path: root/doc/tex/phoneprov.tex
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+Asterisk includes basic phone provisioning support through the res\_phoneprov module. The
+current implementation is based on a templating system using Asterisk dialplan function
+and variable substitution and obtains information to substitute into those templates from
+\path{phoneprov.conf} and \path{users.conf}. A profile and set of templates is provided
+for provisioning Polycom phones. Note that res\_phoneprov is currently limited to
+provisioning a single user per device.
+\section{Configuration of phoneprov.conf}
+The configuration file, \path{phoneprov.conf}, is used to set up the built-in variables
+SEVER and SERVER\_PORT, to define a default phone profile to use, and to define different
+phone profiles available for provisioning.
+\subsection{The [general] section}
+Below is a sample of the general section of \path{phoneprov.conf}:
+There are two choices for setting the SERVER variable. If the IP address of the server is
+known, or the hostname resolvable by the phones, the appropriate \textbf{serveraddr}
+value should be set. Alternatively, the network interface that the server listens on can
+be set by specifying a \textbf{serveriface} and SERVER will be set to the IP address of
+that interface. Only one of these options should be set.
+The SERVER\_PORT variable is set by setting the \textbf{serverport}. If serverport is
+not specified, it is set to a default value of 5060.
+Any user set for auto-provisioning in users.conf without a specified profile will be
+assumed to belong to the profile set with \textbf{default\_profile}.
+\subsection{Creating phone profiles}
+A phone profile is basically a list of files that a particular group of phones needs to
+function. For most phone types there are files that are identical for all phones
+(firmware, for instance) as well as a configuration file that is specific to individual
+phones. res\_phoneprov breaks these two groups of files into static files and dynamic
+files, respectively. A sample profile:
+staticdir => configs/
+mime_type => text/xml
+setvar => CUSTOM_CONFIG=/var/lib/asterisk/phoneprov/configs/custom.cfg
+static_file => bootrom.ld,application/octet-stream
+static_file => bootrom.ver,plain/text
+static_file => sip.ld,application/octet-stream
+static_file => sip.ver,plain/text
+static_file => sip.cfg
+static_file => custom.cfg
+${TOLOWER(${MAC})}.cfg => 000000000000.cfg
+${TOLOWER(${MAC})}-phone.cfg => 000000000000-phone.cfg
+config/${TOLOWER(${MAC})} => polycom.xml
+${TOLOWER(${MAC})}-directory.xml => 000000000000-directory.xml
+A \textbf{static\_file} is set by specifying the file name, relative to
+\path{AST\_DATA\_DIR/phoneprov}. The mime-type of the file can optionally be specified
+after a comma. If \textbf{staticdir} is set, all static files will be relative to the
+subdirectory of AST\_DATA\_DIR/phoneprov specified.
+Since phone-specific config files generally have file names based on phone-specifc data,
+dynamic filenames in res\_phoneprov can be defined with Asterisk dialplan function and
+variable substitution. In the above example, \$\{TOLOWER(\$\{MAC\})\}.cfg $\Rightarrow$
+000000000000.cfg would define a relative URI to be served that matches the format of
+MACADDRESS.cfg, all lower case. A request for that file would then point to the template
+found at AST\_DATA\_DIR/phoneprov/000000000000.cfg. The template can be followed by a
+comma and mime-type. Notice that the dynamic filename (URI) can contain contain
+directories. Since these files are dynamically generated, the config file itself does not
+reside on the filesystem--only the template. To view the generated config file, open it
+in a web browser. If the config file is XML, Firefox should display it. Some browsers
+will require viewing the source of the page requested.
+A default mime-type for the profile can be defined by setting \textbf{mime-type}. If a
+custom variable is required for a template, it can be specified with \textbf{setvar}.
+Variable substitution on this value is done while building the route list, so
+\$\{USERNAME\} would expand to the username of the users.conf user that registers the
+dynamic filename.
+NOTE: Any dialplan function that is used for generation of dynamic file names MUST be
+loaded before res\_phoneprov. Add "preload $\Rightarrow$ modulename.so" to
+\path{modules.conf} for required functions. In the example above, "preload $\Rightarrow$
+func\_strings.so" would be required.
+\section{Configuration of users.conf}
+The asterisk-gui sets up extensions, SIP/IAX2 peers, and a host of other settings.
+User-specific settings are stored in users.conf. If the asterisk-gui is not being used,
+manual entries to users.conf can be made.
+\subsection{The [general] section}
+There are only two settings in the general section of \path{users.conf} that apply to
+phone provisioning: localextenlength which maps to template variable EXTENSION\_LENGTH
+and \textbf{vmexten} which maps to the VOICEMAIL\_EXTEN variable.
+\subsection{Invdividual Users}
+To enable auto-provisioning of a phone, the user in \path{users.conf} needs to have:
+The profile is optional if a \textbf{default\_profile} is set in \path{phoneprov.conf}.
