { char fromdir[256], todir[256], frompath[256], topath[256]; char *frombox = mbox(imbox); int recipmsgnum; ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Copying message from %s@%s to %s@%s\n", vmu->mailbox, vmu->context, recip->mailbox, recip->context); make_dir(todir, sizeof(todir), recip->context, "", ""); /* It's easier just to try to make it than to check for its existence */ if (mkdir(todir, 0700) && (errno != EEXIST)) ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "mkdir '%s' failed: %s\n", todir, strerror(errno)); make_dir(todir, sizeof(todir), recip->context, recip->mailbox, ""); /* It's easier just to try to make it than to check for its existence */ if (mkdir(todir, 0700) && (errno != EEXIST)) ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "mkdir '%s' failed: %s\n", todir, strerror(errno)); make_dir(todir, sizeof(todir), recip->context, recip->mailbox, "INBOX"); if (mkdir(todir, 0700) && (errno != EEXIST)) ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "mkdir '%s' failed: %s\n", todir, strerror(errno)); make_dir(fromdir, sizeof(fromdir), vmu->context, vmu->mailbox, frombox); make_file(frompath, sizeof(frompath), fromdir, msgnum); recipmsgnum = 0; do { make_file(topath, sizeof(topath), todir, recipmsgnum); if (ast_fileexists(topath, NULL, chan->language) <= 0) break; recipmsgnum++; } while (recipmsgnum < MAXMSG); if (recipmsgnum < MAXMSG) { char frompath2[256],topath2[256]; ast_filecopy(frompath, topath, NULL); snprintf(frompath2, sizeof(frompath2), "%s.txt", frompath); snprintf(topath2, sizeof(topath2), "%s.txt", topath); copy(frompath2, topath2); } else { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Recipient mailbox %s@%s is full\n", recip->mailbox, recip->context); } notify_new_message(chan, recip, recipmsgnum, duration, fmt, chan->cid.cid_num, chan->cid.cid_name); } static void run_externnotify(char *context, char *extension) { char arguments[255]; int newvoicemails = 0, oldvoicemails = 0; if (!ast_strlen_zero(externnotify)) { if (ast_app_messagecount(extension, &newvoicemails, &oldvoicemails)) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Problem in calculating number of voicemail messages available for extension %s\n", extension); } else { snprintf(arguments, sizeof(arguments), "%s %s %s %d&", externnotify, context, extension, newvoicemails); ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Executing %s\n", arguments); ast_safe_system(arguments); } } } static int leave_voicemail(struct ast_channel *chan, char *ext, int silent, int busy, int unavail) { char txtfile[256]; char callerid[256]; FILE *txt; int res = 0; int msgnum; int fd; int duration = 0; int ausemacro = 0; int ousemacro = 0; char date[256]; char dir[256]; char fn[256]; char prefile[256]=""; char ext_context[256] = ""; char fmt[80]; char *context; char ecodes[16] = "#"; char tmp[256] = "", *tmpptr; struct ast_vm_user *vmu; struct ast_vm_user svm; strncpy(tmp, ext, sizeof(tmp) - 1); ext = tmp; context = strchr(tmp, '@'); if (context) { *context = '\0'; context++; tmpptr = strchr(context, '&'); } else { tmpptr = strchr(ext, '&'); } if (tmpptr) { *tmpptr = '\0'; tmpptr++; } if ((vmu = find_user(&svm, context, ext))) { /* Setup pre-file if appropriate */ if (strcmp(vmu->context, "default")) snprintf(ext_context, sizeof(ext_context), "%s@%s", ext, vmu->context); else strncpy(ext_context, vmu->context, sizeof(ext_context) - 1); if (busy) snprintf(prefile, sizeof(prefile), "voicemail/%s/%s/busy", vmu->context, ext); else if (unavail) snprintf(prefile, sizeof(prefile), "voicemail/%s/%s/unavail", vmu->context, ext); make_dir(dir, sizeof(dir), vmu->context, "", ""); /* It's easier just to try to make it than to check for its existence */ if (mkdir(dir, 0700) && (errno != EEXIST)) ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "mkdir '%s' failed: %s\n", dir, strerror(errno)); make_dir(dir, sizeof(dir), vmu->context, ext, ""); /* It's easier just to try to make it than to check for its existence */ if (mkdir(dir, 0700) && (errno != EEXIST)) ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "mkdir '%s' failed: %s\n", dir, strerror(errno)); make_dir(dir, sizeof(dir), vmu->context, ext, "INBOX"); if (mkdir(dir, 0700) && (errno != EEXIST)) ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "mkdir '%s' failed: %s\n", dir, strerror(errno)); /* Check current or macro-calling context for special extensions */ if (!ast_strlen_zero(vmu->exit)) { if (ast_exists_extension(chan, vmu->exit, "o", 1, chan->cid.cid_num)) strncat(ecodes, "0", sizeof(ecodes) - strlen(ecodes) - 1); } else if (ast_exists_extension(chan, chan->context, "o", 1, chan->cid.cid_num)) strncat(ecodes, "0", sizeof(ecodes) - strlen(ecodes) - 1); else if (!ast_strlen_zero(chan->macrocontext) && ast_exists_extension(chan, chan->macrocontext, "o", 1, chan->cid.cid_num)) { strncat(ecodes, "0", sizeof(ecodes) - strlen(ecodes) - 1); ousemacro = 1; } if (!ast_strlen_zero(vmu->exit)) { if (ast_exists_extension(chan, vmu->exit, "a", 1, chan->cid.cid_num)) strncat(ecodes, "*", sizeof(ecodes) - strlen(ecodes) - 1); } else if (ast_exists_extension(chan, chan->context, "a", 1, chan->cid.cid_num)) strncat(ecodes, "*", sizeof(ecodes) - strlen(ecodes) - 1); else if (!ast_strlen_zero(chan->macrocontext) && ast_exists_extension(chan, chan->macrocontext, "a", 1, chan->cid.cid_num)) { strncat(ecodes, "*", sizeof(ecodes) - strlen(ecodes) - 1); ausemacro = 1; } /* Play the beginning intro if desired */ if (!ast_strlen_zero(prefile)) { if (ast_fileexists(prefile, NULL, NULL) > 0) { if (ast_streamfile(chan, prefile, chan->language) > -1) res = ast_waitstream(chan, ecodes); } else { ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "%s doesn't exist, doing what we can\n", prefile); res = invent_message(chan, vmu->context, ext, busy, ecodes); } if (res < 0) { ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Hang up during prefile playback\n"); free_user(vmu); return -1; } } if (res == '#') { /* On a '#' we skip the instructions */ silent = 1; res = 0; } if (!res && !silent) { res = ast_streamfile(chan, INTRO, chan->language); if (!res) res = ast_waitstream(chan, ecodes); if (res == '#') { silent = 1; res = 0; } } if (res > 0) ast_stopstream(chan); /* Check for a '*' here in case the caller wants to escape from voicemail to something other than the operator -- an automated attendant or mailbox login for example */ if (res == '*') { strncpy(chan->exten, "a", sizeof(chan->exten) - 1); if (!ast_strlen_zero(vmu->exit)) { strncpy(chan->context, vmu->exit, sizeof(chan->context) - 1); } else if (ausemacro && !ast_strlen_zero(chan->macrocontext)) { strncpy(chan->context, chan->macrocontext, sizeof(chan->context) - 1); } chan->priority = 0; free_user(vmu); return 0; } /* Check for a '0' here */ if (res == '0') { transfer: if (vmu->operator) { strncpy(chan->exten, "o", sizeof(chan->exten) - 1); if (!ast_strlen_zero(vmu->exit)) { strncpy(chan->context, vmu->exit, sizeof(chan->context) - 1); } else if (ousemacro && !ast_strlen_zero(chan->macrocontext)) { strncpy(chan->context, chan->macrocontext, sizeof(chan->context) - 1); } ast_play_and_wait(chan, "transfer"); chan->priority = 0; free_user(vmu); return 0; } else { ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-sorry"); return 0; } } if (res < 0) { free_user(vmu); return -1; } /* The meat of recording the message... All the announcements and beeps have been played*/ strncpy(fmt, vmfmts, sizeof(fmt) - 1); if (!ast_strlen_zero(fmt)) { msgnum = 0; do { make_file(fn, sizeof(fn), dir, msgnum); if (ast_fileexists(fn, NULL, chan->language) <= 0) break; msgnum++; } while (msgnum < MAXMSG); if (res >= 0) { /* Unless we're *really* silent, try to send the beep */ res = ast_streamfile(chan, "beep", chan->language); if (!res) res = ast_waitstream(chan, ""); } if (msgnum < MAXMSG) { /* Store information */ snprintf(txtfile, sizeof(txtfile), "%s.txt", fn); txt = fopen(txtfile, "w+"); if (txt) { get_date(date, sizeof(date)); fprintf(txt, ";\n" "; Message Information file\n" ";\n" "[message]\n" "origmailbox=%s\n" "context=%s\n" "macrocontext=%s\n" "exten=%s\n" "priority=%d\n" "callerchan=%s\n" "callerid=%s\n" "origdate=%s\n" "origtime=%ld\n", ext, chan->context, chan->macrocontext, chan->exten, chan->priority, chan->name, ast_callerid_merge(callerid, sizeof(callerid), chan->cid.cid_name, chan->cid.cid_num, "Unknown"), date, (long)time(NULL)); fclose(txt); } else ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Error opening text file for output\n"); res = play_record_review(chan, NULL, fn, vmmaxmessage, fmt, 1, vmu, &duration); if (res == '0') goto transfer; if (res > 0) res = 0; fd = open(txtfile, O_APPEND | O_WRONLY); if (fd > -1) { txt = fdopen(fd, "a"); if (txt) { fprintf(txt, "duration=%d\n", duration); fclose(txt); } else close(fd); } if (duration < vmminmessage) { if (option_verbose > 2) ast_verbose( VERBOSE_PREFIX_3 "Recording was %d seconds long but needs to be at least %d - abandoning\n", duration, vmminmessage); vm_delete(fn); /* XXX We should really give a prompt too short/option start again, with leave_vm_out called only after a timeout XXX */ goto leave_vm_out; } /* Are there to be more recipients of this message? */ while (tmpptr) { struct ast_vm_user recipu, *recip; char *exten, *context; exten = strsep(&tmpptr, "&"); context = strchr(exten, '@'); if (context) { *context = '\0'; context++; } if ((recip = find_user(&recipu, context, exten))) { copy_message(chan, vmu, 0, msgnum, duration, recip, fmt); free_user(recip); } } notify_new_message(chan, vmu, msgnum, duration, fmt, chan->cid.cid_num, chan->cid.cid_name); } else { res = ast_streamfile(chan, "vm-mailboxfull", chan->language); if (!res) res = ast_waitstream(chan, ""); ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "No more messages possible\n"); } } else ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "No format for saving voicemail?\n"); leave_vm_out: free_user(vmu); } else { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "No entry in voicemail config file for '%s'\n", ext); /*Send the call to n+101 priority, where n is the current priority*/ if (ast_exists_extension(chan, chan->context, chan->exten, chan->priority + 101, chan->cid.cid_num)) chan->priority+=100; } return res; } static int count_messages(char *dir) { // Find all .txt files - even if they are not in sequence from 0000 int vmcount = 0; DIR *vmdir = NULL; struct dirent *vment = NULL; if ((vmdir = opendir(dir))) { while ((vment = readdir(vmdir))) { if (strlen(vment->d_name) > 7 && !strncmp(vment->d_name + 7,".txt",4)) { vmcount++; } } closedir(vmdir); } return vmcount; } static void resequence_mailbox(char * dir) { // we know max messages, so stop process when number is hit int x,dest; char sfn[256]; char dfn[256]; char stxt[256]; char dtxt[256]; for (x=0,dest=0;x 0) { if(x != dest) { make_file(dfn, sizeof(dfn), dir, dest); ast_filerename(sfn,dfn,NULL); snprintf(stxt, sizeof(stxt), "%s.txt", sfn); snprintf(dtxt, sizeof(dtxt), "%s.txt", dfn); rename(stxt, dtxt); } dest++; } } } static int say_and_wait(struct ast_channel *chan, int num, char *language) { int d; d = ast_say_number(chan, num, AST_DIGIT_ANY, language, (char *) NULL); return d; } static int save_to_folder(char *dir, int msg, char *context, char *username, int box) { char sfn[256]; char dfn[256]; char ddir[256]; char txt[256]; char ntxt[256]; char *dbox = mbox(box); int x; make_file(sfn, sizeof(sfn), dir, msg); make_dir(ddir, sizeof(ddir), context, username, dbox); mkdir(ddir, 0700); for (x=0;x= MAXMSG) return -1; ast_filecopy(sfn, dfn, NULL); if (strcmp(sfn, dfn)) { snprintf(txt, sizeof(txt), "%s.txt", sfn); snprintf(ntxt, sizeof(ntxt), "%s.txt", dfn); copy(txt, ntxt); } return 0; } static int adsi_logo(unsigned char *buf) { int bytes = 0; bytes += adsi_display(buf + bytes, ADSI_COMM_PAGE, 1, ADSI_JUST_CENT, 0, "Comedian Mail", ""); bytes += adsi_display(buf + bytes, ADSI_COMM_PAGE, 2, ADSI_JUST_CENT, 0, "(C)2002 LSS, Inc.", ""); return bytes; } static int adsi_load_vmail(struct ast_channel *chan, int *useadsi) { char buf[256]; int bytes=0; int x; char num[5]; *useadsi = 0; bytes += adsi_data_mode(buf + bytes); adsi_transmit_message(chan, buf, bytes, ADSI_MSG_DISPLAY); bytes = 0; bytes += adsi_logo(buf); bytes += adsi_display(buf + bytes, ADSI_COMM_PAGE, 3, ADSI_JUST_CENT, 0, "Downloading Scripts", ""); #ifdef DISPLAY bytes += adsi_display(buf + bytes, ADSI_COMM_PAGE, 4, ADSI_JUST_LEFT, 0, " .", ""); #endif bytes += adsi_set_line(buf + bytes, ADSI_COMM_PAGE, 1); bytes += adsi_data_mode(buf + bytes); adsi_transmit_message(chan, buf, bytes, ADSI_MSG_DISPLAY); if (adsi_begin_download(chan, addesc, adsifdn, adsisec, adsiver)) { bytes = 0; bytes += adsi_display(buf + bytes, ADSI_COMM_PAGE, 3, ADSI_JUST_CENT, 0, "Load Cancelled.", ""); bytes += adsi_display(buf + bytes, ADSI_COMM_PAGE, 4, ADSI_JUST_CENT, 0, "ADSI Unavailable", ""); bytes += adsi_set_line(buf + bytes, ADSI_COMM_PAGE, 1); bytes += adsi_voice_mode(buf + bytes, 0); adsi_transmit_message(chan, buf, bytes, ADSI_MSG_DISPLAY); return 0; } #ifdef DISPLAY /* Add a dot */ bytes = 0; bytes += adsi_logo(buf); bytes += adsi_display(buf + bytes, ADSI_COMM_PAGE, 3, ADSI_JUST_CENT, 0, "Downloading Scripts", ""); bytes += adsi_display(buf + bytes, ADSI_COMM_PAGE, 4, ADSI_JUST_LEFT, 0, " ..", ""); bytes += adsi_set_line(buf + bytes, ADSI_COMM_PAGE, 1); adsi_transmit_message(chan, buf, bytes, ADSI_MSG_DISPLAY); #endif bytes = 0; bytes += adsi_load_soft_key(buf + bytes, ADSI_KEY_APPS + 0, "Listen", "Listen", "1", 1); bytes += adsi_load_soft_key(buf + bytes, ADSI_KEY_APPS + 1, "Folder", "Folder", "2", 1); bytes += adsi_load_soft_key(buf + bytes, ADSI_KEY_APPS + 2, "Advanced", "Advnced", "3", 1); bytes += adsi_load_soft_key(buf + bytes, ADSI_KEY_APPS + 3, "Options", "Options", "0", 1); bytes += adsi_load_soft_key(buf + bytes, ADSI_KEY_APPS + 