/* * Copyright (C) 2004-2005 by Objective Systems, Inc. * * This software is furnished under an open source license and may be * used and copied only in accordance with the terms of this license. * The text of the license may generally be found in the root * directory of this installation in the COPYING file. It * can also be viewed online at the following URL: * * http://www.obj-sys.com/open/license.html * * Any redistributions of this file including modified versions must * maintain this copyright notice. * *****************************************************************************/ #include "asterisk.h" #include "asterisk/lock.h" #include "asterisk/utils.h" #include #include "ooq931.h" #include "ootrace.h" #include "ooasn1.h" #include "oochannels.h" #include "printHandler.h" #include "ooCalls.h" #include "ooh323.h" #include "ooh245.h" #include "ooh323ep.h" #include "ooCapability.h" #include "ooGkClient.h" #include "ooUtils.h" #include "ootypes.h" #include #include int ooSetFastStartResponse(OOH323CallData *pCall, Q931Message *pQ931msg, ASN1UINT *fsCount, ASN1DynOctStr **fsElem); /** Global endpoint structure */ extern OOH323EndPoint gH323ep; extern ast_mutex_t newCallLock; static ASN1OBJID gProtocolID = { 6, { 0, 0, 8, 2250, 0, 4 } }; EXTERN int ooQ931Decode (OOH323CallData *call, Q931Message* msg, int length, ASN1OCTET *data, int docallbacks) { int offset, x; int rv = ASN_OK; char number[128]; char *display = NULL; /* OOCTXT *pctxt = &gH323ep.msgctxt; */ OOCTXT *pctxt = call->msgctxt; dListInit (&msg->ies); /* clear information elements list */ if (length < 5) /* Packet too short */ return Q931_E_TOOSHORT; msg->protocolDiscriminator = data[0]; OOTRACEDBGB2(" protocolDiscriminator = %d\n", msg->protocolDiscriminator); if (data[1] != 2) /* Call reference must be 2 bytes long */ return Q931_E_INVCALLREF; msg->callReference = ((data[2] & 0x7f) << 8) | data[3]; OOTRACEDBGB2(" callReference = %d\n", msg->callReference); msg->fromDestination = (data[2] & 0x80) != 0; if(msg->fromDestination) OOTRACEDBGB1(" from = destination\n"); else OOTRACEDBGB1(" from = originator\n"); msg->messageType = data[4]; OOTRACEDBGB2(" messageType = %x\n", msg->messageType); /* Have preamble, start getting the informationElements into buffers */ offset = 5; while (offset < length) { Q931InformationElement *ie; int ieOff = offset; /* Get field discriminator */ int discriminator = data[offset++]; /* For discriminator with high bit set there is no data */ if ((discriminator & 0x80) == 0) { int len = data[offset++], alen; if (discriminator == Q931UserUserIE) { /* Special case of User-user field, there is some confusion here as the Q931 documentation claims the length is a single byte, unfortunately all H.323 based apps have a 16 bit length here, so we allow for said longer length. There is presumably an addendum to Q931 which describes this, and provides a means to discriminate between the old 1 byte and the new 2 byte systems. However, at present we assume it is always 2 bytes until we find something that breaks it. */ len <<= 8; len |= data[offset++]; /* we also have a protocol discriminator, which we ignore */ offset++; len--; } /* watch out for negative lengths! (ED, 11/5/03) */ if (len < 0) { return Q931_E_INVLENGTH; } else if (offset + len > length) { alen = 0; len = -len; rv = Q931_E_INVLENGTH; } else alen = len; ie = (Q931InformationElement*) memAlloc (pctxt, sizeof(*ie) - sizeof(ie->data) + alen); if(!ie) { OOTRACEERR3("Error:Memory - ooQ931Decode - ie(%s, %s)\n", call->callType, call->callToken); return OO_FAILED; } ie->discriminator = discriminator; ie->offset = ieOff; ie->length = len; if (alen != 0) memcpy(ie->data, data + offset, alen); offset += len; } else { ie = (Q931InformationElement*) memAlloc (pctxt, sizeof(*ie) - sizeof(ie->data)); if(!ie) { OOTRACEERR3("Error:Memory - ooQ931Decode - ie(%s, %s)\n", call->callType, call->callToken); return OO_FAILED; } ie->discriminator = discriminator; ie->offset = offset; ie->length = 0; } if(ie->discriminator == Q931BearerCapabilityIE) { OOTRACEDBGB1(" Bearer-Capability IE = {\n"); for(x=0; xlength; x++) { if(x==0) OOTRACEDBGB2(" %x", ie->data[x]); else OOTRACEDBGB2(", %x", ie->data[x]); } OOTRACEDBGB1(" }\n"); } if(ie->discriminator == Q931DisplayIE) { if (!(display = memAllocZ(pctxt, ie->length + 1))) { OOTRACEERR4("Can't alloc DisplayIE buffer for %n bytes, (%s, %s)\n", ie->length, call->callType, call->callToken); } else { memcpy(display, ie->data,ie->length); OOTRACEDBGB1(" Display IE = {\n"); OOTRACEDBGB2(" %s\n", display); OOTRACEDBGB1(" }\n"); } } if(ie->discriminator == Q931KeypadIE) { OOTRACEDBGB1(" Keypad IE = {\n"); OOTRACEDBGB2(" %c\n", ie->data[0]); OOTRACEDBGB1(" }\n"); if(docallbacks && gH323ep.h323Callbacks.onReceivedDTMF) { gH323ep.h323Callbacks.onReceivedDTMF(call, (char *)ie->data); } } /* Extract calling party number TODO:Give respect to presentation and screening indicators ;-) */ if(ie->discriminator == Q931CallingPartyNumberIE) { OOTRACEDBGB1(" CallingPartyNumber IE = {\n"); if(ie->length < OO_MAX_NUMBER_LENGTH) { int numoffset=1; if(!(0x80 & ie->data[0])) numoffset = 2; memcpy(number, ie->data+numoffset,ie->length-numoffset); number[ie->length-numoffset]='\0'; OOTRACEDBGB2(" %s\n", number); if(!call->callingPartyNumber) ooCallSetCallingPartyNumber(call, number); } else{ OOTRACEERR3("Error:Calling party number too long. (%s, %s)\n", call->callType, call->callToken); } OOTRACEDBGB1(" }\n"); } /* Extract called party number */ if(ie->discriminator == Q931CalledPartyNumberIE) { OOTRACEDBGB1(" CalledPartyNumber IE = {\n"); if(ie->length < OO_MAX_NUMBER_LENGTH) { memcpy(number, ie->data+1,ie->length-1); number[ie->length-1]='\0'; OOTRACEDBGB2(" %s\n", number); if(!call->calledPartyNumber) ooCallSetCalledPartyNumber(call, number); } else{ OOTRACEERR3("Error:Calling party number too long. (%s, %s)\n", call->callType, call->callToken); } OOTRACEDBGB1(" }\n"); } /* Handle Cause ie */ if(ie->discriminator == Q931CauseIE) { msg->causeIE = ie; OOTRACEDBGB1(" Cause IE = {\n"); OOTRACEDBGB2(" %s\n", ooGetQ931CauseValueText(ie->data[1]&0x7f)); OOTRACEDBGB1(" }\n"); } /* TODO: Get rid of ie list.*/ dListAppend (pctxt, &msg->ies, ie); if (rv != ASN_OK) return rv; } /*cisco router sends Q931Notify without UU ie, we just ignore notify message as of now as handling is optional for end point*/ if(msg->messageType != Q931NotifyMsg && msg->messageType != Q931StatusMsg) rv = ooDecodeUUIE(pctxt, msg); return rv; } EXTERN Q931InformationElement* ooQ931GetIE (const Q931Message* q931msg, int ieCode) { DListNode* curNode; unsigned int i; for(i = 0, curNode = q931msg->ies.head; i < q931msg->ies.count; i++) { Q931InformationElement *ie = (Q931InformationElement*) curNode->data; if (ie->discriminator == ieCode) { return ie; } curNode = curNode->next; } return NULL; } char* ooQ931GetMessageTypeName(int messageType, char* buf) { switch (messageType) { case Q931AlertingMsg : strcpy(buf, "Alerting"); break; case Q931CallProceedingMsg : strcpy(buf, "CallProceeding"); break; case Q931ConnectMsg : strcpy(buf, "Connect"); break; case Q931ConnectAckMsg : strcpy(buf, "ConnectAck"); break; case Q931ProgressMsg : strcpy(buf, "Progress"); break; case Q931SetupMsg : strcpy(buf, "Setup"); break; case Q931SetupAckMsg : strcpy(buf, "SetupAck"); break; case Q931FacilityMsg : strcpy(buf, "Facility"); break; case Q931ReleaseCompleteMsg : strcpy(buf, "ReleaseComplete"); break; case Q931StatusEnquiryMsg : strcpy(buf, "StatusEnquiry"); break; case Q931StatusMsg : strcpy(buf, "Status"); break; case Q931InformationMsg : strcpy(buf, "Information"); break; case Q931NationalEscapeMsg : strcpy(buf, "Escape"); break; default: sprintf(buf, "<%u>", messageType); } return buf; } char* ooQ931GetIEName(int number, char* buf) { switch (number) { case Q931BearerCapabilityIE : strcpy(buf, "Bearer-Capability"); break; case Q931CauseIE : strcpy(buf, "Cause"); break; case Q931FacilityIE : strcpy(buf, "Facility"); break; case Q931ProgressIndicatorIE : strcpy(buf, "Progress-Indicator"); break; case Q931CallStateIE : strcpy(buf, "Call-State"); break; case Q931DisplayIE : strcpy(buf, "Display"); break; case Q931SignalIE : strcpy(buf, "Signal"); break; case Q931CallingPartyNumberIE : strcpy(buf, "Calling-Party-Number"); break; case Q931CalledPartyNumberIE : strcpy(buf, "Called-Party-Number"); break; case Q931RedirectingNumberIE : strcpy(buf, "Redirecting-Number"); break; case Q931UserUserIE : strcpy(buf, "User-User"); break; default: sprintf(buf, "0x%02x", number); } return buf; } EXTERN void ooQ931Print (const Q931Message* q931msg) { char buf[1000]; DListNode* curNode; unsigned int i; printf("Q.931 Message:\n"); printf(" protocolDiscriminator: %i\n", q931msg->protocolDiscriminator); printf(" callReference: %i\n", q931msg->callReference); printf(" from: %s\n", (q931msg->fromDestination ? "destination" : "originator")); printf(" messageType: %s (0x%X)\n\n", ooQ931GetMessageTypeName(q931msg->messageType, buf), q931msg->messageType); for(i = 0, curNode = q931msg->ies.head; i < q931msg->ies.count; i++) { Q931InformationElement *ie = (Q931InformationElement*) curNode->data; int length = (ie->length >= 0) ? ie->length : -ie->length; printf(" IE[%i] (offset 0x%X):\n", i, ie->offset); printf(" discriminator: %s (0x%X)\n", ooQ931GetIEName(ie->discriminator, buf), ie->discriminator); printf(" data length: %i\n", length); curNode = curNode->next; printf("\n"); } } int ooCreateQ931Message(OOCTXT* pctxt, Q931Message **q931msg, int msgType) { /* OOCTXT *pctxt = &gH323ep.msgctxt; */ *q931msg = (Q931Message*)memAllocZ(pctxt, sizeof(Q931Message)); if(!*q931msg) { OOTRACEERR1("Error:Memory - ooCreateQ931Message - q931msg\n"); return OO_FAILED; } else { (*q931msg)->protocolDiscriminator = 8; (*q931msg)->fromDestination = FALSE; (*q931msg)->messageType = msgType; (*q931msg)->tunneledMsgType = msgType; (*q931msg)->logicalChannelNo = 0; (*q931msg)->bearerCapabilityIE = NULL; (*q931msg)->callingPartyNumberIE = NULL; (*q931msg)->calledPartyNumberIE = NULL; (*q931msg)->causeIE = NULL; return OO_OK; } } int ooGenerateCallToken (char *callToken, size_t size) { static int counter = 1; char aCallToken[200]; int ret = 0; ast_mutex_lock(&newCallLock); sprintf (aCallToken, "ooh323c_%d", counter++); if (counter > OO_MAX_CALL_TOKEN) counter = 1; ast_mutex_unlock(&newCallLock); if ((strlen(aCallToken)+1) < size) strcpy (callToken, aCallToken); else { OOTRACEERR1 ("Error: Insufficient buffer size to generate call token"); ret = OO_FAILED; } return ret; } /* CallReference is a two octet field, thus max value can be 0xffff or 65535 decimal. We restrict max value to 32760, however, this should not cause any problems as there won't be those many simultaneous calls CallRef has to be locally unique and generated by caller. */ ASN1USINT ooGenerateCallReference() { static ASN1USINT lastCallRef=0; ASN1USINT newCallRef=0; if(lastCallRef == 0) { /* Generate a new random callRef */ srand((unsigned)time(0)); lastCallRef = (ASN1USINT)(rand()%100); } else lastCallRef++; /* Note callReference can be at the most 15 bits that is from 0 to 32767. if we generate number bigger than that, bring it in range. */ if(lastCallRef>=32766) lastCallRef=1; newCallRef = lastCallRef; OOTRACEDBGC2("Generated callRef %d\n", newCallRef); return newCallRef; } int ooGenerateCallIdentifier(H225CallIdentifier *callid) { ASN1INT64 timestamp; int i=0; #ifdef _WIN32 SYSTEMTIME systemTime; GetLocalTime(&systemTime); SystemTimeToFileTime(&systemTime, (LPFILETIME)×tamp); #else struct timeval systemTime; gettimeofday(&systemTime, NULL); timestamp = systemTime.tv_sec * 10000000 + systemTime.tv_usec*10; #endif callid->guid.numocts = 16; callid->guid.data[0] = 'o'; callid->guid.data[1] = 'o'; callid->guid.data[2] = 'h'; callid->guid.data[3] = '3'; callid->guid.data[4] = '2'; callid->guid.data[5] = '3'; callid->guid.data[6] = 'c'; callid->guid.data[7] = '-'; for (i = 8; i < 16; i++) callid->guid.data[i] = (ASN1OCTET)((timestamp>>((i-8+1)*8))&0xff); return OO_OK; } int ooFreeQ931Message(OOCTXT* pctxt, Q931Message *q931Msg) { if(!q931Msg) { /* memReset(&gH323ep.msgctxt); */ memReset(pctxt); } return OO_OK; } int ooEncodeUUIE(OOCTXT* pctxt, Q931Message *q931msg) { ASN1OCTET msgbuf[1024]; ASN1OCTET * msgptr=NULL; int len; ASN1BOOL aligned = TRUE; Q931InformationElement* ie=NULL; /* OOCTXT *pctxt = &gH323ep.msgctxt; */ memset(msgbuf, 0, sizeof(msgbuf)); if(!q931msg) { OOTRACEERR1("ERROR: Invalid Q931 message in add user-user IE\n"); return OO_FAILED; } if(!q931msg->userInfo) { OOTRACEERR1("ERROR: No User-User IE to encode\n"); return OO_FAILED; } setPERBuffer(pctxt, msgbuf, sizeof(msgbuf), aligned); if(asn1PE_H225H323_UserInformation (pctxt, q931msg->userInfo)==ASN_OK) { OOTRACEDBGC1("UserInfo encoding - successful\n"); } else{ OOTRACEERR1("ERROR: UserInfo encoding failed\n"); return OO_FAILED; } msgptr = encodeGetMsgPtr(pctxt, &len); /* Allocate memory