=========================================================== === === Information for upgrading between Asterisk 1.6 versions === === These files document all the changes that MUST be taken === into account when upgrading between the Asterisk === versions listed below. These changes may require that === you modify your configuration files, dialplan or (in === some cases) source code if you have your own Asterisk === modules or patches. These files also includes advance === notice of any functionality that has been marked as === 'deprecated' and may be removed in a future release, === along with the suggested replacement functionality. === === UPGRADE-1.2.txt -- Upgrade info for 1.0 to 1.2 === UPGRADE-1.4.txt -- Upgrade info for 1.2 to 1.4 === UPGRADE-1.6.txt -- Upgrade info for 1.4 to 1.6 === =========================================================== As of * There have been some changes to the IAX2 protocol to address the security concerns documented in the security advisory AST-2009-006. Please see the IAX2 security document, doc/IAX2-security.pdf, for information regarding backwards compatibility with versions of Asterisk that do not contain these changes to IAX2. From to * Beginning with this release, Asterisk's internal methods of negotiating T.38 (FAX over IP) sessions changed in non-backwards-compatible ways. Any applications that previously used AST_CONTROL_T38 control frames will have to be upgraded to use AST_CONTROL_T38_PARAMETERS control frames instead; app_fax.c is a good example of how to generate and respond to these frames. These changes were made to solve significant T.38 interoperability problems between Asterisk and various SIP/T.38 endpoints identified by many users of Asterisk. From to 1.6.1: * The ast_agi_register_multiple() and ast_agi_unregister_multiple() API calls were added in 1.6.0, so that modules that provide multiple AGI commands could register/unregister them all with a single step. However, these API calls were not implemented properly, and did not allow the caller to know whether registration or unregistration succeeded or failed. They have been redefined to now return success or failure, but this means any code using these functions will need be recompiled after upgrading to a version of Asterisk containing these changes. In addition, the source code using these functions should be reviewed to ensure it can properly react to failure of registration or unregistration of its API commands. * The ast_agi_fdprintf() API call has been renamed to ast_agi_send() to better match what it really does, and the argument order has been changed to be consistent with other API calls that perform similar operations. From 1.6.0.x to 1.6.1: * In previous versions of Asterisk, due to the way objects were arranged in memory by chan_sip, the order of entries in sip.conf could be adjusted to control the behavior of matching against peers and users. The way objects are managed has been significantly changed for reasons involving performance and stability. A side effect of these changes is that the order of entries in sip.conf can no longer be relied upon to control behavior. * The following core commands dealing with dialplan have been deprecated: 'core show globals', 'core set global' and 'core set chanvar'. Use the equivalent 'dialplan show globals', 'dialplan set global' and 'dialplan set chanvar' instead. * In the dialplan expression parser, the logical value of spaces immediately preceding a standalone 0 previously evaluated to true. It now evaluates to false. This has confused a good many people in the past (typically because they failed to realize the space had any significance). Since this violates the Principle of Least Surprise, it has been changed. * While app_directory has always relied on having a voicemail.conf or users.conf file correctly set up, it now is dependent on app_voicemail being compiled as well. * SIP: All of the functionality in SIPCHANINFO() has been implemented in CHANNEL(), and you should start using that function instead for retrieving information about the channel in a technology-agnostic way. * If you have any third party modules which use a config file variable whose name ends in a '+', please note that the append capability added to this version may now conflict with that variable naming scheme. An easy workaround is to ensure that a space occurs between the '+' and the '=', to differentiate your variable from the append operator. This potential conflict is unlikely, but is documented here to be thorough. * The "Join" event from app_queue now uses the CallerIDNum header instead of the CallerID header to indicate the CallerID number. * Support for Taiwanese was incorrectly supported with the "tw" language code. In reality, the "tw" language code is reserved for the Twi language, native to Ghana. If you were previously using the "tw" language code, you should switch to using either "zh" (for Mandarin Chinese) or "zh_TW" for Taiwan specific localizations. Additionally, "mx" should be changed to "es_MX", Georgian was incorrectly specified as "ge" but should be "ka", and Czech is "cs", not "cz". * If you use ODBC storage for voicemail, there is a new field called "flag" which should be a char(8) or larger. This field specifies whether or not a message has been designated to be "Urgent", "PRIORITY", or not. From to * Support for Taiwanese was incorrectly supported with the "tw" language code. In reality, the "tw" language code is reserved for the Twi language, native to Ghana. If you were previously using the "tw" language code, you should switch to using either "zh" (for Mandarin Chinese) or "zh_TW" for Taiwan specific localizations. Additionally, "mx" should be changed to "es_MX", Georgian was incorrectly specified as "ge" but should be "ka", and Czech is "cs", not "cz".