path: root/doc/CODING-GUIDELINES
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Diffstat (limited to 'doc/CODING-GUIDELINES')
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+++ /dev/null
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- --------------------------------------
- == Asterisk Coding Guidelines ==
- --------------------------------------
-This document gives some basic indication on how the asterisk code
-is structured. The first part covers the structure and style of
-individual files. The second part (TO BE COMPLETED) covers the
-overall code structure and the build architecture.
-Please read it to the end to understand in detail how the asterisk
-code is organized, and to know how to extend asterisk or contribute
-new code.
-We are looking forward to your contributions to Asterisk - the
-Open Source PBX! As Asterisk is a large and in some parts very
-time-sensitive application, the code base needs to conform to
-a common set of coding rules so that many developers can enhance
-and maintain the code. Code also needs to be reviewed and tested
-so that it works and follows the general architecture and guide-
-lines, and is well documented.
-Asterisk is published under a dual-licensing scheme by Digium.
-To be accepted into the codebase, all non-trivial changes must be
-licensed to Digium. For more information, see the electronic license
-agreement on https://issues.asterisk.org/.
-Patches should be in the form of a unified (-u) diff, made from a checkout
-from subversion.
-/usr/src/asterisk$ svn diff > mypatch
-If you would like to only include changes to certain files in the patch, you
-can list them in the "svn diff" command:
-/usr/src/asterisk$ svn diff somefile.c someotherfile.c > mypatch
- -----------------------------------
- -----------------------------------
-* General rules
-- Indent code using tabs, not spaces.
-- All code, filenames, function names and comments must be in ENGLISH.
-- Don't annotate your changes with comments like "/* JMG 4/20/04 */";
- Comments should explain what the code does, not when something was changed
- or who changed it. If you have done a larger contribution, make sure
- that you are added to the CREDITS file.
-- Don't make unnecessary whitespace changes throughout the code.
- If you make changes, submit them to the tracker as separate patches
- that only include whitespace and formatting changes.
-- Don't use C++ type (//) comments.
-- Try to match the existing formatting of the file you are working on.
-- Use spaces instead of tabs when aligning in-line comments or #defines (this makes
- your comments aligned even if the code is viewed with another tabsize)
-* File structure and header inclusion
-Every C source file should start with a proper copyright
-and a brief description of the content of the file.
-Following that, you should immediately put the following lines:
-#include "asterisk.h"
-"asterisk.h" resolves OS and compiler dependencies for the basic
-set of unix functions (data types, system calls, basic I/O
-libraries) and the basic Asterisk APIs.
-ASTERISK_FILE_VERSION() stores in the executable information
-about the file.
-Next, you should #include extra headers according to the functionality
-that your file uses or implements. For each group of functions that
-you use there is a common header, which covers OS header dependencies
-and defines the 'external' API of those functions (the equivalent
-of 'public' members of a class). As an example:
- asterisk/module.h
- if you are implementing a module, this should be included in one
- of the files that are linked with the module.
- asterisk/io.h
- access to extra file I/O functions (stat, fstat, playing with
- directories etc)
- asterisk/network.h
- basic network I/O - all of the socket library, select/poll,
- and asterisk-specific (usually either thread-safe or reentrant
- or both) functions to play with socket addresses.
- asterisk/app.h
- parsing of application arguments
- asterisk/channel.h
- struct ast_channel and functions to manipulate it
-For more information look at the headers in include/asterisk/ .
-These files are usually self-sufficient, i.e. they recursively #include
-all the extra headers they need.
-The equivalent of 'private' members of a class are either directly in
-the C source file, or in files named asterisk/mod_*.h to make it clear
-that they are not for inclusion by generic code.
-Keep the number of header files small by not including them unnecessarily.
-Don't cut&paste list of header files from other sources, but only include
-those you really need. Apart from obvious cases (e.g. module.h which
-is almost always necessary) write a short comment next to each #include to
-explain why you need it.
