path: root/include/asterisk/event.h
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+ * Asterisk -- An open source telephony toolkit.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2007, Digium, Inc.
+ *
+ * Russell Bryant <russell@digium.com>
+ *
+ * See http://www.asterisk.org for more information about
+ * the Asterisk project. Please do not directly contact
+ * any of the maintainers of this project for assistance;
+ * the project provides a web site, mailing lists and IRC
+ * channels for your use.
+ *
+ * This program is free software, distributed under the terms of
+ * the GNU General Public License Version 2. See the LICENSE file
+ * at the top of the source tree.
+ */
+ * \file
+ * \author Russell Bryant <russell@digium.com>
+ * \brief Generic event system
+ *
+ * The purpose of this API is to provide a generic way to share events between
+ * Asterisk modules. Code can generate events, and other code can subscribe to
+ * them.
+ *
+ * Events have an associated event type, as well as information elements. The
+ * information elements are the meta data that go along with each event. For
+ * example, in the case of message waiting indication, the event type is MWI,
+ * and each MWI event containts at least three information elements: the
+ * mailbox, the number of new messages, and the number of old messages.
+ *
+ * Subscriptions to events consist of an event type and information elements,
+ * as well. Subscriptions can be to all events, or a certain subset of events.
+ * If an event type is provided, only events of that type will be sent to this
+ * subscriber. Furthermore, if information elements are supplied with the
+ * subscription, only events that contain the specified information elements
+ * with specified values will be sent to the subscriber. For example, when a
+ * SIP phone subscribes to MWI for mailbox 1234, then chan_sip can subscribe
+ * to internal Asterisk MWI events with the MAILBOX information element with
+ * a value of "1234".
+ *
+ * Another key feature of this event system is the ability to cache events.
+ * It is useful for some types of events to be able to remember the last known
+ * value. These are usually events that indicate some kind of state change.
+ * In the example of MWI, app_voicemail can instruct the event core to cache
+ * these events based on the mailbox. So, the last known MWI state of each
+ * mailbox will be cached, and other modules can retrieve this information
+ * on demand without having to poll the mailbox directly.
+ */
+#ifndef AST_EVENT_H
+#define AST_EVENT_H
+#include "asterisk/event_defs.h"
+ * \brief Subscriber event callback type
+ *
+ * \param event the event being passed to the subscriber
+ * \param userdata the data provider in the call to ast_event_subscribe()
+ *
+ * \return The event callbacks do not return anything.
+ */
+typedef void (*ast_event_cb_t)(const struct ast_event *event, void *userdata);
+ * \brief Subscribe to events
+ *
+ * \param event_type The type of events to subscribe to
+ * \param cb The function to be called with events
+ * \param userdata data to be passed to the event callback
+ *
+ * The rest of the arguments to this function specify additional parameters for
+ * the subscription to filter which events are passed to this subscriber. The
+ * arguments must be in sets of:
+ * \code
+ * <enum ast_event_ie_type>, [enum ast_event_ie_pltype, [payload] ]
+ * \endcode
+ * and must end with AST_EVENT_IE_END.
+ *
+ * If the ie_type specified is *not* AST_EVENT_IE_END, then it must be followed
+ * by a valid IE payload type. If the payload type specified is
+ * AST_EVENT_IE_PLTYPE_EXISTS, then the 3rd argument should not be provided.
+ * Otherwise, a payload must also be specified.
+ *
+ * \return This returns a reference to the subscription for use with
+ * un-subscribing later. If there is a failure in creating the
+ * subscription, NULL will be returned.
+ *
+ * Example usage:
+ *
+ * \code
+ * peer->mwi_event_sub = ast_event_subscribe(AST_EVENT_MWI, mwi_event_cb, peer,
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * This creates a subscription to AST_EVENT_MWI events that contain an
+ * information element, AST_EVENT_IE_MAILBOX, with the same string value
+ * contained in peer->mailbox. Also, the event callback will be passed a
+ * pointer to the peer.
+ */
+struct ast_event_sub *ast_event_subscribe(enum ast_event_type event_type,
+ ast_event_cb_t cb, void *userdata, ...);
+ * \brief Un-subscribe from events
+ *
+ * \param event_sub This is the reference to the subscription returned by
+ * ast_event_subscribe.
+ *
+ * \return Nothing
+ */
+void ast_event_unsubscribe(struct ast_event_sub *event_sub);
+ * \brief Check if subscribers exist
+ *
+ * \param event_type This is the type of event that the caller would like to
+ * check for subscribers to.
+ *
+ * The rest of the arguments to this function specify additional parameters for
+ * checking for subscriptions to subsets of an event type. The arguments must
+ * in sets of:
+ * \code
+ * <enum ast_event_ie_type>, [enum ast_event_ie_pltype, [payload] ]
+ * \endcode
+ * and must end with AST_EVENT_IE_END.