to hold complete UserUser Information */ ie = (Q931InformationElement*)memAlloc (pctxt, sizeof(*ie) - sizeof(ie->data) + len); if(ie == NULL) { OOTRACEERR1("Error: Memory - ooEncodeUUIE - ie\n"); return OO_FAILED; } ie->discriminator = Q931UserUserIE; ie->length = len; memcpy(ie->data, msgptr, len); /* Add the user to user IE NOTE: ALL IEs SHOULD BE IN ASCENDING ORDER OF THEIR DISCRIMINATOR AS PER SPEC. */ dListInit (&(q931msg->ies)); if((dListAppend (pctxt, &(q931msg->ies), ie)) == NULL) { OOTRACEERR1("Error: Failed to add UUIE in outgoing message\n"); return OO_FAILED; } return OO_OK; } int ooDecodeUUIE(OOCTXT* pctxt, Q931Message *q931Msg) { DListNode* curNode; unsigned int i; ASN1BOOL aligned=TRUE; int stat; Q931InformationElement *ie; /* OOCTXT *pctxt = &gH323ep.msgctxt; */ if(q931Msg ==NULL) { OOTRACEERR1("Error: ooDecodeUUIE failed - NULL q931 message\n"); return OO_FAILED; } /* Search for UserUser IE */ for(i = 0, curNode = q931Msg->ies.head; i < q931Msg->ies.count; i++, curNode = curNode->next) { ie = (Q931InformationElement*) curNode->data; if(ie && ie->discriminator == Q931UserUserIE) break; } if(i == q931Msg->ies.count) { OOTRACEERR1("No UserUser IE found in ooDecodeUUIE\n"); return OO_FAILED; } /* Decode user-user ie */ q931Msg->userInfo = (H225H323_UserInformation *) memAlloc(pctxt, sizeof(H225H323_UserInformation)); if(!q931Msg->userInfo) { OOTRACEERR1("ERROR:Memory - ooDecodeUUIE - userInfo\n"); return OO_FAILED; } memset(q931Msg->userInfo, 0, sizeof(H225H323_UserInformation)); setPERBuffer (pctxt, ie->data, ie->length, aligned); stat = asn1PD_H225H323_UserInformation (pctxt, q931Msg->userInfo); if(stat != ASN_OK) { OOTRACEERR1("Error: UserUser IE decode failed\n"); return OO_FAILED; } OOTRACEDBGC1("UUIE decode successful\n"); return OO_OK; } #ifndef _COMPACT static void ooQ931PrintMessage (OOH323CallData* call, ASN1OCTET *msgbuf, ASN1UINT msglen) { /* OOCTXT *pctxt = &gH323ep.msgctxt; */ OOCTXT *pctxt = call->msgctxt; Q931Message q931Msg; int ret; initializePrintHandler(&printHandler, "Q931 Message"); /* Set event handler */ setEventHandler (pctxt, &printHandler); setPERBuffer (pctxt, msgbuf, msglen, TRUE); ret = ooQ931Decode (call, &q931Msg, msglen, msgbuf, 0); if(ret != OO_OK) { OOTRACEERR3("Error:Failed decoding Q931 message. (%s, %s)\n", call->callType, call->callToken); } finishPrint(); removeEventHandler(pctxt); } #endif int ooEncodeH225Message(OOH323CallData *call, Q931Message *pq931Msg, char *msgbuf, int size) { int len=0, i=0, j=0, ieLen=0; int stat=0; DListNode* curNode=NULL; if(!msgbuf || size<200) { OOTRACEERR3("Error: Invalid message buffer/size for ooEncodeH245Message." " (%s, %s)\n", call->callType, call->callToken); return OO_FAILED; } if(pq931Msg->messageType == Q931SetupMsg){ msgbuf[i++] = OOSetup; } else if(pq931Msg->messageType == Q931ConnectMsg){ msgbuf[i++] = OOConnect; } else if(pq931Msg->messageType == Q931CallProceedingMsg){ msgbuf[i++] = OOCallProceeding; } else if(pq931Msg->messageType == Q931AlertingMsg || pq931Msg->messageType == Q931ProgressMsg){ msgbuf[i++] = OOAlert; } else if(pq931Msg->messageType == Q931ReleaseCompleteMsg){ msgbuf[i++] = OOReleaseComplete; } else if(pq931Msg->messageType == Q931InformationMsg){ msgbuf[i++] = OOInformationMessage; } else if(pq931Msg->messageType == Q931FacilityMsg){ msgbuf[i++] = OOFacility; msgbuf[i++] = pq931Msg->tunneledMsgType; msgbuf[i++] = pq931Msg->logicalChannelNo>>8; msgbuf[i++] = pq931Msg->logicalChannelNo; } else{ OOTRACEERR3("Error:Unknow Q931 message type. (%s, %s)\n", call->callType, call->callToken); return OO_FAILED; } stat = ooEncodeUUIE(call->msgctxt, pq931Msg); if(stat != OO_OK) { OOTRACEERR3("Error:Failed to encode uuie. (%s, %s)\n", call->callType, call->callToken); return OO_FAILED; } msgbuf[i++] = 3; /* TPKT version */ msgbuf[i++] = 0; /* TPKT resevred */ /* 1st octet of length, will be populated once len is determined */ msgbuf[i++] = 0; /* 2nd octet of length, will be populated once len is determined */ msgbuf[i++] = 0; /* Q931 protocol discriminator */ msgbuf[i++] = pq931Msg->protocolDiscriminator; msgbuf[i++] = 2; /* length of call ref is two octets */ msgbuf[i] = (pq931Msg->callReference >> 8); /* populate 1st octet */ if(!strcmp(call->callType, "incoming")) msgbuf[i++] |= 0x80; /* fromDestination*/ else i++; /* fromOriginator*/ msgbuf[i++] = pq931Msg->callReference; /* populate 2nd octet */ msgbuf[i++] = pq931Msg->messageType; /* type of q931 message */ /* Note: the order in which ies are added is important. It is in the ascending order of ie codes. */ /* Add bearer IE */ if(pq931Msg->bearerCapabilityIE) { msgbuf[i++] = Q931BearerCapabilityIE; /* ie discriminator */ msgbuf[i++] = pq931Msg->bearerCapabilityIE->length; memcpy(msgbuf+i, pq931Msg->bearerCapabilityIE->data, pq931Msg->bearerCapabilityIE->length); i += pq931Msg->bearerCapabilityIE->length; } /* Add cause IE */ if(pq931Msg->causeIE) { msgbuf[i++] = Q931CauseIE; msgbuf[i++] = pq931Msg->causeIE->length; memcpy(msgbuf+i, pq931Msg->causeIE->data, pq931Msg->causeIE->length); i += pq931Msg->causeIE->length; } /*Add progress indicator IE if(pq931Msg->messageType == Q931AlertingMsg || pq931Msg->messageType == Q931CallProceedingMsg) { msgbuf[i++] = Q931ProgressIndicatorIE; msgbuf[i++] = 2; //Length is 2 octet msgbuf[i++] = 0x80; //PI=8 msgbuf[i++] = 0x88; }*/ /*Add display ie. */ if(!ooUtilsIsStrEmpty(call->ourCallerId)) { msgbuf[i++] = Q931DisplayIE; ieLen = strlen(call->ourCallerId)+1; msgbuf[i++] = ieLen; memcpy(msgbuf+i, call->ourCallerId, ieLen-1); i += ieLen-1; msgbuf[i++] = '\0'; } /* Add calling Party ie */ if(pq931Msg->callingPartyNumberIE) { msgbuf[i++] = Q931CallingPartyNumberIE; msgbuf[i++] = pq931Msg->callingPartyNumberIE->length; memcpy(msgbuf+i, pq931Msg->callingPartyNumberIE->data, pq931Msg->callingPartyNumberIE->length); i += pq931Msg->callingPartyNumberIE->length; } /* Add called Party ie */ if(pq931Msg->calledPartyNumberIE) { msgbuf[i++] = Q931CalledPartyNumberIE; msgbuf[i++] = pq931Msg->calledPartyNumberIE->length; memcpy(msgbuf+i, pq931Msg->calledPartyNumberIE->data, pq931Msg->calledPartyNumberIE->length); i += pq931Msg->calledPartyNumberIE->length; } /* Add keypad ie */ if(pq931Msg->keypadIE) { msgbuf[i++] = Q931KeypadIE; msgbuf[i++] = pq931Msg->keypadIE->length; memcpy(msgbuf+i, pq931Msg->keypadIE->data, pq931Msg->keypadIE->length); i += pq931Msg->keypadIE->length; } /* Note: Have to fix this, though it works. Need to get rid of ie list. Right now we only put UUIE in ie list. Can be easily removed. */ for(j = 0, curNode = pq931Msg->ies.head; j < (int)pq931Msg->ies.count; j++) { Q931InformationElement *ie = (Q931InformationElement*) curNode->data; ieLen = ie->length; /* Add the ie discriminator in message buffer */ msgbuf[i++] = ie->discriminator; /* For user-user IE, we have to add protocol discriminator */ if (ie->discriminator == Q931UserUserIE) { ieLen++; /* length includes protocol discriminator octet. */ msgbuf[i++] = (ieLen>>8); /* 1st octet for length */ msgbuf[i++] = ieLen; /* 2nd octet for length */ ieLen--; msgbuf[i++] = 5; /* protocol discriminator */ memcpy((msgbuf + i), ie->data, ieLen); i += ieLen; } else { OOTRACEWARN1("Warning: Only UUIE is supported currently\n"); return OO_FAILED; } } // len = i+1-4; /* complete message length */ /* Tpkt length octets populated with total length of the message */ if(msgbuf[0] != OOFacility) { len = i-1; msgbuf[3] = (len >> 8); msgbuf[4] = len; /* including tpkt header */ } else{ len = i-4; msgbuf[6] = (len >> 8); msgbuf[7] = len; } #ifndef _COMPACT if(msgbuf[0] != OOFacility) ooQ931PrintMessage (call, (unsigned char *)msgbuf+5, len-4); else ooQ931PrintMessage (call, (unsigned char *)msgbuf+8, len-4); #endif return OO_OK; } int ooSetFastStartResponse(OOH323CallData *pCall, Q931Message *pQ931msg, ASN1UINT *fsCount, ASN1DynOctStr **fsElem) { /* OOCTXT *pctxt = &gH323ep.msgctxt; */ OOCTXT *pctxt = pCall->msgctxt; int ret = 0, i=0, j=0, remoteMediaPort=0, remoteMediaControlPort = 0, dir=0; char remoteMediaIP[20], remoteMediaControlIP[20]; DListNode *pNode = NULL; H245OpenLogicalChannel *olc = NULL, printOlc; ooH323EpCapability *epCap = NULL; ASN1DynOctStr *pFS=NULL; H245H2250LogicalChannelParameters *h2250lcp = NULL; ooLogicalChannel* pChannel; if(pCall->pFastStartRes) { ASN1UINT k = 0; ASN1OCTET* pData; /* copy the stored fast start response to structure */ *fsCount = pCall->pFastStartRes->n; *fsElem = (ASN1DynOctStr*) memAlloc(pctxt, pCall->pFastStartRes->n * sizeof(ASN1DynOctStr)); for(k = 0; k < pCall->pFastStartRes->n; k ++) { (*fsElem)[k].numocts = pCall->pFastStartRes->elem[k].numocts; pData = (ASN1OCTET*) memAlloc( pctxt, (*fsElem)[k].numocts * sizeof(ASN1OCTET)); memcpy(pData, pCall->pFastStartRes->elem[k].data, pCall->pFastStartRes->elem[k].numocts); (*fsElem)[k].data = pData; } return ASN_OK; } /* If fast start supported and remote endpoint has sent faststart element */ if(OO_TESTFLAG(pCall->flags, OO_M_FASTSTART) && pCall->remoteFastStartOLCs.count>0) { pFS = (ASN1DynOctStr*)memAlloc(pctxt, pCall->remoteFastStartOLCs.count*sizeof(ASN1DynOctStr)); if(!pFS) { OOTRACEERR3("Error:Memory - ooSetFastStartResponse - pFS (%s, %s)\n", pCall->callType, pCall->callToken); return OO_FAILED; } memset(pFS, 0, pCall->remoteFastStartOLCs.count*sizeof(ASN1DynOctStr)); /* Go though all the proposed channels */ for(i=0, j=0; i<(int)pCall->remoteFastStartOLCs.count; i++) { pNode = dListFindByIndex(&pCall->remoteFastStartOLCs, i); olc = (H245OpenLogicalChannel*)pNode->data; /* Don't support both direction channel */ if(olc->forwardLogicalChannelParameters.dataType.t != T_H245DataType_nullData && olc->m.reverseLogicalChannelParametersPresent) { OOTRACEINFO3("Ignoring bidirectional OLC as it is not supported." "(%s, %s)\n", pCall->callType, pCall->callToken); continue; } /* Check forward logic channel */ if(olc->forwardLogicalChannelParameters.dataType.t != T_H245DataType_nullData) { /* Forward Channel - remote transmits - local receives */ OOTRACEDBGC4("Processing received forward olc %d (%s, %s)\n", olc->forwardLogicalChannelNumber, pCall->callType, pCall->callToken); dir = OORX; epCap = ooIsDataTypeSupported(pCall, &olc->forwardLogicalChannelParameters.dataType, OORX); if(!epCap) { continue; } /* Not Supported Channel */ OOTRACEINFO1("Receive Channel data type supported\n"); if(olc->forwardLogicalChannelParameters.multiplexParameters.t != T_H245OpenLogicalChannel_forwardLogicalChannelParameters_multiplexParameters_h2250LogicalChannelParameters) { OOTRACEERR4("ERROR:Unknown multiplex parameter type for " "channel %d (%s, %s)\n", olc->forwardLogicalChannelNumber, pCall->callType, pCall->callToken); memFreePtr(pCall->pctxt, epCap); epCap = NULL; continue; } h2250lcp = olc->forwardLogicalChannelParameters.multiplexParameters.u.h2250LogicalChannelParameters; /* Check session is Not already established */ if(ooIsSessionEstablished(pCall, olc->forwardLogicalChannelParameters.multiplexParameters.u.h2250LogicalChannelParameters->sessionID, "receive")) { OOTRACEINFO4("Receive channel with sessionID %d already " "established.(%s, %s)\n", olc->forwardLogicalChannelParameters.multiplexParameters.u.h2250LogicalChannelParameters->sessionID, pCall->callType, pCall->callToken); memFreePtr(pCall->pctxt, epCap); epCap = NULL; continue; } /* Extract mediaControlChannel info, if supplied */ if(h2250lcp->m.mediaControlChannelPresent) { if(OO_OK != ooGetIpPortFromH245TransportAddress(pCall, &h2250lcp->mediaControlChannel, remoteMediaControlIP, &remoteMediaControlPort)) { OOTRACEERR3("Error: Invalid media control channel address " "(%s, %s)\n", pCall->callType, pCall->callToken); memFreePtr(pCall->pctxt, epCap); epCap = NULL; continue; } } } /* Check reverse logical channel */ else if(olc->m.reverseLogicalChannelParametersPresent) { /* Reverse channel - remote receives - local transmits */ OOTRACEDBGC4("Processing received reverse olc %d (%s, %s)\n", olc->forwardLogicalChannelNumber, pCall->callType, pCall->callToken); dir = OOTX; epCap = ooIsDataTypeSupported(pCall, &olc->reverseLogicalChannelParameters.dataType, OOTX); if(!epCap) { continue; } /* Capability not supported */ OOTRACEINFO1("Transmit Channel data type supported\n"); if(olc->reverseLogicalChannelParameters.multiplexParameters.t != T_H245OpenLogicalChannel_reverseLogicalChannelParameters_multiplexParameters_h2250LogicalChannelParameters) { OOTRACEERR4("ERROR:Unknown multiplex parameter type for " "channel %d (%s, %s)\n", olc->forwardLogicalChannelNumber, pCall->callType, pCall->callToken); memFreePtr(pCall->pctxt, epCap); epCap = NULL; continue; } /* Check session is not established */ if(ooIsSessionEstablished(pCall, olc->reverseLogicalChannelParameters.multiplexParameters.u.h2250LogicalChannelParameters->sessionID, "transmit")) { OOTRACEINFO4("Transmit session with sessionID %d already " "established.