path: root/main/minimime/mm-docs/latex/group__error.tex
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+\section{Mini\-MIME error functions}
+\label{group__error}\index{MiniMIME error functions@{MiniMIME error functions}}
+void {\bf mm\_\-error\_\-init} (void)
+void {\bf mm\_\-error\_\-setmsg} (const char $\ast$fmt,...)
+char $\ast$ {\bf mm\_\-error\_\-string} (void)
+\subsection{Function Documentation}
+\subsubsection{\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 5cm}void mm\_\-error\_\-init (void)}\label{group__error_g69de7c9bee1d535593a55807590de543}
+Initializes the global error object
+This function initializes the global error object mm\_\-error. This must be done when the library is initialized, and is automatically called from mm\_\-init\_\-library(). \index{error@{error}!mm_error_setmsg@{mm\_\-error\_\-setmsg}}
+\subsubsection{\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 5cm}void mm\_\-error\_\-setmsg (const char $\ast$ {\em fmt}, {\em ...})}\label{group__error_g92006c97728639d8f32f5bc4c6e2a47f}
+Sets a descriptive error message
+\item[{\em fmt}]The error message as format string\end{description}
+This function is called from the various Mini\-MIME modules in case an error occured. Should never be called by the user. \index{error@{error}!mm_error_string@{mm\_\-error\_\-string}}
+\subsubsection{\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 5cm}char$\ast$ mm\_\-error\_\-string (void)}\label{group__error_g8654857a3ac349b87d798902912371a3}
+Retrieves the current error message
+\item[Returns:]The currently set error message\end{Desc}
+This function can be used to retrieve a descriptive error message for the current error, much like strerror() function of libc. When this function is called without an error being set, it returns the string \char`\"{}No error\char`\"{}. The string returned does not need to be freed, since it is not dynamically allocated by the library. \ No newline at end of file