path: root/doc/tex/cdrdriver.tex
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-\section{Storage Backends}
-\subsection{Microsoft SQL Server}
- Asterisk can currently store CDRs into an MSSQL database in
- two different ways: cdr_odbc or cdr_tds
- Call Data Records can be stored using unixODBC (which requires
- the FreeTDS package) [cdr_odbc] or directly by using just the
- FreeTDS package [cdr_tds] The following provide some
- examples known to get asterisk working with mssql.
- NOTE: Only choose one db connector.
-\subsubsection{ODBC using cdr_odbc}
- Compile, configure, and install the latest unixODBC package:
- tar -zxvf unixODBC-2.2.9.tar.gz &&
- cd unixODBC-2.2.9 &&
- ./configure --sysconfdir=/etc --prefix=/usr --disable-gui &&
- make &&
- make install
- Compile, configure, and install the latest FreeTDS package:
- tar -zxvf freetds-0.62.4.tar.gz &&
- cd freetds-0.62.4 &&
- ./configure --prefix=/usr --with-tdsver=7.0 \
- --with-unixodbc=/usr/lib &&
- make && make install
- Compile, or recompile, asterisk so that it will now add support
- for cdr_odbc.
- make clean && ./configure --with-odbc &&
- make update &&
- make &&
- make install
- Setup odbc configuration files. These are working examples
- from my system. You will need to modify for your setup.
- You are not required to store usernames or passwords here.
- /etc/odbcinst.ini
- [FreeTDS]
- Description = FreeTDS ODBC driver for MSSQL
- Driver = /usr/lib/libtdsodbc.so
- Setup = /usr/lib/libtdsS.so
- FileUsage = 1
- /etc/odbc.ini
- [MSSQL-asterisk]
- description = Asterisk ODBC for MSSQL
- driver = FreeTDS
- server =
- port = 1433
- database = voipdb
- tds_version = 7.0
- language = us_english
- Only install one database connector. Do not confuse asterisk
- by using both ODBC (cdr_odbc) and FreeTDS (cdr_tds).
- This command will erase the contents of cdr_tds.conf
- [ -f /etc/asterisk/cdr_tds.conf ] > /etc/asterisk/cdr_tds.conf
- NOTE: unixODBC requires the freeTDS package, but asterisk does
- not call freeTDS directly.
- Now set up cdr_odbc configuration files. These are working samples
- from my system. You will need to modify for your setup. Define
- your usernames and passwords here, secure file as well.
- /etc/asterisk/cdr_odbc.conf
- [global]
- dsn=MSSQL-asterisk
- username=voipdbuser
- password=voipdbpass
- loguniqueid=yes
- And finally, create the 'cdr' table in your mssql database.
- [calldate] [datetime] NOT NULL ,
- [clid] [varchar] (80) NOT NULL ,
- [src] [varchar] (80) NOT NULL ,
- [dst] [varchar] (80) NOT NULL ,
- [dcontext] [varchar] (80) NOT NULL ,
- [channel] [varchar] (80) NOT NULL ,
- [dstchannel] [varchar] (80) NOT NULL ,
- [lastapp] [varchar] (80) NOT NULL ,
- [lastdata] [varchar] (80) NOT NULL ,
- [duration] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [billsec] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [disposition] [varchar] (45) NOT NULL ,
- [amaflags] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [accountcode] [varchar] (20) NOT NULL ,
- [uniqueid] [varchar] (150) NOT NULL ,
- [userfield] [varchar] (255) NOT NULL
- )
- Start asterisk in verbose mode, you should see that asterisk
- logs a connection to the database and will now record every
- call to the database when it's complete.
-\subsubsection{TDS, using cdr_tds}
- Compile, configure, and install the latest FreeTDS package:
- tar -zxvf freetds-0.62.4.tar.gz &&
- cd freetds-0.62.4 &&
- ./configure --prefix=/usr --with-tdsver=7.0
- make &&
- make install
- Compile, or recompile, asterisk so that it will now add support
- for cdr_tds.
- make clean && ./configure --with-tds &&
- make update &&
- make &&
- make install
- Only install one database connector. Do not confuse asterisk
- by using both ODBC (cdr_odbc) and FreeTDS (cdr_tds).
- This command will erase the contents of cdr_odbc.conf
- [ -f /etc/asterisk/cdr_odbc.conf ] > /etc/asterisk/cdr_odbc.conf
- Setup cdr_tds configuration files. These are working samples
- from my system. You will need to modify for your setup. Define
- your usernames and passwords here, secure file as well.
- /etc/asterisk/cdr_tds.conf
- [global]
- hostname=
- port=1433
- dbname=voipdb
- user=voipdbuser
- password=voipdpass
- charset=BIG5
- And finally, create the 'cdr' table in your mssql database.
- [accountcode] [varchar] (20) NULL ,
- [src] [varchar] (80) NULL ,
- [dst] [varchar] (80) NULL ,
- [dcontext] [varchar] (80) NULL ,
- [clid] [varchar] (80) NULL ,
- [channel] [varchar] (80) NULL ,
- [dstchannel] [varchar] (80) NULL ,
- [lastapp] [varchar] (80) NULL ,
- [lastdata] [varchar] (80) NULL ,
- [start] [datetime] NULL ,
- [answer] [datetime] NULL ,
- [end] [datetime] NULL ,
- [duration] [int] NULL ,
- [billsec] [int] NULL ,
- [disposition] [varchar] (20) NULL ,
- [amaflags] [varchar] (16) NULL ,
- [uniqueid] [varchar] (150) NULL ,
- [userfield] [varchar] (256) NULL
- )
- Start asterisk in verbose mode, you should see that asterisk
- logs a connection to the database and will now record every
- call to the database when it's complete.
-Using MySQL for CDR records is supported by using ODBC and the cdr_odbc module.
-Alternatively, there is a native MySQL CDR module.
-To use it, configure the module in cdr_mysql.conf. Create a table called cdr under the database name you will be using the following schema.
- calldate datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
- clid varchar(80) NOT NULL default '',
- src varchar(80) NOT NULL default '',
- dst varchar(80) NOT NULL default '',
- dcontext varchar(80) NOT NULL default '',
- channel varchar(80) NOT NULL default '',
- dstchannel varchar(80) NOT NULL default '',
- lastapp varchar(80) NOT NULL default '',
- lastdata varchar(80) NOT NULL default '',
- duration int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
- billsec int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
- disposition varchar(45) NOT NULL default '',
- amaflags int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
- accountcode varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',
- uniqueid varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',
- userfield varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''
- If you want to go directly to postgresql database, and have the cdr_pgsql.so
- compiled you can use the following sample setup.
- On Debian, before compiling asterisk, just install libpqxx-dev.
- Other distros will likely have a similiar package.
- Once you have the compile done,
- copy the sample cdr_pgsql.conf file or create your own.
- Here is a sample:
- /etc/asterisk/cdr_pgsql.conf
- ; Sample Asterisk config file for CDR logging to PostgresSQL
- [global]
- hostname=localhost
- port=5432
- dbname=asterisk
- password=password
- user=postgres
- table=cdr
- Now create a table in postgresql for your cdrs
- calldate timestamp NOT NULL ,
- clid varchar (80) NOT NULL ,
- src varchar (80) NOT NULL ,
- dst varchar (80) NOT NULL ,
- dcontext varchar (80) NOT NULL ,
- channel varchar (80) NOT NULL ,
- dstchannel varchar (80) NOT NULL ,
- lastapp varchar (80) NOT NULL ,
- lastdata varchar (80) NOT NULL ,
- duration int NOT NULL ,
- billsec int NOT NULL ,
- disposition varchar (45) NOT NULL ,
- amaflags int NOT NULL ,
- accountcode varchar (20) NOT NULL ,
- uniqueid varchar (150) NOT NULL ,
- userfield varchar (255) NOT NULL
- );
-\subsection{SQLite 2}
-SQLite version 2 is supported in cdr_sqlite.
-\subsection{SQLite 3}
-SQLite version 3 is supported in cdr_sqlite3\_custom.
-\subsubsection{What is needed}
- \item FreeRADIUS server
- \item Radiusclient-ng library
- \item Asterisk PBX
-\put(.1,.4){\makebox(1.3,.3){Asterisk PBX}}
-\put(.1,.1){\makebox(1.3,.3){RADIUS Client}}
-\put(1.8,.275){\makebox(1.1,.1){RADIUS Server}}
-\caption{Asterisk/RADIUS Integration}
-\subsubsection{Installation of the Radiusclient library}
- Download the sources from
- \url{http://developer.berlios.de/projects/radiusclient-ng/}
- Untar the source tarball:
- root@localhost:/usr/local/src# tar xvfz radiusclient-ng-0.5.2.tar.gz
- Compile and install the library:
- root@localhost:/usr/local/src# cd radiusclient-ng-0.5.2
- root@localhost:/usr/local/src/radiusclient-ng-0.5.2# ./configure
- root@localhost:/usr/local/src/radiusclient-ng-0.5.2# make
- root@localhost:/usr/local/src/radiusclient-ng-0.5.2# make install
-\subsubsection{Configuration of the Radiusclient library}
- By default all the configuration files of the radiusclient library will
- be in \path{/usr/local/etc/radiusclient-ng} directory.
- File "radiusclient.conf"
- Open the file and find lines containing the following:
- authserver localhost
- This is the hostname or IP address of the RADIUS server used for
- authentication. You will have to change this unless the server is
- running on the same host as your Asterisk PBX.
- acctserver localhost
- This is the hostname or IP address of the RADIUS server used for
- accounting. You will have to change this unless the server is running
- on the same host as your Asterisk PBX.
- \textbf{File "servers"}
- RADIUS protocol uses simple access control mechanism based on shared
- secrets that allows RADIUS servers to limit access from RADIUS clients.
- A RADIUS server is configured with a secret string and only RADIUS
- clients that have the same secret will be accepted.
- You need to configure a shared secret for each server you have
- configured in radiusclient.conf file in the previous step. The shared
- secrets are stored in \path{/usr/local/etc/radiusclient-ng/servers} file.
- Each line contains hostname of a RADIUS server and shared secret
- used in communication with that server. The two values are separated
- by white spaces. Configure shared secrets for every RADIUS server you
- are going to use.
- \textbf{File "dictionary"}
- Asterisk uses some attributes that are not included in the
- dictionary of radiusclient library, therefore it is necessary to add
- them. A file called dictionary.digium (kept in the contrib dir)
- was created to list all new attributes used by Asterisk.
- Add to the end of the main dictionary file
- \path{/usr/local/etc/radiusclient-ng/dictionary} the line:
- \$INCLUDE /path/to/dictionary.digium
-\subsubsection{Install FreeRADIUS Server (Version 1.1.1)}
- Download sources tarball from:
- \url{http://freeradius.org/}
- Untar, configure, build, and install the server:
- root@localhost:/usr/local/src# tar xvfz freeradius-1.1.1.tar.gz
- root@localhost:/usr/local/src# cd freeradius-1.1.1
- root@localhost"/usr/local/src/freeradius-1.1.1# ./configure
- root@localhost"/usr/local/src/freeradius-1.1.1# make
- root@localhost"/usr/local/src/freeradius-1.1.1# make install
- All the configuration files of FreeRADIUS server will be in
- /usr/local/etc/raddb directory.
-\subsubsection{Configuration of the FreeRADIUS Server}
- There are several files that have to be modified to configure the
- RADIUS server. These are presented next.
- File "clients.conf"
- File \path{/usr/local/etc/raddb/clients.conf} contains description of
- RADIUS clients that are allowed to use the server. For each of the
- clients you need to specify its hostname or IP address and also a
- shared secret. The shared secret must be the same string you configured
- in radiusclient library.
- Example:
- client myhost {
- secret = mysecret
- shortname = foo
- }
- This fragment allows access from RADIUS clients on "myhost" if they use
- "mysecret" as the shared secret.
- The file already contains an entry for localhost (, so if you
- are running the RADIUS server on the same host as your Asterisk server,
- then modify the existing entry instead, replacing the default password.
- File "dictionary"
- Note: as of version 1.1.2, the dictionary.digium file ships with FreeRADIUS.
- The following procedure brings the dictionary.digium file to previous versions
- of FreeRADIUS.
- File \path{/usr/local/etc/raddb/dictionary} contains the dictionary of
- FreeRADIUS server. You have to add the same dictionary file
- (dictionary.digium), which you added to the dictionary of radiusclient-ng
- library. You can include it into the main file, adding the following line at the
- end of file \path{/usr/local/etc/raddb/dictionary}:
- \$INCLUDE /path/to/dictionary.digium
- That will include the same new attribute definitions that are used
- in radiusclient-ng library so the client and server will understand each
- other.
-\subsubsection{Asterisk Accounting Configuration}
- Compilation and installation:
- The module will be compiled as long as the radiusclient-ng
- library has been detected on your system.
- By default FreeRADIUS server will log all accounting requests into
- \path{/usr/local/var/log/radius/radacct} directory in form of plain text files.
- The server will create one file for each hostname in the directory. The
- following example shows how the log files look like.
- Asterisk now generates Call Detail Records. See \path{/include/asterisk/cdr.h}
- for all the fields which are recorded. By default, records in comma
- separated values will be created in \path{/var/log/asterisk/cdr-csv}.
- The configuration file for cdr_radius.so module is \path{/etc/asterisk/cdr.conf}
- This is where you can set CDR related parameters as well as the path to
- the radiusclient-ng library configuration file.
-\subsubsection{Logged Values}
- "Asterisk-Acc-Code", The account name of detail records
- "Asterisk-Src",
- "Asterisk-Dst",
- "Asterisk-Dst-Ctx", The destination context
- "Asterisk-Clid",
- "Asterisk-Chan", The channel
- "Asterisk-Dst-Chan", (if applicable)
- "Asterisk-Last-App", Last application run on the channel
- "Asterisk-Last-Data", Argument to the last channel
- "Asterisk-Start-Time",
- "Asterisk-Answer-Time",
- "Asterisk-End-Time",
- "Asterisk-Duration", Duration is the whole length that the entire
- call lasted. ie. call rx'd to hangup
- "end time" minus "start time"
- "Asterisk-Bill-Sec", The duration that a call was up after other
- end answered which will be <= to duration
- "end time" minus "answer time"
- "Asterisk-Disposition", ANSWERED, NO ANSWER, BUSY
- "Asterisk-AMA-Flags", DOCUMENTATION, BILL, IGNORE etc, specified on
- a per channel basis like accountcode.
- "Asterisk-Unique-ID", Unique call identifier
- "Asterisk-User-Field" User field set via SetCDRUserField