/** @file app_rpt.c * * Asterisk -- A telephony toolkit for Linux. * * Radio Repeater / Remote Base program * version 0.20 01/14/05 * * See http://www.zapatatelephony.org/app_rpt.html * * Copyright (C) 2002-2004, Jim Dixon, WB6NIL * * Jim Dixon, WB6NIL * Serious contributions by Steve RoDgers, WA6ZFT * * This program is free software, distributed under the terms of * the GNU General Public License * * Repeater / Remote Functions: * "Simple" Mode: * - autopatch access, # - autopatch hangup * Normal mode: * See the function list in rpt.conf * * To send an asterisk (*) while dialing or talking on phone, * use the autopatch acess code. * * * status cmds: * * 1 - Force ID * 2 - Give Time of Day * 3 - Give software Version * * cop (control operator) cmds: * * 1 - System warm boot * 2 - System enable * 3 - System disable * * ilink cmds: * * 1 - Disconnect specified link * 2 - Connect specified link -- monitor only * 3 - Connect specified link -- tranceive * 4 - Enter command mode on specified link * 5 - System status * 6 - Disconnect all links * * remote cmds: * * 0 - Recall Memory MM (*000-*099) (Gets memory from rpt.conf) * 1 - Set VFO MMMMM*KKK*O (Mhz digits, Khz digits, Offset) * 2 - Set Rx PL Tone HHH*D* * 3 - Set Tx PL Tone HHH*D* (Not currently implemented with DHE RBI-1) * 5 - Link Status * 100 - RX PL off (Default) * 101 - RX PL On * 102 - TX PL Off (Default) * 103 - TX PL On * 104 - Low Power * 105 - Med Power * 106 - Hi Power * * */ /* The following is JUST GROSS!! There is some soft of underlying problem, probably in channel_iax2.c, that causes an IAX2 connection to sometimes stop transmitting randomly. We have been working for weeks to try to locate it and fix it, but to no avail We finally decided to put our tail between our legs, and just make the radio system re-connect upon network failure. This just shouldnt have to be done. For normal operation, comment-out the following line */ #define RECONNECT_KLUDGE /* maximum digits in DTMF buffer, and seconds after * for DTMF command timeout */ #define MAXDTMF 32 #define DTMF_TIMEOUT 3 #define DISC_TIME 10000 /* report disc after 10 seconds of no connect */ #define MAX_RETRIES 5 #define RETRY_TIMER_MS 5000 #define MAXREMSTR 15 #define NODES "nodes" #define MEMORY "memory" #define FUNCTIONS "functions" #define TELEMETRY "telemetry" #define MORSE "morse" #define FUNCCHAR '*' #define ENDCHAR '#' #define DEFAULT_IOBASE 0x378 #define MAXCONNECTTIME 5000 #define MAXNODESTR 300 #define ACTIONSIZE 32 #define TELEPARAMSIZE 32 enum {REM_OFF,REM_MONITOR,REM_TX}; enum{ID,PROC,TERM,COMPLETE,UNKEY,REMDISC,REMALREADY,REMNOTFOUND,REMGO, CONNECTED,CONNFAIL,STATUS,TIMEOUT,ID1, STATS_TIME, STATS_VERSION, IDTALKOVER, ARB_ALPHA}; enum {REM_SIMPLEX,REM_MINUS,REM_PLUS}; enum {REM_LOWPWR,REM_MEDPWR,REM_HIPWR}; enum {DC_INDETERMINATE, DC_REQ_FLUSH, DC_ERROR, DC_COMPLETE}; enum {SOURCE_RPT, SOURCE_LNK, SOURCE_RMT}; enum {DLY_TELEM, DLY_ID, DLY_UNKEY, DLY_CALLTERM}; #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static char *tdesc = "Radio Repeater / Remote Base version 0.20 01/14/2005"; static char *app = "Rpt"; static char *synopsis = "Radio Repeater/Remote Base Control System"; static char *descrip = " Rpt(sysname): Radio Remote Link or Remote Base Link Endpoint Process.\n"; static int debug = 0; /* Set this >0 for extra debug output */ static int nrpts = 0; char *discstr = "!!DISCONNECT!!"; struct ast_config *cfg; STANDARD_LOCAL_USER; LOCAL_USER_DECL; #define MSWAIT 200 #define HANGTIME 5000 #define TOTIME 180000 #define IDTIME 300000 #define MAXRPTS 20 #define POLITEID 30000 #define FUNCTDELAY 1500 static pthread_t rpt_master_thread; struct rpt; struct rpt_link { struct rpt_link *next; struct rpt_link *prev; char mode; /* 1 if in tx mode */ char isremote; char name[MAXNODESTR]; /* identifier (routing) string */ char lasttx; char lastrx; char connected; char outbound; char disced; long elaptime; long disctime; long retrytimer; int retries; struct ast_channel *chan; struct ast_channel *pchan; } ; struct rpt_tele { struct rpt_tele *next; struct rpt_tele *prev; struct rpt *rpt; struct ast_channel *chan; int mode; struct rpt_link mylink; char param[TELEPARAMSIZE]; pthread_t threadid; } ; struct function_table_tag { char action[ACTIONSIZE]; int (*function)(struct rpt *myrpt, char *param, char *digitbuf, int command_source); } ; /* Used to store the morse code patterns */ struct morse_bits { int len; int ddcomb; } ; struct telem_defaults { char name[20]; char value[80]; } ; static struct rpt { char *name; ast_mutex_t lock; char *rxchanname; char *txchanname; char *ourcontext; char *ourcallerid; char *acctcode; char *ident; char *tonezone; char *functions; char *link_functions; struct rpt_link links; int hangtime; int totime; int idtime; char exttx; char localtx; char remoterx; char remotetx; char remoteon; char simple; char *remote; char tounkeyed; char tonotify; char enable; char dtmfbuf[MAXDTMF]; char rem_dtmfbuf[MAXDTMF]; char cmdnode[50]; struct ast_channel *rxchannel,*txchannel; struct ast_channel *pchannel,*txpchannel, *remchannel; struct rpt_tele tele; pthread_t rpt_call_thread,rpt_thread; time_t rem_dtmf_time,dtmf_time_rem; int tailtimer,totimer,idtimer,txconf,conf,callmode,cidx; int mustid; int politeid; int dtmfidx,rem_dtmfidx; char mydtmf; int iobase; char exten[AST_MAX_EXTENSION]; char freq[MAXREMSTR],rxpl[MAXREMSTR],txpl[MAXREMSTR]; char offset; char powerlevel; char txplon; char rxplon; char funcchar; char endchar; int link_longestfunc; int longestfunc; int longestnode; } rpt_vars[MAXRPTS]; static struct telem_defaults tele_defs[] = { {"ct1","|t(350,0,100,3072)(500,0,100,3072)(660,0,100,3072)"}, {"ct2","|t(660,880,150,3072)"}, {"ct3","|t(440,0,150,3072)"}, {"ct4","|t(550,0,150,3072)"}, {"ct5","|t(660,0,150,3072)"}, {"ct6","|t(880,0,150,3072)"}, {"ct7","|t(660,440,150,3072)"}, {"ct8","|t(700,1100,150,3072)"}, {"remotemon","|t(1600,0,75,2048)"}, {"remotetx","|t(2000,0,75,2048)(0,0,75,0)(1600,0,75,2048)"}, {"cmdmode","|t(900,904,200,2048)"}, {"functcomplete","|t(1000,0,100,2048)(0,0,100,0)(1000,0,100,2048)"} } ; /* * Forward decl's - these suppress compiler warnings when funcs coded further down the file than thier invokation */ static int setrbi(struct rpt *myrpt); /* * Define function protos for function table here */ static int function_ilink(struct rpt *myrpt, char *param, char *digitbuf, int command_source); static int function_autopatchup(struct rpt *myrpt, char *param, char *digitbuf, int command_source); static int function_autopatchdn(struct rpt *myrpt, char *param, char *digitbuf, int command_source); static int function_status(struct rpt *myrpt, char *param, char *digitbuf, int command_source); static int function_cop(struct rpt *myrpt, char *param, char *digitbuf, int command_source); static int function_remote(struct rpt *myrpt, char *param, char *digitbuf, int command_source); /* * Function table */ static struct function_table_tag function_table[] = { {"cop", function_cop}, {"autopatchup", function_autopatchup}, {"autopatchdn", function_autopatchdn}, {"ilink", function_ilink}, {"status", function_status}, {"remote", function_remote} } ; static int myatoi(char *str) { int ret; if (str == NULL) return -1; if (sscanf(str,"%i",&ret) != 1) return -1; return ret; } static int play_tone_pair(struct ast_channel *chan, int f1, int f2, int duration, int amplitude) { int flags = ZT_IOMUX_WRITEEMPTY; int res; if ((res = ast_tonepair_start(chan, f1, f2, duration, amplitude))) return res; while(chan->generatordata) { if (ast_safe_sleep(chan,1)) return -1; } /* * Wait for the zaptel driver to physically write the tone blocks to the hardware */ res = ioctl(chan->fds[0], ZT_IOMUX, &flags); if (res < 0) return -1; return 0; } static int play_tone(struct ast_channel *chan, int freq, int duration, int amplitude) { return play_tone_pair(chan, freq, 0, duration, amplitude); } static int play_silence(struct ast_channel *chan, int duration) { return play_tone_pair(chan, 0, 0, duration, 0); } static int send_morse(struct ast_channel *chan, char *string, int speed, int freq, int amplitude) { static struct morse_bits mbits[] = { {0, 0}, /* SPACE */ {0, 0}, {6, 18},/* " */ {0, 0}, {7, 72},/* $ */ {0, 0}, {0, 0}, {6, 30},/* ' */ {5, 13},/* ( */ {6, 29},/* ) */ {0, 0}, {5, 10},/* + */ {6, 51},/* , */ {6, 33},/* - */ {6, 42},/* . */ {5, 9}, /* / */ {5, 31},/* 0 */ {5, 30},/* 1 */ {5, 28},/* 2 */ {5, 24},/* 3 */ {5, 16},/* 4 */ {5, 0}, /* 5 */ {5, 1}, /* 6 */ {5, 3}, /* 7 */ {5, 7}, /* 8 */ {5, 15},/* 9 */ {6, 7}, /* : */ {6, 21},/* ; */ {0, 0}, {5, 33},/* = */ {0, 0}, {6, 12},/* ? */ {0, 0}, {2, 2}, /* A */ {4, 1}, /* B */ {4, 5}, /* C */ {3, 1}, /* D */ {1, 0}, /* E */ {4, 4}, /* F */ {3, 3}, /* G */ {4, 0}, /* H */ {2, 0}, /* I */ {4, 14},/* J */ {3, 5}, /* K */ {4, 2}, /* L */ {2, 3}, /* M */ {2, 1}, /* N */ {3, 7}, /* O */ {4, 6}, /* P */ {4, 11},/* Q */ {3, 2}, /* R */ {3, 0}, /* S */ {1, 1}, /* T */ {3, 4}, /* U */ {4, 8}, /* V */ {3, 6}, /* W */ {4, 9}, /* X */ {4, 13},/* Y */ {4, 3} /* Z */ }; int dottime; int dashtime; int intralettertime; int interlettertime; int interwordtime; int len, ddcomb; int res; int c; res = 0; /* Approximate the dot time from the speed arg. */ dottime = 900/speed; /* Establish timing releationships */ dashtime = 3 * dottime; intralettertime = dottime; interlettertime = dottime * 4 ; interwordtime = dottime * 7; for(;(*string) && (!res); string++){ c = *string; /* Convert lower case to upper case */ if((c >= 'a') && (c <= 'z')) c -= 0x20; /* Can't deal with any char code greater than Z, skip it */ if(c > 'Z') continue; /* If space char, wait the inter word time */ if(c == ' '){ if(!res) res = play_silence(chan, interwordtime); continue; } /* Subtract out control char offset to match our table */ c -= 0x20; /* Get the character data */ len = mbits[c].len; ddcomb = mbits[c].ddcomb; /* Send the character */ for(; len ; len--){ if(!res) res = play_tone(chan, freq, (ddcomb & 1) ? dashtime : dottime, amplitude); if(!res) res = play_silence(chan, intralettertime); ddcomb >>= 1; } /* Wait the interletter time */ if(!res) res = play_silence(chan, interlettertime - intralettertime); } /* Wait for all the frames to be sent */ if (!res) res = ast_waitstream(chan, ""); ast_stopstream(chan); return res; } static int send_tone_telemetry(struct ast_channel *chan, char *tonestring) { char *stringp; char *tonesubset; int f1,f2; int duration; int amplitude; int res; res = 0; stringp = ast_strdupa(tonestring); for(;tonestring;){ tonesubset = strsep(&stringp,")"); if(!tonesubset) break; if(sscanf(tonesubset,"(%d,%d,%d,%d", &f1, &f2, &duration, &litude) != 4) break; res = play_tone_pair(chan, f1, f2, duration, amplitude); if(res) break; } if(!res) res = play_tone_pair(chan, 0, 0, 100, 0); /* This is needed to ensure the last tone segment is timed correctly */ if (!res) res = ast_waitstream(chan, ""); ast_stopstream(chan); return res; } static int sayfile(struct ast_channel *mychannel,char *fname) { int res; res = ast_streamfile(mychannel, fname, mychannel->language); if (!res) res = ast_waitstream(mychannel, ""); else ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "ast_streamfile failed on %s\n", mychannel->name); ast_stopstream(mychannel); return res; } static int saycharstr(struct ast_channel *mychannel,char *str) { int res; res = ast_say_character_str(mychannel,str,NULL,mychannel->language); if (!res) res = ast_waitstream(mychannel, ""); else ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "ast_streamfile failed on %s\n", mychannel->name); ast_stopstream(mychannel); return res; } /* Retrieve an int from a config file */ static int retrieve_astcfgint(char *category, char *name, int min, int max, int defl) { char *var; int ret; var = ast_variable_retrieve(cfg, category, name); if(var){ ret = myatoi(var); if(ret < min) ret = min; if(ret > max) ret = max; } else ret = defl; return ret; } static int telem_any(struct ast_channel *chan, char *entry) { int res; char c; static int morsespeed; static int morsefreq; static int morseampl; static int morseidfreq = 0; static int morseidampl; static char mcat[] = MORSE; res = 0; if(!morseidfreq){ /* Get the morse parameters if not already loaded */ morsespeed = retrieve_astcfgint( mcat, "speed", 5, 20, 20); morsefreq = retrieve_astcfgint( mcat, "frequency", 300, 3000, 800); morseampl = retrieve_astcfgint( mcat, "amplitude", 200, 8192, 4096); morseidampl = retrieve_astcfgint( mcat, "idamplitude", 200, 8192, 2048); morseidfreq = retrieve_astcfgint( mcat, "idfrequency", 300, 3000, 330); } /* Is it a file, or a tone sequence? */ if(entry[0] == '|'){ c = entry[1]; if((c >= 'a')&&(c <= 'z')) c -= 0x20; switch(c){ case 'I': /* Morse ID */ res = send_morse(chan, entry + 2, morsespeed, morseidfreq, morseidampl); break; case 'M': /* Morse Message */ res = send_morse(chan, entry + 