(%s, %s)\n", olc->reverseLogicalChannelParameters.multiplexParameters.u.h2250LogicalChannelParameters->sessionID, pCall->callType, pCall->callToken); memFreePtr(pCall->pctxt, epCap); epCap = NULL; continue; } /* Extract the remote media endpoint address */ h2250lcp = olc->reverseLogicalChannelParameters.multiplexParameters.u.h2250LogicalChannelParameters; if(!h2250lcp) { OOTRACEERR3("ERROR:Invalid OLC received in fast start. No " "reverse Logical Channel Parameters found. " "(%s, %s)\n", pCall->callType, pCall->callToken); memFreePtr(pCall->pctxt, epCap); epCap = NULL; return OO_FAILED; } /* Reverse Channel info will be always present, crash proof */ if(!h2250lcp->m.mediaChannelPresent) { OOTRACEERR3("ERROR:Invalid OLC received in fast start. No " "reverse media channel information found. " "(%s, %s)\n", pCall->callType, pCall->callToken); memFreePtr(pCall->pctxt, epCap); epCap = NULL; return OO_FAILED; } /* Get IP, PORT of reverse channel */ if(OO_OK != ooGetIpPortFromH245TransportAddress(pCall, &h2250lcp->mediaChannel, remoteMediaIP, &remoteMediaPort)) { OOTRACEERR3("Error: Invalid media channel address " "(%s, %s)\n", pCall->callType, pCall->callToken); memFreePtr(pCall->pctxt, epCap); epCap = NULL; continue; } /* Extract mediaControlChannel info, if supplied */ if(h2250lcp->m.mediaControlChannelPresent) { if(OO_OK != ooGetIpPortFromH245TransportAddress(pCall, &h2250lcp->mediaControlChannel, remoteMediaControlIP, &remoteMediaControlPort)) { OOTRACEERR3("Error: Invalid media control channel address " "(%s, %s)\n", pCall->callType, pCall->callToken); memFreePtr(pCall->pctxt, epCap); epCap = NULL; continue; } } } if(dir & OOTX) { /* According to the spec if we are accepting olc for transmission from called endpoint to calling endpoint, called endpoint should insert a unqiue forwardLogicalChannelNumber into olc */ olc->forwardLogicalChannelNumber = pCall->logicalChanNoCur++; if(pCall->logicalChanNoCur > pCall->logicalChanNoMax) pCall->logicalChanNoCur = pCall->logicalChanNoBase; } ooBuildFastStartOLC(pCall, olc, epCap, pctxt, dir); pChannel = ooFindLogicalChannelByLogicalChannelNo (pCall, olc->forwardLogicalChannelNumber); /* start receive and tramsmit channel listening */ if(dir & OORX) { strcpy(pChannel->remoteIP, remoteMediaControlIP); pChannel->remoteMediaControlPort = remoteMediaControlPort; if(epCap->startReceiveChannel) { epCap->startReceiveChannel(pCall, pChannel); OOTRACEINFO4("Receive channel of type %s started (%s, %s)\n", (epCap->capType == OO_CAP_TYPE_AUDIO)?"audio":"video", pCall->callType, pCall->callToken); } else{ OOTRACEERR4("ERROR:No callback registered to start receive %s" " channel (%s, %s)\n", (epCap->capType == OO_CAP_TYPE_AUDIO)?"audio":"video", pCall->callType, pCall->callToken); return OO_FAILED; } } if(dir & OOTX) { pChannel->remoteMediaPort = remoteMediaPort; strcpy(pChannel->remoteIP, remoteMediaIP); pChannel->remoteMediaControlPort = remoteMediaControlPort; if(epCap->startTransmitChannel) { epCap->startTransmitChannel(pCall, pChannel); OOTRACEINFO3("Transmit channel of type audio started " "(%s, %s)\n", pCall->callType, pCall->callToken); /*OO_SETFLAG (pCall->flags, OO_M_AUDIO);*/ } else{ OOTRACEERR3("ERROR:No callback registered to start transmit" " audio channel (%s, %s)\n", pCall->callType, pCall->callToken); return OO_FAILED; } } /* Encode fast start element */ setPERBuffer(pctxt, NULL, 0, 1); if(asn1PE_H245OpenLogicalChannel(pctxt, olc) != ASN_OK) { OOTRACEERR3("ERROR:Encoding of olc failed for faststart " "(%s, %s)\n", pCall->callType, pCall->callToken); ooFreeQ931Message(pctxt, pQ931msg); if(pCall->callState < OO_CALL_CLEAR) { pCall->callEndReason = OO_REASON_LOCAL_CLEARED; pCall->callState = OO_CALL_CLEAR; } return OO_FAILED; } pFS[j].data = (unsigned char *) encodeGetMsgPtr(pctxt, (int *)&(pFS[j].numocts)); /* start print call */ setPERBuffer(pctxt, (unsigned char*)pFS[j].data, pFS[j].numocts, 1); initializePrintHandler(&printHandler, "FastStart Element"); setEventHandler (pctxt, &printHandler); memset(&printOlc, 0, sizeof(printOlc)); ret = asn1PD_H245OpenLogicalChannel(pctxt, &(printOlc)); if(ret != ASN_OK) { OOTRACEERR3("Error: Failed decoding FastStart Element (%s, %s)\n", pCall->callType, pCall->callToken); ooFreeQ931Message(pctxt, pQ931msg); if(pCall->callState < OO_CALL_CLEAR) { pCall->callEndReason = OO_REASON_LOCAL_CLEARED; pCall->callState = OO_CALL_CLEAR; } return OO_FAILED; } finishPrint(); removeEventHandler(pctxt); /* end print call */ olc = NULL; j++; epCap = NULL; } OOTRACEDBGA4("Added %d fast start elements to message " "(%s, %s)\n", j, pCall->callType, pCall->callToken); if(j != 0) { ASN1UINT k = 0; ASN1OCTET* pData; //*fsPresent = TRUE; *fsCount = j; *fsElem = pFS; /* save the fast start response for later use in ALERTING, CONNECT */ pCall->pFastStartRes = (FastStartResponse*) memAlloc(pCall->pctxt, sizeof(FastStartResponse)); pCall->pFastStartRes->n = j; pCall->pFastStartRes->elem = (ASN1DynOctStr*) memAlloc(pCall->pctxt, pCall->pFastStartRes->n * sizeof(ASN1DynOctStr)); for(k = 0; k < pCall->pFastStartRes->n; k ++) { pCall->pFastStartRes->elem[k].numocts = (*fsElem)[k].numocts; pData = (ASN1OCTET*) memAlloc(pCall->pctxt, pCall->pFastStartRes->elem[k].numocts * sizeof(ASN1OCTET)); memcpy(pData, (*fsElem)[k].data, (*fsElem)[k].numocts); pCall->pFastStartRes->elem[k].data = pData; } } else{ OOTRACEINFO3("None of the faststart elements received in setup can be" " supported, rejecting faststart.(%s, %s)\n", pCall->callType, pCall->callToken); //*fsPresent = FALSE; OO_CLRFLAG(pCall->flags, OO_M_FASTSTART); OOTRACEDBGC3("Faststart for pCall is disabled by local endpoint." "(%s, %s)\n", pCall->callType, pCall->callToken); } } return ASN_OK; } /* H225 CapSet/MS determination helper function */ int ooSendTCSandMSD(OOH323CallData *call) { int ret; if(call->localTermCapState == OO_LocalTermCapExchange_Idle) { ret = ooSendTermCapMsg(call); if(ret != OO_OK) { OOTRACEERR3("ERROR:Sending Terminal capability message (%s, %s)\n", call->callType, call->callToken); return ret; } } return OO_OK; } /* */ int ooSendCallProceeding(OOH323CallData *call) { int ret; H225VendorIdentifier *vendor; H225CallProceeding_UUIE *callProceeding; Q931Message *q931msg=NULL; /* OOCTXT *pctxt = &gH323ep.msgctxt; */ OOCTXT *pctxt = call->msgctxt; OOTRACEDBGC3("Building CallProceeding (%s, %s)\n", call->callType, call->callToken); ret = ooCreateQ931Message(pctxt, &q931msg, Q931CallProceedingMsg); if(ret != OO_OK) { OOTRACEERR1("Error: In allocating memory for - H225 Call " "Proceeding message\n"); return OO_FAILED; } q931msg->callReference = call->callReference; q931msg->userInfo = (H225H323_UserInformation*)memAlloc(pctxt, sizeof(H225H323_UserInformation)); if(!q931msg->userInfo) { OOTRACEERR1("ERROR:Memory - ooSendCallProceeding - userInfo\n"); return OO_FAILED; } memset (q931msg->userInfo, 0, sizeof(H225H323_UserInformation)); q931msg->userInfo->h323_uu_pdu.m.h245TunnelingPresent=1; q931msg->userInfo->h323_uu_pdu.h245Tunneling = OO_TESTFLAG(call->flags, OO_M_TUNNELING); q931msg->userInfo->h323_uu_pdu.h323_message_body.t = T_H225H323_UU_PDU_h323_message_body_callProceeding; callProceeding = (H225CallProceeding_UUIE*)memAlloc(pctxt, sizeof(H225CallProceeding_UUIE)); if(!callProceeding) { OOTRACEERR1("ERROR:Memory - ooSendCallProceeding - callProceeding\n"); return OO_FAILED; } memset(callProceeding, 0, sizeof(H225CallProceeding_UUIE)); q931msg->userInfo->h323_uu_pdu.h323_message_body.u.callProceeding = callProceeding; callProceeding->m.multipleCallsPresent = 1; callProceeding->m.maintainConnectionPresent = 1; callProceeding->multipleCalls = FALSE; callProceeding->maintainConnection = FALSE; callProceeding->m.callIdentifierPresent = 1; callProceeding->callIdentifier.guid.numocts = call->callIdentifier.guid.numocts; memcpy(callProceeding->callIdentifier.guid.data, call->callIdentifier.guid.data, call->callIdentifier.guid.numocts); callProceeding->protocolIdentifier = gProtocolID; /* Pose as Terminal or Gateway */ if(gH323ep.isGateway) callProceeding->destinationInfo.m.gatewayPresent = TRUE; else callProceeding->destinationInfo.m.terminalPresent = TRUE; callProceeding->destinationInfo.m.vendorPresent = 1; vendor = &callProceeding->destinationInfo.vendor; if(gH323ep.productID) { vendor->m.productIdPresent = 1; vendor->productId.numocts = ASN1MIN(strlen(gH323ep.productID), sizeof(vendor->productId.data)); strncpy((char *)vendor->productId.data, gH323ep.productID, vendor->productId.numocts); } if(gH323ep.versionID) { vendor->m.versionIdPresent = 1; vendor->versionId.numocts = ASN1MIN(strlen(gH323ep.versionID), sizeof(vendor->versionId.data)); strncpy((char *)vendor->versionId.data, gH323ep.versionID, vendor->versionId.numocts); } vendor->vendor.t35CountryCode = gH323ep.t35CountryCode; vendor->vendor.t35Extension = gH323ep.t35Extension; vendor->vendor.manufacturerCode = gH323ep.manufacturerCode; OOTRACEDBGA3("Built Call Proceeding(%s, %s)\n", call->callType, call->callToken); ret = ooSendH225Msg(call, q931msg); if(ret != OO_OK) { OOTRACEERR3("Error:Failed to enqueue CallProceeding message to outbound queue.(%s, %s)\n", call->callType, call->callToken); } /* memReset(&gH323ep.msgctxt); */ memReset(call->msgctxt); return ret; } int ooSendAlerting(OOH323CallData *call) { int ret; H225Alerting_UUIE *alerting; H225VendorIdentifier *vendor; Q931Message *q931msg=NULL; /* OOCTXT *pctxt = &gH323ep.msgctxt; */ OOCTXT *pctxt = call->msgctxt; ret = ooCreateQ931Message(pctxt, &q931msg, Q931AlertingMsg); if(ret != OO_OK) { OOTRACEERR1("Error: In allocating memory for - H225 " "Alerting message\n"); return OO_FAILED; } call->alertingTime = (H235TimeStamp) time(NULL); q931msg->callReference = call->callReference; q931msg->userInfo = (H225H323_UserInformation*)memAlloc(pctxt, sizeof(H225H323_UserInformation)); if(!q931msg->userInfo) { OOTRACEERR1("ERROR:Memory - ooSendAlerting - userInfo\n"); return OO_FAILED; } memset (q931msg->userInfo, 0, sizeof(H225H323_UserInformation)); q931msg->userInfo->h323_uu_pdu.m.h245TunnelingPresent=1; q931msg->userInfo->h323_uu_pdu.h245Tunneling = OO_TESTFLAG(call->flags, OO_M_TUNNELING); q931msg->userInfo->h323_uu_pdu.h323_message_body.t = T_H225H323_UU_PDU_h323_message_body_alerting; alerting = (H225Alerting_UUIE*)memAlloc(pctxt, sizeof(H225Alerting_UUIE)); if(!alerting) { OOTRACEERR1("ERROR:Memory - ooSendAlerting - alerting\n"); return OO_FAILED; } memset(alerting, 0, sizeof(H225Alerting_UUIE)); q931msg->userInfo->h323_uu_pdu.h323_message_body.u.alerting = alerting; alerting->m.multipleCallsPresent = 1; alerting->m.maintainConnectionPresent = 1; alerting->multipleCalls = FALSE; alerting->maintainConnection = FALSE; /*Populate aliases */ alerting->m.alertingAddressPresent = TRUE; if(call->ourAliases) ret = ooPopulateAliasList(pctxt, call->ourAliases, &alerting->alertingAddress, 0); else ret = ooPopulateAliasList(pctxt, gH323ep.aliases, &alerting->alertingAddress, 0); if(OO_OK != ret) { OOTRACEERR1("Error:Failed to populate alias list in Alert message\n"); memReset(pctxt); return OO_FAILED; } alerting->m.presentationIndicatorPresent = TRUE; alerting->presentationIndicator.t = T_H225PresentationIndicator_presentationAllowed; alerting->m.screeningIndicatorPresent = TRUE; alerting->screeningIndicator = userProvidedNotScreened; alerting->m.callIdentifierPresent = 1; alerting->callIdentifier.guid.numocts = call->callIdentifier.guid.numocts; memcpy(alerting->callIdentifier.guid.data, call->callIdentifier.guid.data, call->callIdentifier.guid.numocts); alerting->protocolIdentifier = gProtocolID; /* Pose as Terminal or Gateway */ if(gH323ep.isGateway) alerting->destinationInfo.m.gatewayPresent = TRUE; else alerting->destinationInfo.m.terminalPresent = TRUE; alerting->destinationInfo.m.vendorPresent = 1; vendor = &alerting->destinationInfo.vendor; if(gH323ep.productID) { vendor->m.productIdPresent = 1; vendor->productId.numocts = ASN1MIN(strlen(gH323ep.productID), sizeof(vendor->productId.data)); strncpy((char *)vendor->productId.data, gH323ep.productID, vendor->productId.numocts); } if(gH323ep.versionID) { vendor->m.versionIdPresent = 1; vendor->versionId.numocts = ASN1MIN(strlen(gH323ep.versionID), sizeof(vendor->versionId.data)); strncpy((char *)vendor->versionId.data, gH323ep.versionID, vendor->versionId.numocts); } vendor->vendor.t35CountryCode = gH323ep.t35CountryCode; vendor->vendor.t35Extension = gH323ep.t35Extension; vendor->vendor.manufacturerCode = gH323ep.manufacturerCode; if (!call->fsSent) { ret = ooSetFastStartResponse(call, q931msg, &alerting->fastStart.n, &alerting->fastStart.elem); if(ret != ASN_OK) { return ret; } if(alerting->fastStart.n > 0) { alerting->m.fastStartPresent = TRUE; call->fsSent = TRUE; } else alerting->m.fastStartPresent = FALSE; } else { alerting->m.fastStartPresent = FALSE; } OOTRACEDBGA3("Built Alerting (%s, %s)\n", call->callType, call->callToken); ret = ooSendH225Msg(call, q931msg); if(ret != OO_OK) { OOTRACEERR3("Error: Failed to enqueue Alerting message to