app_festival is an application that allows one to send text-to-speech commands to a background festival server, and to obtain the resulting waveform which gets sent down to the respective channel. app_festival also employs a waveform cache, so invariant text-to-speech strings ("Please press 1 for instructions") do not need to be dynamically generated all the time. You need : 1) festival, patched to produce 8khz waveforms on output. Patch for Festival 1.4.2 RELEASE are included. The patch adds a new command to festival (asterisk_tts). 2) My patches to asterisk that provide variable substitution and quoting to the Asterisk Extension Logic. This is not really a requirement, but without this, app_festival is mostly useless (you could very well use prerecorded voices for static information). 3) Before running asterisk, you have to run festival-server with a command like : /usr/local/festival/bin/festival --server > /dev/null 2>&1 &