2, morsespeed, morsefreq, morseampl); break; case 'T': /* Tone sequence */ res = send_tone_telemetry(chan, entry + 2); break; default: res = -1; } } else res = sayfile(chan, entry); /* File */ return res; } /* * This function looks up a telemetry name in the config file, and does a telemetry response as configured. * * 4 types of telemtry are handled: Morse ID, Morse Message, Tone Sequence, and a File containing a recording. */ static int telem_lookup(struct ast_channel *chan, char *node, char *name) { int res; int i; char *entry; char *telemetry; char *telemetry_save; res = 0; telemetry_save = NULL; entry = NULL; /* Retrieve the section name for telemetry from the node section */ telemetry = ast_variable_retrieve(cfg, node, TELEMETRY); if(telemetry){ telemetry_save = ast_strdupa(telemetry); if(!telemetry_save){ ast_log(LOG_WARNING,"ast_strdupa() failed in telem_lookup()\n"); return res; } entry = ast_variable_retrieve(cfg, telemetry_save, name); } /* Try to look up the telemetry name */ if(!entry){ /* Telemetry name wasn't found in the config file, use the default */ for(i = 0; i < sizeof(tele_defs)/sizeof(struct telem_defaults) ; i++){ if(!strcasecmp(tele_defs[i].name, name)) entry = tele_defs[i].value; } } if(entry) telem_any(chan, entry); else{ ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Telemetry name not found: %s\n", name); res = -1; } return res; } /* * Wait a configurable interval of time */ static void wait_interval(struct rpt *myrpt, int type, struct ast_channel *chan) { int interval; char *wait_times; char *wait_times_save; wait_times_save = NULL; wait_times = ast_variable_retrieve(cfg, myrpt->name, "wait_times"); if(wait_times){ wait_times_save = ast_strdupa(wait_times); if(!wait_times_save){ ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Out of memory in wait_interval()\n"); wait_times = NULL; } } switch(type){ case DLY_TELEM: if(wait_times) interval = retrieve_astcfgint(wait_times_save, "telemwait", 500, 5000, 1000); else interval = 1000; break; case DLY_ID: if(wait_times) interval = retrieve_astcfgint(wait_times_save, "idwait",250,5000,500); else interval = 500; break; case DLY_UNKEY: if(wait_times) interval = retrieve_astcfgint(wait_times_save, "unkeywait",500,5000,1000); else interval = 1000; break; case DLY_CALLTERM: if(wait_times) interval = retrieve_astcfgint(wait_times_save, "calltermwait",500,5000,1500); else interval = 1500; break; default: return; } ast_safe_sleep(chan,interval); return; } static void *rpt_tele_thread(void *this) { ZT_CONFINFO ci; /* conference info */ int res = 0,hastx,imdone = 0, unkeys_queued; struct rpt_tele *mytele = (struct rpt_tele *)this; struct rpt_tele *tlist; struct rpt *myrpt; struct rpt_link *l,*m,linkbase; struct ast_channel *mychannel; int vmajor, vminor; char *p,*ct,*ct_copy,*ident, *nodename; time_t t; struct tm localtm; /* get a pointer to myrpt */ myrpt = mytele->rpt; /* Snag copies of a few key myrpt variables */ ast_mutex_lock(&myrpt->lock); nodename = ast_strdupa(myrpt->name); ident = ast_strdupa(myrpt->ident); ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); /* allocate a pseudo-channel thru asterisk */ mychannel = ast_request("zap",AST_FORMAT_SLINEAR,"pseudo",NULL); if (!mychannel) { fprintf(stderr,"rpt:Sorry unable to obtain pseudo channel\n"); remque((struct qelem *)mytele); ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); free(mytele); pthread_exit(NULL); } ast_mutex_lock(&myrpt->lock); mytele->chan = mychannel; /* Save a copy of the channel so we can access it externally if need be */ ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); /* make a conference for the tx */ ci.chan = 0; /* If there's an ID queued, only connect the ID audio to the local tx conference so linked systems can't hear it */ ci.confno = (((mytele->mode == ID) || (mytele->mode == IDTALKOVER) || (mytele->mode == UNKEY)) ? myrpt->txconf : myrpt->conf); ci.confmode = ZT_CONF_CONFANN; /* first put the channel on the conference in announce mode */ if (ioctl(mychannel->fds[0],ZT_SETCONF,&ci) == -1) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to set conference mode to Announce\n"); ast_mutex_lock(&myrpt->lock); remque((struct qelem *)mytele); ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); free(mytele); ast_hangup(mychannel); pthread_exit(NULL); } ast_stopstream(mychannel); switch(mytele->mode) { case ID: case ID1: /* wait a bit */ wait_interval(myrpt, (mytele->mode == ID) ? DLY_ID : DLY_TELEM,mychannel); res = telem_any(mychannel, ident); imdone=1; break; case IDTALKOVER: p = ast_variable_retrieve(cfg, nodename, "idtalkover"); if(p) res = telem_any(mychannel, p); imdone=1; break; case PROC: /* wait a little bit longer */ wait_interval(myrpt, DLY_TELEM, mychannel); res = ast_streamfile(mychannel, "rpt/callproceeding", mychannel->language); break; case TERM: /* wait a little bit longer */ wait_interval(myrpt, DLY_CALLTERM, mychannel); res = ast_streamfile(mychannel, "rpt/callterminated", mychannel->language); break; case COMPLETE: /* wait a little bit */ wait_interval(myrpt, DLY_TELEM, mychannel); res = telem_lookup(mychannel, myrpt->name, "functcomplete"); break; case UNKEY: /* * if there's one already queued, don't do another */ tlist = myrpt->tele.next; unkeys_queued = 0; if (tlist != &myrpt->tele) { ast_mutex_lock(&myrpt->lock); while(tlist != &myrpt->tele){ if (tlist->mode == UNKEY) unkeys_queued++; tlist = tlist->next; } ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); } if( unkeys_queued > 1){ imdone = 1; break; } /* wait a little bit */ wait_interval(myrpt, DLY_UNKEY, mychannel); hastx = 0; l = myrpt->links.next; if (l != &myrpt->links) { ast_mutex_lock(&myrpt->lock); while(l != &myrpt->links) { if (l->mode) hastx++; l = l->next; } ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); res = telem_lookup(mychannel, myrpt->name, (!hastx) ? "remotemon" : "remotetx"); if(res) ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "telem_lookup:remotexx failed on %s\n", mychannel->name); /* if in remote cmd mode, indicate it */ if (myrpt->cmdnode[0]) { ast_safe_sleep(mychannel,200); res = telem_lookup(mychannel, myrpt->name, "cmdmode"); if(res) ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "telem_lookup:cmdmode failed on %s\n", mychannel->name); ast_stopstream(mychannel); } } else if((ct = ast_variable_retrieve(cfg, nodename, "unlinkedct"))){ /* Unlinked Courtesy Tone */ ct_copy = ast_strdupa(ct); res = telem_lookup(mychannel, myrpt->name, ct_copy); if(res) ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "telem_lookup:ctx failed on %s\n", mychannel->name); } imdone = 1; break; case REMDISC: /* wait a little bit */ wait_interval(myrpt, DLY_TELEM, mychannel); res = ast_streamfile(mychannel, "rpt/node", mychannel->language); if (!res) res = ast_waitstream(mychannel, ""); else ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "ast_streamfile failed on %s\n", mychannel->name); ast_stopstream(mychannel); ast_say_character_str(mychannel,mytele->mylink.name,NULL,mychannel->language); res = ast_streamfile(mychannel, ((mytele->mylink.connected) ? "rpt/remote_disc" : "rpt/remote_busy"), mychannel->language); break; case REMALREADY: /* wait a little bit */ wait_interval(myrpt, DLY_TELEM, mychannel); res = ast_streamfile(mychannel, "rpt/remote_already", mychannel->language); break; case REMNOTFOUND: /* wait a little bit */ wait_interval(myrpt, DLY_TELEM, mychannel); res = ast_streamfile(mychannel, "rpt/remote_notfound", mychannel->language); break; case REMGO: /* wait a little bit */ wait_interval(myrpt, DLY_TELEM, mychannel); res = ast_streamfile(mychannel, "rpt/remote_go", mychannel->language); break; case CONNECTED: /* wait a little bit */ wait_interval(myrpt, DLY_TELEM, mychannel); res = ast_streamfile(mychannel, "rpt/node", mychannel->language); if (!res) res = ast_waitstream(mychannel, ""); else ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "ast_streamfile failed on %s\n", mychannel->name); ast_stopstream(mychannel); ast_say_character_str(mychannel,mytele->mylink.name,NULL,mychannel->language); res = ast_streamfile(mychannel, "rpt/connected", mychannel->language); break; case CONNFAIL: res = ast_streamfile(mychannel, "rpt/node", mychannel->language); if (!res) res = ast_waitstream(mychannel, ""); else ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "ast_streamfile failed on %s\n", mychannel->name); ast_stopstream(mychannel); ast_say_character_str(mychannel,mytele->mylink.name,NULL,mychannel->language); res = ast_streamfile(mychannel, "rpt/connection_failed", mychannel->language); break; case STATUS: /* wait a little bit */ wait_interval(myrpt, DLY_TELEM, mychannel); hastx = 0; linkbase.next = &linkbase; linkbase.prev = &linkbase; ast_mutex_lock(&myrpt->lock); /* make our own list of links */ l = myrpt->links.next; while(l != &myrpt->links) { m = malloc(sizeof(struct rpt_link)); if (!m) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Cannot alloc memory on %s\n", mychannel->name); pthread_exit(NULL); } memcpy(m,l,sizeof(struct rpt_link)); m->next = m->prev = NULL; insque((struct qelem *)m,(struct qelem *)linkbase.next); l = l->next; } ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); res = ast_streamfile(mychannel, "rpt/node", mychannel->language); if (!res) res = ast_waitstream(mychannel, ""); else ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "ast_streamfile failed on %s\n", mychannel->name); ast_stopstream(mychannel); ast_say_character_str(mychannel,myrpt->name,NULL,mychannel->language); if (!res) res = ast_waitstream(mychannel, ""); else ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "ast_streamfile failed on %s\n", mychannel->name); ast_stopstream(mychannel); if (myrpt->callmode) { hastx = 1; res = ast_streamfile(mychannel, "rpt/autopatch_on", mychannel->language); if (!res) res = ast_waitstream(mychannel, ""); else ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "ast_streamfile failed on %s\n", mychannel->name); ast_stopstream(mychannel); } l = linkbase.next; while(l != &linkbase) { hastx = 1; res = ast_streamfile(mychannel, "rpt/node", mychannel->language); if (!res) res = ast_waitstream(mychannel, ""); else ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "ast_streamfile failed on %s\n", mychannel->name); ast_stopstream(mychannel); ast_say_character_str(mychannel,l->name,NULL,mychannel->language); if (!res) res = ast_waitstream(mychannel, ""); else ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "ast_streamfile failed on %s\n", mychannel->name); ast_stopstream(mychannel); res = ast_streamfile(mychannel, ((l->mode) ? "rpt/tranceive" : "rpt/monitor"), mychannel->language); if (!res) res = ast_waitstream(mychannel, ""); else ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "ast_streamfile failed on %s\n", mychannel->name); ast_stopstream(mychannel); l = l->next; } if (!hastx) { res = ast_streamfile(mychannel, "rpt/repeat_only", mychannel->language); if (!res) res = ast_waitstream(mychannel, ""); else ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "ast_streamfile failed on %s\n", mychannel->name); ast_stopstream(mychannel); } /* destroy our local link queue */ l = linkbase.next; while(l != &linkbase) { m = l; l = l->next; remque((struct qelem *)m); free(m); } imdone = 1; break; case TIMEOUT: res = ast_streamfile(mychannel, "rpt/node", mychannel->language); if (!res) res = ast_waitstream(mychannel, ""); else ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "ast_streamfile failed on %s\n", mychannel->name); ast_stopstream(mychannel); ast_say_character_str(mychannel,myrpt->name,NULL,mychannel->language); res = ast_streamfile(mychannel, "rpt/timeout", mychannel->language); break; case STATS_TIME: wait_interval(myrpt, DLY_TELEM, mychannel); /* Wait a little bit */ t = time(NULL); localtime_r(&t, &localtm); /* Say the phase of the day is before the time */ if((localtm.tm_hour >= 0) && (localtm.tm_hour < 12)) p = "rpt/goodmorning"; else if((localtm.tm_hour >= 12) && (localtm.tm_hour < 18)) p = "rpt/goodafternoon"; else p = "rpt/goodevening"; if (sayfile(mychannel,p) == -1) { imdone = 1; break; } /* Say the time is ... */ if (sayfile(mychannel,"rpt/thetimeis") == -1) { imdone = 1; break; } /* Say the time */ res = ast_say_time(mychannel, t, "", mychannel->language); if (!res) res = ast_waitstream(mychannel, ""); ast_stopstream(mychannel); imdone = 1; break; case STATS_VERSION: p = strstr(tdesc, "version"); if(!p) break; if(sscanf(p, "version %d.