/* * Asterisk -- An open source telephony toolkit. * * Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Tilghman Lesher . * * This code is released by the author with no restrictions on usage. * * See http://www.asterisk.org for more information about * the Asterisk project. Please do not directly contact * any of the maintainers of this project for assistance; * the project provides a web site, mailing lists and IRC * channels for your use. * * This program is free software, distributed under the terms of * the GNU General Public License Version 2. See the LICENSE file * at the top of the source tree. */ /*! \file * * \brief Stack applications Gosub, Return, etc. * * \author Tilghman Lesher * * \ingroup applications */ #include "asterisk.h" ASTERISK_FILE_VERSION(__FILE__, "$Revision$") #include "asterisk/pbx.h" #include "asterisk/module.h" #include "asterisk/app.h" #include "asterisk/manager.h" #include "asterisk/channel.h" #include "asterisk/agi.h" static int agi_loaded = 0; static const char *app_gosub = "Gosub"; static const char *app_gosubif = "GosubIf"; static const char *app_return = "Return"; static const char *app_pop = "StackPop"; static const char *gosub_synopsis = "Jump to label, saving return address"; static const char *gosubif_synopsis = "Conditionally jump to label, saving return address"; static const char *return_synopsis = "Return from gosub routine"; static const char *pop_synopsis = "Remove one address from gosub stack"; static const char *gosub_descrip = " Gosub([[context,]exten,]priority[(arg1[,...][,argN])]):\n" "Jumps to the label specified, saving the return address.\n"; static const char *gosubif_descrip = " GosubIf(condition?labeliftrue[(arg1[,...])][:labeliffalse[(arg1[,...])]]):\n" "If the condition is true, then jump to labeliftrue. If false, jumps to\n" "labeliffalse, if specified. In either case, a jump saves the return point\n" "in the dialplan, to be returned to with a Return.\n"; static const char *return_descrip = " Return([return-value]):\n" "Jumps to the last label on the stack, removing it. The return value, if\n" "any, is saved in the channel variable GOSUB_RETVAL.\n"; static const char *pop_descrip = " StackPop():\n" "Removes last label on the stack, discarding it.\n"; static void gosub_free(void *data); static struct ast_datastore_info stack_info = { .type = "GOSUB", .destroy = gosub_free, }; struct gosub_stack_frame { AST_LIST_ENTRY(gosub_stack_frame) entries; /* 100 arguments is all that we support anyway, but this will handle up to 255 */ unsigned char arguments; struct varshead varshead; int priority; char *context; char extension[0]; }; static int frame_set_var(struct ast_channel *chan, struct gosub_stack_frame *frame, const char *var, const char *value) { struct ast_var_t *variables; int found = 0; /* Does this variable already exist? */ AST_LIST_TRAVERSE(&frame->varshead, variables, entries) { if (!strcmp(var, ast_var_name(variables))) { found = 1; break; } } if (!ast_strlen_zero(value)) { if (!found) { variables = ast_var_assign(var, ""); AST_LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&frame->varshead, variables, entries); pbx_builtin_pushvar_helper(chan, var, value); } else pbx_builtin_setvar_helper(chan, var, value); manager_event(EVENT_FLAG_DIALPLAN, "VarSet", "Channel: %s\r\n" "Variable: LOCAL(%s)\r\n" "Value: %s\r\n" "Uniqueid: %s\r\n", chan->name, var, value, chan->uniqueid); } return 0; } static void gosub_release_frame(struct ast_channel *chan, struct gosub_stack_frame *frame) { unsigned char i; char argname[15]; struct ast_var_t *vardata; /* If chan is not defined, then we're calling it as part of gosub_free, * and the channel variables will be deallocated anyway. Otherwise, we're * just releasing a single frame, so we need to clean up the arguments for * that frame, so that we re-expose the variables from the previous frame * that were hidden by this one. */ if (chan) { for (i = 1; i <= frame->arguments && i != 0; i++) { snprintf(argname, sizeof(argname), "ARG%hhd", i); pbx_builtin_setvar_helper(chan, argname, NULL); } } /* Delete local variables */ while ((vardata = AST_LIST_REMOVE_HEAD(&frame->varshead, entries))) { if (chan) pbx_builtin_setvar_helper(chan, ast_var_name(vardata), NULL); ast_var_delete(vardata); } ast_free(frame); } static struct gosub_stack_frame *gosub_allocate_frame(const char *context, const char *extension, int priority, unsigned char arguments) { struct gosub_stack_frame *new = NULL; int len_extension = strlen(extension), len_context = strlen(context); if ((new = ast_calloc(1, sizeof(*new) + 2 + len_extension + len_context))) { AST_LIST_HEAD_INIT_NOLOCK(&new->varshead); strcpy(new->extension, extension); new->context = new->extension + len_extension + 1; strcpy(new->context, context); new->priority = priority; new->arguments = arguments; } return new; } static void gosub_free(void *data) { AST_LIST_HEAD(, gosub_stack_frame) *oldlist = data; struct gosub_stack_frame *oldframe; AST_LIST_LOCK(oldlist); while ((oldframe = AST_LIST_REMOVE_HEAD(oldlist, entries))) { gosub_release_frame(NULL, oldframe); } AST_LIST_UNLOCK(oldlist); AST_LIST_HEAD_DESTROY(oldlist); ast_free(oldlist); } static int pop_exec(struct ast_channel *chan, void *data) { struct ast_datastore *stack_store = ast_channel_datastore_find(chan, &stack_info, NULL); struct gosub_stack_frame *oldframe; AST_LIST_HEAD(, gosub_stack_frame) *oldlist; if (!stack_store) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "%s called with no gosub stack allocated.\n", app_pop); return 0; } oldlist = stack_store->data; AST_LIST_LOCK(oldlist); oldframe = AST_LIST_REMOVE_HEAD(oldlist, entries); AST_LIST_UNLOCK(oldlist); if (oldframe) { gosub_release_frame(chan, oldframe); } else { ast_debug(1, "%s called with an empty gosub stack\n", app_pop); } return 0; } static int return_exec(struct ast_channel *chan, void *data) { struct ast_datastore *stack_store = ast_channel_datastore_find(chan, &stack_info, NULL); struct gosub_stack_frame *oldframe; AST_LIST_HEAD(, gosub_stack_frame) *oldlist; char *retval = data; if (!stack_store) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Return without Gosub: stack is unallocated\n"); return -1; } oldlist = stack_store->data; AST_LIST_LOCK(oldlist); oldframe = AST_LIST_REMOVE_HEAD(oldlist, entries); AST_LIST_UNLOCK(oldlist); if (!oldframe) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Return without Gosub: stack is empty\n"); return -1; } ast_explicit_goto(chan, oldframe->context, oldframe->extension, oldframe->priority); gosub_release_frame(chan, oldframe); /* Set a return value, if any */ pbx_builtin_setvar_helper(chan, "GOSUB_RETVAL", S_OR(retval, "")); return 0; } static int gosub_exec(struct ast_channel *chan, void *data) { struct ast_datastore *stack_store = ast_channel_datastore_find(chan, &stack_info, NULL); AST_LIST_HEAD(, gosub_stack_frame) *oldlist; struct gosub_stack_frame *newframe; char argname[15], *tmp = ast_strdupa(data), *label, *endparen; int i; AST_DECLARE_APP_ARGS(args2, AST_APP_ARG(argval)[100]; ); if (ast_strlen_zero(data)) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "%s requires an argument: %s([[context,]exten,]priority[(arg1[,...][,argN])])\n", app_gosub, app_gosub); return -1; } if (!stack_store) { ast_debug(1, "Channel %s has no datastore, so we're allocating one.\n", chan->name); stack_store = ast_channel_datastore_alloc(&stack_info, NULL); if (!stack_store) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Unable to allocate new datastore. Gosub will fail.\n"); return -1; } oldlist = ast_calloc(1, sizeof(*oldlist)); if (!oldlist) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Unable to allocate datastore list head. Gosub will fail.\n"); ast_channel_datastore_free(stack_store); return -1; } stack_store->data = oldlist; AST_LIST_HEAD_INIT(oldlist); ast_channel_datastore_add(chan, stack_store); } /* Separate the arguments from the label */ /* NOTE: you cannot use ast_app_separate_args for this, because '(' cannot be used as a delimiter. */ label = strsep(&tmp, "("); if (tmp) { endparen = strrchr(tmp, ')'); if (endparen) *endparen = '\0'; else ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Ouch. No closing paren: '%s'?