-* Declaration of functions and variables
-- Do not declare variables mid-block (e.g. like recent GNU compilers support)
- since it is harder to read and not portable to GCC 2.95 and others.
-- Functions and variables that are not intended to be used outside the module
- must be declared static. If you are compiling on a Linux platform that has the
- 'dwarves' package available, you can use the 'pglobal' tool from that package
- to check for unintended global variables or functions being exposed in your
- object files. Usage is very simple:
- $ pglobal -vf <path to .o file>
-- When reading integer numeric input with scanf (or variants), do _NOT_ use '%i'
- unless you specifically want to allow non-base-10 input; '%d' is always a better
- choice, since it will not silently turn numbers with leading zeros into base-8.
-- Strings that are coming from input should not be used as the format argument to
- any printf-style function.
-* Structure alignment and padding
-On many platforms, structure fields (in structures that are not marked 'packed')
-will be laid out by the compiler with gaps (padding) between them, in order to
-satisfy alignment requirements. As a simple example:
-struct foo {
- int bar;
- void *xyz;
-On nearly every 64-bit platform, this will result in 4 bytes of dead space between
-'bar' and 'xyz', because pointers on 64-bit platforms must be aligned on 8-byte
-boundaries. Once you have your code written and tested, it may be worthwhile to review
-your structure definitions to look for problems of this nature. If you are on a Linux
-platform with the 'dwarves' package available, the 'pahole' tool from that package
-can be used to both check for padding issues of this type and also propose reorganized
-structure definitions to eliminate it. Usage is quite simple; for a structure named 'foo',
-the command would look something like this:
-$ pahole --reorganize --show_reorg_steps -C foo <path to module>
-The 'pahole' tool has many other modes available, including some that will list all the
-structures declared in the module and the amount of padding in each one that could possibly
-be recovered.
-* Use the internal API
-- Make sure you are aware of the string and data handling functions that exist
- within Asterisk to enhance portability and in some cases to produce more
- secure and thread-safe code. Check utils.c/utils.h for these.
-- If you need to create a detached thread, use the ast_pthread_create_detached()
- normally or ast_pthread_create_detached_background() for a thread with a smaller
- stack size. This reduces the replication of the code to handle the pthread_attr_t
- structure.
-* Code formatting
-Roughly, Asterisk code formatting guidelines are generally equivalent to the
-# indent -i4 -ts4 -br -brs -cdw -lp -ce -nbfda -npcs -nprs -npsl -nbbo -saf -sai -saw -cs -l90 foo.c
-this means in verbose:
- -i4: indent level 4
- -ts4: tab size 4
- -br: braces on if line
- -brs: braces on struct decl line
- -cdw: cuddle do while
- -lp: line up continuation below parenthesis
- -ce: cuddle else
- -nbfda: dont break function decl args
- -npcs: no space after function call names
- -nprs: no space after parentheses
- -npsl: dont break procedure type
- -saf: space after for
- -sai: space after if
- -saw: space after while
- -cs: space after cast
- -l90: line length 90 columns
-Function calls and arguments should be spaced in a consistent way across
-the codebase.
- GOOD: foo(arg1, arg2);
- BAD: foo(arg1,arg2);
- BAD: foo (arg1, arg2);
- BAD: foo( arg1, arg2 );
- BAD: foo(arg1, arg2,arg3);
-Don't treat keywords (if, while, do, return) as if they were functions;
-leave space between the keyword and the expression used (if any). For 'return',
-don't even put parentheses around the expression, since they are not
-There is no shortage of whitespace characters :-) Use them when they make
-the code easier to read. For example:
- for (str=foo;str;str=str->next)
-is harder to read than
- for (str = foo; str; str = str->next)
-Following are examples of how code should be formatted.
-- Functions:
-int foo(int a, char *s)
- return 0;
-- If statements:
-if (foo) {
- bar();
-} else {
- blah();
-- Case statements:
-switch (foo) {
-case BAR:
- blah();
- break;
-case OTHER:
- other();
- break;
-- No nested statements without braces, e.g.:
-for (x = 0; x < 5; x++)
- if (foo)
- if (bar)
- baz();
-instead do:
-for (x = 0; x < 5; x++) {
- if (foo) {
- if (bar) {
- baz();
- }
- }
-- Always use braces around the statements following an if/for/while construct,
-even if not strictly necessary, as it reduces future possible problems.
