path: root/trunk/include/asterisk/pval.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'trunk/include/asterisk/pval.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 273 deletions
diff --git a/trunk/include/asterisk/pval.h b/trunk/include/asterisk/pval.h
deleted file mode 100644
index edfd647b3..000000000
--- a/trunk/include/asterisk/pval.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,273 +0,0 @@
-typedef enum
- PV_WORD, /* an ident, string, name, label, etc. A user-supplied string. */ /* 0 */
- PV_MACRO, /* 1 */
- PV_CONTEXT, /* 2 */
- PV_MACRO_CALL, /* 3 */
- PV_CASE, /* 5 */
- PV_PATTERN, /* 6 */
- PV_DEFAULT, /* 7 */
- PV_CATCH, /* 8 */
- PV_SWITCHES, /* 9 */
- PV_ESWITCHES, /* 10 */
- PV_INCLUDES, /* 11 */
- PV_VARDEC, /* you know, var=val; */ /* 13 */
- PV_GOTO, /* 14 */
- PV_LABEL, /* 15 */
- PV_FOR, /* 16 */
- PV_WHILE, /* 17 */
- PV_BREAK, /* 18 */
- PV_RETURN, /* 19 */
- PV_CONTINUE, /* 20 */
- PV_IF, /* 21 */
- PV_IFTIME, /* 22 */
- PV_RANDOM, /* 23 */
- PV_SWITCH, /* 24 */
- PV_EXTENSION, /* 25 */
- PV_IGNOREPAT, /* 26 */
- PV_GLOBALS, /* 27 */
- PV_LOCALVARDEC, /* 28 */
-} pvaltype;
-/* why this horrible mess? It's always been a tradeoff-- tons of structs,
- each storing it's specific lists of goodies, or a 'simple' single struct,
- with lots of fields, that catches all uses at once. Either you have a long
- list of struct names and subnames, or you have a long list of field names,
- and where/how they are used. I'm going with a single struct, using unions
- to reduce storage. Some simple generalizations, and a long list of types,
- and a book about what is used with what types.... Sorry!
-struct pval
- pvaltype type;
- int startline;
- int endline;
- int startcol;
- int endcol;
- char *filename;
- union
- {
- char *str; /* wow, used almost everywhere! */
- struct pval *list; /* used in SWITCHES, ESWITCHES, INCLUDES, STATEMENTBLOCK, GOTO */
- struct pval *statements;/* used in EXTENSION */
- char *for_init; /* used in FOR */
- } u1;
- struct pval *u1_last; /* to build in-order lists -- looks like we only need one */
- union
- {
- struct pval *arglist; /* used in macro_call, application_call, MACRO def, also attached to PWORD, the 4 timevals for includes */
- struct pval *statements; /* used in case, default, catch, while's statement, CONTEXT elements, GLOBALS */
- char *val; /* used in VARDEC */
- char *for_test; /* used in FOR */
- int label_in_case; /* a boolean for LABELs */
- struct pval *goto_target; /* used in GOTO */
- } u2;
- union
- {
- char *for_inc; /* used in FOR */
- struct pval *else_statements; /* used in IF */
- struct pval *macro_statements; /* used in MACRO */
- int abstract; /* used for context 1=abstract; 2=extend; 3=both */
- char *hints; /* used in EXTENSION */
- int goto_target_in_case; /* used in GOTO */
- struct ael_extension *compiled_label;
- struct pval *extend; /* to link extended contexts to the 'original' */
- } u3;
- union
- {
- struct pval *for_statements; /* used in PV_FOR */
- int regexten; /* used in EXTENSION */
- } u4;
- struct pval *next; /* the pval at the end of this ptr will ALWAYS be of the same type as this one!
