/* * Asterisk -- An open source telephony toolkit. * * Copyright (C) 1999 - 2005, Digium, Inc. * * Anthony Minessale * Mark Spencer * * See http://www.asterisk.org for more information about * the Asterisk project. Please do not directly contact * any of the maintainers of this project for assistance; * the project provides a web site, mailing lists and IRC * channels for your use. * * This program is free software, distributed under the terms of * the GNU General Public License Version 2. See the LICENSE file * at the top of the source tree. */ /* * * RealTime App * */ #include #include #include #include "asterisk.h" ASTERISK_FILE_VERSION(__FILE__, "$Revision$") #include "asterisk/file.h" #include "asterisk/logger.h" #include "asterisk/channel.h" #include "asterisk/options.h" #include "asterisk/pbx.h" #include "asterisk/config.h" #include "asterisk/module.h" #include "asterisk/lock.h" #include "asterisk/cli.h" #define next_one(var) var = var->next #define crop_data(str) { *(str) = '\0' ; (str)++; } static char *tdesc = "Realtime Data Lookup/Rewrite"; static char *app = "RealTime"; static char *uapp = "RealTimeUpdate"; static char *synopsis = "Realtime Data Lookup"; static char *usynopsis = "Realtime Data Rewrite"; static char *USAGE = "RealTime(||[|])"; static char *UUSAGE = "RealTimeUpdate(||||)"; static char *desc = "Use the RealTime config handler system to read data into channel variables.\n" "RealTime(||[|])\n\n" "All unique column names will be set as channel variables with optional prefix to the name.\n" "e.g. prefix of 'var_' would make the column 'name' become the variable ${var_name}\n\n"; static char *udesc = "Use the RealTime config handler system to update a value\n" "RealTimeUpdate(||||)\n\n" "The column in 'family' matching column = will be updated to \n"; STANDARD_LOCAL_USER; LOCAL_USER_DECL; static int cli_load_realtime(int fd, int argc, char **argv) { char *header_format = "%30s %-30s\n"; struct ast_variable *var=NULL; if(argc<5) { ast_cli(fd, "You must supply a family name, a column to match on, and a value to match to.\n"); return RESULT_FAILURE; } var = ast_load_realtime(argv[2], argv[3], argv[4], NULL); if(var) { ast_cli(fd, header_format, "Column Name", "Column Value"); ast_cli(fd, header_format, "--------------------", "--------------------"); while(var) { ast_cli(fd, header_format, var->name, var->value); var = var->next; } } else { ast_cli(fd, "No rows found matching search criteria.\n"); } return RESULT_SUCCESS; } static int cli_update_realtime(int fd, int argc, char **argv) { int res = 0; if(argc<7) { ast_cli(fd, "You must supply a family name, a column to update on, a new value, column to match, and value to to match.\n"); ast_cli(fd, "Ex: realtime update sipfriends name bobsphone port 4343\n will execute SQL as UPDATE sipfriends SET port = 4343 WHERE name = bobsphone\n"); return RESULT_FAILURE; } res = ast_update_realtime(argv[2], argv[3], argv[4], argv[5], argv[6], NULL); if(res < 0) { ast_cli(fd, "Failed to update. Check the debug log for possible SQL related entries.\n"); return RESULT_SUCCESS; } ast_cli(fd, "Updated %d RealTime record%s.\n", res, (res != 1) ? "s" : ""); return RESULT_SUCCESS; } static char cli_load_realtime_usage[] = "Usage: realtime load \n" " Prints out a list of variables using the RealTime driver.\n"; static struct ast_cli_entry cli_load_realtime_cmd = { { "realtime", "load", NULL, NULL }, cli_load_realtime, "Used to print out RealTime variables.", cli_load_realtime_usage, NULL }; static char cli_update_realtime_usage[] = "Usage: realtime update \n" " Update a single variable using the RealTime driver.\n"; static struct ast_cli_entry cli_update_realtime_cmd = { { "realtime", "update", NULL, NULL }, cli_update_realtime, "Used to update RealTime variables.", cli_update_realtime_usage, NULL }; static int realtime_update_exec(struct ast_channel *chan, void *data) { char *family=NULL, *colmatch=NULL, *value=NULL, *newcol=NULL, *newval=NULL; struct localuser *u; int res = 0; if (!data) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR,"Invalid input %s\n",UUSAGE); return -1; } LOCAL_USER_ADD(u); if ((family = ast_strdupa(data))) { if ((colmatch = strchr(family,'|'))) { crop_data(colmatch); if ((value = strchr(colmatch,'|'))) { crop_data(value); if ((newcol = strchr(value,'|'))) { crop_data(newcol); if ((newval = strchr(newcol,'|'))) crop_data(newval); } } } } if (! (family && value && colmatch && newcol && newval) ) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR,"Invalid input: usage %s\n",UUSAGE); res = -1; } else { ast_update_realtime(family,colmatch,value,newcol,newval,NULL); } LOCAL_USER_REMOVE(u); return res; } static int realtime_exec(struct ast_channel *chan, void *data) { int res=0; struct localuser *u; struct ast_variable *var, *itt; char *family=NULL, *colmatch=NULL, *value=NULL, *prefix=NULL, *vname=NULL; size_t len; if (!data) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR,"Invalid input: usage %s\n",USAGE); return -1; } LOCAL_USER_ADD(u); if ((family = ast_strdupa(data))) { if ((colmatch = strchr(family,'|'))) { crop_data(colmatch); if ((value = strchr(colmatch,'|'))) { crop_data(value); if ((prefix = strchr(value,'|'))) crop_data(prefix); } } } if (! (family && value && colmatch) ) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR,"Invalid input: usage %s\n",USAGE); res = -1; } else { if (option_verbose > 3) ast_verbose(VERBOSE_PREFIX_4"Realtime Lookup: family:'%s' colmatch:'%s' value:'%s'\n",family,colmatch,value); if ((var = ast_load_realtime(family, colmatch, value, NULL))) { for (itt = var; itt; itt = itt->next) { if(prefix) { len = strlen(prefix) + strlen(itt->name) + 2; vname = alloca(len); snprintf(vname,len,"%s%s",prefix,itt->name); } else vname = itt->name; pbx_builtin_setvar_helper(chan, vname, itt->value); } ast_variables_destroy(var); } else if (option_verbose > 3) ast_verbose(VERBOSE_PREFIX_4"No Realtime Matches Found.\n"); } LOCAL_USER_REMOVE(u); return res; } int unload_module(void) { int res; res = ast_cli_unregister(&cli_load_realtime_cmd); res |= ast_cli_unregister(&cli_update_realtime_cmd); res |= ast_unregister_application(uapp); res |= ast_unregister_application(app); STANDARD_HANGUP_LOCALUSERS; return res; } int load_module(void) { int res; res = ast_cli_register(&cli_load_realtime_cmd); res |= ast_cli_register(&cli_update_realtime_cmd); res |= ast_register_application(uapp, realtime_update_exec, usynopsis, udesc); res |= ast_register_application(app, realtime_exec, synopsis, desc); return res; } char *description(void) { return tdesc; } int usecount(void) { int res; STANDARD_USECOUNT(res); return res; } char *key() { return ASTERISK_GPL_KEY; }