outbound queue. (%s, %s)\n", call->callType, call->callToken); } if (call->h225version >= 4) { ooSendTCSandMSD(call); } memReset (call->msgctxt); return ret; } int ooSendProgress(OOH323CallData *call) { int ret; H225Progress_UUIE *progress; H225VendorIdentifier *vendor; Q931Message *q931msg=NULL; H225TransportAddress_ipAddress *h245IpAddr; OOCTXT *pctxt = call->msgctxt; ret = ooCreateQ931Message(pctxt, &q931msg, Q931ProgressMsg); if(ret != OO_OK) { OOTRACEERR1("Error: In allocating memory for - H225 " "Alerting message\n"); return OO_FAILED; } q931msg->callReference = call->callReference; q931msg->userInfo = (H225H323_UserInformation*)memAlloc(pctxt, sizeof(H225H323_UserInformation)); if(!q931msg->userInfo) { OOTRACEERR1("ERROR:Memory - ooSendAlerting - userInfo\n"); return OO_FAILED; } memset (q931msg->userInfo, 0, sizeof(H225H323_UserInformation)); q931msg->userInfo->h323_uu_pdu.m.h245TunnelingPresent=1; q931msg->userInfo->h323_uu_pdu.h245Tunneling = OO_TESTFLAG(call->flags, OO_M_TUNNELING); q931msg->userInfo->h323_uu_pdu.h323_message_body.t = T_H225H323_UU_PDU_h323_message_body_progress; progress = (H225Progress_UUIE*)memAlloc(pctxt, sizeof(H225Progress_UUIE)); if(!progress) { OOTRACEERR1("ERROR:Memory - ooSendProgress- alerting\n"); return OO_FAILED; } memset(progress, 0, sizeof(H225Progress_UUIE)); q931msg->userInfo->h323_uu_pdu.h323_message_body.u.progress = progress; progress->m.multipleCallsPresent = 1; progress->m.maintainConnectionPresent = 1; progress->multipleCalls = FALSE; progress->maintainConnection = FALSE; progress->callIdentifier.guid.numocts = call->callIdentifier.guid.numocts; memcpy(progress->callIdentifier.guid.data, call->callIdentifier.guid.data, call->callIdentifier.guid.numocts); progress->protocolIdentifier = gProtocolID; /* Pose as Terminal or Gateway */ if(gH323ep.isGateway) progress->destinationInfo.m.gatewayPresent = TRUE; else progress->destinationInfo.m.terminalPresent = TRUE; progress->destinationInfo.m.vendorPresent = 1; vendor = &progress->destinationInfo.vendor; if(gH323ep.productID) { vendor->m.productIdPresent = 1; vendor->productId.numocts = ASN1MIN(strlen(gH323ep.productID), sizeof(vendor->productId.data)); strncpy((char *)vendor->productId.data, gH323ep.productID, vendor->productId.numocts); } if(gH323ep.versionID) { vendor->m.versionIdPresent = 1; vendor->versionId.numocts = ASN1MIN(strlen(gH323ep.versionID), sizeof(vendor->versionId.data)); strncpy((char *)vendor->versionId.data, gH323ep.versionID, vendor->versionId.numocts); } vendor->vendor.t35CountryCode = gH323ep.t35CountryCode; vendor->vendor.t35Extension = gH323ep.t35Extension; vendor->vendor.manufacturerCode = gH323ep.manufacturerCode; if (!call->fsSent) { ret = ooSetFastStartResponse(call, q931msg, &progress->fastStart.n, &progress->fastStart.elem); if(ret != ASN_OK) { return ret; } if(progress->fastStart.n > 0) { progress->m.fastStartPresent = TRUE; call->fsSent = TRUE; } else progress->m.fastStartPresent = FALSE; } else { progress->m.fastStartPresent = FALSE; } /* Add h245 listener address. Do not add H245 listener address in case of tunneling. */ if (/* (!OO_TESTFLAG(call->flags, OO_M_FASTSTART) || call->remoteFastStartOLCs.count == 0) && */ !OO_TESTFLAG (call->flags, OO_M_TUNNELING) && !call->h245listener && ooCreateH245Listener(call) == OO_OK) { progress->m.h245AddressPresent = TRUE; progress->h245Address.t = T_H225TransportAddress_ipAddress; h245IpAddr = (H225TransportAddress_ipAddress*) memAllocZ (pctxt, sizeof(H225TransportAddress_ipAddress)); if(!h245IpAddr) { OOTRACEERR3("Error:Memory - ooAcceptCall - h245IpAddr" "(%s, %s)\n", call->callType, call->callToken); return OO_FAILED; } ooSocketConvertIpToNwAddr(call->localIP, h245IpAddr->ip.data); h245IpAddr->ip.numocts=4; h245IpAddr->port = *(call->h245listenport); progress->h245Address.u.ipAddress = h245IpAddr; } OOTRACEDBGA3("Built Progress (%s, %s)\n", call->callType, call->callToken); ret = ooSendH225Msg(call, q931msg); if(ret != OO_OK) { OOTRACEERR3("Error: Failed to enqueue Alerting message to outbound queue. (%s, %s)\n", call->callType, call->callToken); } if (!OO_TESTFLAG(call->flags, OO_M_TUNNELING) && call->h245listener) ooSendStartH245Facility(call); if (call->h225version >= 4) { ooSendTCSandMSD(call); } memReset (call->msgctxt); return ret; } int ooSendStartH245Facility(OOH323CallData *call) { int ret=0; Q931Message *pQ931Msg = NULL; H225Facility_UUIE *facility=NULL; /* OOCTXT *pctxt = &gH323ep.msgctxt; */ OOCTXT *pctxt = call->msgctxt; H225TransportAddress_ipAddress *h245IpAddr; OOTRACEDBGA3("Building Facility message (%s, %s)\n", call->callType, call->callToken); ret = ooCreateQ931Message(pctxt, &pQ931Msg, Q931FacilityMsg); if(ret != OO_OK) { OOTRACEERR3 ("ERROR: In allocating memory for facility message (%s, %s)\n", call->callType, call->callToken); return OO_FAILED; } pQ931Msg->callReference = call->callReference; pQ931Msg->userInfo = (H225H323_UserInformation*)memAlloc(pctxt, sizeof(H225H323_UserInformation)); if(!pQ931Msg->userInfo) { OOTRACEERR3("ERROR:Memory - ooSendFacility - userInfo(%s, %s)\n", call->callType, call->callToken); return OO_FAILED; } memset (pQ931Msg->userInfo, 0, sizeof(H225H323_UserInformation)); pQ931Msg->userInfo->h323_uu_pdu.m.h245TunnelingPresent=1; pQ931Msg->userInfo->h323_uu_pdu.h245Tunneling = OO_TESTFLAG (call->flags, OO_M_TUNNELING); pQ931Msg->userInfo->h323_uu_pdu.h323_message_body.t = T_H225H323_UU_PDU_h323_message_body_facility; facility = (H225Facility_UUIE*) memAllocZ (pctxt, sizeof(H225Facility_UUIE)); if(!facility) { OOTRACEERR3("ERROR:Memory - ooSendFacility - facility (%s, %s)" "\n", call->callType, call->callToken); return OO_FAILED; } pQ931Msg->userInfo->h323_uu_pdu.h323_message_body.u.facility = facility; /* Populate Facility UUIE */ facility->protocolIdentifier = gProtocolID; facility->m.callIdentifierPresent = 1; facility->callIdentifier.guid.numocts = call->callIdentifier.guid.numocts; memcpy(facility->callIdentifier.guid.data, call->callIdentifier.guid.data, call->callIdentifier.guid.numocts); facility->reason.t = T_H225FacilityReason_startH245; if (!call->h245listener && ooCreateH245Listener(call) != OO_OK) { OOTRACEERR3("Error:No H245Listener, can't send startH245 facility (%s, %s)\n", call->callType, call->callToken); return OO_FAILED; } facility->m.h245AddressPresent = TRUE; facility->h245Address.t = T_H225TransportAddress_ipAddress; h245IpAddr = (H225TransportAddress_ipAddress*) memAllocZ (pctxt, sizeof(H225TransportAddress_ipAddress)); if(!h245IpAddr) { OOTRACEERR3("Error:Memory - ooSendFacility - h245IpAddr" "(%s, %s)\n", call->callType, call->callToken); return OO_FAILED; } ooSocketConvertIpToNwAddr(call->localIP, h245IpAddr->ip.data); h245IpAddr->ip.numocts=4; h245IpAddr->port = *(call->h245listenport); facility->h245Address.u.ipAddress = h245IpAddr; OOTRACEDBGA3("Built Facility message to send (%s, %s)\n", call->callType, call->callToken); ret = ooSendH225Msg(call, pQ931Msg); if(ret != OO_OK) { OOTRACEERR3 ("Error:Failed to enqueue Facility message to outbound " "queue.(%s, %s)\n", call->callType, call->callToken); } /* memReset (&gH323ep.msgctxt); */ memReset (call->msgctxt); return ret; } int ooSendReleaseComplete(OOH323CallData *call) { int ret; Q931Message *q931msg=NULL; H225ReleaseComplete_UUIE *releaseComplete; enum Q931CauseValues cause = Q931ErrorInCauseIE; unsigned h225ReasonCode = T_H225ReleaseCompleteReason_undefinedReason; /* OOCTXT *pctxt = &gH323ep.msgctxt; */ OOCTXT *pctxt = call->msgctxt; OOTRACEDBGA3("Building Release Complete message to send(%s, %s)\n", call->callType, call->callToken); ret = ooCreateQ931Message(pctxt, &q931msg, Q931ReleaseCompleteMsg); if(ret != OO_OK) { OOTRACEERR3("Error: In ooCreateQ931Message - H225 Release Complete " "message(%s, %s)\n", call->callType, call->callToken); if(call->callState < OO_CALL_CLEAR) { call->callEndReason = OO_REASON_LOCAL_CLEARED; call->callState = OO_CALL_CLEAR; } return OO_FAILED; } q931msg->callReference = call->callReference; q931msg->userInfo = (H225H323_UserInformation*)memAlloc(pctxt, sizeof(H225H323_UserInformation)); if(!q931msg->userInfo) { OOTRACEERR1("ERROR:Memory - ooSendReleaseComplete - userInfo\n"); return OO_FAILED; } memset (q931msg->userInfo, 0, sizeof(H225H323_UserInformation)); releaseComplete = (H225ReleaseComplete_UUIE*)memAlloc(pctxt, sizeof(H225ReleaseComplete_UUIE)); if(!releaseComplete) { OOTRACEERR3("Error:Memory - ooSendReleaseComplete - releaseComplete" "(%s, %s)\n", call->callType, call->callToken); return OO_FAILED; } memset(releaseComplete, 0, sizeof(H225ReleaseComplete_UUIE)); q931msg->userInfo->h323_uu_pdu.m.h245TunnelingPresent=1; q931msg->userInfo->h323_uu_pdu.h245Tunneling = OO_TESTFLAG(call->flags, OO_M_TUNNELING); q931msg->userInfo->h323_uu_pdu.h323_message_body.t = T_H225H323_UU_PDU_h323_message_body_releaseComplete; /* Get cause value and h225 reason code corresponding to OOCallClearReason*/ ooQ931GetCauseAndReasonCodeFromCallClearReason(call->callEndReason, &cause, &h225ReasonCode); if (call->q931cause == 0) call->q931cause = cause; /* Set Cause IE */ ooQ931SetCauseIE(pctxt, q931msg, call->q931cause, 0, 0); /* Set H225 releaseComplete reasonCode */ releaseComplete->m.reasonPresent = TRUE; releaseComplete->reason.t = h225ReasonCode; /* Add user-user ie */ q931msg->userInfo->h323_uu_pdu.m.h245TunnelingPresent=TRUE; q931msg->userInfo->h323_uu_pdu.h245Tunneling = OO_TESTFLAG (call->flags, OO_M_TUNNELING); q931msg->userInfo->h323_uu_pdu.h323_message_body.t = T_H225H323_UU_PDU_h323_message_body_releaseComplete; q931msg->userInfo->h323_uu_pdu.h323_message_body.u.releaseComplete = releaseComplete; releaseComplete->m.callIdentifierPresent = 1; releaseComplete->protocolIdentifier = gProtocolID; releaseComplete->callIdentifier.guid.numocts = call->callIdentifier.guid.numocts; memcpy(releaseComplete->callIdentifier.guid.data, call->callIdentifier.guid.data, call->callIdentifier.guid.numocts); OOTRACEDBGA3("Built Release Complete message (%s, %s)\n", call->callType, call->callToken); /* Send H225 message */ ret = ooSendH225Msg(call, q931msg); if(ret != OO_OK) { OOTRACEERR3("Error:Failed to enqueue ReleaseComplete message to outbound" " queue.(%s, %s)\n", call->callType, call->callToken); } /* memReset(&gH323ep.msgctxt); */ memReset(call->msgctxt); return ret; } int ooSendConnect(OOH323CallData *call) { call->connectTime = (H235TimeStamp) time(NULL); if(gH323ep.gkClient && !OO_TESTFLAG(call->flags, OO_M_DISABLEGK)) { if(gH323ep.gkClient->state == GkClientRegistered) { ooGkClientSendIRR(gH323ep.gkClient, call); } } ooAcceptCall(call); return OO_OK; } /*TODO: Need to clean logical channel in case of failure after creating one */ int ooAcceptCall(OOH323CallData *call) { int ret = 0, i=0; H225Connect_UUIE *connect; H225TransportAddress_ipAddress *h245IpAddr; H225VendorIdentifier *vendor; Q931Message *q931msg=NULL; /* OOCTXT *pctxt = &gH323ep.msgctxt; */ OOCTXT *pctxt = call->msgctxt; ret = ooCreateQ931Message(pctxt, &q931msg, Q931ConnectMsg); if(ret != OO_OK) { OOTRACEERR1("Error: In allocating memory for - H225 " "Connect message\n"); return OO_FAILED; } q931msg->callReference = call->callReference; /* Set bearer capability */ if(OO_OK != ooSetBearerCapabilityIE(pctxt, q931msg, Q931CCITTStd, // Q931TransferUnrestrictedDigital, Q931TransferPacketMode, // Q931TransferRatePacketMode, Q931UserInfoLayer1G722G725)) Q931TransferSpeech, Q931TransferCircuitMode, Q931TransferRate64Kbps, Q931UserInfoLayer1G711ALaw)) { OOTRACEERR3("Error: Failed to set bearer capability ie. (%s, %s)\n", call->callType, call->callToken); return OO_FAILED; } q931msg->userInfo = (H225H323_UserInformation*) memAllocZ (pctxt,sizeof(H225H323_UserInformation)); if(!q931msg->userInfo) { OOTRACEERR1("ERROR:Memory - ooAcceptCall - userInfo\n"); return OO_FAILED; } q931msg->userInfo->h323_uu_pdu.m.h245TunnelingPresent=TRUE; q931msg->userInfo->h323_uu_pdu.h245Tunneling = OO_TESTFLAG (call->flags, OO_M_TUNNELING); q931msg->userInfo->h323_uu_pdu.h323_message_body.t = T_H225H323_UU_PDU_h323_message_body_connect; connect = (H225Connect_UUIE*) memAllocZ (pctxt, sizeof(H225Connect_UUIE)); if(!connect) { OOTRACEERR1("ERROR:Memory - ooAcceptCall - connect\n"); return OO_FAILED; } q931msg->userInfo->h323_uu_pdu.h323_message_body.u.connect = connect; connect->m.fastStartPresent = 0; connect->m.multipleCallsPresent = 1; connect->m.maintainConnectionPresent = 1; connect->multipleCalls = FALSE; connect->maintainConnection = FALSE; connect->conferenceID.numocts = 16; for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) connect->conferenceID.data[i] = i + 1; connect->m.callIdentifierPresent = 1; connect->callIdentifier.guid.numocts = call->callIdentifier.guid.numocts; memcpy(connect->callIdentifier.guid.data, call->callIdentifier.guid.data, call->callIdentifier.guid.numocts); connect->conferenceID.numocts = call->confIdentifier.numocts; memcpy(connect->conferenceID.data, call->confIdentifier.data, call->confIdentifier.numocts); /* Populate