4, "Help", "Help", "*", 1); bytes += adsi_load_soft_key(buf + bytes, ADSI_KEY_APPS + 5, "Exit", "Exit", "#", 1); adsi_transmit_message(chan, buf, bytes, ADSI_MSG_DOWNLOAD); #ifdef DISPLAY /* Add another dot */ bytes = 0; bytes += adsi_display(buf + bytes, ADSI_COMM_PAGE, 4, ADSI_JUST_LEFT, 0, " ...", ""); bytes += adsi_voice_mode(buf + bytes, 0); bytes += adsi_set_line(buf + bytes, ADSI_COMM_PAGE, 1); adsi_transmit_message(chan, buf, bytes, ADSI_MSG_DISPLAY); #endif bytes = 0; /* These buttons we load but don't use yet */ bytes += adsi_load_soft_key(buf + bytes, ADSI_KEY_APPS + 6, "Previous", "Prev", "4", 1); bytes += adsi_load_soft_key(buf + bytes, ADSI_KEY_APPS + 8, "Repeat", "Repeat", "5", 1); bytes += adsi_load_soft_key(buf + bytes, ADSI_KEY_APPS + 7, "Delete", "Delete", "7", 1); bytes += adsi_load_soft_key(buf + bytes, ADSI_KEY_APPS + 9, "Next", "Next", "6", 1); bytes += adsi_load_soft_key(buf + bytes, ADSI_KEY_APPS + 10, "Save", "Save", "9", 1); bytes += adsi_load_soft_key(buf + bytes, ADSI_KEY_APPS + 11, "Undelete", "Restore", "7", 1); adsi_transmit_message(chan, buf, bytes, ADSI_MSG_DOWNLOAD); #ifdef DISPLAY /* Add another dot */ bytes = 0; bytes += adsi_display(buf + bytes, ADSI_COMM_PAGE, 4, ADSI_JUST_LEFT, 0, " ....", ""); bytes += adsi_set_line(buf + bytes, ADSI_COMM_PAGE, 1); adsi_transmit_message(chan, buf, bytes, ADSI_MSG_DISPLAY); #endif bytes = 0; for (x=0;x<5;x++) { snprintf(num, sizeof(num), "%d", x); bytes += adsi_load_soft_key(buf + bytes, ADSI_KEY_APPS + 12 + x, mbox(x), mbox(x), num, 1); } bytes += adsi_load_soft_key(buf + bytes, ADSI_KEY_APPS + 12 + 5, "Cancel", "Cancel", "#", 1); adsi_transmit_message(chan, buf, bytes, ADSI_MSG_DOWNLOAD); #ifdef DISPLAY /* Add another dot */ bytes = 0; bytes += adsi_display(buf + bytes, ADSI_COMM_PAGE, 4, ADSI_JUST_LEFT, 0, " .....", ""); bytes += adsi_set_line(buf + bytes, ADSI_COMM_PAGE, 1); adsi_transmit_message(chan, buf, bytes, ADSI_MSG_DISPLAY); #endif if (adsi_end_download(chan)) { bytes = 0; bytes += adsi_display(buf + bytes, ADSI_COMM_PAGE, 3, ADSI_JUST_CENT, 0, "Download Unsuccessful.", ""); bytes += adsi_display(buf + bytes, ADSI_COMM_PAGE, 4, ADSI_JUST_CENT, 0, "ADSI Unavailable", ""); bytes += adsi_set_line(buf + bytes, ADSI_COMM_PAGE, 1); bytes += adsi_voice_mode(buf + bytes, 0); adsi_transmit_message(chan, buf, bytes, ADSI_MSG_DISPLAY); return 0; } bytes = 0; bytes += adsi_download_disconnect(buf + bytes); bytes += adsi_voice_mode(buf + bytes, 0); adsi_transmit_message(chan, buf, bytes, ADSI_MSG_DOWNLOAD); ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Done downloading scripts...\n"); #ifdef DISPLAY /* Add last dot */ bytes = 0; bytes += adsi_display(buf + bytes, ADSI_COMM_PAGE, 4, ADSI_JUST_CENT, 0, " ......", ""); bytes += adsi_set_line(buf + bytes, ADSI_COMM_PAGE, 1); #endif ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Restarting session...\n"); bytes = 0; /* Load the session now */ if (adsi_load_session(chan, adsifdn, adsiver, 1) == 1) { *useadsi = 1; bytes += adsi_display(buf + bytes, ADSI_COMM_PAGE, 3, ADSI_JUST_CENT, 0, "Scripts Loaded!", ""); } else bytes += adsi_display(buf + bytes, ADSI_COMM_PAGE, 3, ADSI_JUST_CENT, 0, "Load Failed!", ""); adsi_transmit_message(chan, buf, bytes, ADSI_MSG_DISPLAY); return 0; } static void adsi_begin(struct ast_channel *chan, int *useadsi) { int x; if (!adsi_available(chan)) return; x = adsi_load_session(chan, adsifdn, adsiver, 1); if (x < 0) return; if (!x) { if (adsi_load_vmail(chan, useadsi)) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to upload voicemail scripts\n"); return; } } else *useadsi = 1; } static void adsi_login(struct ast_channel *chan) { char buf[256]; int bytes=0; unsigned char keys[8]; int x; if (!adsi_available(chan)) return; for (x=0;x<8;x++) keys[x] = 0; /* Set one key for next */ keys[3] = ADSI_KEY_APPS + 3; bytes += adsi_logo(buf + bytes); bytes += adsi_display(buf + bytes, ADSI_COMM_PAGE, 3, ADSI_JUST_CENT, 0, " ", ""); bytes += adsi_display(buf + bytes, ADSI_COMM_PAGE, 4, ADSI_JUST_CENT, 0, " ", ""); bytes += adsi_set_line(buf + bytes, ADSI_COMM_PAGE, 1); bytes += adsi_input_format(buf + bytes, 1, ADSI_DIR_FROM_LEFT, 0, "Mailbox: ******", ""); bytes += adsi_input_control(buf + bytes, ADSI_COMM_PAGE, 4, 1, 1, ADSI_JUST_LEFT); bytes += adsi_load_soft_key(buf + bytes, ADSI_KEY_APPS + 3, "Enter", "Enter", "#", 1); bytes += adsi_set_keys(buf + bytes, keys); bytes += adsi_voice_mode(buf + bytes, 0); adsi_transmit_message(chan, buf, bytes, ADSI_MSG_DISPLAY); } static void adsi_password(struct ast_channel *chan) { char buf[256]; int bytes=0; unsigned char keys[8]; int x; if (!adsi_available(chan)) return; for (x=0;x<8;x++) keys[x] = 0; /* Set one key for next */ keys[3] = ADSI_KEY_APPS + 3; bytes += adsi_set_line(buf + bytes, ADSI_COMM_PAGE, 1); bytes += adsi_input_format(buf + bytes, 1, ADSI_DIR_FROM_LEFT, 0, "Password: ******", ""); bytes += adsi_input_control(buf + bytes, ADSI_COMM_PAGE, 4, 0, 1, ADSI_JUST_LEFT); bytes += adsi_set_keys(buf + bytes, keys); bytes += adsi_voice_mode(buf + bytes, 0); adsi_transmit_message(chan, buf, bytes, ADSI_MSG_DISPLAY); } static void adsi_folders(struct ast_channel *chan, int start, char *label) { char buf[256]; int bytes=0; unsigned char keys[8]; int x,y; if (!adsi_available(chan)) return; for (x=0;x<5;x++) { y = ADSI_KEY_APPS + 12 + start + x; if (y > ADSI_KEY_APPS + 12 + 4) y = 0; keys[x] = ADSI_KEY_SKT | y; } keys[5] = ADSI_KEY_SKT | (ADSI_KEY_APPS + 17); keys[6] = 0; keys[7] = 0; bytes += adsi_display(buf + bytes, ADSI_COMM_PAGE, 1, ADSI_JUST_CENT, 0, label, ""); bytes += adsi_display(buf + bytes, ADSI_COMM_PAGE, 2, ADSI_JUST_CENT, 0, " ", ""); bytes += adsi_set_line(buf + bytes, ADSI_COMM_PAGE, 1); bytes += adsi_set_keys(buf + bytes, keys); bytes += adsi_voice_mode(buf + bytes, 0); adsi_transmit_message(chan, buf, bytes, ADSI_MSG_DISPLAY); } static void adsi_message(struct ast_channel *chan, struct vm_state *vms) { int bytes=0; char buf[256], buf1[256], buf2[256]; char fn2[256]; char cid[256]=""; char *val; char *name, *num; char datetime[21]=""; FILE *f; unsigned char keys[8]; int x; if (!adsi_available(chan)) return; /* Retrieve important info */ snprintf(fn2, sizeof(fn2), "%s.txt", vms->fn); f = fopen(fn2, "r"); if (f) { while (!feof(f)) { fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), f); if (!feof(f)) { char *stringp=NULL; stringp=buf; strsep(&stringp, "="); val = strsep(&stringp, "="); if (val && !ast_strlen_zero(val)) { if (!strcmp(buf, "callerid")) strncpy(cid, val, sizeof(cid) - 1); if (!strcmp(buf, "origdate")) strncpy(datetime, val, sizeof(datetime) - 1); } } } fclose(f); } /* New meaning for keys */ for (x=0;x<5;x++) keys[x] = ADSI_KEY_SKT | (ADSI_KEY_APPS + 6 + x); keys[6] = 0x0; keys[7] = 0x0; if (!vms->curmsg) { /* No prev key, provide "Folder" instead */ keys[0] = ADSI_KEY_SKT | (ADSI_KEY_APPS + 1); } if (vms->curmsg >= vms->lastmsg) { /* If last message ... */ if (vms->curmsg) { /* but not only message, provide "Folder" instead */ keys[3] = ADSI_KEY_SKT | (ADSI_KEY_APPS + 1); bytes += adsi_voice_mode(buf + bytes, 0); } else { /* Otherwise if only message, leave blank */ keys[3] = 1; } } if (!ast_strlen_zero(cid)) { ast_callerid_parse(cid, &name, &num); if (!name) name = num; } else name = "Unknown Caller"; /* If deleted, show "undeleted" */ if (vms->deleted[vms->curmsg]) keys[1] = ADSI_KEY_SKT | (ADSI_KEY_APPS + 11); /* Except "Exit" */ keys[5] = ADSI_KEY_SKT | (ADSI_KEY_APPS + 5); snprintf(buf1, sizeof(buf1), "%s%s", vms->curbox, strcasecmp(vms->curbox, "INBOX") ? " Messages" : ""); snprintf(buf2, sizeof(buf2), "Message %d of %d", vms->curmsg + 1, vms->lastmsg + 1); bytes += adsi_display(buf + bytes, ADSI_COMM_PAGE, 1, ADSI_JUST_LEFT, 0, buf1, ""); bytes += adsi_display(buf + bytes, ADSI_COMM_PAGE, 2, ADSI_JUST_LEFT, 0, buf2, ""); bytes += adsi_display(buf + bytes, ADSI_COMM_PAGE, 3, ADSI_JUST_LEFT, 0, name, ""); bytes += adsi_display(buf + bytes, ADSI_COMM_PAGE, 4, ADSI_JUST_LEFT, 0, datetime, ""); bytes += adsi_set_line(buf + bytes, ADSI_COMM_PAGE, 1); bytes += adsi_set_keys(buf + bytes, keys); bytes += adsi_voice_mode(buf + bytes, 0); adsi_transmit_message(chan, buf, bytes, ADSI_MSG_DISPLAY); } static void adsi_delete(struct ast_channel *chan, struct vm_state *vms) { int bytes=0; char buf[256]; unsigned char keys[8]; int x; if (!adsi_available(chan)) return; /* New meaning for keys */ for (x=0;x<5;x++) keys[x] = ADSI_KEY_SKT | (ADSI_KEY_APPS + 6 + x); keys[6] = 0x0; keys[7] = 0x0; if (!vms->curmsg) { /* No prev key, provide "Folder" instead */ keys[0] = ADSI_KEY_SKT | (ADSI_KEY_APPS + 1); } if (vms->curmsg >= vms->lastmsg) { /* If last message ... */ if (vms->curmsg) { /* but not only message, provide "Folder" instead */ keys[3] = ADSI_KEY_SKT | (ADSI_KEY_APPS + 1); } else { /* Otherwise if only message, leave blank */ keys[3] = 1; } } /* If deleted, show "undeleted" */ if (vms->deleted[vms->curmsg]) keys[1] = ADSI_KEY_SKT | (ADSI_KEY_APPS + 11); /* Except "Exit" */ keys[5] = ADSI_KEY_SKT | (ADSI_KEY_APPS + 5); bytes += adsi_set_keys(buf + bytes, keys); bytes += adsi_voice_mode(buf + bytes, 0); adsi_transmit_message(chan, buf, bytes, ADSI_MSG_DISPLAY); } static void adsi_status(struct ast_channel *chan, struct vm_state *vms) { char buf[256] = "", buf1[256] = "", buf2[256] = ""; int bytes=0; unsigned char keys[8]; int x; char *newm = (vms->newmessages == 1) ? "message" : "messages"; char *oldm = (vms->oldmessages == 1) ? "message" : "messages"; if (!adsi_available(chan)) return; if (vms->newmessages) { snprintf(buf1, sizeof(buf1), "You have %d new", vms->newmessages); if (vms->oldmessages) { strncat(buf1, " and", sizeof(buf1) - strlen(buf1) - 1); snprintf(buf2, sizeof(buf2), "%d old %s.", vms->oldmessages, oldm); } else { snprintf(buf2, sizeof(buf2), "%s.", newm); } } else if (vms->oldmessages) { snprintf(buf1, sizeof(buf1), "You have %d old", vms->oldmessages); snprintf(buf2, sizeof(buf2), "%s.", oldm); } else { strncpy(buf1, "You have no messages.", sizeof(buf1) - 1); buf2[0] = ' '; buf2[1] = '\0'; } bytes += adsi_display(buf + bytes, ADSI_COMM_PAGE, 1, ADSI_JUST_LEFT, 0, buf1, ""); bytes += adsi_display(buf + bytes, ADSI_COMM_PAGE, 2, ADSI_JUST_LEFT, 0, buf2, ""); bytes += adsi_set_line(buf + bytes, ADSI_COMM_PAGE, 1); for (x=0;x<6;x++) keys[x] = ADSI_KEY_SKT | (ADSI_KEY_APPS + x); keys[6] = 0; keys[7] = 0; /* Don't let them listen if there are none */ if (vms->lastmsg < 0) keys[0] = 1; bytes += adsi_set_keys(buf + bytes, keys); bytes += adsi_voice_mode(buf + bytes, 0); adsi_transmit_message(chan, buf, bytes, ADSI_MSG_DISPLAY); } static void adsi_status2(struct ast_channel *chan, struct vm_state *vms) { char buf[256] = "", buf1[256] = "", buf2[256] = ""; int bytes=0; unsigned char keys[8]; int x; char *mess = (vms->lastmsg == 0) ? "message" : "messages"; if (!adsi_available(chan)) return; /* Original command keys */ for (x=0;x<6;x++) keys[x] = ADSI_KEY_SKT | (ADSI_KEY_APPS + x); keys[6] = 0; keys[7] = 0; if ((vms->lastmsg + 1) < 1) keys[0] = 0; snprintf(buf1, sizeof(buf1), "%s%s has", vms->curbox, strcasecmp(vms->curbox, "INBOX") ? " folder" : ""); if (vms->lastmsg + 1) snprintf(buf2, sizeof(buf2), "%d %s.", vms->lastmsg + 1, mess); else strncpy(buf2, "no messages.", sizeof(buf2) - 1); bytes += adsi_display(buf + bytes, ADSI_COMM_PAGE, 1, ADSI_JUST_LEFT, 0, buf1, ""); bytes += adsi_display(buf + bytes, ADSI_COMM_PAGE, 2, ADSI_JUST_LEFT, 0, buf2, ""); bytes += adsi_display(buf + bytes, ADSI_COMM_PAGE, 3, ADSI_JUST_LEFT, 0, "", ""); bytes += adsi_set_line(buf + bytes, ADSI_COMM_PAGE, 1); bytes += adsi_set_keys(buf + bytes, keys); bytes += adsi_voice_mode(buf + bytes, 0); adsi_transmit_message(chan, buf, bytes, ADSI_MSG_DISPLAY); } /* static void adsi_clear(struct ast_channel *chan) { char buf[256]; int bytes=0; if (!adsi_available(chan)) return; bytes += adsi_set_line(buf + bytes, ADSI_COMM_PAGE, 1); bytes += adsi_voice_mode(buf + bytes, 0); adsi_transmit_message(chan, buf, bytes, ADSI_MSG_DISPLAY); } */ static void adsi_goodbye(struct ast_channel *chan) { char buf[256]; int bytes=0; if (!adsi_available(chan)) return; bytes += adsi_logo(buf + bytes); bytes += adsi_display(buf + bytes, ADSI_COMM_PAGE, 3, ADSI_JUST_LEFT, 0, " ", ""); bytes += adsi_display(buf + bytes, ADSI_COMM_PAGE, 4, ADSI_JUST_CENT, 0, "Goodbye", ""); bytes += adsi_set_line(buf + bytes, ADSI_COMM_PAGE, 1); bytes += adsi_voice_mode(buf + bytes, 0); adsi_transmit_message(chan, buf, bytes, ADSI_MSG_DISPLAY); } /*--- get_folder: Folder menu ---*/ /* Plays "press 1 for INBOX messages" etc Should possibly be internationalized */ static int get_folder(struct ast_channel *chan, int start) { int x; int d; char fn[256]; d = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-press"); /* "Press" */ if (d) return d; for (x = start; x< 5; x++) { /* For all folders */ if ((d = ast_say_number(chan, x, AST_DIGIT_ANY, chan->language, (char *) NULL))) return d; d = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-for"); /* "for" */ if (d) return d; if (!strcasecmp(chan->language, "it") || !strcasecmp(chan->language, "es") || !strcasecmp(chan->language, "fr") || !strcasecmp(chan->language, "pt")) { /* Italian, Spanish, French or Portuguese syntax */ d = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-messages"); /* "messages */ if (d) return d; snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "vm-%s", mbox(x)); /* Folder name */ d = ast_play_and_wait(chan, fn); if (d) return d; } else { /* Default English */ snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "vm-%s", mbox(x)); /* Folder name */ d = ast_play_and_wait(chan, fn); if (d) return d; d = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-messages"); /* "messages */ if (d) return d; } d = ast_waitfordigit(chan, 500); if (d) return d; } d = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-tocancel"); /* "or pound to cancel" */ if (d) return d; d = ast_waitfordigit(chan, 4000); return d; } static int get_folder2(struct ast_channel *chan, char *fn, int start) { int res = 0; res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, fn); /* Folder name */ while (((res < '0') || (res > '9')) && (res != '#') && (res >= 0)) { res = get_folder(chan, 0); } return res; } static int vm_forwardoptions(struct ast_channel *chan, struct ast_vm_user *vmu, char *curdir, int curmsg, char *vmfts, char *context) { int cmd = 0; int retries = 0; int duration = 0; while ((cmd >= 0) && (cmd != 't') && (cmd != '*')) { if (cmd) retries = 0; switch (cmd) { case '1': /* prepend a message to the current message and return */ { char file[200]; snprintf(file, sizeof(file), "%s/msg%04d", curdir, curmsg); cmd = ast_play_and_prepend(chan, NULL, file, 0, vmfmts, &duration, 1, silencethreshold, maxsilence); break; } case '2': cmd = 't'; break; case '*': cmd = '*'; break; default: cmd = ast_play_and_wait(chan,"vm-forwardoptions"); /* "Press 1 to prepend a message or 2 to forward the message without prepending" */ if (!cmd) cmd = ast_play_and_wait(chan,"vm-starmain"); /* "press star to return to the main menu" */ if (!cmd) cmd = ast_waitfordigit(chan,6000); if (!cmd) retries++; if (retries > 3) cmd = 't'; } } if (cmd == 't') cmd = 0; return cmd; } static int notify_new_message(struct ast_channel *chan, struct ast_vm_user *vmu, int msgnum, long duration, char *fmt, char *cidnum, char *cidname) { char todir[256], fn[256], ext_context[256], *stringp; make_dir(todir, sizeof(todir), vmu->context, vmu->mailbox, "INBOX"); make_file(fn, sizeof(fn), todir, msgnum); snprintf(ext_context, sizeof(ext_context), "%s@%s", vmu->mailbox, vmu->context); /* Attach only the first format */ fmt = ast_strdupa(fmt); if (fmt) { stringp = fmt; strsep(&stringp, "|"); if (!ast_strlen_zero(vmu->email)) { int attach_user_voicemail = attach_voicemail; char *myserveremail = serveremail; if (vmu->attach > -1) attach_user_voicemail = vmu->attach; if (!ast_strlen_zero(vmu->serveremail)) myserveremail = vmu->serveremail; sendmail(myserveremail, vmu, msgnum, vmu->mailbox, cidnum, cidname, fn, fmt, duration, attach_user_voicemail); } if (!ast_strlen_zero(vmu->pager)) { char *myserveremail = serveremail; if (!ast_strlen_zero(vmu->serveremail)) myserveremail = vmu->serveremail; sendpage(myserveremail, vmu->pager, msgnum, vmu->mailbox, cidnum, cidname, duration, vmu); } } else { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Out of memory\n"); } if (vmu->delete) { vm_delete(fn); } /* Leave voicemail for someone */ manager_event(EVENT_FLAG_CALL, "MessageWaiting", "Mailbox: %s@%s\r\nWaiting: %d\r\n", vmu->mailbox, vmu->context, ast_app_has_voicemail(ext_context, NULL)); run_externnotify(chan->context, ext_context); return 0; } static int forward_message(struct ast_channel *chan, char *context, char *dir, int curmsg, struct ast_vm_user *sender, char *fmt,int flag) { char username[70]=""; char sys[256]; char todir[256]; int todircount=0; int duration; struct ast_config *mif; char miffile[256]; char fn[256]; char callerid[512]; char ext_context[256]=""; int res = 0, cmd = 0; struct ast_vm_user *receiver, *extensions = NULL, *vmtmp = NULL, *vmfree; char tmp[256]; char *stringp, *s; int saved_messages = 0, found = 0; int valid_extensions = 0; while (!res && !valid_extensions) { int use_directory = 0; if( directory_forward ) { int done = 0; int retries = 0; cmd=0; while((cmd >= 0) && !done ){ if (cmd) retries = 0; switch (cmd) { case '1': use_directory = 0; done = 1; break; case '2': use_directory = 1; done=1; break; case '*': cmd = 't'; done = 1; break; default: /* Press 1 to enter an extension press 2 to use the directory */ cmd = ast_play_and_wait(chan,"vm-forward"); if (!cmd) cmd = ast_waitfordigit(chan,3000); if (!cmd) retries++; if (retries > 3) { cmd = 't'; done = 1; } } } if( cmd<0 || cmd=='t' ) break; } if( use_directory ) { /* use app_directory */ char old_context[sizeof(chan->context)]; char old_exten[sizeof(chan->exten)]; int old_priority; struct ast_app* app; app = pbx_findapp("Directory"); if (app) { /* make mackup copies */ memcpy(old_context, chan->context, sizeof(chan->context)); memcpy(old_exten, chan->exten, sizeof(chan->exten)); old_priority = chan->priority; /* call the the Directory, changes the channel */ res = pbx_exec(chan, app, ((context)?context:chan->context), 1); strncpy(username, chan->exten, sizeof(username)-1); /* restore the old context, exten, and priority */ memcpy(chan->context, old_context, sizeof(chan->context)); memcpy(chan->exten, old_exten, sizeof(chan->exten)); chan->priority = old_priority; } else { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Could not find the Directory application, disabling directory_forward\n"); directory_forward = 0; } } else { /* Ask for an extension */ res = ast_streamfile(chan, "vm-extension", chan->language); /* "extension" */ if (res) break; if ((res = ast_readstring(chan, username, sizeof(username) - 1, 2000, 10000, "#") < 0)) break; } /* start all over if no username */ if (ast_strlen_zero(username)) continue; stringp = username; s = strsep(&stringp, "*"); /* start optimistic */ valid_extensions = 1; while (s) { /* find_user is going to malloc since we have a NULL as first argument */ if ((receiver = find_user(NULL, context, s))) { if (!extensions) vmtmp = extensions = receiver; else { vmtmp->next = receiver; vmtmp = receiver; } found++; } else { valid_extensions = 0; break; } s = strsep(&stringp, "*"); } /* break from the loop of reading the extensions */ if (valid_extensions) break; /* "I am sorry, that's not a valid extension. Please try again." */ res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "pbx-invalid"); } /* check if we're clear to proceed */ if (!extensions || !valid_extensions) return res; vmtmp = extensions; if (flag==1) { /* Send VoiceMail */ cmd=leave_voicemail(chan,username,0,0,0); } else { /* Forward VoiceMail */ cmd = vm_forwardoptions(chan, sender, dir, curmsg, vmfmts, context); if (!cmd) { while (!res && vmtmp) { /* if (ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-savedto")) break; */ snprintf(todir, sizeof(todir), "%s/voicemail/%s/%s/INBOX", (char *)ast_config_AST_SPOOL_DIR, vmtmp->context, vmtmp->mailbox); snprintf(sys, sizeof(sys), "mkdir -p %s\n", todir); snprintf(ext_context, sizeof(ext_context), "%s@%s", vmtmp->mailbox, vmtmp->context); ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, sys); ast_safe_system(sys); todircount = count_messages(todir); strncpy(tmp, fmt, sizeof(tmp) - 1); stringp = tmp; while ((s = strsep(&stringp, "|"))) { /* XXX This is a hack -- we should use build_filename or similar XXX */ if (!strcasecmp(s, "wav49")) s = "WAV"; snprintf(sys, sizeof(sys), "cp %s/msg%04d.%s %s/msg%04d.%s\n", dir, curmsg, s, todir, todircount, s); ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, sys); ast_safe_system(sys); } snprintf(sys, sizeof(sys), "cp %s/msg%04d.txt %s/msg%04d.txt\n", dir, curmsg, todir, todircount); ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, sys); ast_safe_system(sys); snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "%s/msg%04d", todir,todircount); /* load the information on the source message so we can send an e-mail like a new message */ snprintf(miffile, sizeof(miffile), "%s/msg%04d.txt", dir, curmsg); if ((mif=ast_load(miffile))) { /* set callerid and duration variables */ snprintf(callerid, sizeof(callerid), "FWD from: %s from %s", sender->fullname, ast_variable_retrieve(mif, NULL, "callerid")); s = ast_variable_retrieve(mif, NULL, "duration"); if (s) duration = atoi(s); else duration = 0; if (!ast_strlen_zero(vmtmp->email)) { int attach_user_voicemail = attach_voicemail; char *myserveremail = serveremail; if (vmtmp->attach > -1) attach_user_voicemail = vmtmp->attach; if (!ast_strlen_zero(vmtmp->serveremail)) myserveremail = vmtmp->serveremail; sendmail(myserveremail, vmtmp, todircount, vmtmp->mailbox, chan->cid.cid_num, chan->cid.cid_name, fn, tmp, duration, attach_user_voicemail); } if (!ast_strlen_zero(vmtmp->pager)) { char *myserveremail = serveremail; if (!ast_strlen_zero(vmtmp->serveremail)) myserveremail = vmtmp->serveremail; sendpage(myserveremail, vmtmp->pager, todircount, vmtmp->mailbox, chan->cid.cid_num, chan->cid.cid_name, duration, vmtmp); } ast_destroy(mif); /* or here */ } /* Leave voicemail for someone */ manager_event(EVENT_FLAG_CALL, "MessageWaiting", "Mailbox: %s\r\nWaiting: %d\r\n", ext_context, ast_app_has_voicemail(ext_context, NULL)); run_externnotify(chan->context, ext_context); saved_messages++; vmfree = vmtmp; vmtmp = vmtmp->next; free_user(vmfree); } if (saved_messages > 0) { /* give confirmation that the message was saved */ /* commented out since we can't forward batches yet if (saved_messages == 1) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-message"); else res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-messages"); if (!res) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-saved"); */ if (!res) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-msgsaved"); } } } return res ? res : cmd; } static int wait_file2(struct ast_channel *chan, struct vm_state *vms, char *file) { int res; if ((res = ast_streamfile(chan, file, chan->language))) ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to play message %s\n", file); if (!res) res = ast_waitstream(chan, AST_DIGIT_ANY); return res; } static int wait_file(struct ast_channel *chan, struct vm_state *vms, char *file) { return ast_control_streamfile(chan, file, "#", "*", "1456789", "0", skipms); } static int play_message_datetime(struct ast_channel *chan, struct ast_vm_user *vmu, char *origtime, char *filename) { int res = 0; struct vm_zone *the_zone = NULL; time_t t; long tin; if (sscanf(origtime,"%ld",&tin) < 1) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Couldn't find origtime in %s\n", filename); return 0; } t = tin; /* Does this user have a timezone specified? */ if (!ast_strlen_zero(vmu->zonetag)) { /* Find the zone in the list */ struct vm_zone *z; z = zones; while (z) { if (!strcmp(z->name, vmu->zonetag)) { the_zone = z; break; } z = z->next; } } /* No internal variable parsing for now, so we'll comment it out for the time being */ #if 0 /* Set the DIFF_* variables */ localtime_r(&t, &time_now); gettimeofday(&tv_now,NULL); tnow = tv_now.tv_sec; localtime_r(&tnow,&time_then); /* Day difference */ if (time_now.tm_year == time_then.tm_year) snprintf(temp,sizeof(temp),"%d",time_now.tm_yday); else snprintf(temp,sizeof(temp),"%d",(time_now.tm_year - time_then.tm_year) * 365 + (time_now.tm_yday - time_then.tm_yday)); pbx_builtin_setvar_helper(chan, "DIFF_DAY", temp); /* Can't think of how other diffs might be helpful, but I'm sure somebody will think of something. */ #endif if (the_zone) res = ast_say_date_with_format(chan, t, AST_DIGIT_ANY, chan->language, the_zone->msg_format, the_zone->timezone); else if(!strcasecmp(chan->language,"de")) /* GERMAN syntax */ res = ast_say_date_with_format(chan, t, AST_DIGIT_ANY, chan->language, "'vm-received' Q 'digits/at' HM", NULL); else if (!strcasecmp(chan->language,"nl")) /* DUTCH syntax */ res = ast_say_date_with_format(chan, t, AST_DIGIT_ANY, chan->language, "'vm-received' q 'digits/nl-om' HM", NULL); else if (!strcasecmp(chan->language,"it")) /* ITALIAN syntax */ res = ast_say_date_with_format(chan, t, AST_DIGIT_ANY, chan->language, "'vm-received' q 'digits/at' 'digits/hours' k 'digits/e' M 'digits/minutes'", NULL); else res = ast_say_date_with_format(chan, t, AST_DIGIT_ANY, chan->language, "'vm-received' q 'digits/at' IMp", NULL); #if 0 pbx_builtin_setvar_helper(chan, "DIFF_DAY", NULL); #endif return res; } static int play_message_callerid(struct ast_channel *chan, struct vm_state *vms, char *cid, char *context, int callback) { int res = 0; int i; char *callerid, *name; char prefile[256]=""; /* If voicemail cid is not enabled, or we didn't get cid or context from the attribute file, leave now. */ /* BB: Still need to change this so that if this function is called by the message envelope (and someone is explicitly requesting to hear the CID), it does not check to see if CID is enabled in the config file */ if ((cid == NULL)||(context == NULL)) return res; /* Strip off caller ID number from name */ ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "VM-CID: composite caller ID received: %s, context: %s\n", cid, context); ast_callerid_parse(cid, &name, &callerid); if ((callerid != NULL)&&(!res)&&(!ast_strlen_zero(callerid))){ /* Check for internal contexts and only */ /* say extension when the call didn't come from an internal context in the list */ for (i = 0 ; i < MAX_NUM_CID_CONTEXTS ; i++){ ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "VM-CID: comparing internalcontext: %s\n", cidinternalcontexts[i]); if ((strcmp(cidinternalcontexts[i], context) == 0)) break; } if (i != MAX_NUM_CID_CONTEXTS){ /* internal context? */ if (!res) { snprintf(prefile, sizeof(prefile), "voicemail/%s/%s/greet", context, callerid); if (!ast_strlen_zero(prefile)) { /* See if we can find a recorded name for this person instead of their extension number */ if (ast_fileexists(prefile, NULL, NULL) > 0) { ast_verbose(VERBOSE_PREFIX_3 "Playing envelope info: CID number '%s' matches mailbox number, playing recorded name\n", callerid); if (!callback) res = wait_file2(chan, vms, "vm-from"); res = ast_streamfile(chan, prefile, chan->language) > -1; res = ast_waitstream(chan, ""); } else { ast_verbose(VERBOSE_PREFIX_3 "Playing envelope info: message from '%s'\n", callerid); /* BB: Say "from extension" as one saying to sound smoother */ if (!callback) res = wait_file2(chan, vms, "vm-from-extension"); res = ast_say_digit_str(chan, callerid, "", chan->language); } } } } else if (!res){ ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "VM-CID: Numeric caller id: (%s)\n",callerid); /* BB: Since