-- Don't build code like this:
-if (foo) {
- /* .... 50 lines of code ... */
-} else {
- result = 0;
- return;
-Instead, try to minimize the number of lines of code that need to be
-indented, by only indenting the shortest case of the 'if'
-statement, like so:
-if (!foo) {
- result = 0;
- return;
-.... 50 lines of code ....
-When this technique is used properly, it makes functions much easier to read
-and follow, especially those with more than one or two 'setup' operations
-that must succeed for the rest of the function to be able to execute.
-- Labels/goto are acceptable
-Proper use of this technique may occasionally result in the need for a
-label/goto combination so that error/failure conditions can exit the
-function while still performing proper cleanup. This is not a bad thing!
-Use of goto in this situation is encouraged, since it removes the need
-for excess code indenting without requiring duplication of cleanup code.
-- Never use an uninitialized variable
-Make sure you never use an uninitialized variable. The compiler will
-usually warn you if you do so. However, do not go too far the other way,
-and needlessly initialize variables that do not require it. If the first
-time you use a variable in a function is to store a value there, then
-initializing it at declaration is pointless, and will generate extra
-object code and data in the resulting binary with no purpose. When in doubt,
-trust the compiler to tell you when you need to initialize a variable;
-if it does not warn you, initialization is not needed.
-- Do not cast 'void *'
-Do not explicitly cast 'void *' into any other type, nor should you cast any
-other type into 'void *'. Implicit casts to/from 'void *' are explicitly
-allowed by the C specification. This means the results of malloc(), calloc(),
-alloca(), and similar functions do not _ever_ need to be cast to a specific
-type, and when you are passing a pointer to (for example) a callback function
-that accepts a 'void *' you do not need to cast into that type.
-* Function naming
-All public functions (those not marked 'static'), must be named "ast_<something>"
-and have a descriptive name.
-As an example, suppose you wanted to take a local function "find_feature", defined
-as static in a file, and used only in that file, and make it public, and use it
-in other files. You will have to remove the "static" declaration and define a
-prototype in an appropriate header file (usually in include/asterisk). A more
-specific name should be given, such as "ast_find_call_feature".
-* Variable function argument parsing
-Functions with a variable amount of arguments need a 'sentinel' when called.
-Newer GNU C compilers are fine if you use NULL for this. Older versions (pre 4)
-don't like this.
-You should use the constant SENTINEL.
-This one is defined in include/asterisk/compiler.h
-* Variable naming
-- Global variables
-Name global variables (or local variables when you have a lot of them or
-are in a long function) something that will make sense to aliens who
-find your code in 100 years. All variable names should be in lower
-case, except when following external APIs or specifications that normally
-use upper- or mixed-case variable names; in that situation, it is
-preferable to follow the external API/specification for ease of
-Make some indication in the name of global variables which represent
-options that they are in fact intended to be global.
- e.g.: static char global_something[80]
-- Don't use unnecessary typedef's
-Don't use 'typedef' just to shorten the amount of typing; there is no substantial
-benefit in this:
-struct foo { int bar; }; typedef struct foo foo_t;
-In fact, don't use 'variable type' suffixes at all; it's much preferable to
-just type 'struct foo' rather than 'foo_s'.
-- Use enums instead of #define where possible
-Use enums rather than long lists of #define-d numeric constants when possible;
-this allows structure members, local variables and function arguments to
-be declared as using the enum's type. For example:
-enum option {
- OPT_FOO = 1,
- OPT_BAR = 2,
- OPT_BAZ = 4,
-static enum option global_option;
-static handle_option(const enum option opt)
- ...
