path: root/configs/ccss.conf.sample
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diff --git a/configs/ccss.conf.sample b/configs/ccss.conf.sample
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..420e4367b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configs/ccss.conf.sample
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+; There is only a single option that may be defined in this file.
+; The cc_max_requests option is a global limit on the number of
+; CC requests that may be in the Asterisk system at any time.
+;cc_max_requests = 20
+; The options described below should NOT be
+; set in this file. Rather, they should be
+; set per-device in a channel driver
+; configuration file.
+; Timers
+;There are three configurable timers for all types of CC: the
+;cc_offer_timer, the ccbs_available_timer, and the ccnr_available_timer.
+;In addition, when using a generic agent, there is a fourth timer,
+;the cc_recall_timer. All timers are configured in seconds, and the
+;values shown below are the defaults.
+;When a caller is offered CCBS or CCNR, the cc_offer_timer will
+;be started. If the caller does not request CC before the
+;cc_offer_timer expires, then the caller will be unable to request
+;CC for this call.
+;cc_offer_timer = 20
+;Once a caller has requested CC, then either the ccbs_available_timer
+;or the ccnr_available_timer will run, depending on the service
+;requested. The reason why there are two separate timers for CCBS
+;and CCNR is that it is reasonable to want to have a shorter timeout
+;configured for CCBS than for CCNR. If the available timer expires
+;before the called party becomes available, then the CC attempt
+;will have failed and monitoring of the called party will stop.
+;ccbs_available_timer = 4800
+;ccnr_available_timer = 7200
+; When using a generic agent, the original caller is called back
+; when one of the original called parties becomes available. The
+; cc_recall_timer tells Asterisk how long it should let the original
+; caller's phone ring before giving up. Please note that this parameter
+; only affects operation when using a generic agent.
+;cc_recall_timer = 20
+; Policies
+; Policy settings tell Asterisk how to behave and what sort of
+; resources to allocate in order to facilitate CC. There are two
+; settings to control the actions Asterisk will take.
+; The cc_agent_policy describes the behavior that Asterisk will
+; take when communicating with the caller during CC. There are
+; three possible options.
+;never: Never offer CC to the caller. Setting the cc_agent_policy
+; to this value is the way to disable CC for a call.
+;generic: A generic CC agent is one which uses no protocol-specific
+; mechanisms to offer CC to the caller. Instead, the caller
+; requests CC using a dialplan function. Due to internal
+; restrictions, you should only use a generic CC agent on
+; phones (i.e. not "trunks"). If you are using phones which
+; do not support a protocol-specific method of using CC, then
+; generic CC agents are what you should use.
+;native: A native CC agent is one which uses protocol-specific
+; signaling to offer CC to the caller and accept CC requests
+; from the caller. The supported protocols for native CC
+; The cc_monitor_policy describes the behavior that Asterisk will
+; take when communicating with the called party during CC. There
+; are four possible options.
+;never: Analogous to the cc_agent_policy setting. We will never
+; attempt to request CC services on this interface.
+;generic: Analogous to the cc_agent_policy setting. We will monitor
+; the called party's progress using protocol-agnostic
+; capabilities. Like with generic CC agents, generic CC
+; monitors should only be used for phones.
+;native: Analogous to the cc_agent_policy setting. We will use
+; protocol-specific methods to request CC from this interface
+; and to monitor the interface for availability.
+;accept: If an interface is set to "accept," then we will accept
+; protocol-specific CC offers from the caller and use
+; a native CC monitor for the remainder of the CC transaction.
+; However, if the interface does not offer protocol-specific
+; CC, then we will fall back to using a generic CC monitor
+; instead. This is a good setting to use for phones for which
+; you do not know if they support protocol-specific CC
+; methodologies.
+; Limits
+; The use of CC requires Asterisk to potentially use more memory than
+; some administrators would like. As such, it is a good idea to limit
+; the number of CC requests that can be in the system at a given time.
+; The values shown below are the defaults.
+; The cc_max_agents setting limits the number of outstanding CC
+; requests a caller may have at any given time. Please note that due
+; to implementation restrictions, this setting is ignored when using
+; generic CC agents. Generic CC agents may only have one outstanding
+; CC request.
+;cc_max_agents = 5
+; The cc_max_monitors setting limits the number of outstanding CC
+; requests can be made to a specific interface at a given time.
+;cc_max_monitors = 5
+; Other
+; When using a generic CC agent, the caller who requested CC will be
+; called back when a called party becomes available. When the caller
+; answers his phone, the administrator may opt to have a macro run.
+; What this macro does is up to the administrator. By default there
+; is no callback macro configured.
+; When using an ISDN phone and a generic CC agent, Asterisk is unable
+; to determine the dialstring that should be used when calling back
+; the original caller. Furthermore, if you desire to use any dialstring-
+; specific options, such as distinctive ring, you must set this
+; configuration option. For non-ISDN phones, it is not necessary to
+; set this, since Asterisk can determine the dialstring to use since
+; it is identical to the name of the calling device. By default, there
+; is no cc_agent_dialstring set.