this is all nicely figured out, why not say "from phone number" in this case" */ if (!callback) res = wait_file2(chan, vms, "vm-from-phonenumber"); res = ast_say_digit_str(chan, callerid, AST_DIGIT_ANY, chan->language); } } else { /* Number unknown */ ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "VM-CID: From an unknown number\n"); if (!res) /* BB: Say "from an unknown caller" as one phrase - it is already recorded by "the voice" anyhow */ res = wait_file2(chan, vms, "vm-unknown-caller"); } return res; } static int play_message_duration(struct ast_channel *chan, struct vm_state *vms, char *duration, int minduration) { int res = 0; int durationm; int durations; /* Verify that we have a duration for the message */ if((duration == NULL)) return res; /* Convert from seconds to minutes */ durations=atoi(duration); durationm=(durations / 60); ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "VM-Duration: duration is: %d seconds converted to: %d minutes\n", durations, durationm); if((!res)&&(durationm>=minduration)) { res = ast_say_number(chan, durationm, AST_DIGIT_ANY, chan->language, (char *) NULL); res = wait_file2(chan, vms, "vm-minutes"); } return res; } static int play_message(struct ast_channel *chan, struct ast_vm_user *vmu, struct vm_state *vms) { int res = 0; char filename[256],*origtime, *cid, *context, *duration; struct ast_config *msg_cfg; vms->starting = 0; make_file(vms->fn, sizeof(vms->fn), vms->curdir, vms->curmsg); adsi_message(chan, vms); if (!vms->curmsg) res = wait_file2(chan, vms, "vm-first"); /* "First" */ else if (vms->curmsg == vms->lastmsg) res = wait_file2(chan, vms, "vm-last"); /* "last" */ if (!res) { res = wait_file2(chan, vms, "vm-message"); /* "message" */ if (vms->curmsg && (vms->curmsg != vms->lastmsg)) { if (!res) res = ast_say_number(chan, vms->curmsg + 1, AST_DIGIT_ANY, chan->language, (char *) NULL); } } /* Retrieve info from VM attribute file */ make_file(vms->fn2, sizeof(vms->fn2), vms->curdir, vms->curmsg); snprintf(filename,sizeof(filename), "%s.txt", vms->fn2); msg_cfg = ast_load(filename); if (!msg_cfg) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "No message attribute file?!! (%s)\n", filename); return 0; } if (!(origtime = ast_variable_retrieve(msg_cfg, "message", "origtime"))) return 0; cid = ast_variable_retrieve(msg_cfg, "message", "callerid"); duration = ast_variable_retrieve(msg_cfg, "message", "duration"); context = ast_variable_retrieve(msg_cfg, "message", "context"); if (!strncasecmp("macro",context,5)) /* Macro names in contexts are useless for our needs */ context = ast_variable_retrieve(msg_cfg, "message","macrocontext"); if ((!res)&&(vmu->envelope)) res = play_message_datetime(chan, vmu, origtime, filename); if ((!res)&&(vmu->saycid)) res = play_message_callerid(chan, vms, cid, context, 0); if ((!res)&&(vmu->sayduration)) res = play_message_duration(chan, vms, duration, vmu->saydurationm); /* Allow pressing '1' to skip envelope / callerid */ if (res == '1') res = 0; ast_destroy(msg_cfg); if (!res) { make_file(vms->fn, sizeof(vms->fn), vms->curdir, vms->curmsg); vms->heard[vms->curmsg] = 1; res = wait_file(chan, vms, vms->fn); } return res; } static void open_mailbox(struct vm_state *vms, struct ast_vm_user *vmu,int box) { strncpy(vms->curbox, mbox(box), sizeof(vms->curbox) - 1); make_dir(vms->curdir, sizeof(vms->curdir), vmu->context, vms->username, vms->curbox); vms->lastmsg = count_messages(vms->curdir) - 1; /* The following test is needed in case sequencing gets messed up. There appears to be more than one way to mess up sequence, so we will not try to find all of the root causes--just fix it when detected. */ if(vms->lastmsg != last_message_index(vms->curdir)) { ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Resequencing Mailbox: %s\n", vms->curdir); resequence_mailbox(vms->curdir); } snprintf(vms->vmbox, sizeof(vms->vmbox), "vm-%s", vms->curbox); } static void close_mailbox(struct vm_state *vms, struct ast_vm_user *vmu) { int x; char ntxt[256] = ""; char txt[256] = ""; if (vms->lastmsg > -1) { /* Get the deleted messages fixed */ vms->curmsg = -1; for (x=0;x < MAXMSG;x++) { if (!vms->deleted[x] && (strcasecmp(vms->curbox, "INBOX") || !vms->heard[x])) { /* Save this message. It's not in INBOX or hasn't been heard */ make_file(vms->fn, sizeof(vms->fn), vms->curdir, x); if (ast_fileexists(vms->fn, NULL, NULL) < 1) break; vms->curmsg++; make_file(vms->fn2, sizeof(vms->fn2), vms->curdir, vms->curmsg); if (strcmp(vms->fn, vms->fn2)) { snprintf(txt, sizeof(txt), "%s.txt", vms->fn); snprintf(ntxt, sizeof(ntxt), "%s.txt", vms->fn2); ast_filerename(vms->fn, vms->fn2, NULL); rename(txt, ntxt); } } else if (!strcasecmp(vms->curbox, "INBOX") && vms->heard[x] && !vms->deleted[x]) { /* Move to old folder before deleting */ save_to_folder(vms->curdir, x, vmu->context, vms->username, 1); } } for (x = vms->curmsg + 1; x <= MAXMSG; x++) { make_file(vms->fn, sizeof(vms->fn), vms->curdir, x); if (ast_fileexists(vms->fn, NULL, NULL) < 1) break; vm_delete(vms->fn); } } memset(vms->deleted, 0, sizeof(vms->deleted)); memset(vms->heard, 0, sizeof(vms->heard)); } /* Default English syntax */ static int vm_intro(struct ast_channel *chan,struct vm_state *vms) { /* Introduce messages they have */ int res; res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-youhave"); if (!res) { if (vms->newmessages) { res = say_and_wait(chan, vms->newmessages, chan->language); if (!res) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-INBOX"); if (vms->oldmessages && !res) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-and"); else if (!res) { if ((vms->newmessages == 1)) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-message"); else res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-messages"); } } if (!res && vms->oldmessages) { res = say_and_wait(chan, vms->oldmessages, chan->language); if (!res) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-Old"); if (!res) { if (vms->oldmessages == 1) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-message"); else res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-messages"); } } if (!res) { if (!vms->oldmessages && !vms->newmessages) { res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-no"); if (!res) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-messages"); } } } return res; } /* ITALIAN syntax */ static int vm_intro_it(struct ast_channel *chan,struct vm_state *vms) { /* Introduce messages they have */ int res; if (!vms->oldmessages && !vms->newmessages) { res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-no"); if (!res) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-message"); } else { res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-youhave"); } if (!res) { if (vms->newmessages) { if (!res) { if ((vms->newmessages == 1)) { res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "digits/un"); if (!res) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-message"); if (!res) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-nuovo"); } else { res = say_and_wait(chan, vms->newmessages, chan->language); if (!res) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-messages"); if (!res) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-nuovi"); } } if (vms->oldmessages && !res) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-and"); } if (vms->oldmessages) { if (!res) { if (vms->oldmessages == 1) { res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "digits/un"); if (!res) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-message"); if (!res) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-vecchio"); } else { res = say_and_wait(chan, vms->oldmessages, chan->language); if (!res) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-messages"); if (!res) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-vecchi"); } } } } return res; } /* GERMAN syntax */ static int vm_intro_de(struct ast_channel *chan,struct vm_state *vms) { /* Introduce messages they have */ int res; res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-youhave"); if (!res) { if (vms->newmessages) { if ((vms->newmessages == 1)) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "digits/1F"); else res = say_and_wait(chan, vms->newmessages, chan->language); if (!res) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-INBOX"); if (vms->oldmessages && !res) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-and"); else if (!res) { if ((vms->newmessages == 1)) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-message"); else res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-messages"); } } if (!res && vms->oldmessages) { if (vms->oldmessages == 1) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "digits/1F"); else res = say_and_wait(chan, vms->oldmessages, chan->language); if (!res) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-Old"); if (!res) { if (vms->oldmessages == 1) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-message"); else res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-messages"); } } if (!res) { if (!vms->oldmessages && !vms->newmessages) { res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-no"); if (!res) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-messages"); } } } return res; } /* SPANISH syntax */ static int vm_intro_es(struct ast_channel *chan,struct vm_state *vms) { /* Introduce messages they have */ int res; if (!vms->oldmessages && !vms->newmessages) { res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-youhaveno"); if (!res) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-messages"); } else { res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-youhave"); } if (!res) { if (vms->newmessages) { if (!res) { if ((vms->newmessages == 1)) { res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "digits/1M"); if (!res) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-message"); if (!res) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-INBOXs"); } else { res = say_and_wait(chan, vms->newmessages, chan->language); if (!res) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-messages"); if (!res) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-INBOX"); } } if (vms->oldmessages && !res) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-and"); } if (vms->oldmessages) { if (!res) { if (vms->oldmessages == 1) { res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "digits/1M"); if (!res) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-message"); if (!res) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-Olds"); } else { res = say_and_wait(chan, vms->oldmessages, chan->language); if (!res) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-messages"); if (!res) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-Old"); } } } } return res; } /* FRENCH syntax */ static int vm_intro_fr(struct ast_channel *chan,struct vm_state *vms) { /* Introduce messages they have */ int res; res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-youhave"); if (!res) { if (vms->newmessages) { res = say_and_wait(chan, vms->newmessages, chan->language); if (!res) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-INBOX"); if (vms->oldmessages && !res) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-and"); else if (!res) { if ((vms->newmessages == 1)) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-message"); else res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-messages"); } } if (!res && vms->oldmessages) { res = say_and_wait(chan, vms->oldmessages, chan->language); if (!res) { if (vms->oldmessages == 1) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-message"); else res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-messages"); } if (!res) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-Old"); } if (!res) { if (!vms->oldmessages && !vms->newmessages) { res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-no"); if (!res) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-messages"); } } } return res; } /* DUTCH syntax */ static int vm_intro_nl(struct ast_channel *chan,struct vm_state *vms) { /* Introduce messages they have */ int res; res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-youhave"); if (!res) { if (vms->newmessages) { res = say_and_wait(chan, vms->newmessages, chan->language); if (!res) { if (vms->oldmessages == 1) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-INBOXs"); else res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-INBOX"); } if (vms->oldmessages && !res) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-and"); else if (!res) { if ((vms->newmessages == 1)) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-message"); else res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-messages"); } } if (!res && vms->oldmessages) { res = say_and_wait(chan, vms->oldmessages, chan->language); if (!res) { if (vms->oldmessages == 1) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-Olds"); else res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-Old"); } if (!res) { if (vms->oldmessages == 1) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-message"); else res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-messages"); } } if (!res) { if (!vms->oldmessages && !vms->newmessages) { res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-no"); if (!res) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-messages"); } } } return res; } /* PORTUGUESE syntax */ static int vm_intro_pt(struct ast_channel *chan,struct vm_state *vms) { /* Introduce messages they have */ int res; res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-youhave"); if (!res) { if (vms->newmessages) { res = ast_say_number(chan, vms->newmessages, AST_DIGIT_ANY, chan->language, "f"); if (!res) { if ((vms->newmessages == 1)) { res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-message"); if (!res) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-INBOXs"); } else { res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-messages"); if (!res) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-INBOX"); } } if (vms->oldmessages && !res) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-and"); } if (!res && vms->oldmessages) { res = ast_say_number(chan, vms->oldmessages, AST_DIGIT_ANY, chan->language, "f"); if (!res) { if (vms->oldmessages == 1) { res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-message"); if (!res) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-Olds"); } else { res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-messages"); if (!res) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-Old"); } } } if (!res) { if (!vms->oldmessages && !vms->newmessages) { res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-no"); if (!res) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-messages"); } } } return res; } /* CZECH syntax */ /* in czech there must be declension of word new and message * czech : english : czech : english * -------------------------------------------------------- * vm-youhave : you have * vm-novou : one new : vm-zpravu : message * vm-nove : 2-4 new : vm-zpravy : messages * vm-novych : 5-infinite new : vm-zprav : messages * vm-starou : one old * vm-stare : 2-4 old * vm-starych : 5-infinite old * jednu : one - falling 4. * vm-no : no ( no messages ) */ static int vm_intro_cz(struct ast_channel *chan,struct vm_state *vms) { int res; res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-youhave"); if (!res) { if (vms->newmessages) { if (vms->newmessages == 1) { res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "digits/jednu"); } else { res = say_and_wait(chan, vms->newmessages, chan->language); } if (!res) { if ((vms->newmessages == 1)) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-novou"); if ((vms->newmessages) > 1 && (vms->newmessages < 5)) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-nove"); if (vms->newmessages > 4) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-novych"); } if (vms->oldmessages && !res) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-and"); else if (!res) { if ((vms->newmessages == 1)) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-zpravu"); if ((vms->newmessages) > 1 && (vms->newmessages < 5)) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-zpravy"); if (vms->newmessages > 4) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-zprav"); } } if (!res && vms->oldmessages) { res = say_and_wait(chan, vms->oldmessages, chan->language); if (!res) { if ((vms->oldmessages == 1)) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-starou"); if ((vms->oldmessages) > 1 && (vms->oldmessages < 5)) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-stare"); if (vms->oldmessages > 4) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-starych"); } if (!res) { if ((vms->oldmessages == 1)) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-zpravu"); if ((vms->oldmessages) > 1 && (vms->oldmessages < 5)) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-zpravy"); if (vms->oldmessages > 4) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-zprav"); } } if (!res) { if (!vms->oldmessages && !vms->newmessages) { res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-no"); if (!res) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-zpravy"); } } } return res; } static int vm_instructions(struct ast_channel *chan, struct vm_state *vms, int skipadvanced) { int res = 0; /* Play instructions and wait for new command */ while (!res) { if (vms->starting) { if (vms->lastmsg > -1) { res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-onefor"); if (!strcasecmp(chan->language, "it") || !strcasecmp(chan->language, "es") || !strcasecmp(chan->language, "fr") || !strcasecmp(chan->language, "pt")) { /* Italian, Spanish, French & Portuguese Syntax */ if (!res) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-messages"); if (!res) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, vms->vmbox); } else { /* Default English syntax */ if (!res) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, vms->vmbox); if (!res) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-messages"); } } if (!res) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-opts"); } else { if (vms->curmsg) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-prev"); if (!res && !skipadvanced) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-advopts"); if (!res) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-repeat"); if (!res && (vms->curmsg != vms->lastmsg)) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-next"); if (!res) { if (!vms->deleted[vms->curmsg]) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-delete"); else res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-undelete"); if (!res) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-toforward"); if (!res) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-savemessage"); } } if (!res) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-helpexit"); if (!res) res = ast_waitfordigit(chan, 6000); if (!res) { vms->repeats++; if (vms->repeats > 2) { res = 't'; } } } return res; } static int vm_newuser(struct ast_channel *chan, struct ast_vm_user *vmu, struct vm_state *vms, char *fmtc) { int cmd = 0; int duration = 0; char newpassword[80] = ""; char newpassword2[80] = ""; char prefile[256]=""; char buf[256]; int bytes=0; if (adsi_available(chan)) { bytes += adsi_logo(buf + bytes); bytes += adsi_display(buf + bytes, ADSI_COMM_PAGE, 3, ADSI_JUST_CENT, 0, "New User Setup", ""); bytes += adsi_display(buf + bytes, ADSI_COMM_PAGE, 4, ADSI_JUST_CENT, 0, "Not Done", ""); bytes += adsi_set_line(buf + bytes, ADSI_COMM_PAGE, 1); bytes += adsi_voice_mode(buf + bytes, 0); adsi_transmit_message(chan, buf, bytes, ADSI_MSG_DISPLAY); } /* First, have the user change their password so they won't get here again */ newpassword[1] = '\0'; newpassword[0] = cmd = ast_play_and_wait(chan,"vm-newpassword"); if (cmd < 0 || cmd == 't' || cmd == '#') return cmd; cmd = ast_readstring(chan,newpassword + strlen(newpassword),sizeof(newpassword)-1,2000,10000,"#"); if (cmd < 0 || cmd == 't' || cmd == '#') return cmd; newpassword2[1] = '\0'; newpassword2[0] = cmd = ast_play_and_wait(chan,"vm-reenterpassword"); if (cmd < 0 || cmd == 't' || cmd == '#') return cmd; cmd = ast_readstring(chan,newpassword2 + strlen(newpassword2),sizeof(newpassword2)-1,2000,10000,"#"); if (cmd < 0 || cmd == 't' || cmd == '#') return cmd; if (strcmp(newpassword, newpassword2)) { ast_log(LOG_NOTICE,"Password mismatch for user %s (%s != %s)\n", vms->username, newpassword, newpassword2); cmd = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-mismatch"); } if (ast_strlen_zero(ext_pass_cmd)) vm_change_password(vmu,newpassword); else vm_change_password_shell(vmu,newpassword); ast_log(LOG_DEBUG,"User %s set password to %s of length %i\n",vms->username,newpassword,(int)strlen(newpassword)); cmd = ast_play_and_wait(chan,"vm-passchanged"); /* If forcename is set, have the user record their name */ if (vmu->forcename) { snprintf(prefile,sizeof(prefile),"voicemail/%s/%s/greet",vmu->context, vms->username); cmd = play_record_review(chan,"vm-rec-name",prefile, maxgreet, fmtc, 0, vmu, &duration); if (cmd < 0 || cmd == 't' || cmd == '#') return cmd; } /* If forcegreetings is set, have the user record their greetings */ if (vmu->forcegreetings) { snprintf(prefile,sizeof(prefile),"voicemail/%s/%s/unavail",vmu->context, vms->username); cmd = play_record_review(chan,"vm-rec-unv",prefile, maxgreet, fmtc, 0, vmu, &duration); if (cmd < 0 || cmd == 't' || cmd == '#') return cmd; snprintf(prefile,sizeof(prefile),"voicemail/%s/%s/busy",vmu->context, vms->username); cmd = play_record_review(chan,"vm-rec-busy",prefile, maxgreet, fmtc, 0, vmu, &duration); if (cmd < 0 || cmd == 't' || cmd == '#') return cmd; } return cmd; } static int vm_options(struct ast_channel *chan, struct ast_vm_user *vmu, struct vm_state *vms, char *fmtc) { int cmd = 0; int retries = 0; int duration = 0; char newpassword[80] = ""; char newpassword2[80] = ""; char prefile[256]=""; char buf[256]; int bytes=0; if (adsi_available(chan)) { bytes += adsi_logo(buf + bytes); bytes += adsi_display(buf + bytes, ADSI_COMM_PAGE, 3, ADSI_JUST_CENT, 0, "Options Menu", ""); bytes += adsi_display(buf + bytes, ADSI_COMM_PAGE, 4, ADSI_JUST_CENT, 0, "Not Done", ""); bytes += adsi_set_line(buf + bytes, ADSI_COMM_PAGE, 1); bytes += adsi_voice_mode(buf + bytes, 0); adsi_transmit_message(chan, buf, bytes, ADSI_MSG_DISPLAY); } while ((cmd >= 0) && (cmd != 't')) { if (cmd) retries = 0; switch (cmd) { case '1': snprintf(prefile,sizeof(prefile),"voicemail/%s/%s/unavail",vmu->context, vms->username); cmd = play_record_review(chan,"vm-rec-unv",prefile, maxgreet, fmtc, 0, vmu, &duration); break; case '2': snprintf(prefile,sizeof(prefile),"voicemail/%s/%s/busy",vmu->context, vms->username); cmd = play_record_review(chan,"vm-rec-busy",prefile, maxgreet, fmtc, 0, vmu, &duration); break; case '3': snprintf(prefile,sizeof(prefile),"voicemail/%s/%s/greet",vmu->context, vms->username); cmd = play_record_review(chan,"vm-rec-name",prefile, maxgreet, fmtc, 0, vmu, &duration); break; case '4': if (vmu->password[0] == '-') { cmd = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-no"); break; } newpassword[1] = '\0'; newpassword[0] = cmd = ast_play_and_wait(chan,"vm-newpassword"); if (cmd < 0) break; if ((cmd = ast_readstring(chan,newpassword + strlen(newpassword),sizeof(newpassword)-1,2000,10000,"#")) < 0) { break; } newpassword2[1] = '\0'; newpassword2[0] = cmd = ast_play_and_wait(chan,"vm-reenterpassword"); if (cmd < 0) break; if ((cmd = ast_readstring(chan,newpassword2 + strlen(newpassword2),sizeof(newpassword2)-1,2000,10000,"#"))) { break; } if (strcmp(newpassword, newpassword2)) { ast_log(LOG_NOTICE,"Password mismatch for user %s (%s != %s)\n", vms->username, newpassword, newpassword2); cmd = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-mismatch"); break; } if (ast_strlen_zero(ext_pass_cmd)) vm_change_password(vmu,newpassword); else vm_change_password_shell(vmu,newpassword); ast_log(LOG_DEBUG,"User %s set password to %s of length %i\n",vms->username,newpassword,(int)strlen(newpassword)); cmd = ast_play_and_wait(chan,"vm-passchanged"); break; case '*': cmd = 't'; break; default: cmd = ast_play_and_wait(chan,"vm-options"); if (!cmd) cmd = ast_waitfordigit(chan,6000); if (!cmd) retries++; if (retries > 3) cmd = 't'; } } if (cmd == 't') cmd = 0; return cmd; } /* Default English syntax */ static int vm_browse_messages(struct ast_channel *chan, struct vm_state *vms, struct ast_vm_user *vmu) { int cmd=0; if (vms->lastmsg > -1) { cmd = play_message(chan, vmu, vms); } else { cmd = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-youhave"); if (!cmd) cmd = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-no"); if (!cmd) { snprintf(vms->fn, sizeof(vms->fn), "vm-%s", vms->curbox); cmd = ast_play_and_wait(chan, vms->fn); } if (!cmd) cmd = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-messages"); } return cmd; } /* ITALIAN syntax */ static int vm_browse_messages_it(struct ast_channel *chan, struct vm_state *vms, struct ast_vm_user *vmu) { int cmd=0; if (vms->lastmsg > -1) { cmd = play_message(chan, vmu, vms); } else { cmd = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-no"); if (!cmd) cmd = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-message"); if (!cmd) { snprintf(vms->fn, sizeof(vms->fn), "vm-%s", vms->curbox); cmd = ast_play_and_wait(chan, vms->fn); } } return cmd; } /* SPANISH syntax */ static int vm_browse_messages_es(struct ast_channel *chan, struct vm_state *vms, struct ast_vm_user *vmu) { int cmd=0; if (vms->lastmsg > -1) { cmd = play_message(chan, vmu, vms); } else { cmd = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-youhaveno"); if (!cmd) cmd = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-messages"); if (!cmd) { snprintf(vms->fn, sizeof(vms->fn), "vm-%s", vms->curbox); cmd = ast_play_and_wait(chan, vms->fn); } } return cmd; } /* PORTUGUESE syntax */ static int vm_browse_messages_pt(struct ast_channel *chan, struct vm_state *vms, struct ast_vm_user *vmu) { int cmd=0; if (vms->lastmsg > -1) { cmd = play_message(chan, vmu, vms); } else { cmd = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-no"); if (!cmd) { snprintf(vms->fn, sizeof(vms->fn), "vm-%s", vms->curbox); cmd = ast_play_and_wait(chan, vms->fn); } if (!cmd) cmd = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-messages"); } return cmd; } static int vm_authenticate(struct ast_channel *chan, char *mailbox, int mailbox_size, struct ast_vm_user *res_vmu, const char *context, const char *prefix, int skipuser, int maxlogins) { int useadsi, valid=0, logretries=0; char password[AST_MAX_EXTENSION]="", *passptr; struct ast_vm_user vmus, *vmu = NULL; /* If ADSI is supported, setup login screen */ adsi_begin(chan, &useadsi); if (!skipuser && useadsi) adsi_login(chan); if (!skipuser && ast_streamfile(chan, "vm-login", chan->language)) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Couldn't stream login file\n"); return -1; } /* Authenticate them and get their mailbox/password */ while (!valid && (logretries < maxlogins)) { /* Prompt for, and read in the username */ if (!skipuser && ast_readstring(chan, mailbox, mailbox_size - 1, 2000, 10000, "#") < 0) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Couldn't read username\n"); return -1; } if (ast_strlen_zero(mailbox)) { if (chan->cid.cid_num) { strncpy(mailbox, chan->cid.cid_num, mailbox_size); } else { if (option_verbose > 2) ast_verbose(VERBOSE_PREFIX_3 "Username not entered\n"); return -1; } } if (useadsi) adsi_password(chan); vmu = find_user(&vmus, context, mailbox); if (vmu && (vmu->password[0] == '\0' || (vmu->password[0] == '-' && vmu->password[1] == '\0'))) { /* saved password is blank, so don't bother asking */ password[0] = '\0'; } else { if (ast_streamfile(chan, "vm-password", chan->language)) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to stream password file\n"); return -1; } if (ast_readstring(chan, password, sizeof(password) - 1, 2000, 10000, "#") < 0) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to read password\n"); return -1; } } if (prefix) { char fullusername[80] = ""; strncpy(fullusername, prefix, sizeof(fullusername) - 1); strncat(fullusername, mailbox, sizeof(fullusername) - 1 - strlen(fullusername)); strncpy(mailbox, fullusername, mailbox_size - 1); } if (vmu) { passptr = vmu->password; if (passptr[0] == '-') passptr++; } if (vmu && !strcmp(passptr, password)) valid++; else { if (option_verbose > 2) ast_verbose( VERBOSE_PREFIX_3 "Incorrect password '%s' for user '%s' (context = %s)\n", password, mailbox, context ? context : ""); if (prefix) strncpy(mailbox, "", mailbox_size -1); } logretries++; if (!valid) { if (skipuser || logretries >= maxlogins) { if (ast_streamfile(chan, "vm-incorrect", chan->language)) break; } else { if (useadsi) adsi_login(chan); if (ast_streamfile(chan, "vm-incorrect-mailbox", chan->language)) break; } ast_waitstream(chan, ""); } } if (!valid && (logretries >= maxlogins)) { ast_stopstream(chan); ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-goodbye"); return -1; } if (!skipuser) { memcpy(res_vmu, vmu, sizeof(struct ast_vm_user)); } return 0; } static int vm_execmain(struct ast_channel *chan, void *data) { /* XXX This is, admittedly, some pretty horrendus code. For some reason it just seemed a lot easier to do with GOTO's. I feel like I'm back in my GWBASIC days. XXX */ int res=-1; int valid = 0; int prefix = 0; int cmd=0; struct localuser *u; char prefixstr[80] =""; char ext_context[256]=""; int box; int useadsi = 0; int skipuser = 0; char tmp[256], *ext; char fmtc[256] = ""; struct vm_state vms; struct ast_vm_user *vmu = NULL, vmus; char *context=NULL; int silentexit = 0; LOCAL_USER_ADD(u); memset(&vms, 0, sizeof(vms)); memset(&vmus, 0, sizeof(vmus)); strncpy(fmtc, vmfmts, sizeof(fmtc) - 1); if (chan->_state != AST_STATE_UP) ast_answer(chan); if (data && !ast_strlen_zero(data)) { strncpy(tmp, data, sizeof(tmp) - 1); ext = tmp; switch (*ext) { case 's': /* We should skip the user's password */ valid++; ext++; break; case 'p': /* We should prefix the mailbox with the supplied data */ prefix++; ext++; break; } context = strchr(ext, '@'); if (context) { *context = '\0'; context++; } if (prefix) strncpy(prefixstr, ext, sizeof(prefixstr) - 1); else strncpy(vms.username, ext, sizeof(vms.username) - 1); if (!ast_strlen_zero(vms.username) && (vmu = find_user(&vmus, context ,vms.username))) skipuser++; else valid = 0; } if (!valid) { res = vm_authenticate(chan, vms.username, sizeof(vms.username), &vmus, context, prefixstr, skipuser, maxlogins); } if (!res) { valid = 1; if (!skipuser) { vmu = &vmus; } } else { res = 0; } /* If ADSI is supported, setup login screen */ adsi_begin(chan, &useadsi); if (valid) { /* Set language from config to override channel language */ if (vmu->language && !ast_strlen_zero(vmu->language)) strncpy(chan->language, vmu->language, sizeof(chan->language)-1); snprintf(vms.curdir, sizeof(vms.curdir), "%s/voicemail/%s", (char *)ast_config_AST_SPOOL_DIR, vmu->context); mkdir(vms.curdir, 0700); snprintf(vms.curdir, sizeof(vms.curdir), "%s/voicemail/%s/%s", (char *)ast_config_AST_SPOOL_DIR, vmu->context, vms.username); mkdir(vms.curdir, 0700); /* Retrieve old and new message counts */ open_mailbox(&vms, vmu, 1); vms.oldmessages = vms.lastmsg + 1; /* Start in INBOX */ open_mailbox(&vms, vmu, 0); vms.newmessages = vms.lastmsg + 1; /* Select proper mailbox FIRST!! */ if (!vms.newmessages && vms.oldmessages) { /* If we only have old messages start here */ open_mailbox(&vms, vmu, 1); } if (useadsi) adsi_status(chan, &vms); res = 0; /* Check to see if this is a new user */ if (!strcasecmp(vmu->mailbox, vmu->password) && (vmu->forcename || vmu->forcegreetings)) { if (ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-newuser") == -1) ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Couldn't stream new user file\n"); cmd = vm_newuser(chan, vmu, &vms, vmfmts); if ((cmd == 't') || (cmd == '#')) { /* Timeout */ res = 0; goto out; } else if (cmd < 0) { /* Hangup */ res = -1; goto out; } } /* Play voicemail intro - syntax is different for different languages */ if (!strcasecmp(chan->language, "de")) { /* GERMAN syntax */ cmd = vm_intro_de(chan, &vms); } else if (!strcasecmp(chan->language, "es")) { /* SPANISH syntax */ cmd = vm_intro_es(chan, &vms); } else if (!strcasecmp(chan->language, "it")) { /* ITALIAN syntax */ cmd = vm_intro_it(chan, &vms); } else if (!strcasecmp(chan->language, "fr")) { /* FRENCH syntax */ cmd = vm_intro_fr(chan, &vms); } else if (!strcasecmp(chan->language, "nl")) { /* DUTCH syntax */ cmd = vm_intro_nl(chan, &vms); } else if (!strcasecmp(chan->language, "pt")) { /* PORTUGUESE syntax */ cmd = vm_intro_pt(chan, &vms); } else if (!strcasecmp(chan->language, "cz")) { /* CZECH syntax */ cmd = vm_intro_cz(chan, &vms); } else { /* Default to ENGLISH */ cmd = vm_intro(chan, &vms); } vms.repeats = 0; vms.starting = 1; while ((cmd > -1) && (cmd != 't') && (cmd != '#')) { /* Run main menu */ switch(cmd) { case '1': vms.curmsg = 0; /* Fall through */ case '5': if (!strcasecmp(chan->language, "es")) { /* SPANISH */ cmd = vm_browse_messages_es(chan, &vms, vmu); } else if (!strcasecmp(chan->language, "it")) { /* ITALIAN */ cmd = vm_browse_messages_it(chan, &vms, vmu); } else if (!strcasecmp(chan->language, "pt")) { /* PORTUGUESE */ cmd = vm_browse_messages_pt(chan, &vms, vmu); } else { /* Default to English syntax */ cmd = vm_browse_messages(chan, &vms, vmu); } break; case '2': /* Change folders */ if (useadsi) adsi_folders(chan, 0, "Change to folder..."); cmd = get_folder2(chan, "vm-changeto", 0); if (cmd == '#') { cmd = 0; } else if (cmd > 0) { cmd = cmd - '0'; close_mailbox(&vms, vmu); open_mailbox(&vms, vmu, cmd); cmd = 0; } if (useadsi) adsi_status2(chan, &vms); if (!strcasecmp(chan->language, "it") || !strcasecmp(chan->language, "es") || !strcasecmp(chan->language, "pt")) { /* ITALIAN or SPANISH or PORTUGUESE */ if (!cmd) cmd = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-messages"); if (!cmd) cmd = ast_play_and_wait(chan, vms.vmbox); } else { /* Default to English syntax */ if (!cmd) cmd = ast_play_and_wait(chan, vms.vmbox); if (!cmd) cmd = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-messages"); } vms.starting = 1; break; case '3': /* Advanced options */ cmd = 0; vms.repeats = 0; while ((cmd > -1) && (cmd != 't') && (cmd != '#')) { switch(cmd) { case '1': /* Reply */ if (vms.lastmsg > -1) cmd = advanced_options(chan, vmu, &vms, vms.curmsg, 1); else cmd = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-sorry"); cmd = 't'; break; case '2': /* Callback */ ast_verbose( VERBOSE_PREFIX_3 "Callback Requested\n"); if (!ast_strlen_zero(vmu->callback) && vms.lastmsg > -1) { cmd = advanced_options(chan, vmu, &vms, vms.curmsg, 2); if (cmd == 9) { silentexit = 1; goto out; } } else cmd = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-sorry"); cmd = 't'; break; case '3': /* Envelope */ if (vms.lastmsg > -1) cmd = advanced_options(chan, vmu, &vms, vms.curmsg, 3); else cmd = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-sorry"); cmd = 't'; break; case '4': /* Dialout */ if (!ast_strlen_zero(vmu->dialout)) { cmd = dialout(chan, vmu, NULL, vmu->dialout); if (cmd == 9) { silentexit = 1; goto out; } } else cmd = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-sorry"); cmd = 't'; break; case '5': /* Leave VoiceMail */ if (vmu->svmail) cmd = forward_message(chan, context, vms.curdir, vms.curmsg, vmu, vmfmts,1); else cmd = ast_play_and_wait(chan,"vm-sorry"); cmd='t'; break; case '*': /* Return to main menu */ cmd = 't'; break; default: cmd = 0; if (!vms.starting) { cmd = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-toreply"); } if (!ast_strlen_zero(vmu->callback) && !vms.starting && !cmd) { cmd = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-tocallback"); } if (!cmd && !vms.starting) { cmd = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-tohearenv"); } if (!ast_strlen_zero(vmu->dialout) && !cmd) { cmd = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-tomakecall"); } if (vmu->svmail&&!cmd) cmd=ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-leavemsg"); if (!cmd) cmd = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-starmain"); if (!cmd) cmd = ast_waitfordigit(chan,6000); if (!cmd) vms.repeats++; if (vms.repeats > 3) cmd = 't'; } } if (cmd == 't') { cmd = 0; vms.repeats = 0; } break; case '4': if (vms.curmsg) { vms.curmsg--; cmd = play_message(chan, vmu, &vms); } else { cmd = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-nomore"); } break; case '6': if (vms.curmsg < vms.lastmsg) { vms.curmsg++; cmd = play_message(chan, vmu, &vms); } else { cmd = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-nomore"); } break; case '7': vms.deleted[vms.curmsg] = !vms.deleted[vms.curmsg]; if (useadsi) adsi_delete(chan, &vms); if (vms.deleted[vms.curmsg]) cmd = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-deleted"); else cmd = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-undeleted"); if (skipaftercmd) { if (vms.curmsg < vms.lastmsg) { vms.curmsg++; cmd = play_message(chan, vmu, &vms); } else { cmd = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-nomore"); } } break; case '8': if (vms.lastmsg > -1) cmd = forward_message(chan, context, vms.curdir, vms.curmsg, vmu, vmfmts,0); else cmd = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-nomore"); break; case '9': if (useadsi) adsi_folders(chan, 1, "Save to folder..."); cmd = get_folder2(chan, "vm-savefolder", 1); box = 0; /* Shut up compiler */ if (cmd == '#') { cmd = 0; break; } else if (cmd > 0) { box = cmd = cmd - '0'; cmd = save_to_folder(vms.curdir, vms.curmsg, vmu->context, vms.username, cmd); vms.deleted[vms.curmsg]=1; } make_file(vms.fn, sizeof(vms.fn), vms.curdir, vms.curmsg); if (useadsi) adsi_message(chan, &vms); if (!cmd) cmd = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-message"); if (!cmd) cmd = say_and_wait(chan, vms.curmsg + 1, chan->language); if (!cmd) cmd = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-savedto"); if (!strcasecmp(chan->language, "it") || !strcasecmp(chan->language, "es") || !strcasecmp(chan->language, "pt")) { /* ITALIAN or SPANISH or PORTUGUESE */ if (!cmd) cmd = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-messages"); if (!cmd) { snprintf(vms.fn, sizeof(vms.fn), "vm-%s", mbox(box)); cmd = ast_play_and_wait(chan, vms.fn); } } else { /* Default to English */ if (!cmd) { snprintf(vms.fn, sizeof(vms.fn), "vm-%s", mbox(box)); cmd = ast_play_and_wait(chan, vms.fn); } if (!cmd) cmd = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-messages"); } if (skipaftercmd) { if (vms.curmsg < vms.lastmsg) { vms.curmsg++; cmd = play_message(chan, vmu, &vms); } else { cmd = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-nomore"); } } break; case '*': if (!vms.starting) { cmd = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-onefor"); if (!strcasecmp(chan->language, "it") || !strcasecmp(chan->language, "es") || !strcasecmp(chan->language, "pt")) { /* Italian or Spanish or Portuguese syntax */ if (!cmd) cmd = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-messages"); if (!cmd) cmd = ast_play_and_wait(chan, vms.vmbox); } else { if (!cmd) cmd = ast_play_and_wait(chan, vms.vmbox); if (!cmd) cmd = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-messages"); } if (!cmd) cmd = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-opts"); if (!cmd) cmd = vm_instructions(chan, &vms, 1); } else cmd = 0; break; case '0': cmd = vm_options(chan, vmu, &vms, vmfmts); if (useadsi) adsi_status(chan, &vms); break; default: /* Nothing */ cmd = vm_instructions(chan, &vms, 0); break; } } if ((cmd == 't') || (cmd == '#')) { /* Timeout */ res = 0; } else { /* Hangup */ res = -1; } } out: if (res > -1) { ast_stopstream(chan); adsi_goodbye(chan); if (valid) { if (silentexit) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-dialout"); else res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-goodbye"); if (res > 0) res = 0; } if (useadsi) adsi_unload_session(chan); } if (vmu) close_mailbox(&vms, vmu); if (valid) { snprintf(ext_context, sizeof(ext_context), "%s@%s", vms.username, vmu->context); manager_event(EVENT_FLAG_CALL, "MessageWaiting", "Mailbox: %s\r\nWaiting: %d\r\n", ext_context, ast_app_has_voicemail(ext_context, NULL)); run_externnotify(chan->context, ext_context); } if (vmu) free_user(vmu); LOCAL_USER_REMOVE(u); return res; } static int vm_exec(struct ast_channel *chan, void *data) { int res=0, silent=0, busy=0, unavail=0; struct localuser *u; char tmp[256], *ext; LOCAL_USER_ADD(u); if (chan->_state != AST_STATE_UP) ast_answer(chan); if (data && !ast_strlen_zero(data)) strncpy(tmp, data, sizeof(tmp) - 1); else { res = ast_app_getdata(chan, "vm-whichbox", tmp, sizeof(tmp) - 1, 0); if (res < 0) return res; if (ast_strlen_zero(tmp)) return 0; } ext = tmp; while (*ext) { if (*ext == 's') { silent = 2; ext++; } else if (*ext == 'b') { busy=1; ext++; } else if (*ext == 'u') { unavail=1; ext++; } else break; } res = leave_voicemail(chan, ext, silent, busy, unavail); LOCAL_USER_REMOVE(u); return res; } static int append_mailbox(char *context, char *mbox, char *data) { /* Assumes lock is already held */ char tmp[256] = ""; char *stringp; char *s; struct ast_vm_user *vmu; strncpy(tmp, data, sizeof(tmp) - 1); vmu = malloc(sizeof(struct ast_vm_user)); if (vmu) { memset(vmu, 0, sizeof(struct