-Note: The compiler will _not_ force you to pass an entry from the enum
-as an argument to this function; this recommendation serves only to make
-the code clearer and somewhat self-documenting. In addition, when using
-switch/case blocks that switch on enum values, the compiler will warn
-you if you forget to handle one or more of the enum values, which can be
-* String handling
-Don't use strncpy for copying whole strings; it does not guarantee that the
-output buffer will be null-terminated. Use ast_copy_string instead, which
-is also slightly more efficient (and allows passing the actual buffer
-size, which makes the code clearer).
-Don't use ast_copy_string (or any length-limited copy function) for copying
-fixed (known at compile time) strings into buffers, if the buffer is something
-that has been allocated in the function doing the copying. In that case, you
-know at the time you are writing the code whether the buffer is large enough
-for the fixed string or not, and if it's not, your code won't work anyway!
-Use strcpy() for this operation, or directly set the first two characters
-of the buffer if you are just trying to store a one character string in the
-buffer. If you are trying to 'empty' the buffer, just store a single
-NULL character ('\0') in the first byte of the buffer; nothing else is
-needed, and any other method is wasteful.
-In addition, if the previous operations in the function have already
-determined that the buffer in use is adequately sized to hold the string
-you wish to put into it (even if you did not allocate the buffer yourself),
-use a direct strcpy(), as it can be inlined and optimized to simple
-processor operations, unlike ast_copy_string().
-* String conversions
-When converting from strings to integers or floats, use the sscanf function
-in preference to the atoi and atof family of functions, as sscanf detects
-errors. Always check the return value of sscanf to verify that your numeric
-variables successfully scanned before using them. Also, to avoid a potential
-libc bug, always specify a maximum width for each conversion specifier,
-including integers and floats. A good length for both integers and floats is
-30, as this is more than generous, even if you're using doubles or long
-* Use of functions
-For the sake of uclibc, do not use index, bcopy or bzero; use strchr(), memset(),
-and memmove() instead. uclibc can be configured to supply these functions, but
-we can save these users time and consternation if we abstain from using these
-When making applications, always ast_strdupa(data) to a local pointer if you
-intend to parse the incoming data string.
- if (data) {
- mydata = ast_strdupa(data);
- }
-- Use the argument parsing macros to declare arguments and parse them, i.e.:
- AST_APP_ARG(arg1);
- AST_APP_ARG(arg2);
- AST_APP_ARG(arg3);
- );
- parse = ast_strdupa(data);
- AST_STANDARD_APP_ARGS(args, parse);
-- Create generic code!
-If you do the same or a similar operation more than one time, make it a
-function or macro.
-Make sure you are not duplicating any functionality already found in an
-API call somewhere. If you are duplicating functionality found in
-another static function, consider the value of creating a new API call
-which can be shared.
-* Handling of pointers and allocations
-- Dereference or localize pointers
-Always dereference or localize pointers to things that are not yours like
-channel members in a channel that is not associated with the current
-thread and for which you do not have a lock.
- channame = ast_strdupa(otherchan->name);
-- Use const on pointer arguments if possible
-Use const on pointer arguments which your function will not be modifying, as this
-allows the compiler to make certain optimizations. In general, use 'const'
-on any argument that you have no direct intention of modifying, as it can
-catch logic/typing errors in your code when you use the argument variable
-in a way that you did not intend.
-- Do not create your own linked list code - reuse!
-As a common example of this point, make an effort to use the lockable
-linked-list macros found in include/asterisk/linkedlists.h. They are
-efficient, easy to use and provide every operation that should be
-necessary for managing a singly-linked list (if something is missing,
-let us know!). Just because you see other open-coded list implementations
-in the source tree is no reason to continue making new copies of
-that code... There are also a number of common string manipulation
-and timeval manipulation functions in asterisk/strings.h and asterisk/time.h;
-use them when possible.
-- Avoid needless allocations!
-Avoid needless malloc(), strdup() calls. If you only need the value in
-the scope of your function try ast_strdupa() or declare structs on the
-stack and pass a pointer to them. However, be careful to _never_ call
-alloca(), ast_strdupa() or similar functions in the argument list
-of a function you are calling; this can cause very strange stack
-arrangements and produce unexpected behavior.
