Changes since Asterisk 1.4-beta was branched: * Argument support for Gosub application * MailboxExists converted to dialplan function * Ability to set process limits without restarting Asterisk * SS7 support in chan_zap (via libss7 library) * Proper codec support in chan_skinny. * AEL upgraded to use the Gosub with Arguments instead of Macro application, to hopefully reduce the problems seen with the artificially low stack ceiling that Macro bumps into. Macros can only call other Macros to a depth of 7. Tests run using gosub, show depths limited only by virtual memory. A small test demonstrated recursive call depths of 100,000 without problems. * Ability to use libcap to set high ToS bits when non-root on Linux. If configure is unable to find libcap then you can use --with-cap to specify the path. * H323 remote hold notification support added (by NOTIFY message and/or H.450 supplementary service) * Added keepstats option to queues.conf which will keep queue statistics during a reload.