ast_vm_user)); strncpy(vmu->context, context, sizeof(vmu->context) - 1); strncpy(vmu->mailbox, mbox, sizeof(vmu->mailbox) - 1); populate_defaults(vmu); stringp = tmp; if ((s = strsep(&stringp, ","))) strncpy(vmu->password, s, sizeof(vmu->password) - 1); if (stringp && (s = strsep(&stringp, ","))) strncpy(vmu->fullname, s, sizeof(vmu->fullname) - 1); if (stringp && (s = strsep(&stringp, ","))) strncpy(vmu->email, s, sizeof(vmu->email) - 1); if (stringp && (s = strsep(&stringp, ","))) strncpy(vmu->pager, s, sizeof(vmu->pager) - 1); if (stringp && (s = strsep(&stringp, ","))) apply_options(vmu, s); vmu->next = NULL; if (usersl) usersl->next = vmu; else users = vmu; usersl = vmu; } return 0; } static int vm_box_exists(struct ast_channel *chan, void *data) { struct localuser *u; struct ast_vm_user svm; char *context, *box; char tmp[256]; if (!data || !strlen(data)) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "MailboxExists requires an argument: (vmbox[@context])\n"); return -1; } else { strncpy(tmp, data, sizeof(tmp) - 1); } LOCAL_USER_ADD(u); box = tmp; while (*box) { if ((*box == 's') || (*box == 'b') || (*box == 'u')) { box++; } else break; } context = strchr(tmp, '@'); if (context) { *context = '\0'; context++; } if (find_user(&svm, context, box)) { if (ast_exists_extension(chan, chan->context, chan->exten, chan->priority + 101, chan->cid.cid_num)) { chan->priority += 100; } else ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "VM box %s@%s exists, but extension %s, priority %d doesn't exist\n", box, context, chan->exten, chan->priority + 101); } LOCAL_USER_REMOVE(u); return 0; } static int vmauthenticate(struct ast_channel *chan, void *data) { struct localuser *u; char *s = data, *user=NULL, *context=NULL, mailbox[AST_MAX_EXTENSION]; struct ast_vm_user vmus; if (s) { s = ast_strdupa(s); if (!s) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Out of memory\n"); return -1; } user = strsep(&s, "@"); context = strsep(&s, ""); } LOCAL_USER_ADD(u); if (!vm_authenticate(chan, mailbox, sizeof(mailbox), &vmus, context, NULL, 0, 3)) { pbx_builtin_setvar_helper(chan, "AUTH_MAILBOX", mailbox); pbx_builtin_setvar_helper(chan, "AUTH_CONTEXT", vmus.context); LOCAL_USER_REMOVE(u); return 0; } else { LOCAL_USER_REMOVE(u); return -1; } } static char show_voicemail_users_help[] = "Usage: show voicemail users [for ]\n" " Lists all mailboxes currently set up\n"; static char show_voicemail_zones_help[] = "Usage: show voicemail zones\n" " Lists zone message formats\n"; static int handle_show_voicemail_users(int fd, int argc, char *argv[]) { struct ast_vm_user *vmu = users; char *output_format = "%-10s %-5s %-25s %-10s %6s\n"; if ((argc < 3) || (argc > 5) || (argc == 4)) return RESULT_SHOWUSAGE; else if ((argc == 5) && strcmp(argv[3],"for")) return RESULT_SHOWUSAGE; if (vmu) { if (argc == 3) ast_cli(fd, output_format, "Context", "Mbox", "User", "Zone", "NewMsg"); else { int count = 0; while (vmu) { if (!strcmp(argv[4],vmu->context)) count++; vmu = vmu->next; } if (count) { vmu = users; ast_cli(fd, output_format, "Context", "Mbox", "User", "Zone", "NewMsg"); } else { ast_cli(fd, "No such voicemail context \"%s\"\n", argv[4]); return RESULT_FAILURE; } } while (vmu) { char dirname[256]; DIR *vmdir; struct dirent *vment; int vmcount = 0; char count[12]; if ((argc == 3) || ((argc == 5) && !strcmp(argv[4],vmu->context))) { make_dir(dirname, 255, vmu->context, vmu->mailbox, "INBOX"); if ((vmdir = opendir(dirname))) { /* No matter what the format of VM, there will always be a .txt file for each message. */ while ((vment = readdir(vmdir))) if (strlen(vment->d_name) > 7 && !strncmp(vment->d_name + 7,".txt",4)) vmcount++; closedir(vmdir); } snprintf(count,sizeof(count),"%d",vmcount); ast_cli(fd, output_format, vmu->context, vmu->mailbox, vmu->fullname, vmu->zonetag, count); } vmu = vmu->next; } } else { ast_cli(fd, "There are no voicemail users currently defined\n"); return RESULT_FAILURE; } return RESULT_SUCCESS; } static int handle_show_voicemail_zones(int fd, int argc, char *argv[]) { struct vm_zone *zone = zones; char *output_format = "%-15s %-20s %-45s\n"; if (argc != 3) return RESULT_SHOWUSAGE; if (zone) { ast_cli(fd, output_format, "Zone", "Timezone", "Message Format"); while (zone) { ast_cli(fd, output_format, zone->name, zone->timezone, zone->msg_format); zone = zone->next; } } else { ast_cli(fd, "There are no voicemail zones currently defined\n"); return RESULT_FAILURE; } return RESULT_SUCCESS; } static char *complete_show_voicemail_users(char *line, char *word, int pos, int state) { int which = 0; struct ast_vm_user *vmu = users; char *context = ""; /* 0 - show; 1 - voicemail; 2 - users; 3 - for; 4 - */ if (pos > 4) return NULL; if (pos == 3) { if (state == 0) return strdup("for"); else return NULL; } while (vmu) { if (!strncasecmp(word, vmu->context, strlen(word))) { if (context && strcmp(context, vmu->context)) { if (++which > state) { return strdup(vmu->context); } context = vmu->context; } } vmu = vmu->next; } return NULL; } static struct ast_cli_entry show_voicemail_users_cli = { { "show", "voicemail", "users", NULL }, handle_show_voicemail_users, "List defined voicemail boxes", show_voicemail_users_help, complete_show_voicemail_users }; static struct ast_cli_entry show_voicemail_zones_cli = { { "show", "voicemail", "zones", NULL }, handle_show_voicemail_zones, "List zone message formats", show_voicemail_zones_help, NULL }; static int load_config(void) { struct ast_vm_user *cur, *l; struct vm_zone *zcur, *zl; struct ast_config *cfg; char *cat; struct ast_variable *var; char *notifystr = NULL; char *astattach; char *astsaycid; char *send_voicemail; char *astcallop; char *astreview; char *astskipcmd; char *asthearenv; char *astsaydurationinfo; char *astsaydurationminfo; char *silencestr; char *astdirfwd; char *thresholdstr; char *fmt; char *astemail; char *astmailcmd = SENDMAIL; char *s,*q,*stringp; char *dialoutcxt = NULL; char *callbackcxt = NULL; char *exitcxt = NULL; char *extpc; int x; int tmpadsi[4]; cfg = ast_load(VOICEMAIL_CONFIG); ast_mutex_lock(&vmlock); cur = users; while (cur) { l = cur; cur = cur->next; l->alloced = 1; free_user(l); } zcur = zones; while (zcur) { zl = zcur; zcur = zcur->next; free_zone(zl); } zones = NULL; zonesl = NULL; users = NULL; usersl = NULL; memset(ext_pass_cmd, 0, sizeof(ext_pass_cmd) - 1); if (cfg) { /* General settings */ /* Attach voice message to mail message ? */ attach_voicemail = 1; if (!(astattach = ast_variable_retrieve(cfg, "general", "attach"))) astattach = "yes"; attach_voicemail = ast_true(astattach); /* Mail command */ strncpy(mailcmd, SENDMAIL, sizeof(mailcmd) - 1); /* Default */ if ((astmailcmd = ast_variable_retrieve(cfg, "general", "mailcmd"))) strncpy(mailcmd, astmailcmd, sizeof(mailcmd) - 1); /* User setting */ maxsilence = 0; if ((silencestr = ast_variable_retrieve(cfg, "general", "maxsilence"))) { maxsilence = atoi(silencestr); if (maxsilence > 0) maxsilence *= 1000; } /* External password changing command */ if ((extpc = ast_variable_retrieve(cfg, "general", "externpass"))) { strncpy(ext_pass_cmd,extpc,sizeof(ext_pass_cmd) - 1); } /* External voicemail notify application */ if ((notifystr = ast_variable_retrieve(cfg, "general", "externnotify"))) { strncpy(externnotify, notifystr, sizeof(externnotify) - 1); ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "found externnotify: %s\n", externnotify); } else { externnotify[0] = '\0'; } /* Silence treshold */ silencethreshold = 256; if ((thresholdstr = ast_variable_retrieve(cfg, "general", "silencethreshold"))) silencethreshold = atoi(thresholdstr); if (!(astemail = ast_variable_retrieve(cfg, "general", "serveremail"))) astemail = ASTERISK_USERNAME; strncpy(serveremail, astemail, sizeof(serveremail) - 1); vmmaxmessage = 0; if ((s = ast_variable_retrieve(cfg, "general", "maxmessage"))) { if (sscanf(s, "%d", &x) == 1) { vmmaxmessage = x; } else { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Invalid max message time length\n"); } } vmminmessage = 0; if ((s = ast_variable_retrieve(cfg, "general", "minmessage"))) { if (sscanf(s, "%d", &x) == 1) { vmminmessage = x; if (maxsilence <= vmminmessage) ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "maxsilence should be less than minmessage or you may get empty messages\n"); } else { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Invalid min message time length\n"); } } fmt = ast_variable_retrieve(cfg, "general", "format"); if (!fmt) fmt = "wav"; strncpy(vmfmts, fmt, sizeof(vmfmts) - 1); skipms = 3000; if ((s = ast_variable_retrieve(cfg, "general", "maxgreet"))) { if (sscanf(s, "%d", &x) == 1) { maxgreet = x; } else { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Invalid max message greeting length\n"); } } if ((s = ast_variable_retrieve(cfg, "general", "skipms"))) { if (sscanf(s, "%d", &x) == 1) { skipms = x; } else { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Invalid skipms value\n"); } } maxlogins = 3; if ((s = ast_variable_retrieve(cfg, "general", "maxlogins"))) { if (sscanf(s, "%d", &x) == 1) { maxlogins = x; } else { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Invalid max failed login attempts\n"); } } /* Force new user to record name ? */ forcenm = 0; if (!(astattach = ast_variable_retrieve(cfg, "general", "forcename"))) astattach = "no"; forcenm = ast_true(astattach); /* Force new user to record greetings ? */ forcegrt = 0; if (!(astattach = ast_variable_retrieve(cfg, "general", "forcegreetings"))) astattach = "no"; forcegrt = ast_true(astattach); if ((s = ast_variable_retrieve(cfg, "general", "cidinternalcontexts"))){ ast_log(LOG_DEBUG,"VM_CID Internal context string: %s\n",s); stringp = ast_strdupa(s); for (x = 0 ; x < MAX_NUM_CID_CONTEXTS ; x++){ if ((stringp)&&(!ast_strlen_zero(stringp))){ q = strsep(&stringp,","); while ((*q == ' ')||(*q == '\t')) /* Eat white space between contexts */ q++; strncpy(cidinternalcontexts[x], q, sizeof(cidinternalcontexts[x]) - 1); ast_log(LOG_DEBUG,"VM_CID Internal context %d: %s\n", x, cidinternalcontexts[x]); } else { cidinternalcontexts[x][0] = '\0'; } } } reviewvm = 0; if (!(astreview = ast_variable_retrieve(cfg, "general", "review"))){ ast_log(LOG_DEBUG,"VM Review Option disabled globally\n"); astreview = "no"; } reviewvm = ast_true(astreview); calloper = 0; if (!(astcallop = ast_variable_retrieve(cfg, "general", "operator"))){ ast_log(LOG_DEBUG,"VM Operator break disabled globally\n"); astcallop = "no"; } calloper = ast_true(astcallop); saycidinfo = 0; if (!(astsaycid = ast_variable_retrieve(cfg, "general", "saycid"))) { ast_log(LOG_DEBUG,"VM CID Info before msg disabled globally\n"); astsaycid = "no"; } saycidinfo = ast_true(astsaycid); svmailinfo =0; if (!(send_voicemail = ast_variable_retrieve(cfg,"general", "sendvoicemail"))){ ast_log(LOG_DEBUG,"Send Voicemail msg disabled globally\n"); send_voicemail = "no"; } svmailinfo=ast_true(send_voicemail); hearenv = 1; if (!(asthearenv = ast_variable_retrieve(cfg, "general", "envelope"))) { ast_log(LOG_DEBUG,"ENVELOPE before msg enabled globally\n"); asthearenv = "yes"; } hearenv = ast_true(asthearenv); saydurationinfo = 0; if (!(astsaydurationinfo = ast_variable_retrieve(cfg, "general", "sayduration"))) { ast_log(LOG_DEBUG,"Duration info before msg enabled globally\n"); astsaydurationinfo = "yes"; } saydurationinfo = ast_true(astsaydurationinfo); saydurationminfo = 2; if ((astsaydurationminfo = ast_variable_retrieve(cfg, "general", "saydurationm"))) { if (sscanf(astsaydurationminfo, "%d", &x) == 1) { saydurationminfo = x; } else { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Invalid min duration for say duration\n"); } } skipaftercmd = 0; if (!(astskipcmd = ast_variable_retrieve(cfg, "general", "nextaftercmd"))) { ast_log(LOG_DEBUG,"We are not going to skip to the next msg after save/delete\n"); astskipcmd = "no"; } skipaftercmd = ast_true(astskipcmd); if ((dialoutcxt = ast_variable_retrieve(cfg, "general", "dialout"))) { strncpy(dialcontext, dialoutcxt, sizeof(dialcontext) - 1); ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "found dialout context: %s\n", dialcontext); } else { dialcontext[0] = '\0'; } if ((callbackcxt = ast_variable_retrieve(cfg, "general", "callback"))) { strncpy(callcontext, callbackcxt, sizeof(callcontext) -1); ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "found callback context: %s\n", callcontext); } else { callcontext[0] = '\0'; } if ((exitcxt = ast_variable_retrieve(cfg, "general", "exitcontext"))) { strncpy(exitcontext, exitcxt, sizeof(exitcontext) - 1); ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "found operator context: %s\n", exitcontext); } else { exitcontext[0] = '\0'; } directory_forward = 0; if (!