-- Allocations for structures
-When allocating/zeroing memory for a structure, use code like this:
-struct foo *tmp;
-tmp = ast_calloc(1, sizeof(*tmp));
-Avoid the combination of ast_malloc() and memset(). Instead, always use
-ast_calloc(). This will allocate and zero the memory in a single operation.
-In the case that uninitialized memory is acceptable, there should be a comment
-in the code that states why this is the case.
-Using sizeof(*tmp) instead of sizeof(struct foo) eliminates duplication of the
-'struct foo' identifier, which makes the code easier to read and also ensures
-that if it is copy-and-pasted it won't require as much editing.
-The ast_* family of functions for memory allocation are functionally the same.
-They just add an Asterisk log error message in the case that the allocation
-fails for some reason. This eliminates the need to generate custom messages
-throughout the code to log that this has occurred.
-- String Duplications
-The functions strdup and strndup can *not* accept a NULL argument. This results
-in having code like this:
- if (str) {
- newstr = strdup(str);
- } else {
- newstr = NULL;
- }
-However, the ast_strdup and ast_strdupa functions will happily accept a NULL
-argument without generating an error. The same code can be written as:
- newstr = ast_strdup(str);
-Furthermore, it is unnecessary to have code that malloc/calloc's for the length
-of a string (+1 for the terminating '\0') and then using strncpy to copy the
-copy the string into the resulting buffer. This is the exact same thing as
-using ast_strdup.
-* CLI Commands
-New CLI commands should be named using the module's name, followed by a verb
-and then any parameters that the command needs. For example:
-*CLI> iax2 show peer <peername>
-*CLI> show iax2 peer <peername>
-* New dialplan applications/functions
-There are two methods of adding functionality to the Asterisk
-dialplan: applications and functions. Applications (found generally in
-the apps/ directory) should be collections of code that interact with
-a channel and/or user in some significant way. Functions (which can be
-provided by any type of module) are used when the provided
-functionality is simple... getting/retrieving a value, for
-example. Functions should also be used when the operation is in no way
-related to a channel (a computation or string operation, for example).
-Applications are registered and invoked using the
-ast_register_application function; see the apps/app_skel.c file for an
-Functions are registered using 'struct ast_custom_function'
-structures and the ast_custom_function_register function.
-* Doxygen API Documentation Guidelines
-When writing Asterisk API documentation the following format should be
-followed. Do not use the javadoc style.
- * \brief Do interesting stuff.
- *
- * \param thing1 interesting parameter 1.
- * \param thing2 interesting parameter 2.
- *
- * This function does some interesting stuff.
- *
- * \retval zero on success
- * \retval -1 on error.
- */
-int ast_interesting_stuff(int thing1, int thing2)
- return 0;
-Notice the use of the \param, \brief, and \return constructs. These should be
-used to describe the corresponding pieces of the function being documented.
-Also notice the blank line after the last \param directive. All doxygen
-comments must be in one /*! */ block. If the function or struct does not need
-an extended description it can be left out.
-Please make sure to review the doxygen manual and make liberal use of the \a,
-\code, \c, \b, \note, \li and \e modifiers as appropriate.
-When documenting a 'static' function or an internal structure in a module,
-use the \internal modifier to ensure that the resulting documentation
-explicitly says 'for internal use only'.
-When adding new API you should also attach a \since note because this will
-indicate to developers that this API did not exist before this version. It
-also has the benefit of making the resulting HTML documentation to group
-the changes for a single version.
-Structures should be documented as follows.
- * \brief A very interesting structure.
- */
-struct interesting_struct
- /*! \brief A data member. */
- int member1;
- int member2; /*!< \brief Another data member. */
-Note that /*! */ blocks document the construct immediately following them
-unless they are written, /*!< */, in which case they document the construct
-preceding them.