alias addresses */ connect->m.connectedAddressPresent = TRUE; if(call->ourAliases) ret = ooPopulateAliasList(pctxt, call->ourAliases, &connect->connectedAddress, 0); else ret = ooPopulateAliasList(pctxt, gH323ep.aliases, &connect->connectedAddress, 0); if(OO_OK != ret) { OOTRACEERR1("Error:Failed to populate alias list in Connect message\n"); memReset(pctxt); return OO_FAILED; } connect->m.presentationIndicatorPresent = TRUE; connect->presentationIndicator.t = T_H225PresentationIndicator_presentationAllowed; connect->m.screeningIndicatorPresent = TRUE; connect->screeningIndicator = userProvidedNotScreened; connect->protocolIdentifier = gProtocolID; /* Pose as Terminal or Gateway */ if(gH323ep.isGateway) connect->destinationInfo.m.gatewayPresent = TRUE; else connect->destinationInfo.m.terminalPresent = TRUE; connect->destinationInfo.m.vendorPresent = 1; vendor = &connect->destinationInfo.vendor; vendor->vendor.t35CountryCode = gH323ep.t35CountryCode; vendor->vendor.t35Extension = gH323ep.t35Extension; vendor->vendor.manufacturerCode = gH323ep.manufacturerCode; if(gH323ep.productID) { vendor->m.productIdPresent = 1; vendor->productId.numocts = ASN1MIN(strlen(gH323ep.productID), sizeof(vendor->productId.data)); strncpy((char *)vendor->productId.data, gH323ep.productID, vendor->productId.numocts); } if(gH323ep.versionID) { vendor->m.versionIdPresent = 1; vendor->versionId.numocts = ASN1MIN(strlen(gH323ep.versionID), sizeof(vendor->versionId.data)); strncpy((char *)vendor->versionId.data, gH323ep.versionID, vendor->versionId.numocts); } if (!call->fsSent) { ret = ooSetFastStartResponse(call, q931msg, &connect->fastStart.n, &connect->fastStart.elem); if(ret != ASN_OK) { return ret; } if(connect->fastStart.n > 0) { connect->m.fastStartPresent = TRUE; call->fsSent = TRUE; } else connect->m.fastStartPresent = FALSE; } else { connect->m.fastStartPresent = FALSE; } /* free the stored fast start response */ if(call->pFastStartRes) { int k; for(k = 0; k < call->pFastStartRes->n; k ++) { memFreePtr(call->pctxt, call->pFastStartRes->elem[k].data); } memFreePtr(call->pctxt, call->pFastStartRes->elem); memFreePtr(call->pctxt, call->pFastStartRes); call->pFastStartRes = NULL; } /* Add h245 listener address. */ /* Do not add H245 listener address in case of fast-start. why? */ /* May 20110205 */ /* Send h245 listener addr any case if H245 connection isn't established */ if (/* (!OO_TESTFLAG(call->flags, OO_M_FASTSTART) || call->remoteFastStartOLCs.count == 0) && */ !OO_TESTFLAG (call->flags, OO_M_TUNNELING) && ( (!call->h245listener && ooCreateH245Listener(call) == OO_OK) || !call->pH245Channel)) { connect->m.h245AddressPresent = TRUE; connect->h245Address.t = T_H225TransportAddress_ipAddress; h245IpAddr = (H225TransportAddress_ipAddress*) memAllocZ (pctxt, sizeof(H225TransportAddress_ipAddress)); if(!h245IpAddr) { OOTRACEERR3("Error:Memory - ooAcceptCall - h245IpAddr" "(%s, %s)\n", call->callType, call->callToken); return OO_FAILED; } ooSocketConvertIpToNwAddr(call->localIP, h245IpAddr->ip.data); h245IpAddr->ip.numocts=4; h245IpAddr->port = *(call->h245listenport); connect->h245Address.u.ipAddress = h245IpAddr; } OOTRACEDBGA3("Built H.225 Connect message (%s, %s)\n", call->callType, call->callToken); /* H225 message callback */ if(gH323ep.h225Callbacks.onBuiltConnect) gH323ep.h225Callbacks.onBuiltConnect(call, q931msg); ret=ooSendH225Msg(call, q931msg); if(ret != OO_OK) { OOTRACEERR3("Error:Failed to enqueue Connect message to outbound queue.(%s, %s)\n", call->callType, call->callToken); /* memReset(&gH323ep.msgctxt);*/ memReset(call->msgctxt); return OO_FAILED; } /* memReset(&gH323ep.msgctxt); */ ooSendTCSandMSD(call); memReset(call->msgctxt); call->callState = OO_CALL_CONNECTED; if (call->rtdrCount > 0 && call->rtdrInterval > 0) { return ooSendRoundTripDelayRequest(call); } return OO_OK; } int ooH323HandleCallFwdRequest(OOH323CallData *call) { OOH323CallData *fwdedCall=NULL; OOCTXT *pctxt; ooAliases *pNewAlias=NULL, *alias=NULL; struct timespec ts; struct timeval tv; int i=0, irand=0, ret = OO_OK; /* Note: We keep same callToken, for new call which is going to replace an existing call, thus treating it as a single call.*/ fwdedCall = ooCreateCall("outgoing", call->callToken); pctxt = fwdedCall->pctxt; /* Retrieve new destination info from original call */ if(!ooUtilsIsStrEmpty(call->pCallFwdData->ip)) { strcpy(fwdedCall->remoteIP, call->pCallFwdData->ip); } fwdedCall->remotePort = call->pCallFwdData->port; if(call->pCallFwdData->aliases) { alias = call->pCallFwdData->aliases; while(alias) { pNewAlias = (ooAliases*) memAlloc(pctxt, sizeof(ooAliases)); pNewAlias->value = (char*) memAlloc(pctxt, strlen(alias->value)+1); if(!pNewAlias || !pNewAlias->value) { OOTRACEERR3("Error:Memory - ooH323HandleCallFwdRequest - " "pNewAlias/pNewAlias->value" "(%s, %s)\n", call->callType, call->callToken); ooCleanCall(fwdedCall); return OO_FAILED; } pNewAlias->type = alias->type; strcpy(pNewAlias->value, alias->value); pNewAlias->next = fwdedCall->remoteAliases; fwdedCall->remoteAliases = pNewAlias; alias = alias->next; pNewAlias = NULL; } } fwdedCall->callReference = ooGenerateCallReference(); ooGenerateCallIdentifier(&fwdedCall->callIdentifier); fwdedCall->confIdentifier.numocts = 16; irand = rand(); for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { fwdedCall->confIdentifier.data[i] = irand++; } if(gH323ep.gkClient && !OO_TESTFLAG(fwdedCall->flags, OO_M_DISABLEGK)) { /* No need to check registration status here as it is already checked for MakeCall command */ ret = ooGkClientSendAdmissionRequest(gH323ep.gkClient, fwdedCall, FALSE); fwdedCall->callState = OO_CALL_WAITING_ADMISSION; ast_mutex_lock(&fwdedCall->Lock); tv = ast_tvnow(); ts.tv_sec += tv.tv_sec + 24; ts.tv_nsec = tv.tv_usec * 1000; ast_cond_timedwait(&fwdedCall->gkWait, &fwdedCall->Lock, &ts); if (fwdedCall->callState == OO_CALL_WAITING_ADMISSION) /* GK is not responding */ fwdedCall->callState = OO_CALL_CLEAR; ast_mutex_unlock(&fwdedCall->Lock); } if (fwdedCall->callState < OO_CALL_CLEAR) { ast_mutex_lock(&fwdedCall->Lock); ret = ooH323CallAdmitted (fwdedCall); ast_mutex_unlock(&fwdedCall->Lock); } return OO_OK; } int ooH323NewCall(char *callToken) { OOH323CallData* call; if(!callToken) { OOTRACEERR1("ERROR: Invalid callToken parameter to make call\n"); return OO_FAILED; } call = ooCreateCall("outgoing", callToken); if (!call) { OOTRACEERR1("ERROR: Can't create call %s\n"); return OO_FAILED; } return OO_OK; } int ooH323MakeCall(char *dest, char *callToken, ooCallOptions *opts) { OOCTXT *pctxt; OOH323CallData *call; int ret=OO_OK, i=0, irand=0; char tmp[30]="\0"; char *ip=NULL, *port = NULL; struct timeval tv; struct timespec ts; if(!dest) { OOTRACEERR1("ERROR:Invalid destination for new call\n"); return OO_FAILED; } if(!callToken) { OOTRACEERR1("ERROR: Invalid callToken parameter to make call\n"); return OO_FAILED; } /* call = ooCreateCall("outgoing", callToken); */ call = ooFindCallByToken(callToken); if (!call) { OOTRACEERR1("ERROR: Can't create call %s\n"); return OO_FAILED; } pctxt = call->pctxt; if(opts) { if(opts->fastStart) OO_SETFLAG(call->flags, OO_M_FASTSTART); else OO_CLRFLAG(call->flags, OO_M_FASTSTART); if(opts->tunneling) OO_SETFLAG(call->flags, OO_M_TUNNELING); else OO_CLRFLAG(call->flags, OO_M_TUNNELING); if(opts->disableGk) OO_SETFLAG(call->flags, OO_M_DISABLEGK); else OO_CLRFLAG(call->flags, OO_M_DISABLEGK); call->callMode = opts->callMode; call->transfercap = opts->transfercap; } ret = ooParseDestination(call, dest, tmp, 24, &call->remoteAliases); if(ret != OO_OK) { OOTRACEERR2("Error: Failed to parse the destination string %s for " "new call\n", dest); ooCleanCall(call); return OO_FAILED; } /* Check whether we have ip address */ if(!ooUtilsIsStrEmpty(tmp)) { ip = tmp; port = strchr(tmp, ':'); *port = '\0'; port++; strcpy(call->remoteIP, ip); call->remotePort = atoi(port); } strcpy(callToken, call->callToken); call->callReference = ooGenerateCallReference(); ooGenerateCallIdentifier(&call->callIdentifier); call->confIdentifier.numocts = 16; irand = rand(); for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { call->confIdentifier.data[i] = irand++; } if(gH323ep.gkClient && !OO_TESTFLAG(call->flags, OO_M_DISABLEGK)) { /* No need to check registration status here as it is already checked for MakeCall command */ call->callState = OO_CALL_WAITING_ADMISSION; ast_mutex_lock(&call->Lock); ret = ooGkClientSendAdmissionRequest(gH323ep.gkClient, call, FALSE); tv = ast_tvnow(); ts.tv_sec = tv.tv_sec + 24; ts.tv_nsec = tv.tv_usec * 1000; ast_cond_timedwait(&call->gkWait, &call->Lock, &ts); if (call->callState == OO_CALL_WAITING_ADMISSION) call->callState = OO_CALL_CLEAR; ast_mutex_unlock(&call->Lock); } /* Send as H225 message to calling endpoint */ ast_mutex_lock(&call->Lock); if (call->callState < OO_CALL_CLEAR) { if ((ret = ooH323CallAdmitted (call)) != OO_OK) { ast_mutex_unlock(&call->Lock); return ret; } } else ret = OO_FAILED; ast_mutex_unlock(&call->Lock); return ret; } int ooH323CallAdmitted(OOH323CallData *call) { int ret=0; if(!call) { /* Call not supplied. Must locate it in list */ OOTRACEERR1("ERROR: Invalid call parameter to ooH323CallAdmitted"); return OO_FAILED; } if(!strcmp(call->callType, "outgoing")) { ret = ooCreateH225Connection(call); if(ret != OO_OK) { OOTRACEERR3("ERROR:Failed to create H225 connection to %s:%d\n", call->remoteIP, call->remotePort); if(call->callState< OO_CALL_CLEAR) { call->callState = OO_CALL_CLEAR; call->callEndReason = OO_REASON_UNKNOWN; } return OO_FAILED; } if(gH323ep.h323Callbacks.onOutgoingCall) { /* Outgoing call callback function */ gH323ep.h323Callbacks.onOutgoingCall(call); } ret = ooH323MakeCall_helper(call); } else { /* incoming call */ if(gH323ep.h323Callbacks.onIncomingCall) { /* Incoming call callback function */ gH323ep.h323Callbacks.onIncomingCall(call); } /* Check for manual ringback generation */ if(!OO_TESTFLAG(gH323ep.flags, OO_M_MANUALRINGBACK)) { ooSendAlerting(call); /* Send alerting message */ if(OO_TESTFLAG(gH323ep.flags, OO_M_AUTOANSWER)) { ooSendConnect(call); /* Send connect message - call accepted */ } } } return OO_OK; } int ooH323MakeCall_helper(OOH323CallData *call) { int ret=0,i=0, k; Q931Message *q931msg = NULL; H225Setup_UUIE *setup; ASN1DynOctStr *pFS=NULL; H225TransportAddress_ipAddress *destCallSignalIpAddress; H225TransportAddress_ipAddress *srcCallSignalIpAddress; ooH323EpCapability *epCap=NULL; OOCTXT *pctxt = NULL; H245OpenLogicalChannel *olc, printOlc; ASN1BOOL aligned = 1; ooAliases *pAlias = NULL; /* pctxt = &gH323ep.msgctxt; */ pctxt = call->msgctxt; ret = ooCreateQ931Message(pctxt, &q931msg, Q931SetupMsg); if(ret != OO_OK) { OOTRACEERR1("ERROR:Failed to Create Q931 SETUP Message\n "); return OO_FAILED; } q931msg->callReference = call->callReference; /* Set bearer capability */ if(OO_OK != ooSetBearerCapabilityIE(pctxt, q931msg, Q931CCITTStd, // Q931TransferUnrestrictedDigital, Q931TransferPacketMode, call->transfercap, Q931TransferCircuitMode, // Q931TransferRatePacketMode, Q931UserInfoLayer1G722G725)) Q931TransferRate64Kbps, Q931UserInfoLayer1G711ALaw)) { OOTRACEERR3("Error: Failed to set bearer capability ie.(%s, %s)\n", call->callType, call->callToken); return OO_FAILED; } /* Set calling party number Q931 IE */ if(call->callingPartyNumber && call->callingPartyNumber[0]) ooQ931SetCallingPartyNumberIE(pctxt, q931msg, (const char*)call->callingPartyNumber, 1, 0, 0, 0); /* Set called party number Q931 IE */ if(call->calledPartyNumber) ooQ931SetCalledPartyNumberIE(pctxt, q931msg, (const char*)call->calledPartyNumber, 1, 0); else if(call->remoteAliases) { pAlias = call->remoteAliases; while(pAlias) { if(pAlias->type == T_H225AliasAddress_dialedDigits) break; pAlias = pAlias->next; } if(pAlias) { call->calledPartyNumber = (char*)memAlloc(call->pctxt, strlen(pAlias->value)+1); if(!call->calledPartyNumber) { OOTRACEERR3("Error:Memory - ooH323MakeCall_helper - " "calledPartyNumber(%s, %s)\n", call->callType, call->callToken); return OO_FAILED; } strcpy(call->calledPartyNumber, pAlias->value); ooQ931SetCalledPartyNumberIE(pctxt, q931msg, (const char*)call->calledPartyNumber, 1, 0); } } q931msg->userInfo = (H225H323_UserInformation*)memAlloc(pctxt, sizeof(H225H323_UserInformation)); if(!q931msg->userInfo) { OOTRACEERR1("ERROR:Memory - ooH323MakeCall_helper - userInfo\n"); return OO_FAILED; } memset(q931msg->userInfo, 0, sizeof(H225H323_UserInformation)); setup = (H225Setup_UUIE*) memAlloc(pctxt, sizeof(H225Setup_UUIE)); if(!setup) { OOTRACEERR3("Error:Memory - ooH323MakeCall_helper - setup (%s, %s)\n", call->callType, call->callToken); return OO_FAILED; } memset (setup, 0, sizeof(H225Setup_UUIE)); setup->protocolIdentifier = gProtocolID; /* Populate Alias Address.