(astdirfwd = ast_variable_retrieve(cfg, "general", "usedirectory"))) astdirfwd = "no"; directory_forward = ast_true(astdirfwd); cat = ast_category_browse(cfg, NULL); while (cat) { if (strcasecmp(cat, "general")) { var = ast_variable_browse(cfg, cat); if (strcasecmp(cat, "zonemessages")) { /* Process mailboxes in this context */ while (var) { append_mailbox(cat, var->name, var->value); var = var->next; } } else { /* Timezones in this context */ while (var) { struct vm_zone *z; z = malloc(sizeof(struct vm_zone)); if (z != NULL) { char *msg_format, *timezone; msg_format = ast_strdupa(var->value); if (msg_format != NULL) { timezone = strsep(&msg_format, "|"); if (msg_format) { strncpy(z->name, var->name, sizeof(z->name) - 1); strncpy(z->timezone, timezone, sizeof(z->timezone) - 1); strncpy(z->msg_format, msg_format, sizeof(z->msg_format) - 1); z->next = NULL; if (zones) { zonesl->next = z; zonesl = z; } else { zones = z; zonesl = z; } } else { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Invalid timezone definition at line %d\n", var->lineno); free(z); } } else { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Out of memory while reading voicemail config\n"); free(z); return -1; } } else { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Out of memory while reading voicemail config\n"); return -1; } var = var->next; } } } cat = ast_category_browse(cfg, cat); } memset(fromstring,0,sizeof(fromstring)); memset(pagerfromstring,0,sizeof(pagerfromstring)); memset(emailtitle,0,sizeof(emailtitle)); strncpy(charset, "ISO-8859-1", sizeof(charset) - 1); if (emailbody) { free(emailbody); emailbody = NULL; } if (emailsubject) { free(emailsubject); emailsubject = NULL; } if ((s=ast_variable_retrieve(cfg, "general", "pbxskip"))) pbxskip = ast_true(s); if ((s=ast_variable_retrieve(cfg, "general", "fromstring"))) strncpy(fromstring,s,sizeof(fromstring)-1); if ((s=ast_variable_retrieve(cfg, "general", "pagerfromstring"))) strncpy(pagerfromstring,s,sizeof(pagerfromstring)-1); if ((s=ast_variable_retrieve(cfg, "general", "charset"))) strncpy(charset,s,sizeof(charset)-1); if ((s=ast_variable_retrieve(cfg, "general", "adsifdn"))) { sscanf(s, "%2x%2x%2x%2x", &tmpadsi[0], &tmpadsi[1], &tmpadsi[2], &tmpadsi[3]); for (x=0; x<4; x++) { memcpy(&adsifdn[x], &tmpadsi[x], 1); } } if ((s=ast_variable_retrieve(cfg, "general", "adsisec"))) { sscanf(s, "%2x%2x%2x%2x", &tmpadsi[0], &tmpadsi[1], &tmpadsi[2], &tmpadsi[3]); for (x=0; x<4; x++) { memcpy(&adsisec[x], &tmpadsi[x], 1); } } if ((s=ast_variable_retrieve(cfg, "general", "adsiver"))) if (atoi(s)) { adsiver = atoi(s); } if ((s=ast_variable_retrieve(cfg, "general", "emailtitle"))) { ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Keyword 'emailtitle' is DEPRECATED, please use 'emailsubject' instead.\n"); strncpy(emailtitle,s,sizeof(emailtitle)-1); } if ((s=ast_variable_retrieve(cfg, "general", "emailsubject"))) emailsubject = strdup(s); if ((s=ast_variable_retrieve(cfg, "general", "emailbody"))) { char *tmpread, *tmpwrite; emailbody = strdup(s); /* substitute strings \t and \n into the apropriate characters */ tmpread = tmpwrite = emailbody; while ((tmpwrite = strchr(tmpread,'\\'))) { int len = strlen("\n"); switch (tmpwrite[1]) { case 'n': strncpy(tmpwrite+len,tmpwrite+2,strlen(tmpwrite+2)+1); strncpy(tmpwrite,"\n",len); break; case 't': strncpy(tmpwrite+len,tmpwrite+2,strlen(tmpwrite+2)+1); strncpy(tmpwrite,"\t",len); break; default: ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Substitution routine does not support this character: %c\n",tmpwrite[1]); } tmpread = tmpwrite+len; } } ast_destroy(cfg); ast_mutex_unlock(&vmlock); return 0; } else { ast_mutex_unlock(&vmlock); ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Error reading voicemail config\n"); return -1; } } int reload(void) { return(load_config()); } int unload_module(void) { int res; STANDARD_HANGUP_LOCALUSERS; res = ast_unregister_application(app); res |= ast_unregister_application(app2); res |= ast_unregister_application(app3); res |= ast_unregister_application(app4); ast_cli_unregister(&show_voicemail_users_cli); ast_cli_unregister(&show_voicemail_zones_cli); return res; } int load_module(void) { int res; res = ast_register_application(app, vm_exec, synopsis_vm, descrip_vm); res |= ast_register_application(app2, vm_execmain, synopsis_vmain, descrip_vmain); res |= ast_register_application(app3, vm_box_exists, synopsis_vm_box_exists, descrip_vm_box_exists); res |= ast_register_application(app4, vmauthenticate, synopsis_vmauthenticate, descrip_vmauthenticate); if (res) return(res); if ((res=load_config())) { return(res); } ast_cli_register(&show_voicemail_users_cli); ast_cli_register(&show_voicemail_zones_cli); return res; } char *description(void) { return tdesc; } static int dialout(struct ast_channel *chan, struct ast_vm_user *vmu, char *num, char *outgoing_context) { int cmd = 0; char destination[80] = ""; int retries = 0; if (!num) { ast_verbose( VERBOSE_PREFIX_3 "Destination number will be entered manually\n"); while (retries < 3 && cmd != 't') { destination[1] = '\0'; destination[0] = cmd = ast_play_and_wait(chan,"vm-enter-num-to-call"); if (!cmd) destination[0] = cmd = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-then-pound"); if (!cmd) destination[0] = cmd = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-star-cancel"); if (!cmd) { cmd = ast_waitfordigit(chan, 6000); if (cmd) destination[0] = cmd; } if (!cmd) { retries++; } else { if (cmd < 0) return 0; if (cmd == '*') { ast_verbose( VERBOSE_PREFIX_3 "User hit '*' to cancel outgoing call\n"); return 0; } if ((cmd = ast_readstring(chan,destination + strlen(destination),sizeof(destination)-1,6000,10000,"#")) < 0) retries++; else cmd = 't'; } } if (retries >= 3) { return 0; } } else { ast_verbose( VERBOSE_PREFIX_3 "Destination number is CID number '%s'\n", num); strncpy(destination, num, sizeof(destination) -1); } if (!ast_strlen_zero(destination)) { if (destination[strlen(destination) -1 ] == '*') return 0; ast_verbose( VERBOSE_PREFIX_3 "Placing outgoing call to extension '%s' in context '%s' from context '%s'\n", destination, outgoing_context, chan->context); strncpy(chan->exten, destination, sizeof(chan->exten) - 1); strncpy(chan->context, outgoing_context, sizeof(chan->context) - 1); chan->priority = 0; return 9; } return 0; } static int advanced_options(struct ast_channel *chan, struct ast_vm_user *vmu, struct vm_state *vms, int msg, int option) { int res = 0; char filename[256],*origtime, *cid, *context, *name, *num; struct ast_config *msg_cfg; int retries = 0; vms->starting = 0; make_file(vms->fn, sizeof(vms->fn), vms->curdir, msg); /* Retrieve info from VM attribute file */ make_file(vms->fn2, sizeof(vms->fn2), vms->curdir, vms->curmsg); snprintf(filename,sizeof(filename), "%s.txt", vms->fn2); msg_cfg = ast_load(filename); if (!msg_cfg) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "No message attribute file?!! (%s)\n", filename); return 0; } if (!(origtime = ast_variable_retrieve(msg_cfg, "message", "origtime"))) return 0; cid = ast_variable_retrieve(msg_cfg, "message", "callerid"); context = ast_variable_retrieve(msg_cfg, "message", "context"); if (!strncasecmp("macro",context,5)) /* Macro names in contexts are useless for our needs */ context = ast_variable_retrieve(msg_cfg, "message","macrocontext"); if (option == 3) { if (!res) res = play_message_datetime(chan, vmu, origtime, filename); if (!res) res = play_message_callerid(chan, vms, cid, context, 0); } else if (option == 2) { /* Call back */ if (!ast_strlen_zero(cid)) { ast_callerid_parse(cid, &name, &num); while ((res > -1) && (res != 't')) { switch(res) { case '1': if (num) { /* Dial the CID number */ res = dialout(chan, vmu, num, vmu->callback); if (res) return 9; } else { res = '2'; } break; case '2': /* Want to enter a different number, can only do this if there's a dialout context for this user */ if (!ast_strlen_zero(vmu->dialout)) { res = dialout(chan, vmu, NULL, vmu->dialout); if (res) return 9; } else { ast_verbose( VERBOSE_PREFIX_3 "Caller can not specify callback number - no dialout context available\n"); res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-sorry"); } return res; case '*': res = 't'; break; case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': case '0': res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-sorry"); retries++; break; default: if (num) { ast_verbose( VERBOSE_PREFIX_3 "Confirm CID number '%s' is number to use for callback\n", num); res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-num-i-have"); if (!res) res = play_message_callerid(chan, vms, num, vmu->context, 1); if (!res) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-tocallnum"); /* Only prompt for a caller-specified number if there is a dialout context specified */ if (!ast_strlen_zero(vmu->dialout)) { if (!res) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-calldiffnum"); } } else { res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-nonumber"); if (!ast_strlen_zero(vmu->dialout)) { if (!res) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-toenternumber"); } } if (!res) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-star-cancel"); if (!res) res = ast_waitfordigit(chan, 6000); if (!res) retries++; if (retries > 3) res = 't'; break; } if (res == 't') res = 0; else if (res == '*') res = -1; } } } else if (option == 1) { /* Reply */ /* Send reply directly to sender */ if (!ast_strlen_zero(cid)) { ast_callerid_parse(cid, &name, &num); if (!num) { ast_verbose(VERBOSE_PREFIX_3 "No CID number available, no reply sent\n"); if (!res) res = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-nonumber"); return res; } else { if (find_user(NULL, vmu->context, num)) { ast_verbose(VERBOSE_PREFIX_3 "Leaving voicemail for '%s' in context '%s'\n", num, vmu->context); leave_voicemail(chan, num, 1, 0, 1); res = 't'; return res; } else { /* Sender has no mailbox, can't reply */ ast_verbose( VERBOSE_PREFIX_3 "No mailbox number '%s' in context '%s', no reply sent\n", num, vmu->context); ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-nobox"); res = 't'; return res; } } res = 0; } } ast_destroy(msg_cfg); if (!res) { make_file(vms->fn, sizeof(vms->fn), vms->curdir, msg); vms->heard[msg] = 1; res = wait_file(chan, vms, vms->fn); } return res; } static int play_record_review(struct ast_channel *chan, char *playfile, char *recordfile, int maxtime, char *fmt, int outsidecaller, struct ast_vm_user *vmu, int *duration) { /* Record message & let caller review or re-record it, or set options if applicable */ int res = 0; int cmd = 0; int max_attempts = 3; int attempts = 0; int recorded = 0; int message_exists = 0; /* Note that urgent and private are for flagging messages as such in the future */ /* barf if no pointer passed to store duration in */ if (duration == NULL) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Error play_record_review called without duration pointer\n"); return -1; } cmd = '3'; /* Want to start by recording */ while ((cmd >= 0) && (cmd != 't')) { switch (cmd) { case '1': if (!message_exists) { /* In this case, 1 is to record a message */ cmd = '3'; break; } else { /* Otherwise 1 is to save the existing message */ ast_verbose(VERBOSE_PREFIX_3 "Saving message as is\n"); ast_streamfile(chan, "vm-msgsaved", chan->language); ast_waitstream(chan, ""); cmd = 't'; return res; } case '2': /* Review */ ast_verbose(VERBOSE_PREFIX_3 "Reviewing the message\n"); ast_streamfile(chan, recordfile, chan->language); cmd = ast_waitstream(chan, AST_DIGIT_ANY); break; case '3': message_exists = 0; /* Record */ if (recorded == 1) ast_verbose(VERBOSE_PREFIX_3 "Re-recording the message\n"); else ast_verbose(VERBOSE_PREFIX_3 "Recording the message\n"); if (recorded && outsidecaller) { cmd = ast_play_and_wait(chan, INTRO); cmd = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "beep"); } recorded = 1; /* After an attempt has been made to record message, we have to take care of INTRO and beep for incoming messages, but not for greetings */ cmd = ast_play_and_record(chan, playfile, recordfile, maxtime, fmt, duration, silencethreshold, maxsilence); if (cmd == -1) /* User has hung up, no options to give */ return cmd; if (cmd == '0') { break; } else if (cmd == '*') { break; } #if 0 else if (vmu->review && (*duration < 5)) { /* Message is too short */ ast_verbose(VERBOSE_PREFIX_3 "Message too short\n"); cmd = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-tooshort"); cmd = vm_delete(recordfile); break; } else if (vmu->review && (cmd == 2 && *duration < (maxsilence + 3))) { /* Message is all silence */ ast_verbose(VERBOSE_PREFIX_3 "Nothing recorded\n"); cmd = vm_delete(recordfile); cmd = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-nothingrecorded"); if (!cmd) cmd = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-speakup"); break; } #endif else { /* If all is well, a message exists */ message_exists = 1; cmd = 0; } break; case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': case '*': case '#': cmd = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-sorry"); break; #if 0 /* XXX Commented out for the moment because of the dangers of deleting a message while recording (can put the message numbers out of sync) */ case '*': /* Cancel recording, delete message, offer to take another message*/ cmd = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-deleted"); cmd = vm_delete(recordfile); if (outsidecaller) { res = vm_exec(chan, NULL); return res; } else return 1; #endif case '0': if (message_exists || recorded) { ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-deleted"); vm_delete(recordfile); } return cmd; default: /* If the caller is an ouside caller, and the review option is enabled, allow them to review the message, but let the owner of the box review their OGM's */ if (outsidecaller && !vmu->review) return cmd; if (message_exists) { cmd = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-review"); } else { cmd = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-torerecord"); if (!cmd) cmd = ast_waitfordigit(chan, 600); } if (!cmd && outsidecaller && vmu->operator) { cmd = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-reachoper"); if (!cmd) cmd = ast_waitfordigit(chan, 600); } #if 0 if (!cmd) cmd = ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-tocancelmsg"); #endif if (!cmd) cmd = ast_waitfordigit(chan, 6000); if (!cmd) { attempts++; } if (attempts > max_attempts) { cmd = 't'; } } } if (outsidecaller) ast_play_and_wait(chan, "vm-goodbye"); if (cmd == 't') cmd = 0; return cmd; } static int vm_delete(char *file) { char *txt; int txtsize = 0; txtsize = (strlen(file) + 5)*sizeof(char); txt = (char *)alloca(txtsize); /* Sprintf here would safe because we alloca'd exactly the right length, * but trying to eliminate all sprintf's anyhow */ snprintf(txt, txtsize, "%s.txt", file); unlink(txt); return ast_filedelete(file, NULL); } int usecount(void) { int res; STANDARD_USECOUNT(res); return res; } char *key() { return ASTERISK_GPL_KEY; }