-It is very much preferred that documentation is not done inline, as done in
-the previous example for member2. The first reason for this is that it tends
-to encourage extremely brief, and often pointless, documentation since people
-try to keep the comment from making the line extremely long. However, if you
-insist on using inline comments, please indent the documentation with spaces!
-That way, all of the comments are properly aligned, regardless of what tab
-size is being used for viewing the code.
-* Finishing up before you submit your code
-- Look at the code once more
-When you achieve your desired functionality, make another few refactor
-passes over the code to optimize it.
-- Read the patch
-Before submitting a patch, *read* the actual patch file to be sure that
-all the changes you expect to be there are, and that there are no
-surprising changes you did not expect. During your development, that
-part of Asterisk may have changed, so make sure you compare with the
-latest SVN.
-- Listen to advice
-If you are asked to make changes to your patch, there is a good chance
-the changes will introduce bugs, check it even more at this stage.
-Also remember that the bug marshal or co-developer that adds comments
-is only human, they may be in error :-)
-- Optimize, optimize, optimize
-If you are going to reuse a computed value, save it in a variable
-instead of recomputing it over and over. This can prevent you from
-making a mistake in subsequent computations, making it easier to correct
-if the formula has an error and may or may not help optimization but
-will at least help readability.
-Just an example (so don't over analyze it, that'd be a shame):
-const char *prefix = "pre";
-const char *postfix = "post";
-char *newname;
-char *name = "data";
-if (name && (newname = alloca(strlen(name) + strlen(prefix) + strlen(postfix) + 3))) {
- snprintf(newname, strlen(name) + strlen(prefix) + strlen(postfix) + 3, "%s/%s/%s", prefix, name, postfix);
-...vs this alternative:
-const char *prefix = "pre";
-const char *postfix = "post";
-char *newname;
-char *name = "data";
-int len = 0;
-if (name && (len = strlen(name) + strlen(prefix) + strlen(postfix) + 3) && (newname = alloca(len))) {
- snprintf(newname, len, "%s/%s/%s", prefix, name, postfix);
-* Creating new manager events?
-If you create new AMI events, please read manager.txt. Do not re-use
-existing headers for new purposes, but please re-use existing headers
-for the same type of data.
-Manager events that signal a status are required to have one
-event name, with a status header that shows the status.
-The old style, with one event named "ThisEventOn" and another named
-"ThisEventOff", is no longer approved.
-Check manager.txt for more information on manager and existing
-headers. Please update this file if you add new headers.
-* Locking in Asterisk
-A) Locking Fundamentals
-Asterisk is a heavily multithreaded application. It makes extensive
-use of locking to ensure safe access to shared resources between
-different threads.
-When more that one lock is involved in a given code path, there is the
-potential for deadlocks. A deadlock occurs when a thread is stuck
-waiting for a resource that it will never acquire. Here is a classic
-example of a deadlock:
- Thread 1 Thread 2
- ------------ ------------
- Holds Lock A Holds Lock B
- Waiting for Lock B Waiting for Lock A
-In this case, there is a deadlock between threads 1 and 2.
-This deadlock would have been avoided if both threads had
-agreed that one must acquire Lock A before Lock B.
-In general, the fundamental rule for dealing with multiple locks is
- an order _must_ be established to acquire locks, and then all threads
- must respect that order when acquiring locks.
-A.1) Establishing a locking order
-Because any ordering for acquiring locks is ok, one could establish
-the rule arbitrarily, e.g. ordering by address, or by some other criterion.
-The main issue, though, is defining an order that
- i) is easy to check at runtime;
- ii) reflects the order in which the code executes.
-As an example, if a data structure B is only accessible through a
-data structure A, and both require locking, then the natural order
-is locking first A and then B.
-As another example, if we have some unrelated data structures to
-be locked in pairs, then a possible order can be based on the address
-of the data structures themselves.