- EXCEPT for objects of the different types, that are in the same list, like contexts & macros, etc */
- struct pval *dad; /* the 'container' of this struct instance */
- struct pval *prev; /* the opposite of the 'next' pointer */
-} ;
-typedef struct pval pval;
-/* for the time being, short circuit all the AAL related structures
- without permanently removing the code; after/during the AAL
- development, this code can be properly re-instated
-/* null definitions for structs passed down the infrastructure */
-struct argapp
- struct argapp *next;
-struct ast_context;
-int option_matches_j( struct argdesc *should, pval *is, struct argapp *app);
-int option_matches( struct argdesc *should, pval *is, struct argapp *app);
-int ael_is_funcname(char *name);
-int do_pbx_load_module(void);
-int count_labels_in_current_context(char *label);
-int check_app_args(pval *appcall, pval *arglist, struct argapp *app);
-void check_pval(pval *item, struct argapp *apps, int in_globals);
-void check_pval_item(pval *item, struct argapp *apps, int in_globals);
-void check_switch_expr(pval *item, struct argapp *apps);
-void ast_expr_register_extra_error_info(char *errmsg);
-void ast_expr_clear_extra_error_info(void);
-int ast_expr(char *expr, char *buf, int length, struct ast_channel *chan);
-struct pval *find_macro(char *name);
-struct pval *find_context(char *name);
-struct pval *find_context(char *name);
-struct pval *find_macro(char *name);
-struct ael_priority *new_prio(void);
-struct ael_extension *new_exten(void);
-void linkprio(struct ael_extension *exten, struct ael_priority *prio);
-void destroy_extensions(struct ael_extension *exten);
-/* static void linkexten(struct ael_extension *exten, struct ael_extension *add);
- static void gen_prios(struct ael_extension *exten, char *label, pval *statement, struct ael_extension *mother_exten, struct ast_context *context ); */
-void set_priorities(struct ael_extension *exten);
-void add_extensions(struct ael_extension *exten);
-void ast_compile_ael2(struct ast_context **local_contexts, struct pval *root);
-void destroy_pval(pval *item);
-void destroy_pval_item(pval *item);
-int is_float(char *arg );
-int is_int(char *arg );
-int is_empty(char *arg);
-/* PVAL PI */
-pval *pvalCreateNode( pvaltype type );
-pvaltype pvalObjectGetType( pval *p );
-void pvalWordSetString( pval *p, char *str);
-char *pvalWordGetString( pval *p );
-void pvalMacroSetName( pval *p, char *name);
-char *pvalMacroGetName( pval *p );
-void pvalMacroSetArglist( pval *p, pval *arglist );
-void pvalMacroAddArg( pval *p, pval *arg );
-pval *pvalMacroWalkArgs( pval *p, pval **arg );
-void pvalMacroAddStatement( pval *p, pval *statement );
-pval *pvalMacroWalkStatements( pval *p, pval **next_statement );
-void pvalContextSetName( pval *p, char *name);
-char *pvalContextGetName( pval *p );
-void pvalContextSetAbstract( pval *p );
-void pvalContextUnsetAbstract( pval *p );
-int pvalContextGetAbstract( pval *p );
-void pvalContextAddStatement( pval *p, pval *statement);
-pval *pvalContextWalkStatements( pval *p, pval **statements );
-void pvalMacroCallSetMacroName( pval *p, char *name );
-char* pvalMacroCallGetMacroName( pval *p );
-void pvalMacroCallSetArglist( pval *p, pval *arglist );
-void pvalMacroCallAddArg( pval *p, pval *arg );
-pval *pvalMacroCallWalkArgs( pval *p, pval **args );
-void pvalAppCallSetAppName( pval *p, char *name );
-char* pvalAppCallGetAppName( pval *p );
-void pvalAppCallSetArglist( pval *p, pval *arglist );
-void pvalAppCallAddArg( pval *p, pval *arg );
-pval *pvalAppCallWalkArgs( pval *p, pval **args );