%d", &vmajor, &vminor) != 2) break; wait_interval(myrpt, DLY_TELEM, mychannel); /* Wait a little bit */ /* Say "version" */ if (sayfile(mychannel,"rpt/version") == -1) { imdone = 1; break; } if(!res) /* Say "X" */ ast_say_number(mychannel, vmajor, "", mychannel->language, (char *) NULL); if (!res) res = ast_waitstream(mychannel, ""); ast_stopstream(mychannel); if (saycharstr(mychannel,".") == -1) { imdone = 1; break; } if(!res) /* Say "Y" */ ast_say_number(mychannel, vminor, "", mychannel->language, (char *) NULL); if (!res){ res = ast_waitstream(mychannel, ""); ast_stopstream(mychannel); } else ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "ast_streamfile failed on %s\n", mychannel->name); imdone = 1; break; case ARB_ALPHA: wait_interval(myrpt, DLY_TELEM, mychannel); /* Wait a little bit */ if(mytele->param) saycharstr(mychannel, mytele->param); imdone = 1; break; default: break; } if (!imdone) { if (!res) res = ast_waitstream(mychannel, ""); else { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "ast_streamfile failed on %s\n", mychannel->name); res = 0; } } ast_stopstream(mychannel); ast_mutex_lock(&myrpt->lock); remque((struct qelem *)mytele); ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); free(mytele); ast_hangup(mychannel); pthread_exit(NULL); } static void rpt_telemetry(struct rpt *myrpt,int mode, void *data) { struct rpt_tele *tele; struct rpt_link *mylink = (struct rpt_link *) data; pthread_attr_t attr; tele = malloc(sizeof(struct rpt_tele)); if (!tele) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to allocate memory\n"); pthread_exit(NULL); return; } /* zero it out */ memset((char *)tele,0,sizeof(struct rpt_tele)); tele->rpt = myrpt; tele->mode = mode; ast_mutex_lock(&myrpt->lock); if((mode == CONNFAIL) || (mode == REMDISC) || (mode == CONNECTED)){ memset(&tele->mylink,0,sizeof(struct rpt_link)); if (mylink){ memcpy(&tele->mylink,mylink,sizeof(struct rpt_link)); } } else if (mode == ARB_ALPHA){ strncpy(tele->param, (char *) data, TELEPARAMSIZE - 1); tele->param[TELEPARAMSIZE - 1] = 0; } insque((struct qelem *)tele,(struct qelem *)myrpt->tele.next); ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); pthread_attr_init(&attr); pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED); ast_pthread_create(&tele->threadid,&attr,rpt_tele_thread,(void *) tele); return; } static void *rpt_call(void *this) { ZT_CONFINFO ci; /* conference info */ struct rpt *myrpt = (struct rpt *)this; int res; struct ast_frame *f,wf; int stopped,congstarted; struct ast_channel *mychannel,*genchannel; myrpt->mydtmf = 0; /* allocate a pseudo-channel thru asterisk */ mychannel = ast_request("zap",AST_FORMAT_SLINEAR,"pseudo",NULL); if (!mychannel) { fprintf(stderr,"rpt:Sorry unable to obtain pseudo channel\n"); pthread_exit(NULL); } ci.chan = 0; ci.confno = myrpt->conf; /* use the pseudo conference */ ci.confmode = ZT_CONF_REALANDPSEUDO | ZT_CONF_TALKER | ZT_CONF_LISTENER | ZT_CONF_PSEUDO_TALKER | ZT_CONF_PSEUDO_LISTENER; /* first put the channel on the conference */ if (ioctl(mychannel->fds[0],ZT_SETCONF,&ci) == -1) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to set conference mode to Announce\n"); ast_hangup(mychannel); myrpt->callmode = 0; pthread_exit(NULL); } /* allocate a pseudo-channel thru asterisk */ genchannel = ast_request("zap",AST_FORMAT_SLINEAR,"pseudo",NULL); if (!genchannel) { fprintf(stderr,"rpt:Sorry unable to obtain pseudo channel\n"); ast_hangup(mychannel); pthread_exit(NULL); } ci.chan = 0; ci.confno = myrpt->conf; ci.confmode = ZT_CONF_REALANDPSEUDO | ZT_CONF_TALKER | ZT_CONF_LISTENER | ZT_CONF_PSEUDO_TALKER | ZT_CONF_PSEUDO_LISTENER; /* first put the channel on the conference */ if (ioctl(genchannel->fds[0],ZT_SETCONF,&ci) == -1) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to set conference mode to Announce\n"); ast_hangup(mychannel); ast_hangup(genchannel); myrpt->callmode = 0; pthread_exit(NULL); } if (myrpt->tonezone && (tone_zone_set_zone(mychannel->fds[0],myrpt->tonezone) == -1)) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to set tone zone %s\n",myrpt->tonezone); ast_hangup(mychannel); ast_hangup(genchannel); myrpt->callmode = 0; pthread_exit(NULL); } if (myrpt->tonezone && (tone_zone_set_zone(genchannel->fds[0],myrpt->tonezone) == -1)) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to set tone zone %s\n",myrpt->tonezone); ast_hangup(mychannel); ast_hangup(genchannel); myrpt->callmode = 0; pthread_exit(NULL); } /* start dialtone */ if (tone_zone_play_tone(mychannel->fds[0],ZT_TONE_DIALTONE) < 0) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Cannot start dialtone\n"); ast_hangup(mychannel); ast_hangup(genchannel); myrpt->callmode = 0; pthread_exit(NULL); } stopped = 0; congstarted = 0; while ((myrpt->callmode == 1) || (myrpt->callmode == 4)) { if ((myrpt->callmode == 1) && (myrpt->cidx > 0) && (!stopped)) { stopped = 1; /* stop dial tone */ tone_zone_play_tone(mychannel->fds[0],-1); } if ((myrpt->callmode == 4) && (!congstarted)) { congstarted = 1; /* start congestion tone */ tone_zone_play_tone(mychannel->fds[0],ZT_TONE_CONGESTION); } res = ast_waitfor(mychannel, MSWAIT); if (res < 0) { ast_hangup(mychannel); ast_hangup(genchannel); ast_mutex_lock(&myrpt->lock); myrpt->callmode = 0; ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); pthread_exit(NULL); } if (res == 0) continue; f = ast_read(mychannel); if (f == NULL) { ast_hangup(mychannel); ast_hangup(genchannel); ast_mutex_lock(&myrpt->lock); myrpt->callmode = 0; ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); pthread_exit(NULL); } if ((f->frametype == AST_FRAME_CONTROL) && (f->subclass == AST_CONTROL_HANGUP)) { ast_frfree(f); ast_hangup(mychannel); ast_hangup(genchannel); ast_mutex_lock(&myrpt->lock); myrpt->callmode = 0; ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); pthread_exit(NULL); } ast_frfree(f); } /* stop any tone generation */ tone_zone_play_tone(mychannel->fds[0],-1); /* end if done */ if (!myrpt->callmode) { ast_hangup(mychannel); ast_hangup(genchannel); ast_mutex_lock(&myrpt->lock); myrpt->callmode = 0; ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); pthread_exit(NULL); } if (myrpt->ourcallerid && *myrpt->ourcallerid){ char *name, *loc, *instr; instr = strdup(myrpt->ourcallerid); if(instr){ ast_callerid_parse(instr, &name, &loc); if(loc){ if(mychannel->cid.cid_num) free(mychannel->cid.cid_num); mychannel->cid.cid_num = strdup(loc); } if(name){ if(mychannel->cid.cid_name) free(mychannel->cid.cid_name); mychannel->cid.cid_name = strdup(name); } free(instr); } } strncpy(mychannel->exten, myrpt->exten, sizeof(mychannel->exten) - 1); strncpy(mychannel->context, myrpt->ourcontext, sizeof(mychannel->context) - 1); if (myrpt->acctcode) strncpy(mychannel->accountcode, myrpt->acctcode, sizeof(mychannel->accountcode) - 1); mychannel->priority = 1; ast_channel_undefer_dtmf(mychannel); if (ast_pbx_start(mychannel) < 0) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to start PBX!!\n"); ast_hangup(mychannel); ast_hangup(genchannel); ast_mutex_lock(&myrpt->lock); myrpt->callmode = 0; ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); pthread_exit(NULL); } ast_mutex_lock(&myrpt->lock); myrpt->callmode = 3; while(myrpt->callmode) { if ((!mychannel->pvt) && (myrpt->callmode != 4)) { myrpt->callmode = 4; ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); /* start congestion tone */ tone_zone_play_tone(genchannel->fds[0],ZT_TONE_CONGESTION); ast_mutex_lock(&myrpt->lock); } if (myrpt->mydtmf) { wf.frametype = AST_FRAME_DTMF; wf.subclass = myrpt->mydtmf; wf.offset = 0; wf.mallocd = 0; wf.data = NULL; wf.datalen = 0; wf.samples = 0; ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); ast_write(genchannel,&wf); ast_mutex_lock(&myrpt->lock); myrpt->mydtmf = 0; } ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); if (ast_safe_sleep(mychannel,25)) { ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); break; } ast_mutex_lock(&myrpt->lock); } ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); tone_zone_play_tone(genchannel->fds[0],-1); if (mychannel->pvt) ast_softhangup(mychannel,AST_SOFTHANGUP_DEV); ast_hangup(genchannel); ast_mutex_lock(&myrpt->lock); myrpt->callmode = 0; ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); pthread_exit(NULL); } static void send_link_dtmf(struct rpt *myrpt,char c) { char str[300]; struct ast_frame wf; struct rpt_link *l; snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "D %s %s %d %c", myrpt->cmdnode, myrpt->name, ++(myrpt->dtmfidx), c); wf.frametype = AST_FRAME_TEXT; wf.subclass = 0; wf.offset = 0; wf.mallocd = 1; wf.datalen = strlen(str) + 1; wf.samples = 0; l = myrpt->links.next; /* first, see if our dude is there */ while(l != &myrpt->links) { /* if we found it, write it and were done */ if (!strcmp(l->name,myrpt->cmdnode)) { wf.data = strdup(str); if (l->chan) ast_write(l->chan,&wf); return; } l = l->next; } l = myrpt->links.next; /* if not, give it to everyone */ while(l != &myrpt->links) { wf.data = strdup(str); if (l->chan) ast_write(l->chan,&wf); l = l->next; } return; } /* * Internet linking function */ static int function_ilink(struct rpt *myrpt, char *param, char *digitbuf, int command_source) { char *val, *s, *s1, *tele; char tmp[300], deststr[300] = ""; struct rpt_link *l; ZT_CONFINFO ci; /* conference info */ if(!param) return DC_ERROR; if (!myrpt->enable) return DC_ERROR; if(debug) printf("@@@@ ilink param = %s, digitbuf = %s\n", (param)? param : "(null)", digitbuf); switch(myatoi(param)){ case 1: /* Link off */ val = ast_variable_retrieve(cfg, NODES, digitbuf); if (!val){ if(strlen(digitbuf) >= myrpt->longestnode) return DC_ERROR; break; } strncpy(tmp,val,sizeof(tmp) - 1); s = tmp; s1 = strsep(&s,","); ast_mutex_lock(&myrpt->lock); l = myrpt->links.next; /* try to find this one in queue */ while(l != &myrpt->links){ /* if found matching string */ if (!strcmp(l->name, digitbuf)) break; l = l->next; } if (l != &myrpt->links){ /* if found */ struct ast_frame wf; l->retries = MAX_RETRIES + 1; l->disced = 1; ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); wf.frametype = AST_FRAME_TEXT; wf.subclass = 0; wf.offset = 0; wf.mallocd = 1; wf.datalen = strlen(discstr) + 1; wf.samples = 0; wf.data = strdup(discstr); if (l->chan) { ast_write(l->chan,&wf); if (ast_safe_sleep(l->chan,250) == -1) return DC_ERROR; ast_softhangup(l->chan,AST_SOFTHANGUP_DEV); } rpt_telemetry(myrpt, COMPLETE, NULL); return DC_COMPLETE; } ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); return DC_COMPLETE; case 2: /* Link Monitor */ val = ast_variable_retrieve(cfg, NODES, digitbuf); if (!val){ if(strlen(digitbuf) >= myrpt->longestnode) return DC_ERROR; break; } strncpy(tmp,val,sizeof(tmp) - 1); s = tmp; s1 = strsep(&s,","); ast_mutex_lock(&myrpt->lock); l = myrpt->links.next; /* try to find this one in queue */ while(l != &myrpt->links){ /* if found matching string */ if (!strcmp(l->name, digitbuf)) break; l = l->next; } /* if found */ if (l != &myrpt->links) { /* if already in this mode, just ignore */ if ((!l->mode) || (!l->chan)) { ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); rpt_telemetry(myrpt,REMALREADY,NULL); return DC_COMPLETE; } if (l->chan) ast_softhangup(l->chan,AST_SOFTHANGUP_DEV); } ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); /* establish call in monitor mode */ l = malloc(sizeof(struct rpt_link)); if (!l){ ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to malloc\n"); pthread_exit(NULL); } /* zero the silly thing */ memset((char *)l,0,sizeof(struct rpt_link)); snprintf(deststr, sizeof(deststr), "IAX2/%s", s1); tele = strchr(deststr,'/'); if (!tele){ fprintf(stderr,"link2:Dial number (%s) must be in format tech/number\n",deststr); pthread_exit(NULL); } *tele++ = 0; l->isremote = (s && ast_true(s)); strncpy(l->name, digitbuf, MAXNODESTR - 1); l->chan = ast_request(deststr,AST_FORMAT_SLINEAR,tele,NULL); if (l->chan){ ast_set_read_format(l->chan,AST_FORMAT_SLINEAR); ast_set_write_format(l->chan,AST_FORMAT_SLINEAR); l->chan->whentohangup = 0; l->chan->appl = "Apprpt"; l->chan->data = "(Remote Rx)"; if (option_verbose > 2) ast_verbose(VERBOSE_PREFIX_3 "rpt (remote) initiating call to %s/%s on %s\n", deststr,tele,l->chan->name); if(l->chan->cid.cid_num) free(l->chan->cid.cid_num); l->chan->cid.cid_num = strdup(myrpt->name); ast_call(l->chan,tele,0); } else { rpt_telemetry(myrpt,CONNFAIL,l); free(l); if (option_verbose > 2) ast_verbose(VERBOSE_PREFIX_3 "Unable to place call to %s/%s on %s\n", deststr,tele,l->chan->name); return DC_ERROR; } /* allocate a pseudo-channel thru asterisk */ l->pchan = ast_request("zap",AST_FORMAT_SLINEAR,"pseudo",NULL); if (!l->pchan){ fprintf(stderr,"rpt:Sorry unable to obtain pseudo channel\n"); pthread_exit(NULL); } ast_set_read_format(l->pchan,AST_FORMAT_SLINEAR); ast_set_write_format(l->pchan,AST_FORMAT_SLINEAR); /* make a conference for the pseudo-one */ ci.chan = 0; ci.confno = myrpt->conf; ci.confmode = ZT_CONF_CONF | ZT_CONF_LISTENER | ZT_CONF_TALKER; /* first put the channel on the conference in proper mode */ if (ioctl(l->pchan->fds[0],ZT_SETCONF,&ci) == -1) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to set conference mode to Announce\n"); pthread_exit(NULL); } ast_mutex_lock(&myrpt->lock); /* insert