path: root/contrib
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2 files changed, 93 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/scripts/README.messages-expire b/contrib/scripts/README.messages-expire
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..e9c5061ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/scripts/README.messages-expire
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+expire-messages finds messages more than X days old and deletes them.
+Because the older messages will be the lower numbers in the folder (msg0000
+will be older than msg0005), just deleting msg0000 will not work.
+expire-messages then runs a routine that goes into every folder in every
+mailbox to reorganize. If the folder contains msg0000, no action is taken.
+If the folder does not, the rename routine takes the oldest message and
+names it msg0000, the next oldest message and names it msg0001 and so on.
+The file deletion is done by the -exec parameter to 'find'. It would be far
+more efficient to take the output from 'find' and just reorganize the
+directories from which we deleted a file. Something for the future...
+Keep in mind that messages are deleted at the beginning of the script you
+will have mailbox trouble if you check messages before the script
+reorganizes your mailbox.
+To use it, make sure the paths are right. Adjust $age (originally set to
+31) if necessary.
diff --git a/contrib/scripts/messages-expire.pl b/contrib/scripts/messages-expire.pl
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..bb4fec5b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/scripts/messages-expire.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+# Script to expire voicemail after a specified number of days
+# by Steve Creel <screel@turbs.com>
+# Directory housing the voicemail spool for asterisk
+$dir = "/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail";
+# Context for which the script should be running
+$context = "default";
+# Age (Delete files older than $age days old)
+$age = 31;
+# Delete all files older than $age (but named msg????.??? to be sure
+# we don't delete greetings or the user's name)
+system('find '.$dir.'/'.$context.' -name msg????.??? -mtime +'.$age.' -exec rm {} \; -exec echo Deleted {} \;');
+# For testing - what number to we start when we renumber?
+$start = "0";
+# Rename to msg and a 4 digit number, 0 padded.
+$fnbase = sprintf "msg%04d", $start;
+# Make $dir include the context too
+( -d $dir ) || die "Can't read list of mailboxes ($dir): $!\n";
+@mailboxes = `ls -A1 $dir`;
+$save_fnbase = $fnbase;
+foreach $mailbox (@mailboxes) {
+ ( -d $dir."/".$mailbox) || die "Can't read list of folders (".$dir."/".$mailbox."): $!\n";
+ @folders = `ls -A1 $dir/$mailbox`;
+ chomp(@folders);
+ foreach $folder (@folders) {
+ if (-d $dir."/".$mailbox."/".$folder) {
+ ( -d $dir."/".$mailbox."/".$folder) || die "Can't read list of messages (".$dir."/".$mailbox."/".$folder.") $!\n";
+ @files = `ls -A1 $dir/$mailbox/$folder/`;
+ # Sort so everything is in proper order.
+ @files = sort @files;
+ chomp(@files);
+ # If there is still (after deleting old files earlier in the
+ # script) a msg0000.txt, we don't need to shuffle anything
+ # in this folder.
+ if (-f $dir."/".$mailbox."/".$folder."/msg0000.txt") { next; }
+ foreach $ext (("WAV", "wav", "gsm", "txt")) {
+ # Reset the fnbase for each file type
+ $fnbase = $save_fnbase;
+ foreach $file (@files) {
+ if ( $file =~ /$ext/ ) {
+ chdir($dir."/".$mailbox."/".$folder."/") || die "Can't change folder: $!";
+ print "Renaming: ".$dir."/".$mailbox."/".$folder."/".$file." to ".$fnbase.".".$ext."\n";
+ rename($file, $fnbase.".".$ext) || die "Cannot rename: $!";
+ $fnbase++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+__END__ \ No newline at end of file