-B) Minding the boundary between channel drivers and the Asterisk core
-The #1 cause of deadlocks in Asterisk is by not properly following the
-locking rules that exist at the boundary between Channel Drivers and
-the Asterisk core. The Asterisk core allocates an ast_channel, and
-Channel Drivers allocate "technology specific private data" (PVT) that is
-associated with an ast_channel. Typically, both the ast_channel and
-PVT have their own lock. There are _many_
-code paths that require both objects to be locked.
-The locking order in this situation is the following:
- 1) ast_channel
- 2) PVT
-Channel Drivers implement the ast_channel_tech interface to provide a
-channel implementation for Asterisk. Most of the channel_tech
-interface callbacks are called with the associated ast_channel
-locked. When accessing technology specific data, the PVT can be locked
-directly because the locking order is respected.
-C) Preventing lock ordering reversals.
-There are some code paths which make it extremely difficult to
-respect the locking order.
-Consider for example the following situation:
- 1) A message comes in over the "network"
- 2) The Channel Driver (CD) monitor thread receives the message
- 3) The CD associates the message with a PVT and locks the PVT
- 4) While processing the message, the CD must do something that requires
- locking the ast_channel associated to the PVT
-This is the point that must be handled carefully.
-The following psuedo-code
- unlock(pvt);
- lock(ast_channel);
- lock(pvt);
-is _not_ correct for two reasons:
-i) first and foremost, unlocking the PVT means that other threads
- can acquire the lock and believe it is safe to modify the
- associated data. When reacquiring the lock, the original thread
- might find unexpected changes in the protected data structures.
- This essentially means that the original thread must behave as if
- the lock on the pvt was not held, in which case it could have
- released it itself altogether;
-ii) Asterisk uses the so called "recursive" locks, which allow a thread
- to issue a lock() call multiple times on the same lock. Recursive
- locks count the number of calls, and they require an equivalent
- number of unlock() to be actually released.
- For this reason, just calling unlock() once does not guarantee that the
- lock is actually released -- it all depends on how many times lock()
- was called before.
-An alternative, but still incorrect, construct is widely used in
-the asterisk code to try and improve the situation:
- while (trylock(ast_channel) == FAILURE) {
- unlock(pvt);
- usleep(1); /* yield to other threads */
- lock(pvt);
- }
-Here the trylock() is non blocking, so we do not deadlock if the ast_channel
-is already locked by someone else: in this case, we try to unlock the PVT
-(which happens only if the PVT lock counter is 1), yield the CPU to
-give other threads a chance to run, and then acquire the lock again.
-This code is not correct for two reasons:
- i) same as in the previous example, it releases the lock when the thread
- probably did not expect it;
- ii) if the PVT lock counter is greater than 1 we will not
- really release the lock on the PVT. We might be lucky and have the
- other contender actually release the lock itself, and so we will "win"
- the race, but if both contenders have their lock counts > 1 then
- they will loop forever (basically replacing deadlock with livelock).
-Another variant of this code is the following:
- if (trylock(ast_channel) == FAILURE) {
- unlock(pvt);
- lock(ast_channel);
- lock(pvt);
- }
-which has the same issues as the while(trylock...) code, but just
-deadlocks instead of looping forever in case of lock counts > 1.
-The deadlock/livelock could be in principle spared if one had an
-unlock_all() function that calls unlock as many times as needed to
-actually release the lock, and reports the count. Then we could do:
- if (trylock(ast_channel) == FAILURE) {
- n = unlock_all(pvt);
- lock(ast_channel)
- while (n-- > 0) lock(pvt);
- }
-The issue with unexpected unlocks remains, though.
-C) Locking multiple channels.
-The next situation to consider is what to do when you need a lock on
-multiple ast_channels (or multiple unrelated data structures).
-If we are sure that we do not hold any of these locks, then the
-following construct is sufficient:
- lock(MIN(chan1, chan2));
- lock(MAX(chan1, chan2));
-That type of code would follow an established locking order of always
-locking the channel that has a lower address first. Also keep in mind
-that to use this construct for channel locking, one would have to go
-through the entire codebase to ensure that when two channels are locked,
-this locking order is used.