at end of queue */ insque((struct qelem *)l,(struct qelem *)myrpt->links.next); ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); rpt_telemetry(myrpt,COMPLETE,NULL); return DC_COMPLETE; case 3: /* Link transceive */ val = ast_variable_retrieve(cfg, NODES, digitbuf); if (!val){ if(strlen(digitbuf) >= myrpt->longestnode) return DC_ERROR; break; } strncpy(tmp,val,sizeof(tmp) - 1); s = tmp; s1 = strsep(&s,","); ast_mutex_lock(&myrpt->lock); l = myrpt->links.next; /* try to find this one in queue */ while(l != &myrpt->links){ /* if found matching string */ if (!strcmp(l->name, digitbuf)) break; l = l->next; } /* if found */ if (l != &myrpt->links){ /* if already in this mode, just ignore */ if ((l->mode) || (!l->chan)) { ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); rpt_telemetry(myrpt, REMALREADY, NULL); return DC_COMPLETE; } if (l->chan) ast_softhangup(l->chan, AST_SOFTHANGUP_DEV); } ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); /* establish call in tranceive mode */ l = malloc(sizeof(struct rpt_link)); if (!l){ ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to malloc\n"); pthread_exit(NULL); } /* zero the silly thing */ memset((char *)l,0,sizeof(struct rpt_link)); l->mode = 1; l->outbound = 1; strncpy(l->name, digitbuf, MAXNODESTR - 1); l->isremote = (s && ast_true(s)); snprintf(deststr, sizeof(deststr), "IAX2/%s", s1); tele = strchr(deststr, '/'); if (!tele){ fprintf(stderr,"link3:Dial number (%s) must be in format tech/number\n",deststr); pthread_exit(NULL); } *tele++ = 0; l->chan = ast_request(deststr, AST_FORMAT_SLINEAR, tele,NULL); if (l->chan){ ast_set_read_format(l->chan, AST_FORMAT_SLINEAR); ast_set_write_format(l->chan, AST_FORMAT_SLINEAR); l->chan->whentohangup = 0; l->chan->appl = "Apprpt"; l->chan->data = "(Remote Rx)"; if (option_verbose > 2) ast_verbose(VERBOSE_PREFIX_3 "rpt (remote) initiating call to %s/%s on %s\n", deststr, tele, l->chan->name); if(l->chan->cid.cid_num) free(l->chan->cid.cid_num); l->chan->cid.cid_num = strdup(myrpt->name); ast_call(l->chan,tele,999); } else{ rpt_telemetry(myrpt,CONNFAIL,l); free(l); if (option_verbose > 2) ast_verbose(VERBOSE_PREFIX_3 "Unable to place call to %s/%s on %s\n", deststr,tele,l->chan->name); return DC_ERROR; } /* allocate a pseudo-channel thru asterisk */ l->pchan = ast_request("zap",AST_FORMAT_SLINEAR,"pseudo",NULL); if (!l->pchan){ fprintf(stderr,"rpt:Sorry unable to obtain pseudo channel\n"); pthread_exit(NULL); } ast_set_read_format(l->pchan, AST_FORMAT_SLINEAR); ast_set_write_format(l->pchan, AST_FORMAT_SLINEAR); /* make a conference for the tx */ ci.chan = 0; ci.confno = myrpt->conf; ci.confmode = ZT_CONF_CONF | ZT_CONF_LISTENER | ZT_CONF_TALKER; /* first put the channel on the conference in proper mode */ if (ioctl(l->pchan->fds[0], ZT_SETCONF, &ci) == -1) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to set conference mode to Announce\n"); pthread_exit(NULL); } ast_mutex_lock(&myrpt->lock); /* insert at end of queue */ insque((struct qelem *)l,(struct qelem *)myrpt->links.next); ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); rpt_telemetry(myrpt,COMPLETE,NULL); return DC_COMPLETE; case 4: /* Enter Command Mode */ /* if doesnt allow link cmd, or no links active, return */ if ((command_source != SOURCE_RPT) || (myrpt->links.next == &myrpt->links)) return DC_COMPLETE; /* if already in cmd mode, or selected self, fughetabahtit */ if ((myrpt->cmdnode[0]) || (!strcmp(myrpt->name, digitbuf))){ rpt_telemetry(myrpt, REMALREADY, NULL); return DC_COMPLETE; } /* node must at least exist in list */ val = ast_variable_retrieve(cfg, NODES, digitbuf); if (!val){ if(strlen(digitbuf) >= myrpt->longestnode) return DC_ERROR; break; } ast_mutex_lock(&myrpt->lock); strncpy(myrpt->cmdnode, digitbuf, sizeof(myrpt->cmdnode) - 1); ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); rpt_telemetry(myrpt, REMGO, NULL); return DC_COMPLETE; case 5: /* Status */ rpt_telemetry(myrpt, STATUS, NULL); return DC_COMPLETE; case 6: /* All Links Off */ l = myrpt->links.next; while(l != &myrpt->links){ if (l->chan) ast_softhangup(l->chan, AST_SOFTHANGUP_DEV); /* Hang 'em up */ l = l->next; } rpt_telemetry(myrpt, COMPLETE, NULL); break; default: return DC_ERROR; } return DC_INDETERMINATE; } /* * Autopatch up */ static int function_autopatchup(struct rpt *myrpt, char *param, char *digitbuf, int command_source) { pthread_attr_t attr; if (!myrpt->enable) return DC_ERROR; if(debug) printf("@@@@ Autopatch up\n"); ast_mutex_lock(&myrpt->lock); /* if on call, force * into current audio stream */ if ((myrpt->callmode == 2) || (myrpt->callmode == 3)){ myrpt->mydtmf = myrpt->funcchar; ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); } if (myrpt->callmode){ ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); return DC_COMPLETE; } myrpt->callmode = 1; myrpt->cidx = 0; myrpt->exten[myrpt->cidx] = 0; ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); pthread_attr_init(&attr); pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED); ast_pthread_create(&myrpt->rpt_call_thread,&attr,rpt_call,(void *) myrpt); return DC_COMPLETE; } /* * Autopatch down */ static int function_autopatchdn(struct rpt *myrpt, char *param, char *digitbuf, int command_source) { if (!myrpt->enable) return DC_ERROR; if(debug) printf("@@@@ Autopatch down\n"); ast_mutex_lock(&myrpt->lock); if (!myrpt->callmode){ ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); return DC_COMPLETE; } myrpt->callmode = 0; ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); rpt_telemetry(myrpt, TERM, NULL); return DC_COMPLETE; } /* * Status */ static int function_status(struct rpt *myrpt, char *param, char *digitbuf, int command_source) { if(!param) return DC_ERROR; if (!myrpt->enable) return DC_ERROR; if(debug) printf("@@@@ status param = %s, digitbuf = %s\n", (param)? param : "(null)", digitbuf); switch(myatoi(param)){ case 1: /* System ID */ rpt_telemetry(myrpt, ID1, NULL); return DC_COMPLETE; case 2: /* System Time */ rpt_telemetry(myrpt, STATS_TIME, NULL); return DC_COMPLETE; case 3: /* app_rpt.c version */ rpt_telemetry(myrpt, STATS_VERSION, NULL); default: return DC_ERROR; } return DC_INDETERMINATE; } /* * COP - Control operator */ static int function_cop(struct rpt *myrpt, char *param, char *digitbuf, int command_source) { if(!param) return DC_ERROR; switch(myatoi(param)){ case 1: /* System reset */ system("killall -9 asterisk"); /* FIXME to drastic? */ return DC_COMPLETE; case 2: myrpt->enable = 1; rpt_telemetry(myrpt, ARB_ALPHA, (void *) "RPTENA"); return DC_COMPLETE; case 3: myrpt->enable = 0; return DC_COMPLETE; } return DC_INDETERMINATE; } /* * Remote base function */ static int function_remote(struct rpt *myrpt, char *param, char *digitbuf, int command_source) { char *s,*s1,*s2,*val; int i,j,k,l,res,offset,offsave; char oc; char tmp[20], freq[20] = "", savestr[20] = ""; struct ast_channel *mychannel; if((!param) || (command_source != SOURCE_RMT)) return DC_ERROR; mychannel = myrpt->remchannel; switch(myatoi(param)){ case 1: /* retrieve memory */ if(strlen(digitbuf) < 2) /* needs 2 digits */ break; for(i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i++){ if((digitbuf[i] < '0') || (digitbuf[i] > '9')) return DC_ERROR; } val = ast_variable_retrieve(cfg, MEMORY, digitbuf); if (!val){ if (ast_safe_sleep(mychannel,1000) == -1) return DC_ERROR; sayfile(mychannel,"rpt/memory_notfound"); return DC_COMPLETE; } strncpy(tmp,val,sizeof(tmp) - 1); s = strchr(tmp,','); if (!s) return DC_ERROR; *s++ = 0; s1 = strchr(s,','); if (!s1) return DC_ERROR; *s1++ = 0; strncpy(myrpt->freq, tmp, sizeof(myrpt->freq) - 1); strncpy(myrpt->rxpl, s, sizeof(myrpt->rxpl) - 1); myrpt->offset = REM_SIMPLEX; myrpt->powerlevel = REM_MEDPWR; myrpt->rxplon = 0; myrpt->txplon = 0; while(*s1) { switch(*s1++){ case 'L': case 'l': myrpt->powerlevel = REM_LOWPWR; break; case 'H': case 'h': myrpt->powerlevel = REM_HIPWR; break; case 'M': case 'm': myrpt->powerlevel = REM_MEDPWR; break; case '-': myrpt->offset = REM_MINUS; break; case '+': myrpt->offset = REM_PLUS; break; case 'S': case 's': myrpt->offset = REM_SIMPLEX; break; case 'T': case 't': myrpt->txplon = 1; break; case 'R': case 'r': myrpt->rxplon = 1; break; } } if (setrbi(myrpt) == -1) return DC_ERROR; return DC_COMPLETE; case 2: /* set freq + offset */ for(i = 0, j = 0, k = 0, l = 0 ; digitbuf[i] ; i++){ /* look for N+*N+*N */ if(digitbuf[i] == '*'){ j++; continue; } if((digitbuf[i] < '0') || (digitbuf[i] > '9')) return DC_ERROR; else{ if(j == 0) l++; if(j == 1) k++; } } i = strlen(digitbuf) - 1; if((j > 2) || (l > 5) || (k > 3)) return DC_ERROR; /* &$@^! */ if((j < 2) || (digitbuf[i] == '*')) break; /* Not yet */ strncpy(tmp, digitbuf ,sizeof(tmp) - 1); s = tmp; s1 = strsep(&s, "*"); /* Pick off MHz */ s2 = strsep(&s,"*"); /* Pick off KHz */ oc = *s; /* Pick off offset */ switch(strlen(s2)){ /* Allow partial entry of khz digits for laziness support */ case 1: k = 100 * atoi(s2); break; case 2: k = 10 * atoi(s2); break; case 3: if((s2[2] != '0')&&(s2[2] != '5')) return DC_ERROR; k = atoi(s2); break; default: return DC_ERROR; } snprintf(freq, sizeof(freq), "%s.%03d", s1, k); offset = REM_SIMPLEX; if (oc){ switch(oc){ case '1': offset = REM_MINUS; break; case '2': offset = REM_SIMPLEX; break; case '3': offset = REM_PLUS; break; default: return DC_ERROR; } } offsave = myrpt->offset; strncpy(savestr, myrpt->freq, sizeof(savestr) - 1); strncpy(myrpt->freq, freq, sizeof(myrpt->freq) - 1); if(debug) printf("@@@@ Frequency entered: %s\n", myrpt->freq); strncpy(myrpt->freq, freq, sizeof(myrpt->freq) - 1); myrpt->offset = offset; if (setrbi(myrpt) == -1){ myrpt->offset = offsave; strncpy(myrpt->freq, savestr, sizeof(myrpt->freq) - 1); return DC_ERROR; } return DC_COMPLETE; case 3: /* set rx PL tone */ for(i = 0, j = 0, k = 0, l = 0 ; digitbuf[i] ; i++){ /* look for N+*N */ if(digitbuf[i] == '*'){ j++; continue; } if((digitbuf[i] < '0') || (digitbuf[i] > '9')) return DC_ERROR; else{ if(j) l++; else k++; } } if((j > 1) || (k > 3) || (l > 1)) return DC_ERROR; /* &$@^! */ i = strlen(digitbuf) - 1; if((j != 1) || (k < 2)|| (l != 1)) break; /* Not yet */ if(debug) printf("PL digits entered %s\n", digitbuf); strncpy(tmp, digitbuf, sizeof(tmp) - 1); /* see if we have at least 1 */ s = strchr(tmp,'*'); if(s) *s = '.'; strncpy(savestr, myrpt->rxpl, sizeof(savestr) - 1); strncpy(myrpt->rxpl, tmp, sizeof(myrpt->rxpl) - 1); if (setrbi(myrpt) == -1){ strncpy(myrpt->rxpl, savestr, sizeof(myrpt->rxpl) - 1); return DC_ERROR; } return DC_COMPLETE; case 100: /* other stuff */ case 101: case 102: case 103: case 104: case 105: case 106: switch(myatoi(param)){ case 100: /* RX PL Off */ myrpt->rxplon = 0; break; case 101: /* RX PL On */ myrpt->rxplon = 1; break; case 102: /* TX PL Off */ myrpt->txplon = 0; break; case 103: /* TX PL On */ myrpt->txplon = 1; break; case 104: /* Low Power */ myrpt->powerlevel = REM_LOWPWR; break; case 105: /* Medium Power */ myrpt->powerlevel = REM_MEDPWR; break; case 106: /* Hi Power */ myrpt->powerlevel = REM_HIPWR; break; default: return DC_ERROR; } if (setrbi(myrpt) == -1) return DC_ERROR; return DC_COMPLETE; case 5: /* Status */ myrpt->remotetx = 0; ast_indicate(myrpt->txchannel,AST_CONTROL_RADIO_UNKEY); if (!myrpt->remoterx){ ast_indicate(mychannel,AST_CONTROL_RADIO_KEY); } if (ast_safe_sleep(mychannel,1000) == -1) return DC_ERROR; if ((sayfile(mychannel,"rpt/node") == -1) || (saycharstr(mychannel,myrpt->name) == -1) || (sayfile(mychannel,"rpt/frequency") == -1) || (saycharstr(mychannel,myrpt->freq) == -1)){ if (!myrpt->remoterx){ ast_indicate(mychannel,AST_CONTROL_RADIO_UNKEY); } return DC_ERROR; } switch(myrpt->offset){ case REM_MINUS: res = sayfile(mychannel,"rpt/minus"); break; case REM_SIMPLEX: res = sayfile(mychannel,"rpt/simplex"); break; case REM_PLUS: res = sayfile(mychannel,"rpt/plus"); break; default: return DC_ERROR; } if (res == -1){ if (!myrpt->remoterx){ ast_indicate(mychannel,AST_CONTROL_RADIO_UNKEY); } return -1; } switch(myrpt->powerlevel){ case REM_LOWPWR: res = sayfile(mychannel,"rpt/lopwr") ; break; case REM_MEDPWR: res = sayfile(mychannel,"rpt/medpwr"); break; case REM_HIPWR: res = sayfile(mychannel,"rpt/hipwr"); break; } if (res || (sayfile(mychannel,"rpt/rxpl") == -1) || (sayfile(mychannel,"rpt/frequency") == -1) || (saycharstr(mychannel,myrpt->rxpl) == -1) || (sayfile(mychannel,"rpt/txpl") == -1) || (sayfile(mychannel,((myrpt->txplon) ? "rpt/on" : "rpt/off")) == -1) || (sayfile(mychannel,"rpt/rxpl") == -1) || (sayfile(mychannel,((myrpt->rxplon) ? "rpt/on" : "rpt/off")) == -1)){ if (!myrpt->remoterx){ ast_indicate(mychannel,AST_CONTROL_RADIO_UNKEY); } return -1; } if (!myrpt->remoterx){ ast_indicate(mychannel,AST_CONTROL_RADIO_UNKEY); } return DC_COMPLETE; default: return DC_ERROR; } return DC_INDETERMINATE; } /* * Collect digits