*/ if(call->ourAliases || gH323ep.aliases) { setup->m.sourceAddressPresent = TRUE; if(call->ourAliases) ret = ooPopulateAliasList(pctxt, call->ourAliases, &setup->sourceAddress, 0); else if(gH323ep.aliases) ret = ooPopulateAliasList(pctxt, gH323ep.aliases, &setup->sourceAddress, 0); if(OO_OK != ret) { OOTRACEERR1("Error:Failed to populate alias list in SETUP message\n"); memReset(pctxt); return OO_FAILED; } } setup->m.presentationIndicatorPresent = TRUE; setup->presentationIndicator.t = T_H225PresentationIndicator_presentationAllowed; setup->m.screeningIndicatorPresent = TRUE; setup->screeningIndicator = userProvidedNotScreened; setup->m.multipleCallsPresent = TRUE; setup->multipleCalls = FALSE; setup->m.maintainConnectionPresent = TRUE; setup->maintainConnection = FALSE; /* Populate Destination aliases */ if(call->remoteAliases) { setup->m.destinationAddressPresent = TRUE; ret = ooPopulateAliasList(pctxt, call->remoteAliases, &setup->destinationAddress, 0); if(OO_OK != ret) { OOTRACEERR1("Error:Failed to populate destination alias list in SETUP" "message\n"); memReset(pctxt); return OO_FAILED; } } /* Populate the vendor information */ if(gH323ep.isGateway) setup->sourceInfo.m.gatewayPresent = TRUE; else setup->sourceInfo.m.terminalPresent = TRUE; setup->sourceInfo.m.vendorPresent=TRUE; setup->sourceInfo.vendor.vendor.t35CountryCode = gH323ep.t35CountryCode; setup->sourceInfo.vendor.vendor.t35Extension = gH323ep.t35Extension; setup->sourceInfo.vendor.vendor.manufacturerCode= gH323ep.manufacturerCode; if(gH323ep.productID) { setup->sourceInfo.vendor.m.productIdPresent=TRUE; setup->sourceInfo.vendor.productId.numocts = ASN1MIN( strlen(gH323ep.productID), sizeof(setup->sourceInfo.vendor.productId.data)); strncpy((char*)setup->sourceInfo.vendor.productId.data, gH323ep.productID, setup->sourceInfo.vendor.productId.numocts); } else setup->sourceInfo.vendor.m.productIdPresent=FALSE; if(gH323ep.versionID) { setup->sourceInfo.vendor.m.versionIdPresent=TRUE; setup->sourceInfo.vendor.versionId.numocts = ASN1MIN( strlen(gH323ep.versionID), sizeof(setup->sourceInfo.vendor.versionId.data)); strncpy((char*)setup->sourceInfo.vendor.versionId.data, gH323ep.versionID, setup->sourceInfo.vendor.versionId.numocts); } else setup->sourceInfo.vendor.m.versionIdPresent=FALSE; setup->sourceInfo.mc = FALSE; setup->sourceInfo.undefinedNode = FALSE; /* Populate the destination Call Signal Address */ setup->destCallSignalAddress.t=T_H225TransportAddress_ipAddress; destCallSignalIpAddress = (H225TransportAddress_ipAddress*)memAlloc(pctxt, sizeof(H225TransportAddress_ipAddress)); if(!destCallSignalIpAddress) { OOTRACEERR3("Error:Memory - ooH323MakeCall_helper - " "destCallSignalAddress. (%s, %s)\n", call->callType, call->callToken); return OO_FAILED; } ooSocketConvertIpToNwAddr(call->remoteIP, destCallSignalIpAddress->ip.data); destCallSignalIpAddress->ip.numocts=4; destCallSignalIpAddress->port = call->remotePort; setup->destCallSignalAddress.u.ipAddress = destCallSignalIpAddress; setup->m.destCallSignalAddressPresent=TRUE; setup->activeMC=FALSE; /* Populate the source Call Signal Address */ setup->sourceCallSignalAddress.t=T_H225TransportAddress_ipAddress; srcCallSignalIpAddress = (H225TransportAddress_ipAddress*)memAlloc(pctxt, sizeof(H225TransportAddress_ipAddress)); if(!srcCallSignalIpAddress) { OOTRACEERR3("Error:Memory - ooH323MakeCall_helper - srcCallSignalAddress" "(%s, %s)\n", call->callType, call->callToken); return OO_FAILED; } ooSocketConvertIpToNwAddr(call->localIP, srcCallSignalIpAddress->ip.data); srcCallSignalIpAddress->ip.numocts=4; srcCallSignalIpAddress->port= call->pH225Channel->port; setup->sourceCallSignalAddress.u.ipAddress = srcCallSignalIpAddress; setup->m.sourceCallSignalAddressPresent=TRUE; /* No fast start */ if(!OO_TESTFLAG(call->flags, OO_M_FASTSTART)) { setup->m.fastStartPresent = FALSE; } else{ setup->m.fastStartPresent = TRUE; pFS = (ASN1DynOctStr*)memAlloc(pctxt, gH323ep.noOfCaps* sizeof(ASN1DynOctStr)); if(!pFS) { OOTRACEERR3("Error:Memory - ooH323MakeCall_helper - pFS(%s, %s)\n", call->callType, call->callToken); return OO_FAILED; } /* Use preference order of codecs */ i=0; for(k=0; k< call->capPrefs.index; k++) { OOTRACEDBGC5("Preffered capability at index %d is %s. (%s, %s)\n", k, ooGetCapTypeText(call->capPrefs.order[k]), call->callType, call->callToken); if(call->ourCaps) { epCap = call->ourCaps; OOTRACEDBGC3("Using call specific capabilities in faststart of " "setup message. (%s, %s)\n", call->callType, call->callToken); } else{ epCap = gH323ep.myCaps; OOTRACEDBGC3("Using end-point capabilities for faststart of setup" "message. (%s, %s)\n", call->callType, call->callToken); } while(epCap){ if(epCap->cap == call->capPrefs.order[k]) break; else epCap = epCap->next; } if(!epCap) { OOTRACEWARN4("Warn:Preferred capability %s is abscent in " "capability list. (%s, %s)\n", ooGetCapTypeText(call->capPrefs.order[k]), call->callType, call->callToken); continue; } /* don't send t38/other data caps in fasstart olcs */ if (epCap->capType == OO_CAP_TYPE_DATA) continue; OOTRACEDBGC4("Building olcs with capability %s. (%s, %s)\n", ooGetCapTypeText(epCap->cap), call->callType, call->callToken); if(epCap->dir & OORX) { olc = (H245OpenLogicalChannel*)memAlloc(pctxt, sizeof(H245OpenLogicalChannel)); if(!olc) { OOTRACEERR3("ERROR:Memory - ooH323MakeCall_helper - olc(%s, %s)" "\n", call->callType, call->callToken); ooFreeQ931Message(pctxt, q931msg); if(call->callState < OO_CALL_CLEAR) { call->callEndReason = OO_REASON_LOCAL_CLEARED; call->callState = OO_CALL_CLEAR; } return OO_FAILED; } memset(olc, 0, sizeof(H245OpenLogicalChannel)); olc->forwardLogicalChannelNumber = call->logicalChanNoCur++; if(call->logicalChanNoCur > call->logicalChanNoMax) call->logicalChanNoCur = call->logicalChanNoBase; ooBuildFastStartOLC(call, olc, epCap, pctxt, OORX); /* Do not specify msg buffer let automatic allocation work */ setPERBuffer(pctxt, NULL, 0, aligned); if(asn1PE_H245OpenLogicalChannel(pctxt, olc) != ASN_OK) { OOTRACEERR3("ERROR:Encoding of olc failed for faststart(%s, %s)" "\n", call->callType, call->callToken); ooFreeQ931Message(pctxt, q931msg); if(call->callState < OO_CALL_CLEAR) { call->callEndReason = OO_REASON_LOCAL_CLEARED; call->callState = OO_CALL_CLEAR; } return OO_FAILED; } pFS[i].data = (unsigned char *)encodeGetMsgPtr(pctxt, (int *)&(pFS[i].numocts)); /* Dump faststart element in logfile for debugging purpose */ setPERBuffer(pctxt, (unsigned char*)pFS[i].data, pFS[i].numocts, 1); initializePrintHandler(&printHandler, "FastStart Element"); setEventHandler (pctxt, &printHandler); memset(&printOlc, 0, sizeof(printOlc)); ret = asn1PD_H245OpenLogicalChannel(pctxt, &(printOlc)); if(ret != ASN_OK) { OOTRACEERR3("Error: Failed decoding FastStart Element." "(%s, %s)\n", call->callType, call->callToken); ooFreeQ931Message(pctxt, q931msg); if(call->callState < OO_CALL_CLEAR) { call->callEndReason = OO_REASON_LOCAL_CLEARED; call->callState = OO_CALL_CLEAR; } return OO_FAILED; } finishPrint(); removeEventHandler(pctxt); olc = NULL; i++; OOTRACEDBGC5("Added RX fs element %d with capability %s(%s, %s)\n", i, ooGetCapTypeText(epCap->cap), call->callType, call->callToken); } if(epCap->dir & OOTX) { olc = (H245OpenLogicalChannel*)memAlloc(pctxt, sizeof(H245OpenLogicalChannel)); if(!olc) { OOTRACEERR3("ERROR:Memory - ooH323MakeCall_helper - olc(%s, %s)" "\n", call->callType, call->callToken); ooFreeQ931Message(pctxt, q931msg); if(call->callState < OO_CALL_CLEAR) { call->callEndReason = OO_REASON_LOCAL_CLEARED; call->callState = OO_CALL_CLEAR; } return OO_FAILED; } memset(olc, 0, sizeof(H245OpenLogicalChannel)); olc->forwardLogicalChannelNumber = call->logicalChanNoCur++; if(call->logicalChanNoCur > call->logicalChanNoMax) call->logicalChanNoCur = call->logicalChanNoBase; ooBuildFastStartOLC(call, olc, epCap, pctxt, OOTX); /* Do not specify msg buffer let automatic allocation work */ setPERBuffer(pctxt, NULL, 0, aligned); if(asn1PE_H245OpenLogicalChannel(pctxt, olc) != ASN_OK) { OOTRACEERR3("ERROR:Encoding of olc failed for faststart(%s, %s)" "\n", call->callType, call->callToken); ooFreeQ931Message(pctxt, q931msg); if(call->callState < OO_CALL_CLEAR) { call->callEndReason = OO_REASON_LOCAL_CLEARED; call->callState = OO_CALL_CLEAR; } return OO_FAILED; } pFS[i].data = (unsigned char *)encodeGetMsgPtr(pctxt, (int *)&(pFS[i].numocts)); /* Dump faststart element in logfile for debugging purpose */ setPERBuffer(pctxt, (unsigned char*)pFS[i].data, pFS[i].numocts, 1); initializePrintHandler(&printHandler, "FastStart Element"); setEventHandler (pctxt, &printHandler); memset(&printOlc, 0, sizeof(printOlc)); ret = asn1PD_H245OpenLogicalChannel(pctxt, &(printOlc)); if(ret != ASN_OK) { OOTRACEERR3("Error: Failed decoding FastStart Element." "(%s, %s)\n", call->callType, call->callToken); ooFreeQ931Message(pctxt, q931msg); if(call->callState < OO_CALL_CLEAR) { call->callEndReason = OO_REASON_LOCAL_CLEARED; call->callState = OO_CALL_CLEAR; } return OO_FAILED; } finishPrint(); removeEventHandler(pctxt); olc = NULL; i++; OOTRACEDBGC5("Added TX fs element %d with capability %s(%s, %s)\n", i, ooGetCapTypeText(epCap->cap), call->callType, call->callToken); } } OOTRACEDBGA4("Added %d fast start elements to SETUP message (%s, %s)\n", i, call->callType, call->callToken); setup->fastStart.n = i; setup->fastStart.elem = pFS; } setup->conferenceID.numocts= call->confIdentifier.numocts; memcpy(setup->conferenceID.data, call->confIdentifier.data, call->confIdentifier.numocts); setup->conferenceGoal.t = T_H225Setup_UUIE_conferenceGoal_create; /* H.225 point to point call */ setup->callType.t = T_H225CallType_pointToPoint; /* Populate optional fields */ setup->m.callIdentifierPresent = TRUE; /*ooGenerateCallIdentifier(&setup->callIdentifier);*/ setup->callIdentifier.guid.numocts = call->callIdentifier.guid.numocts; memcpy(setup->callIdentifier.guid.data, call->callIdentifier.guid.data, call->callIdentifier.guid.numocts); setup->m.mediaWaitForConnectPresent = TRUE; if(OO_TESTFLAG(call->flags, OO_M_MEDIAWAITFORCONN)) { setup->mediaWaitForConnect = TRUE; } else { setup->mediaWaitForConnect = FALSE; } setup->m.canOverlapSendPresent = TRUE; setup->canOverlapSend = FALSE; /* Populate the userInfo structure with the setup UUIE */ q931msg->userInfo->h323_uu_pdu.h323_message_body.t = T_H225H323_UU_PDU_h323_message_body_setup; q931msg->userInfo->h323_uu_pdu.h323_message_body.u.setup = setup; q931msg->userInfo->h323_uu_pdu.m.h245TunnelingPresent=1; q931msg->userInfo->h323_uu_pdu.h245Tunneling = OO_TESTFLAG (call->flags, OO_M_TUNNELING); /* For H.323 version 4 and higher, if fast connect, tunneling should be supported. why? */ OOTRACEDBGA3("Built SETUP message (%s, %s)\n", call->callType, call->callToken); /* H225 message callback */ if(gH323ep.h225Callbacks.onBuiltSetup) gH323ep.h225Callbacks.onBuiltSetup(call, q931msg); ret=ooSendH225Msg(call, q931msg); if(ret != OO_OK) { OOTRACEERR3("Error:Failed to enqueue SETUP message to outbound queue. (%s, %s)\n", call->callType, call->callToken); } /* memReset(&gH323ep.msgctxt);*/ memReset(call->msgctxt); return ret; } int ooQ931SendDTMFAsKeyPadIE(OOH323CallData *call, const char* data) { int ret; H225Information_UUIE *information=NULL; Q931Message *q931msg=NULL; /* OOCTXT *pctxt = &gH323ep.msgctxt; */ OOCTXT *pctxt = call->msgctxt; ret = ooCreateQ931Message(pctxt, &q931msg, Q931InformationMsg); if(ret != OO_OK) { OOTRACEERR3("Error: In allocating memory for - H225 Information message." "(%s, %s)\n", call->callType, call->callToken); return OO_FAILED; } q931msg->callReference = call->callReference; q931msg->userInfo = (H225H323_UserInformation*)memAllocZ(pctxt, sizeof(H225H323_UserInformation)); if(!q931msg->userInfo) { OOTRACEERR3("ERROR:Memory - ooQ931SendDTMFAsKeypadIE - userInfo" "(%s, %s)\n", call->callType, call->callToken); /* memReset(&gH323ep.msgctxt); */ memReset(call->msgctxt); return OO_FAILED; } q931msg->userInfo->h323_uu_pdu.m.h245TunnelingPresent=1; q931msg->userInfo->h323_uu_pdu.h245Tunneling = OO_TESTFLAG(call->flags, OO_M_TUNNELING); q931msg->userInfo->h323_uu_pdu.h323_message_body.t = T_H225H323_UU_PDU_h323_message_body_information; information = (H225Information_UUIE*)memAllocZ(pctxt, sizeof(H225Information_UUIE)); if(!information) { OOTRACEERR3("ERROR:Memory - ooQ931SendDTMFAsKeypadIE - information" "(%s, %s)\n", call->callType, call->callToken); /* memReset(&gH323ep.msgctxt); */ memReset(call->msgctxt); return OO_FAILED; } q931msg->userInfo->h323_uu_pdu.h323_message_body.u.information = information; information->m.callIdentifierPresent = 1; information->callIdentifier.guid.numocts = call->callIdentifier.guid.numocts; memcpy(information->callIdentifier.guid.data, call->callIdentifier.guid.data, call->callIdentifier.guid.numocts); information->protocolIdentifier = gProtocolID; /*Add keypad IE*/ ret = ooQ931SetKeypadIE(pctxt, q931msg, data); if(ret != OO_OK) { OOTRACEERR3("Error:Creating keypad IE for (%s, %s)\n", call->callType, call->callToken); /* memReset(&gH323ep.msgctxt); */ memReset(call->msgctxt); return OO_FAILED; } ret=ooSendH225Msg(call, q931msg); if(ret != OO_OK) { OOTRACEERR3("Error:Failed to enqueue Information message to outbound " "queue. (%s, %s)\n", call->callType, call->callToken); } /* memReset(&gH323ep.msgctxt); */ memReset(call->msgctxt); return ret; } int ooH323ForwardCall(char* callToken, char *dest) { int ret=0; Q931Message *pQ931Msg = NULL; H225Facility_UUIE *facility=NULL; OOCTXT *pctxt = &gH323ep.msgctxt; OOH323CallData *call; char ip[30]="\0", *pcPort=NULL; H225TransportAddress_ipAddress *fwdCallSignalIpAddress; call= ooFindCallByToken(callToken); if(!call) { OOTRACEERR2("ERROR: Invalid call token for forward - %s\n", callToken); return OO_FAILED; } OOTRACEDBGA3("Building Facility message for call forward (%s, %s)\n", call->callType, call->callToken); call->pCallFwdData = (OOCallFwdData*)memAllocZ(call->pctxt, sizeof(OOCallFwdData)); if(!call->pCallFwdData) { OOTRACEERR3("Error:Memory - ooH323ForwardCall - pCallFwdData (%s, %s)\n", call->callType, call->callToken); return OO_FAILED; } ret = ooParseDestination(call, dest, ip, 20, &call->pCallFwdData->aliases); if(ret != OO_OK) { OOTRACEERR4("Error:Failed to parse the destination %s for call fwd." "(%s, %s)\n", dest, call->callType, call->callToken); memFreePtr(call->pctxt, call->pCallFwdData); return OO_FAILED; } if(!ooUtilsIsStrEmpty(ip)) { pcPort = strchr(ip, ':'); if(pcPort) { *pcPort = '\0'; pcPort++; call->pCallFwdData->port = atoi(pcPort); } strcpy(call->pCallFwdData->ip, ip); } ret = ooCreateQ931Message(pctxt, &pQ931Msg, Q931FacilityMsg); if(ret != OO_OK) { OOTRACEERR3 ("ERROR: In allocating memory for call transfer facility message " "(%s, %s)\n", call->callType, call->callToken); return OO_FAILED; } pQ931Msg->callReference = call->callReference; pQ931Msg->userInfo = (H225H323_UserInformation*)memAlloc(pctxt, sizeof(H225H323_UserInformation)); if(!pQ931Msg->userInfo) { OOTRACEERR3("ERROR:Memory - ooH323ForwardCall - userInfo(%s, %s)\n", call->callType, call->callToken); return OO_FAILED; } memset (pQ931Msg->userInfo, 0, sizeof(H225H323_UserInformation)); pQ931Msg->userInfo->h323_uu_pdu.m.h245TunnelingPresent=1; pQ931Msg->userInfo->h323_uu_pdu.h245Tunneling = OO_TESTFLAG (call->flags, OO_M_TUNNELING); pQ931Msg->userInfo->h323_uu_pdu.h323_message_body.t = T_H225H323_UU_PDU_h323_message_body_facility; facility = (H225Facility_UUIE*) memAllocZ (pctxt, sizeof(H225Facility_UUIE)); if(!facility) { OOTRACEERR3("ERROR:Memory - ooH323ForwardCall - facility (%s, %s)" "\n", call->callType, call->callToken); return OO_FAILED; } pQ931Msg->userInfo->h323_uu_pdu.h323_message_body.u.facility = facility; facility->protocolIdentifier = gProtocolID; facility->m.callIdentifierPresent = 1; facility->callIdentifier.guid.numocts = call->callIdentifier.guid.numocts; memcpy(facility->callIdentifier.guid.data, call->callIdentifier.guid.data, call->callIdentifier.guid.numocts); facility->reason.t = T_H225FacilityReason_callForwarded; if(!ooUtilsIsStrEmpty(call->pCallFwdData->ip)) { facility->m.alternativeAddressPresent = TRUE; facility->alternativeAddress.t=T_H225TransportAddress_ipAddress; fwdCallSignalIpAddress = (H225TransportAddress_ipAddress*)memAlloc(pctxt, sizeof(H225TransportAddress_ipAddress)); if(!fwdCallSignalIpAddress) { OOTRACEERR3("Error:Memory - ooH323ForwardCall - fwdCallSignalAddress" "(%s, %s)\n", call->callType, call->callToken); return OO_FAILED; } ooSocketConvertIpToNwAddr(call->pCallFwdData->ip, fwdCallSignalIpAddress->ip.data); fwdCallSignalIpAddress->ip.numocts=4; fwdCallSignalIpAddress->port = call->pCallFwdData->port; facility->alternativeAddress.u.ipAddress = fwdCallSignalIpAddress; } if(call->pCallFwdData->aliases) { facility->m.alternativeAliasAddressPresent = TRUE; ret = ooPopulateAliasList(pctxt, call->pCallFwdData->aliases, &facility->alternativeAliasAddress, 0); if(ret != OO_OK) { OOTRACEERR3("Error:Failed to populate alternate aliases in " "ooH323ForwardCall. (%s, %s)\n", call->callType, call->callToken); return OO_FAILED; } } ret = ooSendH225Msg(call, pQ931Msg); if(ret != OO_OK) { OOTRACEERR3 ("Error:Failed to enqueue Forward Facility message to outbound " "queue.(%s, %s)\n", call->callType, call->callToken); } call->callEndReason = OO_REASON_LOCAL_FWDED; memReset (&gH323ep.msgctxt); return ret; } int ooH323HangCall(char * callToken, OOCallClearReason reason, int q931cause) { OOH323CallData *call; call= ooFindCallByToken(callToken); if(!call) { OOTRACEWARN2("WARN: Call hangup failed - Call %s not present\n", callToken); return OO_FAILED; } OOTRACEINFO3("Hanging up call (%s, %s)\n", call->callType, call->callToken); if(call->callState < OO_CALL_CLEAR) { call->callEndReason = reason; call->q931cause = q931cause; call->callState = OO_CALL_CLEAR; } return OO_OK; } int ooSetBearerCapabilityIE (OOCTXT* pctxt, Q931Message *pmsg, enum Q931CodingStandard codingStandard, enum Q931InformationTransferCapability capability, enum Q931TransferMode transferMode, enum Q931TransferRate transferRate, enum Q931UserInfoLayer1Protocol userInfoLayer1) { unsigned size = 3; /* OOCTXT *pctxt = &gH323ep.msgctxt; */ if(pmsg->bearerCapabilityIE) { memFreePtr(pctxt, pmsg->bearerCapabilityIE); pmsg->bearerCapabilityIE = NULL; } pmsg->bearerCapabilityIE = (Q931InformationElement*) memAlloc(pctxt, sizeof(Q931InformationElement)+size-1); if(!pmsg->bearerCapabilityIE) { OOTRACEERR1("Error:Memory - ooSetBearerCapabilityIE - bearerCapabilityIE" "\n"); return OO_FAILED; } pmsg->bearerCapabilityIE->discriminator = Q931BearerCapabilityIE; pmsg->bearerCapabilityIE->length = size; pmsg->bearerCapabilityIE->data[0] = (ASN1OCTET)(0x80 | ((codingStandard&3) << 5) | (capability&31)); pmsg->bearerCapabilityIE->data[1] = (0x80 | ((transferMode & 3) << 5) | (transferRate & 31)); pmsg->bearerCapabilityIE->data[2] = (0x80 | (1<<5) | userInfoLayer1); return OO_OK; } int ooQ931SetKeypadIE(OOCTXT* pctxt, Q931Message *pmsg, const char* data) { unsigned len = 0; /* OOCTXT *pctxt = &gH323ep.msgctxt; */ len = strlen(data); pmsg->keypadIE = (Q931InformationElement*) memAlloc(pctxt, sizeof(Q931InformationElement)+len-1); if(!pmsg->keypadIE) { OOTRACEERR1("Error:Memory - ooQ931SetKeypadIE - keypadIE\n"); return OO_FAILED; } pmsg->keypadIE->discriminator = Q931KeypadIE; pmsg->keypadIE->length = len; memcpy(pmsg->keypadIE->data, data, len); return OO_OK; } int ooQ931SetCallingPartyNumberIE (OOCTXT* pctxt, Q931Message *pmsg, const char *number, unsigned plan, unsigned type, unsigned presentation, unsigned screening) { unsigned len = 0; /* OOCTXT *pctxt = &gH323ep.msgctxt; */ if(pmsg->callingPartyNumberIE) { memFreePtr(pctxt, pmsg->callingPartyNumberIE); pmsg->callingPartyNumberIE = NULL; } len = strlen(number); pmsg->callingPartyNumberIE = (Q931InformationElement*) memAlloc(pctxt, sizeof(Q931InformationElement)+len+2-1); if(!pmsg->callingPartyNumberIE) { OOTRACEERR1("Error:Memory - ooQ931SetCallingPartyNumberIE - " "callingPartyNumberIE\n"); return OO_FAILED; } pmsg->callingPartyNumberIE->discriminator = Q931CallingPartyNumberIE; pmsg->callingPartyNumberIE->length = len+2; pmsg->callingPartyNumberIE->data[0] = (((type&7)<<4)|(plan&15)); pmsg->callingPartyNumberIE->data[1] = (0x80|((presentation&3)<<5)|(screening&3)); memcpy(pmsg->callingPartyNumberIE->data+2, number, len); return OO_OK; } int ooQ931SetCalledPartyNumberIE (OOCTXT* pctxt, Q931Message *pmsg, const char *number, unsigned plan, unsigned type) { unsigned len = 0; /* OOCTXT *pctxt = &gH323ep.msgctxt; */ if(pmsg->calledPartyNumberIE) { memFreePtr(pctxt, pmsg->calledPartyNumberIE); pmsg->calledPartyNumberIE = NULL; } len = strlen(number); pmsg->calledPartyNumberIE = (Q931InformationElement*) memAlloc(pctxt, sizeof(Q931InformationElement)+len+1-1); if(!pmsg->calledPartyNumberIE) { OOTRACEERR1("Error:Memory - ooQ931SetCalledPartyNumberIE - " "calledPartyNumberIE\n"); return OO_FAILED; } pmsg->calledPartyNumberIE->discriminator = Q931CalledPartyNumberIE; pmsg->calledPartyNumberIE->length = len+1; pmsg->calledPartyNumberIE->data[0] = (0x80|((type&7)<<4)|(plan&15)); memcpy(pmsg->calledPartyNumberIE->data+1, number, len); return OO_OK; } int ooQ931SetCauseIE (OOCTXT* pctxt, Q931Message *pmsg, enum Q931CauseValues cause, unsigned coding, unsigned location) { /* OOCTXT *pctxt = &gH323ep.msgctxt; */ if(pmsg->causeIE){ memFreePtr(pctxt, pmsg->causeIE); pmsg->causeIE = NULL; } pmsg->causeIE = (Q931InformationElement*) memAlloc(pctxt, sizeof(Q931InformationElement)+1); if(!pmsg->causeIE) { OOTRACEERR1("Error:Memory - ooQ931SetCauseIE - causeIE\n"); return OO_FAILED; } pmsg->causeIE->discriminator = Q931CauseIE; pmsg->causeIE->length = 2; pmsg->causeIE->data[0] = (0x80 | ((coding & 0x03) <<5) | (location & 0x0F)); pmsg->causeIE->data[1] = (0x80 | cause); return OO_OK; } /* Build a Facility message and tunnel H.245 message through it */ int ooSendAsTunneledMessage(OOH323CallData *call, ASN1OCTET* msgbuf, int h245Len, int h245MsgType, int associatedChan) { Q931Message *pQ931Msg = NULL; H225H323_UU_PDU *pH323UUPDU = NULL; H225H323_UU_PDU_h245Control *pH245Control = NULL; ASN1DynOctStr * elem; int ret =0; H225Facility_UUIE *facility=NULL; /* OOCTXT *pctxt = &gH323ep.msgctxt; */ OOCTXT *pctxt = call->msgctxt; OOTRACEDBGA4("Building Facility message for tunneling %s (%s, %s)\n", ooGetMsgTypeText(h245MsgType), call->callType, call->callToken); ret = ooCreateQ931Message(pctxt, &pQ931Msg, Q931FacilityMsg); if(ret != OO_OK) { OOTRACEERR3("ERROR: In allocating memory for facility message " "(%s, %s)\n", call->callType, call->callToken); return OO_FAILED; } pQ931Msg->callReference = call->callReference; pQ931Msg->userInfo = (H225H323_UserInformation*)memAlloc(pctxt, sizeof(H225H323_UserInformation)); if(!pQ931Msg->userInfo) { OOTRACEERR3("ERROR:Memory - ooSendAsTunneledMessage - userInfo" " (%s, %s)\n", call->callType, call->callToken); /* memReset(&gH323ep.msgctxt);*/ memReset(call->msgctxt); return OO_FAILED; } memset (pQ931Msg->userInfo, 0, sizeof(H225H323_UserInformation)); pQ931Msg->userInfo->h323_uu_pdu.m.h245TunnelingPresent=1; pQ931Msg->userInfo->h323_uu_pdu.h245Tunneling = OO_TESTFLAG (call->flags, OO_M_TUNNELING); pQ931Msg->userInfo->h323_uu_pdu.h323_message_body.t = T_H225H323_UU_PDU_h323_message_body_facility; facility = (H225Facility_UUIE*) memAllocZ (pctxt, sizeof(H225Facility_UUIE)); if(!facility) { OOTRACEERR3("ERROR:Memory - ooSendAsTunneledMessage - facility (%s, %s)" "\n", call->callType, call->callToken); /* memReset(&gH323ep.msgctxt); */ memReset(call->msgctxt); return OO_FAILED; } pQ931Msg->userInfo->h323_uu_pdu.h323_message_body.u.facility = facility; /* Populate Facility UUIE */ facility->protocolIdentifier = gProtocolID; facility->m.callIdentifierPresent = 1; facility->callIdentifier.guid.numocts = call->callIdentifier.guid.numocts; memcpy(facility->callIdentifier.guid.data, call->callIdentifier.guid.data, call->callIdentifier.guid.numocts); facility->reason.t = T_H225FacilityReason_transportedInformation; pH323UUPDU = (H225H323_UU_PDU*) &pQ931Msg->userInfo->h323_uu_pdu; pH323UUPDU->m.h245TunnelingPresent = TRUE; pH323UUPDU->m.h245ControlPresent = TRUE; pH323UUPDU->h245Tunneling = TRUE; pH245Control = (H225H323_UU_PDU_h245Control*) &pH323UUPDU->h245Control; elem = (ASN1DynOctStr*) memAlloc(pctxt, sizeof(ASN1DynOctStr)); if(!elem) { OOTRACEERR3("ERROR:Memory - ooSendAsTunneledMessage - elem " "(%s, %s)\n", call->callType, call->callToken); return OO_FAILED; } elem->data = msgbuf; elem->numocts = h245Len; pH245Control->elem = elem; pH245Control->n = 1; pQ931Msg->tunneledMsgType = h245MsgType; pQ931Msg->logicalChannelNo = associatedChan; ret = ooSendH225Msg(call, pQ931Msg); if(ret != OO_OK) { OOTRACEERR3("Error:Failed to enqueue Facility(tunneling) message to " "outbound queue.