\n", (char *)data); AST_STANDARD_APP_ARGS(args2, tmp); } else args2.argc = 0; /* Create the return address, but don't save it until we know that the Gosub destination exists */ newframe = gosub_allocate_frame(chan->context, chan->exten, chan->priority + 1, args2.argc); if (!newframe) return -1; if (ast_parseable_goto(chan, label)) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Gosub address is invalid: '%s'\n", (char *)data); ast_free(newframe); return -1; } /* Now that we know for certain that we're going to a new location, set our arguments */ for (i = 0; i < args2.argc; i++) { snprintf(argname, sizeof(argname), "ARG%d", i + 1); frame_set_var(chan, newframe, argname, args2.argval[i]); ast_debug(1, "Setting '%s' to '%s'\n", argname, args2.argval[i]); } /* And finally, save our return address */ oldlist = stack_store->data; AST_LIST_LOCK(oldlist); AST_LIST_INSERT_HEAD(oldlist, newframe, entries); AST_LIST_UNLOCK(oldlist); return 0; } static int gosubif_exec(struct ast_channel *chan, void *data) { char *args; int res=0; AST_DECLARE_APP_ARGS(cond, AST_APP_ARG(ition); AST_APP_ARG(labels); ); AST_DECLARE_APP_ARGS(label, AST_APP_ARG(iftrue); AST_APP_ARG(iffalse); ); if (ast_strlen_zero(data)) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "GosubIf requires an argument: GosubIf(cond?label1(args):label2(args)\n"); return 0; } args = ast_strdupa(data); AST_NONSTANDARD_APP_ARGS(cond, args, '?'); if (cond.argc != 2) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "GosubIf requires an argument: GosubIf(cond?label1(args):label2(args)\n"); return 0; } AST_NONSTANDARD_APP_ARGS(label, cond.labels, ':'); if (pbx_checkcondition(cond.ition)) { if (!ast_strlen_zero(label.iftrue)) res = gosub_exec(chan, label.iftrue); } else if (!ast_strlen_zero(label.iffalse)) { res = gosub_exec(chan, label.iffalse); } return res; } static int local_read(struct ast_channel *chan, const char *cmd, char *data, char *buf, size_t len) { struct ast_datastore *stack_store = ast_channel_datastore_find(chan, &stack_info, NULL); AST_LIST_HEAD(, gosub_stack_frame) *oldlist; struct gosub_stack_frame *frame; struct ast_var_t *variables; if (!stack_store) return -1; oldlist = stack_store->data; AST_LIST_LOCK(oldlist); frame = AST_LIST_FIRST(oldlist); AST_LIST_TRAVERSE(&frame->varshead, variables, entries) { if (!strcmp(data, ast_var_name(variables))) { const char *tmp = pbx_builtin_getvar_helper(chan, data); ast_copy_string(buf, S_OR(tmp, ""), len); break; } } AST_LIST_UNLOCK(oldlist); return 0; } static int local_write(struct ast_channel *chan, const char *cmd, char *var, const char *value) { struct ast_datastore *stack_store = ast_channel_datastore_find(chan, &stack_info, NULL); AST_LIST_HEAD(, gosub_stack_frame) *oldlist; struct gosub_stack_frame *frame; if (!stack_store) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Tried to set LOCAL(%s), but we aren't within a Gosub routine\n", var); return -1; } oldlist = stack_store->data; AST_LIST_LOCK(oldlist); frame = AST_LIST_FIRST(oldlist); if (frame) frame_set_var(chan, frame, var, value); AST_LIST_UNLOCK(oldlist); return 0; } static struct ast_custom_function local_function = { .name = "LOCAL", .synopsis = "Variables local to the gosub stack frame", .syntax = "LOCAL()", .write = local_write, .read = local_read, }; static int handle_gosub(struct ast_channel *chan, AGI *agi, int argc, char **argv) { int old_priority, priority; char old_context[AST_MAX_CONTEXT], old_extension[AST_MAX_EXTENSION]; struct ast_app *theapp; char *gosub_args; if (argc < 4 || argc > 5) { return RESULT_SHOWUSAGE; } ast_debug(1, "Gosub called with %d arguments: 0:%s 1:%s 2:%s 3:%s 4:%s\n", argc, argv[0], argv[1], argv[2], argv[3], argc == 5 ? argv[4] : ""); if (sscanf(argv[3], "%d", &priority) != 1 || priority < 1) { /* Lookup the priority label */ if ((priority = ast_findlabel_extension(chan, argv[1], argv[2], argv[3], chan->cid.cid_num)) < 0) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Priority '%s' not found in '%s@%s'\n", argv[3], argv[2], argv[1]); ast_agi_fdprintf(chan, agi->fd, "200 result=-1 Gosub label not found\n"); return RESULT_FAILURE; } } else if (!ast_exists_extension(chan, argv[1], argv[2], priority, chan->cid.cid_num)) { ast_agi_fdprintf(chan, agi->fd, "200 result=-1 Gosub label not found\n"); return RESULT_FAILURE; } /* Save previous location, since we're going to change it */ ast_copy_string(old_context, chan->context, sizeof(old_context)); ast_copy_string(old_extension, chan->exten, sizeof(old_extension)); old_priority = chan->priority; if (!(theapp = pbx_findapp("Gosub"))) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Gosub() cannot be found in the list of loaded applications\n"); ast_agi_fdprintf(chan, agi->fd, "503 result=-2 Gosub is not loaded\n"); return RESULT_FAILURE; } /* Apparently, if you run ast_pbx_run on a channel that already has a pbx * structure, you need to add 1 to the priority to get it to go to the * right place. But if it doesn't have a pbx structure, then leaving off * the 1 is the right thing to do. See how this code differs when we * call a Gosub for the CALLEE channel in Dial or Queue. */ if (argc == 5) { asprintf(&gosub_args, "%s,%s,%d(%s)", argv[1], argv[2], priority + 1, argv[4]); } else { asprintf(&gosub_args, "%s,%s,%d", argv[1], argv[2], priority + 1); } if (gosub_args) { int res; ast_debug(1, "Trying gosub with arguments '%s'\n", gosub_args); ast_copy_string(chan->context, "app_stack_gosub_virtual_context", sizeof(chan->context)); ast_copy_string(chan->exten, "s", sizeof(chan->exten)); chan->priority = 0; if ((res = pbx_exec(chan, theapp, gosub_args)) == 0) { struct ast_pbx *pbx = chan->pbx; /* Suppress warning about PBX already existing */ chan->pbx = NULL; ast_agi_fdprintf(chan, agi->fd, "100 result=0 Trying...\n"); ast_pbx_run(chan); ast_agi_fdprintf(chan, agi->fd, "200 result=0 Gosub complete\n"); if (chan->pbx) { ast_free(chan->pbx); } chan->pbx = pbx; } else { ast_agi_fdprintf(chan, agi->fd, "200 result=%d Gosub failed\n", res); } ast_free(gosub_args); } else { ast_agi_fdprintf(chan, agi->fd, "503 result=-2 Memory allocation failure\n"); return RESULT_FAILURE; } /* Restore previous location */ ast_copy_string(chan->context, old_context, sizeof(chan->context)); ast_copy_string(chan->exten, old_extension, sizeof(chan->exten)); chan->priority = old_priority; return RESULT_SUCCESS; } static char usage_gosub[] = " Usage: GOSUB []\n" " Cause the channel to execute the specified dialplan subroutine, returning\n" " to the dialplan with execution of a Return()\n"; struct agi_command gosub_agi_command = { { "gosub", NULL }, handle_gosub, "Execute a dialplan subroutine", usage_gosub , 0 }; static int unload_module(void) { struct ast_context *con; if (agi_loaded) { ast_agi_unregister(ast_module_info->self, &gosub_agi_command); if ((con = ast_context_find("app_stack_gosub_virtual_context"))) { ast_context_remove_extension2(con, "s", 1, NULL); ast_context_destroy(con, "app_stack"); /* leave nothing behind */ } } ast_unregister_application(app_return); ast_unregister_application(app_pop); ast_unregister_application(app_gosubif); ast_unregister_application(app_gosub); ast_custom_function_unregister(&local_function); return 0; } static int load_module(void) { struct ast_context *con; if (!ast_module_check("res_agi.so")) { if (ast_load_resource("res_agi.so") == AST_MODULE_LOAD_SUCCESS) { agi_loaded = 1; } } else { agi_loaded = 1; } if (agi_loaded) { con = ast_context_find_or_create(NULL, "app_stack_gosub_virtual_context", "app_stack"); if (!con) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Virtual context 'app_stack_gosub_virtual_context' does not exist and unable to create\n"); return AST_MODULE_LOAD_DECLINE; } else { ast_add_extension2(con, 1, "s", 1, NULL, NULL, "KeepAlive", ast_strdup(""), ast_free_ptr, "app_stack"); } ast_agi_register(ast_module_info->self, &gosub_agi_command); } ast_register_application(app_pop, pop_exec, pop_synopsis, pop_descrip); ast_register_application(app_return, return_exec, return_synopsis, return_descrip); ast_register_application(app_gosubif, gosubif_exec, gosubif_synopsis, gosubif_descrip); ast_register_application(app_gosub, gosub_exec, gosub_synopsis, gosub_descrip); ast_custom_function_register(&local_function); return 0; } AST_MODULE_INFO_STANDARD(ASTERISK_GPL_KEY, "Dialplan subroutines (Gosub, Return, etc)");