+ *
+ * If the ie_type specified is *not* AST_EVENT_IE_END, then it must be followed
+ * by a valid IE payload type. If the payload type specified is
+ * AST_EVENT_IE_PLTYPE_EXISTS, then the 3rd argument should not be provided.
+ * Otherwise, a payload must also be specified.
+ *
+ * \return This returns one of the values defined in the ast_event_subscriber_res
+ * enum which will indicate if subscribers exist that match the given
+ * criteria.
+ *
+ * Example usage:
+ *
+ * \code
+ * if (ast_event_check_subscriber(AST_EVENT_MWI,
+ * return;
+ * }
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * This example will check if there are any subscribers to MWI events for the
+ * mailbox defined in the "mailbox" variable.
+ */
+enum ast_event_subscriber_res ast_event_check_subscriber(enum ast_event_type event_type, ...);
+ * \brief Report current subscriptions to a subscription subscriber
+ *
+ * \arg sub the subscription subscriber
+ *
+ * \return nothing
+ *
+ * This reports all of the current subscribers to a subscriber of
+ * subscribers to a specific event type. (Try saying that a few times fast).
+ *
+ * The idea here is that it is sometimes very useful for a module to know when
+ * someone subscribes to events. However, when they first subscribe, this
+ * provides that module the ability to request the event core report to them
+ * all of the subscriptions to that event type that already exist.
+ */
+void ast_event_report_subs(const struct ast_event_sub *sub);
+ * \brief Create a new event
+ *
+ * \param event_type The type of event to create
+ *
+ * The rest of the arguments to this function specify information elements to
+ * add to the event. They are specified in the form:
+ * \code
+ * <enum ast_event_ie_type>, [enum ast_event_ie_pltype, [payload] ]
+ * \endcode
+ * and must end with AST_EVENT_IE_END.
+ *
+ * If the ie_type specified is *not* AST_EVENT_IE_END, then it must be followed
+ * by a valid IE payload type. The payload type, EXISTS, should not be used here
+ * because it makes no sense to do so. So, a payload must also be specified
+ * after the IE payload type.
+ *
+ * \return This returns the event that has been created. If there is an error
+ * creating the event, NULL will be returned.
+ *
+ * Example usage:
+ *
+ * \code
+ * if (!(event = ast_event_new(AST_EVENT_MWI,
+ * return;
+ * }
+ * \code
+ *
+ * This creates a MWI event with 3 information elements, a mailbox which is
+ * a string, and the number of new and old messages, specified as integers.
+ */
+struct ast_event *ast_event_new(enum ast_event_type event_type, ...);
+ * \brief Destroy an event
+ *
+ * \param event the event to destroy
+ *
+ * \return Nothing
+ *
+ * \note Events that have been queued should *not* be destroyed by the code that
+ * created the event. It will be automatically destroyed after being
+ * dispatched to the appropriate subscribers.
+ */
+void ast_event_destroy(struct ast_event *event);
+ * \brief Queue an event
+ *
+ * \param event the event to be queued
+ *
+ * \retval zero success
+ * \retval non-zero failure
+ *
+ * This function queues an event to be dispatched to all of the appropriate
+ * subscribers. This function will not block while the event is being
+ * dispatched because a pool of event dispatching threads handle the event
+ * queue.
+ */
+int ast_event_queue(struct ast_event *event);
+ * \brief Queue and cache an event
+ *
+ * \param event the event to be queued and cached
+ *
+ * The rest of the arguments to this function specify information elements to
+ * use for determining which events in the cache that this event should replace.
+ * All events in the cache that match the specified criteria will be removed from
+ * the cache and then this one will be added. The arguments are specified in
+ * the form:
+ *
+ * \code
+ * <enum ast_event_ie_type>, [enum ast_event_ie_pltype]
+ * \endcode
+ * and must end with AST_EVENT_IE_END.
+ *
+ * If the ie_type specified is *not* AST_EVENT_IE_END, then it must be followed
+ * by a valid IE payload type. If the payload type given is EXISTS, then all
+ * events that contain that information element will be removed from the cache.
+ * Otherwise, all events in the cache that contain an information element with
+ * the same value as the new event will be removed.
+ *
+ * \note If more than one IE parameter is specified, they *all* must match for
+ * the event to be removed from the cache.
+ *
+ * Example usage:
+ *
+ * \code
+ * ast_event_queue_and_cache(event,
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * This example queues and caches an event. Any events in the cache that have
+ * the same MAILBOX information element as this event will be removed.
+ *
+ * The purpose of caching events is so that the core can retain the last known
+ * information for events that represent some sort of state. That way, when
+ * code needs to find out the current state, it can query the cache.