(%s, %s)\n", call->callType, call->callToken); } /* Can't do memReset here because if we are sending H.245 message as a response to received tunneled h.245 message, we can't reset unless the \ main received H225 message processing is finished. Rule. No reset when tunneling */ /* memFreePtr(&gH323ep.msgctxt, pQ931Msg); */ memFreePtr(call->msgctxt, pQ931Msg); return ret; } int ooCallEstbTimerExpired(void *data) { ooTimerCallback *cbData = (ooTimerCallback*) data; OOH323CallData *call = cbData->call; OOTRACEINFO3("Call Establishment timer expired. (%s, %s)\n", call->callType, call->callToken); memFreePtr(call->pctxt, cbData); if(call->callState < OO_CALL_CLEAR){ call->callState = OO_CALL_CLEAR; call->callEndReason = OO_REASON_LOCAL_CLEARED; } return OO_OK; } int ooQ931GetCauseAndReasonCodeFromCallClearReason (OOCallClearReason clearReason, enum Q931CauseValues *cause, unsigned *reasonCode) { switch(clearReason) { case OO_REASON_INVALIDMESSAGE: case OO_REASON_TRANSPORTFAILURE: *reasonCode = T_H225ReleaseCompleteReason_undefinedReason; *cause = Q931ProtocolErrorUnspecified; break; case OO_REASON_NOBW: *reasonCode = T_H225ReleaseCompleteReason_noBandwidth; *cause = Q931ErrorInCauseIE; break; case OO_REASON_GK_NOCALLEDUSER: *reasonCode = T_H225ReleaseCompleteReason_calledPartyNotRegistered; *cause = Q931SubscriberAbsent; break; case OO_REASON_GK_NOCALLERUSER: *reasonCode = T_H225ReleaseCompleteReason_callerNotRegistered; *cause = Q931SubscriberAbsent; break; case OO_REASON_GK_UNREACHABLE: *reasonCode = T_H225ReleaseCompleteReason_unreachableGatekeeper; *cause = Q931TemporaryFailure; break; case OO_REASON_GK_NORESOURCES: case OO_REASON_GK_CLEARED: *reasonCode = T_H225ReleaseCompleteReason_gatekeeperResources; *cause = Q931Congestion; break; case OO_REASON_NOCOMMON_CAPABILITIES: *reasonCode = T_H225ReleaseCompleteReason_undefinedReason; *cause = Q931IncompatibleDestination; break; case OO_REASON_LOCAL_FWDED: case OO_REASON_REMOTE_FWDED: *reasonCode = T_H225ReleaseCompleteReason_facilityCallDeflection; *cause = Q931Redirection; break; case OO_REASON_REMOTE_CLEARED: case OO_REASON_LOCAL_CLEARED: *reasonCode = T_H225ReleaseCompleteReason_undefinedReason; *cause = Q931NormalCallClearing; break; case OO_REASON_REMOTE_BUSY: case OO_REASON_LOCAL_BUSY: *reasonCode = T_H225ReleaseCompleteReason_inConf; *cause = Q931UserBusy; break; case OO_REASON_REMOTE_NOANSWER: case OO_REASON_LOCAL_NOTANSWERED: *reasonCode = T_H225ReleaseCompleteReason_undefinedReason; *cause = Q931NoAnswer; break; case OO_REASON_REMOTE_REJECTED: case OO_REASON_LOCAL_REJECTED: *reasonCode = T_H225ReleaseCompleteReason_destinationRejection; *cause = Q931CallRejected; break; case OO_REASON_REMOTE_CONGESTED: case OO_REASON_LOCAL_CONGESTED: *reasonCode = T_H225ReleaseCompleteReason_noBandwidth; *cause = Q931Congestion; break; case OO_REASON_NOROUTE: *reasonCode = T_H225ReleaseCompleteReason_unreachableDestination; *cause = Q931NoRouteToDestination; break; case OO_REASON_NOUSER: *reasonCode = T_H225ReleaseCompleteReason_undefinedReason; *cause = Q931SubscriberAbsent; break; case OO_REASON_UNKNOWN: default: *reasonCode = T_H225ReleaseCompleteReason_undefinedReason; *cause = Q931NormalUnspecified; } return OO_OK; } enum OOCallClearReason ooGetCallClearReasonFromCauseAndReasonCode (enum Q931CauseValues cause, unsigned reasonCode) { switch(cause) { case Q931NormalCallClearing: return OO_REASON_REMOTE_CLEARED; case Q931UserBusy: return OO_REASON_REMOTE_BUSY; case Q931NoResponse: case Q931NoAnswer: return OO_REASON_REMOTE_NOANSWER; case Q931CallRejected: return OO_REASON_REMOTE_REJECTED; case Q931Redirection: return OO_REASON_REMOTE_FWDED; case Q931NetworkOutOfOrder: case Q931TemporaryFailure: return OO_REASON_TRANSPORTFAILURE; case Q931NoCircuitChannelAvailable: case Q931Congestion: case Q931RequestedCircuitUnAvailable: case Q931ResourcesUnavailable: return OO_REASON_REMOTE_CONGESTED; case Q931NoRouteToDestination: case Q931NoRouteToNetwork: return OO_REASON_NOROUTE; case Q931NumberChanged: case Q931UnallocatedNumber: case Q931SubscriberAbsent: return OO_REASON_NOUSER; case Q931ChannelUnacceptable: case Q931DestinationOutOfOrder: case Q931InvalidNumberFormat: case Q931NormalUnspecified: case Q931StatusEnquiryResponse: case Q931IncompatibleDestination: case Q931ProtocolErrorUnspecified: case Q931RecoveryOnTimerExpiry: case Q931InvalidCallReference: default: switch(reasonCode) { case T_H225ReleaseCompleteReason_noBandwidth: return OO_REASON_NOBW; case T_H225ReleaseCompleteReason_gatekeeperResources: return OO_REASON_GK_NORESOURCES; case T_H225ReleaseCompleteReason_unreachableDestination: return OO_REASON_NOROUTE; case T_H225ReleaseCompleteReason_destinationRejection: return OO_REASON_REMOTE_REJECTED; case T_H225ReleaseCompleteReason_inConf: return OO_REASON_REMOTE_BUSY; case T_H225ReleaseCompleteReason_facilityCallDeflection: return OO_REASON_REMOTE_FWDED; case T_H225ReleaseCompleteReason_calledPartyNotRegistered: return OO_REASON_GK_NOCALLEDUSER; case T_H225ReleaseCompleteReason_callerNotRegistered: return OO_REASON_GK_NOCALLERUSER; case T_H225ReleaseCompleteReason_gatewayResources: return OO_REASON_GK_NORESOURCES; case T_H225ReleaseCompleteReason_unreachableGatekeeper: return OO_REASON_GK_UNREACHABLE; case T_H225ReleaseCompleteReason_invalidRevision: case T_H225ReleaseCompleteReason_noPermission: case T_H225ReleaseCompleteReason_badFormatAddress: case T_H225ReleaseCompleteReason_adaptiveBusy: case T_H225ReleaseCompleteReason_undefinedReason: case T_H225ReleaseCompleteReason_securityDenied: case T_H225ReleaseCompleteReason_newConnectionNeeded: case T_H225ReleaseCompleteReason_nonStandardReason: case T_H225ReleaseCompleteReason_replaceWithConferenceInvite: case T_H225ReleaseCompleteReason_genericDataReason: case T_H225ReleaseCompleteReason_neededFeatureNotSupported: case T_H225ReleaseCompleteReason_tunnelledSignallingRejected: case T_H225ReleaseCompleteReason_invalidCID: case T_H225ReleaseCompleteReason_securityError: case T_H225ReleaseCompleteReason_hopCountExceeded: case T_H225ReleaseCompleteReason_extElem1: default: return OO_REASON_UNKNOWN; } } return OO_REASON_UNKNOWN; } /** This function is used to parse destination string passed to ooH323MakeCall and ooH323ForwardCall. If the string contains ip address and port, it is returned in the parsedIP buffer and if it contains alias, it is added to aliasList */ int ooParseDestination (struct OOH323CallData *call, char *dest, char* parsedIP, unsigned len, ooAliases** aliasList) { int iEk=-1, iDon=-1, iTeen=-1, iChaar=-1, iPort = -1, i; ooAliases * psNewAlias = NULL; char *cAt = NULL, *host=NULL; char tmp[256], buf[30]; char *alias=NULL; OOCTXT *pctxt = call->pctxt; parsedIP[0] = '\0'; OOTRACEINFO2("Parsing destination %s\n", dest); /* Test for an IP address:Note that only supports dotted IPv4. IPv6 won't pass the test and so will numeric IP representation*/ sscanf(dest, "%d.%d.%d.%d:%d", &iEk, &iDon, &iTeen, &iChaar, &iPort); if((iEk > 0 && iEk <= 255) && (iDon >= 0 && iDon <= 255) && (iTeen >=0 && iTeen <= 255) && (iChaar >= 0 && iChaar <= 255) && (!strchr(dest, ':') || iPort != -1)) { if(!strchr(dest, ':')) iPort = 1720; /*Default h.323 port */ sprintf(buf, "%d.%d.%d.%d:%d", iEk, iDon, iTeen, iChaar, iPort); if(strlen(buf)+1>len) { OOTRACEERR1("Error:Insufficient buffer space for parsed ip - " "ooParseDestination\n"); return OO_FAILED; } strcpy(parsedIP, buf); return OO_OK; } /* alias@host */ strncpy(tmp, dest, sizeof(tmp)-1); tmp[sizeof(tmp)-1]='\0'; if((host=strchr(tmp, '@')) != NULL) { *host = '\0'; host++; sscanf(host, "%d.%d.%d.%d:%d", &iEk, &iDon, &iTeen, &iChaar, &iPort); if((iEk > 0 && iEk <= 255) && (iDon >= 0 && iDon <= 255) && (iTeen >=0 && iTeen <= 255) && (iChaar >= 0 && iChaar <= 255) && (!strchr(host, ':') || iPort != -1)) { if(!strchr(dest, ':')) iPort = 1720; /*Default h.323 port */ sprintf(buf, "%d.%d.%d.%d:%d", iEk, iDon, iTeen, iChaar, iPort); if(strlen(buf)+1>len) { OOTRACEERR1("Error:Insufficient buffer space for parsed ip - " "ooParseDestination\n"); return OO_FAILED; } strncpy(parsedIP, buf, len-1); parsedIP[len-1]='\0'; alias = tmp; } } if(!alias) { alias = dest; } /* url test */ if(alias == strstr(alias, "http://")) { psNewAlias = (ooAliases*) memAlloc(pctxt, sizeof(ooAliases)); if(!psNewAlias) { OOTRACEERR1("Error:Memory - ooParseDestination - psNewAlias\n"); return OO_FAILED; } psNewAlias->type = T_H225AliasAddress_url_ID; psNewAlias->value = (char*) memAlloc(pctxt, strlen(alias)+1); if(!psNewAlias->value) { OOTRACEERR1("Error:Memory - ooParseDestination - " "psNewAlias->value\n"); memFreePtr(pctxt, psNewAlias); return OO_FAILED; } strcpy(psNewAlias->value, alias); psNewAlias->next = *aliasList; *aliasList = psNewAlias; OOTRACEINFO2("Destination parsed as url %s\n", psNewAlias->value); return OO_OK; } /* E-mail ID test */ if((cAt = strchr(alias, '@')) && alias != strchr(alias, '@')) { if(strchr(cAt, '.')) { psNewAlias = (ooAliases*) memAlloc(pctxt, sizeof(ooAliases)); if(!psNewAlias) { OOTRACEERR1("Error:Memory - ooParseDestination - psNewAlias\n"); return OO_FAILED; } psNewAlias->type = T_H225AliasAddress_email_ID; psNewAlias->value = (char*) memAlloc(pctxt, strlen(alias)+1); if(!psNewAlias->value) { OOTRACEERR1("Error:Memory - ooParseDestination - " "psNewAlias->value\n"); memFreePtr(pctxt, psNewAlias); return OO_FAILED; } strcpy(psNewAlias->value, alias); psNewAlias->next = *aliasList; *aliasList = psNewAlias; OOTRACEINFO2("Destination is parsed as email %s\n",psNewAlias->value); return OO_OK; } } /* e-164 */ /* strspn(dest, "1234567890*#,") == strlen(dest)*/ /* Dialed digits test*/ for(i=0; *(alias+i) != '\0'; i++) { if(!isdigit(alias[i]) && alias[i] != '#' && alias[i] != '*' && alias[i] != ',') break; } if(*(alias+i) == '\0') { psNewAlias = (ooAliases*) memAlloc(pctxt, sizeof(ooAliases)); if(!psNewAlias) { OOTRACEERR1("Error:Memory - ooParseDestination - psNewAlias\n"); return OO_FAILED; } /* memset(psNewAlias, 0, sizeof(ooAliases));*/ psNewAlias->type = T_H225AliasAddress_dialedDigits; psNewAlias->value = (char*) memAlloc(pctxt, strlen(alias)+1); if(!psNewAlias->value) { OOTRACEERR1("Error:Memroy - ooParseDestination - " "psNewAlias->value\n"); memFreePtr(pctxt, psNewAlias); return OO_FAILED; } strcpy(psNewAlias->value, alias); psNewAlias->next = *aliasList; *aliasList = psNewAlias; OOTRACEINFO2("Destination is parsed as dialed digits %s\n", psNewAlias->value); /* Also set called party number */ if(!call->calledPartyNumber) { if(ooCallSetCalledPartyNumber(call, alias) != OO_OK) { OOTRACEWARN3("Warning:Failed to set calling party number." "(%s, %s)\n", call->callType, call->callToken); } } return OO_OK; } /* Evrything else is an h323-id for now */ psNewAlias = (ooAliases*) memAlloc(pctxt, sizeof(ooAliases)); if(!psNewAlias) { OOTRACEERR1("Error:Memory - ooParseDestination - psNewAlias\n"); return OO_FAILED; } psNewAlias->type = T_H225AliasAddress_h323_ID; psNewAlias->value = (char*) memAlloc(pctxt, strlen(alias)+1); if(!psNewAlias->value) { OOTRACEERR1("Error:Memory - ooParseDestination - psNewAlias->value\n"); memFreePtr(pctxt, psNewAlias); return OO_FAILED; } strcpy(psNewAlias->value, alias); psNewAlias->next = *aliasList; *aliasList = psNewAlias; OOTRACEINFO2("Destination for new call is parsed as h323-id %s \n", psNewAlias->value); return OO_OK; } const char* ooGetMsgTypeText (int msgType) { static const char *msgTypeText[]={ "OOQ931MSG", "OOH245MSG", "OOSetup", "OOCallProceeding", "OOAlert", "OOConnect", "OOReleaseComplete", "OOFacility", "OOInformation", "OOMasterSlaveDetermination", "OOMasterSlaveAck", "OOMasterSlaveReject", "OOMasterSlaveRelease", "OOTerminalCapabilitySet", "OOTerminalCapabilitySetAck", "OOTerminalCapabilitySetReject", "OOTerminalCapabilitySetRelease", "OOOpenLogicalChannel", "OOOpenLogicalChannelAck", "OOOpenLogicalChannelReject", "OOOpenLogicalChannelRelease", "OOOpenLogicalChannelConfirm", "OOCloseLogicalChannel", "OOCloseLogicalChannelAck", "OORequestChannelClose", "OORequestChannelCloseAck", "OORequestChannelCloseReject", "OORequestChannelCloseRelease", "OOEndSessionCommand", "OOUserInputIndication", "OORequestModeAck", "OORequestModeReject", "OORequestMode", "OORequestDelayResponse", "OORequestDelayRequest" }; int idx = msgType - OO_MSGTYPE_MIN; return ooUtilsGetText (idx, msgTypeText, OONUMBEROF(msgTypeText)); } const char* ooGetQ931CauseValueText(int val) { switch(val) { case Q931UnallocatedNumber: return "Q931UnallocatedNumber"; case Q931NoRouteToNetwork: return "Q931NoRouteToNetwork"; case Q931NoRouteToDestination: return "Q931NoRouteToDestination"; case Q931ChannelUnacceptable: return "Q931ChannelUnacceptable"; case Q931NormalCallClearing: return "Q931NormalCallClearing"; case Q931UserBusy: return "Q931UserBusy"; case Q931NoResponse: return "Q931NoResponse"; case Q931NoAnswer: return "Q931NoAnswer"; case Q931SubscriberAbsent: return "Q931SubscriberAbsent"; case Q931CallRejected: return "Q931CallRejected"; case Q931NumberChanged: return "Q931NumberChanged"; case Q931Redirection: return "Q931Redirection"; case Q931DestinationOutOfOrder: return "Q931DestinationOutOfOrder"; case Q931InvalidNumberFormat: return "Q931InvalidNumberFormat"; case Q931NormalUnspecified: return "Q931NormalUnspecified"; case Q931StatusEnquiryResponse: return "Q931StatusEnquiryResponse"; case Q931NoCircuitChannelAvailable: return "Q931NoCircuitChannelAvailable"; case Q931NetworkOutOfOrder: return "Q931NetworkOutOfOrder"; case Q931TemporaryFailure: return "Q931TemporaryFailure"; case Q931Congestion: return "Q931Congestion"; case Q931RequestedCircuitUnAvailable: return "Q931RequestedCircuitUnavailable"; case Q931ResourcesUnavailable: return "Q931ResourcesUnavailable"; case Q931IncompatibleDestination: return "Q931IncompatibleDestination"; case Q931ProtocolErrorUnspecified: return "Q931ProtocolErrorUnspecified"; case Q931RecoveryOnTimerExpiry: return "Q931RecoveryOnTimerExpiry"; case Q931InvalidCallReference: return "Q931InvaliedCallReference"; default: return "Unsupported Cause Type"; } return "Unsupported Cause Type"; }