The Asterisk Open Source PBX by Mark Spencer Copyright (C) 1999, Mark Spencer ================================================================ * WHAT IS ASTERISK Asterisk is an Open Source PBX and telephony toolkit. It is, in a sense, middleware between Internet and telephony channels on the bottom, and Internet and telephony applications at the top. For more information on the project itself, please visit the Asterisk home page at: * REQUIRED COMPONENTS == Linux == Currently, the Asterisk Open Source PBX is only known to run on the Linux OS, although it may be portable to other UNIX-like operating systems as well. == libaudiofile == If you want to use format_wav module, then you need a very recent version of libaudiofile (at least version 0.2.0, or you can apply the included patch. RPMS for the patched libaudiofile are available at: * GETTING STARTED First, be sure you've installed the required libaudiofile upgrade if you want to use the non-GSM WAV format. Next, be sure you've got supported hardware. To use Asterisk right now, you will need one of the following: * Adtran Atlas 800 Plus * QuickNet Internet PhoneJack * Full Duplex Sound Card supported by Linux * ISDN4Linux compatible ISDN card * Tormenta Dual T1 card ( Assuming you have one of these (most likely the third) you're ready to proceed: 1) Run "make" 2) Run "make install" If this is your first time working with Asterisk, you may wish to install the sample PBX, with demonstration extensions, etc. If so, run: "make samples" Doing so will overwrite any existing config files you have. Finally, you can launch Asterisk with: ./asterisk -vvvc If you get an error about unresolved symbols, install the updated libaudiofile (available at You'll see a bunch of verbose messages fly by your screen as Asterisk initializes (that's the "very very verbose" mode). When it's ready, if you specified the "c" then you'll get a command line console, that looks like this: *CLI> You can type "help" at any time to get help with the system. For help with a specific command, type "help ". To start the PBX using your sound card, you can type "dial" to dial the PBX. Then you can use "answer", "hangup", and "dial" to simulate the actions of a telephone. Remember that if you don't have a full duplex sound card (And asterisk will tell you somewhere in its verbose messages if you do/don't) than it won't work right (not yet). Feel free to look over the configuration files in /etc/asterisk, where you'll find a lot of information about what you can do with Asterisk. Finally, you may wish to visit the web site and join the mailing list if you're interested in getting more information. Mark