one by one until something matches */ static int collect_function_digits(struct rpt *myrpt, char *digits, int command_source) { int i; char *stringp,*action,*param,*functiondigits; char function_table_name[30] = ""; char workstring[80]; struct ast_variable *vp; if(debug) printf("@@@@ Digits collected: %s, source: %d\n", digits, command_source); if (command_source == SOURCE_LNK) strncpy(function_table_name, myrpt->link_functions, sizeof(function_table_name) - 1); else strncpy(function_table_name, myrpt->functions, sizeof(function_table_name) - 1); vp = ast_variable_browse(cfg, function_table_name); while(vp) { if(!strncasecmp(vp->name, digits, strlen(vp->name))) break; vp = vp->next; } if(!vp) { if(strlen(digits) >= ((command_source == SOURCE_LNK) ? myrpt->link_longestfunc : myrpt->longestfunc)) /* Get out of function mode if longes func length reached */ return DC_ERROR; else return DC_INDETERMINATE; } /* Found a match, retrieve value part and parse */ strncpy(workstring, vp->value, sizeof(workstring) - 1 ); stringp = workstring; action = strsep(&stringp, ","); param = stringp; if(debug) printf("@@@@ action: %s, param = %s\n",action, (param) ? param : "(null)"); /* Look up the action */ for(i = 0 ; i < (sizeof(function_table)/sizeof(struct function_table_tag)); i++){ if(!strncasecmp(action, function_table[i].action, strlen(action))) break; } if(debug) printf("@@@@ table index i = %d\n",i); if(i == (sizeof(function_table)/sizeof(struct function_table_tag))){ /* Error, action not in table */ return DC_ERROR; } if(function_table[i].function == NULL){ /* Error, function undefined */ if(debug) printf("@@@@ NULL for action: %s\n",action); return DC_ERROR; } functiondigits = digits + strlen(vp->name); return (*function_table[i].function)(myrpt, param, functiondigits, command_source); } static void handle_link_data(struct rpt *myrpt, struct rpt_link *mylink, char *str) { char tmp[300],cmd[300] = "",dest[300],src[300],c; int seq, res; struct rpt_link *l; struct ast_frame wf; wf.frametype = AST_FRAME_TEXT; wf.subclass = 0; wf.offset = 0; wf.mallocd = 1; wf.datalen = strlen(str) + 1; wf.samples = 0; /* put string in our buffer */ strncpy(tmp,str,sizeof(tmp) - 1); if (!strcmp(tmp,discstr)) { mylink->disced = 1; mylink->retries = MAX_RETRIES + 1; ast_softhangup(mylink->chan,AST_SOFTHANGUP_DEV); return; } if (sscanf(tmp,"%s %s %s %d %c",cmd,dest,src,&seq,&c) != 5) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to parse link string %s\n",str); return; } if (strcmp(cmd,"D")) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to parse link string %s\n",str); return; } /* if not for me, redistribute to all links */ if (strcmp(dest,myrpt->name)) { l = myrpt->links.next; /* see if this is one in list */ while(l != &myrpt->links) { /* dont send back from where it came */ if ((l == mylink) || (!strcmp(l->name,mylink->name))) { l = l->next; continue; } /* if it is, send it and we're done */ if (!strcmp(l->name,dest)) { /* send, but not to src */ if (strcmp(l->name,src)) { wf.data = strdup(str); if (l->chan) ast_write(l->chan,&wf); } return; } l = l->next; } l = myrpt->links.next; /* otherwise, send it to all of em */ while(l != &myrpt->links) { /* dont send back from where it came */ if ((l == mylink) || (!strcmp(l->name,mylink->name))) { l = l->next; continue; } /* send, but not to src */ if (strcmp(l->name,src)) { wf.data = strdup(str); if (l->chan) ast_write(l->chan,&wf); } l = l->next; } return; } ast_mutex_lock(&myrpt->lock); if (myrpt->callmode == 1) { myrpt->exten[myrpt->cidx++] = c; myrpt->exten[myrpt->cidx] = 0; /* if this exists */ if (ast_exists_extension(myrpt->pchannel,myrpt->ourcontext,myrpt->exten,1,NULL)) { myrpt->callmode = 2; rpt_telemetry(myrpt,PROC,NULL); } /* if can continue, do so */ if (!ast_canmatch_extension(myrpt->pchannel,myrpt->ourcontext,myrpt->exten,1,NULL)) { /* call has failed, inform user */ myrpt->callmode = 4; } } if ((myrpt->callmode == 2) || (myrpt->callmode == 3)) { myrpt->mydtmf = c; } if (c == myrpt->funcchar) { myrpt->rem_dtmfidx = 0; myrpt->rem_dtmfbuf[myrpt->rem_dtmfidx] = 0; time(&myrpt->rem_dtmf_time); ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); return; } else if ((c != myrpt->endchar) && (myrpt->rem_dtmfidx >= 0)) { time(&myrpt->rem_dtmf_time); if (myrpt->rem_dtmfidx < MAXDTMF) { myrpt->rem_dtmfbuf[myrpt->rem_dtmfidx++] = c; myrpt->rem_dtmfbuf[myrpt->rem_dtmfidx] = 0; ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); strncpy(cmd, myrpt->rem_dtmfbuf, sizeof(cmd) - 1); res = collect_function_digits(myrpt, cmd, SOURCE_LNK); ast_mutex_lock(&myrpt->lock); switch(res){ case DC_INDETERMINATE: break; case DC_REQ_FLUSH: myrpt->rem_dtmfidx = 0; myrpt->rem_dtmfbuf[0] = 0; break; case DC_COMPLETE: myrpt->rem_dtmfbuf[0] = 0; myrpt->rem_dtmfidx = -1; myrpt->rem_dtmf_time = 0; break; case DC_ERROR: default: myrpt->rem_dtmfbuf[0] = 0; myrpt->rem_dtmfidx = -1; myrpt->rem_dtmf_time = 0; break; } } } ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); return; } /* Doug Hall RBI-1 serial data definitions: * * Byte 0: Expansion external outputs * Byte 1: * Bits 0-3 are BAND as follows: * Bits 4-5 are POWER bits as follows: * 00 - Low Power * 01 - Hi Power * 02 - Med Power * Bits 6-7 are always set * Byte 2: * Bits 0-3 MHZ in BCD format * Bits 4-5 are offset as follows: * 00 - minus * 01 - plus * 02 - simplex * 03 - minus minus (whatever that is) * Bit 6 is the 0/5 KHZ bit * Bit 7 is always set * Byte 3: * Bits 0-3 are 10 KHZ in BCD format * Bits 4-7 are 100 KHZ in BCD format * Byte 4: PL Tone code and encode/decode enable bits * Bits 0-5 are PL tone code (comspec binary codes) * Bit 6 is encode enable/disable * Bit 7 is decode enable/disable */ /* take the frequency from the 10 mhz digits (and up) and convert it to a band number */ static int rbi_mhztoband(char *str) { int i; i = atoi(str) / 10; /* get the 10's of mhz */ switch(i) { case 2: return 10; case 5: return 11; case 14: return 2; case 22: return 3; case 44: return 4; case 124: return 0; case 125: return 1; case 126: return 8; case 127: return 5; case 128: return 6; case 129: return 7; default: break; } return -1; } /* take a PL frequency and turn it into a code */ static int rbi_pltocode(char *str) { int i; char *s; s = strchr(str,'.'); i = 0; if (s) i = atoi(s + 1); i += atoi(str) * 10; switch(i) { case 670: return 0; case 719: return 1; case 744: return 2; case 770: return 3; case 797: return 4; case 825: return 5; case 854: return 6; case 885: return 7; case 915: return 8; case 948: return 9; case 974: return 10; case 1000: return 11; case 1035: return 12; case 1072: return 13; case 1109: return 14; case 1148: return 15; case 1188: return 16; case 1230: return 17; case 1273: return 18; case 1318: return 19; case 1365: return 20; case 1413: return 21; case 1462: return 22; case 1514: return 23; case 1567: return 24; case 1622: return 25; case 1679: return 26; case 1738: return 27; case 1799: return 28; case 1862: return 29; case 1928: return 30; case 2035: return 31; case 2107: return 32; case 2181: return 33; case 2257: return 34; case 2336: return 35; case 2418: return 36; case 2503: return 37; } return -1; } /* * Shift out a formatted serial bit stream */ static void rbi_out_parallel(struct rpt *myrpt,unsigned char *data) { int i,j; unsigned char od,d; static volatile long long delayvar; for(i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++){ od = *data++; for(j = 0 ; j < 8 ; j++){ d = od & 1; outb(d,myrpt->iobase); /* >= 15 us */ for(delayvar = 1; delayvar < 15000; delayvar++); od >>= 1; outb(d | 2,myrpt->iobase); /* >= 30 us */ for(delayvar = 1; delayvar < 30000; delayvar++); outb(d,myrpt->iobase); /* >= 10 us */ for(delayvar = 1; delayvar < 10000; delayvar++); } } /* >= 50 us */ for(delayvar = 1; delayvar < 50000; delayvar++); } static void rbi_out(struct rpt *myrpt,unsigned char *data) { struct zt_radio_param r; memset(&r,0,sizeof(struct zt_radio_param)); r.radpar = ZT_RADPAR_REMMODE; r.data = ZT_RADPAR_REM_RBI1; /* if setparam ioctl fails, its probably not a pciradio card */ if (ioctl(myrpt->rxchannel->fds[0],ZT_RADIO_SETPARAM,&r) == -1) { rbi_out_parallel(myrpt,data); return; } r.radpar = ZT_RADPAR_REMCOMMAND; memcpy(&r.data,data,5); if (ioctl(myrpt->rxchannel->fds[0],ZT_RADIO_SETPARAM,&r) == -1) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING,"Cannot send RBI command for channel %s\n",myrpt->rxchannel->name); return; } } static int setrbi(struct rpt *myrpt) { char tmp[MAXREMSTR] = "",rbicmd[5],*s; int band,txoffset = 0,txpower = 0,rxpl; /* must be a remote system */ if (!myrpt->remote) return(0); /* must have rbi hardware */ if (strncmp(myrpt->remote,"rbi",3)) return(0); strncpy(tmp, myrpt->freq, sizeof(tmp) - 1); s = strchr(tmp,'.'); /* if no decimal, is invalid */ if (s == NULL){ if(debug) printf("@@@@ Frequency needs a decimal\n"); return -1; } *s++ = 0; if (strlen(tmp) < 2){ if(debug) printf("@@@@ Bad MHz digits: %s\n", tmp); return -1; } if (strlen(s) < 3){ if(debug) printf("@@@@ Bad KHz digits: %s\n", s); return -1; } if ((s[2] != '0') && (s[2] != '5')){ if(debug) printf("@@@@ KHz must end in 0 or 5: %c\n", s[2]); return -1; } band = rbi_mhztoband(tmp); if (band == -1){ if(debug) printf("@@@@ Bad Band: %s\n", tmp); return -1; } rxpl = rbi_pltocode(myrpt->rxpl); if (rxpl == -1){ if(debug) printf("@@@@ Bad RX PL: %s\n", myrpt->rxpl); return -1; } switch(myrpt->offset) { case REM_MINUS: txoffset = 0; break; case REM_PLUS: txoffset = 0x10; break; case REM_SIMPLEX: txoffset = 0x20; break; } switch(myrpt->powerlevel) { case REM_LOWPWR: txpower = 0; break; case REM_MEDPWR: txpower = 0x20; break; case REM_HIPWR: txpower = 0x10; break; } rbicmd[0] = 0; rbicmd[1] = band | txpower | 0xc0; rbicmd[2] = (*(s - 2) - '0') | txoffset | 0x80; if (s[2] == '5') rbicmd[2] |= 0x40; rbicmd[3] = ((*s - '0') << 4) + (s[1] - '0'); rbicmd[4] = rxpl; if (myrpt->txplon) rbicmd[4] |= 0x40; if (myrpt->rxplon) rbicmd[4] |= 0x80; rbi_out(myrpt,rbicmd); return 0; } static int handle_remote_dtmf_digit(struct rpt *myrpt,char c) { time_t now; int ret,res = 0; time(&now); /* if timed-out */ if ((myrpt->dtmf_time_rem + DTMF_TIMEOUT) < now) { myrpt->dtmfidx = -1; myrpt->dtmfbuf[0] = 0; myrpt->dtmf_time_rem = 0; } /* if decode not active */ if (myrpt->dtmfidx == -1) { /* if not lead-in digit, dont worry */ if (c != myrpt->funcchar) return 0; myrpt->dtmfidx = 0; myrpt->dtmfbuf[0] = 0; myrpt->dtmf_time_rem = now; return 0; } /* if too many in buffer, start over */ if (myrpt->dtmfidx >= MAXDTMF) { myrpt->dtmfidx = 0; myrpt->dtmfbuf[0] = 0; myrpt->dtmf_time_rem = now; } if (c == myrpt->funcchar) { /* if star at beginning, or 2 together, erase buffer */ if ((myrpt->dtmfidx < 1) || (myrpt->dtmfbuf[myrpt->dtmfidx - 1] == myrpt->funcchar)) { myrpt->dtmfidx = 0; myrpt->dtmfbuf[0] = 0; myrpt->dtmf_time_rem = now; return 0; } } myrpt->dtmfbuf[myrpt->dtmfidx++] = c; myrpt->dtmfbuf[myrpt->dtmfidx] = 0; myrpt->dtmf_time_rem = now; ret = collect_function_digits(myrpt, myrpt->dtmfbuf, SOURCE_RMT); switch(ret){ case DC_INDETERMINATE: res = 0; break; case DC_REQ_FLUSH: myrpt->dtmfidx = 0; myrpt->dtmfbuf[0] = 0; res = 0; break; case DC_COMPLETE: myrpt->dtmfbuf[0] = 0; myrpt->dtmfidx = -1; myrpt->dtmf_time_rem = 0; res = 1; break; case DC_ERROR: default: myrpt->dtmfbuf[0] = 0; myrpt->dtmfidx = -1; myrpt->dtmf_time_rem = 0; res = 0; break; } return res; } static int handle_remote_data(struct rpt *myrpt, char *str) { char tmp[300],cmd[300],dest[300],src[300],c; int seq,res; /* put string in our buffer */ strncpy(tmp,str,sizeof(tmp) - 1); if (sscanf(tmp,"%s %s %s %d %c",cmd,dest,src,&seq,&c) != 5) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to parse link string %s\n",str); return 0; } if (strcmp(cmd,"D")) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to parse link string %s\n",str); return 0; } /* if not for me, ignore */ if (strcmp(dest,myrpt->name)) return 0; res = handle_remote_dtmf_digit(myrpt,c); if (res != 1) return res; myrpt->remotetx = 0; ast_indicate(myrpt->txchannel,AST_CONTROL_RADIO_UNKEY); if (!myrpt->remoterx) { ast_indicate(myrpt->remchannel,AST_CONTROL_RADIO_KEY); } if (ast_safe_sleep(myrpt->remchannel,1000) == -1) return -1; res = telem_lookup(myrpt->remchannel, myrpt->name, "functcomplete"); if (!myrpt->remoterx) { ast_indicate(myrpt->remchannel,AST_CONTROL_RADIO_UNKEY); } return res; } static int attempt_reconnect(struct rpt *myrpt, struct rpt_link *l) { char *val, *s, *s1, *tele; char tmp[300], deststr[300] = ""; val = ast_variable_retrieve(cfg, NODES, l->name); if (!val) { fprintf(stderr,"attempt_reconnect: cannot find node %s\n",l->name); return -1; } strncpy(tmp,val,sizeof(tmp) - 1); s = tmp; s1 = strsep(&s,","); ast_mutex_lock(&myrpt->lock); snprintf(deststr, sizeof(deststr), "IAX2/%s", s1); tele = strchr(deststr, '/'); if (!tele) { fprintf(stderr,"attempt_reconnect:Dial number (%s) must be in format tech/number\n",deststr); ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); return -1; } *tele++ = 0; l->elaptime = 0; l->chan = ast_request(deststr, AST_FORMAT_SLINEAR, tele,NULL); if (l->chan){ ast_set_read_format(l->chan, AST_FORMAT_SLINEAR); ast_set_write_format(l->chan, AST_FORMAT_SLINEAR); l->chan->whentohangup = 0; l->chan->appl = "Apprpt"; l->chan->data = "(Remote Rx)"; if (option_verbose > 2) ast_verbose(VERBOSE_PREFIX_3 "rpt (attempt_reconnect) initiating call to %s/%s on %s\n", deststr, tele, l->chan->name); if(l->chan->cid.cid_num) free(l->chan->cid.cid_num); l->chan->cid.cid_num = strdup(myrpt->name); ast_call(l->chan,tele,999); } else { if (option_verbose > 2) ast_verbose(VERBOSE_PREFIX_3 "Unable to place call to %s/%s on %s\n", deststr,tele,l->chan->name); ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); return -1; } ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); return 0; } /* single thread with one file (request) to dial */ static void *rpt(void *this) { struct rpt *myrpt = (struct rpt *)this; char *tele,*idtalkover; int ms = MSWAIT,lasttx,keyed,val,remrx,identqueued,nonidentqueued,res; struct ast_channel *who; ZT_CONFINFO ci; /* conference info */ time_t dtmf_time,t; struct rpt_link *l,*m; struct rpt_tele *telem; pthread_attr_t attr; char tmpstr[300]; char cmd[MAXDTMF+1] = ""; ast_mutex_lock(&myrpt->lock); strncpy(tmpstr,myrpt->rxchanname,sizeof(tmpstr) - 1); tele = strchr(tmpstr,'/'); if (!tele) { fprintf(stderr,"rpt:Dial number (%s) must be in format tech/number\n",myrpt->rxchanname); ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); myrpt->rpt_thread = AST_PTHREADT_STOP; pthread_exit(NULL); } *tele++ = 0; myrpt->rxchannel = ast_request(tmpstr,AST_FORMAT_SLINEAR,tele,NULL); if (myrpt->rxchannel) { if (myrpt->rxchannel->_state == AST_STATE_BUSY) { fprintf(stderr,"rpt:Sorry unable to obtain Rx channel\n"); ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); ast_hangup(myrpt->rxchannel); myrpt->rpt_thread = AST_PTHREADT_STOP; pthread_exit(NULL); } ast_set_read_format(myrpt->rxchannel,AST_FORMAT_SLINEAR); ast_set_write_format(myrpt->rxchannel,AST_FORMAT_SLINEAR); myrpt->rxchannel->whentohangup = 0; myrpt->rxchannel->appl = "Apprpt"; myrpt->rxchannel->data = "(Repeater Rx)"; if (option_verbose > 2) ast_verbose(VERBOSE_PREFIX_3 "rpt (Rx) initiating call to %s/%s on %s\n", tmpstr,tele,myrpt->rxchannel->name); ast_call(myrpt->rxchannel,tele,999); if (myrpt->rxchannel->_state != AST_STATE_UP) { ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); ast_hangup(myrpt->rxchannel); myrpt->rpt_thread = AST_PTHREADT_STOP; pthread_exit(NULL); } } else { fprintf(stderr,"rpt:Sorry unable to obtain Rx channel\n"); ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); myrpt->rpt_thread = AST_PTHREADT_STOP; pthread_exit(NULL); } if (myrpt->txchanname) { strncpy(tmpstr,myrpt->txchanname,sizeof(tmpstr) - 1); tele = strchr(tmpstr,'/'); if (!tele) { fprintf(stderr,"rpt:Dial number (%s) must be in format tech/number\n",myrpt->txchanname); ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); myrpt->rpt_thread = AST_PTHREADT_STOP; pthread_exit(NULL); } *tele++ = 0; myrpt->txchannel = ast_request(tmpstr,AST_FORMAT_SLINEAR,tele,NULL); if (myrpt->txchannel) { if (myrpt->txchannel->_state == AST_STATE_BUSY) { fprintf(stderr,"rpt:Sorry unable to obtain Tx channel\n"); ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); ast_hangup(myrpt->txchannel); ast_hangup(myrpt->rxchannel); myrpt->rpt_thread = AST_PTHREADT_STOP; pthread_exit(NULL); } ast_set_read_format(myrpt->txchannel,AST_FORMAT_SLINEAR); ast_set_write_format(myrpt->txchannel,AST_FORMAT_SLINEAR); myrpt->txchannel->whentohangup = 0; myrpt->txchannel->appl = "Apprpt"; myrpt->txchannel->data = "(Repeater Rx)"; if (option_verbose > 2) ast_verbose(VERBOSE_PREFIX_3 "rpt (Tx) initiating call to %s/%s on %s\n", tmpstr,tele,myrpt->txchannel->name); ast_call(myrpt->txchannel,tele,999); if (myrpt->rxchannel->_state != AST_STATE_UP) { ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); ast_hangup(myrpt->rxchannel); ast_hangup(myrpt->txchannel); myrpt->rpt_thread = AST_PTHREADT_STOP; pthread_exit(NULL); } } else { fprintf(stderr,"rpt:Sorry unable to obtain Tx channel\n"); ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); ast_hangup(myrpt->rxchannel); myrpt->rpt_thread = AST_PTHREADT_STOP; pthread_exit(NULL); } } else { myrpt->txchannel = myrpt->rxchannel; } /* allocate a pseudo-channel thru asterisk */ myrpt->pchannel = ast_request("zap",AST_FORMAT_SLINEAR,"pseudo",NULL); if (!myrpt->pchannel) { fprintf(stderr,"rpt:Sorry unable to obtain pseudo channel\n"); ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); if (myrpt->txchannel != myrpt->rxchannel) ast_hangup(myrpt->txchannel); ast_hangup(myrpt->rxchannel); myrpt->rpt_thread = AST_PTHREADT_STOP; pthread_exit(NULL); } /* make a conference for the tx */ ci.chan = 0; ci.confno = -1; /* make a new conf */ ci.confmode = ZT_CONF_CONF | ZT_CONF_LISTENER; /* first put the channel on the conference in proper mode */ if (ioctl(myrpt->txchannel->fds[0],ZT_SETCONF,&ci) == -1) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to set conference mode to Announce\n"); ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); ast_hangup(myrpt->pchannel); if (myrpt->txchannel != myrpt->rxchannel) ast_hangup(myrpt->txchannel); ast_hangup(myrpt->rxchannel); myrpt->rpt_thread = AST_PTHREADT_STOP; pthread_exit(NULL); } /* save tx conference number */ myrpt->txconf = ci.confno; /* make a conference for the pseudo */ ci.chan = 0; ci.confno = -1; /* make a new conf */ ci.confmode = ZT_CONF_CONFANNMON; /* first put the channel on the conference in announce mode */ if (ioctl(myrpt->pchannel->fds[0],ZT_SETCONF,&ci) == -1) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to set conference mode to Announce\n"); ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); ast_hangup(myrpt->pchannel); if (myrpt->txchannel != myrpt->rxchannel) ast_hangup(myrpt->txchannel); ast_hangup(myrpt->rxchannel); myrpt->rpt_thread = AST_PTHREADT_STOP; pthread_exit(NULL); } /* save pseudo channel conference number */ myrpt->conf = ci.confno; /* allocate a pseudo-channel thru asterisk */ myrpt->txpchannel = ast_request("zap",AST_FORMAT_SLINEAR,"pseudo",NULL); if (!myrpt->txpchannel) { fprintf(stderr,"rpt:Sorry unable to obtain pseudo channel\n"); ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); ast_hangup(myrpt->pchannel); if (myrpt->txchannel != myrpt->rxchannel) ast_hangup(myrpt->txchannel); ast_hangup(myrpt->rxchannel); myrpt->rpt_thread = AST_PTHREADT_STOP; pthread_exit(NULL); } /* make a conference for the tx */ ci.chan = 0; ci.confno = myrpt->txconf; ci.confmode = ZT_CONF_CONF | ZT_CONF_TALKER ; /* first put the channel on the conference in proper mode */ if (ioctl(myrpt->txpchannel->fds[0],ZT_SETCONF,&ci) == -1) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to set conference mode to Announce\n"); ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); ast_hangup(myrpt->txpchannel); ast_hangup(myrpt->pchannel); if (myrpt->txchannel != myrpt->rxchannel) ast_hangup(myrpt->txchannel); ast_hangup(myrpt->rxchannel); myrpt->rpt_thread = AST_PTHREADT_STOP; pthread_exit(NULL); } /* Now, the idea here is to copy from the physical rx channel buffer into the pseudo tx buffer, and from the pseudo rx buffer into the tx channel buffer */ myrpt->links.next = &myrpt->links; myrpt->links.prev = &myrpt->links; myrpt->tailtimer = 0; myrpt->totimer = 0; myrpt->idtimer = myrpt->politeid; myrpt->mustid = 0; myrpt->callmode = 0; myrpt->tounkeyed = 0; myrpt->tonotify = 0; lasttx = 0; keyed = 0; idtalkover = ast_variable_retrieve(cfg, myrpt->name, "idtalkover"); myrpt->dtmfidx = -1; myrpt->dtmfbuf[0] = 0; myrpt->rem_dtmfidx = -1; myrpt->rem_dtmfbuf[0] = 0; dtmf_time = 0; myrpt->rem_dtmf_time = 0; myrpt->enable = 1; ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); val = 0; ast_channel_setoption(myrpt->rxchannel,AST_OPTION_TONE_VERIFY,&val,sizeof(char),0); val = 1; ast_channel_setoption(myrpt->rxchannel,AST_OPTION_RELAXDTMF,&val,sizeof(char),0); while (ms >= 0) { struct ast_frame *f; struct ast_channel *cs[300]; int totx,elap,n,toexit; if (ast_check_hangup(myrpt->rxchannel)) break; if (ast_check_hangup(myrpt->txchannel)) break; if (ast_check_hangup(myrpt->pchannel)) break; if (ast_check_hangup(myrpt->txpchannel)) break; ast_mutex_lock(&myrpt->lock); myrpt->localtx = keyed && (myrpt->dtmfidx == -1) && (!myrpt->cmdnode[0]); /* If someone's connected, and they're transmitting from their end to us, set remrx true */ l = myrpt->links.next; remrx = 0; while(l != &myrpt->links) { if (l->lastrx) remrx = 1; l = l->next; } /* Create a "must_id" flag for the cleanup ID */ myrpt->mustid |= (myrpt->idtimer) && (keyed || remrx) ; /* Build a fresh totx from keyed and autopatch activated */ totx = myrpt->localtx || myrpt->callmode; /* Traverse the telemetry list to see if there's an ID queued and if there is not an ID queued */ identqueued = 0; nonidentqueued = 0; telem = myrpt->tele.next; while(telem != &myrpt->tele) { if((telem->mode == ID) || (telem->mode == IDTALKOVER)){ identqueued = 1; } else nonidentqueued = 1; telem = telem->next; } /* Add in any non-id telemetry */ totx = totx || nonidentqueued; /* Update external transmitter PTT state with everything but ID telemetry */ myrpt->exttx = totx; /* Add in ID telemetry to local transmitter */ totx = totx || remrx || identqueued; if (!totx) { myrpt->totimer = myrpt->totime; myrpt->tounkeyed = 0; myrpt->tonotify = 0; } else myrpt->tailtimer = myrpt->hangtime; totx = totx && myrpt->totimer; /* if timed-out and not said already, say it */ if ((!myrpt->totimer) && (!myrpt->tonotify)) { myrpt->tonotify = 1; rpt_telemetry(myrpt,TIMEOUT,NULL); } /* if wants to transmit and in phone call, but timed out, reset time-out timer if keyed */ if ((!totx) && (!myrpt->totimer) && (!myrpt->tounkeyed) && (!keyed)) { myrpt->tounkeyed = 1; } if ((!totx) && (!myrpt->totimer) && myrpt->tounkeyed && myrpt->localtx) { myrpt->totimer = myrpt->totime; myrpt->tounkeyed = 0; myrpt->tonotify = 0; ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); continue; } /* if timed-out and in circuit busy after call */ if ((!totx) && (!myrpt->totimer) && (myrpt->callmode == 4)) { myrpt->callmode = 0; } /* get rid of tail if timed out */ if (!myrpt->totimer) myrpt->tailtimer = 0; /* if not timed-out, add in tail */ if (myrpt->totimer) totx = totx || myrpt->tailtimer; /* If user or links key up or are keyed up over standard ID, switch to talkover ID, if one is defined */ if (identqueued && (keyed || remrx) && idtalkover) { int hasid = 0,hastalkover = 0; telem = myrpt->tele.next; while(telem != &myrpt->tele){ if(telem->mode == ID){ if (telem->chan) ast_softhangup(telem->chan, AST_SOFTHANGUP_DEV); /* Whoosh! */ hasid = 1; } if (telem->mode == IDTALKOVER) hastalkover = 1; telem = telem->next; } ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); if (hasid && (!hastalkover)) rpt_telemetry(myrpt, IDTALKOVER, NULL); /* Start Talkover ID */ ast_mutex_lock(&myrpt->lock); } /* Try to be polite */ /* If the repeater has been inactive for longer than the ID time, do an initial ID in the tail*/ /* If within 30 seconds of the time to ID, try do it in the tail */ /* else if at ID time limit, do it right over the top of them */ /* Lastly, if the repeater has been keyed, and the ID timer is expired, do a clean up ID */ if (((totx && (!myrpt->exttx) && (myrpt->idtimer <= myrpt->politeid) && myrpt->tailtimer)) || (myrpt->mustid && (!myrpt->idtimer))) { myrpt->mustid = 0; myrpt->idtimer = myrpt->idtime; /* Reset our ID timer */ ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); rpt_telemetry(myrpt,ID,NULL); ast_mutex_lock(&myrpt->lock); } /* let telemetry transmit anyway (regardless of timeout) */ totx = totx || (myrpt->tele.next != &myrpt->tele); if (totx && (!lasttx)) { lasttx = 1; ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); ast_indicate(myrpt->txchannel,AST_CONTROL_RADIO_KEY); ast_mutex_lock(&myrpt->lock); } totx = totx && myrpt->enable; if ((!totx) && lasttx) { lasttx = 0; ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); ast_indicate(myrpt->txchannel,AST_CONTROL_RADIO_UNKEY); ast_mutex_lock(&myrpt->lock); } time(&t); /* if DTMF timeout */ if ((!myrpt->cmdnode[0]) && (myrpt->dtmfidx >= 0) && ((dtmf_time + DTMF_TIMEOUT) < t)) { myrpt->dtmfidx = -1; myrpt->dtmfbuf[0] = 0; } /* if remote DTMF timeout */ if ((myrpt->rem_dtmfidx >= 0) && ((myrpt->rem_dtmf_time + DTMF_TIMEOUT) < t)) { myrpt->rem_dtmfidx = -1; myrpt->rem_dtmfbuf[0] = 0; } n = 0; cs[n++] = myrpt->rxchannel; cs[n++] = myrpt->pchannel; cs[n++] = myrpt->txpchannel; if (myrpt->txchannel != myrpt->rxchannel) cs[n++] = myrpt->txchannel; l = myrpt->links.next; while(l != &myrpt->links) { if ((!l->disctime) && l->chan) { cs[n++] = l->chan; cs[n++] = l->pchan; } l = l->next; } ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); ms = MSWAIT; who = ast_waitfor_n(cs,n,&ms); if (who == NULL) ms = 0; elap = MSWAIT - ms; ast_mutex_lock(&myrpt->lock); l = myrpt->links.next; while(l != &myrpt->links) { #ifdef RECONNECT_KLUDGE if (l->disctime && l->chan) { l->disctime -= elap; if (l->disctime <= 0) { l->disctime = 0; l->disced = 1; ast_softhangup(l->chan,AST_SOFTHANGUP_DEV); } } if (l->retrytimer) { l->retrytimer -= elap; if (l->retrytimer < 0) l->retrytimer = 0; } #endif /* ignore non-timing channels */ if (l->elaptime < 0) { l = l->next; continue; } l->elaptime += elap; /* if connection has taken too long */ if ((l->elaptime > MAXCONNECTTIME) && ((!l->chan) || (l->chan->_state != AST_STATE_UP))) { l->elaptime = 0; ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); if (l->chan) ast_softhangup(l->chan,AST_SOFTHANGUP_DEV); #ifndef RECONNECT_KLUDGE rpt_telemetry(myrpt,CONNFAIL,l); #endif ast_mutex_lock(&myrpt->lock); break; } #ifdef RECONNECT_KLUDGE if ((!l->chan) && (!l->retrytimer) && l->outbound && (l->retries++ < MAX_RETRIES)) { if (l->chan) ast_hangup(l->chan); ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); if (attempt_reconnect(myrpt,l) == -1) { l->retrytimer = RETRY_TIMER_MS; } ast_mutex_lock(&myrpt->lock); } if ((!l->chan) && (!l->retrytimer) && l->outbound && (l->retries >= MAX_RETRIES)) { /* remove from queue */ remque((struct qelem *) l); if (!strcmp(myrpt->cmdnode,l->name)) myrpt->cmdnode[0] = 0; ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); rpt_telemetry(myrpt,REMDISC,l); /* hang-up on call to device */ ast_hangup(l->pchan); free(l); break; } if ((!l->chan) && (!l->disctime) && (!l->outbound)) { /* remove from queue */ remque((struct qelem *) l); if (!strcmp(myrpt->cmdnode,l->name)) myrpt->cmdnode[0] = 0; ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); rpt_telemetry(myrpt,REMDISC,l); /* hang-up on call to device */ ast_hangup(l->pchan); free(l); break; } #endif l = l->next; } if (myrpt->tailtimer) myrpt->tailtimer -= elap; if (myrpt->tailtimer < 0) myrpt->tailtimer = 0; if (myrpt->totimer) myrpt->totimer -= elap; if (myrpt->totimer < 0) myrpt->totimer = 0; if (myrpt->idtimer) myrpt->idtimer -= elap; if (myrpt->idtimer < 0) myrpt->idtimer = 0; ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); if (!ms) continue; if (who == myrpt->rxchannel) /* if it was a read from rx */ { f = ast_read(myrpt->rxchannel); if (!f) { if (debug) printf("@@@@ rpt:Hung Up\n"); break; } if (f->frametype == AST_FRAME_VOICE) { if (!myrpt->localtx) memset(f->data,0,f->datalen); ast_write(myrpt->pchannel,f); } else if (f->frametype == AST_FRAME_DTMF) { char c; c = (char) f->subclass; /* get DTMF char */ ast_frfree(f); if (c == myrpt->endchar) { /* if in simple mode, kill autopatch */ if (myrpt->simple && myrpt->callmode) { myrpt->callmode = 0; rpt_telemetry(myrpt,TERM,NULL); continue; } ast_mutex_lock(&myrpt->lock); if (myrpt->cmdnode[0]) { myrpt->cmdnode[0] = 0; myrpt->dtmfidx = -1; myrpt->dtmfbuf[0] = 0; ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); rpt_telemetry(myrpt,COMPLETE,NULL); } else ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); continue; } if (myrpt->cmdnode[0]) { send_link_dtmf(myrpt,c); continue; } if (!myrpt->simple) { if (c == myrpt->funcchar) { myrpt->dtmfidx = 0; myrpt->dtmfbuf[myrpt->dtmfidx] = 0; time(&dtmf_time); continue; } else if ((c != myrpt->endchar) && (myrpt->dtmfidx >= 0)) { time(&dtmf_time); if (myrpt->dtmfidx < MAXDTMF) { myrpt->dtmfbuf[myrpt->dtmfidx++] = c; myrpt->dtmfbuf[myrpt->dtmfidx] = 0; strncpy(cmd, myrpt->dtmfbuf, sizeof(cmd) - 1); ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); res = collect_function_digits(myrpt, cmd, SOURCE_RPT); ast_mutex_lock(&myrpt->lock); switch(res){ case DC_INDETERMINATE: break; case DC_REQ_FLUSH: myrpt->dtmfidx = 0; myrpt->dtmfbuf[0] = 0; break; case DC_COMPLETE: myrpt->dtmfbuf[0] = 0; myrpt->dtmfidx = -1; dtmf_time = 0; break; case DC_ERROR: default: myrpt->dtmfbuf[0] = 0; myrpt->dtmfidx = -1; dtmf_time = 0; break; } ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); if(res != DC_INDETERMINATE) continue; } } } else { if ((!myrpt->callmode) && (c == myrpt->funcchar)) { myrpt->callmode = 1; myrpt->cidx = 0; myrpt->exten[myrpt->cidx] = 0; pthread_attr_init(&attr); pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED); ast_pthread_create(&myrpt->rpt_call_thread,&attr,rpt_call,(void *)myrpt); continue; } } if (myrpt->callmode == 1) { myrpt->exten[myrpt->cidx++] = c; myrpt->exten[myrpt->cidx] = 0; /* if this exists */ if (ast_exists_extension(myrpt->pchannel,myrpt->ourcontext,myrpt->exten,1,NULL)) { myrpt->callmode = 2; rpt_telemetry(myrpt,PROC,NULL); } /* if can continue, do so */ if (ast_canmatch_extension(myrpt->pchannel,myrpt->ourcontext,myrpt->exten,1,NULL)) continue; /* call has failed, inform user */ myrpt->callmode = 4; continue; } if ((myrpt->callmode == 2) || (myrpt->callmode == 3)) { myrpt->mydtmf = f->subclass; } continue; } else if (f->frametype == AST_FRAME_CONTROL) { if (f->subclass == AST_CONTROL_HANGUP) { if (debug) printf("@@@@ rpt:Hung Up\n"); ast_frfree(f); break; } /* if RX key */ if (f->subclass == AST_CONTROL_RADIO_KEY) { if (debug) printf("@@@@ rx key\n"); keyed = 1; } /* if RX un-key */ if (f->subclass == AST_CONTROL_RADIO_UNKEY) { if (debug) printf("@@@@ rx un-key\n"); if(keyed) rpt_telemetry(myrpt,UNKEY,NULL); keyed = 0; } } ast_frfree(f); continue; } if (who == myrpt->pchannel) /* if it was a read from pseudo */ { f = ast_read(myrpt->pchannel); if (!f) { if (debug) printf("@@@@ rpt:Hung Up\n"); break; } if (f->frametype == AST_FRAME_VOICE) { ast_write(myrpt->txpchannel,f); } if (f->frametype == AST_FRAME_CONTROL) { if (f->subclass == AST_CONTROL_HANGUP) { if (debug) printf("@@@@ rpt:Hung Up\n"); ast_frfree(f); break; } } ast_frfree(f); continue; } if (who == myrpt->txchannel) /* if it was a read from tx */ { f = ast_read(myrpt->txchannel); if (!f) { if (debug) printf("@@@@ rpt:Hung Up\n"); break; } if (f->frametype == AST_FRAME_CONTROL) { if (f->subclass == AST_CONTROL_HANGUP) { if (debug) printf("@@@@ rpt:Hung Up\n"); ast_frfree(f); break; } } ast_frfree(f); continue; } toexit = 0; l = myrpt->links.next; while(l != &myrpt->links) { if (l->disctime) { l = l->next; continue; } if (who == l->chan) /* if it was a read from rx */ { ast_mutex_lock(&myrpt->lock); remrx = 0; /* see if any other links are receiving */ m = myrpt->links.next; while(m != &myrpt->links) { /* if not us, count it */ if ((m != l) && (m->lastrx)) remrx = 1; m = m->next; } ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); totx = (((l->isremote) ? myrpt->localtx : myrpt->exttx) || remrx) && l->mode; if (l->lasttx != totx) { if (totx) { ast_indicate(l->chan,AST_CONTROL_RADIO_KEY); } else { ast_indicate(l->chan,AST_CONTROL_RADIO_UNKEY); } } l->lasttx = totx; f = ast_read(l->chan); if (!f) { #ifdef RECONNECT_KLUDGE if ((!l->disced) && (!l->outbound)) { l->disctime = DISC_TIME; ast_mutex_lock(&myrpt->lock); ast_hangup(l->chan); ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); l->chan = 0; break; } if (l->retrytimer) break; if (l->outbound && (l->retries++ < MAX_RETRIES)) { ast_mutex_lock(&myrpt->lock); ast_hangup(l->chan); ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); if (attempt_reconnect(myrpt,l) == -1) { l->retrytimer = RETRY_TIMER_MS; } break; } #endif ast_mutex_lock(&myrpt->lock); /* remove from queue */ remque((struct qelem *) l); if (!strcmp(myrpt->cmdnode,l->name)) myrpt->cmdnode[0] = 0; ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); rpt_telemetry(myrpt,REMDISC,l); /* hang-up on call to device */ ast_hangup(l->chan); ast_hangup(l->pchan); free(l); break; } if (f->frametype == AST_FRAME_VOICE) { ast_write(l->pchan,f); } if (f->frametype == AST_FRAME_TEXT) { handle_link_data(myrpt,l,f->data); } if (f->frametype == AST_FRAME_CONTROL) { if (f->subclass == AST_CONTROL_ANSWER) { char lconnected = l->connected; l->connected = 1; l->elaptime = -1; l->retries = 0; if (!lconnected) rpt_telemetry(myrpt,CONNECTED,l); } /* if RX key */ if (f->subclass == AST_CONTROL_RADIO_KEY) { if (debug) printf("@@@@ rx key\n"); l->lastrx = 1; } /* if RX un-key */ if (f->subclass == AST_CONTROL_RADIO_UNKEY) { if (debug) printf("@@@@ rx un-key\n"); l->lastrx = 0; } if (f->subclass == AST_CONTROL_HANGUP) { ast_frfree(f); #ifdef RECONNECT_KLUDGE if ((!l->outbound) && (!l->disced)) { l->disctime = DISC_TIME; ast_mutex_lock(&myrpt->lock); ast_hangup(l->chan); ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); l->chan = 0; break; } if (l->retrytimer) break; if (l->outbound && (l->retries++ < MAX_RETRIES)) { ast_mutex_lock(&myrpt->lock); ast_hangup(l->chan); ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); if (attempt_reconnect(myrpt,l) == -1) { l->retrytimer = RETRY_TIMER_MS; } break; } #endif ast_mutex_lock(&myrpt->lock); /* remove from queue */ remque((struct qelem *) l); if (!strcmp(myrpt->cmdnode,l->name)) myrpt->cmdnode[0] = 0; ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); rpt_telemetry(myrpt,REMDISC,l); /* hang-up on call to device */ ast_hangup(l->chan); ast_hangup(l->pchan); free(l); break; } } ast_frfree(f); break; } if (who == l->pchan) { f = ast_read(l->pchan); if (!f) { if (debug) printf("@@@@ rpt:Hung Up\n"); toexit = 1; break; } if (f->frametype == AST_FRAME_VOICE) { ast_write(l->chan,f); } if (f->frametype == AST_FRAME_CONTROL) { if (f->subclass == AST_CONTROL_HANGUP) { if (debug) printf("@@@@ rpt:Hung Up\n"); ast_frfree(f); toexit = 1; break; } } ast_frfree(f); break; } l = l->next; } if (toexit) break; if (who == myrpt->txpchannel) /* if it was a read from remote tx */ { f = ast_read(myrpt->txpchannel); if (!f) { if (debug) printf("@@@@ rpt:Hung Up\n"); break; } if (f->frametype == AST_FRAME_CONTROL) { if (f->subclass == AST_CONTROL_HANGUP) { if (debug) printf("@@@@ rpt:Hung Up\n"); ast_frfree(f); break; } } ast_frfree(f); continue; } } ast_mutex_lock(&myrpt->lock); ast_hangup(myrpt->pchannel); ast_hangup(myrpt->txpchannel); if (myrpt->txchannel != myrpt->rxchannel) ast_hangup(myrpt->txchannel); ast_hangup(myrpt->rxchannel); l = myrpt->links.next; while(l != &myrpt->links) { struct rpt_link *ll = l; /* remove from queue */ remque((struct qelem *) l); /* hang-up on call to device */ if (l->chan) ast_hangup(l->chan); ast_hangup(l->pchan); l = l->next; free(ll); } ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); if (debug) printf("@@@@ rpt:Hung up channel\n"); myrpt->rpt_thread = AST_PTHREADT_STOP; pthread_exit(NULL); return NULL; } static void *rpt_master(void *ignore) { char *this,*val; struct ast_variable *vp; int i,j,n,longestnode; pthread_attr_t attr; /* start with blank config */ memset(&rpt_vars,0,sizeof(rpt_vars)); cfg = ast_load("rpt.conf"); if (!cfg) { ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Unable to open radio repeater configuration rpt.conf. Radio Repeater disabled.\n"); pthread_exit(NULL); } /* * Go through the node list to determine the longest node */ longestnode = 0; vp = ast_variable_browse(cfg, NODES); while(vp){ j = strlen(vp->name); if (j > longestnode) longestnode = j; vp = vp->next; } /* go thru all the specified repeaters */ this = NULL; n = 0; while((this = ast_category_browse(cfg,this)) != NULL) { for(i = 0 ; i < strlen(this) ; i++){ if((this[i] < '0') || (this[i] > '9')) break; } if(i != strlen(this)) continue; /* Not a node defn */ ast_log(LOG_DEBUG,"Loading config for repeater %s\n",this); ast_mutex_init(&rpt_vars[n].lock); rpt_vars[n].tele.next = &rpt_vars[n].tele; rpt_vars[n].tele.prev = &rpt_vars[n].tele; rpt_vars[n].rpt_thread = AST_PTHREADT_NULL; rpt_vars[n].name = this; rpt_vars[n].rxchanname = ast_variable_retrieve(cfg,this,"rxchannel"); rpt_vars[n].txchanname = ast_variable_retrieve(cfg,this,"txchannel"); rpt_vars[n].ourcontext = ast_variable_retrieve(cfg,this,"context"); if (!rpt_vars[n].ourcontext) rpt_vars[n].ourcontext = this; rpt_vars[n].ourcallerid = ast_variable_retrieve(cfg,this,"callerid"); rpt_vars[n].acctcode = ast_variable_retrieve(cfg,this,"accountcode"); rpt_vars[n].ident = ast_variable_retrieve(cfg,this,"idrecording"); val = ast_variable_retrieve(cfg,this,"hangtime"); if (val) rpt_vars[n].hangtime = atoi(val); else rpt_vars[n].hangtime = HANGTIME; val = ast_variable_retrieve(cfg,this,"totime"); if (val) rpt_vars[n].totime = atoi(val); else rpt_vars[n].totime = TOTIME; rpt_vars[n].idtime = retrieve_astcfgint( this, "idtime", 60000, 2400000, IDTIME); /* Enforce a min max */ rpt_vars[n].politeid = retrieve_astcfgint( this, "politeid", 30000, 300000, POLITEID); /* Enforce a min max */ rpt_vars[n].remote = ast_variable_retrieve(cfg,this,"remote"); rpt_vars[n].tonezone = ast_variable_retrieve(cfg,this,"tonezone"); val = ast_variable_retrieve(cfg,this,"iobase"); if (val) rpt_vars[n].iobase = atoi(val); else rpt_vars[n].iobase = DEFAULT_IOBASE; rpt_vars[n].simple = 0; rpt_vars[n].functions = ast_variable_retrieve(cfg,this,"functions"); if (!rpt_vars[n].functions) { rpt_vars[n].functions = FUNCTIONS; rpt_vars[n].simple = 1; } rpt_vars[n].link_functions = ast_variable_retrieve(cfg,this,"link_functions"); if (!rpt_vars[n].link_functions) rpt_vars[n].link_functions = rpt_vars[n].functions; val = ast_variable_retrieve(cfg,this,"funcchar"); if (!val) rpt_vars[n].funcchar = FUNCCHAR; else rpt_vars[n].funcchar = *val; val = ast_variable_retrieve(cfg,this,"endchar"); if (!val) rpt_vars[n].endchar = ENDCHAR; else rpt_vars[n].endchar = *val; n++; } nrpts = n; ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Total of %d repeaters configured.