+The following is a sample users.conf entry, with the template variables commented next to
+the settings:
+callwaiting = yes
+context = numberplan-custom-1
+hasagent = no
+hasdirectory = yes
+hasiax = no
+hasmanager = no
+hassip = yes
+hasvoicemail = yes
+host = dynamic
+mailbox = 6001
+threewaycalling = yes
+deletevoicemail = no
+autoprov = yes
+profile = polycom
+canreinvite = no
+nat = no
+fullname = User Two ; ${DISPLAY_NAME}
+secret = test ; ${SECRET}
+username = 6001 ; ${USERNAME}
+macaddress = deadbeef4dad ; ${MAC}
+label = 6001 ; ${LABEL}
+cid_number = 6001 ; ${CALLERID}
+The variables above, are the user-specfic variables that can be substituted into dynamic
+filenames and config templates.
+Configuration templates are a generic way to configure phones with text-based
+configuration files. Templates can use any loaded dialplan function and all of the
+variables created by \path{phoneprov.conf} and \path{users.conf}. A short example is the
+included 000000000000.cfg Polycom template:
+<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
+ APP_FILE_PATH="sip.ld"
+ CONFIG_FILES="${IF($[${STAT(e|${CUSTOM_CONFIG})}] ? "custom.cfg,
+")}config/${TOLOWER(${MAC})}, sip.cfg"
+ />
+This template uses dialplan functions, expressions, and a couple of variables to generate
+a config file to instruct the Polycom where to pull other needed config files. If a phone
+with MAC address 0xDEADBEEF4DAD requests this config file, and the filename that is
+stored in variable CUSTOM\_CONFIG does not exist, then the generated output would be:
+<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
+ APP_FILE_PATH="sip.ld"
+ CONFIG_FILES="config/deadbeef4dad, sip.cfg"
+ />
+The Polycom phone would then download both sip.cfg (which would be registered in
+\path{phoneprov.conf} as a static file) and config/deadbeef4dad (which would be
+registered as a dynamic file pointing to another template, polycom.xml).
+res\_phoneprov also registers its own dialplan function: PP\_EACH\_USER. This function
+was designed to be able to print out a particular string for each user that
+res\_phoneprov knows about. An example use of this function is the template for a Polycom
+contact directory:
+<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
+ <item_list>
+ ${PP_EACH_USER(<item><fn>%{DISPLAY_NAME}</fn><ct>%{CALLERID}</ct><bw>1</bw></item>|${MAC})}
+ </item_list>
+PP\_EACH\_USER takes two arguments. The first is the string to be printed for each user.
+Any variables that are to be substituted need to be in the format \%\{VARNAME\} so that
+Asterisk doesn't try to substitute the variable immediately before it is passed to
+PP\_EACH\_USER. The second, optional, argument is a MAC address to exclude from the list
+iterated over (so, in this case, a phone won't be listed in its own contact directory).
+\section{Putting it all together}
+Make sure that \path{manager.conf} has:
+enabled = yes
+webenabled = yes
+and that \path{http.conf} has:
+enabled = yes
+bindaddr = ; Your IP here ;-)
+bindport = 8088 ; Or port 80 if it is the only http server running on the machine
+With \path{phoneprov.conf} and \path{users.conf} in place, start Astersik. From the CLI,
+type "http show status". An example output:
+HTTP Server Status:
+Prefix: /asterisk
+Server Enabled and Bound to
+Enabled URI's:
+/asterisk/httpstatus => Asterisk HTTP General Status
+/asterisk/phoneprov/... => Asterisk HTTP Phone Provisioning Tool
+/asterisk/manager => HTML Manager Event Interface
+/asterisk/rawman => Raw HTTP Manager Event Interface
+/asterisk/static/... => Asterisk HTTP Static Delivery
+/asterisk/mxml => XML Manager Event Interface
+Enabled Redirects:
+ None.
+POST mappings:
+There should be a phoneprov URI listed. Next, from the CLI, type "phoneprov show routes"
+and verify that the information there is correct. An example output for Polycom phones
+woud look like:
+Static routes
+Relative URI Physical location
+sip.ver configs/sip.ver
+sip.ld configs/sip.ld
+bootrom.ver configs/bootrom.ver
+sip.cfg configs/sip.cfg
+bootrom.ld configs/bootrom.ld
+custom.cfg configs/custom.cfg
+Dynamic routes
+Relative URI Template
+deadbeef4dad.cfg 000000000000.cfg
+deadbeef4dad-directory.xml 000000000000-directory.xml
+deadbeef4dad-phone.cfg 000000000000-phone.cfg
+config/deadbeef4dad polycom.xml
+With the above examples, the phones would be pointed to
+\url{} for pulling config files. Templates
+would all be placed in AST\_DATA\_DIR/phoneprov and static files would be placed in
+AST\_DATA\_DIR/phoneprov/configs. Examples of valid URIs would be: