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-Answer channel
- Usage: ANSWER
- Answers channel if not already in answer state. Returns -1 on
- channel failure, or 0 if successful.
-\section{channel status}
-Returns status of the connected channel
- Usage: CHANNEL STATUS [<channelname>]
- Returns the status of the specified channel.
- If no channel name is given the returns the status of the
- current channel. Return values:
- 0 Channel is down and available
- 1 Channel is down, but reserved
- 2 Channel is off hook
- 3 Digits (or equivalent) have been dialed
- 4 Line is ringing
- 5 Remote end is ringing
- 6 Line is up
- 7 Line is busy
-\section{database del}
-Removes database key/value
- Usage: DATABASE DEL <family> <key>
- Deletes an entry in the Asterisk database for a
- given family and key.
- Returns 1 if successful, 0 otherwise.
-\section{database deltree}
-Removes database keytree/value
- Usage: DATABASE DELTREE <family> [keytree]
- Deletes a family or specific keytree within a family
- in the Asterisk database.
- Returns 1 if successful, 0 otherwise.
-\section{database get}
-Gets database value
- Usage: DATABASE GET <family> <key>
- Retrieves an entry in the Asterisk database for a
- given family and key.
- Returns 0 if <key> is not set. Returns 1 if <key>
- is set and returns the variable in parentheses.
- Example return code: 200 result=1 (testvariable)
-\section{database put}
-Adds/updates database value
- Usage: DATABASE PUT <family> <key> <value>
- Adds or updates an entry in the Asterisk database for a
- given family, key, and value.
- Returns 1 if successful, 0 otherwise.
-Executes a given Application
- Usage: EXEC <application> <options>
- Executes <application> with given <options>.
- Returns whatever the application returns, or -2 on failure to find application
-\section{get data}
-Prompts for DTMF on a channel
- Usage: GET DATA <file to be streamed> [timeout] [max digits]
- Stream the given file, and recieve DTMF data. Returns the digits received
-from the channel at the other end.
-\section{get full variable}
-Evaluates a channel expression
- Usage: GET FULL VARIABLE <variablename> [<channel name>]
- Returns 0 if <variablename> is not set or channel does not exist. Returns 1
-if <variablename> is set and returns the variable in parenthesis. Understands
-complex variable names and builtin variables, unlike GET VARIABLE.
- example return code: 200 result=1 (testvariable)
-\section{get option}
-Stream file, prompt for DTMF, with timeout
- Usage: GET OPTION <filename> <escape_digits> [timeout]
- Behaves similar to STREAM FILE but used with a timeout option.
-\section{get variable}
-Gets a channel variable
- Usage: GET VARIABLE <variablename>
- Returns 0 if <variablename> is not set. Returns 1 if <variablename>
- is set and returns the variable in parentheses.
- example return code: 200 result=1 (testvariable)
-Hangup the current channel
- Usage: HANGUP [<channelname>]
- Hangs up the specified channel.
- If no channel name is given, hangs up the current channel
-Does nothing
- Usage: NoOp
- Does nothing.
-\section{receive char}
-Receives one character from channels supporting it
- Usage: RECEIVE CHAR <timeout>
- Receives a character of text on a channel. Specify timeout to be the
- maximum time to wait for input in milliseconds, or 0 for infinite. Most channels
- do not support the reception of text. Returns the decimal value of the character
- if one is received, or 0 if the channel does not support text reception. Returns
- -1 only on error/hangup.
-\section{receive text}
-Receives text from channels supporting it
- Usage: RECEIVE TEXT <timeout>
- Receives a string of text on a channel. Specify timeout to be the
- maximum time to wait for input in milliseconds, or 0 for infinite. Most channels
- do not support the reception of text. Returns -1 for failure or 1 for success, and the string in parentheses.
-\section{record file}
-Records to a given file
- Usage: RECORD FILE <filename> <format> <escape digits> <timeout> \
- [offset samples] [BEEP] [s=silence]
- Record to a file until a given dtmf digit in the sequence is received
- Returns -1 on hangup or error. The format will specify what kind of file
- will be recorded. The timeout is the maximum record time in milliseconds, or
- -1 for no timeout. "Offset samples" is optional, and, if provided, will seek
- to the offset without exceeding the end of the file. "silence" is the number
- of seconds of silence allowed before the function returns despite the
- lack of dtmf digits or reaching timeout. Silence value must be
- preceeded by "s=" and is also optional.
-\section{say alpha}
-Says a given character string
- Usage: SAY ALPHA <number> <escape digits>
- Say a given character string, returning early if any of the given DTMF digits
- are received on the channel. Returns 0 if playback completes without a digit
- being pressed, or the ASCII numerical value of the digit if one was pressed or
- -1 on error/hangup.
-\section{say digits}
-Says a given digit string
- Usage: SAY DIGITS <number> <escape digits>
- Say a given digit string, returning early if any of the given DTMF digits
- are received on the channel. Returns 0 if playback completes without a digit
- being pressed, or the ASCII numerical value of the digit if one was pressed or
- -1 on error/hangup.
-\section{say number}
-Says a given number
- Usage: SAY NUMBER <number> <escape digits> [gender]
- Say a given number, returning early if any of the given DTMF digits
- are received on the channel. Returns 0 if playback completes without a digit
- being pressed, or the ASCII numerical value of the digit if one was pressed or
- -1 on error/hangup.
-\section{say phonetic}
-Says a given character string with phonetics
- Usage: SAY PHONETIC <string> <escape digits>
- Say a given character string with phonetics, returning early if any of the
- given DTMF digits are received on the channel. Returns 0 if playback
- completes without a digit pressed, the ASCII numerical value of the digit
- if one was pressed, or -1 on error/hangup.
-\section{say date}
-Says a given date
- Usage: SAY DATE <date> <escape digits>
- Say a given date, returning early if any of the given DTMF digits are
- received on the channel. <date> is number of seconds elapsed since 00:00:00
- on January 1, 1970, Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Returns 0 if playback
- completes without a digit being pressed, or the ASCII numerical value of the
- digit if one was pressed or -1 on error/hangup.
-\section{say time}
-Says a given time
- Usage: SAY TIME <time> <escape digits>
- Say a given time, returning early if any of the given DTMF digits are
- received on the channel. <time> is number of seconds elapsed since 00:00:00
- on January 1, 1970, Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Returns 0 if playback
- completes without a digit being pressed, or the ASCII numerical value of the
- digit if one was pressed or -1 on error/hangup.
-\section{say datetime}
-Says a given time as specfied by the format given
- Usage: SAY DATETIME <time> <escape digits> [format] [timezone]
- Say a given time, returning early if any of the given DTMF digits are
- received on the channel. <time> is number of seconds elapsed since 00:00:00
- on January 1, 1970, Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). [format] is the format
- the time should be said in. See voicemail.conf (defaults to "ABdY
- 'digits/at' IMp"). Acceptable values for [timezone] can be found in
- /usr/share/zoneinfo. Defaults to machine default. Returns 0 if playback
- completes without a digit being pressed, or the ASCII numerical value of the
- digit if one was pressed or -1 on error/hangup.
-\section{send image}
-Sends images to channels supporting it
- Usage: SEND IMAGE <image>
- Sends the given image on a channel. Most channels do not support the
- transmission of images. Returns 0 if image is sent, or if the channel does not
- support image transmission. Returns -1 only on error/hangup. Image names
- should not include extensions.
-\section{send text}
-Sends text to channels supporting it
- Usage: SEND TEXT "<text to send>"
- Sends the given text on a channel. Most channels do not support the
- transmission of text. Returns 0 if text is sent, or if the channel does not
- support text transmission. Returns -1 only on error/hangup. Text
- consisting of greater than one word should be placed in quotes since the
- command only accepts a single argument.
-\section{set autohangup}
-Autohangup channel in some time
- Usage: SET AUTOHANGUP <time>
- Cause the channel to automatically hangup at <time> seconds in the
- future. Of course it can be hungup before then as well. Setting to 0 will
- cause the autohangup feature to be disabled on this channel.
-\section{set callerid}
-Sets callerid for the current channel
- Usage: SET CALLERID <number>
- Changes the callerid of the current channel.
-\section{set context}
-Sets channel context
- Usage: SET CONTEXT <desired context>
- Sets the context for continuation upon exiting the application.
-\section{set extension}
-Changes channel extension
- Usage: SET EXTENSION <new extension>
- Changes the extension for continuation upon exiting the application.
-\section{set music}
-Enable/Disable Music on hold generator
- Usage: SET MUSIC ON <on|off> <class>
- Enables/Disables the music on hold generator. If <class> is
- not specified, then the default music on hold class will be used.
- Always returns 0.
-\section{set priority}
-Set channel dialplan priority
- Usage: SET PRIORITY <priority>
- Changes the priority for continuation upon exiting the application.
- The priority must be a valid priority or label.
-\section{set variable}
-Sets a channel variable
- Usage: SET VARIABLE <variablename> <value>
-\section{stream file}
-Sends audio file on channel
- Usage: STREAM FILE <filename> <escape digits> [sample offset]
- Send the given file, allowing playback to be interrupted by the given
- digits, if any. Use double quotes for the digits if you wish none to be
- permitted. If sample offset is provided then the audio will seek to sample
- offset before play starts. Returns 0 if playback completes without a digit
- being pressed, or the ASCII numerical value of the digit if one was pressed,
- or -1 on error or if the channel was disconnected. Remember, the file
- extension must not be included in the filename.
-\section{control stream file}
-Sends audio file on channel and allows the listner to control the stream
- Usage: CONTROL STREAM FILE <filename> <escape digits> [skipms] [ffchar] [rewchr] [pausechr]
- Send the given file, allowing playback to be controled by the given
- digits, if any. Use double quotes for the digits if you wish none to be
- permitted. Returns 0 if playback completes without a digit
- being pressed, or the ASCII numerical value of the digit if one was pressed,
- or -1 on error or if the channel was disconnected. Remember, the file
- extension must not be included in the filename.
- Note: ffchar and rewchar default to * and # respectively.
-\section{tdd mode}
-Toggles TDD mode (for the deaf)
- Usage: TDD MODE <on|off>
- Enable/Disable TDD transmission/reception on a channel. Returns 1 if
- successful, or 0 if channel is not TDD-capable.
-Logs a message to the asterisk verbose log
- Usage: VERBOSE <message> <level>
- Sends <message> to the console via verbose message system.
- <level> is the the verbose level (1-4)
- Always returns 1.
-\section{wait for digit}
-Waits for a digit to be pressed
- Usage: WAIT FOR DIGIT <timeout>
- Waits up to 'timeout' milliseconds for channel to receive a DTMF digit.
- Returns -1 on channel failure, 0 if no digit is received in the timeout, or
- the numerical value of the ascii of the digit if one is received. Use -1
- for the timeout value if you desire the call to block indefinitely.