+ */
+int ast_event_queue_and_cache(struct ast_event *event, ...);
+ * \brief Retrieve an event from the cache
+ *
+ * \param event_type The type of event to retrieve from the cache
+ *
+ * The rest of the arguments to this function specify information elements to
+ * match for retrieving events from the cache. They are specified in the form:
+ * \code
+ * <enum ast_event_ie_type>, [enum ast_event_ie_pltype, [payload] ]
+ * \endcode
+ * and must end with AST_EVENT_IE_END.
+ *
+ * If the ie_type specified is *not* AST_EVENT_IE_END, then it must be followed
+ * by a valid IE payload type. If the payload type specified is
+ * AST_EVENT_IE_PLTYPE_EXISTS, then the 3rd argument should not be provided.
+ * Otherwise, a payload must also be specified.
+ *
+ * \return A reference to an event retrieved from the cache. If no event was
+ * found that matches the specified criteria, then NULL will be returned.
+ *
+ * \note If more than one event in the cache matches the specified criteria, only
+ * one will be returned, and it is undefined which one it will be.
+ *
+ * \note The caller of this function *must* call ast_event_destroy() on the
+ * returned event after it is done using it.
+ *
+ * Example Usage:
+ *
+ * \code
+ * event = ast_event_get_cached(AST_EVENT_MWI,
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * This example will check for an MWI event in the cache that matches the
+ * specified mailbox. This would be the way to find out the last known state
+ * of a mailbox without having to poll the mailbox directly.
+ */
+struct ast_event *ast_event_get_cached(enum ast_event_type, ...);
+ * \brief Append an information element that has a string payload
+ *
+ * \param event the event that the IE will be appended to
+ * \param ie_type the type of IE to append
+ * \param str The string for the payload of the IE
+ *
+ * \retval 0 success
+ * \retval -1 failure
+ *
+ * The pointer to the event will get updated with the new location for the event
+ * that now contains the appended information element. If the re-allocation of
+ * the memory for this event fails, it will be set to NULL.
+ */
+int ast_event_append_ie_str(struct ast_event **event, enum ast_event_ie_type ie_type,
+ const char *str);
+ * \brief Append an information element that has an integer payload
+ *
+ * \param event the event that the IE will be appended to
+ * \param ie_type the type of IE to append
+ * \param data The integer for the payload of the IE
+ *
+ * \retval 0 success
+ * \retval -1 failure
+ *
+ * The pointer to the event will get updated with the new location for the event
+ * that now contains the appended information element. If the re-allocation of
+ * the memory for this event fails, it will be set to NULL.
+ */
+int ast_event_append_ie_uint(struct ast_event **event, enum ast_event_ie_type ie_type,
+ uint32_t data);
+ * \brief Append an information element that has a raw payload
+ *
+ * \param event the event that the IE will be appended to
+ * \param ie_type the type of IE to append
+ * \param data A pointer to the raw data for the payload of the IE
+ * \param data_len The amount of data to copy into the payload
+ *
+ * \retval 0 success
+ * \retval -1 failure
+ *
+ * The pointer to the event will get updated with the new location for the event
+ * that now contains the appended information element. If the re-allocation of
+ * the memory for this event fails, it will be set to NULL.
+ */
+int ast_event_append_ie_raw(struct ast_event **event, enum ast_event_ie_type ie_type,
+ const void *data, size_t data_len);
+ * \brief Get the value of an information element that has an integer payload
+ *
+ * \param event The event to get the IE from
+ * \param ie_type the type of information element to retrieve
+ *
+ * \return This returns the payload of the information element with the given type.
+ * However, an IE with a payload of 0, and the case where no IE is found
+ * yield the same return value.
+ */
+uint32_t ast_event_get_ie_uint(const struct ast_event *event, enum ast_event_ie_type ie_type);
+ * \brief Get the value of an information element that has a string payload
+ *
+ * \param event The event to get the IE from
+ * \param ie_type the type of information element to retrieve
+ *
+ * \return This returns the payload of the information element with the given type.
+ * If the information element isn't found, NULL will be returned.
+ */
+const char *ast_event_get_ie_str(const struct ast_event *event, enum ast_event_ie_type ie_type);
+ * \brief Get the value of an information element that has a raw payload
+ *
+ * \param event The event to get the IE from
+ * \param ie_type the type of information element to retrieve
+ *
+ * \return This returns the payload of the information element with the given type.
+ * If the information element isn't found, NULL will be returned.
+ */
+const void *ast_event_get_ie_raw(const struct ast_event *event, enum ast_event_ie_type ie_type);
+ * \brief Get the type for an event
+ *
+ * \param event the event to get the type for
+ *
+ * \return the event type as represented by one of the values in the
+ * ast_event_type enum
+ */
+enum ast_event_type ast_event_get_type(const struct ast_event *event);
+#endif /* AST_EVENT_H */