-void pvalCasePatSetVal( pval *p, char *val );
-char* pvalCasePatGetVal( pval *p );
-void pvalCasePatDefAddStatement( pval *p, pval *statement );
-pval *pvalCasePatDefWalkStatements( pval *p, pval **statement );
-void pvalCatchSetExtName( pval *p, char *name );
-char* pvalCatchGetExtName( pval *p );
-void pvalCatchSetStatement( pval *p, pval *statement );
-pval *pvalCatchGetStatement( pval *p );
-void pvalSwitchesAddSwitch( pval *p, char *name );
-char* pvalSwitchesWalkNames( pval *p, pval **next_item );
-void pvalESwitchesAddSwitch( pval *p, char *name );
-char* pvalESwitchesWalkNames( pval *p, pval **next_item );
-void pvalIncludesAddInclude( pval *p, const char *include );
-void pvalIncludesAddIncludeWithTimeConstraints( pval *p, const char *include, char *hour_range, char *dom_range, char *dow_range, char *month_range );
-void pvalIncludeGetTimeConstraints( pval *p, char **hour_range, char **dom_range, char **dow_range, char **month_range );
-char* pvalIncludesWalk( pval *p, pval **next_item );
-void pvalStatementBlockAddStatement( pval *p, pval *statement);
-pval *pvalStatementBlockWalkStatements( pval *p, pval **next_statement);
-void pvalVarDecSetVarname( pval *p, char *name );
-void pvalVarDecSetValue( pval *p, char *value );
-char* pvalVarDecGetVarname( pval *p );
-char* pvalVarDecGetValue( pval *p );
-void pvalGotoSetTarget( pval *p, char *context, char *exten, char *label );
-void pvalGotoGetTarget( pval *p, char **context, char **exten, char **label );
-void pvalLabelSetName( pval *p, char *name );
-char* pvalLabelGetName( pval *p );
-void pvalForSetInit( pval *p, char *init );
-void pvalForSetTest( pval *p, char *test );
-void pvalForSetInc( pval *p, char *inc );
-void pvalForSetStatement( pval *p, pval *statement );
-char* pvalForGetInit( pval *p );
-char* pvalForGetTest( pval *p );
-char* pvalForGetInc( pval *p );
-pval* pvalForGetStatement( pval *p );
-void pvalIfSetCondition( pval *p, char *expr );
-char* pvalIfGetCondition( pval *p );
-void pvalIfTimeSetCondition( pval *p, char *hour_range, char *dow_range, char *dom_range, char *mon_range ); /* time range format: 24-hour format begin-end|dow range|dom range|month range */
-void pvalIfTimeGetCondition( pval *p, char **hour_range, char **dow_range, char **dom_range, char **month_range );
-void pvalRandomSetCondition( pval *p, char *percent );
-char* pvalRandomGetCondition( pval *p );
-void pvalConditionalSetThenStatement( pval *p, pval *statement );
-void pvalConditionalSetElseStatement( pval *p, pval *statement );
-pval* pvalConditionalGetThenStatement( pval *p );
-pval* pvalConditionalGetElseStatement( pval *p );
-void pvalSwitchSetTestexpr( pval *p, char *expr );
-char* pvalSwitchGetTestexpr( pval *p );
-void pvalSwitchAddCase( pval *p, pval *Case );
-pval* pvalSwitchWalkCases( pval *p, pval **next_case );
-void pvalExtenSetName( pval *p, char *name );
-char *pvalExtenGetName( pval *p );
-void pvalExtenSetRegexten( pval *p );
-void pvalExtenUnSetRegexten( pval *p );
-int pvalExtenGetRegexten( pval *p );
-void pvalExtenSetHints( pval *p, char *hints );
-char* pvalExtenGetHints( pval *p );
-void pvalExtenSetStatement( pval *p, pval *statement );
-pval* pvalExtenGetStatement( pval *p );
-void pvalIgnorePatSetPattern( pval *p, char *pat );
-char* pvalIgnorePatGetPattern( pval *p );
-void pvalGlobalsAddStatement( pval *p, pval *statement );
-pval* pvalGlobalsWalkStatements( pval *p, pval **next_statement );
-void pvalTopLevAddObject( pval *p, pval *contextOrObj );
-pval* pvalTopLevWalkObjects( pval *p, pval **next_obj );
-int pvalCheckType( pval *p, char *funcname, pvaltype type );