- However, if we enter the above section of code with some lock held
-(which would be incorrect using non-recursive locks, but is completely
-legal using recursive mutexes) then the locking order is not guaranteed
-anymore because it depends on which locks we already hold. So we have
-to go through the same tricks used for the channel+PVT case.
-D) Recommendations
-As you can see from the above discussion, getting locking right is all
-but easy. So please follow these recommendations when using locks:
-*) Use locks only when really necessary
- Please try to use locks only when strictly necessary, and only for
- the minimum amount of time required to run critical sections of code.
- A common use of locks in the current code is to protect a data structure
- from being released while you use it.
- With the use of reference-counted objects (astobj2) this should not be
- necessary anymore.
-*) Do not sleep while holding a lock
- If possible, do not run any blocking code while holding a lock,
- because you will also block other threads trying to access the same
- lock. In many cases, you can hold a reference to the object to avoid
- that it is deleted while you sleep, perhaps set a flag in the object
- itself to report other threads that you have some pending work to
- complete, then release and acquire the lock around the blocking path,
- checking the status of the object after you acquire the lock to make
- sure that you can still perform the operation you wanted to.
-*) Try not to exploit the 'recursive' feature of locks.
- Recursive locks are very convenient when coding, as you don't have to
- worry, when entering a section of code, whether or not you already
- hold the lock -- you can just protect the section with a lock/unlock
- pair and let the lock counter track things for you.
- But as you have seen, exploiting the features of recursive locks
- make it a lot harder to implement proper deadlock avoidance strategies.
- So please try to analyse your code and determine statically whether you
- already hold a lock when entering a section of code.
- If you need to call some function foo() with and without a lock held,
- you could define two function as below:
- foo_locked(...) {
- ... do something, assume lock held
- }
- foo(...) {
- lock(xyz)
- ret = foo_locked(...)
- unlock(xyz)
- return ret;
- }
- and call them according to the needs.
-*) Document locking rules.
- Please document the locking order rules are documented for every
- lock introduced into Asterisk. This is done almost nowhere in the
- existing code. However, it will be expected to be there for newly
- introduced code. Over time, this information should be added for
- all of the existing lock usage.
- ------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------
-The asterisk build architecture relies on autoconf to detect the
-system configuration, and on a locally developed tool (menuselect) to
-select build options and modules list, and on gmake to do the build.
-The first step, usually to be done soon after a checkout, is running
-"./configure", which will store its findings in two files:
- + include/asterisk/autoconfig.h
- contains C macros, normally #define HAVE_FOO or HAVE_FOO_H ,
- for all functions and headers that have been detected at build time.
- These are meant to be used by C or C++ source files.
- + makeopts
- contains variables that can be used by Makefiles.
- In addition to the usual CC, LD, ... variables pointing to
- the various build tools, and prefix, includedir ... which are
- useful for generic compiler flags, there are variables
- for each package detected.
- These are normally of the form FOO_INCLUDE=... FOO_LIB=...
- FOO_DIR=... indicating, for each package, the useful libraries
- and header files.
-The next step is to run "make menuselect", to extract the dependencies existing
-between files and modules, and to store build options.
-menuselect produces two files, both to be read by the Makefile:
- + menuselect.makeopts
- Contains for each subdirectory a list of modules that must be
- excluded from the build, plus some additional informatiom.
- + menuselect.makedeps
- Contains, for each module, a list of packages it depends on.
- For each of these packages, we can collect the relevant INCLUDE
- and LIB files from makeopts. This file is based on information
- in the .c source code files for each module.
-The top level Makefile is in charge of setting up the build environment,
-creating header files with build options, and recursively invoking the
-subdir Makefiles to produce modules and the main executable.
-The sources are split in multiple directories, more or less divided by
-module type (apps/ channels/ funcs/ res/ ...) or by function, for the main
-binary (main/ pbx/).
-Welcome to the Asterisk development community!
-Meet you on the asterisk-dev mailing list.
-Subscribe at http://lists.digium.com!
--- The Asterisk.org Development Team