\n",n); /* start em all */ for(i = 0; i < n; i++) { rpt_vars[i].longestnode = longestnode; /* * For this repeater, Determine the length of the longest function */ rpt_vars[i].longestfunc = 0; vp = ast_variable_browse(cfg, rpt_vars[i].functions); while(vp){ j = strlen(vp->name); if (j > rpt_vars[i].longestfunc) rpt_vars[i].longestfunc = j; vp = vp->next; } /* * For this repeater, Determine the length of the longest function */ rpt_vars[i].link_longestfunc = 0; vp = ast_variable_browse(cfg, rpt_vars[i].link_functions); while(vp){ j = strlen(vp->name); if (j > rpt_vars[i].link_longestfunc) rpt_vars[i].link_longestfunc = j; vp = vp->next; } if (!rpt_vars[i].rxchanname) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING,"Did not specify rxchanname for node %s\n",rpt_vars[i].name); pthread_exit(NULL); } /* if is a remote, dont start one for it */ if (rpt_vars[i].remote) { strncpy(rpt_vars[i].freq, "146.460", sizeof(rpt_vars[i].freq) - 1); strncpy(rpt_vars[i].rxpl, "100.0", sizeof(rpt_vars[i].rxpl) - 1); rpt_vars[i].offset = REM_SIMPLEX; rpt_vars[i].powerlevel = REM_MEDPWR; continue; } if (!rpt_vars[i].ident) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING,"Did not specify ident for node %s\n",rpt_vars[i].name); pthread_exit(NULL); } pthread_attr_init(&attr); pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED); ast_pthread_create(&rpt_vars[i].rpt_thread,&attr,rpt,(void *) &rpt_vars[i]); } usleep(500000); for(;;) { /* Now monitor each thread, and restart it if necessary */ for(i = 0; i < n; i++) { int rv; if (rpt_vars[i].remote) continue; if (rpt_vars[i].rpt_thread == AST_PTHREADT_STOP) rv = -1; else rv = pthread_kill(rpt_vars[i].rpt_thread,0); if (rv) { pthread_attr_init(&attr); pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED); ast_pthread_create(&rpt_vars[i].rpt_thread,&attr,rpt,(void *) &rpt_vars[i]); ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "rpt_thread restarted on node %s\n", rpt_vars[i].name); } } usleep(2000000); } pthread_exit(NULL); } static int rpt_exec(struct ast_channel *chan, void *data) { int res=-1,i,keyed = 0,rem_totx,n; struct localuser *u; char tmp[256]; char *options,*stringp,*tele; struct rpt *myrpt; struct ast_frame *f; struct ast_channel *who; struct ast_channel *cs[20]; struct rpt_link *l; ZT_CONFINFO ci; /* conference info */ int ms,elap; if (!data || ast_strlen_zero((char *)data)) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Rpt requires an argument (system node)\n"); return -1; } strncpy(tmp, (char *)data, sizeof(tmp)-1); stringp=tmp; strsep(&stringp, "|"); options = strsep(&stringp, "|"); myrpt = NULL; /* see if we can find our specified one */ for(i = 0; i < nrpts; i++) { /* if name matches, assign it and exit loop */ if (!strcmp(tmp,rpt_vars[i].name)) { myrpt = &rpt_vars[i]; break; } } if (myrpt == NULL) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Cannot find specified system node %s\n",tmp); return -1; } /* if is not a remote */ if (!myrpt->remote) { char *b,*b1; /* look at callerid to see what node this comes from */ if (!chan->cid.cid_num) /* if doesn't have caller id */ { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Doesnt have callerid on %s\n",tmp); return -1; } ast_callerid_parse(chan->cid.cid_num,&b,&b1); ast_shrink_phone_number(b1); if (!strcmp(myrpt->name,b1)) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Trying to link to self!!\n"); return -1; } ast_mutex_lock(&myrpt->lock); l = myrpt->links.next; /* try to find this one in queue */ while(l != &myrpt->links) { /* if found matching string */ if (!strcmp(l->name,b1)) break; l = l->next; } /* if found */ if (l != &myrpt->links) { l->disctime = DISC_TIME; if (l->chan) { ast_softhangup(l->chan,AST_SOFTHANGUP_DEV); l->chan = 0; } else { remque((struct qelem *) l); if (!strcmp(myrpt->cmdnode,l->name)) myrpt->cmdnode[0] = 0; ast_hangup(l->pchan); free(l); } ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); usleep(500000); } else ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); /* establish call in tranceive mode */ l = malloc(sizeof(struct rpt_link)); if (!l) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to malloc\n"); pthread_exit(NULL); } /* zero the silly thing */ memset((char *)l,0,sizeof(struct rpt_link)); l->mode = 1; strncpy(l->name,b1,MAXNODESTR - 1); l->isremote = 0; l->chan = chan; l->connected = 1; ast_set_read_format(l->chan,AST_FORMAT_SLINEAR); ast_set_write_format(l->chan,AST_FORMAT_SLINEAR); /* allocate a pseudo-channel thru asterisk */ l->pchan = ast_request("zap",AST_FORMAT_SLINEAR,"pseudo",NULL); if (!l->pchan) { fprintf(stderr,"rpt:Sorry unable to obtain pseudo channel\n"); pthread_exit(NULL); } ast_set_read_format(l->pchan,AST_FORMAT_SLINEAR); ast_set_write_format(l->pchan,AST_FORMAT_SLINEAR); /* make a conference for the tx */ ci.chan = 0; ci.confno = myrpt->conf; ci.confmode = ZT_CONF_CONF | ZT_CONF_LISTENER | ZT_CONF_TALKER; /* first put the channel on the conference in proper mode */ if (ioctl(l->pchan->fds[0],ZT_SETCONF,&ci) == -1) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to set conference mode to Announce\n"); pthread_exit(NULL); } ast_mutex_lock(&myrpt->lock); /* insert at end of queue */ insque((struct qelem *)l,(struct qelem *)myrpt->links.next); ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); if (chan->_state != AST_STATE_UP) { ast_answer(chan); } return AST_PBX_KEEPALIVE; } ast_mutex_lock(&myrpt->lock); /* if remote, error if anyone else already linked */ if (myrpt->remoteon) { ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); usleep(500000); ast_mutex_lock(&myrpt->lock); if (myrpt->remoteon) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Trying to use busy link on %s\n",tmp); return -1; } } myrpt->remoteon = 1; if (ioperm(myrpt->iobase,1,1) == -1) { ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Cant get io permission on IO port %x hex\n",myrpt->iobase); return -1; } LOCAL_USER_ADD(u); tele = strchr(myrpt->rxchanname,'/'); if (!tele) { fprintf(stderr,"rpt:Dial number must be in format tech/number\n"); ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); pthread_exit(NULL); } *tele++ = 0; myrpt->rxchannel = ast_request(myrpt->rxchanname,AST_FORMAT_SLINEAR,tele,NULL); if (myrpt->rxchannel) { ast_set_read_format(myrpt->rxchannel,AST_FORMAT_SLINEAR); ast_set_write_format(myrpt->rxchannel,AST_FORMAT_SLINEAR); myrpt->rxchannel->whentohangup = 0; myrpt->rxchannel->appl = "Apprpt"; myrpt->rxchannel->data = "(Link Rx)"; if (option_verbose > 2) ast_verbose(VERBOSE_PREFIX_3 "rpt (Rx) initiating call to %s/%s on %s\n", myrpt->rxchanname,tele,myrpt->rxchannel->name); ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); ast_call(myrpt->rxchannel,tele,999); ast_mutex_lock(&myrpt->lock); } else { fprintf(stderr,"rpt:Sorry unable to obtain Rx channel\n"); ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); pthread_exit(NULL); } *--tele = '/'; if (myrpt->txchanname) { tele = strchr(myrpt->txchanname,'/'); if (!tele) { fprintf(stderr,"rpt:Dial number must be in format tech/number\n"); ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); pthread_exit(NULL); } *tele++ = 0; myrpt->txchannel = ast_request(myrpt->txchanname,AST_FORMAT_SLINEAR,tele,NULL); if (myrpt->txchannel) { ast_set_read_format(myrpt->txchannel,AST_FORMAT_SLINEAR); ast_set_write_format(myrpt->txchannel,AST_FORMAT_SLINEAR); myrpt->txchannel->whentohangup = 0; myrpt->txchannel->appl = "Apprpt"; myrpt->txchannel->data = "(Link Tx)"; if (option_verbose > 2) ast_verbose(VERBOSE_PREFIX_3 "rpt (Tx) initiating call to %s/%s on %s\n", myrpt->txchanname,tele,myrpt->txchannel->name); ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); ast_call(myrpt->txchannel,tele,999); ast_mutex_lock(&myrpt->lock); } else { fprintf(stderr,"rpt:Sorry unable to obtain Tx channel\n"); ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); pthread_exit(NULL); } *--tele = '/'; } else { myrpt->txchannel = myrpt->rxchannel; } myrpt->remoterx = 0; myrpt->remotetx = 0; myrpt->remoteon = 1; myrpt->dtmfidx = -1; myrpt->dtmfbuf[0] = 0; myrpt->dtmf_time_rem = 0; ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); setrbi(myrpt); ast_set_write_format(chan, AST_FORMAT_SLINEAR); ast_set_read_format(chan, AST_FORMAT_SLINEAR); /* if we are on 2w loop and are a remote, turn EC on */ if (myrpt->remote && (myrpt->rxchannel == myrpt->txchannel)) { i = 128; ioctl(myrpt->rxchannel->fds[0],ZT_ECHOCANCEL,&i); } if (chan->_state != AST_STATE_UP) { ast_answer(chan); } n = 0; cs[n++] = chan; cs[n++] = myrpt->rxchannel; if (myrpt->rxchannel != myrpt->txchannel) cs[n++] = myrpt->txchannel; for(;;) { if (ast_check_hangup(chan)) break; if (ast_check_hangup(myrpt->rxchannel)) break; ms = MSWAIT; who = ast_waitfor_n(cs,n,&ms); if (who == NULL) ms = 0; elap = MSWAIT - ms; if (!ms) continue; rem_totx = keyed; if (rem_totx && (!myrpt->remotetx)) /* Remote base radio TX key */ { myrpt->remotetx = 1; ast_indicate(myrpt->txchannel,AST_CONTROL_RADIO_KEY); } if ((!rem_totx) && myrpt->remotetx) /* Remote base radio TX unkey */ { myrpt->remotetx = 0; ast_indicate(myrpt->txchannel,AST_CONTROL_RADIO_UNKEY); } if (who == chan) /* if it was a read from incomming */ { f = ast_read(chan); if (!f) { if (debug) printf("@@@@ link:Hung Up\n"); break; } if (f->frametype == AST_FRAME_VOICE) { /* if not transmitting, zero-out audio */ if (!myrpt->remotetx) memset(f->data,0,f->datalen); ast_write(myrpt->txchannel,f); } else if (f->frametype == AST_FRAME_TEXT) { myrpt->remchannel = chan; /* Save copy of channel */ if (handle_remote_data(myrpt,f->data) == -1) { if (debug) printf("@@@@ rpt:Hung Up\n"); ast_frfree(f); break; } } else if (f->frametype == AST_FRAME_CONTROL) { if (f->subclass == AST_CONTROL_HANGUP) { if (debug) printf("@@@@ rpt:Hung Up\n"); ast_frfree(f); break; } /* if RX key */ if (f->subclass == AST_CONTROL_RADIO_KEY) { if (debug) printf("@@@@ rx key\n"); keyed = 1; } /* if RX un-key */ if (f->subclass == AST_CONTROL_RADIO_UNKEY) { if (debug) printf("@@@@ rx un-key\n"); keyed = 0; } } ast_frfree(f); continue; } if (who == myrpt->rxchannel) /* if it was a read from radio */ { f = ast_read(myrpt->rxchannel); if (!f) { if (debug) printf("@@@@ link:Hung Up\n"); break; } if (f->frametype == AST_FRAME_VOICE) { if ((myrpt->remote) && (myrpt->remotetx)) memset(f->data,0,f->datalen); ast_write(chan,f); } else if (f->frametype == AST_FRAME_CONTROL) { if (f->subclass == AST_CONTROL_HANGUP) { if (debug) printf("@@@@ rpt:Hung Up\n"); ast_frfree(f); break; } /* if RX key */ if (f->subclass == AST_CONTROL_RADIO_KEY) { if (debug) printf("@@@@ remote rx key\n"); if (!myrpt->remotetx) { ast_indicate(chan,AST_CONTROL_RADIO_KEY); myrpt->remoterx = 1; } } /* if RX un-key */ if (f->subclass == AST_CONTROL_RADIO_UNKEY) { if (debug) printf("@@@@ remote rx un-key\n"); if (!myrpt->remotetx) { ast_indicate(chan,AST_CONTROL_RADIO_UNKEY); myrpt->remoterx = 0; } } } ast_frfree(f); continue; } if ((myrpt->rxchannel != myrpt->txchannel) && (who == myrpt->txchannel)) /* do this cuz you have to */ { f = ast_read(myrpt->txchannel); if (!f) { if (debug) printf("@@@@ link:Hung Up\n"); break; } if (f->frametype == AST_FRAME_CONTROL) { if (f->subclass == AST_CONTROL_HANGUP) { if (debug) printf("@@@@ rpt:Hung Up\n"); ast_frfree(f); break; } } ast_frfree(f); continue; } } ast_mutex_lock(&myrpt->lock); if (myrpt->rxchannel != myrpt->txchannel) ast_hangup(myrpt->txchannel); ast_hangup(myrpt->rxchannel); myrpt->remoteon = 0; ast_mutex_unlock(&myrpt->lock); LOCAL_USER_REMOVE(u); return res; } int unload_module(void) { int i; STANDARD_HANGUP_LOCALUSERS; for(i = 0; i < nrpts; i++) { if (!strcmp(rpt_vars[i].name,NODES)) continue; ast_mutex_destroy(&rpt_vars[i].lock); } return ast_unregister_application(app); return 0; } int load_module(void) { ast_pthread_create(&rpt_master_thread,NULL,rpt_master,NULL); return ast_register_application(app, rpt_exec, synopsis, descrip); } char *description(void) { return tdesc; } int usecount(void) { int res; STANDARD_USECOUNT(res); return res; } char *key() { return ASTERISK_GPL_KEY; }